Home Potato Jassy Chisinau operation 1944 cards. How it happened: the Jassy-Chisinau operation. An excerpt characterizing the Jassy-Chisinau operation

Jassy Chisinau operation 1944 cards. How it happened: the Jassy-Chisinau operation. An excerpt characterizing the Jassy-Chisinau operation

Signed on September 2, 1945 in Tokyo Bay aboard the American battleship Missouri on behalf of the Emperor and the Government of Japan, Foreign Minister M. Shigemitsu and General Y. Umezu (on behalf of the General Staff), and on behalf of all the allied nations at war with Japan: Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces General D. MacArthur (USA) and from the USSR - Lieutenant General K. N. Derevianko. The signing of the Japan Surrender Act signified the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition and the end of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

Japan Surrender Act

/ Extract /

1. We, acting on the orders and on behalf of the Emperor, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Staff, hereby accept the terms of the Declaration published on July 26 in Potsdam by the Heads of Government of the United States, China and Great Britain, to which the Soviet Union subsequently joined, which four powers will be subsequently referred to as the allied powers.

2. We hereby declare the unconditional surrender to the allied powers of the Imperial Japanese General Staff, all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under Japanese control, regardless of where they are located.

3. We hereby order all Japanese troops, wherever they are, and the Japanese people to immediately cease hostilities, maintain and prevent damage to all ships, aircraft and other military and civilian property, as well as comply with all requirements that may be made to the Supreme the commander of the allied powers or the organs of the Japanese government on his instructions.

4. We hereby order the Imperial Japanese General Staff to immediately issue orders to the commanders of all Japanese troops and troops under Japanese control, wherever they are, to surrender unconditionally in person, and to ensure the unconditional surrender of all troops under their command.

6. We hereby pledge that the Japanese Government and its successors will honestly abide by the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, issue orders and take whatever action is required by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers or any other designated representative of the Allied Powers in order to implement this Declaration.

8. The power of the Emperor and the Japanese government to govern the state will be subordinate to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he deems necessary to implement these conditions of surrender.

1945 Potsdam Declaration, 26 July

1945 POTSDAM DECLARATION- a declaration containing the demand for the unconditional surrender of Japan, one of the participants in the fascist bloc in the 2nd World War of 1939-1945; published in Potsdam on 26 July during the 1945 Potsdam Conference on behalf of the heads of government of Great Britain, the United States and China at war with Japan. The Potsdam Declaration, which was of an ultimatum nature, provided for: the elimination of the power and influence of the militarists in Japan; the occupation of Japanese territory; implementation of the Declaration of the Governments of the USA, Great Britain and China, adopted at the Cairo Conference of 1943, and the limitation of Japanese sovereignty by the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku; punishment of war criminals; the elimination of all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic traditions in the country, the transfer of the Japanese economy to a peaceful track, etc. The declaration demanded that the Japanese government immediately declare the surrender of all Japanese armed forces. The leaders of the United States, Great Britain and China have declared that they will not back down from the terms of surrender. Establishing the need for the occupation of Japanese territory, the authors of the Potsdam Declaration simultaneously stated that the Allied occupation forces would be withdrawn from Japan as soon as a series of demilitarization measures were implemented in that country and a peaceful and responsible government was established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.

Statement by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom and China

(Potsdam Declaration)

1. We, the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing hundreds of millions of our compatriots, have consulted and agreed that Japan should be given the opportunity to end this war.

2. The huge land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and China, reinforced many times over by their troops and air fleets from the West, were prepared for the final blows against Japan. This military power is sustained and inspired by the determination of all Allied nations to wage war against Japan until it ceases to resist.

3. The result of Germany's fruitless and senseless resistance to the might of the rising free peoples of the world stands with terrible clarity as an example to the people of Japan. The powerful forces that are now approaching Japan are immeasurably greater than those that, when applied to the resisting Nazis, naturally devastated the lands, destroyed industry and disrupted the way of life of the entire German people. The full use of our military force, backed by our determination, will mean the inevitable and final destruction of the Japanese armed forces, the equally inevitable total devastation of the Japanese mother country.

