Home Trees and shrubs Aircraft with vertical takeoff. The revival of the legend: how is the development of a new Russian aircraft vertical takeoff and landing

Aircraft with vertical takeoff. The revival of the legend: how is the development of a new Russian aircraft vertical takeoff and landing

The X-13 Vertijet, an experimental VTOL jet, was commissioned by the US Air Force from Ryan Aeronautical in the mid-1950s. Two aircraft were built.
The first vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, the X-13 "Vertijet", was built in 1955 and began ground testing at a US Air Force base, where it made a number of flights using an auxiliary landing gear to allow for conventional takeoff and landing. Ground tests included 15 hours of tests on the stand in a vertical position and 10 hours in a horizontal position.
The first hover flight of the VTOL X-13 "Vertijet" was made at the beginning of 1956, and the first flight with the transition from vertical takeoff to horizontal flight and then to vertical landing in November 1956.

In 1956, the Ryan company built the second experimental vertical take-off aircraft X-13 with a conventional three-wheel landing gear, which took off with a run, switched to hover flight, and then made a landing with a run. In the process of testing the X-13 Vertijet aircraft, Ryan encountered a number of new problems, one of which was the need to overcome the gyroscopic effect of the rotating masses of the engine and the gyroscopic precession affecting directional and longitudinal control, which required the development of a system for the X-13 automatic stabilization. Another problem was the stall on the delta wing at angles of attack of more than 30 ° in transient conditions, which caused instability of the aircraft.

The X-13 "Vertijet" aircraft is made according to a tailless scheme with a delta wing and one turbojet engine and does not have a conventional landing gear.
The fuselage is slightly elongated; the cockpit is located in its bow. During the transition from vertical takeoff to horizontal flight and vice versa, the pilot's seat can tilt forward by 70 °. To improve visibility, especially during vertical takeoff and landing, the lantern had large area glazing, and a rear-view mirror was installed in the cab, like on a car.
The wing is triangular, high, low elongation, span 6.4 m with a sweep along the leading edge of about 60 °. Wing area - 17 m2, wing loading 215 kg/m2. There are ailerons on the wing, and small vertical washers are installed at the ends of the wing.

The design feature of the X-13 "Vertijet" aircraft is the lack of landing gear. For takeoff and landing of the aircraft, a trolley with a ramp installed on it is used, the latter can be lifted by hydraulic power cylinders and take a vertical position. When preparing the aircraft for takeoff, the ramp is lowered, the aircraft is installed on it, then it is raised. The aircraft has a hook in the nose of the fuselage, which is hooked to the tow cable on the ramp. In addition, on the experimental aircraft, auxiliary truss struts were installed on the central part of the fuselage, based on the ramp. When the ramp rises to a vertical position, the aircraft hangs on the hook "like a bat."

During a vertical takeoff from a ramp to which the aircraft is hung on a hook, the pilot increases the engine thrust, while the aircraft moves upward, the hook disengages from the cable and the aircraft rises vertically, and then gradually switches to horizontal flight.
Before landing, the pilot shifts the aircraft from a horizontal to a vertical position, in which the aircraft is supported by engine thrust. With a decrease in thrust, the aircraft descends, then, controlling the engine thrust and gas and jet rudders, the pilot brings the aircraft to the ramp until the hook catches on the cable. After that, the ramp, together with the aircraft, is lowered to a horizontal position.

In order for the pilot to accurately determine the distance to the ramp when approaching it, a measuring rod with divisions printed on it was installed on the ramp in a horizontal position. In addition, on top of the ramp there is a platform on which the operator is located, giving signals to the pilot with his hands.
According to Ryan, this method of take-off and landing of vertically taking off aircraft provides a number of advantages, making it possible to significantly simplify the design of the aircraft, abandoning the conventional landing gear, and obtain savings in structural weight. The ramp trolley can also be used to transport the aircraft to combat areas and for maintenance.

The power plant of the X-13 "Vertijet" aircraft consists of one Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.28 turbojet engine installed in the rear fuselage, air enters the engine through the side air intakes. The engine thrust is 4540 kgf, which, with an aircraft takeoff weight of 3630 kg, makes it possible to obtain a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1.25.
In level flight, the aircraft is controlled by ailerons and rudder. In vertical modes, the aircraft is controlled using gas rudders and a jet control system: jet nozzles are located at the ends of the wing, to which compressed air is supplied, taken from the compressor of the turbojet engine.

Both VTOL aircraft successfully passed flight tests, which ended without any flight accidents in 1958, when the development of the Kh-13 "Vertijet" VTOL aircraft was discontinued by the Air Force, who preferred the VTOL aircraft with a horizontal fuselage position. total cost development, construction and testing of two experimental X-13 VTOL aircraft exceeded $ 7 million. Nevertheless, the US Air Force and Navy have repeatedly returned to the VTOL aircraft with a vertical fuselage position, suggesting its use for carrier-based fighters of light aircraft carriers taking off from rotary ramps.

Flight performance VTOL X-13 "Vertijet"
Crew, people: 1;
Length, m: 7.14;
Wingspan, m: 6.40;
Height, m: 4.62;
Empty weight, kg: 2424;
Maximum takeoff weight, kg: 3272;
Power plant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon turbojet engine, takeoff thrust 4540 kgf;
Max speed, km/h: 560;
Range, km: 307;
Practical ceiling, m: 6100;

vertical takeoff aircraft appeared when the era began jet aviation, it was the second half of the fifties. Initially, they were called turboplanes. At that time, designers began to develop vehicles that could take to the air with minimal or no takeoff. Such devices do not require a special runway; a flat field or a helipad is enough for them.

In addition, humanity at that time came close to mastering outer space. Development started spaceships capable of landing and taking off to other planets. Any development ends with the construction of a prototype, which undergoes comprehensive tests for the further creation of serial equipment. The first turboplane was created in 1955. He looked very strange. On such a machine there were no wings or tail. It had only a turbojet engine pointing vertically downwards, a small cabin and fuel tanks.

He rose up due to the jet stream of the engine. Management was carried out with the help of gas rudders, i.e. jet stream coming out of the engine, which was deflected using flat plates located near the nozzle. The first apparatus weighed about 2340 kg and had a thrust of 2835 kg.

Vertical takeoff and landing photo

The first flights were carried out by test pilot Yu. A. Garnaev. Test flights were very unpredictable, because there was a very high probability of capsizing, the device did not have great stability. In 1958, the device was demonstrated at an aviation festival in Tushino. The device passed the entire test program and a huge amount of material was accumulated for analysis.

The collected material was used to create the first full-fledged Soviet experimental vertical take-off aircraft. Such an aircraft was named Yak-36, and the modified Yak-38 aircraft went into production. Aircraft carriers became the main base for the aircraft, and it performed the tasks of an attack aircraft.

