Home Roses Diet first day milk and tomato juice. Tomato juice for effective weight loss while dieting. Diet: fish and tomato juice

Diet first day milk and tomato juice. Tomato juice for effective weight loss while dieting. Diet: fish and tomato juice

The essence of the tomato juice diet

Tomato drink is on the list of favorites among nutritionists, since these fruits contain a lot of nutrients that are useful and necessary for the body. In addition to vitamin C and group B, they contain carotenes, antioxidants and amino acids, as well as magnesium and potassium. Freshly squeezed tomato juice has the ability to normalize human blood sugar levels, thereby preventing hunger.

It has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by stimulating the body to excrete undigested food. It also activates intestinal motility and, accordingly, speeds up the digestion process. In addition, there are many options for using this drink while losing weight, so everyone can choose the best option for themselves. For example, there is a diet that involves only tomato juice and kefir.

Most often it is used as fasting days or for express weight loss. This nutritional option allows you to get rid of a kilogram of excess weight in just one day and at the same time cleanse the body of harmful substances. If you carry out such fasting days regularly, then you can drop quite large volumes.

The diet of the fasting day involves a breakfast consisting of a glass of tomato juice and two croutons, you need to drink kefir (fat-free or with a minimum percentage) in an amount of at least a liter. In this case, it is prohibited to use anything else. In addition to such a strict menu, abundant drinks are allowed, for example, water, green tea and herbal infusions.

Features of the diet

Tomato juice is on the list of favorites among nutritionists due to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. In addition to the content of B and C vitamins, tomato juice also contains carotenes, amino acids, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. Moreover, freshly squeezed tomato juice in the diet will help normalize blood sugar levels, which prevents hunger. Also, tomato juice has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, ridding the body of undigested food, activates intestinal peristalsis and accelerates the digestion process. In addition, several variations of the use of tomato juice during a diet allow you to choose the most optimal option for each of us. Let's consider several options for the use of tomato juice in the diet.

A fasting day on kefir and tomato juice allows you to cleanse the body as much as possible and get rid of one kilogram of excess weight in one day. If you spend such fasting days regularly, then you can gradually lose a fairly large amount of extra pounds. The diet of a fasting day on kefir and tomato juice is as follows: for breakfast you should drink a glass of tomato juice and eat two crackers, and during the day you should drink a liter of low-fat kefir. Any other food is prohibited. In addition to the proposed menu, you can drink unlimited amounts of water, green tea and herbal infusions. Well, we will consider longer options for a tomato juice diet with other products later.

The benefits of tomato juice

The composition of tomato juice is a real storehouse of useful microelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, sulfur, selenium, manganese, copper, etc.). Present in tomato juice and vitamins (A, C, E and all vitamins of group B) and antioxidants, and the so-called "hormone of joy" - serotonin. Tomato juice also contains nutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But what is practically absent in tomato juice is calories. The nutritional value of tomato juice combined with low calorie content makes it an excellent product for weight loss.

Tomato Juice Diet Menu

Diet on tomato juice and rice is very popular among actors, as it allows you to quickly get rid of 2-3 kg of excess weight before filming or a performance. The duration of the diet is 4 days, and the diet is as follows:

  • on the first day, it is recommended to drink only tomato juice and eat boiled brown rice;
  • on the second day, only kefir and cottage cheese are allowed;
  • on the third day, you should eat exclusively boiled turkey and drink green tea;
  • on the fourth day of the diet, you can eat low-calorie cheese and drink tomato juice.

The number of products specified above is unlimited, so you can use them in any quantity.

The buckwheat and tomato juice diet is distinguished by a more balanced diet and the result of losing 5 kg in 5 days. Since buckwheat is rich in protein and other nutrients, even a poor diet of this diet will allow you to tolerate it with minimal damage to your health.

For five days, it is recommended to eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities, but you cannot add sugar, salt or milk. In addition to buckwheat, you should drink at least a liter of tomato juice per day. The last meal should be no later than 6 pm.

Tomato mono diet

This diet can be followed for 2-3 days in a row, no more. It allows you to get rid of 1 kg of excess weight per day. But continued use is highly discouraged by nutritionists. This is a convenient way to "quickly" lose weight.

