Home Roses May 26 is Entrepreneur's Day. Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine: how is it customary to celebrate a professional holiday? History of Entrepreneur's Day

May 26 is Entrepreneur's Day. Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine: how is it customary to celebrate a professional holiday? History of Entrepreneur's Day

In 2007 in Russian calendar memorable dates and another event appeared professional holiday. Entrepreneur Day or, more correctly, Russian Entrepreneurship Day was created as a sign of encouraging individual activity in the field of domestic business. What kind of holiday is this, how is it celebrated and what date is Entrepreneur’s Day in 2017 – in our article.

What date is Entrepreneur's Day in 2017?

Every year the holiday in honor of Russian entrepreneurs is celebrated on May 26. This date is fixed, that is, the holiday falls on the same date every year.

Celebration of Russian Entrepreneurship Day began in 2007, when a separate holiday was created by a special Presidential Decree for persons engaged in private business activities. Entrepreneurship Day is considered an official professional holiday, but it is not a non-working day, that is, a day off.

Who is this holiday for?

Entrepreneurship Day was created for those people who work in the field of individual entrepreneurship. It does not matter in what capacity the activity is carried out - how individual or as a legal one. This holiday is for those who are not afraid to risk their financial situation and started working for himself.

How the holiday is celebrated

The traditions of celebrating Entrepreneur's Day are very different from the usual celebrations of other professional holidays. Apparently, this is due to the fact that businessmen are busy people, and therefore the holiday should be spent exclusively with benefit.

On this day it is customary to reward individual entrepreneurs all levels. The city, district or federal administration conducts ceremonial meetings, meetings and assemblies, where the annual results are summed up entrepreneurial activity in a separate region. Achievement individuals It is customary to reward with various awards - from memorable souvenirs to very significant and significant cash prizes. Of course, the matter is not complete without thanks, certificates, commendable foxes and diplomas. In the future, the presence of such awards helps the entrepreneur to distinguish his own company from among others, especially in the case of competitions and tenders.

Various educational events are also dedicated to this day - trainings, seminars, open lessons And short courses. The organizers of such classes are business centers, Chambers of Entrepreneurs, city or regional councils of entrepreneurs under the municipality. At the same time, training events are designed for the most different levels training of businessmen: for beginners, lessons are held on introduction to private business, and experienced entrepreneurs are given current advice on organizing accounting or conducting marketing research.

How the holiday appeared

Russian Entrepreneurship Day was established by a special Decree in 2007, and since then it has been celebrated regularly at the end of May throughout the country. Unlike most professional holidays, this date is not floating, and every year businessmen celebrate their celebration on May 26.

For the first time, residents of Russia were introduced to the concept of private or individual entrepreneurship - then Soviet republic– collided in 1986. This year a law was passed allowing individual labor activity. This was the beginning of private business in our country, and since then the concept of entrepreneurship has only expanded.

The tradition of celebrating Entrepreneur's Day in Russia began not so long ago, but every year more and more more people Those who professionally engage in this type of activity celebrate this holiday. It is worth noting that entrepreneurs are preparing for this event very carefully, therefore, Russian Entrepreneur Day will not be an exception.

History of Entrepreneur's Day

Since ancient times, people began to engage in various types activities based on their own initiative and enormous risk. With each century, this type of activity developed more and more and gained popularity, since, in cases of success, it brought both huge income and some social effect. Today, when the market economy is at its dawn, entrepreneurial activity is the important basis that allows the world economy to develop quickly and efficiently.

As for Russia, it is worth noting that modern entrepreneurship began to develop only in the early 90s. This was facilitated by the collapse Soviet Union, and as a consequence, setting a course for the development of market relations.

In the Soviet Union, entrepreneurship did not become popular because the main emphasis at that time was placed exclusively on state enterprises, but not private activity. Therefore, support was provided exclusively to enterprises with state form property. As a result, entrepreneurship did not have the opportunity to develop qualitatively in such conditions.

The first step that allowed entrepreneurs to officially engage in such activities was the adoption in 1987 of a law that regulated the basics of cooperation. According to the provisions of this act, private individuals were free to work independently. They could either create enterprises or engage in individual activities.

This law only gave an impetus to the development of entrepreneurship, but such activities became truly widespread only a few years later. In the early 90s, Russia, like many other countries that gained independence, adopted a course towards a market economy. In this regard, entrepreneurial activity became the basis for the development of the state, and therefore began to receive all kinds of support from it.

Holiday status - Entrepreneur's Day

The official date of approval of the holiday is state level-October 18, 2007. Consolidation at the level of legal acts occurred through the adoption of a corresponding presidential decree, which reflected the final date of the celebration. It is worth noting that the name of the holiday, which is familiar to citizens, as Entrepreneur’s Day, does not comply with the provisions of the decree, since official name– Entrepreneurship Day.

