Home Fertilizers Wax divination meaning. Living or mythical creatures, people. The meaning of wax figures

Wax divination meaning. Living or mythical creatures, people. The meaning of wax figures

Each of us wants to know what will happen tomorrow with him, with his family, country and the world. It has long been helped to comprehend the future. One of the most ancient, who came to us from the priests Ancient egypt and Mesopotamia is wax divination.

How to guess?

The technology of divination with the help of water and wax is one of the variations of ancient divination for water.

From time immemorial, it was believed that water will not lie, and if you pour a substance on the water that can quickly cool in water, water will instantly reveal all the secrets. Will teach and prompt.

We used what was at hand. Only spring water remained unchanged. Egyptian priests poured into her beeswax and the harsh knights from the Tin Islands are tin.

The ancients are actively supplanted by simplified divination techniques. In the XXI century coffee grounds much more affordable. But if you consider that fortune-telling on the water is one of the most faithful and accurate, it's worth a try. The main thing is to perform very simple rituals.

For fortune-telling does not need long preparations, but only matches, a candle, a little patience, and a bowl of water are needed.

What time to choose?

According to Orthodox tradition, better days for exercises in fortune-telling - New Year Holidays, Winter Christmastide, Kupala night, Pentecost. You shouldn't wait for these dates at all. You can tell fortunes on any convenient day of the week.

For fortune telling a small room with dim light is suitable... It is advisable to dress up in more spacious and freer clothes before fortune-telling, remove jewelry, sharp hairpins.

Turn off your mobile so as not to be distracted. You can not guess being in an unimportant mood being annoyed, angry.

Wax and water

The candle must be wax(there are innovators who prefer paraffin wax), it must be of sufficient thickness and height. Expect that before the start of fortune-telling, it will have to burn for at least an hour. Only with such a candle can you get enough wax.

In ancient times, pure wax without pigments was used for fortune telling. Nowadays, multi-colored candles are popular.

Firstly, it is believed that dark figures are easier to see against the background of a light vessel, and secondly, there is already a tendency to choose the color of the candles depending on the range of prepared questions.

With a red or pink candle, fortune-telling love relationship, a gilded candle will answer the questions of traders, financiers, businessmen. Health issues will be illuminated by green, and domestic issues will get blue.

You can use several candles at once different color to get immediate answers from different areas of life.

You need a bowl. It can be any, but it is better from white porcelain without drawings.... You can take bottled water, or from the tap. It is important that the water is cool, but not icy.

Process features

When all the preparations are behind with matches (namely matches, not a lighter) we light a candle... It should burn for at least an hour. How to fill the waiting time is up to you.

Before you take the candle and pour the wax into a previously prepared container of water, ask the question for which you want to get a prediction... Pour the wax into a bowl and wait a little. Once the wax has hardened, you can begin to interpret.

During fortune-telling, it is important to evaluate the candle flame:

  • if the candle was lit without problems, does not go out, burns well and evenly - this is a good omen
  • if a candle hisses, sparks or just makes noise - this portends important news
  • if the candle burns sluggishly, flares up slowly, then this will not have a very good effect on the results of fortune-telling
  • if the candle does not light up or is constantly extinguished, then the fortune-telling should be postponed to another day

Interpreting wax figures

When casting, you need to pay attention to the figures that are obtained in the process of overflowing wax. It is important to accurately record all changes and their order.

Subsequently, a deep analysis will be able to give the most complete picture of changing events, will allow making accurate and correct conclusions.

After the wax is poured, we will get, in fact, the result of fortune-telling, that is, something that will help answer the main question.

You can interpret the received:

  • by evaluating a single picture
  • by isolating figures
  • by exploring abstract shapes and concrete images

When fortune-telling, the meanings of symbols can have different interpretations depending on the personality of the fortuneteller, the circumstances, the things being thought.

Only taking into account all, without exception, the elements that make up the overall picture will make it possible to compose the correct interpretation of fortune-telling.

Some of the symbols are undoubtedly general and suitable for everyone, without exception.

But most figures it makes sense to consider separately considering situations when people are guessing together different ages, different habits, people with opposite temperaments.

The meanings can be complex depending on how you look at the figurine. You can rotate the resulting casting, examine it from all sides, you can even use a mirror and find options in a mirror image.

The most common designations


  • Letters or numbers can indicate dates, indicate specific names.
  • Straight line will stand at the head of great accomplishments.
  • Point will bring financial independence.

