Home Preparations for the winter Congratulations to former sailors on Sailor's Day. Beautiful and funny birthday greetings to a sailor (sailor, sailors). Congratulations in pictures and verses on Sailor's Day

Congratulations to former sailors on Sailor's Day. Beautiful and funny birthday greetings to a sailor (sailor, sailors). Congratulations in pictures and verses on Sailor's Day

Today celebrates the holiday
The one whose eyes know no fear.
Severe spirit, romantic at heart,
Brave, valiant sailor.
Let there be a gentle sea,
Let the steering wheel obey your hands,
And let him greet you with bread and salt
Any country sea pier.
But wherever the waves carry,
No matter what edges you see,
Sailor, do not forget and remember,
What is your land waiting for you?

From us, the inhabitants of the land, on your holiday, sailor, accept gifts and congratulations! The sea is not only romance, but also a lot of troubles, sometimes not easy... We wish you to do everything playfully and with a masterful hand! We wish you not to run aground in life and, always smiling, to know exactly where a quiet, happy harbor awaits you!

The waves and rocks did not frighten you,
You led the ship into a hurricane.
They skillfully avoided obstacles.
God gave you the talent of a sailor.
We wish you courage and courage,
Let calm be your travel companion.
Gain wisdom from travel,
Make your dreams come true.

You are our brave sailor,
You are sailing to distant lands.
Let any troubles and bad weather,
They will bypass the sea vessel and you.
And fortune is like a calling,
Will protect you.
Joy, happiness and smile,
Let them always be in abundance!

The boys look into the distance of the seas.
They want to grow up quickly
Take the helm and stand watch on patrol
It's a distance to watch, but all around is the sea...
Maybe they read London, Verne
Or, having watched enough movies, we dreamed
Link your life with the sea forever.
And, having matured, make your dream come true
The boys started by becoming sailors.
Our fleet is proud of such guys,
True to your word, your dream, your service
And real male sea friendship.
On this holiday we would like to wish the sailors,
To return to their shores,
So that there is always someone waiting for them on earth,
Tenderly loved and saw off again!

The time of white-sailed frigates has passed, but in the vastness of the sea, courage and honor, courage and thirst for discovery are still highly valued... Please accept our congratulations! You are brave, like a real captain, and we wish you to navigate the ship along any route without hitting a reef, see the Siren in the sea and happily return to land!

Today we congratulate
Conquerors of the sea -
And experienced captains,
And young sailors.
May the weather be good
Always accompanies you.
The wind is warm and inviting
Fills the sails.
Everything will be fine at home
There are true friends nearby.
Noble calling
Always inspires you.

International Day has arrived for seafarers,
They, of course, were all very, very much looking forward to it,
We will give them many congratulations, words,
May the sailors have no sadness in their lives!
We wish you to explore the open spaces,
Seas and rivers, endless oceans,
We wish them to live a happy life,
Without troubles and grief, without problems, deceptions!

On this day everyone bathes
You can hear jokes, squeals, laughter,
Sparks splash like rain flying
They want to get people wet.
Neptune rules everything
Ancient, all gray-haired in appearance.
Special for everything
He has a trident.
He blinds with his crown,
Sparkles brightly and cheerfully
Grandfather's retinue helps
Quickly pushes everyone into the water
Good for Neptune!
Happy holiday to you, country!

What is cuter than the splash of waves on board, a warm breeze and the cry of seagulls? We dare to hope that our congratulations will also please you! Please accept them, as well as our best wishes! Don't forget about those waiting on land! Return your company to them as soon as possible, bring them overseas gifts... Be healthy and kind to fate!

There is no one more free than you in the world!
It is unlikely that you will be more courageous!
Not afraid of rain and wind,
By water, even to the ends of the world!
The sea has become your home,
Without end and without beginning!
Happy holiday to you, happy day!
And elation!
Optimism and patience,
And the envy of everyone, good luck!
Find your island of happiness
To live on it to stay!

Let me congratulate you today,
After all, this day is not only great for you.
We also believe that you sleep peacefully,
And every moment is joyful for you.
Being a sailor is a worthy calling,
You are not afraid of either wind or water.
Dangerous but proud task
It will probably stay with you for centuries.

As a child, you dreamed of the sea,
By winds and sails:
The wind argues with the waves,
Lulls me to sleep for hours.
So that the shore melts in the haze,
And the seagulls to scream
So that the gray mists
They sped off into the gray distance.
You grew up, went to sea,
Your dream has come true.
The Lord heard you
And you are now a sailor.
We congratulate you,
We hurry to hug you,
The sea has become destiny
And a song for the soul!