4. The time has come for Japan to decide whether she will continue to be under the rule of those stubborn militaristic advisers whose unreasonable calculations have brought the Japanese empire to the brink of destruction, or whether she will follow the path indicated by reason.

5. The following are our terms and conditions. We will not deviate from them. There is no choice. We will not tolerate any delay.

6. The power and influence of those who deceived and misled the people of Japan, forcing them to follow the path of world conquest, must always be eliminated, for we firmly believe that a new order of peace, security and justice will be impossible as long as irresponsible militarism will not be expelled from the world.

7. Until such a new order is established, and until there is convincing evidence that Japan's ability to wage war has been destroyed, points on Japanese territory to be indicated by the Allies will be occupied in order to to ensure the implementation of the main objectives that we set out here.

8. The terms of the Cairo Declaration will be fulfilled and Japanese sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and those smaller islands that we indicate.

9. The Japanese armed forces, once disarmed, will be allowed to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead a peaceful and working life.

10. We do not want the Japanese to be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but all war criminals, including those who committed atrocities against our prisoners, must be severely punished. The Japanese government must remove all obstacles to the revival and consolidation of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, religion and thought will be established, as well as respect for fundamental human rights.

11. Japan will be allowed to have an industry that will support its economy and exact reparations in kind, but not those industries that will allow it to re-arm itself for war. For these purposes, access to raw materials will be allowed, as opposed to control over them. Ultimately, Japan will be allowed to participate in world trade relations.

12. The Allied occupation forces will be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives are achieved and as soon as a peaceful and responsible government is established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.

13. We call on the Government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces and to give appropriate and sufficient assurances of their good intentions in this matter. Otherwise, Japan will face a quick and complete defeat.

August-September 1944 was marked by a brilliant operation, as a result of which the Soviet army opened the gates to the Balkans, two of Hitler's allies, Romania and Bulgaria, came out of the war, and the Balkan issue was resolved in favor of the Soviet Union. This is the Yassy-Kishinev strategic offensive operation.

W. Churchill called the Balkans "the soft underbelly of Europe" and initially planned to open the Second Front in the Balkans, including in order to stop the Red Army and prevent the penetration of Soviet influence into Central and Southern Europe. In his memoirs, the British Prime Minister will write: "After we broke into Sicily and Italy in the summer of 1943, the thought of the Balkans, and especially Yugoslavia, did not leave me for a minute." And the American journalist R. Intersall will bluntly declare: "The Balkans were the magnet to which, no matter how you shook the compass, the arrow of British strategy invariably pointed ..." Italy, northern France and Belgium buried Churchill's distant strategic plans.

The situation was favorable for the Russian breakthrough to the Balkans. Hitler was forced to transfer 12 divisions, including 6 armored ones, from Army Group Southern Ukraine to Poland and Germany, despite the clear threat to the oil heart of Germany and the anxiety of dictator Ion Antonescu, who was threatened with invasion from outside and conspiracies from within. The liberation of Moldova and the transfer of the war to the territory of Romania were to be carried out by the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts (commanders R.Ya. Malinovsky, F.I.Tolbukhin). The combined strength of both fronts was 1.3 million people, 16,000 guns and mortars, 1,870 tanks and self-propelled guns, 22,000 aircraft and all the forces of the Black Sea Fleet.

The preparations of the Soviet troops were not a secret for the Germans, but they could not do anything.

They were opposed by the Army Group "Southern Ukraine" under the command of the skillful Colonel General G. Friesner, numbering 900 thousand people, 7600 guns and mortars, over 400 tanks and assault guns, more than 800 aircraft. By coincidence - or irony of fate - the location of his troops repeated Stalingrad: in the center of the ledge was the repeatedly beaten 6th Army, and on the flanks, as well as at Stalingrad, were located rather weak 3rd and 4th Romanian armies. This, in a sense, determined the strategic design of the operation - "new Cannes": two long-range strikes, respectively, on Iasi and Chisinau. In the areas of the breakthrough, the superiority of our troops reached: in men - 4–8 times, in artillery - 6–11 times, in tanks - 6 times. Artillery density reached 280 guns and 1 km of the front, while at Stalingrad it did not exceed 117 guns per 1 km. Contrary to popular belief, the preparations of the Soviet troops were not a secret for the Germans, but they could not do anything.

