Home Potato It says there is not enough memory although there is memory. How to deal with the “Not enough free memory” error on Android. Insufficient memory in Play Market - solution to the problem

It says there is not enough memory although there is memory. How to deal with the “Not enough free memory” error on Android. Insufficient memory in Play Market - solution to the problem

Users of Android tablets and smartphones often install a bunch of different applications without paying any attention to the free memory of the device. But in vain. Error "Not enough space in device memory" therefore a very common occurrence. I put a dozen or two games on internal memory phone and can no longer install or update other applications. In any case, when a message appears that Android does not have enough memory, start by checking again how much free space is left for user data in the device. To do this, open the menu item Settings >> Memory >> Internal phone memory.

How to free up memory in Android?!

Of course, the fastest and easiest way to clear the internal memory of a tablet or phone is full reset to factory settings (or as it is also called - WIPE). But it is very drastic and should be resorted to only as a last resort. Reset is done either from the menu Settings -> Backup and reset:

The same can be done from the recovery menu (ClockWorkMod Recovery). To get into it, turn off the phone. Then press the volume button down and, holding it, press the power button. Hold it until the menu appears.

After that, find the item Wipe data / Factory Reset, select it and reboot your tablet or phone.

If you don’t want to completely clear the device’s memory and you’re too lazy to install everything again, well, then we’ll remove the unnecessary stuff.

First, go to the Settings -> Applications section and carefully analyze which of the programs you installed previously are no longer needed or are not used.

Feel free to delete completed games and unused applications. The main thing is to watch carefully and not delete anything you need.

And you can delete data from programs you need but rarely use:

You can try transferring very large programs from internal memory to the card:

To do this, click the “Move to SD card” button. By the way, for these purposes you can use special program. A striking example- App 2 SD.

This way, you can free up from 50 to several hundred megabytes, which will allow you to install the application, and the “Not enough space in device memory” error will not bother you for some time.

Sometimes when you try to install a new application on your Android smartphone or tablet users receive a message that there is not enough memory to install the application. This is usually due to the internal memory Android devices is completely full and there is simply no room for new applications. In this article we will look at several ways to solve this problem.

Method No. 1. Moving applications to a memory card.

If you don't have enough memory to install applications, then the first thing to do is microSD. This method of freeing memory is very simple and effective. Usually it is enough to transfer just a couple of applications and problems with lack of memory will disappear.

So, in order to transfer applications to a memory card, you need to go to the Android settings and find a section there called “Application Manager” or simply “Applications” if you have a standard Android shell. Open this section and examine the list of applications that is located there. IN this list All applications that are installed on the device will be displayed, and the amount of memory it occupies will be indicated next to the application name. Select the application that you would like to transfer to the memory card and click on it.

After this, information about the application you have selected will appear on the screen. Here you need to find the “To SD memory card” button and click on it.

After that operating system Android will begin transferring the application from internal memory to the memory card. This usually takes less than a minute.

After the process of moving the application is completed, the inscription on the button will change to “Move to device memory.” This will mean that the transfer to the memory card was successful.

Move a few apps that are taking up a lot of space on your Android device and try installing a new app again. If you again receive a message that you do not have enough memory to install applications, then you can go back to the settings and transfer a couple more applications.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this method freeing memory has some limitations. First, your Android smartphone or tablet must have a memory card installed. In addition, you will not be able to move system applications, installed by the manufacturer, as well as some common applications.

Method number 2. Uninstalling applications.

If you have moved all the applications that can be moved to your memory card and still receive warnings that you do not have enough memory to install applications on your Android device, then you can simply. Typically, users only use a small part those applications that are installed on the device. Think about which apps you don't use and remove them.

Removing applications works almost the same as moving them. You need to go to settings, open Application Manager and after that select the application that you want to remove. A window will appear with information about the selected application. Here you just need to click on the “Delete” button.

It should be noted that in this way you can only remove applications that you yourself installed. , installed by the manufacturer of your smartphone or tablet, cannot be removed, because for this purpose .

Method number 3. Checking personal files.

If working with applications did not help, and you still receive messages that your Android device does not have enough memory to install applications, then the problem may be that all the memory is taken up by your personal files. To check personal files, run any file manager and go to internal memory.

Examine the contents of folders in the internal memory. Special attention It is worth paying attention to such folders as DCIM, Bluetooth, Documents, Movies, Download, Music, Pictures and Sounds. If possible, move all found personal files to a memory card or computer.

Method number 4. Clearing the cache for applications Play Market and Google Service Framework.

In some cases, there is free space in the internal memory, but users still receive errors with messages stating that there is not enough memory to install the application. If you encounter a similar problem, clearing the Play Market and Google Service Framework cache may help you. In order to do this, open the Android settings, go to “Application Manager”, open there Play app Market and click on the “Clear cache” button.