A Brief History of VTOL Aircraft

Due to the development of the technical side of turbojet engines in the 50s of the last century, it became possible to create an aircraft with vertical takeoff. A big impetus in the development of VTOL aircraft was active development jet aircraft in the advanced countries of the world. It should be noted that these vehicles had a high speed during landing and takeoff, respectively, it was necessary to create a runway with a large length, respectively, they must have a hard surface. This requires additional cash injections. During the hostilities, there were very few airfields that could receive such aircraft, respectively, the creation of an aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing could solve a lot of problems.

During these years, a huge number of variants and prototypes were made, which were built in one or two copies. In most cases, they crashed even during testing, after which the projects were closed.

In 1961, the NATO Commission put forward requirements for a fighter with a vertical landing and takeoff, which gave an additional impetus to the development of this area of ​​​​aircraft construction. After that, they planned to create a competition for the selection of the most promising designs. But the competition never took place, because it became clear that each advanced country has its own versions of such an aircraft.

Under the influence of technical and political problems, the NATO commission changed the concept and put forward new requirements for the apparatus. After that, the design of multi-purpose machines began. Ultimately, only two options were selected. The first is the aircraft of the French designers "Mirage" III V", 3 machines were created and the designers of the FRG VJ-101C, 2 copies were made. After tests, 4 devices were lost. Because of this, it was decided to develop a fundamentally new car XFV-12A.

VTOL developments on the territory of the USSR and in Russia

The first aircraft of this class in the USSR was the Yak-36, which the Yakovlev Design Bureau began to develop since 1960. For this, a training stand was made. The first flight was made in March 1966, in this test a vertical separation was carried out with the transition to horizontal flight, after which the car landed vertically as well. After that, the Yak-38 and the more famous Yak-141 were created. In the 90s, another project was launched with the designation Yak-201.

layout diagram

Depending on the position of the fuselage


    • With screws.


      • Using thrust directly from a propulsion jet engine.

        Coleopter (ring wings).

    Horizontal arrangement

    • With screws.

      • Swivel type wing and propellers.

        The screws are located at the end of the wings.

        Jets from propellers are deflected.

    • Reactive.

      • Rotary motor.

        Gas jets from the sustainer engine deviate during takeoff

        Lifting motor.

In parallel, a similar aircraft was being developed in England. In 1954, the Harrier vertical take-off aircraft was built. It was equipped with two engines with a thrust of 1840 kg. The weight of the aircraft was 3400 kg. The plane proved to be extremely unreliable and crashed. Look vertical takeoff and landing.

The next step in the development of such devices was an American aircraft built in 1964. The construction coincided with the development of the lunar program.

Despite the fact that breakthroughs in the field of aircraft construction do not please us every day, there are a lot of new developments in the field of civil aviation. A typical example of this is the development of a modern vertical takeoff passenger airliner.

The main features of vertical takeoff aircraft are, first of all, that a large space is not required for takeoff and landing of an aircraft - it should only slightly exceed the dimensions of the aircraft, and hence there is a very interesting conclusion that with the development of airliners with a vertical takeoff system, air travel between different regions will become possible, even those where there are no airfields. In addition, it is not at all necessary to make such airliners roomy, because those seats in the amount of 40-50 pieces is enough, which will make air travel as cost-effective and comfortable as possible.

Nevertheless, most likely it will not be famous for its speed, since even in military aircraft it does not exceed 1100 kilometers per hour, and given that the passenger vertical takeoff aircraft will carry about big number people, then most likely its cruising speed will be about 700 kilometers per hour. However, on the other hand, the reliability of air travel will increase significantly, since in the event of any unforeseen situation vertical takeoff aircraft can easily sit on a small flat area.

To date, there are a number of concepts for future passenger airliners with a vertical take-off system. Until recently, they seemed incredible, but modern developments in the field of aircraft construction, they say otherwise, and it is quite possible that in the next ten years, the first modern vertical take-off aircraft will begin to carry their passengers.

Disadvantages and advantages of VTOL aircraft

Without exception, all devices of this type were created for military needs. Of course, the advantages of such machines for the military are obvious, since the aircraft can be operated on small sites. Aircraft have the ability to hover in the air and at the same time carry out turns and fly sideways. Compared to helicopters, it is clear that the greatest advantage of aircraft is speed, which can reach supersonic speeds.

Yet VTOL aircraft also have significant drawbacks. First of all, this is the complexity of control, for this high-class pilots are needed. Special skill from the pilot is required at the transition of modes.

It is the complexity of control that poses many challenges for the pilot. When switching from hovering to level flight, it is possible to slide to the side, which creates additional problems when holding the device. This mode requires a lot of power, which can lead to engine failure. The disadvantages include the small carrying capacity of the VTOL aircraft, while it uses a huge amount of fuel. During operation, specially prepared sites are required that do not collapse under the influence of gas exhaust from engines.

Aircraft classification:


VTOL aircraft, the common abbreviation is VTOL or English. VTOL- Vertical Take Off and Landing - an aircraft capable of taking off and landing at zero horizontal speed, using vertical engine thrust.

The fundamental difference between VTOL aircraft and various rotary-wing machines is that in the level flight mode at cruising speed, like in a conventional aircraft, the fixed wing creates lift.

According to the layout

The position of the fuselage during takeoff and landing.

  • Vertical position (so-called tailsitter):
    • with screws (example: Convair XFY Pogo, Lockheed XFV);
    • reactive;
      • with direct use of thrust from a main jet engine (example - X-13 Vertijet);
      • with an annular wing (coleopter);
  • Horizontal position:
    • with screws;
      • with swivel wing;
      • with fans at the end of the wing;
      • with jet deflection from propellers;
    • reactive;
      • with swivel motors;
      • with deflection of the jet of gases of the propulsion jet engine;
      • with lifting motors;

The history of the creation and development of VTOL aircraft

The development of VVP aircraft began for the first time in the 1950s, when the appropriate technical level of turbojet and turboprop engine building was reached, which caused widespread interest in this type of aircraft both among potential military users and in design bureaus. A significant impetus in favor of the development of VTOL aircraft was the widespread use in the air forces of various countries of high-speed jet fighters with high takeoff and landing speeds. Such combat aircraft required long paved runways: it was obvious that in the event of large-scale hostilities, a significant part of these airfields, especially front-line ones, would be quickly disabled by the enemy. Thus, military customers were interested in aircraft taking off and landing vertically on any small area, that is, virtually independent of airfields. To a large extent, due to such interest of representatives of the army and navy of the leading world powers, dozens of experimental aircraft of different systems were created. Most of the design was made in 1-2 copies, which, as a rule, suffered accidents already during the first tests, and further research was not carried out on them. The NATO Technical Commission, which announced in June 1961 the requirements for a VTOL fighter-bomber, thereby gave impetus to the development of supersonic GDP aircraft in Western countries. It was assumed that in the years NATO countries would need about 5,000 such aircraft, of which the first would enter service as early as 1967. The forecast of such a large number products caused the emergence of six projects of GDP aircraft:

  • P.1150 the English company Hawker-Siddley and the West German Focke-Wulf;
  • VJ-101 the West German Southern Association "EWR-Süd" ("Belkov", "Heinkel", "Messerschmitt");
  • D-24 Dutch firm "Fokker" and American "Ripablik";
  • G-95 Italian firm "Fiat";
  • Mirage III-V French company "Dassault";
  • F-104G in the GDP variant of the American firm Lockheed, together with the British firms Short and Rolls-Royce.

