Home Potato Conversation with a closed mouth. Why the mouth can open during sleep - the reasons and possible consequences. He accepts Nastya's explanations

Conversation with a closed mouth. Why the mouth can open during sleep - the reasons and possible consequences. He accepts Nastya's explanations

From time to time, and 25% - constantly.

Snoring occurs when air does not pass well through the back of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. In this area, there are soft tissues of the respiratory tract, tongue, palate, uvula. They close (for various reasons) and vibrate under the influence of air, and we hear sounds of varying degrees of loudness.

There are many reasons why we snore, so there are many ways to stop snoring.

What are the causes of snoring and how to treat it

Correct breathing is through the nose. He, in fact, was invented for this. Therefore, when the nose is clogged or stuffed up - due to allergies or a runny nose - the air passes through the "alternate" routes, and this leads to snoring Nasal Congestion & Snoring.

How to stop snoring

Drugs help to cope with congestion, they are different for each type. Just in case, remember that you should not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops. If your nasal congestion lasts a week and you can't breathe without medication, see your doctor.

2. Curved nasal septum

A thin septum between two nostrils can be formed so that one nostril is noticeably narrower than the other and this will interfere with nasal breathing.

How to stop snoring

This type of snoring can only be cured by surgery - rhinoplasty. Sometimes the septum changes shape due to trauma. The treatment is still the same - surgical.

3. Inflammation of the tonsils

Enlarged tonsils (including the so-called adenoids) are most often a child's problem. Therefore, if a child snores, it is imperative to visit an otolaryngologist and check the health of the tonsils.

How to stop snoring

Even perfectly healthy people snore on their backs, it's all about posture.

How to stop snoring

The easiest option is not to sleep on your back. How to do it? Make yourself comfortable with pillows, choose. And the most effective way is to make a pocket on the back of a nightgown or T-shirt and put a tennis ball (or other small, dense round object) there. He simply will not let you roll over onto your back - it will be uncomfortable.

5. Medicines

Medicines have unexpected side effects. Snoring is one of those. Sleeping pills, sedatives, muscle relaxants, antidepressants can cause relaxation of the muscles of the tongue and pharynx, and this is manifested by snoring.

How to stop snoring

If you notice a connection between taking medication and snoring, tell your doctor about it and find new medications.

6. Weak muscle tone and anatomical features

When the muscles are too relaxed, the tongue may sink a little into the throat and constrict the space for air. Sometimes this problem manifests itself with age, sometimes genetics are to blame for it, and sometimes people themselves, if they use alcohol or drugs, relax the muscles too much.

In some cases, snoring is caused by the shape of the palate, which interferes with the free flow of air. The tongue, if too long, can also cause snoring. Such anatomical features are acquired either from birth or are earned with age and excess weight.

How to stop snoring

Sometimes it is enough to return the weight to normal for the night breathing to be restored without any problems. If this is not the case, other risk factors must be excluded.

It is clear that alcohol and drugs must be stopped. But if the reason is not in them, then the muscles can be strengthened by singing. Singing Exercises Improve Sleepiness and Frequency of Snoring among Snorers-A Randomized Controlled Trial... There is no convincing evidence that singing will definitely help. Singing exercises may help control snoring, but this method at least has no contraindications.

Orthodontic appliances can be used if the matter is in a language that falls in love. Snoring... They are somewhat reminiscent of dentures and help to correctly position the organs in the oropharynx during sleep to clear way for air.

Cleft palate surgery is the last treatment option for which, according to the recommendations Surgery For Snoring British Association for Snoring and Apnea should only be treated as a last resort. First, you need to try all other methods of treatment and make sure that it is the structure of the palate that is to blame for the snoring. Unfortunately, this is a traumatic and unreliable method and does not guarantee that snoring will stop once and for all.

In addition to annoying everyone around you and causing the snorer to move to a separate room, it can be a sign of serious health problems.

Sleep apnea is not just snoring that interferes with sleep. Apnea What is Sleep Apnoea? is holding your breath. During sleep, muscle tone in the upper respiratory tract decreases, and the person stops breathing for more than 10 seconds.

With such a disease, it is difficult to get enough sleep, because the brain receives a signal about the lack of oxygen and tries to wake the person up. The patient may wake up several times a night, he does not fall into deep sleep, as a result, the night is not enough, constant fatigue appears. In the morning, the mouth is dry, with a headache (and this is not associated with a hangover).

Sleep apnea increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks,. It is a dangerous condition, but it can also be cured. For example, there are special devices for patients (they are called CPAP devices) that allow them to breathe fully during sleep.

