Home Useful Tips How to make the phone distribute wifi. How to distribute mobile Internet from an Android smartphone to other devices

How to make the phone distribute wifi. How to distribute mobile Internet from an Android smartphone to other devices

It is more convenient to view browser pages and edit documents from a laptop than from a smartphone or tablet. Use your Android gadget as wireless modem to set up and share Wi-Fi using a hotspot.

What is a Wi-Fi hotspot

Point Wi-Fi access- a station that provides access to multiple devices to a wireless network. A gadget with the Android operating system can act as an access point. Device requirements:

  • the presence of a Wi-fi module;
  • presence of a GSM / 3G module.
  • If your smartphone or tablet does not support GSM / 3G, but works with OTG technology, that is, detects connected flash drives, you can connect a USB modem to it and use it as a wireless access point.

    The modem communicates with the tablet via a cable using OTG technology

    When turning on the hotspot, remember: by sharing Wi-fi, you are using mobile traffic... If the tariff is not unlimited, track your balance after surfing the Internet. And, hotspot access increases the drain on the battery.

    How to distribute the Internet from a phone, smartphone or tablet

    There are two ways to distribute Wi-fi from a smartphone or tablet - by standard means Android or using a third party app. Please note - you can only distribute mobile traffic from the connectionGSM / 3G. Cannot configure the access point usingWi-fi network connection.

    Setting up an Android device as a router

    Android system starting from version 2.3.x, allows you to broadcast Wi-fi to other devices. To configure the access point, make sure to enable Mobile Internet and go to the gadget menu. Example for setting up LG G3, version Android 5.0:

  • Open the menu item "Settings - Networks".
  • Select "Shared modem and networks - Wi-fi hotspot".
  • Click "Create Wi-fi Hotspot"
  • Set the name of the access point - this is how it will be displayed when searching from other devices.
  • Select the network security level - WPA PSK for connecting computers on Windows XP SP2 or WPA2 PSK for Windows connections XP SP3 and other systems.
  • Set a password longer than 8 characters.
  • Ask maximum amount users who can connect to the access point at the same time.
  • Go back and activate the hotspot by dragging the slider.
  • You can turn on the mobile Internet (data transfer) using the menu item "Settings - Wireless networks - Mobile data".

    On Android early versions to configure the access point:

  • Go to "Settings - Wireless Networks".
  • Select More or Next.
  • Select "Modem & Access Point" or "Mobile AP".
  • Next, make the settings according to the instructions above.
  • After activating the connection, you will see the corresponding icon in the notification bar at the top of the screen.

    It is enough to configure the access point once, for subsequent connections it will be enough to activate the function in the network settings or by pulling out the notification shade at the top of the screen and clicking on the "Access point" button.

    Photo gallery: setting up an access point in the Android menu

    Step 1. Open the settings Step 2: Select "Shared modem and networks" Step 3. Select the "Access point ..." menu Step 4. Create a Wi-fi access point Step 5. Configure the access point settings Step 6. Turn on the access point When reconnecting no need to configure the access point

    Application use

    Use Wi-Fi sharing apps if your smartphone or tablet doesn't support the default settings. Notable software: Osmino, mHotspot, MyPublicWiFi.

    Customization Wi-fi connections using the Osmino program as an example:

  • Download the app from Play Store and open it.
  • Enter the network name, set the password and click Share.
  • The smartphone or tablet will go into tethering mode. To disable the access point, go to the application and click “Stop sharing”.

    Photo Gallery: How to Enable Wi-Fi Sharing in Osmino App

    Step 1. Download the application Step 2. Specify the network parameters and enable distribution Appears when you first start the program

    Why does not the Internet turn on and does not work through an access point

    By connecting the mobile Internet and activating the access point, the user may encounter difficulties. There are three reasons why a Wi-fi hotspot may not work properly.

  • blocking the connection with an antivirus program;
  • the impact of a downloaded application or virus on the network;
  • error in the OS.
  • Antivirus that protects your smartphone in real time can block network connections. Go to the application, disable the firewall and activate the access point. If there is no connection, delete antivirus program and try again.

    Installed apps make changes to work operating system... Check your smartphone with antivirus and block malicious files. Use the Application Manager to find out which program has the rights to control network connections and uninstall it. Then turn on the access point.

    If the previous methods do not work, reset the gadget to factory settings. For this:

  • Go to the "Options" menu.
  • Select "General - Backup and reset ".
  • Click "Factory data reset".
  • When you perform a factory reset, you will lose all data saved in the device's memory. Make a backup first.

    Blocking the distribution of traffic over Wi-Fi can mobile operator... If you set up an access point on Android according to the instructions and fixed the errors described above, contact the contact center with a request to check network settings and the presence of a lock.

