Home Preparations for the winter Unusual ideas for last call. Original script of the last call. How they celebrate Last Bell and graduation in different countries of the world

Unusual ideas for last call. Original script of the last call. How they celebrate Last Bell and graduation in different countries of the world

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A graduate and a first-grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting there so sad?

First grader (sighing deeply):
My childhood is over, so I’m sad.

What are you doing? You still have everything ahead! Look how small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat similar to me. I had a shirt like this in first grade too, and a belt like this...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just came to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and memories, but I cannot repeat myself again. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!

I promise!

(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves. The graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, most fun and interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, naps at lunchtime, and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the halabudas made from blankets on chairs? Do you remember how your mother taught you to first grade?

Certainly! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to sail through the expanses of childhood, and then go to a new life. So I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am pleased to invite graduates of class 11-A under the leadership of (Name of class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates exit to musical accompaniment. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

And so, dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates answer in unison)

I heard that ships have their own oaths that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I vow to always help my classmates and like their posts on social networks!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my school friends not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I vow to regularly meet with my classmates and discuss the latest events!

Graduate 2:
I vow to always be beautiful to glorify our graduation!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest person in the university so that I can help my school friends if necessary!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most dexterous and fastest athlete in order to glorify my beloved school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and will write memoirs about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect my classmates and adore my classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit dear (full name of the class teacher) for tea!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko’s song “The Sea is Worried Once”)

Graduate 1:
I remember when I was a child, my mother read fairy tales to me,
My mother and I sang songs together,
How quickly time has flown by,
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how we laughed loudly,
On the swing in the yard,
We sewed diapers for the doll,
Childhood, I want to come to you!

Graduate 1:
I would like to plunge into childhood again,
Play football with dad
Before I had time to look back,
Everything in the past is now mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where are the cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I wave my hand to childhood,
I will always miss you
There was a golden time
Will never return!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood,
We raised the sails
Wave your hand at him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What awaits us ahead?
There's a lot to know
Childhood, come visit!
Come with memories
About happy bright days,
Childhood, I already miss it
We grew up so quickly!

The kids have come aboard! They have some very important business. Shall we listen to them before sending?

(First-graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
Please accept congratulations
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You're leaving today
We want to promise you
That we will look after the school,
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all our homework,
We will always obey
You set an example for us
Come by sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you,
But don't worry about school,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you a souvenir,
We are the bell and the magic ball,
So that you don't go astray,
To smile more often!

(First-graders present small bells and balloons to graduates)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We would like to ask you too
May you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him to comply,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class of first-graders with a charter, which they prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can “age” the paper to make it look more interesting. It’s a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first class? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, these are your first teachers, and they could not let you set sail without their guidance.

(The first teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We had a good time in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune of “Goodbye Moscow!”

Song .
1 verse.
The corridors are getting quieter
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting away,
Goodbye to our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Let's part now
We'll part for a while,
We'll run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2
You'll forgive our first teacher,
That we sometimes offended you,
Sorry, we ask, forgive us,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends break up
They part for a long time,
We will remember you
Just don't forget your class!

I remember very often as a child I dreamed of distant countries and travel. I spent hours reading books and imagining a world full of adventures and events. So what’s the point, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise the anchors! Full front! Look, what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids on the starboard side! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Student 1:
We won't let you through so easily,
We won't let you go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Student 2:
Don't judge the dance too harshly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be waiting for you!

(Girls dance dance)

On the course of the parent island! We have more passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother taught me to first grade,
I held her hand tightly,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
My mother tied me up with a bank then,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But I didn’t tell my mother that I was afraid.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run and not to fight,
On the first day I gave a bruise,
I had to give up the console.

Graduate 2:
I remember how I did my homework
How my mother checked all the mistakes afterward,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share joys and sorrows with you!

(Several parents are invited to the porch and read)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was spoken. And now we are sailing to Director's Island and Teachers' Island!

