Home Beneficial properties of fruits How to draw an Egyptian mummy. How to draw a cartoon mummy. How to draw a mummy in chibi style step by step

How to draw an Egyptian mummy. How to draw a cartoon mummy. How to draw a mummy in chibi style step by step

This tutorial will help you learn how to draw a cartoon mummy! Mummy - mythical creature, originally from Egypt - is dead body, which in fictional stories, rises from the grave in search of revenge.
Since a mummy is very often drawn with strips of cloth (linen) wrapped around its body, that's exactly what we'll try to do in this ancient and scary tutorial!

Let's start the lesson by drawing a medium sized circle to represent the head of our Egyptian friend. Then add two rectangles below the head (look at the picture for a more detailed view) to create both arms.

Add a circle at each end of both arms to represent hands. Draw two oval shapes on the face to form the eyes.

Since our mummy is old and walks slowly, we will draw the body slightly tilted and curved. Draw a rectangle to create this body. As you can see in the example, the body is tall and the neck is invisible in this position. Draw a circle to form your character's thigh. Finally, draw a long rectangle to form the left leg.

At the end of this leg, draw a small rectangle to create the left foot. Draw right leg using two rectangles (you have no choice since this part of the body is curved in this drawing). You can also draw the right foot using two rectangles.

Time to add some stripes to our terrifying character! Working on the mummy's head, draw her eyes more carefully. They should look crazy and furious!

Add some stripes on the arms. Feel free to play with the length of the strip. Your mummy will only look more impressive this way! You can sketch in a couple of fingers to make your character more menacing!

Last but not least, do all the stripes left on your mummy's body and legs. Remember to keep your character's back curved and inclined.

Add some color to your work and you're done! You can always use several different tones to create dark areas on your character. This will improve the readability of your drawing.
Notice how the legs and arms are back side the picture is darker. I also added subtle, dark tones near the mummy's neck so that the head would stand out better. Congratulations! I hope you had fun drawing this funny cartoon mummy!

Gothic manicure or shock manicure with the image of a mummy. A manicure idea for those who are tired of flowers, hearts, birds on their nails and want to surprise everyone, make an impression, and make people talk about themselves.

To complete the design you will need the following materials and tools:

Plastic base (or cardboard);
- thin brush No. 0 (or No. 1);
- nail polish remover;
- clear nail polish;
- beige varnish;
- black varnish;
- white varnish;
- napkin;


To apply a different color of polish to the brush, dip it in nail polish remover.

If the varnish on the brush does not paint well, then you need to update the varnish on the cardboard base. The varnish tends to dry out.

Instead of regular varnish, you can paint acrylic paints, colored gel or colored gel polish.

1. Apply varnish for the main background. IN in this case- it's beige. We wait until the layer becomes dry. Using black polish, draw a thick line in the middle of the nail plate. It's okay if at this stage the edges aren't quite straight.

2 . We draw such a black stripe on all nails. Take a thin brush, dip it in black varnish and align the lines on the nail plate.

3. Apply white varnish to the plastic base. Dip the brush and draw grooves at the bottom of the nail.

4. We draw the same thing at the top of the nail.

5. On black stripe put two white dots. You can apply them with a varnish brush, or you can use a thin brush for this.

6. Apply a little black varnish to the plastic base. Dip the brush into the varnish, put black dots into white ones and you get eyes.

7. Apply black varnish to the plastic base. Dip the brush and draw black grooves between the white ones. We wait for the polish to dry and apply transparent nail polish to add shine and fix the design.

A mummy manicure is suitable for a Halloween holiday, a themed photo shoot or a costume party, and it’s also great option for a disco.

If you use not a simple white polish, but a phosphor nail polish that glows in the dark, then at the disco your manicure will be visible to everyone! ?

Video. Shellac - Doing a Manicure at Home in 2 Minutes. Step-by-step instruction.

Looking at the example drawing, pay attention to the location of the limbs, as well as the types and lengths of lines with which they are built. Please note that the mummy's bandages are depicted with wavy lines to better convey the volume of the body. The curved lines on the character's body give the impression of muscles underneath the bandages.