VTOL program in the USSR

The Yak-36 was the first Soviet VTOL aircraft. Its development has been carried out at the Yakovlev Design Bureau since 1960 under the leadership of S. G. Mordovin. During the tests, a flying stand "turbolet" was first built and tested, on which vertical flight modes were worked out. The leading test pilots under the Yak-36 program were Yu. A. Garnaev and V. G. Mukhin. On March 24, 1966, pilot Mukhin performed the first vertical take-off flight, transitioning to level flight and vertical landing. In 1967, during demonstration flights over the Domodedovo airfield near Moscow, three supersonic STOL aircraft (short takeoff and landing) designed by A. I. Mikoyan, P. O. Sukhoi and one vertical takeoff and landing aircraft designed by A. S. Yakovlev were shown - Yak-36.

Advantages and disadvantages of VTOL aircraft

The history of the development of VVP aircraft shows that until now they have been created almost exclusively for military aviation. The advantages of VTOL aircraft for military use are obvious. The aircraft of the GDP can be based on sites, the dimensions of which are not much larger than its dimensions. In addition to the ability to take off and land vertically, VTOL aircraft have additional advantages, namely the ability to hover, turn in this position and fly in a lateral direction, depending on the propulsion system and control system used. In relation to other vertically taking off aircraft, such as helicopters, VTOL aircraft have incomparably greater, up to supersonic (Yak-141) speeds and, in general, the advantages inherent in fixed-wing aircraft. All this led to the enthusiasm for the idea of ​​a vertically taking off aircraft, a kind of "VTOL boom" in the engineering and design and aviation fields in general in the 1960s-1970s.

Landing VTOL AV-8B_Harrier_II. Vertical thrust gas jets are visible.

A wide distribution of this type of aircraft was predicted, many projects of military and civil, combat, transport and passenger VTOL aircraft of various designs were proposed (a typical example of the VTOL passenger liner project for the 70s was the Hawker Siddeley HS-141).

However, the disadvantages of VTOL aircraft also turned out to be significant. Piloting this type of machine is very difficult for a pilot and requires him to be highly skilled in piloting technique. This especially affects hovering and transitional modes in flight - at the moments of transition from hovering to level flight and vice versa. In fact, the pilot of a jet VTOL aircraft must transfer the lift force, and, accordingly, the weight of the machine - from the wing to the vertical gas thrust jets or vice versa.

This feature of the piloting technique poses complex challenges for the VTOL pilot. In addition, in hovering and transient modes, VTOL aircraft are generally unstable, subject to side slip, and a possible failure of lifting engines is a great danger at these moments. Such a failure often caused accidents in serial and experimental VTOL aircraft. Also, the disadvantages include the significantly lower payload and flight range of VTOL aircraft compared to conventional aircraft, high fuel consumption in vertical flight modes, the overall complexity and high cost of the VTOL design, destruction of runway surfaces by hot gas engine exhaust.

These factors, as well as a sharp increase in world market prices for oil (and, accordingly, aviation fuel) in the 70s of the 20th century led to the practical cessation of development in the field of passenger and transport jet VTOL aircraft.

Of the many proposed VTOL jet transport projects, only one Dornier Do 31 aircraft was practically completed and tested, however, this machine was not mass-produced either. Based on the foregoing, the prospects for extensive development and mass use of jet VTOL aircraft are very doubtful. At the same time, there is a modern design trend away from the traditional reactive circuit in favor of VTOL aircraft with a propeller group (more often convertoplanes): in particular, these machines include the currently mass-produced Bell V-22 Osprey and the Bell / Agusta BA609 developed on its basis.

see also

  • List of aircraft by manufacturer
  • Classification of aircraft by design features and power plant


  • E. Tsikhosh "Supersonic Aircraft" pr. "Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft".

Vertical (short) takeoff and landing aircraft

VTOL aircraft flying in cruising (horizontal) flight modes like conventional aircraft are capable of hovering in the air, as well as taking off and landing vertically, like helicopters. To ensure the modes of vertical takeoff and landing on such an aircraft, it is necessary to have a special power plant that ensures the creation of a lifting force exceeding the weight of the aircraft.
The starting vertical thrust-to-weight ratio (the ratio of the lift created by the engines to the weight of the aircraft) of modern VTOL aircraft is in the range of 1.05-1.45.
Depending on how the lifting force is created in the GDP modes and the thrust force in the marching (cruising) modes, it is possible to classify the VTOL aircraft (Fig. 7.69).
Unified power plant (SU) is composed of one or more lifting and propulsion engines , which, in GDP modes, create vertical thrust, and in normal modes, march thrust. Thrust is created either by a propeller or by a jet of gases from a jet engine. A change in the direction of the thrust vector of the lifting and sustainer engines can be structurally provided either by turning the entire engine in the right direction, for example, relative to the wing or together with the wing on which they are fixed, or by changing the direction of the jet (and thrust vector) of the jet engine.

Schematic diagram of one of the possible devices that provide a change in the direction of the thrust vector P with sliding visor 1 , illustrated in Fig. 7.70.

Composite SU includes two groups of engines: one of them is for creating vertical thrust in GDP modes ( lift motors ), the other - to create a march thrust ( main engines ).
Combined SU also consists of two engine groups: lifting and accelerating And lifting and marching , which (to a greater or lesser extent) are involved in the creation of both vertical and march thrust.