Regarding the question of what date and when Entrepreneur’s Day will be celebrated in 2017, it is worth noting the following. In accordance with the provisions of the already known decree, the date of celebration remains unchanged. Therefore, May 26 is the official Entrepreneurship Day. Despite the fact that this professional holiday has acquired state status, this day is not officially a day off.

Ways to celebrate Entrepreneur's Day in Russia

The peculiarity of Entrepreneurship Day also lies in the ways it is celebrated. So, the following methods can be distinguished.

  • firstly, organizing events where entrepreneurs gather to sum up their activities over the past year.
  • secondly, ceremonial meetings with entrepreneurs, organized by authorities, both local and central levels. the main objective of these meetings - to recognize individuals who have high results in entrepreneurship. For this purpose, the best are awarded various valuable gifts, certificates, or cash prizes.
  • thirdly, seminars, trainings and other forms of meetings at which the basics of entrepreneurial activity are revealed. Often, the organization of such events is carried out by enterprises that have already achieved great results and are the best among the best, or by government agencies. Such meetings also help to make new acquaintances and find partners.

They don’t forget about entrepreneurs from other countries. They attend specially organized meetings and other events, and also share foreign business experience.

Celebrating Entrepreneurship Day is a combination of pleasant and useful. And it’s not surprising, because businessmen know that their time is, first of all, a limited resource that needs to be used rationally. Therefore, Entrepreneur Day in 2017 also promises to be interesting, eventful and useful not only for novice businessmen, but also for business sharks.

Entrepreneur's Day in other countries

It is worth noting that Russia is not the only country in which such a holiday was established. And this is not surprising, because entrepreneurship, as a bright phenomenon of the global economy, is developing all over the world.

Thus, in Ukraine this holiday has been established since 1998. On October 5, a decree of the President of Ukraine was adopted, from the moment it came into force, entrepreneurs received a holiday officially established at the state level. The peculiarity of this holiday in Ukraine is that there is no fixed date of celebration. Thus, entrepreneurs celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of September.

Entrepreneurs Day appeared relatively recently in Azerbaijan. Thus, in 2016, a decree of the President of this country was signed, which established a holiday of entrepreneurs. The date of celebration, as in Russia, is fixed, but different, namely April 25.

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Each profession is important and needed in its own way, and professional holidays are not uncommon these days. In a year, a relatively young holiday will celebrate its anniversary - Entrepreneur Day in Russia. It is noteworthy that the date for celebrating Entrepreneurship Day in the Russian Federation was set by the President nine years ago - in 2007, and since then all businessmen and businessmen of the state have been celebrating their professional holiday on this beautiful May day.

May 26, 2017 - Entrepreneurship Day

Despite the fact that, according to official data, the current holiday is less than ten years old, its origins began to appear in the mid-eighties of the last century, but the matter did not advance further - in those difficult times, the concepts of “business” and “private property” did not yet exist in Russia. , “business activity” and “industrial activity” as such. However, if entrepreneurship did not exist at all, it is unlikely that Russia would have reached the stage of development at which it is currently located - many current domestic companies and businessmen owe their work to famous entrepreneurs of the past - Polyakov, Mamontov, Morozov and others.

Often, as part of the festival, lectures and seminars are held with everyone interested in sharing experiences, presentations latest developments in the field of commercial products and services, trainings personal growth, discussions on improving professional business communication, corporate holiday events and many others - it all depends on the industry.

At the present stage of the country’s progress, business activity is becoming an increasingly attractive industry for young people, and new faces in domestic entrepreneurship appear almost every day, so it is not surprising that soon the query “what is the day of an entrepreneur” will fill the first positions of almost all Runet search engines.

It is known that this wonderful holiday does not come out of the number, and mark it in last week May. This number was not chosen by chance - spring, new beginnings, full of fresh ideas and concepts - all this inspires large and small businesses to develop and conquer new heights. Don’t forget to congratulate your friends, colleagues and acquaintances who are involved in the domestic business sector, and the answer will be sincere smiles and words of gratitude!

This holiday is celebrated every year on May 26th. The founders of private companies are involved in this holiday. It is celebrated by colleagues, family and friends. Another such day is celebrated by teachers and students of technical educational institutions, which provide training in economics.

history of the holiday

It was first noted in 2007. Vladimir Putin, as president Russian Federation, by his decree decided to hold a professional holiday. The President noted that entrepreneurship is not an easy matter, it is difficult everyday work. Individual entrepreneurs rarely have days off. May 26 became a kind of encouragement for small and medium-sized businesses. But the origins of this holiday you should look not even in the late 80s. last century, when democracy, freedom and openness came.