Then repeat this procedure for Google apps Service Framework and restart your Android device. It is quite possible that after this the problems with lack of memory will disappear.

Every user at least once encounters the problem of downloading files to mobile devices. You are trying to download an application on Android, for example, from the official Google store, but the system notifies you that this is impossible because there is not enough memory on your smartphone or tablet. But you know for sure that there is free space. What to do in this case? Correct the situation using one of the methods below.
We'll start with simple options(they are the most reliable and effective), and finally we will consider complex methods (their use may be unsafe for the device).

I would like to start this instructional article with important notes.:

  • First note. If you are sure that the internal memory is not exhausted, do not forget that it is never fully used. There must always be space on the device, otherwise software will not be able to work. That's why you receive such a notification when downloading files.
  • Second note. If a file is downloaded to the SD card, it does not mean that the memory inside the mobile device may be full. It should have enough free space for loading, since it is also in use.
  • Third note. Do not clear the internal memory of your smartphone or tablet using special utilities. If you are promised to free up space, get rid of unnecessary applications, etc., and even in automatic mode, don't be fooled. All you will achieve is to slow down your smartphone and drain the battery.

How to quickly clear Android memory (the easiest way)

For untrained users who first saw such a notification when downloading an apk file, we recommend using the simplest and effective way- clear cache. Just like in the browser, these files take up a lot of disk space (in our case, in the internal memory).

The cache is easy to clean, even if you picked up your smartphone or tablet for the first time the day before yesterday. From the Settings of your mobile device, go to “Storage and USB drives” or the “Memory” section. Just below you will see “Cache Data”.

Confirm deleting the cache.

As you can see, the cache takes up a lot of space. Click on the item and delete all this data. Now download the file again. Did it help?

In the same way as we cleared the general cache, you can delete application files individually. A lot of space is occupied by the cache of web browsers, applications for storing and editing photos, and others. If you see a notification about low memory after you have already updated installed application, delete its data and try again.

How to clear application cache separately? From Settings, go to Applications, select the one you need and click on the “Storage” item. A corresponding button will appear, which you need to click. It is also recommended to “Clear data” of the “problematic” application.

When you open Applications, you will see the size next to each of them. The indicated size is always less than the amount of memory occupied, which is why it seems that there is a lot of free space.

Removing unnecessary applications, transferring to SD card

Get rid of unnecessary applications from time to time - useful activity. If we use devices for a long time - smartphone, tablet, computer and others - in the internal memory, a lot of garbage accumulates on the disks. From the device Settings, go to Applications and make a revision, deleting what has not been used for a long time or does not start.

If you are using flash memory, transfer some applications there. You can transfer only those files that were downloaded from an external source (and not all of them), and not those that were preinstalled. Click on an individual application and press the corresponding button to move. This way you can free up enough memory space inside your tablet or smartphone.

Additional ways to fix the "Insufficient memory on device" error

The methods that we list below are effective, but may be accompanied by consequences. This won't necessarily happen, but we can't help but warn you. By using them you take responsibility.

Removing updates and data from Google Play Services and Play Store

When everything is finished, try downloading the application. You may need to update first Google services Play.

Clearing Dalvik Cache

This method is not suitable for all mobile devices on the Android platform. Follow these three steps:
  1. Open menu Recovery mode(search online for information on how to enter this mode, as the options vary on each device).
    To select a specific action in recovery mode, you need to press the volume button, and to confirm it, click on the power button (briefly).
  2. We need Wipe cache partition (cleaning the cache). Don't even look in the direction of Wipe Data Factory Reset. Clicking this item will erase all user information and reset mobile device to initial settings.
  3. After selecting Wipe cache partition, click Advanced and Wipe Dalvik Cache alternately.
Once the cache is cleared, boot up your smartphone or tablet as usual.

Clearing the data folder (Root required)

To use this option you need root rights.
  1. Open the application folder and go to /data/app-lib/its_name/. The "lib" folder should be deleted. Check if it helps.
  2. If a notification about insufficient memory still appears on your smartphone/tablet, delete the folder with the application completely ( /data/app-lib/its_name/).
If you have access rights, open the file manager, go to data/log and empty the folder.

Untested ways to fix the error

And finally, we left options that we have not tested. We found them on Stack Overflow. This is a popular question and answer system from British programmers.

Try the following:

  • Using Root Explorer, a file manager, transfer some applications from data/app to the /system/app/ folder.
  • If your smartphone is from Samsung, enter the command *#9900# to clear log files.
This is how you can fix a common problem when there is not enough space in the internal memory of smartphones or tablets on the Android platform to download new applications or update previously installed ones. If you know another effective way, share with us.

We decided to install it on the tablet new game, download a movie or install some other application you like? Sometimes such attempts end in an error appearing and the download stops. A message about insufficient quantity opens on the gadget screen. free memory. This message is not always true. There may be several reasons for the error. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how the problem can be solved.