You need to eat 1.5 kg of tomatoes per day. Divide this amount by 4 meals. The use of salt, spices or other products is prohibited. You still need to drink at least 1 liter of water per day, maybe mineral water.

Three Day Tomato Diet

This method helps to get rid of 2-3 pounds. It is not very difficult for tomato lovers. The main thing is to consume 2 of these vegetables at each meal. There is no ban on salt, but if you refuse it, the effect will be much better.


2 boiled egg whites and one large tomato


One tomato and 2 small slices of low fat cheese


200 gr of boiled chicken breast and salad of 2 tomatoes, seasoned with kefir or olive oil.

Afternoon snack:

The composition is identical to the second breakfast


Tomato and greens salad (parsley, dill, cilantro) with 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.

Pros and cons of the tomato juice diet

The main advantage of the tomato diet is its simplicity and effectiveness. While enjoying your favorite drink, you will gradually lose weight, while not counting calories and not limiting yourself in the portions of the food offered.

The disadvantages of a tomato juice diet are considered to be an insufficiently balanced diet, therefore nutritionists recommend not to exceed the duration of the diet and be sure to consult a doctor before using it.

Diet on tomato juice

The essence of the tomato juice diet is to take tomato juice before each meal and in between meals. Along with the use of juice, it is necessary to exclude flour products and sweets from the diet to the maximum. You need to completely eliminate sugar. If possible, you should avoid fatty and fried foods, use a minimum amount of salt. All products should preferably be boiled or steamed.

Using tomato juice for weight loss, you can lose 4-5 extra pounds in two weeks. In addition to reducing body weight, digestion processes are significantly improved, skin elasticity is increased and complexion improves.

The duration of the tomato diet is 1-2 weeks. Initially, you can apply the tomato juice diet once a month, then once a quarter and once a year. A "lifelong" diet is an excellent option. At the same time, this diet should not be perceived as a specific method of losing weight, it is rather a nutritional system that allows you to eat only healthy and healthy food for the body.

Diet "Rice and tomato juice"

A very popular option is the so-called tomato-rice technique. This three-day diet, which permits only rice and tomato juice, is very popular with show business stars. In a similar way, you can get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight in a short time, which is very convenient before a performance or concert.

In some cases, the diet is extended by 4 days, and it looks like this:

  • On the first day, they drink only juice and eat boiled brown rice;
  • On the second day - cottage cheese and kefir. Both the first and the second must be fat-free;
  • The third day's menu consists of boiled turkey and green tea;
  • Completing the weight loss again with tomato juice and low-calorie cheese.

This three-day system has a significant advantage - the listed foods and drinks can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Buckwheat porridge on water and juice

There is a diet, the main products of which are tomato juice and buckwheat. Here the diet is more balanced. But it lasts up to 5 days, but during this time you can lose up to 5 kilograms in weight.

Since buckwheat is a protein-rich product, even a strict restriction of the diet will not harm the body and the process of losing weight will not cause negative reactions from the body (weakness, fatigue, mood swings).

The diet for 5 days consists of an unlimited amount of buckwheat, but you cannot mix it with sugar, salt or milk. Also shown is 1 liter of tomato juice per day, and the last meal is no later than 6 pm.

Milk-tomato technique

There is also a diet " Slenderness"Allowing only milk and tomato juice. It is quite tough and lasts for 6 days. During this period, you can lose weight up to 5 kg.

This technique consists in dividing the course into three stages, 2 days each. In the first two days, you can only drink 2 cups of milk and 2 glasses of tomato drink per day.

The menu for the next couple of days is more varied: breakfast includes a sandwich made from bread, butter and honey; lunch - boiled chicken breast (100 g) or lean fish; dinner - two boiled eggs.

The last two days: in the morning - 2 oranges or apples; in the afternoon - vegetable salad, but without potatoes, sour cream and mayonnaise; in the evening - a choice of fruits, except for bananas.

Shown, of course, an abundant drink in the form of water (non-carbonated mineral water, purified), but it is not recommended to use it with meals - only half an hour before a meal and an hour and a half after that.

