Home Fruit trees Boeing 767 300 aircraft best seats. Planes Azur Air: location of seats

Boeing 767 300 aircraft best seats. Planes Azur Air: location of seats

The operation of the Boeing 767-300 began in 1986. This wide-body, long-haul aircraft immediately became popular. It was developed as an extended version of the Boeing 767-200. The liner was created for flights over long and short distances.

Designers, designing the aircraft, provided for an improved supply of fuel to the engines. At the same time, the efficiency of aircraft control was improved. Significantly reduced engine noise. Composite materials were used in the construction.

The cabin provides a wider space located between the seats. This has significantly increased the level of comfort. The width of the cabin is one and a half meters greater than that of the Boeing 747. With a standard cabin, the number of passengers is 224 people. But there is also an option used for charter flights. It provides for the transportation of 325 passengers.

Major Russian airlines use this spacious aircraft for various destinations where they need to deliver big number passengers. There are such Boeings in the companies "Russia", "Siberia", "Utair" and a number of others.

The best and worst seats in the cabin

The vast majority of these liners have a two-class cabin layout. At the same time, there are only 30 seats in the business class, and 185 seats in the economy class.

Business class is located in the nose of the aircraft. Here best places are in the front row, A and B. In addition to the comfort that is provided in this class, they provide ample legroom for passengers. In addition, these places are far from the premises that perform a technical function.

Other seats in the first row have some drawbacks when compared with the rest of the seats in this class. At the same time, they stand out in better side when compared to any economy class seats.

The worst seats in business class are those in the fifth row. The reason is that there is a toilet nearby.

Seats located in the economy class are not provided by the passenger advanced level comfort. But even here there are better and worse places. So, passengers in the 11th row are in somewhat uncomfortable conditions. The fact is that there is a toilet nearby. This means that there are almost always standing in line or other passengers are just passing by. The sound of doors being closed is heard regularly.

Another minus for the passengers of this row is a blank partition in front of them. Because of it, it is impossible to stretch the legs, which passengers in other rows can do. There is only one plus in the 11th row - there are no seats in front. This means that the seat back folded down by the front passenger will not interfere.

The 25th row, located near the emergency exit, has places that are notable for inconvenience. The backs of the seats here either do not recline at all, or recline by a small amount.

Seats in the 27th row have the same advantages as the seats in the 11th row. The disadvantages are the same.

Places in the 38th row are recognized as bad. This is the last row. It is located in the tail section of the aircraft. Armchairs located in it often have restrictions in the angle on which their backs recline. In addition, technical rooms are located nearby.

In all rows, seats located in certain places have both advantages and disadvantages. So, passengers sitting at the windows can admire the pictures that open in front of them. Of course, if the flight takes place in dark time days, then this plus disappears. It is also convenient that you do not need to get up to let a passenger who needs to get off. However, getting up from this chair yourself is a little uncomfortable.

Seats next to the aisle allow passengers to get up at any time when they need it. At the same time, you don’t have to ask anyone to let you through. However, getting up yourself to let someone through is still not a very convenient thing. In addition, other passengers and flight attendants pass along the aisle, which somewhat interfere with such passengers.

V Russian airline UTair Boeing 767-300 has a cabin, the layout of which is only economy class. Armchairs in rows are arranged according to the scheme 2 - 4 - 2. That is, 2 chairs at the sides and 4 in the central part. This aircraft carries 336 passengers.

As always, seats in the 1st row are considered the best. The reasons are the same as with the usual arrangement of seats. The disadvantage here is also common - there is a kitchen and a toilet nearby.

Seats in the 2nd row, bordering the aisle, are somewhat uncomfortable. Other passengers or flight attendants appear in the aisles, which can hurt those sitting.

The partition behind the backs of the 11th row seats does not make it possible to recline the backs by a large amount. The second negative is that there are toilets nearby. The last minus applies to the 12th row.

Seats in the 14th row can be attributed to comfortable. There is no 13th row in front of them, so there is a lot of legroom. However, the chairs are located directly in front of the entrance to the toilet.

The next 15th row has the same drawback as the 14th. In addition, there is no additional legroom. So this series belongs to the category of the worst.

Rows 16 and 17 are also not comfortable. The reason is that the toilet is very close. Also, there's a lot of noise here.