The image of the mummy must be built around the frame.

So, draw a circle of the head at an angle without pressing. Add a chin to it and put a cross in place of the face. From the chin, draw a curved line down the spine, and at its base draw an oval. Draw the lines for constructing the legs at a slight angle, as well as the contours of the feet slightly turned inward. Under the chin, draw a circle of the chest and a transverse line of the shoulders. Draw a line of the left hand and raised palm. Draw a curved line right hand over the oval of the chest with the palm facing down.

Pay special attention to the character's muscles. Starting from the head, draw a curved outline of the body on the outside of the frame. Add eye sockets on both sides of the cross. Outline the features of the nose and grinning mouth. Using light pressure on the pencil, draw bandages all over the mummy's body. Draw their fluttering ends, as well as the fingers.

Using a blacker stroke, define the contour of the body and facial features. Using light pressure on the pencil, shade the mummy's figure along the contours. In the background, again without pressing the pencil, draw the moon and clouds behind the character's figure. Draw a large and small pyramid, which should be in line with the hills. Once you finish painting the background, your mummy will come to life and go scare people!

How to draw a mummy in chibi style step by step

First, using an oblong shape, draw the base for the head, and then add a horizontal arc in the middle of the face. Then draw the body as a trapezoid. Draw the head, the contours of which you outlined before. The line should be strong and clear.

Now draw circles for the shape of the eyes, and make sure they are thick enough. After this, draw the openings of the nose and an open mouth. Start drawing the left side of the mummy's body - the top and lower limbs, left side of the body.

The lines of the bandages on the mummy's body should be uneven, but at the same time quite neat.

Next, draw right side body, which also includes the arm, leg and body parts. Erase the guides and erroneous lines, as you will need to draw the wrapping in the form of bandages and bandages right now. So, just wrap the mummy with lines of bandages.

That's it, your drawing is ready. Now you can color it and then show the work to your friends to please and surprise them.

Today we will fight the selfish Moomin corporation. You can draw great amount your own Moomins and not buy tiny and boring pictures for terrible money. You can draw on paper, on stone, on fabric, on glass, on porcelain, on wood, on metal - anywhere; Special paints are sold for all this.

Drawing on paper will not be as interesting to you as on canvas. If you are ready to play artist, go to a specialized store and buy one small canvas. Canvases are sold already primed and stretched onto a frame. I paint with acrylics and faux brushes because they are ethical.

There are a few things that are good to know before you start drawing:

It is best to paint in daylight. Or under a white light lamp.
- Brushes must be washed very well and immediately. Or at least keep them in a jar of water until you wash them.
- White color- the most important. We must try to preserve the whiteness of the canvas and paint by adding white to the paints.
- What is in the foreground should be brighter.
- Paints must be mixed until they are even in color and large quantities- otherwise there may not be enough paint.
- Black and gold outlines save in the most hopeless situations.

Where to get the plot from.

From the Internet and books. Any picture you like can be:
a) transferred through glass onto thin paper using a lamp and transferred onto canvas through carbon paper
b) printed on a printer and transferred using a carbon copy
c) drawn by cells
c) for the laziest - just bend the edge of the picture and put dots where the contours are. Then you can connect the contours.
A long time ago, artists pricked outlines with a needle and applied dots to the canvas with black powder.
In order to simply draw what you want, look carefully at the subject. In painting it does not have of great importance exact copy of the object. It is important to convey your own emotional condition. And for accuracy, a camera was invented.

Draw a few Moomins and the issue of contours will be removed. You will learn. Because there is only one way to draw these fabulous creatures. All lines are justified by the character’s character, which you will certainly feel.

Little My

Look at different pictures with baby mu. Try to understand what changes from picture to picture and what the artist is trying to convey with these changes.

Many people ask how to draw the correct head of baby My. Look around and find an oval-shaped object that you can trace. I found a cardboard from former mirror. It can be given any desired shape.