Therefore, if you know that you snore, constantly want to sleep, feel lethargic and tired, complain about snoring to your doctor.

How to know if you are snoring

Usually, people are reported snoring by family members or neighbors, that is, those who suffer from loud noises in the middle of the night. It is more difficult for lonely people to notice their own snoring, but it is possible.

Ask a friend to spend the night with you with a light sleep (preferably for several nights) or try to record yourself at least on a dictaphone.

Checklist: how to stop snoring

  1. Learn to .
  2. Don't drink alcohol before bed 5 ways to stop snoring and quit smoking so as not to irritate the oropharynx.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight.
  4. To heal and defeat chronic respiratory diseases.
  5. Try exercise or at least sing.
  6. Visit your dentist, ENT and therapist to select snoring devices or to decide if surgery is needed.

The habit of sleeping with half-open rum belongs to the causes of dry mouth. However, most people are confident that this phenomenon is normal. However, sleeping with an open mouth indicates a lack of saliva, which contributes to the development of unpleasant odor and tooth decay. In addition, there are other reasons why the mouth opens during sleep.

Reasons for an open mouth in a dream

If a person sleeps with their mouth open, the reasons may relate to difficulty breathing through the nose. As a rule, allergies, adenoids, deviated septum and apnea contribute to this. In addition to chronic forms of the disease, there are temporary difficulties with nasal breathing - this refers to the influence of colds.

When sleeping with an open mouth, the reasons may lie in such areas as:

Respiratory system disorders

The disease often occurs in an adult with unresolved problems with the respiratory organs. In situations where nasal congestion, fever and sore throat are present, a person cannot breathe normally. Accordingly, you have to sleep with your mouth open.

Seasonal ARVI and such chronic forms of diseases as:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.

They entail opening the mouth during sleep, weakness in strength and general physical illness. A timely appeal to an otolaryngologist will help to correct the situation. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend annually resting in the mountains or on the seaside among the eucalyptus trees. The air in such an area helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory organs, and also reduce the likelihood of allergic manifestations.

According to somnologists, people who open their mouths when they sleep do not correctly posture during rest. Sleep on the back is considered to be in the wrong position of the body. In addition, the condition is facilitated by a low pillow, when the head is thrown back and the teeth open.

Patients who move restlessly in bed during sleep often find themselves face down. Thus, there is a slight deformation of the mouth or the support of the nose into the pillow. Subsequently, a person has to open his mouth so as not to suffocate.

In view of this, a dilemma naturally arises of what to do in this situation. Somnologists recommend performing a simple procedure at night - examining the bed for a convenient location. You should lie down for a few minutes, assess the presence of inconvenience and, if possible, eliminate it. In addition, take a soothing herbal tea, exclude the penetration of light through the curtains and ventilate the room. This will allow you to sleep well and prevent your mouth from opening.

Weakening of the circular muscle of the face

Another factor in which the mouth will open at night is the weakening of the circular muscle. As a rule, this condition is diagnosed in childhood due to the fact that the muscle in children has not yet been trained. The disease is fixed in the elderly. This condition occurs due to age-related changes in the loss of elasticity of muscle fibers.

Attention! A weak circular muscle of the face in children is considered the norm up to 2 years of age. If you have a problem at an older age, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist and daily exercise. If untreated, in the future, the child is threatened with an increase in adenoids and malocclusion.

Treatment of ailment begins with a visit to an ENT doctor. After studying the problem, the doctor is assigned comprehensive measures to neutralize the disease. These measures include exercises for facial expressions and self-massage.

Problems in the field of dentistry

Diseases of the teeth, on the one hand, do not interfere with breathing, but on the other hand, they force a person to keep his mouth open. First of all, it is not aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, the likelihood of infection with pathogenic microbes, which worsen the state of health, increases. In addition, there is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity and there is a risk of developing carious deposits.

The way out of the situation lies in annual preventive examinations by dentists. This is also true for those who do not experience pain and generally feel well. Doctors advise:

  • Visit the hygiene room to clean teeth from carious calculus at least 2 times a year.
  • Brush your teeth correctly.
  • Use rinses and other treatments prescribed by your dentist.

Neuralgic disorders

Opening the oral cavity in a dream can be provoked by a sluggish and in no way manifested symptomatology of a neurological disease. Often, ailments occur in latent forms, i.e. showing no clinical signs. However, this gives rise to an advanced form of the disease. The main symptomatic picture (especially in childhood) is a high level of saliva, sagging tongue and an open mouth during sleep.

If such signs are found, you should immediately make an appointment with a neurologist. As a prophylaxis against neurological disorders, doctors recommend:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress;
  • shares exciting problems with family and friends;
  • do not refuse help;
  • rationally allocate time for work and rest.