Positive and negative aspects of losing weight on a tomato drink

The main advantage of diets that include this drink is their simplicity and effectiveness.

Enjoying a tasty and healthy product, a person will gradually lose weight. At the same time, there is no need to count calories and limit yourself in portions of permitted meals.

The disadvantage of this method is that the diet for any of the diets is not balanced, therefore, nutritionists do not recommend extending them beyond the allowed period, so as not to lead to health problems.

Getting out of the tomato diet

Losing weight on a tomato juice diet occurs due to the loss of excess fluid in the body. Therefore, to prevent the return of extra pounds, exit from the tomato diet should be gradual. You need to introduce more salt in small doses. A return to normal food should also gradually occur. Regular consumption of tomato juice in the daily menu will also be useful.

Contraindications to the tomato juice diet

It is not recommended to use a tomato juice diet if tomatoes are an unloved food. With a tendency to allergic reactions to tomatoes, this diet is also undesirable. It is strictly forbidden to use a tomato diet for people with duodenal and stomach ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas and gout. Care should be taken to apply the diet to people with periodic exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. The tomato diet is not suitable for people with an active lifestyle, since this method of losing weight is considered low in calories and increased physical activity and intense intellectual activity are not recommended.

Tomato juice is delicious, spicy, healthy! Who will refuse this drink, especially since this product contains a very reasonable amount of calories for occasional use. But besides being a great addition to dinner, tomato juice can be a great way to lose weight.... It turns out that a diet with its use sometimes helps to get rid of five kilograms of excess weight. But on the other hand, the limitations of such a diet are also quite serious.

The principle of the tomato juice diet

Basically, the weight goes away due to getting rid of excess fluid, from cleansing the intestines. But for this you need to consume tomato juice without salt - this helps to enhance the diuretic effect. The problem is that just many cannot imagine tomato juice without salt, they think such a dish is not tasty enough. But one has only to overpower yourself a few times, as soon you yourself will calmly drink unsalted juice and enjoy its wonderful effect on the body.

On the other hand, with such a diet, fat does not go away so quickly, with restrictions and relative rigidity of the diet, fat loss will be about 1000 grams which is not too much when compared with some other dietary options.

Due to this, nutritionists do not deny the benefits and effects of the tomato diet, but it is recommended to use it before another diet is planned, a well-thought-out weight loss program that provides for restricting salt and calories.

In general, there are two options for a tomato juice diet. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with these two methods so that you can evaluate them and choose the most optimal option for yourself.

Option one of the tomato juice diet

For this option, you need to stock up on three kilograms of tomato per day. to be used for juice. For juicing, it is best to use a juicer and work with the cold pressing method. But the option of making juice using heat treatment is better to exclude completely - such juice will not bring any benefit in this case.

Every day, certain foods must be added to tomato juice from 3 kilograms of tomatoes, which must be consumed on that day.

On the first day, in addition to tomato juice, you need to eat about a kilogram of vegetables. In general, these can be any vegetables, but it is better to eat vegetables such as arugula, broccoli and cabbage. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil to this amount of vegetables, if desired.

On the second day, in addition to juice, a salad of basil, lettuce, lettuce, bell pepper, walnuts and lemon juice is allowed, used as a dressing.

On the third day, you can only eat apples that are not sour, you can bake them to improve the taste.

On the fourth day, it is allowed to eat 200 grams of meat, but lean.

On the fifth day, vegetables are allowed, moreover, in any desired quantity.

On the sixth day, add a kilogram of berries to the diet, only fresh. If you wish, you can eat a little watermelon.

On the seventh day, you can eat only dill and basil, which are usually used as a seasoning for tomato juice. This day is considered the most difficult and most restrictive.

The first option is believed to have a more extreme effect on the body. This is due to the minimum calorie content of foods. So in case of severe stressful situations and serious stress, it is better not to choose such a diet.

Option for the second tomato juice diet

Option two is optimal, like fasting days before starting weight loss programs... This diet provides on the first day only a glass of tomato juice, a liter of milk or kefir, a glass of rye crackers. You can additionally drink non-carbonated water or tea or coffee without sugar.

The second day is spent with exactly the same diet as the first. For example, you can drink croutons with tomato juice for breakfast, and then drink kefir throughout the day.

