Home Potato Rare Latin names. What are the features of the formation of Latin female names? Lists of options and their meanings. Spanish male names and their meanings

Rare Latin names. What are the features of the formation of Latin female names? Lists of options and their meanings. Spanish male names and their meanings

Entrepreneurship is one of those types of social activity where it is often not professional knowledge and skills, but rather personal qualities that largely determine the success and efficiency of work. Therefore, in the process of a business person’s activity, not only professional development occurs, but also his upbringing as an individual, the development of spiritual and moral qualities that he must demonstrate in relationships with colleagues, partners, recipients of services and customers, and even competitors.

The basis of a business person’s personality should be morality as an internal, spiritual quality of a person, the need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, the ability to do good, to bring benefit to people.

The morality of a business person includes three necessary components:

  • a) moral knowledge;
  • b) moral beliefs;
  • c) moral need. Let's briefly look at their contents.

Moral knowledge.

A business person acquires the basic knowledge about morality in the process of training and education. It should be noted that knowledge of moral standards does not mean moral behavior, and therefore it must be recognized that they can be used by a business person only partially or not used at all. In this case, we have to deal with a person with the so-called “double standards”, a person who can theoretically be well versed in matters of morality, including business ethics, but does not consider it obligatory for himself to follow its requirements, citing the fact that his he is surrounded by people who do not always act morally, but when they are guided by morality, then he will also become a highly moral person. The formation and development of high morality, attempts to make it an organic, integral property of one’s personality require from a person not only knowledge, but also constant, throughout life, work on oneself.

Moral Beliefs - This is a business person’s confidence in the fairness of moral requirements, based on experience and knowledge. Moral beliefs are a higher level of development of the individual, his consciousness, since they are based on a deep and comprehensive assessment of the moral norms known to him, verification of their social practice, life and professional experience, their internal approval and organic acceptance as the only correct and possible ones. Moral convictions require a business person to be able to look at his activities from the point of view of the interests of the business, to find out the relationship between the useful things he does for society and his partners, and what he is obliged to do. Moral beliefs determine the theoretical and practical preparedness of a business person for activities and are the basis for his conscious attitude towards his behavior and actions in business practice. They participate in the formation of volitional qualities of the individual and sustainable forms of moral response to the surrounding reality.

Moral need - the highest degree of moral consciousness of a business person. It is characterized by the presence of a moral need to comply with ethical requirements. When compliance with these requirements becomes an internal need of a person, he organizes all his volitional and emotional qualities in accordance with ethical principles, and directs efforts to solve ethically complex business problems precisely from a moral point of view. In this case, compliance with the requirements of business ethics becomes a stable quality of the individual, a powerful factor mobilizing him to organize his behavior and activities, a matter of duty and conscience, honor and dignity. Guided by moral needs, a business person cannot sacrifice them and perform actions that are situationally conditioned as necessary, but do not meet, from his point of view, the criteria of good and evil.

Thus, moral knowledge, beliefs and needs are associated with practical activity and determine it in different ways. They act as the basis for the formation of the personal qualities of a business person and characterize him as a professional.

The personal qualities of a business person can be represented as a system of general, specific and specific moral qualities.

General moral qualities are basic, and all subsequent ones reveal them in detail. General moral qualities include: loyalty to one’s Fatherland, adherence to the best traditions of one’s people; recognition of the sovereignty of the individual and the inviolability of his dignity, belief in the inexhaustibility of human goodness; justice as an objective assessment of the personal and business qualities of people and their activities; openness to communication, self-criticism.

Specific moral qualities:

  • civic conscience - a heightened sense of personal responsibility;
  • moral will - the ability to win the respect of people, developed self-control;
  • honesty - business demands, dedication to work, the ability to tell the truth “in your face”;
  • collectivism - social organization;
  • self-control - the ability to endure personal troubles and professional failures;
  • integrity - consistency in observing and defending one’s moral positions.

Specific moral qualities:

  • diligence - passion for work;
  • modesty - reasonable use of power, a critical attitude to one’s merits and shortcomings;
  • responsibility - unity of word and deed;
  • selflessness in helping people;
  • generosity - tolerance for people's shortcomings;
  • the ability to forgive personal insults, not to be vindictive.

