Home Grape Press wheel. Exercises and how to properly engage with the press wheel. Small machine for big success: exercises with the press wheel

Press wheel. Exercises and how to properly engage with the press wheel. Small machine for big success: exercises with the press wheel

In pursuit of a beautiful flat tummy, we pump the press to exhaustion, but if the results come, then very slowly. Therefore, the question naturally arises - is it possible to achieve the desired cubes faster. Of course yes.

By doing ab exercises with it, you can get great results in a shorter period than with regular workouts. To do this, you do not need a lot of time and money, as this projectile costs mere pennies.

But still, if you are a beginner athlete, it is very important to figure out how to deal with it. Although the technique for performing exercises with a fitness video is simple, there are still several significant nuances, how to download the video correctly, how to choose the right difficulty for the workout, as well as how much and when it is better to do it. We will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible.

First you need to decide on contraindications - the circumstances under which you cannot roll a projectile. This is very important, because if you have diseases in which classes will be dangerous to your health, then you don’t need the fitness roller skating technique at all.


  • spinal injury;
  • hernias and protrusions;
  • joint diseases;
  • heat;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • menstruation or pregnancy (for women);
  • increased blood pressure.

As you can see, the list is not long, so classes with a gymnastic wheel (aka a roller for the press) are shown to almost everyone. But even if you are already working with him, then with feeling unwell take some time to train. Remember: beautiful belly, does not compensate you for lost health.

If you are absolutely healthy, then before buying a projectile, read the rules on how to choose it correctly, because it depends on whether your workouts will be effective.

Important points when choosing:

  • wheel diameter - the smaller it is, the harder it will have to work. Therefore, if you are a beginner, take a closer look at the gymnastic wheel with the maximum diameter;
  • safety - for convenient operation, the surface of the wheel and handles must be covered with a protective rubber layer. Its absence can lead to slipping of the hands during the lesson and, as a result, injury;
  • type of projectile - for beginners and people with problems with the spine (osteochondrosis, for example), it is better to choose a wheel with a return stroke or pedals, as they are the most convenient to use. But the classic models should be taken by more experienced athletes (they do not have to be bought, because the design is not complicated and you can make a shell with your own hands).

Press Roll: Reviews and Notes

How useful this projectile is can be seen by looking at the results before and after classes. So you can appreciate the enormous positive effect of exercises with a press roller.

In just a month of training, you get perfectly pumped core muscles, as well as the press - and this is a beautiful toned stomach and a relief body. Many athletes also note the high efficiency of this gymnastic simulator in pumping up gluteal muscles(which, you see, will be a good bonus). Does it help with weight loss? This is definitely yes. It is suitable for people with overweight, as it minimizes the damage delivered to the joints during exercise.

Its effectiveness is also evidenced by the fact that it will take you at least half an hour to do crunches to work out the same number of calories as a roller burns in 10 minutes.

But before you start training, you should pay attention to the fact that exercises with a press roller are divided into gender type- for men and for women. There are also special classes for beginners. This division of training is not at all random - choosing the right type of exercise, you will quickly (and easier) achieve the desired results.

What muscles are involved in the exercise with a press roller

The gymnastic wheel can rightly be considered one of the most versatile sports equipment. The reason of that - great amount muscles that work during the exercise. That is why it is difficult to say what is pumping a sports roller for the press.

Judging by the name, there is a strong impression that its action is aimed at the stomach. Of course, you will pump up the press with them, but besides this, the muscles swing:

  • backs - trapezoid and wings (widest);
  • shoulder deltas;
  • buttocks;
  • femoral;
  • arms - biceps and triceps;

As you can see, the action of the video is very extensive and not fixated on the abdominal muscles.

Press roller with return mechanism

A feature of the gymnastic wheel with a reverse mechanism is the relief of athletes. It is easy to work with him and most importantly - it is impossible to overstrain the muscles during training. With a roller, you can pump up the press without harm to the body. A special mechanism (mechanical or electronic) ensures that the roller returns to its original position.