The third day has already been completed with apples and pears for breakfast, which can be eaten in addition to tomato juice. For lunch, you can afford 100 grams of lean meat and 100 grams of brown rice, accompanied by tomato juice and a small amount of stewed vegetables. Before lunch, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese will do as a snack. And for dinner, try rice again, but already only 50 grams with a hundred-gram chicken breast. In this case, dinner should take place no later than four hours before bedtime.

Disadvantages of diet

With such a diet, a lack of daily protein requirement is noted. Since the diet is perfectly balanced, it can slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

So if you often resort to a tomato juice diet, there is a risk of provoking cravings for overeating and unhealthy foods. And this is dangerous for health and for the figure.

Since tomato juice provokes an increase in stomach acidity, such a diet is completely contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why, before "sitting down" on such a diet, it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

What do you think is the secret of the slimness of English ladies? Of course, in the English diet! English diet will perfectly improve your health. At the same time, weight loss occurs very quickly, and the body gets almost everything it needs to work properly.

The English diet lasts 21 days(there is an option - 20 days). Weight loss will be 12-15 kilograms.

English diet. Nutrition rules.

Do not drink: beer, vodka, cognac, wine, lemonade.
Do not eat: sugar, cookies, sweets, white bread, potatoes.

Be sure to take one multivitamin tablet every day.

The English Diet Begins from 2 hungry days.

2 hungry days:
1 liter of milk, 1 glass of tomato juice, 2 pieces of black bread.

2 protein days:
Breakfast - a cup of coffee, you can milk, one slice of black bread, a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of honey.
Lunch - a plate of meat or fish broth, a piece of boiled meat or fish, possibly with two tablespoons of peas and a slice of black bread.
Afternoon snack - a glass of tea with a teaspoon of honey.
Dinner - one piece of boiled meat or fish, or not fatty ham, or two eggs, 50 grams of cheese, a glass of kefir with a slice of black bread.

2 vegetable days:
Breakfast - 2 apples or 2 oranges.
Lunch - vegetable soup without butter, one slice of black bread, salad or vinaigrette.
Afternoon snack - 2 apples or 2 oranges.
Dinner - no later than 19.00, salad with a slice of black bread, 1 glass of tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Hungry days are not repeated, only vegetable and protein days alternate.

It is better to leave the English diet gradually, using the milk day and then gradually add various products to your daily menu.

Because the English diet is considered strict, it is better to use it no more than once a year.

Before you go on a diet " English diet", consult your doctor!

Diet Reviews

I will write about the first results when the first 6 days pass.

She went on an English diet again. From June 3. I start, as always, with protein days. The initial weight was 84 kg. I will write about the results. Tomorrow will be the first 2 days.

Do not repeat my mistakes - do not start this diet a week before the start of the cycle. You will definitely fail. And so three kilograms in four days. I start from tomorrow again. 04/25/19 g.
18 years old, height 173, weight 63 kg.

I gave up the English diet, but did not give up the idea of ​​losing weight. Weight for today 65.8, I'm happy. Now I'm just counting calories. And I think that it is much more effective because you need not only to lose weight, but also to keep the weight.

Tatiana 1985

I started again today! I still won't give up, I will definitely lose weight !!! Weight 83kg, height 156cm. I want to start with 68 kg. If the skin does not sag, then more can be ...

Sour fruits and vegetables are an essential part of many low-calorie diets. They saturate the body with useful substances, help cope with hunger and improve metabolic processes. One of these products is tomato. It has a low energy value, but at the same time provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness. We offer you several options for a tomato juice diet.

Benefits and contraindications

Tomatoes are widely used in cooking as ingredients in various recipes. Salads are made with them, used as side dishes, used to prepare many different sauces. Tomatoes give dishes an excellent taste and saturate the body with useful substances (carotene, vitamins E, C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium).

Tomatoes are known to have pronounced medicinal properties. Tomato contains special compounds that help reduce the risk of malignant tumors. In addition, doctors advise patients with anemia, varicose veins and reduced immunity to eat tomatoes regularly.