The Importance of Closed Sleep Sleep

Typically, people who can open their mouths during sleep snore. Sometimes an open mouth is observed in children, especially when they have something to dream about. It is noteworthy that the reasons can be different. However, doctors point out that the main reason lies with the channels located in the nose, sinuses and pharynx. Thus, swelling or enlargement of adenoids may form in the oropharynx.

It is important to understand that nature has provided for a closed mouth in the human body when breathing. Since air enters through the nose, it is cleaned and warmed up. Therefore, if breathing passes through the mouth, then a lack of oxygen saturation in the blood develops. In other words, only through nasal breathing, the lungs expand 100%. If you open your mouth and breathe like that, then only the upper roots of the lungs will work.

Further, the importance of closed-mouth breathing is also important to reduce the risk of hypoxia, in which brain tissue is unable to fully oxygenate. In childhood, this is fraught with mental retardation.

Sleeping with unclenched jaws is also dangerous because there are no antibacterial substances in the cavity. Which naturally promotes the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Hence the stench from the mouth, tk. when breathing through the mouth, the mucous membrane dries up, the secretion of saliva decreases, which kills microbes.

Top 6 ways to sleep with your mouth closed

Healthy people breathe through their nose. But if the nose is stuffy, there is an allergy or ARVI, then nasal breathing is difficult. However, there are medical recommendations to fix the problem:

  1. If you have a runny nose and nasal congestion. In such a situation, drops with a vasoconstrictor effect will help. But doctors warn that medications should not be taken continuously. The course of treatment is maximum 7 days. Otherwise, addiction will arise.
  2. Allergy medications. Often the way out of the situation is to prescribe medications with hormones. However, only a doctor prescribes such therapy and only as an auxiliary treatment in eliminating allergies.
  3. Surgical intervention for adenoids and apnea. These treatments are used in extreme cases, because there are effective therapeutic methods.
  4. The method of focusing attention on breathing. When attending yoga courses, trainers teach correct breathing. The usefulness of focusing on the quality of breathing, allows you to remove an open mouth during sleep, reduces anxiety and stress levels. Daily practice during daylight hours allows you to fall asleep calmly and with your mouth closed.
  5. Sleep in comfort. At first glance, the method seems obvious. However, there are many factors that trigger mouth opening during sleep. For example, dirt and dust in the bedroom and an unclean bed are pathogens. It is recommended to buy an air purifier and humidifier.
  6. Mouthguard or nipple for adults. The device changes the position of the tongue and locks the jaw in the closed position. Also, special jaw fixators in the form of face bandages have been developed.

Important! With an open mouth, there is a decrease in salivation. As a result, the perception of taste is impaired, there is a problem in chewing and swallowing food.

If dryness in the oral cavity is accompanied by pain, cracks in the mucous membrane and in the corners of the lips, then you should make an appointment with a therapist. The need is due to the fact that this may be a sign of a latent disease of internal organs and systems.

It should be noted that getting rid of the problem is quite simple. It is worth giving time and attention to this, as the quality of life will increase several times. And colleagues, friends and relatives will be doubly pleased to communicate if the interlocutor smells good.

It is difficult to be silent. Very hard.

It is difficult to be silent. Very hard. Try, instead of still expressing yourself - be silent.

Silence dulls the opposition’s vigilance, deprives him of information, does not provide an opportunity to hook you and manipulate you. Your silence deprives the "attacker" of the opportunity to accuse, condemn, ridicule.

Consider possible situations with obtaining benefits for yourself, subject to your tacit "consent":

Example 1: At work

Nastya screwed up the project. The boss is furious, shouts, knocks, scolds with the last words

1 behavior option: Nastya constantly makes excuses, objects, tries to explain that this is not her fault, not only her ...

The boss gets angry and yells even more.

He accepts Nastya's explanations:

  • as not a desire to admit their guilt,
  • not respecting his authority,
  • as self-will,
  • like irresponsibility
  • like carelessness, self-will,
  • and even quarrelsomeness in the team,
  • and even indifference to the common cause,
  • to the success of HIS company - his brainchild, this is akin to a crime.

And now her "misconduct" pulls on dismissal - so you can get inflamed from innocent babbling to justify your fate.

2 variant of Nastya's behavior:

And if, she is silent for at least the first minute.

What then:

  • he will get angry, shout, burst out;
  • after (immediately, because he is silent) he will feel sorry for her;
  • he himself will come up with an excuse for her;
  • forgive;
  • will reward (for patience and respect for his Person);
  • promotes a poor girl, so steadfast, so devoted;
  • which steadfastly endured his character (not sugar at all);
  • unlike his wife;
  • because, at home, he is silent;
  • the wife yells at home;
  • and he comes off at work.