(Graduates, etc. The director, head teacher, several teachers say solemn speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of Valsa!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

Look how unnoticed we landed on the island of the “Class Teachers.” I think we will drop anchor here, but only for a while, because a distant country called “Life” awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us,
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell is ringing
Today he is calling us into the distance,
We won't go to class
And let's say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our hearts forever,
We will always remember you,
You are our dear person,
We all shout “Hurray” to you!

(Graduates shout three times “Hurray” to their class teachers)

(Class teachers sing a song to the tune of “The earth is empty without you”)

Song .

The corridor and classroom will be empty,
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way,
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How can I live without your eyes now?
How can we live without your smiles?
My best class has grown up,
A new life awaits you now!
The school yard will be empty without you,
If you can, then come in...

Graduate 1:
How much does our school mean?
How sad it is to leave,
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we're at our desks,
Let's enter our beloved school yard,
Holding back my tears, we won’t cry,
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time I will bring my son here,
Or maybe a daughter, it’s not up to me to decide,
I’ll show my child everything at school,
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Maybe I'll come back here,
I can teach geography
I’ll instantly plunge into the world of childhood,
I will give homework lessons.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we,
Let's keep warm
Those carefree days
It was so good when I was a child!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is already on its way,
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise our sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the rest in memory,
The last bell will ring,
Farewell and see you again!

(According to tradition, the graduate places the first-grader on his shoulder, who rings the bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang,
You and I have grown up quickly,
I propose, in parting,
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students hand over flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while
Raise your balloons to the sky,
And release the thread into the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)

Traditionally, the last bell for high school students and 4th grade graduates rings on May 25. After this event, the stage of preparation for final exams begins. For children, the last bell holiday evokes a mixed feeling of joy and sadness. Future fifth-graders say goodbye to elementary school and their first teacher; for students in grades 9 and 11, the final days in which they will live a normal life, communicate with classmates and favorite teachers begin. The last bell, the script of which necessarily includes the official part - the ceremonial ceremony, congratulations and parting words to the graduates from the teachers and the director, the response from the children, should become a bright, unusual and memorable event for the children and remain in the memory of the graduates as a cheerful and slightly sad celebration of parting with school.

Last call: script for 11th grade

Graduates of the 11th grade are adults and independent people, so they organize their last call on their own: they choose the format of the event, the storyline of the conference, learn concert numbers, prepare congratulations to parents and the teaching staff of the school. The success of the festive program largely depends on the level of preparation; it is necessary to think through all the nuances in advance: decoration of the hall, musical accompaniment, lyrics of songs, poems, words of gratitude. The task of parents and teachers is to help children express their emotional experiences in creativity and solve the material problems that arise.

Options for original and unusual scenarios for the last bell in 11th grade

Last call: script for 9th grade

The scenario for the last bell in the 9th grade is somewhat different from the holiday in honor of the end of the 11th grade - many of the students will leave the walls of their home school and continue their education in colleges, technical schools and vocational schools. It is better if the children themselves come up with the program for the special event: they choose storylines, rehearse dance numbers, prepare songs, poems and congratulations to classmates, teachers and parents.

Options for unusual and interesting scenarios for the last bell in 9th grade

Event stages:

  • warm-up Teachers ask questions to children, children to teachers (“Why do dogs bark?”, “Who walks while sitting?”);
  • warm-up (option 2). Participants draw “tickets” and take turns answering questions (“Are you looking into the future with pessimism or optimism?”, “What are modern youth like?”);
  • homework. The main competition, which can be organized in different forms, the most important thing is a good mood, fun and laughter. Graduates can read poetry, dance, and act out a thematic scene from school life. Teachers - say words of gratitude to children and parents, congratulate children on entering a new adult life;
  • the last competition is a farewell song.

The last bell is the most important school holiday, preceding serious final exams, which will determine the university where the children will study after graduation. The last call, the script of which includes a ceremonial and informal part, is sure to please graduates. When organizing an event, you should try to create a mix of entertaining moments, established traditions and classic official ceremonies. Graduating from school is a significant stage in children’s lives; they must realize the importance of what is happening, feel the atmosphere of celebration and attention to themselves, and say words of gratitude and appreciation to parents and teachers.