The specified moral qualities are those spiritual pillars that help form the spiritual and moral portrait of a business person. Their stability and content determine his moral health and the nature of his actions in conditions of moral choice.

Let us briefly dwell on the specifics of some of them, which most fully reveal the value of a business person’s activity.

Honesty is the most important quality for a business person. It is impossible to establish a normal relationship with a business partner if you do not have this quality, because the person who “lies once” in small things cannot be trusted in large things. However, honesty should be manifested not only in words - one must be honest in deeds.

Tact - a quality that presupposes the ability of a business person to foresee all the objective consequences of his actions or actions and their subjective perception by other people. Tactfulness as a personality trait of a business person is necessary due to the fact that his behavior always requires simultaneous compliance with many moral requirements that may contradict each other. Taking into account all possible circumstances leading to undesirable consequences, the measure of usefulness of specific actions and actions of a business person are determined by professional tact, developed on the basis of tact as a personal quality. The ability to structure one’s actions in such a way as not to involuntarily put someone in an awkward position, not to hurt a person’s pride, or to humiliate him, is achieved through a comprehensive assessment of a controversial situation, as well as the trends and dynamics of its development. Due to professional specifics, a business person has to deal with a variety of people, including immoral, conflict-ridden, irritated, and overly proud people, so maintaining tact in the work of a specialist is especially necessary.

Conscience a business person manifests itself as a sense of moral responsibility for his behavior, the need to act in accordance with personal ideas about goodness, goodness and justice and contains both rational and emotional components. Conscience as a quality of a person is an individualized form of reflecting the requirements of society and a professional group. Conscience serves as a regulator of behavior, encouraging a person to creatively search for a solution and warning him against a purely formal approach to the implementation of moral and professional standards. When a situation (a set of external or internal conditions) turns out to be quite complex or non-standard, the individual’s conscience tells him the right decision.

Justice must be constantly present in the relationship between a business person and his subordinates. A business person may have likes and dislikes, but they should not affect the quality of his business communication; no matter what feelings a subordinate may evoke, the attitude towards him should always be equal, friendly and attentive, and his problems should be assessed adequately. Fairness is also necessary in relation to colleagues: each of their actions must receive a fair assessment, without exaggerating or belittling merits or shortcomings, taking into account both objective and subjective factors. The embodiment of the principle of justice in the practice of business activity protects a business person from alienation from the team.

Tolerance - an obligatory quality in the relationships of a business person and an indispensable property of his personality. A business man must be tolerant if he seeks to reach an agreement with his partner. Tolerance is a moral quality that characterizes a respectful attitude towards the interests, beliefs, beliefs, and habits of other people. It is based on the stable skill of accepting a person as he is, on recognizing the right to be himself, to have his own habits, views, beliefs, to lead the lifestyle that he considers appropriate, if it does not take on the nature of a socially dangerous activity. Tolerance, however, does not mean a business person's approval of those negative ideas or actions of a partner or colleague that may have a negative impact on his life, work, immediate environment or society as a whole.

Strength of will is always necessary for a business person in his practical activities. Conscious strong-willed focus on performing objectively necessary actions, the ability not to retreat in the face of obstacles that arise in the process of activity, and to complete the work begun are qualities that develop as a result of work experience and awareness of one’s professional duty, overcoming oneself and one’s weaknesses.

Excerpt And self-control - those personality traits of a business person, without which his professional activity is impossible. Even if a business partner is irritated and allows himself to throw out negative emotions, then in the interests of the business he cannot be answered in kind. Moreover, you must not lose your composure, otherwise, having surrendered to the power of your own emotions, you may not hear what your partner says, you may not be able to perceive the necessary information and correctly evaluate it.

Attentiveness And observation necessary for a business person in everyday practical activities. When working with a business partner, you need to pay attention to the slightest changes in his mood, both positive and negative. A good specialist can always notice the client’s uncertainty and hesitation, his confusion, depression, and finally, poor health or disagreement with the proposed solution, even if for some reason the objections are not expressed out loud. The observation and attentiveness of a business person will give him the opportunity, without wasting time, to prove that he is right, more convincingly arguing for proposals, to encourage the client, to support him. Finally, attentiveness and observation will help to catch the partner’s insincerity and push him to check the information received.