Afterwards, he is ashamed. Sometimes. A little. And then he covers up his shame by rewarding the silent employee - from bonuses to promotions.

Isn't it a benefit? Nice to be silent for 1 minute. Is that so?

What do you choose? What you choose is what you get.

Example 2: you hit someone else's car

Option 1. Let's say you are a girl and he is a man. Or vice versa. You are silent - he is active in relation to you. It is understandable! The victim's plans were violated, time was lost. Suddenly a mistress is waiting. Or an important meeting fell through. I was late for my own wedding. Lots of reasons!

And you, instead of being silent! You are also active - in relation to the victim. It is understandable - you didn’t deliberately break his plans, you didn’t deliberately damage the car you bought yesterday….

You continue to be active and even snap back and do not allow yourself to be called the last words, and now you have already gone to rapprochement and you can hear the crackle of torn clothes, and this is your favorite dress and its wedding outfit.

Option 2. And if suddenly! Well, suddenly you have a broken tooth or a false jaw fell out, or you ate garlic in the morning - and you are forced to be silent! Just a minute!

Unhappy, resentful victim:

  • will erupt;
  • and will look for positive moments from what happened;
  • I have long wanted to replace this junk;
  • I didn't really get married! This is a sign of fate;
  • being late for his mistress - God took him away from sin, preserved his health, honor and family;
  • and then he will begin to feel sorry for you;
  • offer you help;
  • make an appointment;
  • will encourage financially;
  • a profitable acquaintance will be made;
  • will arrange for a good position;
  • will not be married and will marry you, because such a wise one to look for her!

So much for the benefit of silence! Direct, by the way.

In both examples, the situation can be accelerated and improved:

1. Immediately say that it is you who are to blame for everything.

2. A person is built in such a way that after your admission of guilt, he will want to justify you (for balance). Because you have already done for him what he would have to spend his energy on - to scold you.

3. And he will begin to look for excuses for you - to spend his already ready accumulated energy.

4. If, of course, he is not a "complete idiot" and is not registered in the PND.

Ventriloquism or ventrology is a true art of illusion. Ventriloquism as such cannot be taught. This ability can only be developed by people who are naturally given a special structure of the throat.

Ventriloquism has been known for a long time. Those with amazing ability are called ventriloquists or ventrologists. In the 18th century, ventriloquism was attributed to the machinations of evil spirits. It was believed that demons and devils lived in a person's belly. What can we say about earlier times? The life of ventriloquists then was not sweet. They were executed or exiled. But the physiological mechanism of ventriloquism was revealed much later.

Ventriloquism or ventrology is a true art of illusion. Ventriloquism as such cannot be taught. This ability can only be developed by people who are naturally given a special structure of the throat. However, this does not mean that the technique of ventriloquism cannot be mastered. Anyone can try it. In many countries, special textbooks on this science are published.

In general, the gift of ventriloquism is extremely rare. All ventrologists study the technique of ventriloquism. They learn to rebuild their vocal apparatus through special training of the larynx with vocal cords, pharynx, pharynx and oral cavity with tongue and palate. The ventrologist is the same illusionist artist. It creates an auditory illusion. If you are faced with a professional in his field, then you will not notice that he speaks himself. You will feel as if his voice comes from within or from the outside.

It should be noted that one of the requirements for an artist-ventrologist is the ability to make the sound fly. When speaking, the ventriloquist must give the audience the impression that his partner doll is speaking. In this case, the ventriloquist must give his voice a stereo sound. After all, such artists perform, as is often the case, not with one, but with several dolls. For each of them, you should choose a suitable voice, its timbre, volume. And you have to change your voices more than once.

A ventriloquist's speech usually lasts no more than 5 minutes. It is difficult for them to endure more. The tension on stage can be compared to the work of a simultaneous interpreter! After all, talking incessantly, and even with a closed mouth, is a difficult task. The vocal cords, and the throat as a whole, are very tense. By the way, the artists talk in whispers after the concert for half a day.

It is noteworthy that ventriloquists cannot pronounce many letters with their mouths closed; they have to select words all the time. The ventrologist always throws short cues with the dolls. Russian ventriloquists, pronouncing a dialogue, compose a text where words for the most part are pronounced without labial consonants b, n, m. The illusion becomes brighter that the dialogue is accompanied by the mimic play of the ventriloquist. It helps to hide the minimum necessary lip movements. It is this artistic play that makes ventrology an art, not just an illusion and a gimmick.

The video is in English, turn on subtitles.

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