How to use such a video and if there are special recommendations? Working with a gymnastic circle is the same for all types of this apparatus, therefore there are simply no exclusive rules for its use. Its uniqueness is not at all in how to do the exercise - it is in ease of use.

And in the visible benefits of this press roller for health is that the return mechanism allows you to remove the load from the spine and at the same time have tremendous efficiency. That is why this simulator is considered the best for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Another very important question, of interest to beginners - how often do you need to practice to get good result? It’s worth warning right away - the press roller is not used in intensive daily workouts. All exercises with it involve fairly smooth performance, without sudden movements and accelerations. Improper use of sports equipment can lead to irreparable harm for the back and joints - so do not rush.

Start with 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets and only then gradually increase your result. If any discomfort occurs, the exercise should be stopped.

How to do ab roller exercises

Before you start active training with a gymnastic circle, you need to figure out how to use it correctly. It is not enough just to know how to use it - you need to clearly understand the technique for performing each exercise.

Your attention is given to several basic techniques on how to roll a roller correctly:

  1. Lay a mat for sports, kneel on it, straighten your back, lower your hands with a roller to the floor. Start slowly rolling it forward on the floor. Tilt your body and follow the projectile until your entire body is in one line. At the maximum point, linger a little, and begin translational movements back to starting position. It is important to do everything as smoothly as possible without jerking. Also, do not forget to keep the abdominal muscles in constant tone.
  2. The starting position of this exercise is similar to, only the hands are fixed on the roller. Having accepted desired pose, begin to slowly roll the roller towards you, raising your lower back until you are fully on your feet. Then do the reverse movement - bend over and roll the roller until your body is parallel to the floor.
  3. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms forward with the projectile. Start rolling the roller towards yourself, raising as much as possible upper part torso. Return to the starting position by rolling the roller back.
  4. Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart. Put the projectile on the floor and roll it forward as far as your stretch allows you. Then also slowly and measuredly make a progressive movement back.
  5. Stand straight next to the roller. Bend over and roll the gymnastic circle until your body is parallel to the floor. Make sure that the back does not sag in the lower back, and the body is as tense as possible (like a string). Return to the starting position by rolling the roller towards you.

The press roller is perfect for both girls and men. It is easy to use, not hazardous to health, and it is not expensive at all. The gymnastic circle is recommended for beginner girls and guys who crave to have a beautiful toned body. It also has a fat-burning effect and will certainly appeal to those who want to lose weight. Therefore, if you want to exercise with the maximum result, choose a roller for the press and do it for your pleasure.

The gymnastic roller is a highly effective and at the same time simple simulator designed not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also other human muscles. Sometimes it is also called a sports or gymnastic wheel, this simulator is great for training women and girls.

Among other similar simulators, he has no equal, as he gives the maximum load on the muscles of the upper and lower press, as well as the back and buttocks. Exercises with a press wheel can be performed even by a beginner who has never played sports. The result of the training will be visible after a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gymnastic roller

Wheels are small. This allows you to perform exercises even in a small apartment. Such a simulator is cheap and is not inferior in efficiency to other more expensive and professional simulators.

The wheel also has disadvantages, but against the background of the achieved result, they are insignificant. Beginners may think that it is completely impossible to do exercises with a roller without preparation. Of course, the first workouts will be difficult, but over time you get used to it, and the exercises will be easier.

The photo shows the muscles involved in the exercise.

What muscles work during exercise

The wheel works primarily on the abdominal muscles. Performing exercises every day, you will feel the load on other muscles of the body. Maximum load falls on the muscles of the back and the press. These muscle groups are interconnected, so they must be worked out in parallel. Only with this approach to training will you achieve maximum results.

In addition, the muscles of the legs and arms are involved in the work. The load on them is insignificant, but this will be enough to look slim and attractive. Some girls say that wheel exercises also work on the muscles of the buttocks. They become firmer and tighter.

If you perform the exercises daily, you can notice the result in 1-1.5 months. As you can see, the wheel is very efficient and very fast.