The choice of the type of power plant significantly affects the possibility of solving specific problems that arise in the design of VTOL aircraft, and actually determines its concept, aerodynamic and structural-power layout.
Engines 1 (Fig. 7.71) create lift ( P=G/2 ), balancing the force of gravity G aircraft. On operating modes near the screen 2 (runway surfaces) engine jets 3 create complex flows around the aircraft due to the interaction of gas jets reflected from the screen 4 with air currents 5 flowing into the air intakes of the engines. The shape and intensity of these currents on

modes of hovering near the screen, the interaction of these flows with the oncoming flow in the modes of GDP and transitional regimes (from vertical to horizontal movement) depend on the power, number and location of engines (i.e., on the layout of the VTOL aircraft), which significantly affects the aerodynamic and torque characteristics of the VTOL aircraft, i.e., determines its layout.
The impact of engine gas jets causes erosion of the airfield surface , the degree of which depends on the type of engines that create lift, and on their location. Airfield surface particles washed out by gas jets, together with high-temperature ascending currents, affect the structure of the VTOL aircraft and, getting into the engine air intakes, reduce the reliability of their operation, resource and traction characteristics. In order to reduce the effect of jets on the surface of the airfield and on the aircraft, the technique of operating VTOL aircraft in short takeoff and landing mode (UVP), when the takeoff and run distances are only a few tens of meters. This also makes it possible to increase the weight return of the VTOL aircraft due to significantly lower fuel consumption during takeoff and landing.
One of the main problems that arise in the development of VTOL aircraft is to ensure their balancing, stability and controllability in the modes of GDP and transitional modes, when the translational speed is zero or not large enough for effective work aerodynamic surfaces that create balancing and control forces and moments.
Balancing, stability and controllability of VTOL aircraft in these modes is provided either mismatch (modulation) engine thrust, i.e. an increase or decrease in the thrust of one engine compared to another, or with the help of jet rudder systems or a combination of these methods.

Mismatch ∆P thrust (Fig. 7.72) sustainer engines 3 gives rise to a yaw moment ∆M y, mismatch ∆P 1 first group of lift motors 1 gives rise to a heeling moment ∆M x. Thrust Mismatch ∆P 1 And ∆P 2 first and second groups of lifting motors 2 gives rise to a pitching moment ∆Mz .
Jet control system VTOL aircraft (Fig. 7.73) includes several jet nozzles remote from the center of mass of the aircraft at the maximum possible distance ( 1, 5, 6 ), to which with the help of pipelines 4 compressed air is supplied from the compressor of the hoisting and propulsion engine 3 . Nozzle design 1 allows you to adjust the air flow and, therefore, draft. Nozzle design 5 And 6 allows you to change not only the magnitude, but also the direction of the thrust force to the opposite (reverse the thrust of the nozzle).
When balanced in pitch (relative to the axis Z ) aircraft (the sum of the moments of the thrust forces of the nozzle 1 , lifting 2 and hoisting engine 3 relative to the center of mass is zero) increase in the thrust force of the nozzle 1 will cause a pitching moment, a decrease - a dive.

Shown in fig. 7.73 direction of jets from nozzles 5 And 6 causes the aircraft to roll to the left wing and turn to the left.

The control of the engine operation mode and jet rudders to change the forces and moments acting on the aircraft in the GDP and transient modes is controlled by the pilot using the same control levers as on a conventional aircraft, i.e., simultaneously with the creation of control reactive forces, the aerodynamic steering forces are deflected accordingly. surfaces (elevator, ailerons and rudder), which, however, do not create control forces at low (pre-evolutionary) forward speeds of the aircraft. With an increase in the speed of translational movement, the forces on the steering surfaces also increase and, with the help of automation, are gradually switched off from the operation of the jet control system.

It should be noted here that at low (pre-evolutionary) speeds, the VTOL aircraft does not have its own stability, since the aerodynamic forces that can return it to its original position under random external influences are small. Therefore, the stability of the VTOL aircraft in these modes (stabilizing it and maintaining the state of balance) is ensured by the automation means included in the control system, which, reacting to the angular movements of the aircraft during disturbances, without the intervention of the pilot using jet rudders, return the aircraft to its original balancing position.
We have listed here only some of the problems of shaping the appearance of VTOL aircraft, the solution of which is already early stages design requires the interaction of designers of various specializations.
To date, more than 50 types of vertical (short) takeoff and landing aircraft have been designed, built and tested in the world. In most of the projects of these aircraft, the requirements of military use were taken as the basis.
The first domestic combat VTOL aircraft was created in the OKB. A.S. Yakovlev (see Section 20.2).
The advantages of VTOL aircraft, which we mentioned at the beginning of Section 7.4, will undoubtedly lead to the creation of VTOL aircraft capable of competing with conventional aircraft in the transport of passengers and goods over short and medium distances.


Work on the creation of aircraft adapted for takeoff from the water surface and landing on it began almost simultaneously with work on the creation of aircraft based on the ground.
March 28, 1910 the first flight on seaplane (from hydro...(gr. hydro- water) and an airplane) of its own design was made by the Frenchman A. Fabre.
Historically, the origins of domestic aeronautics and aviation were officers navy Russia. They were the first in the world to develop the tactics of naval aviation, bombard an enemy ship from the air, create an aircraft carrier project, and be the first to fly in the skies of the Arctic.

Geographical and strategic features of the theaters of military operations of that time, long maritime borders in the Baltic and Black Seas, the absence of specially equipped airfields for the operation of land aircraft, and at the same time an abundance major rivers, lakes, free sea spaces necessitated the creation of a marine aircraft industry in our country.
The development of hydroaviation began with the setting of a land aircraft on floats. First floatplanes (Fig. 7.74) had two main floats 1 and additional 2 (auxiliary) float in the tail or bow.
Depending on how the aircraft is based and operated from the surface water areas (from lat. aqua- water) - hydrodromes , you can classify seaplanes (Fig. 7.75).
float circuits are currently used for light aircraft, although already in 1914 the four-engine heavy aircraft "Ilya Muromets" made its first flight (see Fig. 19.1), put on floats along three-float scheme with a tail float, in 1929, on the route Moscow - New York of the aircraft "Country of Soviets" (see Fig. 19.7) 7950 km - from Khabarovsk to Seattle, the aircraft flew over water, and in this section the land landing gear was replaced by a float on two-float scheme .