    The need to distribute the Internet from a smartphone to other devices occurs quite often, especially in those regions where there is 3G, 4G (LTE) coverage, but there is no wired connection. For example, you went to a dacha, where providers will not be able to lay cables very soon, and you need to connect to the network today. In this case, you can connect your laptop to the Internet via your smartphone, especially if your tariff plan allows you not to worry too much about the volume of traffic.

    There are several ways to connect a smartphone and laptop to access the latter to the network: using a USB cable, via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. The last method is suitable for any combination of connected devices, and we will analyze the first two using the example of connecting to a computer under control.

    How to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi

    This is one of the easiest to configure options for sharing the Internet from an Android device. It consists in using a smartphone as a wireless router, which can be useful if you need to connect several devices to the Internet at once, such as a computer and a tablet.

    To put the smartphone in Wi-Fi modem mode, open the settings and in the section wireless networks tap on the "More" item. Then go to the "Tethering" window and tap "Wi-Fi hotspot".

    A new "Wi-Fi Hotspot" window will open. First of all, activate the Wi-Fi tethering using the switch at the top. After that, in the settings of the access point, set the security method (WPA2 PSK is recommended) and the password.

    Thus, you can connect not only a computer, but also any device with a Wi-Fi module. The main thing is to make sure that you have enabled the wireless interface. A new network with the name you specified should appear in the list of available networks. Click on it with the mouse, enter the password and click the "Next" button.

    How to connect a smartphone as a USB modem

    To implement this method, you need to connect the smartphone with a cable to one of the USB ports on the computer under control. In most cases, the system will detect and install the necessary drivers on its own, but if this did not happen, you will have to download them on the gadget manufacturer's website and install them manually. Please note that it is best to use the supplied cable, as its quality can indirectly affect the connection speed.

    After connecting your smartphone, open its settings and select "More" in the "Wireless networks" section. A section of additional settings will open in front of you, where we are interested in the item "Modem mode".

    Here you need to check the box next to the "USB-modem" item. As a result, a new connection will appear on your computer. To activate it, open the network connections window, right-click on the icon "Connect by local network"And select the" Enable "item in the context menu that appears.

    How to connect a smartphone as a Bluetooth modem

    To create this connection, you need, in the same way as described in the previous section, to open the smartphone settings and go to the modem mode selection, which is located at "Settings" - "More ..." - "Modem mode". Only this time it is already required to mark the item "Bluetooth-modem". Please note that your gadget must be visible to other devices. Be sure to check this option in Bluetooth settings smartphone.

    Remember to make sure the Bluetooth interface is active in Windows. Open the "Devices and Printers" window in the "Control Panel", in which we click on the "Add a device" link. The search will start for devices available in this moment to connect via bluetooth. When your phone is detected, its icon will appear in this window. Click on it and a window with an 8-digit code will appear. After that, a request for pairing devices will appear on your phone, and then a proposal to give permission to use your smartphone as a Bluetooth modem.

    After performing these operations, right-click on the smartphone icon in the "Devices and Printers" window and select "Connect via" - "Access point" from the context menu.

    In the process of writing this article, we tested the data transfer speed for each of the connection methods using the Speedtest service. As a result, it was the Wi-Fi connection that showed the most better speed, USB was in second place, and Bluetooth lagged behind by a large gap. Therefore, if you have an outlet in the immediate vicinity, then you must use the Wi-Fi modem method. But if you are in the field, where there is not even electricity, then you should choose a USB connection as the most energy efficient.

    Have you ever used a smartphone under control to distribute the Internet to a computer or laptop? Which of the available options do you think is the most preferable?

    Google's modern operating system is really capable of a lot. Thanks to her, our mobile devices not only can make calls, but are also capable of replacing a whole bunch of other gadgets. For example, nowadays you are less and less likely to meet a person who would use an MP3-player, and cameras are gradually being replaced. Why another device in your pocket when the most cheap smartphone?! So the Android phone can replace the modem without any problems.

    How to distribute the Internet from an Android phone or tablet via USB to a laptop or computer

    Now, with the development of wireless interfaces, users are less likely to connect their smartphones to a computer using a USB cable. Except for recharging. To copy files from one device to another, it is much easier to organize a cloud storage or a network with which you can instantly access movies or music. In addition, few computers lack wireless interfaces. We will not say anything about Android smartphones at all - the minimum set of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can be found in the cheapest device.

    However, there are situations when you urgently need to access the Internet from a personal computer that is corny outdated and does not have either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. At this point, whatever one may say, you will have to turn to the good old USB cable for help. Fortunately, this kind of wires are ubiquitous, and most smartphones have identical connectors - microUSB. How to use an Android device as a USB modem?

