Home Fertilizers Social worker. Job responsibilities. Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choice of profession

Social worker. Job responsibilities. Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choice of profession

Specialties: social work, law and organization of social security, jurisprudence ( social aspect), social pedagogy and psychology, others humanitarian specialties, including pedagogical.

Specialization depending on the social and age category of people served (orphans, lonely elderly people, disabled people, military disabled, etc.)

Note. Training usually covers all specializations at once - the specialist chooses its profile independently either when writing a thesis (candidate's, etc.) work, or during employment. In the field of social work, people who do not have a special education can successfully work, but in this case, preference is given to people with higher education.

Required education (educational level, type educational institution):

Secondary special(Social worker, specialist in social work with advanced training in the field of law, social educator) a college of social work or a college of education that trains specialists in this field.

Higher(social worker, specialist in social work with advanced training in law, social educator - all of the highest qualifications, manager in the field of social work, social psychologist) - faculties of social work of some state universities, non-state universities, psychology departments of some universities, other universities of social work and social psychology, universities of an entrepreneurial profile, educational institutions of the Orthodox Diocese.

Specific abilities required for successful mastering of the profession:

Upon admission to an educational institution, they are not detected. However, it is necessary to have a pronounced tact in dealing with by different people, including patients with poor hearing and perception and prone to deviant behavior. Very important good memory, patience and tolerance, expressed interest in the personality of a person and his problems, innate desire help, the ability to listen to to a greater extent than talking yourself.

Profiling subjects school curriculum and additional education:

Russian language and literature, history, psychology * and pedagogy *, the basics of the first medical care*, physical education, health and safety.

The nature and content of the work:

Individual assistance... Work in social service centers and guardianship and guardianship authorities: providing assistance with household chores for elderly and disabled people up to washing clothes and delivering groceries from the store, assistance in registration legal documents, psychological help by communicating according to interests, controlling the conditions for raising children in foster families, providing assistance to citizens wishing to adopt an orphan or taking a child under guardianship, in finding a child's candidacy and drawing up documents, consulting assistance to lonely people in dire need in the field of law.

Organizational work in the bodies of state guardianship and guardianship. Work in local government and self-government: recruiting for individual work with wards and control of their service, the organization of new social service centers with a day stay in them of needy pensioners and children from large families, disabled people, planning, organizing and conducting cultural and leisure work with these categories of citizens, attracting sponsors and patrons of art to provide material assistance to those in need people, participating in the distribution of local, federal and international humanitarian aid.

Charitable direction. Organizational and managerial work in non-governmental charitable organizations and foundations, public organizations, federations, trade unions and associations of people with disabilities, etc .: participation in the development and implementation of campaigns to raise funds and donations with the subsequent distribution of the collected funds among certain categories of people in need, various competitions with the issuance of grants of a social orientation (for example, to provide assistance to patients diabetes mellitus, for training gifted children from large families, for sanatorium-resort treatment of orphans, etc.) and other charitable work with the population.

Scientific, analytical and teaching activities. Work in scientific institutions social profile, as well as educational institutions of the social and pedagogical sphere: conducting sociological research commissioned by state and commercial organizations, as well as international humanitarian structures, studying public opinion on various issues of a social plan, teaching the basics of social work and social studies, studying practice social activities in regions and different states, performance at scientific and practical conferences, preparation scientific articles on social themes for corporate, industry and other publications and publishers.

Obvious pluses

Interesting creative work, awareness of the special importance of the social mission of this profession - to help people solve a variety of life problems, which no other experts solve, the opportunity to get acquainted with the mass of different interesting people, make a lot of friends and develop a solid base for creating own business in almost any area of ​​the economy.

"Pitfalls", obvious cons

Success in this work is difficult to formulate at the initial stage of a professional career. A social worker without experience often cannot imagine what he can eventually achieve and what goal he should strive for. That's why this area opens the path to success only for people with an active life position, sociable, eager to communicate with a variety of people, seeking to really help specific people and those who believe that it is real to change society for the better. People without an entrepreneurial streak, starting to work in the field of social work, tend to "get bogged down" in the routine of everyday worries and the execution of various reporting papers. At the same time, natural-born businessmen, accustomed to thinking in straightforward business categories, are trying to turn social work into a kind of legal basis for curing profits, as a result of which they create in this area an unusual direction of work with people in need of help, spoil the reputation of charitable organizations and, ultimately, as a result, they are disappointed in their chosen profession.