Nutritionists also appreciated the beneficial properties of tomato. Tomatoes are considered by health experts to be one of the best foods for those looking for a slimmer figure. And this is not surprising - the tomato is tasty, but has a low calorie content. Therefore, it gives a feeling of fullness and does not lead to excess weight gain.

Of course, there are many advantages to diets based on tomatoes and tomato juice, but they also have their disadvantages. First of all, we are talking about such contraindications:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Age under 18.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Dysfunction of the urinary system.

That is, not everyone is allowed to lose weight with the help of tomatoes. Therefore, you need to be careful. Even if you do not complain about your health at all, it is better to see a doctor and discuss with him the possibility of a particular diet. On this issue, you can consult a nutritionist or therapist.

Three Day Tomato Diet

If you are preparing for an important event and urgently want to lose weight, try the tomato express diet. This weight loss course is designed for only three days, is easily tolerated and gives good results. The diet allows you to lose about 3 kg of excess weight. The basis of the diet during this period is made up of tomatoes and tomato juice without salt.

During the course, it is very important to drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

You need to eat for three days according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1. Drink tomato juice and eat tomatoes until full.
  • Day 2. A pound of boiled brown rice is divided into 5 receptions.
  • Day 3. Meals should be the same as on the first day.

Seven Day Tomato Diet

Do you want to become slim, getting rid of 6-7 kg of excess weight? Then try the longer tomato diet. It is designed for 7 days, during which, in addition to tomatoes, it is allowed to eat some protein foods, fruits and potatoes. During the diet period, it is imperative to drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the menu for every day:

  • Day 1. Drink a liter of tomato juice during the day. A small portion of boiled potatoes (150 g) are eaten. You can also have a glass of unsweetened green tea.
  • Day 2. A pound of cottage cheese is divided into several receptions. Drink a liter of tomato juice. A cup of tea without sugar is also allowed.
  • Day 3. As in the previous days, drink 1 liter of juice. Unsweetened fruits are introduced into the diet. A cup of tea is allowed.
  • Day 4. Again, drink a liter of juice and eat a pound of boiled chicken, dividing it into small portions. You can drink green tea once.
  • Day 5. In addition to a liter of tomato juice, several servings of dried fruits are consumed (about 700 g in total).
  • Day 6. The diet of this day consists of such products - a liter of juice, low-fat cottage cheese (0.5 kg), tea.
  • Day 7. On this day, in addition to tomato juice, boiled lean fish (0.5 kg) and unsweetened tea are allowed.

Tomato Rice Diet

Tomatoes and tomato juice go well with rice. These diet foods complement each other and help the body get full of nutrients. Especially useful for diets is brown rice, which contains many valuable elements. There are several options for the tomato-rice diet. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the most popular technique. It only takes three days to lose 2-3 kilograms. Food during this period should be as follows:

  • Day 1. Tomato fresh (4 cups) and boiled rice (250 g).
  • Day 2. Tomato juice (2.5 l), rice (3 tablespoons three times a day).
  • Day 3. Only tomato juice and water.

Buckwheat and tomato diet

Buckwheat is one of the most popular foods in dietetics. It has a high protein content, so in the process of losing weight, stress for the body is minimized.

The inclusion of buckwheat in the diet allows you to lose weight without an obsessive feeling of hunger, fatigue, dizziness and weakness. The buckwheat-tomato diet lasts five days. During this time, many manage to lose about 5 kg of excess weight. The menu of such a diet involves the daily use of buckwheat, and you can eat it in unlimited quantities. In addition to buckwheat, you can consume a liter of tomato juice per day, other foods are excluded from the diet.

Important! Buckwheat for a diet is prepared only in water, without adding salt and seasonings. Dinner is not recommended after 6pm during the 5-day course.

Diet "Slim"

The technique with such a promising name is pretty tough. It is based on two products: tomato juice and milk. The duration of the course is 6 days. The result is minus 5 kg.

You should eat according to the following system:

  • The first two days - only juice and milk (2 cups of each drink per day).
  • The next two days - a sandwich with butter and honey in the morning, 100 g of low-fat boiled chicken or fish in the afternoon, a couple of eggs for dinner.
  • The last two days - oranges or apples for breakfast, a light vegetable salad for lunch, fruit for dinner (but not bananas).