No matter what grade you are in, the last day of school is always an unforgettable event. While most students feel excited at the thought of the holidays, some experience intense emotions because they are, for example, moving, transferring to a different school, or not seeing their friends all summer. After reading this article, you will learn how to get rid of sadness and have a fun last day of school!


Planning for the last day of school

    Get ready with friends. Organize a fun event and invite your close friends. What could you do on your last day? It could be something crazy or, on the contrary, something calmer. Below you will find several ideas that can be brought to life. Your last day will be unforgettable.

    • Scatter toilet paper around the school.
    • Play a fun song during class.
    • Wear something that reflects your company's personality.
    • Draw a big picture with your friends in your free time.
  1. Have a productive morning. A properly planned morning is the key to a good day. Be sure to do the following on your last day of school:

    • Wake up on time. To do this, do not forget to set an alarm clock.
    • Take a shower.
    • Eat breakfast by including nutritious foods in your morning menu.
    • Wear something pretty or even a little playful.
    • Experiment with a new, slightly crazy hairstyle.
  2. Pack your bag or backpack. Although you won't need textbooks anymore, there are some things you might find useful. So pack a small bag:

    • Notebook
    • Mobile phone
    • The book you are reading
    • Diary
    • Pen

Having fun at school

  1. Have fun during the last day of school. This is the last day of classes and you won't see your classmates or teachers for an extended period of time. Relax, have fun and express your emotions.

    • Clarify any misunderstandings between you and your friends or teachers.
    • Show enthusiasm in all lessons.
    • Dance if you want to dance! Sing if you want to sing!
  2. Bring small gifts for your favorite teachers. Small gifts are a nice way to tell a friend or favorite teacher, "I'll miss you." You can give:

    • Postcard
    • Handmade decorations
    • Keychain
    • A candle
    • Flowers
  3. Give gifts to your friends to show that you appreciate them. Show them that you really enjoyed your time with them. Give candy or small fun souvenirs. Take some photos and send them to your friends.

    Ask your classmates to write their names in your journal or notebook. Throughout the summer, these posts will remind you of them. If you want to keep in touch with them, exchange phone numbers and/or email addresses.

    Do something you haven't done during the school year. For example, wear something unusual, do some new makeup, or treat your friends to fun but safe tricks.

Joint event planning

Maintaining relationships with friends and teachers

    Exchange phone numbers with your classmates. Keep in touch with your close friends.

    • During the school day, write down your friends' phone numbers in your journal or notepad.
    • If you have a crush on your classmate, ask him or her to give you their phone number. If the person refuses to give you their number, don't be upset; it's the last day of school. You won't see this person for three months! If he won't give you his number, try the next step.
    • Ask the person you like out on a date, or even take the more drastic step of kissing them. Just don't do anything stupid.
  1. Say goodbye to your teachers. Of course, they gave you homework, taught you boring classes, and even punished you. However, they certainly taught you something important this year. By saying goodbye to them, you will show that you are very grateful to them. If you don't know what to say, perhaps the following goodbye words may be helpful:

    • “I appreciate everything you have done for me this year. Thank you! Have a nice holiday".
    • “I'm sorry that sometimes I talked too much. You taught me a lot. Goodbye!"
    • "Thank you very much!"
  2. Say goodbye to your friends. Apologize to everyone - especially your enemies and teachers. You don't want to feel guilty all summer long. Plus, saying an apology will lift everyone's spirits. Show kindness to other people, they will be happy. Don't complain, don't be rude or boring. Otherwise you will annoy others.

    • Hug your friends and tell them you really appreciate them. Don't worry if you tear up (just remember to bring a handkerchief).
    • Don’t be sad, even if you don’t want to part with your friends at all. Life goes on. Plus, you might meet them sooner than you think.
  3. Have fun during your summer holidays. When the last bell rings, grab your bag and leave school as quickly as possible! Have fun during your summer holidays and don't forget to read some books.