The growth in the size and mass of seaplanes and, as a result, the growth in the size of floats made it possible to place crew and equipment in them, which led to the creation of seaplanes of the type "flying boat" single-boat schemes and two-boat scheme - catamaran (from Tamil kattumaram, literally - connected logs).
Integrated circuit most appropriate for heavy multi-purpose ocean-going seaplanes. The partially submerged wing makes it possible to reduce the size of the boat and increase the aero-hydrodynamic perfection of the seaplane.
amphibious aircraft (from Greek. amphibios- leading a dual lifestyle) is adapted for taking off from land and water and landing on them.
Thus, technical solutions, which ensure the basing and operation of the aircraft from the water surface, actually determine the appearance (aerodynamic scheme) of the seaplane.
The complexity and number of problems that designers must solve when creating a seaplane are increasing significantly, since in addition to the high aerodynamic and takeoff and landing characteristics of a conventional aircraft, the seaworthiness specified in the technical requirements must also be ensured.
The seaworthiness of a seaplane can be assessed using the methods of the scientific discipline "Hydromechanics", which studies the movement and equilibrium of liquids, as well as the interaction between liquids and solids completely or partially immersed in a liquid.
Seaworthiness (seaworthiness) hydroplane characterize the possibility of its operation in water areas with certain hydrometeorological conditions - wind speed and direction, direction, speed, shape, height and wavelength of water.
The seaworthiness of a seaplane is estimated by the maximum wave of the water area, in which safe operation is possible.
Just as the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) is used to assess aircraft flight characteristics (see Section 3.2.2), a certain scale (mathematical model) is used to characterize the sea waves, which establishes a relationship between the verbal characteristics of the waves, the wave height and the score (from 0 to IX) - degree of excitement .
In accordance with this scale, for example, weak waves (wave height up to 0.25 m) are rated as I, significant waves (wave height 0.75-1.25 m) are rated III, strong waves (wave height 2.0- 3.5 m) is rated V, exceptional waves (wave height 11 m) are rated IX.
Seaworthiness ( seaworthiness) of a seaplane include seaplane characteristics such as buoyancy , stability , controllability , unsinkability and so on.
These qualities are determined by the shape and size of the underwater displacement part (boat or float) of a seaplane, the distribution of the masses of the seaplane along the length and height.
In the future, when considering the seaworthiness characteristics of a seaplane, if they can equally be attributed to a boat and a float without a special reservation, we will use the term "boat". Buoyancy- the ability of a seaplane to float in a given position relative to the water surface.
A seaplane, like any other floating body, such as a ship, is kept afloat by the Archimedean force.

P = Wρ in g = G,

seaplane gravity G applied at the center of mass of the aircraft (c.m.), sustaining force (Archimedean force, the force of the effect of the displaced fluid on the seaplane boat) R applied at the center of mass of the volume of water displaced by the boat, or, in ship terminology (which is widely used by seaplane designers), in center of magnitude (c.v.).

Obviously, to ensure the balance of the aircraft afloat (Fig. 7.76), the forces G And P must lie on the straight line connecting the c.m. and c.v., in the vertical longitudinal plane of symmetry of the seaplane - the diametrical plane of the boat (DP). It is also obvious that the main plane of the boat (OP) is a horizontal plane passing through the lower point of the surface of the boat perpendicular to the diametrical plane, and, accordingly, the lower building horizontal of the boat (LSG), the building horizontal of the aircraft (SHS) and the deck 1 - upper surface of the boat general case not parallel to the plane of the water surface and the line of contact between the water surface and the seaplane boat hull W O L O.

Line of contact between a calm water surface and the hull of a seaplane boat W O L O at full takeoff weight and engines off - load waterline (from goll. water- water and lijn- line). Cargo waterline (GVL) when sailing in fresh water does not coincide with the GVL when swimming in sea water, since the density of fresh river or lake water ρ in\u003d 1000 kg / m 3, density sea ​​water ρ in\u003d 1025 kg / m 3.
Respectively, draft (the distance from the GVL to the lowest part of the boat, characterizing the immersion of the boat below the water level) with the same takeoff weight of a seaplane in fresh water will be greater than in sea water.
The values ​​of draft fore and aft determine landing seaplane boats relative to the surface of the water - trim boats (from lat. differens (differentis)- difference) - its inclination in the longitudinal plane, which is measured by the trim angle φ 0 or the difference between the drafts of the stern and bow. If the difference is zero, the boat is said to be "sitting on an even keel"; if the draft of the stern is greater than the draft of the bow - the boat "sits with a trim on the stern" (as shown in Figure 7.76), if less - the boat "sits with a trim on the bow".
Stability (an analogue of the term "stability" in marine terminology) when swimming - the ability of a seaplane, deviated from the equilibrium position by external disturbing forces, to return to its original position after the termination of the disturbing forces.
Obviously, when swimming a body partially or completely (completely) submerged in water, there are no other forces to return it to the equilibrium position, except for gravity. G and equal to her sustaining force R . Consequently, only the mutual position of these forces will determine the stability or instability of the floating body, which is illustrated in Fig. 7.77.

If the center of mass of the body is located below the center of magnitude (Fig. 7.77, a), when deviating from the equilibrium position, a stabilizing moment arises ΔM = Gl that returns the body to its original position stable balance.
If the center of mass of the body is located above the center of magnitude (Fig. 7.77, c), when deviating from the equilibrium position, a destabilizing moment arises ΔM = Gl , and the body cannot return to its original position on its own unstable balance .
If the position of the center of mass of the body coincides with the position of the center of magnitude (Fig. 7.77, b), the body is in indifferent equilibrium.
It should be noted that the position of the center of magnitude essentially depends on the shape of the immersed part of the body and the angle of its deviation from the initial equilibrium position.
Seaplane stability (as well as the stability of the vessel) it is customary to determine the mutual position of the center of mass and metacenter - the center of curvature of the line along which the center of magnitude of the displacement body shifts when it is taken out of balance.
Metacenter - from the Greek. meta- between, after, through - an integral part of compound words meaning intermediateness, following something, transition to something else, change of state, transformation and lat. - centrum focus, centre.
There are transverse and longitudinal stability of a seaplane (when the aircraft is tilted, respectively, in the transverse and longitudinal planes).
transverse stability. Consider the case of transverse inclination - the deviation of the diametrical plane of the boat (DP) from the vertical, for example, under the influence of a gust of wind.
The seaplane (Fig. 7.78, a) is afloat in a state of equilibrium, gravity G and sustaining power R equal, lie in the diametrical plane, size A determines the elevation of the center of mass above the center of magnitude.