Both fronts began advancing at dawn on 20 August at the same time. The artillery strike, delivered at 7:40 am, was so powerful that the German first line of defense was completely destroyed. This is how one of the participants in those battles from the Soviet side describes the state of the German defense in his memoirs: “When we moved forward, the terrain was black to a depth of about 10 kilometers. The enemy's defenses were practically destroyed. The enemy trenches, dug to their full height, turned into shallow ditches no more than knee deep. The dugouts were destroyed. Sometimes dugouts miraculously survived, but the enemy soldiers who were in them were dead, although no traces of wounds were visible. came from high air pressure after bursting shells and suffocation. "

The blows were of such force that the Romanian defense was broken on the very first day to a tactical depth, that is, to 10-16 km. A few hours after the start of the offensive, the 6th Panzer Army of General A.G. Kravchenko. The history of modern troops has not yet known such an example. During the day, 9 divisions were defeated at once.

On August 20, during a breakthrough in battles in the Targu-Frumos area, Sergeant Alexander Shevchenko distinguished himself. The advance of his company was in jeopardy due to enemy fire from the bunker. Attempts to suppress the bunker with artillery fire from closed firing positions were unsuccessful. Then Shevchenko rushed to the embrasure and closed it with his body, opening the way for the assault group. For the perfect feat Shevchenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the Dumitrescu army group, both divisions of the 29th Romanian corps completely disintegrated, and in the Veler group, five Romanian divisions were defeated. By the end of August 21, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front had finally crushed the enemy's defenses. Having expanded the breakthrough to 65 km along the front and up to 40 km in depth, they captured the cities of Yassy. Tirgu-Frumos and entered the operational space. The troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front advanced to a depth of 35 km, expanding the breakthrough along the front to 90 km, and rushed towards their neighbors. The ring around the German 6th Army steadily shrank, its commander fled. On the morning of August 22, the German command began the withdrawal of troops from the Chisinau ledge beyond the Prut River. “But it was already too late,” G. Friesner will say later in his memoirs. By the end of the day, the shock groupings of the two Ukrainian fronts intercepted the main routes of the enemy's retreat to the west. And a day later, the representative of the Headquarters on the fronts, Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko will report to I.V. Stalin: "As a result of four days of operation, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts today, on August 23, completed the operational encirclement of the enemy's Chisinau grouping ..."

In the cauldron were, as well as under, 18 Romanian and German divisions. They were surrounded by 34 divisions, engaged in the destruction of the encircled. It took them four days to do this. By the end of August 27, the operation was completed: 208,000 people were captured, along with the remnants of the 3rd Romanian army, which retreated to the Black Sea. Soon they destroyed that part of the troops that crossed to the western bank of the Prut with the intention of breaking through to the Carpathian passes.

The defeat of the German and Romanian troops triggered a revolution in Romania. Back on June 20, representatives of the Communist, Social Democratic and National Liberal parties came to an agreement on the creation of the National Democratic Bloc to eliminate the Antonescu regime and Romania's withdrawal from the war. King Mihai of Romania coordinated all actions. After the defeats at Iasi and Chisinau, the army ceased to obey. On August 23, during an audience with the king, dictator I. Antonescu, his deputy M. Antonescu and other government ministers were arrested, units of the Bucharest garrison were ordered to occupy and defend state institutions, post office, telegraph office, telephone exchange. Radio Bucharest announced the overthrow of Antonescu, the creation of a government of national unity, the cessation of hostilities against the United Nations and the acceptance of the armistice by Romania.

General Guderian suggested to Hitler "to take all measures to ensure that Romania disappeared from the map of Europe, and the Romanian people ceased to exist as a nation ..."