While on a strict diet, you should not forget about drinking. Drink non-carbonated mineral water regularly, separately from meals.

How to get out of the tomato diet?

So, the tomato diet has come to an end, and you are happy with your slimmer figure. What to do to consolidate the result?

First of all, try to get out of the diet properly. To do this, do not rush to quickly return to your daily diet. Introduce familiar foods into the menu gradually. It is better to refuse fatty and heavy foods altogether. May your diet always be healthy and balanced! And, of course, don't forget about physical activity.

The first two days are called hungry: a liter of milk, a glass of tomato juice, two pieces of black bread.

Two protein days.
Breakfast: a glass of coffee or milk, a slice of black bread, half a tablespoon of butter, half a tablespoon of honey.
Dinner: a plate of meat broth, a piece of boiled meat or fish, two tablespoons of green peas, a slice of black bread.
Afternoon snack: a glass of tea or milk, half a tablespoon of honey.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat (or two eggs), 50 g of cheese or lean ham, a piece of black bread, a glass of kefir.

Two vegetable days.
Dinner: vegetable soup without butter, a slice of black bread, salad, vinaigrette or vegetable stew, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: two apples or two oranges.
Dinner: vegetable salad with a piece of black bread, a glass of tea, half a tablespoon of honey.

Do not repeat hunger days, two protein days and two vegetable days alternate up to 20 days. Dinner no later than 7 pm. Take a multivitamin tablet every day.

Weight loss - up to 15 kg.

Grapefruit diet

This diet is suitable for citrus lovers and therefore you should not be allergic to grapefruit. If you choose this diet, follow the guidelines below to make it more effective.

Do not eat three hours before bed. Limit your salt intake. Limit your sugar intake.
Use reduced fat dairy products.
Use non-starchy vegetables, and use lemon juice with a drop of vegetable oil for salad dressing.
And of course, eat three grapefruits a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

1 day
Breakfast: 50 g of cheese, coffee or tea without sugar.
Dinner: 250 g of vegetable salad with herbs, seasoned with lemon juice Tea.
Dinner: 150 g of meat, 200 g of vegetable salad with lemon juice, tea with a teaspoon of honey.

2nd day
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, tea or coffee without sugar.
Dinner: 50 g of cheese or 150 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: 200 g of fish, vegetable salad, a slice of black bread or crispbread.

Day 3
Breakfast: 150 g of porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat) with the addition of a tablespoon of raisins.
Dinner: 200 g of vegetable soup with a slice of black bread or crispbread.
Dinner: 200 g of chicken with tomato and cucumber, tea.

4th day
Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice, a boiled egg.
Dinner: 300 g carrot salad or green vegetables (cucumber, pepper, celery, lettuce, broccoli, etc.), a slice of bread or toast.
Dinner: 350-400 g of stewed vegetables, tea.

Day 5
Breakfast: orange or apple. Coffee or tea with lemon.
Dinner: two baked potatoes with vegetable salad (200 g).
Dinner: 200 g of meat, a glass of tomato juice.

On the sixth and seventh days, you can choose any of the options you like or combine your own menu, taking into account the basic rules.

Low calorie diet

This low-calorie diet lasts for a month. It is taken from the book by Sofia Vendrovskaya "100 minutes for beauty and health"

Alternate menu A every other day with menu B.

First week.

Before work:
Option A: a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey, a stale bagel.
Option B: a cup of tea, a slice of black bread, sprinkled with parsley.
Option A: a glass of tea, 2 slices of black bread, thinly anointed with butter with two lettuce leaves. Option B: a glass of kefir, a stale bagel, 10-12 salted radishes.
Option A: boiled fish with horseradish, 2-3 potatoes sprinkled with herbs, green salad with lemon juice and olive oil.
Option B: thick vegetable soup with green peas, a piece of lean beef, 2-3 potatoes, fruit salad with sugar and lemon juice.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: two tomatoes, or a glass of tomato juice with a crouton.
Option B: fruit or a glass of fruit juice with a biscuit.
Option A: a glass of low-fat kefir, 2 pieces of black bread, thinly anointed with honey and sprinkled with parsley.
Option B: a glass of sweet milk, 2 pieces of challah, dried in the oven, anointed with honey.