Passengers in the 31st row experience inconvenience. The backs of their chairs recline a very small amount. The reason is that there is an emergency exit behind. Another minus - it is impossible to look out the windows.

The best places are in the 32nd and 33rd rows. There is an emergency exit in front of them. Enough legroom. Cons - the seats located at the sides of the aircraft may not have armrests. Another minus is that tickets for these seats are not sold to pregnant women, the disabled, the elderly, passengers with children.

In row 44, the seats bordering the aisles have standard flaws. Lines for the toilets can accumulate here. Passengers and flight attendants moving along the aisles just interfere a little.

Almost the analogue of the 15th row is 46. There are only minuses here. It is located opposite the entrance to the toilets.

Advantages of an airliner

The Boeing 767-300 received the greatest popularity on long-distance routes. Economy played a significant role in this. His fuel costs turned out to be 20 and even 30 percent less than those of his predecessors. A wide-body aircraft can carry from 218 people (business class and economy class) to 350 people in one economy class in one flight. Moreover, its crew consists of only 2 people.

An aircraft at a cruising speed of 851 kilometers per hour can fly 7,900 kilometers. Its 767-300 ER version is capable of flying 11,065 kilometers. At the same time, all passengers, even with the option of an economy class cabin only, will be in conditions that are not inferior to those that exist on other liners used on routes of a similar length.


Length: 54.94 m.
Height: 15.85 m.
Wingspan: 47.57 m.
Wing area: 283.3 sq.m.
Fuselage width: 5.03 m.
Cruise speed: 870 km/h.
Max Speed: 914 km/h.
Flight range: 7890 km.
Number of passengers: 328 hours (economy class).
Crew: 2 hours


After the crisis in air travel that arose in 2001, demand for the Boeing 767-300 declined. However, the company started design work to create the next model. This is a Boeing 787. Orders for it have already been placed, with full production all problems have not yet been resolved.

The wide-body aircraft, which has occupied its niche in the passenger transportation market, continues to hold its positions since the crisis. Moreover, he is gradually mastering new routes, proving that both he and his future successor have a future.

This arrangement is used by salons, as a rule, by companies operating charter flights. All seats in the passenger cabin belong to the economy class. Since a total of 350 people can be in the liner, there are seven bathrooms in the cabin: 4 in the tail, 2 in the central and 1 in the bow. The layout of the seats in a row - 2+4+2 . Some of the seats shown on the diagram have more legroom and charter companies usually sell tickets for them at a premium. They are located near the exits and therefore have restrictions for sale to certain categories of passengers: pregnant women, disabled people, passengers traveling with children.

Of course, if financially possible, everyone will choose a seat in business class. Considering that such tickets are much more expensive than the rest, it is quite possible that the flight will take place in comfortable solitude. And even in this premium segment, there is a subtlety: it is desirable to prefer seats in the front row, as they have even more legroom and are further from the bathrooms, so noise and disturbance will be kept to a minimum.

V economy class good places are those located near the exits: they have more space in front of their feet.

But they often have restrictions on the placement of passengers on them with handicapped and, as a rule, are located near the toilet. Therefore, with high growth, it is worth choosing these chairs.

If you are going to travel with a child, it is better to choose seats near the sanitary zone and near the windows in order, firstly, to minimize inconvenience to other passengers and, secondly, to distract and occupy the small passenger watching the sky and clouds.

When passengers are traveling together, it is better to choose seats on the side of the cabin, then you will not have to share space with strangers.

For people who are terrified of flying by plane, it is advisable to sit in the center of the cabin in order to be away from the windows.

It can be said for sure that the most unfortunate choice of seats in economy class is the last row at the tail of the liner. Behind it there are not only toilets, but also technical rooms, so the constant fuss will be provided to passengers occupying these seats.

It is also inconvenient to sit in the middle of the central row - the presence of strangers on both sides is perceived by many as a double invasion of personal space, not to mention the fact that in order to get up, you will have to ask someone to let you through to the aisle each time.

Boeing 767-300 is a good choice for flights over medium and long distances. This is one of the most popular and reliable aircraft. Its interior is the most comfortable in the class. Even in the case of the maximum filling of the cabin (350 seats), well-thought-out ergonomics allow you to travel with comfort.