How to pump the press with a gymnastic roller

In order to perform exercises with the press wheel as comfortably as possible, you need to wear clothes that will not hinder movement. If you have long hair, then collect them on the back of the head in a ponytail so that they do not interfere. A special rug or an ordinary bedspread should be laid on the floor. Before you start exercising, do a warm-up. It is best to include aerobic exercises in the warm-up, which will perfectly warm up the muscles.

Be sure to watch your breath while exercising. Breathe in when you bend your torso, and when you return to the starting position, breathe out. Exercises should be repeated 5-10 times. When such a load becomes easy for you, you can increase the number of approaches. Know what smaller size the gymnastic wheel, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercises.

Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press

The exercises below will help you a short time pump up the abdominal muscles:

  • Get on your knees and put the press wheel in front of you. Lean on it with your hands and smoothly move forward, and then to the starting position.
  • Sit down and straighten your legs. Place the trainer on your right. Press on it with your hands and bend the body, roll it as far as you can. After that, return to the starting position. Perform the same movements on the left side. While performing the exercise, do not bend your legs.
  • Lie on your stomach and with outstretched arms use the wheel to stretch forward. Transfer the load to the simulator and pull it towards you without bending your arms. Do not take your feet off the floor.
  • Sit down, bend your knees. Put your feet on the handles of the wheel and roll it with your legs. The further you roll the machine, the more you tilt your torso (chest should touch your knees). Slowly return to the starting position. Rest for a couple of seconds and repeat.
  • Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso down as if you are placing the machine on the floor. Press down on the wheel with your hands and roll it forward until your chest touches the floor. At the end point, stop for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Gymnastics video

We invite you to watch the exercise with the press wheel on the video, the girl in this video talks in detail about the execution technique and gives several useful advice. Good luck and flat tummy!

The press wheel is the most effective and, at the same time, elementary fitness equipment in use. Its purpose is to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, back, buttocks, shoulder girdle, thighs, arms, chest. The roller has practically no analogues, and any beginner can do it, it is a multifunctional simulator for strengthening overall muscle tone.

Execution technique

Any exercises must be performed with the most accurate technique in order to get the desired result, and also not to injure yourself.

Before performing, do not forget to do a warm-up and warm up the muscles well.

  • First you need to get on all fours and pick up the roller. Place it under your shoulders with outstretched arms, stay in that position. On an inhale, slowly roll the roller forward, letting your body stretch and follow. The main thing is not to touch the floor with your body and continue to stretch as long as possible. At the maximum point, you need to pause. Then pull yourself back to the starting position.
  • Lying on your stomach, stretch forward with outstretched arms. Transferring the load to the wheel, pull it towards you without bending your arms. Bend over without lifting your legs.
  • Sitting position on the floor with straight legs. First, put the wheel on the right (then repeat the exercise, putting it on the left). Bend the body by pushing the wheel with your hands, rolling it as far as possible. Return to starting position. It is important to perform without bending your legs.
  • Position on the floor, but the legs must be bent at the knees. Place the handles of the wheel under your feet and start rolling it with your feet. The further the roller rolls away, the more your body will lean, while the chest should touch the knees.
  • Standing position, back should be straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Next, tilt your body down, as if you are putting the roller on the floor. Then press on it, then roll forward. As soon as your chest is about to touch the surface, stop. At this point, you need to linger for a few seconds, and then slowly return back.

Subtleties of execution

  • Roll the roller back and forth very slowly;
  • The abdominal muscles should be in tension;
  • In a stretched position, you need to linger for a few seconds;
  • Increase the load gradually, start with 8 repetitions in 3 sets to allow the muscles to quickly get used to the loads during exercise;
  • The smaller the roller, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise;
  • Watch your breath. Exhale as you stretch, inhale as you return to the starting position.


  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • increase in endurance;
  • strengthening posture;
  • reduction of pain in the spinal region;
  • up to 20 muscles work at once;
  • hand work;
  • ease of use;
  • the process of burning fat is increased.

In conclusion, we add that you need to approach the classes carefully, but if you follow the technique, the result will not be long in coming.