  • Enjoy your last day of school. Dont be upset.
  • Take lots of photos to remember this day.
  • Enjoy your last day with friends. You won't see them all summer.
  • Be open with your friends on the last day of school. Tell them how much they mean to you.
  • Some teachers won't mind phones on the last day, so take advantage of this opportunity; just remember to ask your teacher for permission.
  • Although it may be difficult, if you have an enemy, the last day of school is a good opportunity to ask for forgiveness for what you have done. Do your best to resolve the disagreement between you.
  • If you want to do something that breaks school rules, do it without others noticing.

A thoroughly thought-out holiday program must be complemented by beautiful decoration. And balloons in this matter are the best solution, always a win-win and affordable option for any event. With their help, you can quickly and effectively transform even the most dull room, add color and childish playfulness to it, not to mention thematic compositions with a well-played plot. They will certainly delight both schoolchildren and parents and teachers.

Balloons and colorful compositions made from them must be used to decorate the stage where the festive performance will take place. The main areas for decoration are the backdrop, the wings and the edge of the stage. The choice of decorations should be made taking into account whether there will be a static screen in the center. If yes, then the decorations in his area should be simple and not distract attention (flowers, stars). At the same time, the backstage can be decorated more brightly, for example, with fountains, bouquets, life-size figures of graduates, the edge can be decorated with a wicker garland or thematic compositions.

If the center of the backdrop is free, then it is better to put all the emphasis on it. As decorations you can use volumetric panels, arches, helium chains, and a bell. In this case, the backstage can be decorated more modestly, for example, with flowers, small fountains, and the edge of the stage cannot be decorated at all or draped with fabric.

It’s good when the elements present on stage have their continuation in the hall. For example, curtains, a path between rows, and an entrance area are decorated in the same style. Here you can choose simpler jewelry, but the main thing is that they are in harmony with each other and create a single image.

In addition to the stage, it would be nice to decorate the halls leading to the assembly hall and the stairs if it is located on the second floor. Fountains and helium chains are also suitable here. On the railing you can attach a twisted garland or flowers, bouquets, and other compositions in a chaotic manner.

If your budget allows, you can install arches in the foyer and corridors, and decorate the ceilings with balloon clouds, a figurine of the sun, or a flock of flying inflatable pigeons.

It is also important to decorate the front entrance to the school and the entrance area inside, so that children feel the holiday from the moment they enter. Traditionally, arches are used here or a twisted garland is fixed along the opening. On the sides you can install fountains, life-size figures, stands with large balls on which it is written: “Goodbye, school!”

If you plan to launch balloons, and this is mandatory, since today almost no last bell rings without this deeply rooted and beloved tradition by children, then you can decorate the school yard: install an arch, a bell on the stand, and figures of schoolchildren. It is better to choose voluminous, densely made compositions, or structures on a frame, so that the wind or other vagaries of the weather do not damage the decorations. For the same reason, exterior decoration cannot be done several days in advance.

You can launch not only single helium balloons with ribbons. The launch of bouquets or an inflatable figure tied to a bunch of balloons, for example, a voluminous bell, looks interesting. Launching from the net will also be spectacular. At the same time, 300, or even 1000 balls rise into the sky, while 100 - 150 can be launched from your hands.

Last call: interesting designer ideas

But the Internet seems to be full of photos and video materials for decorating the last call with your own hands; only a qualified decorator can decorate the holiday in an original, stylish way, without unnecessary details.

Our decor workshop professionally designs school events:

  • specialists from Anastasia Danilova’s studio always follow fashion and new products in aerodesign and actively implement them into their work;
  • for the last call we can offer many interesting and unhackneyed ideas, even traditional elements will look fresh and original;
  • For those who want to decorate their holiday in an unusual way, we develop individual designs, for example, themed decorations in the style of “Hipsters,” “Retro,” “Oscar,” etc.

Decorators from our studio participate in international aerodesign festivals and win prizes. Last year's achievement was 1st place in the major league at the BACI 2014 festival in Italy.

In our projects we use the widest variety of materials:

  • helium balloons;
  • glossy, matte, foil;
  • frame and frameless structures;
  • inflatable figures, numbers, letters;
  • surprise balloon, launch balloons, reset balloons and much more.