You are not just a sailor by profession - sea salt is in your very soul! Congratulations, navigator! It’s a pity that America and the path to China have already been opened... But still, whether swimming, traveling on foot, along new or old roads, always be able to look at everything in a new way, be surprised and smile at the uniqueness of the world!

Conquerors of the seas, oceans and rains,
To the lords of all helms,
Sails and anchors
We only wish for calm,
And sail through life beautifully.
And without a compass to know
Where to moor yourself.
Let life be more comfortable
And more spacious than a cabin.
To wait at the pier
And they greeted us with a smile.
So that stray volleys of guns
Only on holidays you should listen.
And fireworks in your honor
So as not to over-read!

You are not afraid of storms and storms,
Flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder!
We dedicate these words to brave men - sailors,
We wish you fair winds and smooth seas!
A handsome man is a sailor,
All women are attracted to the look!
Today we are ready to congratulate you,
We will be glad to hug you and press you to your heart!

Sailor's Day! Nautical miles...
There is no secret love and friendship,
We say: storms and calms -
Your destiny is happy!
Fogs, countries, oceans,
Hold, watches, lines, marine terminal...
Latitudes and meridians
You know firsthand!
Not as a captain, but as a sailor
You walk, whether you are old or young,
You will always be an idol, a boss
All waiting sailor hearts!

Seven feet under the keel! Happy holiday to you, sea dweller and our dear person! Let me wish you all the best on your holiday! May your earthly path be marked by true love, strong friendship and glorious victories! Do your duty faithfully and stand firmly on your feet in any storm, because you are a real sailor!

Do you remember the line from the game,
Where is the sea rough?
The children have grown up, alas,
They fled from the street.
Only one of the children
Didn't part with the waves,
Without such sea tricks
Life is completely incomplete!
In this light, the sailors
We can wish
Sail against all winds,
Without running aground!
On the wave of happy days
Charm the young ladies
And on deck it’s friendlier
Dance "Apple"!
Let neither the storm nor the hurricane
Don't go off course
Vessel - water hang glider
Let the flag fly!

How proud and honorable it is to wear a naval rank,
and whoever you are, a sailor or an admiral,
after all, all sailors and Neptune you pray to,
so that your ship never disappears in the seas!
We congratulate you on the holiday guys only sincerely,
let the sailor's day pass on the water,
let your ship sail on the calm waters of the sea,
and your path runs along that bright star!

June 25, 2019 marks the Day of the Sailor or, as this holiday is also called, Day of the Navigator. Congratulations on Seaman's Day are accepted by those who connected their lives with the sea, including merchant marine workers.

Congratulations on Sailor's Day in verse

Not on rails or sleepers,
Not across the sky-clouds,
You are slaloming along the waves...
Glory, glory to the sailors!

On the way to the sea again
You will go without words,
Happy intoxication to you
Wind full of sails!

May the gentle waves
As if in a cradle, you will be rocked,
From the pier it’s completely immodest
The guns will start firing up!

Always greeted with volleys
Let everyone on the pier
Warm meetings crown
Your naval journey is not easy!

And on a long journey of strength
Your dear one will give you a hearth,
Seagulls will be dear to the heart
And the formidable enemy is not afraid.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Navigator's Day, will be nice to receive for those who spend most of their lives at sea. Don't forget to express your love and attention to them on the day of the holiday!

Poems for Sailor's Day

The sea is both passion and work for you,
We will hasten to glorify your work in verse.
Happy Sailor's Day - Merchant Fleet
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Freedom and a fair wind are your friend,
You are not afraid of any shackles,
Only the sky and the sea are elements around.
Be happy! Be healthy!

Happy Sailor's Day to you
Congratulations today,
Quiet, calm sea
We wish you swimming!
And may the wind be fair
It blows every time on your way,
And in the Russian fleet,
Everything will be top class!
Let your work be essentially hard,
But for the sailor all this is not a problem!

Today is the holiday of sailors -
All those who serve at sea.
You, sailor, are always ready
Come to the rescue in grief.
Let it carry away with the waves
All failures, troubles.
Let joy live only in the soul,
And there will only be victories!
Let friends not betray you
They will help when needed.
And let the spouses wait faithfully,
They greet you from the service.

As a child, you dreamed of the sea,
By winds and sails:
The wind argues with the waves,
Lulls me to sleep for hours.
So that the shore melts in the haze,
And let the seagulls scream
So that the gray mists
They sped off into the gray distance.
You grew up, went to sea,
Your dream has come true.
The Lord heard you
And you are now a sailor.
We congratulate you!
We're in a hurry to give you a hug.
The sea has become destiny
And a song for the soul!

