Home Blanks for the winter Black magic I want a lot of money at once. Black conspiracies and rituals for wealth. Money conspiracy for water

Black magic I want a lot of money at once. Black conspiracies and rituals for wealth. Money conspiracy for water

Many people believe that white magic is effective only if you turn to a professional sorcerer. We argue that plots for good luck and getting money can be read at home. Apply the knowledge gained from us, and money will flow into your house.

Money magic is aimed at getting rich quickly and eliminating the factors that prevent you from making good money. Conspiracies and prayers for money really work - and you will soon see this. Throughout January 2019, we collected rituals to help solve material problems - before you is the result of research.

There are many sources of financial success, so conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money are diverse. Today, money magic uses items associated with prosperity:

  • paper bills;
  • coins;
  • precious metals;
  • semi-precious stones.

The use of these things makes money conspiracies more effective, while increasing the speed of implementation. The manipulation of the performer plays an important role in attracting wealth. The practitioner collects, sharpens, cleanses or decorates magical artifacts - depending on the situation. These actions represent financial prosperity and have traditionally been associated with getting rich quick or instantly.

Is it possible to read money conspiracies at home

What is a conspiracy to attract money to the house? This is a magical text that enhances the energy of your home in order to attract wealth. Conspiracies and rituals are inextricably linked - the text of the spell is always combined with certain actions. You will achieve good results provided that you concentrate and strictly follow the instructions.

Let's face it - conspiracies for money are read at home all the time. Most "wizards" do not know what is needed to attract financial flows - they simply create a mysterious atmosphere. Asking such people for help is a very stupid step.

Varieties of money conspiracies

Many believe that conspiracies for luck and money, the consequences of which are unpredictable, are best not to be abused. Spells that are associated with occultism belong to dark magic - we will not consider them. To always have money in your wallet, interact with light forces. Let's list the simplest solutions:

  • spells;
  • a conspiracy for luck and money;
  • amulets;
  • special prayers;
  • rituals to attract good luck;
  • amulets for money.

In monetary magic, there is a classification of spells, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the ritual. This classification depends on the type of witchcraft operations for money and luck. These are the varieties:

  1. Return of a large amount (if your friend does not want to repay his debt).
  2. Urgent extraction of money (you need to get funds for an operation or loan repayment).
  3. Family enrichment (all household members work, but there is no big money in their wallets).
  4. Whispering to wallets (these are the most powerful conspiracies, they attract income from several sources).
  5. Conjuring Stepanova (to keep finances in the house, use the experience of the famous healer).

Rules for reading home spells

Before you start talking about money for profit, think about the situation, because magic is not without consequences. Do not engage in magical operations "out of curiosity" - make sure that the situation is completely hopeless. To keep money flowing into the house in a continuous flow, follow strict rules:

  • you need to speak objects without hesitation and mistakes;
  • luck often comes to pregnant women (you can contact them with requests to read spells);
  • some ceremonies are "tied" to specific days and times of the day;
  • if you asked another person to read a slander, thank him;
  • fasting and the absence of scandals can strengthen the conspiracy to attract money;
  • preparations for the rituals must be kept secret from others.

The last point is especially important - you will not see luck and money if someone else's energy comes into play. Keep the results of your activities a secret too - this way you will avoid the envy of neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues.

Powerful rituals for wealth

Buy a new wallet and place a couple of large banknotes inside (the denomination must be different). Add a handful of coins to your collection and start attracting wealth. The wallet must not be closed during slander. The text is like this:

“As money gathers to a coin, so prosperity and success are approaching me, gold and silver are flowing from everywhere. My wallet is ringing and rustling, it will bring me a golden ring and expensive clothes. Now I have enough money for everything. Amen".

It is an ancient and powerful text, but it can also be amplified by a specific date. Try to act on Christmas while the first star rises. The light in the apartment must be turned off, and the prayer must be read by candlelight in complete solitude.