If you have any interesting ideas for the last call, graduation, other event, or you need something exclusive, we will be happy to take on the project. The only thing we ask is that you place your order in advance. There are more than 1,500 schools in Moscow that require the services of designers on the same date. We physically won’t have time to do the registration for everyone. Do not put off your order until later, and you will receive the best conditions for cooperation!

Graduation decoration Making the last call Launching balls

How to turn the “last bell” into a school-wide holiday? Not a mandatory gala event, but a real Alumni Celebration? It turns out that for this, class teachers and organizers need to take thirteen steps towards... not even the premiere, no! To my own students.

P about the opinion of S. Afanasyev (see his book “Last Bell: How to Organize a Holiday for Graduates. Methodological Manual”, M., 2001. – Note ed.), to create a truly interesting and original “Last Call”, you need to solve at least ten problems (we already mentioned them in No. 8 of 2007 - Note ed.): 1) to interest, captivate, involve; 2) decide on talents; 3) choose the form of conduct; 4) write a scenario plan; 5) make the scenery, select props and costumes; 6) sound the hall and record a musical soundtrack; 7) rehearse and rehearse; 8) register a school; 9) purchase gifts, make invitation cards and programs; 10) play the premiere.
The order in which these tasks are solved may vary depending on the specifics of your school. For example, you can purchase gifts for teachers and graduates early, and postpone the school decorations to the last week before the holiday. You can also solve several tasks at the same time (make scenery and record a soundtrack in the intervals between rehearsals). It is important to correctly distribute responsibilities and take into account the time factor.
Direct preparation should begin in the second quarter of the academic year. This time is usually sufficient. Before you begin organizing and staging “Last Call,” you need to critically evaluate your capabilities and the desires of your graduates.

Step one
We interest, captivate, involve

How difficult, and sometimes impossible, it is to organize a holiday when no one needs it and causes nothing in our hearts except apathy. But you won’t be able to captivate everyone at once. You should not force a person to do something that he does not have a heart for. Well, he or she doesn't want to perform on stage in front of a large number of spectators (especially their moms and dads). He is shy and thinks he will look stupid. He just doesn’t like theatrical performances!
The success of “Last Bell” as a school-wide holiday largely depends not only on the performance of the actors on stage, but on the total activities of artists, decorators, make-up artists, sound engineers, etc. Some of the students may prove themselves in this capacity.

Step two
Deciding on talents

Before you begin choosing a form and writing a script, you should determine what talents your graduates have. When preparing for the holiday, you will absolutely need:
artists who will come up with and draw scenery sketches, invitation cards, programs, and design the graduation newspaper;
costume designers and make-up artists who will create inimitable costumes and turn an ordinary student or 11th grade student into James Bond or Vasilisa the Beautiful;
joiners, carpenters, prop makers who will make scenery and props based on artists’ sketches;
sound engineers who will record and mix the musical soundtrack, and during the holiday will regulate the sound;
computer scientists who use information technology to simplify work with text, sound, and light.
“Is it really possible,” you ask, “to find so much talent in the graduating classes?” Maybe! You just have to look. If you don't find it, contact your fellow teachers. I think that the art teacher will not refuse to help graduates with drawing, and the labor teacher will help in assembling the scenery.
In schools that have their own radio center, there is also a person responsible for it. So much for the sound engineer. The computer science and computer science teacher will be happy to provide a computer for printing the script, recording the soundtrack, creating sketches and invitation cards. Parents of graduates will help with costumes, and the role of make-up artist will be taken on by any person of the fair half of humanity.
Find out if you have people singing, dancing, playing instruments or tapping. First ask the guys, and then check. And let them understand that you are doing all this not out of distrust of their talent, but only to learn its boundaries. Hold an audition or ask a music teacher to read poetry or play guitar. They will be embarrassed, even refuse. Don't push, but convince and convince again. It often happens that the most supposedly quiet and downtrodden ones turn out to be the most promising.
Having carried out reconnaissance in force in this way, you will know what artistic capabilities your graduates can count on. But keep in mind that already during rehearsals, your children’s talents can either reveal themselves, or... Keep them interested in creativity! That's half the battle.