Possible occupational diseases: musculoskeletal system (for specialists of the lower levels of the social service system), vegetative-vascular dystonia - the risk is insignificant.

Salary fork (in rubles per month)

In Moscow and the Moscow region: 10,000 - 50,000 (usually 15,000)

In large regional centers: 6,000 - 30,000 (usually 10,000)

In the outback of Russia: 4000 - 15000 (more often 6000), in a number of regions it is difficult to find a job with guaranteed earnings

I warn you right away: anyone who thinks that a social worker only serves lonely old women, delivering them food or washing clothes, you can say that he knows nothing about this profession. Meanwhile, since the mid-90s, various non-state universities began to open in Russia, in which students receive higher education precisely in the specialty "social work". The question is, does a serious education need to be for someone who simply buys food, washes and iron, and takes out the trash?

Of course, any person should be able to do this, and old lonely people need such help, as well as Fresh air and water. But this does not mean at all that these people do not need anything more from a social worker.

In fact, a social worker for a ward is a savior in many issues, including legal ones, when it is necessary to correctly draw up a will or an annuity agreement, social services, documents for obtaining a subsidy or a donation for property. And this is far from all that often needs to be done by a lonely elderly person or a disabled person. That is, the social worker who brings him purchases from the store must also be a comprehensively developed, competent person, understand legal issues, be able, if necessary, to organize a specialist consultation for his ward, call a notary, doctor, plumber to the house and follow so that no one infringes on the interests of the ward.

And they also expect communication from this person. I remember, being a correspondent for the Moscow district newspaper Za Kaluzhskaya Zastava, I asked a social worker to visit “her” grandmothers. We first went to the supermarket, I helped carry the woman a heavy bag to the house she needed, and then I had to take part in a conversation with each of the three old women we visited. And each of them did not pay special attention to the food they brought and did not begin to count the checks, even refused to take change, trying to turn their attention to a conversation about an event or about their niece, who would never come to visit her. One of the grandmothers former doctor forensic examination, even arranged something like a small party - she made us read an excerpt from a poem and gave us an orange as a prize. No matter how we refused the treats, nothing happened: I would be very offended and that's it.

In principle, in order to humanly communicate with old people, even with academics or former actors, it is not necessary to graduate from a university - it is enough to be just a kind, sympathetic person. It is without these qualities that there is nothing to do in social work.

Unfortunately, not only companions of good go into this area of ​​mercy and charity, but also natural-born businessmen who use the opportunities of charitable organizations for their own selfish purposes. Partly because of the actions of such people, social (especially charitable) work is perceived by many Russians with great distrust. And among some of the young people there was an opinion that those who are not capable of anything serious go to social work.

But I think you have already understood that helping helpless disabled people and old people, as well as orphans, single mothers and large families, is a matter of the highest degree responsible and requires high education. In reality, a social worker is a jack of all trades. He is a psychologist, sociologist, lawyer, and manager. It's just that a career in this area begins, most often from this stage - the provision of personal household assistance and work with those in need. social assistance and human protection in social service centers.

The "pitfalls" in this area are most often non-standard and, if desired, easily overcome. Usually these are especially capricious wards who can complain to the district administration or the management of the social service center that you did not inform them of something, that they were denied something, were rude and even robbed. It happens that a social worker is accused by his “compassionate” neighbors of, for example, “eating an old woman”, bringing her fake medicines and overcharging them. This is our Russian mentality, and we must be prepared for this in advance. Of course, it is better not to go to social workers for hot-tempered and touchy people.

But social work is a very broad field of activity. For example, graduates of the Russian State Social University, as published on its information boards, work:

  • in international, federal and regional social assistance funds
  • in institutions social protection population
  • in personnel services
  • in consulting centers
  • in hospitals and clinics
  • in educational and cultural and leisure institutions.

One of the Internet resources dedicated to social work says that

“All specializations of“ Social work ”can be roughly divided into three blocks:

- work with people: medical and social work, psychological and social work, social work with people with disabilities, social work in the education system

- organization and management: management in social work, organization of social work with the population, economics, law and management in social work

- analytics: social forecasting and modeling, history, methodology and theory of social work "

“First of all, ask yourself the question: by whom and in what organization would you like to work,” experienced specialists in this field advise on this resource. - If these are state structures of extra-budgetary funds, then the university, accordingly, must be state-owned. Such a diploma will help you get into the "caste" of highly paid specialists. Another thing is if you are going to create in social sphere creative team or public organization. In this case, you will need practical skills in working with donors, foundations, sponsors and investors. Here you will set your own salary. Therefore, teachers need those who have experience in the implementation of non-commercial projects, know how to apply for a cash grant, interact or lead public organizations cities. And, in my opinion, in this case there is no fundamental difference in which university (state or commercial, profile or non-profile) you will receive your education.