Kindness a business person, based on humanism and love for people, has a specific content: it is active. It is embodied in caring for subordinates, creating favorable conditions for their life, a positive emotional mood, teaching them the skills and actions they need, and the ability to provide the necessary assistance in a timely and appropriate manner. The kindness of a business person obliges him to act not only in his own interests, but also as someone who has a certain advantage in social status, knowledge, material resources, to take into account the interests of business partners, achieving a certain harmony in business relations.

Love for people - without it, a business person will never become a friend or close person to a partner. However, as the proverb says: “It is easier to love all of humanity than your neighbor,” and in his professional activities a business person is constantly faced with the fact that not all partners are objectively capable of arousing love for themselves. Nevertheless, you need to be able to see positive qualities in people: they can become the basis of love for them. Working with a partner and identifying his positive traits and qualities, a business person should strive to uncover those moral foundations that can make the interaction between them truly effective.

Optimism. Entrepreneurship is one of the most difficult areas of activity, since a business person, in conditions of uncertainty, constant risks associated with business, must demonstrate confidence in the future to partners and colleagues, and this can only be done by maintaining faith in justice and the triumph of good, bringing people joy and instilling hope for a better future.

Empathy (from Greek - empathy) - comprehension of the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy, sympathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another. The ability to empathize in the form of empathy and sympathy is a necessary personality trait of a business person and is largely determined by the ability to put oneself in the place of a business partner. This quality develops as life and professional experience accumulates.

The desire for self-improvement should be manifested in a constant desire for professional growth, the acquisition of practical experience, skills, abilities and new theoretical knowledge, as well as spiritual and moral improvement, the development of moral qualities and overcoming shortcomings, especially those that may adversely affect the quality of work.

The morality of a business person is aimed not only at himself, but also at those around him: business partners, colleagues, clients - and this is a significant part of business success. High moral qualities allow a business person to independently regulate his behavior and actions, exercise self-control and moral self-esteem.

Thus, the personality traits of a business person largely determine the success of his business interactions and are a necessary condition for professional suitability. The formation of moral qualities occurs through the assimilation of the spiritual values ​​of society and the profession, transforming them in the process of activity into beliefs and needs. These personal qualities of a business person, demonstrated by him in relation to other people and the whole society, contribute to raising the level of public morality and thereby solving a number of socio-economic problems.

All of these moral qualities are interconnected, complement each other and are constantly present in behavior and actions, in any situation and relationship, forming in public opinion the image of a business person as a highly moral person.

  • Shepel V. M. Human competence of a manager. pp. 191-192.

Business man. What should it be like?

“There is only one way in this world to benefit from the past, and that is to calmly examine our past mistakes so that we never repeat them in the future, and then forget about them completely.”

Dale Carnegie

professional business partner entrepreneurial

If a person has chosen the path of a business person - an entrepreneur, a manager, then a long, difficult path of self-realization and self-education awaits him. After all, behavior reveals the characteristics of his character, temperament, needs, views, tastes, desires - the whole essence of a person. By our actions we judge our inner motives, thoughts and feelings. An entrepreneur, a businessman, is, first of all, a man of action. What kind of business person should he be?

A business person is a knowledgeable person, a specialist in his field, he always knows what he is doing, what goals he sets for himself, what tasks he solves, and also shows the necessary volitional efforts to implement them. Freely navigating his field of activity, he constantly studies public needs and demands, monitors their changes and dynamics, and builds his activities taking into account the information received. He has high professional competence in all matters relating to his case. He is distinguished by his constant readiness for business communication, showing interest in the interlocutor and his opinion, while maintaining an open mind. He has such a quality as restraint in speech and does not strive to say everything he knows, but always knows what he is saying. A recognized authority in building interpersonal relationships and conflict-free negotiations, Dale Carnegie wrote: “The success of a person in his financial affairs depends 15 percent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people.” A business person constantly works on his culture of behavior, communication, negotiations, speech culture, culture of collective development and decision-making. Such skills are impossible without working on oneself and developing many simply human qualities. These include politeness, courtesy, courtesy, restraint, modesty, simplicity, affability, accessibility, openness, consistent accuracy and punctuality. Also, every little thing plays a role in the behavior of a business person, so he must constantly monitor his behavior, knowing what he can afford and what he cannot. The combination of these best features gives us the ideal portrait of a business person, businessman, entrepreneur.