Step three
Choosing a form of conduct

It is the form and idea of ​​holding the holiday itself that will largely determine what it will be like: pretentious, ironic, sad, cheerful, official, relaxed, etc. First of all, the need to write speeches, poems, remake songs, record a high-quality soundtrack, set up lights, decorate the hall, etc. depends on the form of the event. Therefore, the choice of the form of the event always precedes the writing of a script plan and the creation of scenery.
What forms of holding the “Last Call” exist? Today there are five of them. They are discussed in great detail in the same wonderful book by S. Afanasyev. Therefore, I will simply list them (and will dwell in detail on only one):
ceremonial line;
ceremonial meeting;
festive gala concert;
festive show program;
festive cafe.
The first two forms are almost a thing of the past. But the last three are used everywhere with the addition of their own ideas and scenario moves, technical innovations and eclecticism.
The choice of the form for holding the “Last Call” depends solely on potential and imagination. The first refers to both creative and technical potential. It is difficult to imagine that in the absence of basic musical, technical and lighting equipment in the school, it is possible to stage a show program (performance) with elements of a musical. The very form of conducting a musical performance requires the presence of an audio or CD player, microphones, a mixing console, an amplifier and monitors, light, as well as the ability to sing, dance, move correctly on stage, etc. Otherwise, the musical will turn into an unattractive, incomprehensible spectacle.
The most dynamic and popular form in recent times is the festive show program. This form takes root in those schools where teachers and students are not afraid to be mischievous, relaxed, cheerful and at the same time take the preparation of the holiday seriously. The show program is the least conservative, and every year it can appear before the audience in a new variation.
The show program of “Last Bell” can be called both simple, cheerful performances by students and teachers, not connected by a single plot, as well as complex performances with a through line, changing scenery, colorful costumes, and role-playing dialogues. The only condition: all the action must be related to the theme of the day - graduation from school and farewell to a carefree childhood.
There are an endless number of ideas for holding the Last Call show program:
fairy tale;
novel, story, story, poem;
movie or cartoon;
television show program, etc.

Step four
Creating a scenario plan

When starting to draw up a scenario plan, it is necessary to determine:
time and place;
technical and material possibilities for implementing the plan;
organizational requirements.
When developing a script plan, it is necessary to take into account that skits, jokes, reprises, etc. may be perceived differently. First of all, this applies to teachers. We admit, colleagues, that it costs nothing to offend us. Teachers are very vulnerable people. We must try to ensure that the good irony, which will certainly be present in the speeches of graduates, in no case develops into sarcasm.
I saw with my own eyes performances that turned from a romantic celebration of graduates into direct mockery of their mentors. And I wouldn’t blame schoolchildren exclusively for this. Revenge for an unfair bad mark, an excessive desire to make the audience laugh through rude jokes often lead to excesses. The main blame for offending a person will fall on the one who did not stop the frivolities committed by the graduates. Then it will be very embarrassing and can lead to a serious conflict.
Second. In the script, try to avoid repetitions that are understandable only to a small number of people sitting in the audience. A funny incident that happened in class and is known only to the teacher and the class can only cause bewilderment to others.
Third. It is advisable to include “work with the audience” in the script plan. Otherwise, sitting motionless for an hour and a half will greatly blur the good impression of the performance.
Fourth. Don't forget about the dads and moms of the graduates. They will be pleased to hear kind words addressed to them from the stage. And the best thing is to involve the most active parents in the action itself. Believe me, the effect is impressive!
Fifth. The assembly hall must be full. Everyone knows the sell-out effect. And most importantly, it will bring additional joy to the speakers.

Step five
Deciding on the cast of performers

The cast of performers for the show program is selected depending on the goals you set for yourself:
Do you want all school graduates to take part in the festive concert, regardless of their ability and desire;
you want those who have at least some stage abilities to perform in the concert;
you specially select the most creatively gifted children from graduates;
Do you think that you can make Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Natalya Gundareva out of any person?
Be that as it may, on the stage it is best to create such an atmosphere so that everyone feels like a part of a single and integral action. For this purpose, there should be no main roles in the script. Or all the roles are the main ones.