    • we connect an Android smartphone to a computer via a microUSB cable (well, or USB-C, in general, the one that you use to recharge your mobile phone);
    • now you need to select the connection mode;

    Often the default is “Charge only” mode, in which the smartphone is charged via the USB port, but the PC does not see it. Pull the notification shade, in which an item should appear to select the connection mode. We give preference to the "File transfer" item, after which your device will be detected by the PC.

    • as a rule, modern versions of the operating room Windows systems v automatic mode install drivers, and do it pretty quickly (you will be notified of the successful installation of the drivers by a corresponding message);

    If the Android smartphone is not detected, the drivers are not installed, they will have to be downloaded and installed manually. We are looking for a set of drivers for our device on the official website of the manufacturer or third-party resources who distribute them. Often, large companies, in order to make life easier for users of their products, offer special software that automatically finds the right drivers for a specific model.

    • after the drivers are installed and the smartphone works normally with the computer, proceed to setting it up as a USB modem;
    • back to the Android device, go to the settings;
    • you need to find the section responsible for installing the access point (its location depends on a specific Android smartphone, version of the operating system or firmware);

    As a rule, the name of the section is "Network" or " Wireless connection”, It is located in the main settings menu. Opening it, you will immediately notice the item "Modem mode" ("USB-modem", "USB access point" or similar). In custom firmwares and skins from the manufacturer, the section can be located in additional (advanced) settings, where the subcategory "Access point" is assigned to it.

    • Done, your Android device works as a USB modem.

    Do not forget that the smartphone must be actively connected to mobile network... You can check the connection status in the "Network and Sharing Center", which can be accessed through the "Control Panel".

    In order to make it completely clear how to distribute the Internet from an Android phone via usb to a laptop or computer, watch this video:

    How to distribute the Internet from a phone to a laptop or computer via a USB cable and a special application

    Smartphones and tablets running old Android versions may not support modem functionality. In this case, you can use third-party software, which is abundantly presented in. The most popular program for these purposes is EasyTether. It is available in paid and free versions... In the Lite version, access to some features is blocked. Full version costs about 630 rubles. So what needs to be done:

    • install the program on a smartphone and on a computer;
    • on the Android device, activate the "USB debugging mode";

    This item is located in the "Developer Mode" settings section. For details on how to access it, see.

    • To personal computer via USB cable;
    • you may need to install drivers, which we, of course, do;
    • run the program on your computer, right-click on the icon that appears in the tray, select "Connect Via Android".

    Done, your Android device works as a USB modem. By the way, looking ahead, the EasyTether application can also be used to distribute the Internet from a smartphone to a computer using Bluetooth.

    Watch a detailed video on how to distribute the Internet from your phone using special application EasyTether:

    Android device in modem mode via Bluetooth

    The superiority of wireless interfaces over connecting devices via a USB cable is obvious. Agree, you don't always want to burden yourself with a wired connection, while occupying a USB port, which can be useful for other purposes. Using an Android smartphone as a modem via Bluetooth is even easier than using the method described above. So:

    • make sure both devices are Bluetooth enabled;

    It will definitely be on a smartphone with Android, but many computers and some laptops may not have it. We are looking for a recognizable tray icon (triangle in the lower right corner). In some cases, the device can be disabled, it is activated in the "Device Manager". If your PC doesn't support Blue Tooth, you can buy a special dongle (costs a few dollars).

    • activate Bluetooth on both devices, turn on visibility so that they can detect each other;
    • on the computer, click "Add device", wait while the search is carried out;
    • from the list that appears, select our Android device, click "Next";
    • the generated code will appear in a new window, which will also be displayed on the smartphone screen;
    • if the PIN-code is the same, click "OK" on two devices;
    • waiting for the end of pairing, during which the installation takes place required drivers to a personal computer;
    • now we do the same steps that were described in the previous subheading;
    • we find the section "Networks" or "Wireless networks" on the Android device, where we already select "Bluetooth modem" or "Connection via Bluetooth";
    • again return to the personal computer, on which we open the list of connected devices via Bluetooth (the icon in the tray, to open the list, click on it with the right mouse button);
    • we find in the list our gadget for Android, which will be used as a modem;
    • right-click, select "Connect via" - "Access Point".

    The instructions for setting up an Android smartphone as a modem via Bluetooth, although it turned out to be long, in fact, is simple. Connection and installation required parameters takes minutes. But now you are connected to the Internet and are not entangled in wires.

