Home Roses What are the thermal springs. Thermal water. Mount Mashuk and its beneficial drinking water from springs

What are the thermal springs. Thermal water. Mount Mashuk and its beneficial drinking water from springs

Thermal springs are one of the main gifts of nature in Adygea, recreation on them is considered one of the most popular in the republic.

Why bathing in thermal pools is useful and what ailments warm mineral springs will help to cope with, says site.

In contrast

Doctors recognize that thermal waters have restorative and preventive properties, are very useful for healthy people, as well as for rehabilitation after illnesses.

In winter, the water in the thermal spring reaches + 40 ° C. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Ghisolabella

There are more than 20 thermal springs in Adygea. They are mainly concentrated on the territory of the Maikop district, in the villages of Tulsky and Tsvetochny.

There are practically no contraindications for swimming in thermal water in an open-air pool.

There are 14 of them only in the Tula region. Several of the largest are comfortably equipped, but there are also "wild" ones that simply beat out of the ground. It is not very convenient to visit them.

Adyghe thermal water contains compounds of cobalt, barium, iodine, bromine, boron and zinc. Thanks to them, the springs have a whole bunch of healing properties.

When swimming:

♦ easily relieve stress and strain;
♦ slows down the aging process;
♦ kills bacteria;
♦ removes salt from the body;
♦ cleans the body of toxins and salts;
♦ strengthens the immune system;
♦ heals the female reproductive system;
♦ restores the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Bathing in thermal water helps relieve muscle tension. Photo: pixabay.com

When taken internally, it helps to cope with the following diseases:

♦ gastritis;
♦ gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
♦ chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
♦ slag deposits;
♦ pancreatitis.

The "wild" thermal spring springs directly from the ground. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Yimsurawut

The Secret of the Humpbacked Skate

The springs of Adygea have a hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium composition of water and an increased content of silicic acid and sulfur. According to experts Ministry of Health of the Republic, silicon is a really powerful water activator with significant bactericidal properties.

Water does not deteriorate, it is stored for a long time, it is purified. Water activated by silicon has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation. Active precipitation of heavy metals takes place in it, the water becomes clear in appearance and pleasant to the taste.

Thermal water slows down the aging process. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Ghisolabella

Due to their composition, the Caucasian thermal springs have the effect of a "hunchbacked horse": they not only heal the body, but also slow down the aging process.

“Every year we come to the thermal springs of Adygea. In winter, even when the air temperature is slightly below zero, it is stable + 40 ° C in the pool. Steam rises from the water, creating a sauna effect. You can climb out and dive into a snowdrift, play snowballs, and then back into hot water. We swam in the spring both in summer and in autumn, "says the Muscovite. Evgeny Svetlov.

There are practically no contraindications for swimming in thermal water in an open-air pool. The unique composition of the water will help get rid of many diseases and accumulated fatigue.

The thermal springs of Adygea were discovered by Soviet geologists, who, during exploration in the foothills of the Caucasus, during drilling, uncovered aquifers with hot water (about 100 °). But, since the thermal baths were not the ultimate goal of exploration, the wells were mothballed, and then they were forgotten. As time went on, the wells left without leaving began to leak. Local residents, having discovered a hot spring, equipped it with a simple "bathing". But soon people with an entrepreneurial streak became interested in the composition of water. The analysis showed that this water is good for human health, after which recreation centers and sanatoriums began to be built around the wells.

/ Why and to whom are hot springs useful?

Why and to whom are hot springs useful?

Thermal water is a unique medicine given to us by nature! It will help restore beauty and health, prolong youth and improve appearance. Of course, provided that you use it correctly.


The mineral water contained in the springs contains useful inorganic components. It stimulates active recovery of the body, increases vitality, helps to cope with cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine disorders, as well as skin diseases. Ions and gases of bromine, iodine penetrate through the skin into the blood and tissues, improving the functioning of organs. This explains the beneficial effects of the thermal spring.

Indications for the use of thermal springs

  • Carbonic sources are suitable for patients with asthma, heart disease, hypertensive patients.
  • Iodine-bromine sources are prescribed for diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as for nervous abnormalities.
  • Sodium chloride baths are unique in that they improve the functioning of the brain and endocrine system. Doctors recommend using them for metabolic disorders, depression, diseases in the joints, in order to rejuvenate the skin, and for skin diseases. Water also has a beneficial effect on gynecological and urological diseases. It is indicated for varicose veins.

Baths are useful for muscle pain, neuralgia, rehabilitation after illnesses. You can use the grace of thermal waters for no more than 20 minutes. The duration of the bath depends on the disease and temperature conditions. Before treatment, you should consult a doctor!


For healthy people, taking a bath will be extremely beneficial. If there are deviations, they should be taken with caution.

For whom is immersion in the source not suitable?

  1. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, since sugar can drop to a critical level.
  2. For women during critical days.
  3. Pregnant women after the third trimester. For the first three months, it is permissible to dive into the source, but not very hot.
  4. Patients with acute infectious diseases: angina, pyelonephritis, bronchitis. Due to the influence of water, the infection can spread throughout the body.
  5. Patients with epilepsy, everyone who is prone to seizures.
  6. With tumors, uterine myoma, mastopathy.