Step six
Choosing a time and place

Creating a scenario plan depends on the time and location of the holiday. It is advisable not to have a dress rehearsal the day before. Give the guys a rest. It is better to hold the “general meeting” two days before the performance.
You should not celebrate in the evening. This is irrational. Graduates can spend the afternoon in nature or go on an excursion.
The venue for the “Last Bell” is traditionally the school assembly hall. It is most suitable in its technical and aesthetic parameters for theatrical action. A sporty one will also do. The atmosphere of the room should be taken into account.

Step seven
We evaluate technical and material capabilities

Technical capabilities mean the presence of music, lighting, technology and information equipment in your school arsenal. Starting to create a scenario plan without taking into account technical capabilities is imprudent. You shouldn’t count on a good sounding phonogram (and is it even worth recording it at all?) without more or less normal musical technique. Playing with light in the absence of basic light guns is just as difficult as printing beautiful invitation cards without a computer (although you can draw). All that remains is to use the piano, acoustic guitars, tambourines, etc. As for lighting equipment, you will have to be content with the so-called disco light with flashing lights, turntables, strobes, etc.
Equally important are the material possibilities for realizing your plans. Everything requires money. I exclude from material costs the costs of gifts for teachers and the school, as well as flowers - this is sacred. Depending on what you have in mind, you will have to purchase at least:
paint of different colors for decorations;
material for costumes (or rent);
light bulbs, switching cables;
Whatman paper, photocopy paper, cardboard;
props for the performance.
Don’t forget about graduation photos, which now cost a lot of money, graduation expenses -
special suits and dresses, graduation table, and payment for the work of those who are not related to the school, but are working on the implementation of your plans.
Almost always, the financial burden falls on the parents. If the school has sponsors or pays all expenses itself, then honor and praise it. But this situation is rather an exception to the rule. Not every family will be able to afford to shell out a tidy sum even once in 11 years.
Therefore, before starting to write a scenario plan, it is necessary to hold organizational parent meetings. Only after them you will find out what material base you own. Count on it.

Step eight
Making decorations and selecting props

Practice shows that the artistic (as well as technical) design of a scene can equally elevate an mediocre script and completely ruin a superbly done one. Here are some tips on selecting the material, manufacturing and functionality of the stage “clothing”:
“less is more” - the stage should not be cluttered even with very necessary objects;
scenery can and most often should be symbolic, expressing the general content of the performance;
multifunctionality of decorations is their integral feature;
the scenery (on the school stage) must be mobile and easily replaceable;
the scenery should be in harmony with the stage lighting and costumes of the artists;
It is better to choose paint for decorations in pastel colors. The use of oil paint is not recommended. It is better to use ordinary gouache. It is easy to use, cheap and does not glare like oil;
It is not recommended to use more than three colors when decorating a scene; you can play with their shades;
The materials for decoration are most often wooden slats, plywood or cardboard, as well as various fabrics. Old wallpaper made from cheap material will come in handy (on the reverse side, paint adheres well to it);
decorations can be made double-sided. On one side, for example, there is a living room, on the other there is a garden;
Columns give perspective to the stage;
An important feature of any props that will be used during the production is lightness.

Step nine
We create voiceovers and soundtracks

Not every school can boast of having good sound equipment. What is needed to make the hall sound?
Acoustic standard: 1) audio or CD player; 2) mixing console; 3) amplifier; 4) microphones (on stands); 5) acoustics (monitors); 6) headphones; 7) commutation cables.
In addition to the above, it is advisable to have on staff a person whose position in the school is called “radio operator,” although we prefer the name “sound engineer.” This is a person who is not only responsible for the safety of equipment, but also understands it. Technology has the ability to constantly fail. It requires careful treatment and constant diagnosis.
In addition, a sound engineer (an understanding sound engineer) is an invaluable person when preparing holidays of various levels. He will correctly position the equipment in the hall, set the sound, connect all components with commutating cables, help in recording the soundtrack and will regulate the sound at the festival itself.
Now about the soundtrack. I mean the phonogram, which is popularly called “minus one” or “backing track”. It is to this song that graduates will perform congratulatory and address songs.
Where can I get it from? The most common options for obtaining a phonogram are:
purchasing already recorded “backing tracks” on audio or CD media;
using a microphone or karaoke center with disks or chips attached to it as a source of phonogram;
downloading a soundtrack from the Internet;
recording your own soundtrack on a synthesizer or computer;
inviting a “live” symphony orchestra to accompany the holiday.