Second week.

Before work:
Option A: a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, 1 crouton.
Option B: a glass of tea with milk, a piece of black bread with honey.
Option A: 2 pieces of black bread, a little butter and feta cheese, a glass of tea.
Option B: 2 pieces of black bread with meat, 2 tomatoes, a glass of tea.
Option A: 2 meat cutlets, carrot salad, jelly.
Option B: red borscht with boiled egg, boiled fish, 2 potatoes, green salad.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: fruit, biscuit.
Option B: kefir and croutons.
Option A: kefir, black bagel with jam.
Option B: a glass of tea, 2 slices of low-fat cheese.

Third week.

Before work:
Option A: a cup of coffee, a piece of black bread with honey.
Option B: a glass of milk with honey, a crouton.
Option A: kefir, a piece of black bread with butter, soft-boiled egg, radish.
Option B: a glass of tea, 2 slices of bread with lean ham, 2 tomatoes.
Option A: beefsteak fried in a dry skillet, spinach with sour cream, a glass of juice.
Option B: rice, stewed mushrooms, a glass of broth, 2 baked apples.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: fruit, croutons.
Option B: fruit, biscuit.
Option A: a glass of milk, stale bagel, cottage cheese.
Option B: a glass of tea, a piece of bread with cold veal, an apple.

Fourth week

Before work:
Option A: a cup of tea, a crouton with honey.
Option B: a glass of milk, black bread with butter.
Option A: 2 slices of bread with butter and low-fat cheese, 2 apples.
Option B: stale bagel with butter, 2 soft-boiled eggs, tea, apple.
Option A: a portion of chicken with vegetables, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, green salad, jelly.
Option B: a cup of broth without fat, beans with tomato sauce, 2 potatoes with herbs, an apple.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: carrot juice, biscuit.
Option B: a cup of coffee, a crouton.
Option A: a glass of fat-free kefir, a stale bagel.
Option B: 2 slices of bread with liver pate, radish.

Japanese diet

With this diet, you can not use: potatoes, sugar, lemonade, beer, alcohol, bread, flour and confectionery. Limit salt intake. Unlimited water.

1 day
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, stewed cabbage in vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish.

2nd day
Breakfast: black coffee and croutons.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish, stewed cabbage in vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled beef 220 g, a glass of kefir.

Day 3
Breakfast: kefir and croutons.
Dinner: fried zucchini in vegetable oil or zucchini caviar, apples.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

4th day
Breakfast: black coffee and croutons.
Dinner: raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of cheese.
Dinner: fruits.

Day 5
Breakfast: raw grated carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.
Dinner: large fish (500 g) fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fruits.

6th day
Breakfast: black coffee and croutons.
Dinner: half boiled chicken, fresh carrot salad.
Dinner: no.

Day 7
Breakfast: tea.
Dinner: boiled beef 200 g, fruit, a glass of kefir.
Dinner: fruit or whatever you want from the diet of the previous days after the third day.

Day 8
The diet should be repeated for 7 days.

Then we repeat the diet from the 3rd to the 5th day.

Within 13 days, 7-8 kilograms of weight are lost.

Diet "Week"

This diet will allow you to get rid of 2-4 kilograms. The advantage of this diet is that it consists of affordable foods, vegetables and fruits. Disadvantage - the diet is not very suitable for those who work, because meals are scheduled by the hour. It is recommended to exclude sugar, potatoes, carrots, beets, and legumes from your diet. It is advisable to use low-fat dairy products. When preparing salads, use the sauce: a teaspoon of olive oil mixed with the juice of one lemon. Drink at least two liters of water a day, the most preferred are: mineral water, herbal teas, dried apricot compote (without sugar), rosehip decoction, hibiscus tea.

1 day
7.30 - 2 kiwi.

10.00 - a portion of low-fat yogurt, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - green salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
15.00 - 80g boiled chicken breast, 100g cauliflower, 2 slices of cheese.
17.00 - pear.