Hot springs of Tyumen and Sverdlovsk region

The springs located near Tyumen allow swimming at any time of the year. The most relevant springs are in Verkhny Bor, they differ in the types of pools. Healing water, has a tonic effect on the body, is useful for cardiovascular and nervous disorders. The water temperature is 30-40 degrees. Mineral water "Tyumenskaya-2" in the spring is bromic, sodium chloride, with a total mineralization of 75 grams per liter.

Baths of the Sverdlovsk region are located in the towns of Rezh and Turinsk. These are radon waters of various compositions, which contain radon gas. Such baths normalize microcirculation in the skin, improve the condition of the heart and stabilize blood pressure.

You can always check with the managers of the "UralTurGroup" company by contacting the telephone numbers for information about the rest at the hot springs.

The fact that thermal springs have healing powers has been known for a long time. Treatment with natural waters is one of the oldest methods of getting rid of a variety of diseases. Baths, showers, wraps and inhalations in combination with the intake of water inside help to improve the condition of patients suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract organs, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and excretory systems, skin and endocrine pathologies. Water treatments are effective in treating complications of infectious diseases, the effects of physical and emotional stress.

The temperature range and composition of the waters of any geothermal source are unique, therefore each balneological hospital is designed for a specific set of ailments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of the ten most famous thermal spas.

The concentration of mineral salts in the Dead Sea is extremely high. Not only water, but also sulphide bottom mud, rich in iodine and bromine compounds, has a healing effect. The combination of water and mud treatments literally has a magical effect on the skin, and inhalation of air saturated with a suspension of bromine salts has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and respiratory systems.

A stay in the Dead Sea spa clinics is especially useful for patients suffering from bronchopulmonary ailments, skin and musculoskeletal disorders. Wellness rest is effective and simple - it allows you to relieve severe fatigue and get rid of the effects of stress.

You can get treatment at the Dead Sea at any time of the year. The resorts are very convenient for people with delicate skin, since the vapors saturated with salts absorb a significant part of the ultraviolet rays and prevent burning.

Source: depositphotos.com

It is a popular spa resort based around twelve mineral springs. The waters have temperatures ranging from 30 to 72 ° C and varying degrees of carbon dioxide saturation, but all springs contain high concentrations of compounds of sodium, iron, magnesium, bromine and lithium. The therapeutic complex consists of baths (oxygen, radon, etc.), massage, procedures with the use of healing mud and the intake of water inside.

The treatment is indicated for patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system (intestines, stomach, liver), obesity, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders. Most of the treatments are available all year round, but some springs are closed for the winter.

Source: depositphotos.com

Vichy's sulfur springs have been known since antiquity and are extremely popular in Europe. The medical, health-improving and cosmetological infrastructure has been formed here for centuries. The resort is visited by patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, skin and gastrointestinal tract, as well as people who seek to improve their appearance and undergo procedures that promote rejuvenation. In addition, a well-known company is located in Vichy for the production of cosmetics, which are based on healing mud.

The resort is open all year round, but the procedures here are not recommended for hypertensive patients. The disadvantages of the resort include the high cost of treatment and stay.

Source: depositphotos.com

The healing effect of the water of the thermal lake Heviz is due to the high content of gaseous substances in it, as well as the effect on the body of bottom calcium-sodium mud. Swimming in the open water is possible at any time of the year, as the water temperature does not drop below 23 ° C.

In Heviz, it makes sense to be treated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially with problems with the spine), gynecological sphere, chronic inflammatory processes, pathologies of venous circulation.

Local procedures are contraindicated for children.

Source: depositphotos.com

One of the most famous European resorts using the therapeutic properties of sodium chloride thermal waters. The complex of procedures includes bathing in springs with a temperature of 14 to 67 ° C, compresses, wraps, inhalations, as well as taking water inside. Here they help to cope with diseases of the digestive system, respiration, joints, cardiovascular system, as well as with skin and gynecological problems.

The resort is considered one of the most prestigious, which explains the rather high cost of treatment.

Source: depositphotos.com

The thermal waters of Loutraki resort contain salts of bromine, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Here you can get a range of therapeutic procedures at any time of the year, including swimming in pools, massage, mud therapy, physiotherapy and aromatherapy.

Treatment is indicated for patients suffering from cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, pathologies of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems, gynecological or skin problems. Many people come here just on vacation - in summer, when wellness procedures can be combined with swimming in the sea and relaxing on the beach.

Source: depositphotos.com

The hot (at least 40 ° C) waters of the volcanic springs of the Blue Lagoon are saturated with quartz, mineral salts, microscopic algae and contain a suspension of healing white clay. This mixture is extremely effective in softening and cleansing the skin and also improves the overall tone of the body.

The Blue Lagoon is one of the best resorts for people with skin conditions. In addition, specific medicinal cosmetics based on local clays and muds are produced here.

Underground waters coming out to the earth's surface, with temperatures significantly different from those usual for the region, have unique healing properties. Bathing, bathing, wrapping, even inhalation and drinking water help to improve the health of people suffering from various diseases.