The gymnastic wheel is a very simple, but at the same time effective simulator. Its key goal and purpose is precisely to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The above device has almost no competitors, since it makes the maximum possible load on the muscles of the abdomen. Exercises using the press wheel will be possible even for a beginner, and the expected result will begin to appear in a rather short time.

Pros and cons of this projectile

Abs Wheel Exercises - Pros and Cons

Main plus this simulator enclosed in its compactness. It will fit in any city apartment.

It is also relatively inexpensive, which also urges to purchase. In terms of effect, none of the expensive simulators can argue with him.

Of course, there are disadvantages, but they are not nearly as great as the advantages. At first it will seem that it is almost impossible to work with him without serious preparation. However, it's all about gradualness. But with its help you can achieve a really beautiful press.

What muscles are being worked out

The press wheel has a great effect not only on the muscles in the abdomen. Being engaged with the help of this projectile complex exercise, it is impossible not to feel how the other muscles of your body are strengthened.

Exercises with a press wheel - what can be developed

Most of all, the muscles of the press and back work. Therefore, a tucked up belly and beautiful posture you will be provided. These muscle groups are very closely related, so it is very important to effectively work out this zone. This will give the best result.

In the process of performing such exercises, the load is evenly distributed over the muscles of the arms and legs. Sure, it's small, but it's still there. Over time, your entire body will be more toned, strong and lean. Girls also note that even their buttocks after regular exercises with the wheel become more rounded.

If you practice 4-5 times a week, then after a month and a half you can notice the first results. And this despite the fact that the technique of exercises is not difficult.

How to properly pump up the press using a wheel

First of all, you need to dress in something that does not constrain and does not interfere with movement. Hair should be gathered in a ponytail at the back of the head. You also need to spread something on the floor, because you will have to do it on it.
Before starting, you should without fail do a workout. For example, aerobic exercises are great for warming up your muscles, preparing them for the next, more intense workout.

Exercises with a press wheel - how to pump the press correctly

Be sure to follow the rhythm of your breathing. When tilting the torso, you need to inhale, then return to the starting position, while exhaling the air as much as possible. Exercises should be repeated 10-15 times. Then, when the execution will be easy, you can and even need to increase the load.

The smaller the diameter of the wheel, the more difficult it will be to train and, accordingly, the effect will be greater.

Exercises for the abs

This set of exercises in a short period of time will help to pump up the press with the help of a wheel:

    you need to kneel and put the wheel for the press directly in front of you. Next, you need to lean on it with your hands and then try to move smoothly first forward, then back. In this case, you should try to tilt the body as much as possible, and return to the starting position slowly and smoothly.

    you need to lie on your stomach and, stretching out your arms, use the wheel to stretch as far forward as possible. Try to transfer the load to the projectile and, at the same time, do not bend your arms. Remaining in the same position, you then need to pull the projectile towards you. You need to bend without taking your feet off the floor. After each exercise, you can rest a little and then take it again.

    you should sit on the floor, keeping your legs straight. The wheel must be placed right side Push. Next, press on it with your hands and at the same time bend the body. You need to roll the projectile as far as possible, and then return it to its original position. Legs always remain straight.

    you should sit on the floor, and bend your legs at the knees. Place the wheel handles of this projectile under your feet and start swinging it with your legs. The farther the projectile traveled, the more the hull should tilt. It is possible that the chest even touches the knees. Then you need to slowly return to the starting position. After each lunge, take a couple of seconds of a break.

    you need to stand up, keeping your back straight, and legs apart shoulder-width apart. Next, you should tilt your body down as if you are going to put the wheel on the floor. Then press on it, then roll forward. Stop moving as soon as your chest touches the floor. At this point, you need to slow down for a few seconds, and then slowly return back.

Abs wheel exercises - video

A gymnastic roller is a mini-simulator that gives a good power load and a drawing of the relief of the press, so exercises with its use should be in the arsenal of a person involved.

There are a huge variety of exercises for the press. Conventionally, they are all divided into those that more load the rectus abdominis muscle and those that are aimed at the lower or oblique muscles of the press.