The history of the formation of business principles goes back more than one decade, perhaps even centuries. At the same time, despite the radical change in the forms of doing business due to the rapid development of technology, these principles have not changed much - and this suggests that they are primarily based on personal qualities and public morality. As before, so now people prefer to do business with reliable and cultural partners. Although quite often there are those who call themselves business people, but in general they do not possess even a tenth of the above-mentioned traits. Hence, failures in business and disappointments both in the professional and personal spheres. But it should be remembered that the basic principles of a business person are developed with experience in communication, negotiations, and work performance, since the realization comes that the final result depends on the quality of the work. In addition, the principles presuppose a fairly high degree of responsibility, which determines many further actions and behavior of business people. The characteristics of a business person are developed and manifested in his enthusiasm, abilities and aspirations.

These requirements are very high and require constant internal efforts. Whether you like it or not, a business person must correspond to a certain image. As, back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote: “You can make more friends in two months by being sincerely interested in other people than you can make in two years by trying to interest other people in yourself.” The rules of business etiquette and culture of behavior help bring together the economic and financial interests of traders and businessmen and create the basis for the success of a transaction. I would like to complete my reflections with a statement from the same author, whose advice raised many successful business people: “Draw in your imagination the image of that gifted, worthy and useful person that you would like to be, and the image supported by your thought will hourly and every minute transform you into just such a person.”

What is business psychology? Who by nature can be an entrepreneur? Our correspondents O. Izvekova and V. Romanenko had a conversation about this with the director of the Russian-American Psychological Center “Ecopsy”, Professor M. MELIA.

Today we are surrounded by solid businessmen and managers. Who is this new stratum of “business people”?

An entrepreneur is a kind of pilgrim exploring new areas of business. An entrepreneur cares about his profit, but at the same time he satisfies the obvious or hidden solvent needs of society. He is characterized, firstly, by a clear focus on success and results. Secondly, courage, some toughness. He goes for competition, rivalry, and therefore there are traits of aggressiveness in his character. Thirdly, emotional stability, a “subcutaneous layer of optimism.” He must have high self-esteem so as not to be vulnerable. This allows you to quickly recover from failure and immediately take on a new business. Fourthly, the entrepreneur is distinguished by amazing independence and initiative, oddly enough, sometimes even the inability to work “in a team.” There must be some degree of healthy selfishness. And finally, an entrepreneur is necessarily a creator, this is the main thing!

You look at our businessmen and are surprised - a doctor opened a cafe, a physicist opened a sewing enterprise...

You are right, many entrepreneurs (not only here, but also, for example, in America) do not have a special education or come from a completely different field. But they have excellent intuition. Knowledge, oddly enough, in some cases can prevent you from quickly making an original decision. The manager is another matter - without knowledge it is impossible for him. He has a fundamentally different task - the preservation and development of an already created business. Managers are like a stabilizing force in society. They complement entrepreneurs.

Can we say that the managerial or entrepreneurial psychological makeup depends on age?

I think no. One will always be inventing something until retirement. And for others, even at 20 years old, it is important to come to work every morning and have clear responsibilities. And you don’t need to demand from everyone “come on, create!” Thank God that there are people who can do what others have invented.

Does it depend on gender?

Entrepreneurship is psychologically closer to the male character - independence, aggressiveness, individualism. But women can often be excellent managers, especially in small and medium-sized businesses. They will be more willing and better able to preserve and equip this “house”, being, as it were, inside it, solving all social, organizational, and personnel issues.

For decades, the planned socialist economy suppressed the entrepreneurial spirit in people and killed the very spirit of economic creativity. Is this why there are so many businessmen now?