If you are a humanitarian, submit documents to RSSU, MGUS or RosNOU. The list of entrance exams for these universities does not include natural science disciplines. You will have to pass the Russian language in USE form, history and, depending on the university, literature or social studies.

You know biology well - go to the Moscow State Pedagogical University or the Russian State Medical University. And all applicants of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanities University should know the basics of Christianity, this subject is profiling here. At the Military Technical University, in addition to the usual entrance examinations, you will have to pass the standards for physical training and go through the military-professional selection: an interview, psychological testing, medical board ".

That is, social workers can work as rescuers and psychologists in hot spots, to rehabilitate people who have suffered in a catastrophe or from a terrorist attack, as well as servicemen who took part in counter-terrorism operations.

It's great when a social worker not only knows well the legislation in the field of social assistance, but also knows how to do a lot with his own hands, for example, provide first aid to a victim in an accident or his ward who simply fainted at home, fix a tap that has fallen off in his ward's apartment, to convince a desperate orphan that everything in his life will turn out well.

Social workers also collect donations from citizens and organizations in order, for example, to save a particular child from a serious illness by referring him to a unique foreign clinic. They also seek hospitalization for a lonely person or child in dire need of a large family to a federal specialized clinic, protect the rights of inmates of orphanages, including those who have left children's institution after reaching the age of 18. These specialists also work in penitentiary institutions, defending the rights of those serving sentences and helping some of them return to a normal law-abiding life after being released.

Finally, with such a specialty, you can simply open your own socially oriented business, combining profit with the creation better conditions for the life of pensioners, orphans, disabled people. The field of activity for highly qualified social workers is the broadest. Perhaps this is one of the most wide-ranging professions of our time. It also includes social pedagogy (for example, working with difficult teenagers in cooperation with the police children's room, etc.), and social Psychology, and lobbying the interests of categories of citizens in dire need of state support as in the bodies local government, and in the State Duma of Russia.

And everywhere for successful work you need ebullient energy, a positive attitude towards life, tolerance for the most impartial human actions, respect for people, preference to work for the good of society to work for your own good. It is clear that such work cannot proceed calmly and measuredly, without emotional shocks and tensions, without scandals and disputes, without worries and rush jobs right up to falling into crisis situations. However, if helping people and improving life around you is more interesting for you than doing something specific, then you will overcome all the difficulties of social work.

And the last thing. Often people of a creative mind who have failed to realize themselves in art or culture go to social work. Because social work provides an opportunity not only to be needed by specific people (and to be loved by these people), but also to show all the qualities inherent in an actor, director, writer and artist. Social workers are the vanguard of a civilized society. If they exist in a society, it means that it has grown to a level at which it is not indifferent to the fate of its fellow citizens. Success.

Today specialty will be presented to our attention " Social work". Who should work after graduating from a university? In reality, it is very difficult to answer this question. After all, even many teachers cannot unequivocally answer students what lies ahead for them. Nevertheless, for some, building a career in this area is quite an interesting matter. Unfortunately, there are few different alternatives. Here is such a cruel specialty "Social work." usually are constantly empty.

Social worker

Of course, the first place that can only be advised is work as a social worker. The fact is that this vacancy is not very popular in Russia, although it plays important role for society.

You have completed the Social Work major. What to work with? As already mentioned - a social worker. What to do here? You will have to help people in need as well as identify and register them. In other words, to be in the public service to "spy" social development population.

A social work specialist is far from the most promising position. Practice has shown this. After all, becoming a boss will not work - for this you must have connections. But everyone can become an "ordinary" employee. Only the level of salaries, taking into account responsibility and emotional burden, is very, very small.


The work can also be in politics. The thing is that many graduates of this specialty have great prospects. personal growth... And this, like nothing else, will help them achieve success in politics.

In practice, to be honest, this situation is very rare. After all, the standard description of the specialty does not include any mention of political activities... As a rule, graduates are told that they will only be able to get a job as an ordinary social worker at some enterprise and work there almost all their lives.

So don't think Social Work is a verdict. You can easily become a successful politician... Only for this you will have to make a lot of efforts. But the result can please you in every sense.


Such a vacancy as a social teacher is very widespread today. To be honest, this position is most often found in kindergartens. There, graduates of the specialty "Social work" often become educators. Why does this happen?