Key conspiracy

Funds will be found if you read a very powerful spell at the front door of your apartment. Wait until Monday and, waking up early in the morning, go to the door. Make sure the key is inserted into the keyhole. Read the prayer:

“A gray top wandered into a black forest to hunt a white hare. He got no one, but saw a casket, upholstered with iron and gilded. The chest is locked, cannot be opened. The key is hidden in the water and cannot be found. As soon as I find that key, I can drag it out of stones and herbs. That casket is destined for me. I will open the chest, take the stones and gems, silver and gold. Then I'll hide the key - let everything come true, as I said. "

This is the most powerful conspiracy for money, but you will have to carry the key with you. Healers recommend buying a new lock for the ritual with an unused key. This will help attract money into your life without getting involved with someone else's energy.

Legendary rite from Vanga

The Bulgarian medicine woman knew well how to attract luck and money with the help of white magic. Having discovered this ritual on March 3, we immediately decided to include it in the article. Here's what to do:

  1. Fast for 2-3 hours before performing a magical action.
  2. Buy brown bread and break off a small piece.
  3. At night, retire in your home - no one should disturb you.
  4. With the bread in front of you, say the text of the money prayer.

Words need to be pronounced clearly, without hesitation and without changing their places. The ritual is so powerful that it cannot be applied twice - the effect occurs after the first reading. And here is the text itself:

“Lord, you fed all the needy and hungry, so that they always feel satiated. Help me too, bring luck. May a long path of joy, prosperity and happiness come to my home. I promise to spend every penny wisely, not to leave the suffering in trouble. Amen".

Fortification and apples

Use 20 apples as artifacts - they must be fresh and picked by yourself. If you don't have an apple orchard, buy apples at the store - this will not weaken the slander. An important point: when buying a product in a store, it is forbidden to take change from the seller.

The first 14 apples are distributed to beggars on the day of the ceremony. The next day, three more apples are distributed. The remaining products are brought into the church, placed on the memorial table. A prayer is recited:

“The Mother of God, together with Jesus, is my support. Angels flew across the sky, bags of gold scattered, money fell out of there. I pick up gold, I praise the angels. Amen".

The waxing moon and a prosperous life

Having decided to tackle conspiracies for luck and money, read them at the right time - with the growing moon. Collect the same amount of metal coins and paper banknotes (denomination does not matter). Read the following text over your property:

“Wise moon, may my wealth grow like you this night. Share the light with your servant, let this money multiply. They drink coins from the moonlit path, they bring joy to me. The power of the moon fills my home. "

This is a real ritual that multiplies wealth, but remember: the light in the room cannot be turned on. The money must lie in the moonlight for a while, after which it is transferred to another room. Two hours should be in different rooms with the charmed money. Then proceed like this:

  1. Collect funds from the darkroom.
  2. Place coins and bills in the wallet that you use on a daily basis.
  3. Mark the bills with a marker to avoid wasting them for 30 days.
  4. In a month, boldly spend the moon-charged artifacts.

Large amount - easy and fast

Spells are cast on moss, moon, cream and other exotic attributes. If the deadline is tight and you need a large infusion, use five church candles. Use the following prayer for major enrichment:

“Jesus' support, heavenly hope and support, let the sacks of gold be brought to me, untie and dump everything. I walked not far, I collected the money, brought it to me, put out the candles. Burn, candles, burn, coins, fly into the house. Amen".

In order for the conspiracy to attract money to work, the candles cannot be extinguished - let them burn out themselves. Hide the resulting wax in your wallet - this talisman will attract large sums. In some cases, it is allowed to replace five yellow candles with one green one. Then new touches will be added to the ritual:

  1. The candle is lubricated with sunflower oil.
  2. The required amount and your name are written on the candle.
  3. Dried basil is ground into powder - you need to roll a candle in it.
  4. Above the burning candle, one must read a spell (“Money comes and grows, it will certainly fall into my pocket”).

Luck and money are eternal companions

Whispering conspiracies for money, few think about the consequences. But in vain, because you can combine enrichment with luck in any endeavors. To always have rubles in your wallet, take a broom, carefully sweep the apartment and say the magic formula. The text is: "My troubles and misfortunes will disappear with this broom."