In my opinion, the Soviet system not only did not allow entrepreneurial qualities to perish, but, on the contrary, developed them. It was necessary to fulfill the plan, but there were no real possibilities, so the “creative process” was in full swing - somewhere the plan was adjusted, somewhere funds were taken out, somewhere prices were raised. In general, they twisted and turned... But, on the other hand, in connection with this, our ethical standards were violated. We do not have a “moral code for the builder of capitalism.” Since the plan had to be given at any cost, you can give a bribe, resolve issues “through cronyism,” etc. This, by the way, fundamentally distinguishes our businessmen from Western ones. There is a religious basis and clear ethical business standards. We not only violate them, but we don’t even know about them.

There is a predominantly negative attitude towards newly minted businessmen in society. Although no one specifically instilled hatred towards them. Why don't they like them so much?

There are two images of a businessman in our public consciousness. The first one is romantic. This is a hero fighting with officials for the sake of economic prosperity of the country. The second image is of a villain who is selling Russia wholesale and retail: they eat caviar by the spoonful at their presentations, they drink champagne by the barrel, and ordinary people cannot buy anything except bread. These images are an indicator of the immaturity of both society and the entrepreneurial class itself. Our businessmen are still in their “teenage years”.

What else, besides “social age,” is the difference between our businessmen and Western ones?

Perhaps none of our enterprises has its own mission. And in the West, this is the basis in business life; every employee has an idea of ​​what the mission of his company is. Ours are honestly ready to do anything. Of course, there are economic prerequisites for this: in conditions of instability it is difficult to plan and think about the future; when money arrives in your account, you are already happy. The mission involves working for the future, sometimes renouncing short-term benefits.

But we have a clearly expressed, and this is our peculiarity, mission of a person (as opposed to the mission of an organization). Our famous entrepreneurs are often asked the question: “Why don’t you leave? Is there not enough money for tickets?” They answer: “We would like to do something for the prosperity of Russia.” Comparing the attitude of our entrepreneurs and American entrepreneurs towards their country, you find that Americans are proud of their country, they are grateful to it for what it does for them. This is the love of children for their parents. And we love our homeland as parents - for what we can do for it.

Business people are unusually brave and at the same time intellectually developed. Let's say, people like Mark Goryachev, whose abilities can only be envied. True, there is too much risk in the work of businessmen, and therefore they often become bankrupt. Becoming bankrupt, even if you don’t read D. Carnegie, means experiencing a very severe shock, falling into an unusual state. Therefore, a business person must have great resilience in order to act, fight, win, and achieve his goals.

For many people, Vlad Listyev was an example of such increased resilience. He walked towards his goal day after day, achieved more and more successes, created an image for himself and his programs. He had his own ideas about life, his own values. He didn't seem to be afraid of trouble or shy away from judgment. He loved people, knew how to communicate with them and attract them to his side. And people like him were probably helped a lot by oratory. Vlad Listyev knew how to speak!

Of course, a business person must be healthy and physically developed. What kind of work can be expected from a frail, infirm person? And how to do the hard work that constantly falls on the shoulders of an entrepreneur? Of course, you should constantly keep yourself in shape. However, it is the duty of every business person to take care of his loved ones in case he passes away. How? Of course, we are talking about life insurance. Life insurance cannot prolong a person’s existence, but his relatives can count on significant payments. Moreover, many companies are now promoting this type of insurance, which means competition and relatively low prices.

A business person must control himself, skillfully manage his subordinates, wisely choose his team, be able to evaluate both associates and competitors on their merits, and should not boast or envy. As did, say, the head of MMM JSC Sergei Mavrodi. He shouted, boasted, made noise, and as a result he went bankrupt!

Who can become a business person? Firstly, someone who likes entrepreneurship, and secondly, someone who knows how to take risks, win, and not be afraid to start all over again. And, of course, a high-quality higher education in one of the country’s highest universities will not hurt.