Everything happened much earlier. The names of some enterprising Russians have been known for several hundred years. One of the most bright personalities are the Demidov brothers. When the Bolsheviks came to power, they began to impose their special ideology. As soon as someone decided to become an entrepreneur, this idea was “cut down in the bud.” Not a single one was recognized by law private business.

Only in 1986 was it decided to hold Entrepreneurship Day, but until 1990 there were no movements in in this direction did not have. It was at this time that entrepreneurship was legalized at the official level in the USSR. Today anyone can become a private entrepreneur. In the Russian Constitution, this right is reserved for every citizen.

Will take place on May 26th. This year, the holiday is celebrated at the state level for the 11th time. The date is not considered a red day of the calendar, and therefore is not an official holiday. Anyone can become an entrepreneur, even without special education, if they have the desire.

Entrepreneurs are a small or large cell of a country's economy. Entrepreneurship is not easy.

After all, a person who works for himself does not have days off, vacations or sick leave. After all, his profit directly depends on his work and his subordinates. They provide goods, provide services, eliminate competitors, receiving profit in return. The work is related to financial activities economy, and with criminal liability in case of unfulfilled obligations.

But at least once a year, businessmen have the right to a well-deserved day off. Postponing their affairs for later, at least for a couple of hours, without any remorse, entrepreneurs celebrate their professional holiday. Most countries in the world have their own approved date for celebrating individual activity day.

The holiday applies not only to leaders of small and large industries, but also to students and teachers of educational institutions whose profile is economics. Their close people and subordinates often take part in the event.

Entrepreneur's Day is a young holiday. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2007, on October 18, issued a decree No. 1381 “On Russian Entrepreneurship Day.” It was then that the date of the celebration was confirmed. Although the first prerequisites for holding a celebration, for the leaders of their private businesses, appeared during perestroika. After the collapse of the USSR, Russian citizens were able to legally work for themselves.

The ensuing period of democracy and freedom entailed an increase in the number of private owners. With slow but sure steps, this figure increased. This number of people also needed their own holiday, and then it was decided to set aside a day in the calendar for entrepreneurs.

At the official level, this idea was legitimized by the President of the Russian Federation. Since then, the date of the holiday has not changed.

The history of the holiday

Back in the days Russian Empire business began to emerge. Speaking about the first entrepreneurs of that time, we can highlight the famous Savva Morozov. He organized large network weaving factories.

An equally significant contribution to history was made by a private figure from the Demidov dynasty. Its factories produced weapons, including those for the tsarist army. All this contributed to a great economic leap that brought the state to the global level.

But the great reforms of Alexander II in the 60-70s of the 19th century divided the history of business into two parts:

  1. Pre-reform period;
  2. Post-reform period.

As soon as the Bolsheviks came to power, private business became prohibited. Entrepreneurship was tabooed, and people were even executed for trying to run an illegal business. Absolutely any private business was prohibited. It was hard time for entrepreneurship.

But during the post-reform period, which began closer to the 20th century, everything changed. The golden era of entrepreneurship has begun. This was facilitated by the political and economic crisis. It was the crisis at the end of the 20th century that contributed to the revival of entrepreneurship and raising it to a new level.

Small private business was built on the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Leading independent economic activity, small businesses have filled the post-Soviet and Russian space. Anyone could legally be a businessman.

After all, in the same year the law “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities” was adopted. Now the state is actively monitoring private affairs. In many ways, the development of the Russian economy depends on the development of individual businesses.

Any business, whether small or private, or a company in general, provides consumers with goods and services

Individual entrepreneurship is especially developed in the following industries:

  • Car repair;
  • Trade;
  • Purchase/sale of real estate;
  • Agriculture;
  • Production of footwear and clothing.

This activity is accompanied by huge financial losses or, on the contrary, allows you to get rich

A person in this profession will need knowledge in economics, accounting, and knowledge of legislation to earn an income. For failure to comply with laws, a private owner may face criminal penalties.

It was precisely because of the importance of the business of entrepreneurs that the President of Russia in 2007 allocated a certain day on the calendar to hold their professional holiday. Its official name is “Russian Entrepreneurship Day”. The date is fixed and is celebrated every year on May 26th.

Tradition of the holiday

On this day, the heroes of the occasion are congratulated by relatives, friends, subordinate personnel, as well as the leadership of the country and officials at the local level. Entrepreneurship is a matter of the soul. Congratulations can be in the form of the following events:

  • Awards the best company diploma, certificates or medals are awarded. All this will be useful to an entrepreneur when participating in a tender.

  • To improve the skills of entrepreneurs, they conduct seminars aimed at one or another activity.
  • Meetings of private figures are held, where they share their experience and knowledge, thanks to which they achieved success.
  • Presentations of the best products are held, or the latest developments are demonstrated.

After such events, it is most often given merry feast, with his team. In 2018, the holiday will be just as eventful and in no way inferior to previous years.


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