More than 50 Soviet divisions rushed to the aid of the rebels in order to help the rebels and render harmless the German divisions still on the territory of Romania. Hitler ordered the suppression of the uprising, while the chief of the General Staff, General Guderian, suggested that Hitler "take all measures to ensure that Romania disappears from the map of Europe, and the Romanian people cease to exist as a nation ..." humanity and chivalry: only thanks to the incomprehensible "humanism" of the allies, some of them left the well-deserved retribution. And, however, the Germans did not succeed: the 14,000-strong German garrison of Bucharest was knocked out by the retreating Romanian troops, and 7,000 Germans were captured on August 29. On August 30, Soviet troops entered Bucharest: units of the 6th Panzer, 53rd Soviet armies, as well as the 1st Romanian Volunteer Infantry Division named after Tudor Vladimirescu, which was already at war with our troops.

The results of the Iassy-Kishinev operation were amazing: by September 3, Soviet troops had destroyed 22 German divisions, including 18 divisions that were surrounded, and also defeated almost all Romanian troops at the front. 209 thousand soldiers and officers were taken prisoner, including 25 generals, 400 tanks were destroyed and 340 were captured in good working order, 1500 were destroyed and 2000 guns were captured, 298 were destroyed and 40 aircraft and many other military equipment and weapons were captured. At the same time, the losses of our troops were the lowest since the beginning of the war. They were: irretrievable - 13 197 people, sanitary - 53 933 people.

The Romanian troops went over to the side of the Soviet Army and together with it began to fight against the recent allies, which was legally recorded on September 12, 1944 by the inclusion of Romania in the anti-Hitler coalition.

The great Russian elder fought in Romania Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)... Liberation of Romania was not easy. According to the recollections of the late Sergei Nikolayevich Spitsyn, who also fought in Romania, the Germans, leaving, resisted stubbornly and did not stop at extreme atrocities. Once they massacred a dozen of our soldiers, making them sleepy. And against this background, the generosity of the Russian person is striking. In one of the Romanian villages, Sergei Nikolaevich's colleagues took a platoon of Germans prisoner. One of the youngsters, who had recently arrived from the rear, began waving a machine gun: "I, you bastards, will shoot them all now." They took him aside and explained briefly and clearly: "You fight with ours, then yell." The prisoners were safely delivered to the rear. And it becomes clear why we won. God was with the Russian soldier in that war.

Date: 20 - 29 August 1944.
Location: Moldova, Eastern Romania.
Outcome: Decisive victory for the USSR. Destruction of the German-Romanian group
troops, the liberation of the territory of Moldova, Romania's withdrawal from the war. Opponents:
USSR against Germany and Romania.
Commanders: S. Timoshenko, R. Malinovsky, F. Tolbukhin, F. Oktyabrsky.
Commanders: G. Frisner, M. Fretter-Pico, O. Wöhler, I. Antonescu.
Forces of the parties:
USSR - 1,314,200 people, 16 thousand guns and mortars, 1,870 tanks and self-propelled guns, 2,200
Germany and Romania - 900 thousand people, 7600 guns and mortars, 400 tanks and
assault guns, 810 aircraft.
USSR - 67,130 people, of which 13,197 are dead, dead and missing;
75 tanks and self-propelled guns, 108 guns and mortars and 111 combat aircraft.
Germany and Romania - up to 135,000 people killed, wounded and missing
lead; 208 600 people were taken prisoners.

The Jassy-Kishinev operation is a strategic military operation of the USSR Armed Forces against
Nazi Germany and Romania during World War II, with the aim of
defeat of a large German-Romanian group covering the Balkan
direction, liberation of Moldova and withdrawal of Romania from the war.
Considered as one of the most successful Soviet operations during the Great
World War II, is one of the so-called "ten Stalinist blows."