From the lateral component of a gust of wind V V(Fig. 7.78, b) there will be a heeling moment M kr in, depending on the velocity head, the area and span of the windward (facing in the direction from which the wind blows) wing console, the area of ​​the lateral projection of the seaplane. Under the influence of this moment, the aircraft will roll through some small (we will assume - infinitely small) angle γ and the new position of the boat will determine the new load waterline W 1 L 1, the plane of which is inclined at an angle γ from the original waterline W O L O.
The shape of the underwater (displacement) part of the boat will change: the volume limited in each cross section of the boat by a figure 1 , will come out from under the water, and a volume equal to it, limited in each cross section of the boat by a figure 2 , will go under water. Thus, the magnitude of the supporting force will not change (P = Wρ in g = G) WITH O exactly WITH 1 . Dot M O intersection of two adjacent lines of action of the Archimedean forces at an infinitely small angle γ between them and is initial metacenter .
Metacentric radius ρ 0 determines the initial curvature of the boat's center of magnitude displacement line when it rolls.
A measure of the lateral stability of a seaplane is the value metacentric height h o \u003d ρ o - a:
- If h O> 0 - the boat is stable;
- If h O= 0 - indifferent equilibrium;
- If h O < 0 - лодка неостойчива.
In the considered example h O< 0. Нетрудно видеть, что перпендикулярные к поверхности воды и equal forces R And G will be paired with shoulder l , and the moment of this pair M kr G = Gl coincides in direction with the disturbing moment M kr in and increase the roll angle. Thus, the seaplane shown in Fig. 7.78, b, under the action of external disturbances, does not return to its original position, i.e., does not have lateral stability.
Obviously, to ensure lateral stability, the center of mass must be below the lowest position of the metacenter.
Most modern seaplanes are made according to the classical aerodynamic scheme with a fuselage - a boat, which is given appropriate shapes for taking off from water and landing on water, a high wing with engines installed on it or on a boat for maximum removal them from the water surface in order to prevent the wing from being flooded with water when moving on water and getting it into the engines and propellers of aircraft with a propeller-driven power plant, therefore, in most cases, the center of mass of the aircraft is higher than the metacenter (as in Fig. 7.78, b) and a single-boat seaplane is transversely unstable.
The problems of lateral stability of a seaplane of a single-float or single-boat scheme can be solved by using underwing floats (Fig. 7.79).

Underwing float 1 mounted on a pylon 2 as close to the end of the wing as possible 3 .Supporting (supporting) underwing floats do not touch the water when the seaplane is moving on flat water 4 and provide a stable position of the hydroplane with bank angles of 2-3° when parked, load-bearing underwing floats partially submerged in water and provide parking without a roll.
The displacement of the float is chosen in such a way that under the influence of wind at a certain speed V V seaplane on the edge of a wave 5 , corresponding to the limiting wave of the water area specified in the TOR for the design, heeled at a certain angle γ . In this case, the restoring moment of the float, determined by the supporting force of the float R P and distance b P from the diametrical plane of the float to the diametrical plane of the boat, M n = R P b P, must parry (balance) heeling moments M kr in from the wind and M cr G from an unstable boat.

Longitudinal stability determined by the same conditions as the transverse. If, under the influence of any external disturbance, the seaplane (Fig. 7.80) receives a longitudinal inclination from the initial position determined by the waterline W O L O, for example, an increase in angle Δφ trim to the bow, this will determine the new load waterline W 1 L 1.
Boat volume 1 will come out from under the water, and a volume equal to it 2 will go under water, while the value of the supporting force will not change (R = Wρ in g = G) , however, the center of magnitude will shift from its original position From 0 exactly From 1. Dot M O * intersection of two adjacent lines of action of supporting forces at an infinitesimal angle Δφ between them will determine the position initial longitudinal metacenter .
A measure of the longitudinal stability of a seaplane - longitudinal metacentric height H o= R o-a.
Longitudinal stability of a seaplane is easier to achieve than lateral stability, in the sense that a boat that is strongly developed in length almost always has natural longitudinal stability ( H O > 0).
Note that the dive moment from the engine thrust, the line of action of which usually passes above the center of mass of the aircraft, deepens the bow of the boat, reduces the angle of the initial trim, i.e., forces the boat to take some trim on the bow, which will determine a new cargo waterline , which is called "stubborn" .
hydrostatic forces (support forces), which ensure the buoyancy and stability of the boat at rest, naturally, to a greater or lesser extent, appear in the process of moving through the water.
A very important characteristic of a seaplane, which determines its seaworthiness, is the ability to overcome water resistance and develop the necessary speed through the water with minimal power consumption.
Hydrodynamic force water resistance to the movement of the boat in swimming mode is determined by friction of water in the boundary layer(friction resistance) and distribution of hydrodynamic pressure of the water flow on the boat (shape resistance associated with the formation of eddy currents - it is sometimes called whirlpool resistance) and depends on the speed of movement (velocity pressure ρ in V 2/2 ), the shape and condition of the surface of the boat.
Here it is appropriate to recall that the density of water ρ in about 800 times more dense than air at sea level!
This drag is supplemented by wave drag, which, in contrast to the wave drag associated with irreversible energy losses in the shock wave during flight at supercritical speeds (see Section 5.5), arises when a body moves near the free surface of the liquid (the interface between water and air) .
Wave impedance - part of the hydrodynamic resistance, which characterizes the energy consumption for the formation of waves.
Wave resistance in water (heavy liquid) occurs when a submerged or semi-submerged body (float, boat) moves near the free surface of the liquid (i.e., the boundary of water and air). A moving body exerts additional pressure on the free surface of the liquid, which, under the influence of its own gravity, will tend to return to its original position and come into oscillatory (wave) motion. The bow and stern parts of the boat form interacting wave systems that provide significant influence for resistance.
In the swimming mode, the resultant of the hydrodynamic resistance forces is almost horizontal.
The shape of the displacement part of the seaplane (as well as the shape of the vessel) must ensure the ability to move through the water with minimal resistance and, as a result, with minimal cost power ( vessel propulsion , according to maritime terminology).
When designing seaplanes (as well as ships), to select shapes and evaluate hydrodynamic characteristics, test results are used by towing (“pulling”) dynamically similar models in experimental pools ( hydrochannels ) or in open water areas.
However, unlike a vessel, the complex of seaworthiness characteristics of a seaplane is much wider, the main of them is the ability to perform safe takeoffs and landings on a rough surface with a certain wave height, while the speed of seaplanes on the water is many times higher than the speed of sea vessels.
Due to the special shape of the bottom of the seaplane boat, hydrodynamic forces are generated that raise the bow and cause an overall significant ascent of the boat.
Consequently, the movement of a seaplane, unlike a ship, occurs at a variable displacement and the angle of trim of the boat (in fact, the angle of the water flow on the bottom, similar to the angle of attack of the wing). At water speeds close to the takeoff speed, the displacement is practically zero - the seaplane is in planing mode (from the French. glisser- slide) - sliding on the surface of the water. Feature planing mode is that the resultant of the forces of hydrodynamic resistance of water has such a large vertical component ( hydrodynamic sustaining force ) that boat for the most part of its displacement volume comes out of the water and slides on its surface. Therefore, the contours (outline of the outer surface) of the seaplane boat (Fig. 7.81) differ significantly from the contours of the ship.