The thing is that such employees, as a rule, very quickly determine social problems from babies and their parents. And if necessary, they are registered as a dysfunctional family. This, in turn, helps to eliminate problems and improve the atmosphere. And, of course, it has a beneficial effect on the child.

However, social work with children is not particularly popular among graduates and young employees. The point is that here you will not be able to receive high wages. And with career growth, things are very tight. Thus, only those who have a “soul” for this profession are capable of working as a (social) teacher.


You have completed the Social Work major. How to work after graduation? For example, such graduates have the opportunity to work as a professional nurse for the disabled. The prospect is not the most radiant, but this vacancy is almost always empty.

Nevertheless, not everyone will agree to work as a nurse. Especially when you consider that, again, you will receive low wages, but during the working day you will have to give all the best full program... Nurses often look like a squeezed lemon by the end of the week.

Therefore, young graduates are not particularly interested in this vacancy. They are more interested in the vacancy "hostel teacher". Only now, in practice, people with a huge life experience... Typically, this vacancy is exclusively for women over 50. So young graduates have very little chance of getting a job in this position.


The Sociologist-Psychologist is another place available to graduates. But here things are a little better than with previous vacancies. The point is that a sociologist-psychologist can work both in government agency and in private. In the first case, you will be in the civil service, but your salary will be scanty. And there is a lot of work.

In the second case, you will not have public service in experience, but here is the level wages will be several times higher. In addition, the clientele also differs in the two locations. In the first case, you will most likely have to work with dysfunctional families, and in the second - to serve elite clients.

Of course, everyone chooses what is best for him. Only in practice it has been proven that the sociologist-psychologist is quite often chosen as private work than the state. And this is understandable - for young employees, career growth is very important, as well as the level of salaries, which are not satisfactory in government institutions.


You have a degree in Social Work. What to work with? For example, in addition to all the listed vacancies, you can also apply to medical institutions. And here there are several options for the development of events. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

For example, graduates of our current specialty can work in the so-called social health worker... This vacancy implies support and assistance to sick people. For example, work with alcohol addicts and drug addicts. addicted people, as well as with people with disabilities of different categories. This is far from the most the best place for the work of young and promising university graduates.

You can also work as a psychologist in a medical facility. It's over a good place... Usually, it is for this position that employees are hired for whom it is important to work in medicine, but at the same time have a degree in sociology.


Today we figured out what kind of specialty "Social work", who to work, and also what places are chosen by graduates most often. To be honest, in practice it turns out that according to the diploma this direction few people work.

It is often enough just to get at least some higher education in order to work in one place or another. For example, sociologists are very often found as managers, waiters, and cashiers. That is, with this diploma, you can find a job wherever you want. But in most cases, only an ordinary employee.

Social workers provide comprehensive assistance to people, interacting mainly with vulnerable categories of citizens. They work with refugees, orphans, pensioners, helping them to get social, legal and material support. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession is very ancient, several hundred years ago such specialists were called philanthropists, missionaries. Part social responsibilities assigned to the monks and nuns who provided shelter, food and minimum level education for poor people. Today everything has changed, and this work is carried out by authorized representatives of social services, who are assigned to every person or family in need of state aid and support. Mostly a specialist leads the following groups of citizens:

  • retirees and people with disabilities;
  • children and adolescents suffering from congenital and acquired diseases, domestic violence and other problems;
  • women who are victims of any type of violence;
  • dependent citizens;
  • people who lost their homes, were injured, who lost loved ones during disasters;
  • large families and others.

The social worker is in direct contact with the population, checking in what conditions the children are kept, how the funds allocated by the state for the newborn are distributed. They carry food to sick people and retirees, provide emotional support to citizens suffering from addictions (alcoholic, drug, gambling and others). The work is not easy and dangerous, because a specialist never knows what awaits him for closed door this or that apartment. Social workers are not paid very high salaries, traditionally women who are more compassionate than men choose this profession.