Topic: Business man. What is he like? What is it like? Purpose:

  • - to promote students' understanding that our lives are regulated by laws, that a person in society cannot be free from the laws of this society, that the triumph of justice largely depends on knowledge of the laws.
  • -contribute to the development of respect for one’s own and others’ rights and freedoms.
  • -promote the development of attention, intelligence, logical thinking, and creative initiative.
  • Course objectives: To introduce the basics of business communication Expected results IN As a result of studying the course “I am a business person,” students will master: integral skills in the field of business communication; business communication culture; Method of organizing role-playing games, Forms of training sessions: practical exercises, presentations of creative works

    Progress of the lessonI. Organizing time. II. The teacher's word about the goals and objectives of the lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Business person. What is he like? What is he like? Today we will find out what qualities a business person should have, what kind of person he should be. III. The main part of the lesson. TO he's such a business man? "What is this person really like?. Some people associate a business person with a businessman (business woman), entrepreneur, owner (owner) of his own business.. But can they only be considered business people? What associations occur to you? write down yours on paper associations associated withbusiness person. Group 1 – using nouns; 2 – group – using adjectives; Group 3 – what qualities does a business person have? Creation of clusters and their protection."business person" is a lifestyle, a type of thinking, This is a person who thinks in business terms. Mark the qualities that, in your opinion, are the personal qualities of a business person. Self-confidence. Mastery of the subject of communication. Self-confidence.Awareness and competence. Hot temper. (about answers.)

    Name the qualities that are not characteristic of a business person. Self-confidence. Hot temper.Give reasons for your answer. Conclusion : A business person is a specialist in his field, he always knows what he is doing, what goals he sets for himself, what problems he solves, and shows the necessary volitional efforts to implement them. Freely navigating the field of his activity, he constantly studies public needs and demands, monitors the changes and dynamics of these requests and needs, and builds his activities taking these changes into account. He has high professional competence in all matters relating to his case. He is distinguished by his constant readiness for business communication, showing interest in the interlocutor, attention to hisopinion, impartiality. A business man is a man of few words; he does not strive to say everything he knows, but he always knows what he is saying. He does not show off his merits, no matter how significant they may be in his eyes, he is restrained, courteous and helpful, attentive and polite.

    2. Listen: When two boys talk to each other at school, no one will be surprised by the line:- Did you grab a “pair” again? Oh, you! First a “pair”, then a “stake”. Look.” they will pour it into you. But if you see a business letter from your class teacher that says, “Hi A rman! Since your son again “grabbed” a “pair”, and in his diary he has either a “pair” or a “stake”, I will be forced to “pour” him properly!” - you will decide that the class teacher has completely forgotten the official business vocabulary. Exercise: put together a business letter. There are scraps of this letter on your desks. You need to put these parts together to make a real business letter.

    Checking the assignment. Dear Arman Bolatovich! Your son is systematically not ready for lessons. He received seven failing grades in the last week. Take action.Class teacherOkay. Well done.

    Really, A business person constantly works on his culture of behavior, communication, negotiations, speech culture. He is persistent in addressing knowledge gaps. He is demanding of himself, his appearance. Of course, clothes should always be immaculately clean and ironed. There are people who are careless about their appearanceO. This is an important indicatorin everything, including at work. And wherea guarantee that such a person will be responsible for the word he gives and the business he leads.

    Next task. The task of one group is to show the image successful person, and the other two groups must determinewho they introduced to us.. Of course, clothes, or rather their style, are not the most important thing in a person. But, nevertheless, we get a lot of information with the help of it. The desire to express your individuality through clothing requires finding the exact line between the desire to express yourself and compliance with the environment. When choosing clothes, the most important thing is appropriateness. Listen:

  • How do you understand the words “You are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind”?
  • How do you understand the words “The theater begins with a coat rack”?
  • How does office wear differ from evening wear for women?
  • How do cooks' clothes differ from chef's clothes?
  • Patrolman from the general
  • Nurses from doctors
  • 7.Office - manager from the director of the company Describe the appearance of the head of the insurance company.
  • Describe the appearance of the plant director.
  • Describe the appearance of a salesperson in a computer store
  • A business person is someone who knows how to emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

    Reflection: Lesson summary: Today in class we were able to learn about what a business person should be. We all did a good job.Self-assessment (assessment sheets are on the desks).

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