    How to distribute the Internet from an Android phone, using it as a Wi-Fi modem, organizing an access point

    Perhaps the most common interface, which is supported even by irons today. Among other advantages, Wi-Fi is the most simple option turn your Android smartphone into a modem. No wires, installation of drivers or long connection - the most elementary way that absolutely everyone can handle. What should be done:

    • make sure that the computer or laptop or other device on which you are going to access the network has Wi-Fi and the interface is active;
    • In Windows 10, just click on the corresponding icon in the tray to see if Wi-Fi is active.
    • on the Android device, open the settings menu, go to the "Wireless networks" section, where select "More";

    In third-party firmware or proprietary shells, the "Access Point" section, as already mentioned, must be looked for in additional settings... On some smartphones, it is placed on one of the desktops, which allows you to quickly access it.

    • select "Wi-Fi access point";
    • we set the name of our network (by default, as a rule, the name of the device is used), as well as a password (you can not use it if you are sure that outsiders will not connect to the access point).

    Done, now your Android works like wifi modem... Any device that supports the Wi-Fi wireless interface can connect to the access point. On a device that distributes the Internet, you can see how many users have connected to it. It should be borne in mind that Wi-Fi network has its own range, and also discharges the device quite strongly during operation.

    We introduced you to best practices how to distribute the Internet from an Android phone to a computer, tablet, laptop or smartphone. We are sure that now this will not be a problem for you.

    There are three ways to distribute the Internet from an Android smartphone: via Wi-Fi, via USB and via Bluetooth. To do this, the Android OS provides standard functions. But it's not enough to distribute the Internet - you still need to connect third-party devices to the network, and for this you have to carry out a number of simple manipulations. Let's see how to distribute the Internet from an Android phone to each of three ways.

    We distribute the Internet using Wi-Fi:

    To use a smartphone as an access point to the Internet via Wi-Fi, we perform the following actions:

    2. We open the item " Modem mode»;

    3. We tick the box " Wi-Fi hotspot»- the smartphone starts distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

    You can make changes to the "Wi-Fi access point settings" by selecting the appropriate menu item - change the password or network name, select a different protection method. It is very easy to connect to the Internet distributed in this way, and you probably know how to do it. You can use the hotspot from both Android and Windows devices.

    Sharing the Internet using Bluetooth:

    To use a smartphone as an access point to the Internet via Bluetooth, we perform the following actions:

    2. We return to the main menu "Settings", open the item " Bluetooth", Turn on the visibility mode on the Android device;

    3. We distribute the Internet via Bluetooth.

    To connect to the Internet, which is distributed via Bluetooth, download and install the application on an Android smartphone or tablet. Open the application and see the list Bluetooth devices, choose the one you want - the one from which the Internet is distributed. Internet connection complete.

    Sharing the Internet from an Android device via USB:

    To use a smartphone or Tablet PC as an access point to the Internet for a home computer via USB, we perform the following actions:

    1. We go to "Settings", then to "Wireless networks", where by checking the box, select the item " USB modem"- this item is usually hidden and becomes visible only when the Android device is connected to the PC via a USB cable;

    2. On home computer go to the list of connections, select the connection that you just created. Your home PC is now connected to the Internet using a USB connection.

    That, perhaps, is all - as you can see, it is very easy to distribute the Internet from an Android smartphone or tablet.

    Tune Wi-Fi distribution from a tablet to other devices (for example, a smartphone, laptop) in two steps: connect to the Internet directly from the tablet, and then turn it into an access point.

    We connect the Internet on the tablet

    I'll make a reservation right away that WiFi internet will not work. If a Sim card is inserted into your tablet, you can connect to the Internet through your mobile operator... If there is no SIM card connector, you can connect an external USB (2G or 3G) modem to the tablet and connect to the network through it. To do this, you need to learn the settings of the mobile Internet from your operator, and then turn on the transfer of mobile data in the settings section (it can be called differently on different tablets), but in most cases this item is called “Mobile networks”.

    Turn on WiFi sharing

    Now it's time to make a real WiFi modem out of our tablet. First of all, we include in W-Fi settings... Then in the "Data transfer" section, select the "More" sub-item. There we are interested in the line "Modem mode", select it.

    The next step is to select the item "Wi-Fi access point".

    Now you need to activate the modem mode by switching the slider to the “on” mode on the “WiFi access point” item.

    The modem mode is on, the only thing left is to configure the access point. Click “Wi-Fi hotspot settings”. A window will open in which you need to give the name of your network in the column “SSID network name (you can write whatever your heart desires in Latin), and come up with a password (enter in the“ Password ”column) that you will remember, but the neighbors will not know. In the “Security” column, it is desirable to leave WPA2 PSK. Finally, click “Save”.

    Well, that's all, now you can search for wireless networks even from a computer, even from a smartphone, and if everything is done correctly, a new network will appear in the list of wireless networks with the name that you yourself came up with earlier. Select this network, enter the password, and click “Connect”.

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