Thermal water has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, helps, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes. Even in a practically healthy person near a thermal spring, the skin becomes velvety and fresh, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. After a couple of weeks of staying at the resort, they disappear, the general well-being improves.

The healing properties of thermal water were known many centuries ago. Even ancient Roman soldiers healed their wounds after hiking by taking baths. One of the first thermal springs were used by the Greeks in the ancient era, erecting terms- prototypes of modern resorts. But only in the middle of the 19th century, with the help of the research carried out, the composition of water and its effect on the human body was studied. This is how a whole science appeared - balneology... Today, the effect of using thermal waters has been confirmed by the results of medical research.

What are thermal springs and what are they like?

The water that comes out to the surface is heated from hot earth rock or from molten magma - this is characteristic of volcanic zones. However, the water temperature can exceed 100 ° C. However, water can turn into a gaseous state, and it bursts out, becoming a geyser. Often, the water of the source also takes on a vaporous state, we are talking about fumarole, when mixed with mud or clay, we are dealing with a mud source.

The composition of water contains a huge number of elements: carbon dioxide, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, etc., sulfates and other salts. And also in small quantities, radioactive elements, such as radon. All these substances are capable of exerting one or another effect on the body. Therefore, each person, taking into account the composition of water and its effect on the body, can choose the most suitable resting place to correct his health.

The temperature of the water in the source primarily affects the circulatory system. Even peripheral vessels expand, oxygen delivery to organs improves. In this case, depending on the chemical elements present, biochemical processes are triggered, which will certainly affect the body.

There is an impressive list of pathologies for which thermal springs are recommended. For a long time, their visit was prescribed to patients with diseases and injuries of bones and joints. Today, this list has been supplemented with diseases of the genitourinary region, heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs or the digestive tract.

Moreover, water from many sources has a bactericidal effect and is effective in various skin diseases: from eczema to psoriasis. Neuroses, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue are common problems today, and a stay at balneological resorts will help people suffering from nervous system disorders quickly and effectively recover.

Due to the presence of many useful trace elements, the use of water from a thermal spring can be a good way to prevent various diseases. The fact is that the body's resistance to the action of various pathogenic bacteria increases.

Thermal treatment contraindications

  • some diseases in the stage of exacerbation (for example, acute pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), as well as hypertension, in a severe degree, a recent heart attack or stroke;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy from the second trimester.

2. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic- one of the most prestigious balneological resorts, which was founded in the XIV century. Water has varying degrees of concentration of carbon dioxide, salts of sodium, iron, magnesium, bromine, etc. Baths, bathing and are suitable for patients with disorders of the digestive system, overweight, diabetes and a number of other metabolic abnormalities.

3. Adygea and Tyumen, Russia

In Russia most of the sources are located in the south, in the republics of Adygea and Tyumen, however, they can be found in almost every region. But there are those whose popularity has long stepped over the boundaries of the region. Today, the famous thermal springs in Belokurikha are very famous even outside the country. Water containing radon and nitrogen-siliceous compounds is useful for people with allergic reactions, diseases of the urinary system, and metabolic disorders.

4. Mineral waters of the Caucasus

They are no less famous among residents of the country and abroad Mineral waters of the Caucasus... Stunning landscapes, unique landscapes, historical monuments from different centuries - here you can spend unforgettable days with health benefits. Springs of Zheleznovodsk, the water of which contains a whole range of useful elements that are effective in diseases of the digestive system, bones and joints, endocrine, nervous systems and urogenital systems. Hydrogen sulfide and radon waters of Pyatigorsk are indicated for skin diseases and gynecology, problems with bones or joints. Children with neurological diseases are also brought to Pyatigorsk.

5. Lake Baikal

And of course, if you want to enjoy the unique nature, you can visit the springs located near the legendary Lake Baikal... One of the popular resorts - Goudzhekit - is located just a few kilometers from Severobaikalsk. There are several outdoor pools awaiting visitors here, the water in which contains a number of healthy components that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, digestion, as well as the endocrine, urinary, and nervous systems.

Of course, when choosing a resort that is right for you, you need to consult with a specialist, then you will be able to take full advantage of the unique opportunities presented by nature, and avoid complications caused by contraindications.

Is it possible to replace the trip to the thermal spring?

What if staying at the resort in the near future is not included in the plans? If the planned vacation is still far away, and the emerging health problems cannot wait? Try purchasing special salt and prepare your bath as instructed. Today you can buy a variety of drugs: from the Dead Sea salt to inexpensive domestic products. Of course, it is not easy to obtain this way, but adding the drug with each bath can slightly improve your well-being.

Thermal springs are a real miracle of nature! Available in any weather, containing many components useful for the body, with surprisingly clean water, they give vigor and relieve a variety of ailments. A stay at the thermal springs is included in the rehabilitation program for many diseases, without which sometimes complete recovery is impossible. But, being near the source, a person experiences, in addition to the therapeutic effect, the complex effect of a number of factors: a change in the environment, a habitual diet, meeting new and interesting people. But this is so important for psychological comfort, which is sometimes so lacking in residents of modern megacities!

Oksana Matiash, general practitioner

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

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