Surely every bodybuilder has heard of such a mini-simulator as a gymnastic roller, but in practice not everyone has come across it. For some reason, ab roller exercises are considered second-rate, when in fact it is a highly effective study of the abdominal muscles and the load of many other muscles. human body(back, lumbar, arms, shoulders, chest and legs).

If you know how to use the roller, you can "present" your press great benefit. A nice feature of the video is that you can perform exercises with it anywhere: in the gym, at home, and even on a business trip, because the projectile is small and does not take up much space in the apartment or the luggage of the travel bag. The price of the wheel is relatively low, so buying it will not hit the budget.

Rolling out from the knees is the easiest version of the exercise. It is with him that you should start getting acquainted with the simulator. If you immediately switch to heavier "tricks", there is a high probability of injury. The roller gives a huge load on lumbar muscles, which is dangerous for completely "green" beginners with weak muscles.

  1. Get on your knees, put a mat under them for convenience. Put the wheel in front of you and lean on it with your hands. Begin to slowly lower yourself forward until you straighten up almost parallel to the floor. Then return to starting position. Throughout the entire set, the abdominal muscles should be in a tense state.

    If you perform this exercise inaccurately forward, and alternate lowering to the left, then to the right diagonally, the oblique muscles of the press will be involved. Frequent execution of this option will stimulate muscle growth in the region of the lower ribs, which will visually make the waist wider, so you should not abuse the pumping of the lateral muscles.

  2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight (not bent at the knees), pointing forward. On one side of your body, for example, the right, place the gymnastic wheel. Grasp the roller with your hands and roll it until your chest touches the floor. Then slowly return to the starting position. Complete at least 2-3 sets of 10 reps. Do the same approaches for the left side of the body. This exercise works out the oblique abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  3. Borrow vertical position with feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your torso down, press down on the roller with your hands and slowly roll it forward, reaching the largest possible obtuse angle between your torso and legs. For experienced athletes, the point of critical stress will be practically when the torso is parallel to the floor. Hold for a second in the peak position and return to the starting position.
  4. This exercise can be performed if there are special clamps on the gymnastic roller. Place your feet on the wheel handles, tilt your torso and rest your palms on the floor. Roll your legs as close to your palms as possible, while raising your pelvis - this will be the starting position. Now slowly begin to take the wheel back with your feet, tensing your abdominal muscles. The distance you can stretch depends on the flexibility and muscle strength of the athlete. It is recommended to perform about 10 approaches.
  5. Roller extension on straight legs is performed in the same way as the first exercise in the extension with a roller on your knees. The only difference is that the support is not on the knees, but on the feet. This fact makes the exercise more effective, but also more difficult and traumatic, so you can’t take on muscle pumping without a warm-up.
When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, it is advisable to use the principle of progressive loading: start performing 8-12 repetitions in 2-3 sets. Over time, these indicators will increase, but it is not advisable to immediately increase the number of approaches and repetitions, so as not to injure muscle groups and joints.

Beautiful abs - it's possible with a roller

The ab roller exercise is not a bodyweight exercise that takes months and even years of practice, it is recommended for both experienced athletes and beginners who have just opened the door for themselves. sports life. It is ideal to engage with a video for young women on maternity leave who do not have the opportunity to attend gym and want to stay in shape.

The only people who should not use the machine are people with spinal injuries or pain in lumbar back.

When practicing with gymnastic roller, as with any other exercise, it is very important to maintain correct technique breathing. Uneven breathing significantly reduces the effectiveness of classes. All sources write that exhalation must be done with effort, that is, at the moment when the maximum load is overcome. It turns out that the inhalation will be when the torso is tilted, and the exhalation will be when straightening. Holding your breath at the moment of stretching will increase the power of the effort and allow you to tighten the press even more.

The abdominal muscles can be well inflated, but if the percentage subcutaneous fat rolls over, mind-blowing cubes can not be seen. The rule that everyone needs to know and always remember: it is impossible to achieve relief abs with exercises alone without cardio training and proper nutrition.

Video on how to do an exercise with a gymnastic roller for the press:

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