Using a microphone or a karaoke-type center as a source of phonograms is also possible. I will recommend two such resources. The first of them is located at http://www.karaoke.ru, the second at http://www.midi.ru. Here you can find a lot of soundtracks and download them to your computer completely free of charge.

Step ten

You already have a script, roles assigned, costumes selected, scenery made, soundtrack recorded - you can start rehearsals. And here we run into various obstacles. Don't forget that there is a learning process going on. They still have to take exams! Your artists have seven or even eight lessons every day, preparatory courses several times a week, classes with tutors, etc. Yes, we forgot about the personal life of young people, which also separates them from the implementation of our plans. As a result, it is extremely difficult to get everyone together and conduct a full rehearsal.
There are several ways out of this situation:
identify a specific day or days when your students are least busy with the above;
rehearse individual scenes first and only two weeks before the performance bring them together;
conduct rehearsals on weekends (what can you do?);
use vacation time whenever possible;
negotiate with the administration and teachers about some concessions (at the end of the year) for the main characters (not always welcome, but an agreement can be reached).
The rehearsal process itself determines:
regularity and discipline;
the artist has his own printed text;
multiple repetitions of the same episode, mise-en-scène, song, etc.;
each character's knowledge of the general course of the play;
fulfilling the requirements of the production director;
making changes to the script of the performance;
no pauses between individual fragments;
clarity of diction, correct song performance, synchronicity in dance;
compliance with the laws of the stage.
Spend the last few weeks before Last Call putting all the scenes together. And try to make sure that, despite all the rigor of the rehearsals, your artists do not lose their desire to participate in them!

Step eleven
We design the school

You should start decorating the school at least a week and a half before the holiday. Depending on what the “Last Bell” is for the school, we can talk about levels of design. The book by S. Afanasyev defines six levels of school decoration for the holiday:
"narrowly festive"
"broad holiday"
We are closer to the last level of design. To produce a conceptual design, you need not only funds, but also a special mentality. This is not just decorating the school for the holiday, but an expression of some idea, thought, concept.

Step twelve
We prepare gifts, invitation cards and programs

We must try to make sure that gifts are not bought on a residual basis - there is a certain amount of money that remains after purchasing the most necessary things. There is nothing seditious about giving directions to parents when buying gifts.
But the main thing is not the gift itself (although it is!), but the ritual of presenting it. Each school has its own. Words coming from the heart, a speech in which the motive of gratitude to one’s “sensei” sounds, beautiful music, a solemn atmosphere - this is what must necessarily accompany the presentation of gifts. And don’t forget about the words of repentance for past sins that could not be avoided. “We are all people, we are all human!”
A few words about invitations and programs. It is quite possible to limit yourself to verbally inviting your teachers to the “Last Call”. Or write on a beautiful postcard who, where and when “they will be eagerly awaited.” But if you are planning a conceptual design for a holiday, follow the rules to the end. An ordinary postcard or A4 sheet of paper will not work as an invitation. Come up with a form of invitation card that would be ideologically combined with your concept.

Step thirteen
We're playing the premiere

Everything is ready to show the only premiere of “Last Call”. How much work went into performing the most romantic school play for the only time in my life! You surprised, captivated, made me laugh, cry and empathize. But the main thing is that you created a holiday that will forever remain in the souls of graduates.
Maybe they will forget the study material, bad grades, arguing with their teachers and calling their parents to school. But they will never forget their very last school bell. After all, this is the bell of parting with childhood, the most beautiful and unique time in every person’s life.

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