19.30 - two-egg omelet, bioyogurt.
2nd day
7.30 am - orange.
8.00 - buckwheat porridge.

11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g of boiled lean fish.
15.00 - stewed vegetables, salad, bioyogurt.
17.00 - pear.
19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - green salad with dressing, low-fat cottage cheese, bioyogurt.
Day 3
7.30 - half a glass of freshly squeezed juice and half a glass of water.
8.00 - oatmeal porridge with milk.
10.00 - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g of boiled veal.
15.00 - salad, stewed vegetables, 2-3 slices of cheese.

19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - cauliflower baked with cheese, bioyogurt.
4th day
7.30 - 2 tangerines.
8.00 - barley porridge with milk.

11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g boiled squid.
15.00 - green salad, stewed eggplant, 2 slices of cheese.
17.00 - 4 pieces of dried apricots and prunes.
19.00 - scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
19.30 - boiled vegetables, bioyogurt.
Day 5
7.30 - 2 kiwi.
8.00 - oatmeal porridge with milk.
10.00 - coarse bread toast (with bran) with unsweetened jam, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g of boiled chicken breast.
15.00 - green salad, 100g cauliflower or broccoli, yogurt.
17.00 - pear.
19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - baked tomatoes with cheese, low-fat cottage cheese.
6th day
7.30 am - orange.
8.00 - buckwheat porridge.
10.00 - a portion of low-fat yogurt, a piece of wholemeal bread, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - stewed vegetables.
15.00 - 100g of boiled fish, green salad, a slice of cheese.
17.00 - 4 almonds, 3 hazelnuts, 1 walnut.
19.00 - omelet with mushrooms.
19.30 - stewed vegetables, green salad.
Day 7
1.5 kg of apples for the whole day (divided into six meals).

Rest diet

This diet may be suitable for those who do not like or cannot spend time preparing diet food. The promised weight loss is up to three kilograms.

1 day
Breakfast: a glass of milk and two small cereal loaves.
Dinner: 10 boiled dumplings with mayonnaise (preferably low-calorie).
Afternoon snack: Big apple.
Dinner: scrambled eggs from two eggs and a slice of black bread.

2nd day
Breakfast: 2 large carrots and a serving of yogurt.
Dinner: 2 slices of ham and a slice of fresh cabbage.
Afternoon snack: banana.
Dinner: 100g macaroni and a slice of cheese.

Day 3
Breakfast: boiled egg with mayonnaise.
Dinner: a glass of instant soup and tomato salad with onions.
Afternoon snack: Orange.
Dinner: boiled sausage and boiled beets, cut into slices.

4th day
Breakfast: a glass of kefir and 5 walnuts.
Dinner: 150g of boiled fish with rice.
Afternoon snack: 2 tangerines.
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with boiled sausage or lean boiled pork on black bread.

Day 5
Breakfast: a glass of milk with a tablespoon of muesli and 3 pieces of dried apricots.
Dinner: in a glass of broth diluted from a cube, chop a little onion, carrots and cheese. Boil.
Afternoon snack: persimmon.
Dinner: 200g of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of jam.

6th day
Breakfast: a serving of fruit yogurt.
Dinner: boiled chicken leg and 150g of cabbage.
Afternoon snack: pear.
Dinner: 2 carrots and an apple.

Day 7
Breakfast: omelet from two eggs.
Dinner: serving of vegetarian borscht.
Afternoon snack: 200g of grapes.
Dinner: quickly fried steak (150g) and 50g of boiled pasta. Prepare a sauce for them: beat half a fresh tomato with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a clove of garlic.

Diet "Svetlanka"

For 13 days of the diet, weight loss should be 5 kg, in addition, weight loss should continue after the end of the diet. During the diet, it is recommended to exclude from the diet: alcoholic beverages, salt, sugar and sweets. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day.

1st and 13th days of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, spinach 80g, 2 tomatoes.
Dinner: 150g boiled meat, 3 lettuce leaves.

2nd and 12th days of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: 150g boiled meat, 3 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 100g a cup of black coffee ham, a glass of kefir

3rd and 11th days of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: celery roots fried in vegetable oil, tomatoes and fruits - all 150g each.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 150g grated carrots, 50g cheese.

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