Poems dedicated to Sailor's Day, which are presented on our website, will not leave your colleagues, family and friends indifferent. Thanks to modern communications, these poems can be sent anywhere in the world.

On Sailor's Day, everyone in the world congratulates
I will collect in one poem,
To congratulate a friend personally from the bottom of my heart
And wish everything to be great!

May the sea protect you from storms,
Let the wave be with a reflection of azure!
May the sky be sunny and clear,
Let everything in life be first-class!

On Sailor's Day, I wish the “sea wolves”
To surf the open spaces without running aground,
Always go towards all winds,
So that any storm can be curbed.
I wish you sails full of wind,
So that the cannons from the pier would fire in greeting,
And many, many congratulations, warm words,
And so that you are loved in any country!

The day of the sailor has come for us,
We congratulate everyone now,
All sailors are simple people,
May they always have good luck in everything!

We will sing songs together,
And we congratulate our sailors,
We have a lot to do,
After all, we are celebrating our friends today!

We wish you a blue sea,
The sky is bright above him.
You are a sailor, we know that
So we’ll dedicate the verse to you.

Let your ship sail on the sea,
Encircles the whole world
And does not know grief along the way,
Returns without holes!

Generations changing
For many centuries,
Young guys fate
The sailor is separated.

They have to take a long time
Say goodbye to loved ones
Boundless seas,
Wander the oceans.

Women, be kinder:
Take care of the sailors.
There is no nicer place for them
Native, warm shores.

You don't see the sunshine
Service is measured in years,
You deserve any reward
You are accustomed to working in the seas.
May your ship be invulnerable
And the goals will be achievable.
Hello helmet to submariners
Let there be health for many years!

International Seafarer's Day.
Whale's sides hurt
Dolphins' ears hurt
Pink salmon has a sore throat
The shark's nose is stuffy
The turtle is sick too.
All the killer whales ran away,
They say their shoulder blades hurt.
The sea hid the whole world -
The sailors are having a feast today!

Happy Sailor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you,
We celebrate your holiday today.
I wish you health, happiness and goodness,
Thousands and hundreds of bright smiles.

Let all the waves be submissive to you,
May the sea never bring trouble.
You are undoubtedly worthy of praise
And the fulfillment of any dream.

Naval service is very difficult,
Not everyone can be a sailor,
The sea water is cold and deep,
And if there is a storm, it is dangerous and stormy!

I hasten to congratulate you on Sailor's Day,
You, my brave and courageous sailor,
I want to wish you from my heart, lovingly,
Health, happiness, and good luck - this is important!

Congratulations to the sailor
Happy wonderful holiday!
Get off the ladder quickly,
Dilute your bland life.

We will congratulate you
A women's team.
The sea wolf will be pleased
A universal holiday.

A seagull flies low
The steamboat hummed,
For land girls
The personal front has suddenly become impoverished!

Let it be difficult to rule the courts -
There is no better profession in the world,
Land all over the planet,
Today we congratulate the sailors.

We want what you need
Everything is in a cozy haven,
So that the wives wait
Sailors from the voyage,

So that everyone is healthy,
And the ship didn't sink
So that King Neptune is harsh
Didn't let the ships sink.

You are strong, smart and brave,
Because you are a sailor
I can handle any task,
Only you can do this!
I congratulate you on your day,
I hug you warmly
I wish you a clean sea
And more luck,
May storms always pass by,
Your ship is sideways
Let them wander away
Congratulations, my hero!

Happy Sailor's Day, I congratulate you,
Your job is so difficult, sometimes dangerous.
I wish you prosperity and goodness,
To avoid troubles and misfortunes.

Let love remain in your soul forever,
Let the sea whirlwinds always lead you home.
Happy Sailor's Day to you warmly,
Sailor and my dear friend.

Strong and brave, romantic,
The sailors are (wow!) nice guys.
Navigating the sea is in their blood,
This craving is stronger for the woman of love.

Know, beloved ones, know, good ones,
Remember everything, sailors -
Relatives live waiting to hear
Your steps are at your native house.

The sea is quiet, the sea is dry,
After all, the sailor came ashore.
The sea is peaceful, the sea is calm,
A ship is not a car!

A sailor is every girl's dream,
All you have to do is show your form,
Faces rush towards him,
He wants to sip them all.

There is only one feeling in your life
This feeling is boundless - love,
It becomes sad without him
Without it, carrots are not carrots.

The sea is what is important for life,
So keep it in your heart,
Never forget about the Fatherland,
And serve her night and day!

Sea wolves and she-wolves,
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Happy International Maritime Day.
So come in! And we'll pour it!