After completing the ritual, you need to get rid of the broom - throw it away at the nearest intersection. Take a handkerchief in one hand, concentrate on desire and say:

“The Lord will help to realize my desire, will bring help by unknown ways, paths, will increase the flesh to desire, fill it with events. I'll tie a scarf and wait for success. Amen".

The scarf must be tied with a strong knot and constantly carried with you - then everything conceived will come true. Now you know how to attract money, get rich quickly and become a successful person. Conjure carefully and do not leave the area of ​​white magic!

Any day lived carries a waste. How much money goes through our hands? We pay for everything: travel, food, treatment, gifts for loved ones, clothes, shoes. No wonder they say that cheese in a mousetrap is free.

Money is an essential element of our life

And how many of us can say with confidence that we have enough money? That in any situation there will be no problems with payment. If you conduct a poll, then out of a hundred percent there will be a maximum of 2. And what should the rest do? How many jobs do you need to fully satisfy your needs?

Black witchcraft is good, not so bad

Magic and its secrets are gaining more attention in modern times. The desire to attract money only through rituals that take a small amount of time is so strong that even beginners get down to business.

Magic rituals give good results, both in attracting money and in attracting good luck, but the main thing is to decide for yourself how much you need to purchase what you want.

White Magic, which does not harm others, which can improve material conditions and luck, is very simple to perform, but may not fully satisfy the need. Do not forget about the existence of Black Magic. Some are afraid and do not even try to grasp the essence of her rituals. But it is this magic that can attract wealth and luck, in the amount that is necessary, and even increase the expected. The main thing is to be confident in your deeds, because following the rules and knowledge, Black Magic brings everything only good, prosperity and prosperity.

Pear wealth conspiracy

A rite of passage for money, which is held in the fall and always on the growing moon.

To carry it out, you need the following magic set of tools:

To carry out the ceremony, you must take a ripe pear

  • ripe pear;
  • a denomination of 100 currency units;
  • foil.

How to perform the ritual

The ritual is not difficult and will take about an hour of your time. But the ceremony itself contains several stages.

Stage one

  1. Choose a pear at your own discretion, there is no difference where the pear will appear in the house, from the store or from the tree of your own garden.
  2. Wash the pear well and cut into two parts.
  3. Remove pits from both halves to form dimples.
  4. Take a hundred hryvnia bill and roll it up with a tube.
  5. Place inside the pear.
  6. Fold the two halves of the pear into a single whole and read the plot:

    “As a pear is nourished with money, so whoever eats it is nourished with money. And that person will have a lot of money, as he never dreamed of. And behind black it is black, even if it is not whitewashed. Amen."

  7. Speak the conspiracy three times.
  8. Then take the foil and wrap the pear with it.

Stage two

  1. Place the fruit in the oven and bake.
  2. Wait about 25 minutes for the pear to cook.
  3. After that, take it out of the oven, unwind the foil and read the plot:

    "I will eat a pear of money, I will become rich, but in another I will lose."

  4. Read once, and then eat a pear and be sure to have a banknote.

The results of the ceremony will be visible immediately, it is imperative to conduct it alone and keep it secret from strangers.

Rite of passage so that money sticks to your hands

A black ritual for money, which is mandatory on the growing moon and after sunset.

Before carrying out a rite of passage for wealth and prosperity in the family, you need to prepare the following magic set:

In order for money to stick to your hands, you need to purchase honey

  • trifle;
  • plate;
  • large bowl;
  • pouch.

How to perform the ritual

This powerful ritual is simple, but has its own nuances:

  • honey must be fresh;
  • no need to save on little things, there should be a lot of it, the more the better.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start carrying out:

  1. Take a deep bowl and pour honey into it.
  2. Pour small things into a large bowl, in terms of quantity it should not be less than a liter jar.
  3. Dip your hands into a container of honey, having bathed so that every finger, every piece of the hand is completely smeared.
  4. Take it out and hold it over a plate of change for a few minutes.
  5. Put your hands down as much as possible, immersed in trifles, so that the money sticks to your hands.
  6. When the coins stop sticking, get your hands out, reading the conspiracy aloud:

    “Aginumba, as now and always, let it be. Let my hands be so that money sticks to them. And the larger the money, the more it sticks. You do it to me, and I will give you the cherished one. And I will never give up my words, everything is for you. "

  7. Speak only once.
  8. Peel off the coins from your hands, and wash your hands well of honey.
  9. Leave the coins in such a honey state, put them in a sticky bag. Take the treasure to a place unknown to outsiders.