Features of the profession

A social worker must love people. This is the first requirement that is tacitly put forward to specialists. The duties of such an employee include the following list of mandatory works:

  • analysis of the entrusted area, the choice of people in need of social assistance and protection (temporarily or permanently);
  • handling complaints and appeals from the population, checking information, making decisions on each individual application;
  • provision of all types of social services, informing citizens about their rights and obligations;
  • assistance in obtaining legal and other types of advice;
  • home delivery of food, drinking water, medicines, as well as other goods. The social worker can keep order in the house of the people to whom he is attached, prepare or reheat food, deliver ready-made food from relatives or from special canteens, pay bills;
  • assistance in processing applications and applications for social assistance, preferential vouchers, services;
  • communication with socially vulnerable citizens and their relatives;
  • rendering additional services: first aid, psychological support and others;
  • maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

A social worker must have minimal knowledge of medicine, be an excellent psychologist, because his work combines the main features of these professions. The segment is characterized by high staff turnover, so employees are always needed. The specialist interacts with representatives of law and order, volunteer organizations, various groups of teachers and doctors.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Huge social significance professions, because every day such specialists perform a complex and important work that improves the quality of life of many people.
  2. Official employment and a solid number of vacancies.
  3. Specialists are in demand in every large and small town Russia.
  4. You can find a job without higher education.
  5. Stable learning and development.
  6. A large number of budget places in universities, the opportunity to get education at a full-time, part-time or part-time faculty.
  7. Work will become ideal solution for the humanities.


  1. Low-paying job.
  2. Constant contact with in different layers population, whose representatives are not always friendly, honest.
  3. Interaction with sick, addicted people can lead to infection with infectious and other types of diseases.
  4. Labor is underestimated in the CIS countries.
  5. The specialist spends a lot of time on his feet, is forced to perform a large amount of work.
  6. The schedule may be irregular.
  7. Social workers are often confronted with egregious cases of human cruelty, which can have an overwhelming impact on morale.

Important personal qualities

Emotional stability and calmness are two essential qualities that must be present in the character of a good social worker. This specialist must have an excellently delivered speech, inspire trust and respect, be able to listen and understand people. Other qualities are also important:

  • philanthropy;
  • tolerance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-control;
  • tendency to work in a team;
  • heightened sense of justice;
  • parity;
  • passion for social processes.

In the character of a specialist, there should be no pride, as well as greed, disgust.

Social worker training

You can master this difficult profession both at the university and in college. When entering a university, it is worth choosing the direction of training "Social work", passing exams in the Russian language, history and social studies, the term of study is 5-6 years. It is also recommended to consider the following programs:

  • "Social work with youth";
  • "Social work in the social protection system."

After grade 9 or 11, you can apply to college by choosing the Faculty of Social Work. The term of study is 2-3 years, which depends on the basic training of the applicant and the chosen educational institution. Some colleges can be admitted on the basis of the average mark of the certificate, without passing exams.

Educational center "Verity"

A wide variety of training programs to help improve the skills of people working in the field of social assistance. Classes are provided for both individual employees and entire teams. You can get knowledge in person or remotely. The programs include innovative methods of development for children, rules for interacting with adolescents, labor protection and no less pressing issues.

Social Work Colleges

  1. SPb GBOU SPO "Polytechnic College of Municipal Economy".
  2. College for the training of social workers ("College No. 16"), Moscow.
  3. College of Economics and Technology KIBiT.

Higher Education Social Workers

  1. Russian State Social University.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova.
  4. First Moscow State medical University them. I.M.Sechenov.
  5. Moscow Social and Economic Institute.
  6. Russian New University.
  7. Moscow State Psychological Pedagogical University.
  8. Saint Petersburg State University.
  9. Saint Petersburg State University industrial technologies and design.
  10. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.
  11. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva.
  12. Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunina.
  13. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.
  14. Tula State Pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy.

Place of work

Social workers can find a job in state structures(social inspector), development and correctional centers, employment services. Often these specialists are involved in volunteer activities; they can cooperate with the Red Cross and other public charitable organizations.

Social Worker Salary

Salary on 03/28/2019

Russia 16000-60000 ₽

Moscow 30,000—80,000 rubles

Professional knowledge

  1. Basic knowledge of psychology, medicine, social pedagogy, correctional work, conflictology.
  2. Types and rules for the provision of social services.
  3. The main ethical standards social work.
  4. Rights and obligations of citizens who are provided with social protection and assistance.
  5. The basics of volunteering.
  6. Methods for the development of different age groups children.
  7. Ways to restore psychological balance.
  8. Basics of planning activities, programs for bookkeeping and accounting, databases.

Social worker is a profession that plays big role in modern society. It is no secret that the population of the country is aging, and the material level and, for the most part, the state of health does not allow older people to live actively. Sometimes circumstances develop so that the only person who connects an elderly person with outside world, is exactly the person representing the social service. In fact, it is thanks to this service that elderly people, who have no one to rely on in their lives, get the opportunity to communicate, purchase food and medicine, necessary items hygiene and everyday life.