The setting before the operation.
By August 1944, a favorable
setting for a decisive blow. The German command in the summer of 1944 transferred from
this direction to Belarus and Western Ukraine 12 divisions, thereby weakening the army group
"South Ukraine". Despite this, the German-Romanian command created a powerful
deeply echeloned defense, consisting of 3-4 defensive zones linked to water
obstacles and hilly terrain. Strong defensive lines surrounded many cities and
other localities in Moldova and eastern Romania.
The political situation in Romania by this time was difficult. On August 4, 1944, there was
meeting of the Romanian leader Ion Antonescu with Hitler. At this meeting, Hitler assured the Romanian
ally that the Wehrmacht will defend Romania as well as Germany. But, in turn, he
demanded assurances from Antonescu that, whatever the circumstances, Romania
will remain an ally of the Reich and will take on the maintenance of the German troops operating on
Romanian territory. However, in Romania itself, more and more dissatisfaction with the regime
Antonescu. Many no longer believed in the successful development of events for the Axis countries on the fronts and
feared the threat of the occupation of Romania by Soviet troops.

The Soviet command believed that the Romanian troops, which were mainly located on
flanks, less combat-ready than the German. Therefore, it was decided to strike the main blow on
flanks in two areas far apart from each other. 2nd Ukrainian Front struck
northwest of Yass, 3rd Ukrainian Front - south of Bendery (Suvorov Mountain). In this case, it is necessary
was to convince the enemy that the main blow is supposed to be delivered at a tactically more advantageous
Chisinau direction. For this purpose, special measures have been developed and implemented.
operational camouflage. Developing the offensive along the converging to the Khushi-Vaslui-Falchiu region
directions, the fronts were supposed to surround and destroy the main forces of Army Group "South
Ukraine ”, and then quickly move deeper into Romania.
The Black Sea Fleet was to provide fire support to the coastal flank of the Third
Of the Ukrainian front, to disrupt the coastal sea communications of Germany and Romania,
destroy enemy ships and deliver massive air strikes against naval
bases Constanta and Sulin.

Alignment of forces:
the USSR
2nd Ukrainian Front (commander R. Ya. Malinovsky). It included the 27th Army, 40th Army, 52nd Army, 53rd Army, 4th Guards Army, 7th Guards Army, 6th Tank Army, 18th
a separate tank corps and a mechanized cavalry group. Air support to the front
provided by the 5th Air Army.
3rd Ukrainian Front (commander F.I.Tolbukhin). It included the 37th Army, 46th Army, 57th
army, 5th shock army, 7th mechanized corps, 4th guards mechanized corps.
Aviation support to the front was provided by the 17th Air Army, which included 2,200
Black Sea Fleet (commander F. S. Oktyabrsky), which also included the Danube
military flotilla. The fleet consisted of 1 battleship, 4 cruisers, 6 destroyers, 30 submarines and
440 ships of other classes. The Black Sea Fleet Air Force numbered 691 aircraft.
Germany and Romania
Army Group "South Ukraine" (commander G. Frisner). It included the 6th German army, the 8th
German Army 3rd Romanian Army, 4th Romanian Army and 17th Army German Corps in total 25 German, 22 Romanian divisions and 5 Romanian brigades.
Air support for the troops was provided by the 4th Air Fleet, which included 810
German and Romanian aircraft.

The Jassy-Kishinev operation began early in the morning on August 20, 1944 with a powerful artillery
offensive, the first part of which was to suppress enemy defenses before the attack
infantry and tanks, and the second - in the artillery accompaniment of the attack. At 7:40 am, Soviet
the troops, accompanied by a double barrage of fire, went on the offensive from the Kitskany bridgehead and
from the area west of Yass. The artillery strike was so strong that the first strip of the German
the defense was completely destroyed.
The offensive was reinforced by attacks by ground attack aircraft on the strongest strongholds.
and firing positions of enemy artillery. Shock groups of the Second Ukrainian Front
broke through the main, and the 27th Army by midday - and the second line of defense. In the 27th Army's offensive zone, the 6th Panzer Army was introduced into the breakthrough, and in the ranks of the German-Romanian troops, as admitted
General Hans Friesner, commander of Army Group South Ukraine, "incredible chaos has begun."
The German command, trying to stop the advance of Soviet troops in the Yass region, threw in
counterattacks three infantry and one tank division. But this did not change the situation.
On the second day of the offensive, the shock group of the 2nd Ukrainian Front waged a stubborn struggle for
the third lane on the Mare ridge, and the 7th Guards Army and the mechanized cavalry group - beyond Tyrgu Frumos.
By the end of August 21, the front's troops had expanded the breakthrough to 65 km along the front and up to 40 km in depth, and,
having overcome all three defensive lines, captured the cities of Iasi and Tirgu-Frumos, thereby
taking two powerful fortified areas in the shortest possible time. 3rd Ukrainian Front successfully
advanced in the southern sector, at the junction of the 6th German and 3rd Romanian armies.