For a better understanding of the design of the passenger cabin of this airliner, you can watch a short presentation video that shows the interior of the cabin in a common row layout. 2+3+2 . The video will help to more clearly study the location of the rows and seats in them, figure out where the bathrooms and emergency exits are located, as well as figure out which seats have increased legroom.

Taking into account all the details of the interior of the passenger cabin of the liner, and understanding their requirements for comfort, psychological and physiological features(For example, high growth or the presence of physical limitations), as well as the accompanying circumstances, you can choose the best places to travel with maximum comfort, even on long flights.

The Boeing 767-300 is a large airliner designed for a maximum load of 350 people. It has been produced for about 30 years, but this does not prevent the model from being popular and being used in many airlines around the world. The fact that Roman Abramovich has just such an aircraft speaks volumes. During operation it was "lost" only 17 aircraft and, unfortunately, 2 of them caused the tragedy in the USA on September 11, 2001.

Boeing 767-300 parameters

  • Length- 54.5 meters.
  • Wingspan- 47.6 meters.
  • Height- 15.8 meters.
  • Flight range (maximum) - 11,300 kilometers.
  • Max Height - 13,200 km.
  • Max Speed - 914 km / h.
  • Empty weight - 86 tons.
  • takeoff weight- 186 880 kg.

Azur Air is a private company owned by the Turkish Anex holding. It mainly operates charter flights to popular tourist destinations. On the this moment has in its fleet 7 Boeing 767-300.

These aircraft are designed for medium to long haul flights. If you look at the board of flights, then they are all not close - Thailand, Mexico, India, Vietnam, Spain, Tunisia, the Dominican Republic. There are also domestic flights.

The salon consists exclusively of economy class seats, so choosing the best seats will be problematic. Due to the heavy workload, the aircraft has 2 kitchens in the bow and 7 toilets - 1 in the bow, 2 in the center and 4 in the tail of the aircraft.

All seats are divided into three rows. There are 4 chairs in the central one, 2 in the side ones, which is very convenient for those who travel together.

Unfortunately, in last years airlines began to share seats in the cabins. More popular and convenient to sell at a premium. At the airline Azur Air there is special places Azur Space. It costs 1000-1500 more, depending on the flight range.

Why are they better?

The distance between the chairs is about 1 meter, you can stretch your legs - this is true for tall people.

But there are also limitations. Pregnant women, minors, disabled people and passengers with children cannot be on them. In addition, if the airline changes the plane, you lose your right to upgraded seats. It says so in the terms and conditions. "Azur Air". Where are these places? In the 1st row, just behind the cockpit and in front of the emergency exits.

Azur Space Enhanced Seats Scheme


  • The entire 1 row - places A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

middle of the cabin

  • 14 row - places C, D, E in the central row.
  • 16 row - places A, B and G, H on the sides (near the windows).
  • 32 row - places C, D, E, F in the central row.
  • 33rd row - places A, B and G, H on the sides (near the windows).

True, it should be noted that the 14th and 16th rows are located right next to the toilet. What is more important to you is up to you.

By the way, not everyone likes to have a large space in front of them. At the time of the plane's descent, some passengers instinctively seek support. On the places Azur Space you will not find such a support in the form of standing chairs in front.

Convenient places

In addition to the officially recognized best places, you can find those for which you do not have to pay extra.

For those who fly together, these will be all side seats. You don't have to ask for them strangers skip you and also no one will wade through you. You can safely go about your business - sleep, eat, watch a movie or listen to music.

Some passengers like to sit "at the window", some - on the contrary, are terribly afraid to look down. Someone prefers only the bow, someone likes to look at the wing, and someone wants to sit in the tail, because he once heard that in the event of an accident there is a chance for survival. Therefore, each passenger chooses comfortable seats for himself.

Awkward places

Traditionally, these will be places near the toilets. More precisely - 12, 14, 15, 16 rows at the transition of the new part to the central one and 45, 46 rows in the tail itself. In addition to unpleasant sounds and smells, you will be “exhausted” by people constantly walking and slamming doors who want to “wash their hands”. However, on short flights the planes are quite clean, the second factor is much more annoying.

The next series of uncomfortable places is in the very center of the cabin. These are places D, E. In any case, you will have to ask someone to let you through if necessary. This is inconvenient, even if your close person. It is good if the flight is short and the need arises infrequently.