Luck with money will amaze, starting from the next day.

Money conspiracy for water

The ritual attracts wealth, it is necessarily carried out after the new moon, according to the account on the third night. If the night is clear and the birth of the month is clearly visible in the sky, it can be carried out, if not, then it should be postponed.

What is needed for the ritual

The ceremony can only be carried out with the presence of a glass of melt water and the necessary conspiracy.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. If everything coincided, and the phase of the moon, and the clarity of the sky, then you can proceed.
  2. Take a glass and pour water, approach the window, looking at a month to read the conspiracy:

    “In the dark nights, dark forces came out and began to do evil. And I helped them in that evil and contributed, and they rewarded me with money. As for this I gave everything that I asked, so I began to live richly. "

  3. Read three times in a row, and then drink water.

The results will appear a month later, after the ceremony.

Black conspiracy for wealth on bird feathers

A magical ritual that attracts money.

What is needed to conduct

To conduct a rite of passage for wealth, you need:

To conduct a black rite for money, you must sacrifice a chicken

  • live chicken;
  • small pillowcase.

How to perform the ritual

To perform a magical effect, you need to buy a chicken or use it from your own farm.

  1. In the usual way as for the cooking process, deprive the animal of life and pluck feathers to a bare carcass.
  2. Speak a conspiracy on the carcass:

    "I will discard the unnecessary, and most importantly I will take it away so that nothing interferes with me on the way to wealth."

  3. Put the chicken in a pot of water and cook.
  4. While the carcass is being prepared, take the feathers and wash well.
  5. Fluff dry feathers and put them in a small pillowcase, say something on it:

    "Gayorna, give them strength so that wealth finds me, and pinch yourself off me wherever you like."

  6. Read the plot three times, and then sew up the pillowcase.
  7. Place it under the mattress where you go to sleep.
  8. Boiled chicken must be eaten whole and alone, you cannot share this food.

Wealth will find even where it was not expected. The ceremony will amaze with its power.

What is money without luck? It is imperative that luck always and in everything accompanies life. You can independently call her to yourself.

Magic conspiracy on a candle

Will make it so that luck will always be by your side. Be sure to spend on the night of the full moon.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ceremony, you should prepare the following ritual instrument:

  • church candles;
  • pin.

How to perform a magic ceremony

Before proceeding with the action, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the house.

  1. Wait until midnight and light the church candle.
  2. Walk around the house with her three times.
  3. Using a candle, circle your legs, lower back, stomach, shoulders and head.
  4. In this way, the negativity of myself and my home was cleared from the negative.
  5. Take a new church candle, light it and wait for the wax to drip.
  6. Raise the pin so that the wax flows through its hole.
  7. At this time, quietly repeat the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “The power of the elements will pass into this object, the spell will pass through the spirit. Through the hole it is I, the servant of God (name), conjure the spirits of all so that they remain in the pin and do not go anywhere. I conjure all the spirits to keep me safe, to bring me good luck all the days, so that they do not leave in difficulties and protect anyone from evil. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

  8. The pin from the minute you read the last time the conspiracy will have magical powers.
  9. You need to pick it up on your clothes so that it is not visible to strangers, and always wear it as a talisman. When changing
  10. do not forget to change clothes.

To carry out the above rituals for wealth, you can present the following ransom:

For the period of the ceremony, you must stop smoking

  • three days before the ritual, one should fast;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • do not enter into intimate relationships;
  • donate money, food or things to the poor.

When donating, you need to give the ransom not directly into your hands, but put it next to it, saying “Paid”. You should not talk to either beggars or other people you meet along the way.