Let the waves rage playfully
The surface of the sea shines beautifully.
No matter how gloomy the sailor is,
There will be holds full of fish,
Whatever the storm never catches,
Happy holiday! Happy Sailor's Day!

You are an experienced sailor,
Severe, sea wolf,
And without a doubt we will say,
You know a lot about the seas!
Brave, strong, courageous,
The man is of the highest class,
Skilled professional
An example for us in everything!
We congratulate you together,
Happy Sailor's Day to you,
We wish you all the best,
And let the river of fate
Carries you through life smoothly,
Let there always be calm,
Live with a smile, joyfully,
And seven feet under the keel!

For you, water is like a home,
After all, you won’t become a sailor on land,
You need a fighting character,
Otherwise you can’t fool the sea.

Today I'm sailor's day
I wish you good wind,
Health, vigilance so as not to let you down,
Let your loved ones wait and adore you.

Sun, sea, waves, wind -
You are the happiest in the world!
Always forward you
Your ship is sailing smoothly!

Sailors are always held in high esteem:
Months at work
Months on the water
You've been everywhere!

Let the sea be calm,
The crew must be assembled,
So that wherever you end up,
They shared gold with you!

You were there where the wind knocked you down.
Where the waves tried to swallow you.
But powerful hands clenched the steering wheel,
They did not give up and won.

You risk your life every hour.
Waves, rocks and pirates threaten you.
Tested by the sea many times
The strength of nerves, hands and ropes.

And women will forever suffer,
Letting you go and argue with the ocean.
And they will wait faithfully and faithfully:
In any century, sailors are welcome.

What calls you to the sea?
foam wave,
Endless spaces
Steel anchors?

And what attracts you so much?
Enter into an unequal battle,
And your gaze is not clouded
Storm with wind and thunderstorm.

You are sea soldiers,
You can't live without the sea,
But let them always be girls
They will wait for the sailor.

June 25 is the day of brave sailors,
we wish you a lot of strength
and calm shores.
May the star accompany you
the heavens guard their path,
and the winds help them return back to us.

Congratulations to you, dear ones.
and wish you calm waters,
don't let storms bother you
and less trouble for you.

A hundred devils! A crutch down your throat
Or the sea is completely calm!
I drink to the saltiest,
Almost marinated!

You are not afraid of the ninth wave,
And this is not the first time that Tsunami
Congratulations guys
Strong sea toast.

Hey, sailor friend, happy holiday to you!
We know everything will be great for you!
After all, the wave of the sea is your sister,
And your comrades are free winds.

You are strong and agile, a true hero!
Everyone knows that your work is very difficult.
Seven feet under the keel for you, daredevil.
We are waiting for you on land, our proud sailor.

To plow the seas and oceans,
You need to be a romantic in life,
You need to get used to foreign countries
And the sea the way you love a woman.

There is a fleet in the north and there is a fleet in the south,
But a sailor must always remember
That there is no sea in my friend’s house.
And the fact that he will soon be at sea is not a problem.

On that edge of the earth or on this,
Let them wait for you with love and warmth,
After all, it is very important to be far away
Know that you will return to your cozy home.

You can’t imagine life without the sea,
Every day the soul yearns for the waves,
Don’t let trouble and grief scare you,
May there be a fair wind and wave.

So that the storm does not disturb you,
So that fear does not disturb the peace of the soul,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, though,
May luck travel with you!

A flock of dolphins greets you warmly,
The sea wave rocks the ship slightly -
You're back on deck, back in the jet,
And immediately you became doubly happier.

May all your flights be easy,
Let the ships float softly on the waves,
In the port, let the lighthouse burn with a clear light,
Let your beloved remain faithful at home.

Eh, sailor, you've been sailing too long,
But we can't forget you
Any harbor is like your home,
And life without a sailor is so boring for us!

You know that far away, in your native land,
We love you very much, we are really waiting for you,
Hard work at sea,
Accept greetings from us with a poem!

Serve, work, come soon,
To my native land, where apple trees bloom,
You are even dearer and dearer to us,
The nightingales sing about our meeting.

Sailor! You have seen a hundred seas.
I became stronger after each one.
Sailor, you have drowned more than once,
But he saved many lives in his life.

Less waves. More stars!
And so that the storms are not serious.
And so that a fair wind blows,
The ship went around all the shallows!

There have been a lot of storms in life,
But the storm is nothing to you.
You always go towards your cherished goal,
You are a proud and crazy sailor.

On my birthday I wish
Steadily bypass all the reefs,
Love, hope and believe,
What luck will you have along the way?