The main difference is that the bottom (the lower surface of the boat, which is the main bearing surface when the seaplane moves through the water) has one or more redans (French redan- ledge), the first of which, as a rule, is located near the center of mass of the seaplane, and the second in the stern. Straight in terms of redans (Fig. 7.81, A) create much more resistance in flight than pointed (swept, ogive) redans (Fig. 7.81, b), the hydrodynamic resistance and spatter formation of which are significantly less. Over time, the width of the second redan gradually decreased, intercut part of the bottom began to converge at one point (Fig. 7.81, V) at the stern of the boat.

In the process of development of hydroaviation, the shape of the cross section of the boat also changed (Fig. 7.82). Boats with a flat bottom (Fig. 7.82, A) and with longitudinal edans (Fig. 7.82, b), slightly keeled (i.e., with a slight slope of the bottom sections from the central keel line to the sides - Fig. 7.82, V) and with a concave bottom (Fig. 7.82, G) gradually gave way keeled boats with a flat-keeled bottom (Fig. 7.82, d) or with a more complex (in particular, curvilinear) deadrise profile (Fig. 7.82, e).
It should be noted here that seaplanes do not have shock absorbers (see section 7.3) capable of absorbing and dissipating the impact energy during landing on water. Since water is a practically incompressible liquid, the force of impact on water is commensurate with the force of impact on the ground. Main purpose deadrise - replace the shock absorber and

gradual immersion in the water of the wedge (keeled) surface during landing to soften the landing shock, as well as the impact of water on the bottom of the boat when moving on a rough water surface.
The characteristic contours of the boat of a modern seaplane are shown in fig. 7.83. The boat has a transverse and longitudinal deadrise of the bottom.
Deadrise boats (or the angle formed by the keel and chines) is selected based on the conditions for ensuring acceptable overloads in takeoff and landing modes and ensuring dynamic directional stability.
The angle of the transverse deadrise of the bow of the boat starting from the first redan β r n gradually increases towards the bow of the boat (in front view A-A- superimposed sections along the bow of the boat) in such a way that a breakwater is formed in the bow of the boat, "breaking up" the oncoming wave and reducing wave and spray formation.
Cheekbone (the line of intersection of the bottom and side of the boat) prevents water from sticking to the sides. To create an acceptable wave and spatter formation, a bend is used nasal cheekbones, i.e. profiling the bottom of the bow of the boat along complex curved surfaces.

The bottom of the interline part of the boat (in the rear view B-B- superimposed sections along the stern of the boat) usually flat-keeled - angle value β r m constantly. Deadrise angles on the redan are usually of the order of 15-30°.
Longitudinal deadrise boats γ l = γ n + γ m determined by the angle of longitudinal deadrise of the bow γ n and the angle of longitudinal deadrise of the interline part γ m.

Length, shape and longitudinal deadrise of the bow ( γ n @ 0¸3°), affecting the longitudinal stability and the angle of the initial trim, are chosen so as to prevent the bow from burying and flooding the deck with water at high speeds.
Longitudinal deadrise of the interline part ( γ m @ 6¸9°) is chosen so as to ensure stable gliding, landing on land at the maximum allowable angle of attack and descent into the water (for an amphibious aircraft) according to existing slips (English) slip, lit. - sliding) - inclined coastal platforms going into the water for the amphibian to enter the water and go ashore.
With sufficient longitudinal deadrise of the interline part, separation during takeoff from the water can occur "with undermining" (increasing the angle of attack) at the maximum allowable lift coefficient.
Taking off from the water during takeoff is complicated by the fact that in addition to the forces of water resistance to the movement of the boat, discussed above, between the bottom of the boat and the water there are forces of adhesion (suction), especially in the back of the boat.
Purpose of redan- destroy the suction effect of water (suction) during takeoff, reduce the resistance of the water, allow the boat to "stick off"

For many years, talk has been going on about the possible construction of a new Russian aircraft carrier, which, however, has not yet led to the start of real work. In the context of such a development of the fleet, the issue of an aviation group for a promising ship is also often discussed. Certain proposals are made, including the most daring ones. For example, in the past, it was repeatedly proposed to resume work on vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. According to some statements by officials, such a proposal may be implemented in the distant future.

Present and plans

At the moment, carrier-based aviation of the Russian Navy cannot be called numerous. Pilots have only a few dozen Su-33 and MiG-29K fighters at their disposal. All these machines are designed to take off from a deck equipped with a springboard. Landing is carried out with the help of an arrester. Such a grouping is sufficient to complete the only available aircraft carrier cruiser, but the construction of new aircraft carriers will require a certain number of additional aircraft to be ordered.

Yak-141 in flight

Currently, the Russian military department is studying the prospects for the development of carrier-based fighters, and is already forming some preliminary proposals. So, a curious option for the further development of naval aviation was proposed last year. During the international aerospace show MAKS-2017, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Yuri Borisov touched upon the topic of the distant future of fleet aviation. As it turned out, the Ministry of Defense has very interesting plans.

According to Yu. Borisov, the existing Su-33 and MiG-29K aircraft will gradually become morally obsolete, as a result of which, in about 10 years, the development of new aircraft will be required. At the same time, the military department already has plans in this regard. They provide for the development and production of new aircraft with short or vertical takeoff and landing. It is assumed that the new vertical take-off aircraft will become a kind of continuation of the line of similar equipment, which was developed in the past at the OKB A.S. Yakovlev.

The Deputy Minister of Defense indicated that the advanced aircraft would serve on a new aircraft carrier, the construction of which could begin in the mid-twenties. Other details of a hypothetical project from the future have not yet been announced. Apparently, the development of a new aircraft has not yet begun, and specialists from the military department and the aviation industry do not yet themselves know what a new Russian carrier-based aircraft could be.

Successes of the past

Last year's statements by a Defense Ministry spokesman did not reveal any details, but did provide an interesting hint at a possible future development. According to Yu. Borisov, the new carrier-based fighter will be a continuation of the Yakovlev Design Bureau's family of vehicles. If such a proposal is chosen for implementation, then the aircraft from the future may turn out to be similar to some well-known developments. This allows you to make predictions and try to predict what the new technology will be like.

Recall that the Yakovlev Design Bureau began to study the subject of vertical take-off back in the late fifties. By the middle of the next decade, an experimental project Yak-36 was created. Prototypes of this type showed the main features of a new class of equipment and made it possible to begin the development of full-fledged combat vehicles. Based on the developments on the Yak-36, the Yak-38 carrier-based attack aircraft was created. It had built-in weapons and could also carry rockets and bombs. In the late seventies, the Yak-38 was put into service and became part of the aviation groups of a number of ships of the USSR Navy. Several projects for the modernization of such a machine were also developed.