The accuracy of the line is not that important.

Drawing hair:

Of course, I don't draw a grid when I draw. Here I have divided the face into four vertical and four horizontal parts. The inner squares of the second stripe from the top are divided in half. Try to do the same and draw straight lines - the upper and side contours of baby My's eyes.

When finishing the eye from below, note that usually in portraits of little Mu the lateral parts of the eye are slightly widened.

This baby only turned out well on the eye on your monitor on the right.

The nose of all myumla, including Snusmumrik and Myumla, is drawn in relation to the eyes. In many Mymmlas, the wings of the nose are almost parallel to the right and left eyes, the bottom of the nose is most often a straight line. Little My is a model for drawing any Mymla. In a hat and cloak - this is Snoo, with a joyful face, eyelashes and light green eyes - Mymla with many children.

Here's everything you need to know about emotions:


Little My is evil in most pictures. Now he will cry or bite:

The previous and two subsequent pictures show options for a bow, tie or scarf. If you draw Mymla, standing sideways, don't forget that there are buttons on the back of her dress from top to bottom.

Bow and scarf:

Let's start drawing the dress:

Hands. Ukrainian motives:

As you understand, the dress, legs, arms - all this can be drawn arbitrarily or done without them at all. The main thing about this character is a recognizable face.

I prefer to draw a dress with folds:


Now for the picture idea. Just little My is boring. Let our Baby think about her childhood. Here she is sitting in a box for small children:

Coloring. These are the colors needed for Tiny. You can also see a waterproof contour marker.

In my opinion, the most successful thing you can come up with with little My is “Mymla’s children in Moominmama’s kitchen”:


When I have Once again They ask me to draw a picture with a Moomin, it always seems to me that people are asking me to deceive them. Delegating the drawing of Moomintroll to someone else is the same as asking someone else to have sex instead of you or to eat the most delicious cake on earth. This is giving up a very interesting life.

We will draw Moomintroll from the painting "The Conductor's Baton". The rest don't inspire me today.

Already familiar to you cardboard circle changes shape to pear-shaped:

The near ear should be larger:

Eye Search:

Place dots where the lines intersect:

and erase the auxiliary lines:

I personally never get my eyes right. Because in order to draw two identical ovals, you need to study for a very long time. And I'm lazy. The near eye should be larger. In order not to make mistakes with proportions and perspective, at first you just need to more accurately redraw the sample that you have chosen for the picture.

Try drawing the outlines of the body. Draw a few light lines. Some of them will probably suit you and seem like the mumi of your dreams.

By increasing the size of the head, torso and abdomen you can draw different Moomins. Adult Moomins are larger.

Adding an arm and legs:

It's time to come up with a plot. Moomintroll cannot wander around idle. What is he looking at? By the way, he has a tail.

If you add bangs, a gold bracelet and beads, you get Miss Snork. But personally, I don’t like this kind of Miss Snork. That's why I draw her in different ways. In the March 8 picture, for example, there is a march of radical feminists. The lady is depicted with a red mohawk, an earring in her ear and a black dress, and her gold ring flies away on a ball. Little My carries leaflets about legalization same-sex marriage, Moominmama protests against kitchen slavery and male dominance. And so on.

On the last large canvas there is a bracelet on Moomintroll's leg:

But this is how you can make a stereotypical Snork lady:

If you add a hat and a cane, you get Moominpappa, an apron - mom, glasses - Snork. In the next picture, all the Moomin attributes (only Snork flew by) are on one Moomintroll:

Now Mumi gets the jug. He will water the flower:

In this case, it is enough to just outline the Moomintroll. This is a photo of our two drawings before erasing the pencil outlines. You shouldn't erase the outlines right away. You need to wait until the paints dry and the outline hardens.

Here is the final Moomin. The contours are slightly distorted in the photo. They should be even. True, I rarely get even ones :)

The ability to draw Moomins will forever relieve you of the need to think about gifts for children you know and about how to decorate the walls of your own children's room.

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