On August 20, during a breakthrough, Sergeant Alexander Shevchenko distinguished himself in the battles in the Tirgu-Frumos area.
The advance of his company was in jeopardy due to enemy fire from the bunker.
Attempts to suppress the bunker with artillery fire from closed firing positions did not bring success.
Then Shevchenko rushed to the embrasure and closed it with his body, opening the way for the assault group.
For the accomplished feat Shevchenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
By the end of the second day of the operation, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front isolated the 6th German army from
3rd Romanian, having closed the circle of encirclement of the 6th German army near the village of Leusheni. Her commander
fled, leaving the troops.
Aviation actively helped the fronts. Aviation of the Black Sea Fleet struck at the Romanian and
German ships and bases in Constance and Sulin. German and Romanian troops suffered large
losses in manpower and military equipment, especially on the main defense zone, and began hastily
retreat. In the first two days of the operation, 7 Romanian and 2 German
The commander of Army Group "South Ukraine" Friesner, having analyzed the situation in detail
after the first day of the Soviet offensive, I realized that the battle was not going in favor
army group and decided to withdraw the army group's troops beyond the Prut.
The next day, August 22, gave permission for the withdrawal of the army group and the General Staff,
but it was too late. By that time, the shock groups of the Soviet fronts had already intercepted
main routes of escape to the west. The German command overlooked the possibility of encircling their
troops in the Chisinau region. On the night of August 22, the sailors of the Danube Naval Flotilla, together with
the landing group of the 46th army successfully crossed the 11-kilometer Dniester estuary,
liberated the city of Akkerman and began to develop an offensive in the southwest direction.

On August 23, Soviet fronts fought in order to close the encirclement and continue
advancement on the external front. On the same day, the 18th Panzer Corps entered the Khushi area, the 7th
the mechanized corps - to the crossings across the Prut in the Leushen area, and the 4th Guards
the mechanized corps - to Leovo. The 46th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front pushed back the troops of the 3rd
the Romanian army to the Black Sea, and it ceased resistance on August 24.
On the same day, the ships of the Danube military flotilla landed troops at Zhebriany - Vilkovo. Also
On August 24, the 5th Shock Army under the command of General N.E.Berzarin occupied Chisinau.
On August 24, the first stage of the strategic operation of the two fronts was completed - the breakthrough of the defense and
the encirclement of the Yassko-Chisinau grouping of the German-Romanian troops. By the end of the day, the Soviet
the troops advanced 130-140 km. 18 divisions were surrounded.
On August 24-26, the Red Army entered Leovo, Cahul, Kotovsk. By August 26, the entire territory of Moldova
was occupied by Soviet troops.

In battles distinguished themselves:
1.for the capture of the city of Bender - the troops of Lieutenant General Hagen, Major General Shkodunovich,
Major General Kruse; artillerymen of Major-General of Artillery Balaev and Colonel Kovalev;
pilots of the Colonel-General of Aviation Sudets.
2.for the capture of the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky (Akkerman) - troops of Lieutenant General Shlemin,
Lieutenant General Bakhtin, Colonel Nikitin, Colonel Vlasov, Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov;
artillerymen of Major General of Artillery Alekseenko; lieutenant general pilots
Aviation Ermachenkov; sailors of Rear Admiral Gorshkov, Captain 1st Rank Davydov, Major
Grigoriev; sappers of Colonel General Kotlyar, Colonel Nominas, Colonel Puzyrevsky.
In the battles for the liberation of Moldova, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to more than 140
fighters and commanders.
Six Soviet soldiers became full holders of the Order of Glory: G. Alekseenko, A. Vinogradov,
A. Gorskin, F. Dineev, A. Karasev and S. Skiba.