Without waiting for the completion of the tests of the Yak-38, the design bureau began to develop a new aircraft with similar takeoff and landing characteristics, but with expanded combat capabilities. The new Yak-41 (later the project was renamed the Yak-141) was supposed to be a multi-role fighter capable of gaining air superiority, as well as strike at ground or surface targets. As part of the project, the designers of several organizations had to solve a large number of fairly complex tasks, which led to a certain delay in the work. Test preparation experimental equipment started only a decade after the start of design.

The first flight of one of the experienced Yak-41 took place in March 1987. Over the next few years, prototypes performed various flight programs, which made it possible to test the operation of all onboard systems. At the very end of 1989, the first hovering flight took place, and in June 1990, the first vertical takeoff and vertical landing took place. After new flights from the land airfield, checks on the deck were started. At the end of September 1991, the first landing of the Yak-141 on an aircraft carrier took place. A few days later, they also took off.

In early October, during another test vertical landing, one of the experimental aircraft exceeded the vertical speed, which led to the destruction of the structure and a fire. This incident was fatal to the project. There was no possibility of building a new prototype to replace the lost one, and soon it was decided to close the project. Work officially ended in 1992. The remaining Yak-141s were still shown at various exhibitions, but these machines no longer had a future.

One of the options for the appearance of the Yak-201

Economic problems and specific views on military-political issues led Russia to abandon the creation of new vertical / short takeoff and landing aircraft in the early nineties. Nevertheless, the Yakovlev Design Bureau did not stop developing promising ideas and continued to work on its own initiative. In the mid-nineties, a new project of the Yak-201 multipurpose carrier-based fighter was proposed.

According to known data, the Yak-201 project involved the construction of a glider made using stealth technologies, which made it possible to drastically reduce the visibility of the aircraft in flight. It was planned to equip the car with one engine designed for vertical takeoff / landing and horizontal flight. It was proposed to take off by changing the thrust using a rotary nozzle. Since the engine was placed in the tail of the car, it had to be supplemented by an auxiliary lifting system. Among other things, the option of mounting an additional rotor in the forward fuselage, driven by an elongated engine shaft, was being worked out.

A specific engine for the Yak-201 was never chosen, which is why most of the flight performance data was not accurately calculated. The aircraft was to receive an automatic cannon and internal cargo compartments for missiles or bombs. The dumped was proposed to be transported on four suspension points. Perhaps the fighter could also receive external placement pylons.

For obvious reasons, the Yak-201 project never left the preliminary development stage. The potential customer showed no interest in such equipment, and besides, he did not have the financial opportunity to order its development and construction. As a result, another promising proposal went to the archive.

According to Yu. Borisov, the existing fleet of carrier-based aircraft will become obsolete in the distant future, and they will need to be replaced. Currently, the possibility of creating vertical / short takeoff and landing aircraft is being considered, which can provide certain advantages. At the same time, it has not yet been specified what they will be and what opportunities they will receive. However, it is indicated that the military department intends to continue the development of the old ideas of OKB A.S. Yakovlev. Thus, you can try to imagine what a promising carrier-based fighter will look like.

A look into the future

Of all the projects of vertical take-off aircraft under the Yak brand, the most recent one, proposed in the mid-nineties and not reaching full-fledged design work, may be of the greatest interest. Working through the appearance of the car of the future, the Yakovlev Design Bureau proposed a very interesting aircraft which still looks quite modern. Certain components of this project may require significant processing in accordance with current trends, but a number of common features can be retained.

It should be noted that a number of the main features of the Yak-201 project remind us of the American Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II fighter, which has the ability to short takeoff and landing. The Russian and American projects provided for reduced visibility for enemy detection tools, used a combination of a sustainer engine with a rotary nozzle and a lifting rotor, and also proposed the internal placement of all weapons. As the current state of affairs with American aircraft shows, such a variant of the technical appearance of the equipment justifies itself and is suitable for solving the assigned tasks. At the same time, it should be noted that obtaining the desired results within the framework of American project was associated with many technical difficulties, delays in work and an increase in the cost of the program.

Since the Yak-201 was developed in the nineties, and the design of a new similar aircraft does not start until the early twenties, direct borrowing of certain design solutions is virtually excluded. One of the main differences of the new project should be the widest use of modern materials and technologies created after the abandonment of the Yak-201 draft design. The same approach should be applied to the creation of an on-board complex of radio-electronic equipment.

Museum Yak-141

Obviously, the glider of a promising aircraft should be built taking into account the reduction in visibility. It is quite possible that its optimal configuration will be similar to the airframe of the fifth generation Su-57 fighter. However, in any case there will be the most significant differences. According to known data, even within the framework of the Yak-201 project, several versions of the aerodynamic appearance of an inconspicuous vehicle were worked out. In particular, the front and rear placement of the horizontal tail was studied.

Of all the known options for power plants that provide vertical or short takeoff, the most advantageous is the one proposed in the Yak-201 project and implemented on the F-35B aircraft. The main propulsion engine, showing sufficient performance, must have a rotary nozzle. At the same time, its shaft should be connected to the front rotor, which is responsible for creating thrust under the nose of the airframe. Also, the machine needs gas-jet controls on three axes in vertical mode and when switching to horizontal flight.

The current progress in the field of electronic systems allows us to look to the future with optimism. On board a promising aircraft, a radar with a phased antenna array, including active, optical-location detection tools and a modern sighting and navigation system, may appear. In accordance with current requirements, avionics must have full compatibility with existing and prospective military means of communication and control.

The composition of weapons will be determined in accordance with the wishes of the military and the proposed combat missions. Domestic vertical takeoff and landing aircraft were equipped with a built-in 30-mm automatic cannon and could carry a variety of aviation weapons. Thus, the Yak-141 project provided for the use of various air-to-air missiles, including medium-range products. To destroy ground or surface targets, a wide range of guided and unguided missiles and bombs was proposed. The same opportunities can go to a promising aircraft. At the same time, its most important feature will be the presence of internal cargo compartments for weapons, which will reduce visibility in flight.

As follows from the known data, so far the Russian Ministry of Defense is only considering the possibility of resuming the development and construction of vertical take-off aircraft. Such proposals can turn into real projects only after a few years, and then certain time required for all necessary work. As a result, ready-made carrier-based aircraft will appear no earlier than the second half of the twenties. By this time, it is planned to begin construction of a new aircraft carrier, on which the new aircraft will serve.

The development of a new aircraft for the aviation of the Russian Navy, apparently, has not yet begun, and this circumstance is an excellent occasion for making forecasts and saying various versions. In the meantime, experts from the military department and the aviation industry can evaluate the prospects of the existing proposal and decide what to do next. If the fleet really needs an aircraft with unusual takeoff and landing characteristics, then its development will begin in the near future.

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