Let the care of your loved ones
Indicates the specified route.
Let there be a home where they wait and love,
Where there is laughter, prosperity and comfort.

I wish on this birthday,
May all the seas be conquered!
Let the mood soar upward,
So that you don't be sad in vain!

Let there be happiness in the oceans
The wave will cover you with joy!
May all plans come true
So that life is full of goodness!

May your sails always be filled with the wind of luck. Let storms and storms pass by. I wish that the compass of life never goes astray or fails, but always correctly points the way to the right landmarks. I wish you never to be left behind, may your team always have loved ones and loyal friends. Happy birthday!

The waves splash behind the stern,
Playing with seagulls
Happy birthday, sailor,
I congratulate you.

You are hardened by storms
And salted by the sea,
May good luck be a white seagull
Circles above you.

Inflates the sails
Let the wind be fair
Let them be subject to you
All the seas in the world.

Disappearing overboard
May the sea miles
On your birthday I wish
7 feet under keel.

Happy Birthday,
Raise your sails
Let it be with excitement and enthusiasm
Your eyes are burning forever.

Both on land and at sea
May you always be lucky
May the ship of your life
Carries to the shores of dreams.

Wind of happiness and hope
May it always accompany you
Be strong, healthy, brave,
Never give up.

You chose the sea as your calling.
This life is your essence.
Happy birthday,
I want to be at the helm.

Let your favorite job
Gives joy and success.
Family care awaits at home
And cheerful, childish laughter.

May life be full of happiness,
I wish you joy and laughter!
Let every wave be
Bringing you closer to success!

I wish to swim only forward
And stay the course towards your dreams!
May your income increase
May you always live luxuriously!

Accept, sailor, congratulations today.
Happy birthday, dear!
May joy and luck overtake you,
And let the sorrows be washed away by the wave.

Your ship of happiness and success
Let him always move forward.
Let the air bring a sea of ​​laughter,
Let life bloom with smiles.

I don’t know how it is there at sea,
But now, on the shore,
Happy birthday
I can’t help but congratulate you.

Let the wave rock you
And the star will show the way,
Let Neptune not offend you,
It will never sink!

I saw blue seas and oceans,
Visited overseas countries
Traveled both in summer and winter,
I always hurried home with joy.

And today, on your birthday, we wish:
May the elements always help you,
So that the wind is fair and pleasant,
So that the ship never fails.

Let the warmth and comfort of your home
Warms the heart even in a storm,
May luck never fail you
And let love keep the sailor’s heart!

Congratulations to the sailor,
Life at sea is not easy!
For someone to swim in the sea
Six months is a disaster!
For you the helm and the wind -
Best friends in the world!
We wish you
To be on a successful wave,
A sea of ​​happiness and good luck,
An ocean of love to boot,
Don't forget about your relatives
We miss you, you know that!

The old vest remembers
Ship on the sea wave,
He remembers the cap, the flask,
Anchor plaque on a belt.

Captain and sailors
The vessel's exact composition,
As taught without questions
Seamen's services charter.

On this memorable date
Let's get together
And let's celebrate as we once did
Our holiday, sailor's day!


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Happy Sailor's Day!

Everyone wants to congratulate and for sure
Happy romantic holiday to the hero - the sailor.
Our hero is special, not like everyone else.
Adapted to the sea, to swimming in general.
He is purposeful and looks forward.
His seasickness does not stop him from pitching.
Seagulls, albatrosses - stay on the waves!
Kubrick and the sailors, the fleet - this is life!
You are a brave sailor - a brave wolf of the sea.
You are important today - today is your day.


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You can't be born a sailor
You can become one in life.
Just try and strive
At sea, to protect our home.
Well, on Navy Day,
Let's shout Hurray to the sailors!!!
Let St. Andrew's Banner,
Always protects them.


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We are happy to congratulate you on Sailor's Day
We are the rulers of all the abysses!
Let their rewards not be bypassed,
Let there be joy without reason!

May happiness come to the sailors
Always, in everything, everywhere, everywhere,
Let bad weather pass them by
On land, just like in water!


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We will die as sailors!!!

Our blue waters
You will accept us like this.
Protect from adversity
Give me strength to complete the swim!!!
We were born sailors
We will die as sailors!!!
All friends, soldiers and loved ones,
Congratulations on this day!!!

Cool congratulations on Sailor's Day

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Happy man's day to you, happy sailor's day!

Happy man's day to you, happy sailor's day,
Let the proud flags flutter!
After all, the hand of your faith is strong -
Let your enemies sink like driftwood!

We believe in you, we know that you are honest
Oath of allegiance to the Russian Navy!
Be happy sons of the sea!
May you live for “long, long miles”!


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