Built-in memory

The amount of built-in memory is directly related to the cost of the tablet. The higher it is, the more free space you have available. The range here is wide - from 4 to 128 or more gigabytes. Active users try not to save on additional “hectares”, knowing what this may result in in the future.
Do not forget that some resources are used regardless of your desire to maintain stable operation, store temporary and system files, etc. Therefore, if you purchased an inexpensive device with a built-in memory of 4 GB or 8 GB, approximately half of it will be spent only on servicing the tablet. At best, the remainder is enough to install several small applications.
If there are no problems with the built-in volume, but the system still displays the error “The tablet has insufficient memory” and complains about insufficient memory, check whether active applications are closed. Android platform has one unpleasant feature: it sometimes does not close, but minimizes programs. They continue to work in background, loading tablet resources. Unnecessary applications can be disabled using special utility“Task Killer”, which helps not only stop downloaded programs, but also organize free space, and also saves battery power.
Regularly delete the contents of the Data and Temp folders and clear your browser cache. These actions alone can free up to 2 GB of internal memory occupied by useless information.

Removable media

If the tablet’s built-in memory is still not enough, purchase removable media. Almost everything tablet computers Supports Micro SD memory cards. For correct operation of the external drive, download and install any of the specialized applications. It will allow you to move all downloaded information directly to the memory card, bypassing the system folder, then your tablet will no longer run out of memory.

Problems with Micro SD memory card

Sometimes a message about insufficient memory on the tablet (memory full) may appear due to the fact that the removable storage device is not working correctly. Reboot your device and try again. Most often the problem can be solved. If it is not displayed at all, check it on another device (smartphone, laptop or PC). If another device detects the card, it must be formatted. If the card cannot be seen by any device, it is most likely technically faulty.

The card is fully functional, but you still can’t download a new application due to lack of free space in the tablet’s memory? You may have specified the wrong download path and the information continues to flow into the internal memory of the device. Check the box next to the appropriate section (in in this case– select “save to micro SD card” in the settings or move the files manually using a special utility.

By installing many applications on your gadget every day, you risk encountering a problem that has already affected many. - Google Play may one day display exactly this message. What to do? We present to your attention several methods for solving this problem.

Disk space

To do this, go to the main menu of the phone. Then select Settings. After that, find the line “Memory” and tap on it. A window will open in front of you in which all the memory on the phone will appear in front of you in graphical form. After this, you have two options to deal with the Google Play "Not enough memory..." problem.

  1. Cleaning. Simply delete old and unnecessary data. Move the photos and videos you would like to save to your computer. Clean up apps that haven't been used for a long time.
  2. Default entry. If you have on your gadget additional card memory that still has plenty of space, you can simply change the “tick” position and specify the removable memory as the main one. After this, the phone will download and install applications on it, and not on the filled internal one.

If you have checked everything and your device still has plenty of memory, but Google Play writes “Insufficient memory”, as before, then most likely there is some kind of internal error. Let's try to figure it out.

The soft way

First of all, you need to uninstall the applications. “Not enough device memory space” - Google Play displays this message if it has reached its cache limit. Although the amount of data stored in application memory is unlimited, if you exceed a certain a certain number glitches may occur.

Go to your phone settings and go to "Applications". Select Google Play from the list and go to it. Stop this program and then erase your data and cache. The same procedure should be repeated for the Google Service Framework utility.

After all the operations performed, reboot the device. Sometimes you may need to remove everything installed updates for Google. This is done in the same menu as deleting the cache. If the entire procedure does not help, move on to the next method.

Reset your phone

The following method includes several methods at once. The fact is that this instruction Not suitable for everyone. The so-called root rights will be extremely useful to you.

So, if Google Play displays the message “Not enough space in device memory” on your gadget, then you can try to reset all temporary data from memory.

  • To do this, you will have to enter the engineering menu of the device. To do this, turn off the phone completely, and when you turn it on, hold down the power and volume (+) buttons at the same time. You need the "Wipe cache partition" item. From there, go to "Advanced". The last thing you need is a "Wipe Dalvick Cache". After this, reboot the gadget and check its functionality.

If this method does not help you, then there is nothing left to do but reset all parameters to factory settings. There are two ways to do this.

  • Go to the phone settings. Item "Restore and reset". And select the “Reset settings” function we need. After this, the phone will return to its original state, as it was immediately after purchase.
  • If you cannot start the gadget (forgot your password, for example), then you can use it again engineering menu. Only this time you will need the "Wipe data" item or


Regardless of which path you choose to solve the problem, be sure to follow all safety measures. Create backups so that later, if something goes wrong, you can always restore the original state.

However, be careful when using a factory reset. After restoring from a copy, all the problems may come back, and you will again have an error with the classification “Insufficient space in the device memory.” In this case, Google Play will have to be configured again.

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