It is good when a social worker has an education or higher professional education, but, unfortunately, at present, people who do not have vocational training... To carry out this work requires the presence of many spiritual qualities and in this profession most often come at the call of the heart.

The social worker must know perfectly state laws, regulations and regulations on social services for people with disabilities and citizens Also, he must impeccably follow the rules of internal labor regulations and job descriptions. Guided by the rules of labor protection and basic safety rules, standards of sanitation and fire safety, employee social service can provide all possible assistance at the place of residence of their wards. It is very important that this is done, not only without causing discomfort or irritation on the part of the elderly person, but also competently.

In his work, a social worker uses special knowledge, for example, the basics of the psychology of older people. In addition, he must know the basics of first aid emergency.

The duties of a social worker, first of all, are to identify among the population of the allotted area for disabled people and elderly citizens who cannot do housework on their own and are in dire need of service. Workers in this area constantly conduct questionnaires among the elderly, pensioners and disabled people in the territory entrusted to them, explain to them their rights, which they can count on.

The duties of a social worker include paperwork, as well as contact with the relatives of the wards and the attending physician. He must maintain confidentiality in relation to his wards, arrange material assistance, which is legally entrusted to disabled people and pensioners. If necessary, he must take prescriptions for receiving medicines at preferential prices at the polyclinic, which is provided for this category of citizens. This is also part of his direct responsibilities.

The social worker is eagerly awaited, because often he is the only helper in the house. He buys groceries and brings checks, monitors their health and tells them kind words on weekdays and holidays.

His responsibilities include maintaining reporting documents. He informs about his disability in advance, as this will allow him to find a replacement for the duration of the illness. We must not forget that this is an almost irreplaceable position - a social worker. His duties are not limited to this, he takes an active part in the lives of his charges. Caring people who have chosen such a profession completely lead household disabled people, replacing relatives who are absent or are far away and cannot help their loved ones day after day. They will lovingly cook or warm food, brew aromatic tea and help make the bed, which is so important for a lonely person who is looking forward to the call and the social worker to come. His responsibilities are also to ensure that there is water in the homes of their wards, and, of course, warmth. If problems arise, they can contact housing and communal services and resolve issues on behalf of the person they are entrusted with looking after.

In addition, they hand over things for washing, dry cleaning and deliver them back, pay for writing letters at the request of pensioners, bring newspapers and magazines. They are also faithful companions in organizing, they can accompany an elderly person to events that the authorities organize specifically for this category of citizens.

What is a social worker? What are his responsibilities? What do you need to know in order to become a social worker? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. So, a person who implements social and consumer service senior citizens and disabled people is a social worker.


The duties of such a specialist include great amount works, namely:

Rendering guaranteed by the state and social services legislation;

Strict adherence to the established schedule of visits;

Identification of the elderly and people with disabilities who need social assistance;

Informing this population group about the rights and obligations, the conditions for the provision of state-guaranteed social services;

Conducting a survey among the elderly and disabled people in a certain area;

Taking part in the preparation of documentation for pensioners;

Submitting your proposals regarding the improvement of living conditions and services for the population;

Establishing contacts with relatives and neighbors of the wards in order to attract them to help a pensioner or disabled person;

Maintaining contact with the patient's doctor;

Compliance with absolute confidentiality;

Making purchases with the money of the wards with the provision of a report on expenses, etc.


In general, the responsibilities of a social worker may differ. It depends on where exactly he works, with what people, in what city and area. In some cases, a social worker must also deliver the necessary medicines and other goods to the house, pay for utilities means of the ward, to provide assistance and assistance in cleaning the premises. If necessary, such an employee should organize housing repairs, processing of a site near the house, funeral services, and so on. In situations where a pensioner or disabled person becomes ill, a social worker must provide first aid, so it is very important that he has the necessary skills.

First, the social worker enjoys general rights. Its activities are based on the legislation of the Russian Federation on social services, internal labor regulations and job description provided by the social protection authority. V general outline such a specialist has the right to receive truthful and complete information about the ward and members of his family, including information about their state of health; involvement of relatives to provide assistance to a disabled person or a pensioner (if this assistance is outside the scope of the responsibilities of the social service); the use of personal documents of the served person in order to fill in the necessary papers.

A responsibility

The social worker is responsible for various kinds of labor discipline violations. He must be loyal to the charges and understand their position. You need to be prepared for everything: for poor health and other problems. A social worker can be held liable for untimely or poor-quality medical care, refusal of it and other violations.

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