Some are frightened by Aggressive Magic, so that when asking for help from the Higher Powers, we offer something in return. The fear arises that having received money, one can lose health or love. This fear comes from a lack of knowledge. There is a concept of redemption in Black Magic, and is completely absent in White Magic.

The concept of ransom in Black Magic and how to do it correctly

The ransom is the sacrifice to the spirits who are involved in the action of the rituals. It is with their help that the result is obtained. It must be presented, especially if it is Aggressive, Black sorcery.

The ransom depends on the chosen rite

The main thing is to choose the most suitable ceremony for yourself. If there is some fear, you can carry out the ritual at home, presenting the above ransom. After getting what you want, it will be seen that there are no negative consequences. Subconsciously, you will become ready to conduct more serious rituals that will give you the opportunity to satisfy the need as much as possible. Such rituals are carried out in the cemetery and require a special kind of ransom.

Payoff for cemetery rites

Before starting the process of magical deeds, it is worth establishing contact with the main spirit of the cemetery.

You can do it this way:

  1. Arriving at the cemetery, it is worth reading the following:

    “Heard so accept, but do not reject, now delight, then be filled with strength, so my work will come together, those words spoken are harder than flint. This ransom to you, prepare me what is indicated. May it be so".

  2. Put the ransom.
  3. You can start carrying out the ritual.

As a ransom for luck and money, for carrying out cemetery rituals, we can consider:

  • alcohol;
  • meat,
  • blood;
  • sweets;
  • Honey comb;
  • black bread.

Black bread can be used as a ransom for luck and money.

It is imperative to take into account some of the rules of conduct in the cemetery specifically for magical affairs:

  1. You need to carry out actions in the cemetery where loved ones are buried, they will be protection against evil spirits.
  2. You don't need to be afraid or ashamed, you need to be confident in your goals and actions.
  3. If there are wounds on the body or these are the days of menstruation, it is worth postponing the plan.
  4. Follow the instruction of the ceremony.
  5. Do not desecrate the grave, it is better to present the ransom separately for the spirit of the deceased, on whose grave a magical ceremony is performed.
  6. Do not bring salt, objects that cut or prick with you.

When you are consciously ready to conduct and are confident in your strengths and knowledge, you can easily begin to improve your life.

Rite of passage for money (in the cemetery)

Raising money through a ritual will be quick and very effective. Perform a ceremony on the first night of the new moon.

What is needed for the ceremony

To fulfill our plans, you need to put a ruble under your left heel in a shoe.

  1. Arriving at the cemetery, present the mercy to the owner and establish a connection with him in this way.
  2. Pronounce a conspiracy:

    “Chur, chur, deceased, your place is sacred, And let my place be rich. To you, the dead, sound sleep, And to me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver. Chur, chur, dead, your place is sacred, And in my pocket - silver and gold. "

  3. After reading the conspiracy, you need to turn around and leave immediately.
  4. An easy-to-carry black ritual for money will give one hundred percent results and ensure a comfortable life, the main thing is not to get lost. Speak clearly and loudly the conspiracy.

You can easily attract money and luck if you really want to and put in the effort. You should not regret the ransoms that are presented to otherworldly forces, they reward several times more. You shouldn't be satisfied with what has already been achieved. You need to develop, you need to develop the ability to cooperate with the spirits, and not be afraid. Fear can be visited only in the conduct of the first few rituals; by expelling it, you can make your life not only successful, but also rich.

Rituals for good luck Black Magic makes it possible to carry out without visiting the cemetery. And the ransom, for a good result, will even be useful. Because fasting for three days is tantamount to a diet that can only make the human body stronger, and to serve to the poor, it is necessary, as far as possible, not even for "Payment", but to help those who are less fortunate.

Black Magic brings money to life in many ways. You can choose a ceremony for home conditions, having learned a good result, or you can follow the instructions and conduct it in the cemetery, enriching yourself and your loved ones.

There should be no concept of good or evil magic, there should be a desire to achieve a positive result. Is it evil to want good luck and lack of poverty?

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