In addition, there is a lot of crowding in the central row. Surrounding passengers are in your personal comfort zone, which not everyone likes. This is partly why most people find flying an airplane uncomfortable.

Why choose comfortable seats and how to survive a long flight?

The question is rhetorical. It is asked by those who have never flown more than 3-4 hours. Imagine a flight from Moscow to Southeast Asia, which lasts 9-10 hours, or to the American continent - across the ocean, which is even longer. How to spend so much time in one position? Yes, and squeezed from all sides by neighbors. You'll be lucky if you can sleep.

Therefore, it is better not to pump yourself up with alcohol, but take a small dose of a sedative. So you don't break the law and you will "in adequate". Keep in mind that a drunk person can be removed from the flight both at the airport of departure and at the destination. What's even more embarrassing.

If you have problems with the spine and blood vessels, be sure to take medication with you and try to change the position of the body if possible. Buy yourself an inflatable pillow in advance. Some airlines even give them out, but it won't take up much room in your luggage.

Pleasant flight!

Azur Air has been operating since 2015 and is part of the Anex Group holding. Prior to that, she flew under the name "Katekavia" in Siberia and the Volga region. Currently, its main activity is international charter flights to popular resorts. As of June 2018, Azur Air operates flights from 38 cities of the Russian Federation.

In the first six months of 2018, Azur Air ranked fourth in terms of the number of passengers carried. And in 2016, she took first place in annual competition Wings of Russia became the best charter carrier of the Russian Federation.

The airline carefully monitors the performance of flights strictly according to the schedule. In June 2018, Azur Air ranked second in terms of punctuality.

Boeing 767-300 Azur Air

As part of its fleet, the airline "" has 8 Boeing 767-300.

Boeing 767-300 is a wide-body long-haul aircraft. The American corporation "Boeing" began its production in the eighties. Boeing 767-300 was the first commercial aircraft with digital displays in the cockpit and fully electronic system management. Its fairly high passenger capacity, long range and inexpensive maintenance make the aircraft popular to this day. Boeing 767-300 is used on long-distance routes with high passenger traffic.

Brief specifications

Cabin Boeing 767-300 of Azur Air

The Boeing 767-300 has three rows of seats and two aisles between them. According to the scheme, the layout of seats in the Azur Air single-class cabin is 2-4-2. The total number of seats is 336.

Let's get acquainted with the Boeing 737-300 scheme proposed by the airline. For the convenience of passengers, the entire cabin is divided into three cabins. The red color highlights the best seats that Azur Air sells at individual rates.

First Salon

There are 91 places in total. Rows 1 to 12. Seats in the nose of the aircraft are always preferred. That's why:

  • The smallest salon means more relaxed.
  • After landing, you do not have to wait long for the exit.
  • Less engine noise.
  • Good view from the portholes.

When booking seats in the first salon B737, avoid 11 A, B, G, H and 12 C, D, E. people going there will be disturbed. The backs of these seats practically do not recline.

Second salon

In the second salon, there are only 134 seats from rows 14 to 31. Row 14 seats are located at emergency exits. Despite the fact that the price for them is higher, not everyone can sit here. Restrictions apply to the following categories of passengers:

  • Pregnant.
  • Disabled people.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Passengers who do not speak Russian or English.

According to the Azur Air scheme, almost the entire second cabin of the Boeing 767-300 is located above the wings of the aircraft. The view from the windows is limited.

Third Salon

From 32 to 46 rows, a total of 111 seats. The tail section of the Boeing 767-300 is considered less comfortable. Here, the noise of the engines is more audible and there is more chatter. Worst Places in the last two rows. The backs of the seats rest against the partition and almost do not recline. There are bathrooms behind the partition, people passing there will interfere in the corridor.

Best Places

Thanks to the increased space in front of the seats, sitting here is very comfortable. In the Boeing 767-300 this is:

  • 1 and 14 - completely.
  • 16 and 33 A, B, G, H.
  • 32 C, D, E, F.