Coup d'état in Romania. Defeat of the encircled group.
Lightning-fast and crushing defeat of the German-Romanian troops near Iasi and Chisinau to
limit exacerbated the internal political situation in Romania. Ion Antonescu's regime lost
any support in the country. The rapid development of events at the front hastened the offensive
anti-government uprising that broke out on 23 August in Bucharest. King Mihai I occupied
side of the rebels, ordered the arrest of Antonescu and the pro-Nazi generals. Was formed
the new government of Constantin Sanatescu with the participation of the National Tsarists, National Liberals, Social Democrats and Communists. The new government announced the withdrawal of Romania from
war on the side of Germany, the acceptance of the peace conditions proposed by the allies, and required
German troops to leave the country as soon as possible. German command
refused to comply with this demand and made an attempt to suppress the uprising. On the morning of August 24
German aircraft bombed Bucharest, and in the afternoon German troops crossed into
offensive. The new Romanian government declared war on Germany and asked the Soviet
Union of help.
The Soviet command sent 50 divisions and the main forces of both air armies deep into
Romania to help the uprising, and 34 divisions were left to eliminate the encircled
groupings. By the end of August 27, the grouping that was surrounded east of the Prut had ceased to exist.

By August 28, the part of the German troops that managed to cross to the western
the bank of the Prut with the intention of breaking through to the Carpathian passes.
The offensive of the Soviet troops on the external front grew more and more. Troops of the Second Ukrainian
front developed success towards Northern Transylvania and in the Focshan direction, 27
August occupied Focsani and reached the approaches to Ploiesti and Bucharest. Formations of the 46th Army
Third Ukrainian Front, advancing south on both banks of the Danube, cut off the escape route
defeated German troops to Bucharest. Black Sea Fleet and Danube Naval Flotilla
assisted in the offensive of troops, landed troops, struck by naval aviation. 28
On August, the cities of Braila and Sulina were taken, on August 29 - the port of Constanta. This day was completed
elimination of the encircled enemy forces west of the Prut River. On this Jassy-Chisinau operation
Soviet troops entered Bucharest
August 31, 1944, 2 days after
the end of the operation.

The meaning and consequences of the operation.
The Jassy-Kishinev operation had a great influence on the further course of the war in the Balkans. During
it defeated the main forces of Army Group "Southern Ukraine", Romania was withdrawn from the war,
the Moldavian SSR and the Izmail region of the Ukrainian SSR were liberated. Although by the end of August
most of Romania was still in the hands of the Germans and the pro-Nazi Romanian forces, they were already
could not organize powerful defensive lines on the territory of the country.
On August 31, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front entered Bucharest, which was occupied by the Romanian rebels.
The fighting for Romania continued until the end of October 1944. September 12, 1944 in Moscow, the Soviet
the government on behalf of the allies - the USSR, Great Britain and the United States - signed an agreement on
truce with Romania.
The Jassy-Chisinau operation went down in the history of military art as the "Jassy-Chisinau Cannes".
It was characterized by a skilful choice of directions for the main strikes of the fronts, a high rate of
offensive, rapid encirclement and liquidation of a large enemy grouping, close
the interaction of all types of troops.
According to the results of the operation, 126 formations and units were awarded the honorary titles of Chisinau,
Yassky, Izmail, Fokshansky, Rymniksky, Konstanzsky and others.
During the operation, Soviet troops lost 12.5 thousand people, while German and Romanian
troops lost 18 divisions. 208,600 German and Romanian soldiers and officers were captured.

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