The worst cabin seats in the Boeing 767-300

According to the layout of the cabin in the Boeing 767-300 of Azur Air, the bathrooms are located immediately behind the last row. These seats do not recline seatbacks, and on long flights this is a big minus. In addition, people passing or standing in line will be disturbed. These are the places:

  • 45 A, B, G, H.
  • 46 C, D, E.
  • With a dense seating arrangement in the Boeing 767-300 (2-4-2 is a dense arrangement), the distance between the rows is small. Therefore, it is better to choose seats near the sides of the aircraft. Then you will sit either by the window or by the aisle. You can stretch your legs at the aisle.
  • Seats at the windows - A, H.
  • Seats in the aisle - B, C, F, G.
  • Central places - D,
  • It is always cooler in places near emergency exits. When choosing them, do not forget to take something warm to the salon.
  • Comfortable seats in the front rows are offered to pregnant women, disabled people and passengers with babies.

If you have a long-distance flight on a Boeing 767-300, look at the cabin layout. Find the best seats for yourself and fly in comfort. Azur Air offers to choose seats during online check-in or before departure at the airport. Successful flight!

How to choose the best seats on AZUR air planes? It's easy to do. The main thing is to know the layout of the seats, the features and recommendations of passengers who have already used the services of the carrier.

V air fleet airlines three types of aircraft:

  • Boeing 737-800. The airline has one aircraft of this model at its disposal. The length of the airliner is 40 meters, the cruising speed is 828 km / h, and the flight range is 5.66 thousand km. Capacity - 189 passengers.
  • Boeing 767-300. These [aircrafts are at the disposal of AZUR air most of all - 8. The features include a large length, capacity (up to 336 people) and a flight range (about 11,000 km). Cruising speed is at the level of 825 km/h.
  • Boeing 757-200. The number of such airliners at the disposal of the company is 7. The capacity is 238 people. The maximum flight range is 7.27 km.

Choosing the best seats on AZUR air planes, it is important to focus on a few basic criteria:

  • Extra legroom.
  • Proximity of technical premises.
  • Location (window, aisle, emergency exit).
  • The possibility of reclining the back.

Detailed schemes of aircraft are discussed below.

The best seats on Boeing 767-300 AZUR air

When flying on a Boeing 767-300, the best seats should be chosen consciously, taking into account the location of the seats and the layout of the aircraft. Technical rooms are located in three places - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the board. Consequently, the seats in rows 46 and 45, 15 and 16 can hardly be called comfortable, because there will be constant movement and possibly unpleasant odors.

The best seats on this plane AZUR air- those in which more legroom is provided, namely in the rows:

  • 14(C, D, F).
  • 16 (A, B, including G, H).
  • 33 (A, B, also G, H).
  • 32(C, D, E, F).

By the way, the seats in the front row also have increased legroom and many assure that these are the best seats in the Boeing 767-300 AZUR air. The situation is spoiled by the proximity of this row to the toilet, so it is unlikely that you will be able to count on a calm and quiet trip.

The best seats in the Boeing 737-800

Despite the fact that the Boeing 737-800 is at the disposal of the carrier in a limited number (there is only one aircraft), it is still desirable to know the layout of the airliner and the location of the seats. According to the manufacturer himself, the best places in the Boeing 737-800 are in the following rows:

  • 1(A,B,C).
  • 2 (D, E, F).
  • 16 (A, B, C, and also D, E, F).
  • 15 (A, B, C and including - D, E, F).

The peculiarity of the mentioned chairs is the increased legroom. But here it is worth considering that rows 1 and 2 are very close to the toilet, so you can conditionally call them comfortable. During the entire flight, passengers are constantly moving here and you can not dream of comfort. Yes, and extraneous odors will add "piquancy" to the flight.

The best seats in Boeing 757-200 AZUR air

As noted above, AZUR air has seven Boeing 757-200 aircraft at its disposal, the best places of which are in rows 1, 11, 12 and 31. In more detail, the most comfortable seats with the greatest legroom are located in the following rows:

  • 1 (A, B, C, D, E, F).
  • 11 (B, C, and also D, E).
  • 12(A, F).
  • 31 (A, B, C, D, E, F).

If we highlight the best seats of the Boeing 757 from this group, they are in the 12th and 11th rows. As for the seats in row 31 and 1, they are located in close proximity to the toilets.


In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that the most comfortable are chairs with large legroom, as well as remote from the kitchen and toilet. Alternatively, you can take seats in the central part of the cabin, which are removed from the technical rooms.

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