Living beings, people, mythical characters

  • Angel will send the good news from heaven, everything will be in perfect order on the love front.
  • Caterpillar or a worm will remind you that loved ones need attention and care.
  • Pigeon will add harmony to the relationship.
  • The Dragon will rely on willpower, willpower will lead to victory.
  • Hedgehog will tell you that you need to be more tolerant of people.
  • Snake warn about the danger, treachery of loved ones.
  • Female can be a bitch or a new girlfriend.
  • Crab will call you to trust and be wary of false friends.
  • Cat will indicate betrayal.
  • Hen promises an idyll in the family.
  • a lion will give faith in their capabilities.
  • Man foreshadows the appearance of the groom, friend, companion.
  • Spider will indicate the trick.
  • Child will tune in to expecting children or to participate in new interesting projects.
  • A fish promises comfort and acquaintance with a foreigner.
  • Mermaid will call for caution so as not to fall prey to cunning.
  • Dog will remind you of friends and associates.
  • Owl predicts diseases and problems.
  • Snail will warn against hasty decisions.
  • Duck guarantees that you are lucky in your endeavors.

Objects, things

  • Arch predict the onset of an important life stage.
  • Tower guarantees a speedy marriage.
  • Fan portends the loss of a job, the loss of loved ones.
  • Eye promises deception and communication with evil and envious people.
  • Mushroom promises an unexpected surprise.
  • Embryo will remind you of the things you have planned, revive the desire to bring them to life.
  • The star will promise career growth, good luck.
  • Cross will create a lot of problems and troubles.
  • Ladder will indicate career growth.
  • Bridge will require the development of compromise solutions.
  • Knife break friendship and love.
  • Clouds will bring doubts.
  • Horseshoe guarantees.
  • Rose and any flower will promise the fulfillment of desires.
  • Heart, of course, promises love. Love will rule the ball, and feelings will not remain unrequited. The heart shape will complement the theme.

    If the form is indistinct, if it breaks up into fragments, then not everything will be smooth in love. If the form is correct, distinct, then happiness is not far off.

  • Cup will become a symbol of harmony.
  • Egg will give you a dreamy state and interesting projects.

At the end of the ritual, it is worth separating the carrying figures good sense from the bad ones. The good ones can be kept as souvenirs, the bad ones can be buried. In the old days, bad figures were thrown out to pigs, and good ones were kept until the next fortune-telling..

Fortune telling with water and wax is one of popular types divination, which the fair sex turn to when they want to look into the future or find out their fate. Also in Ancient Rus people tried to use divination to reveal the secrets of the unknown. As a rule, girls and women gathered together and performed various rituals and fortune-telling on the eve of Christmas, New Year and Christmas. We will tell you about the main method of divination in wax and water, as well as its interpretation in our article.

When is the best time to guess?

The right time for fortune-telling with water and wax, Christmastide is also considered today - two weeks of winter holidays from Christmas to Epiphany. In the event that serious changes occur in a person's life, it is allowed to tell fortunes not only in holidays, however, without overuse of the ritual.

Christmas divination with wax and water is one of the most truthful ways. Many people believe that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. This is also explained by the fact that the subconscious of the fortuneteller independently chooses its fate in the wax forms formed on the water. With the help of energy abilities, water only accompanies this, and wax conveys the necessary information, since it is an energy-informational material.

Among the signs received, only good meaning should be sought. Bad predictions should not be taken on faith, as they can set a fortuneteller to fail in business at the very beginning of the year.

Fortune telling rules in ancient times

In the days of Ancient Russia, for divination at Christmas (with wax and water), female representatives chose special places, enhancing the effect of divination. As a rule, they used a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, attics or abandoned housing for this. Immediately before the ritual, the young ladies loosened their hair and untied their belts. Also a prerequisite was the withdrawal pectoral cross.

V modern times when fortunetelling, young girls do not strictly adhere to the rules and advice to which they paid close attention our ancestors. Now, in order for the result of fortune-telling with water and wax to be more or less reliable, one should competently approach the choice of the main attributes.

Requirements when choosing a candle

Experienced experts in this field recommend that you do not purchase candles from the business department. Since most likely in such a place they trade candles made of paraffin. For divination by wax, candles on water are only suitable natural product so the wax is best bought at a beekeeping store. Church candles are also suitable for the ritual; they are usually made of wax.

Further, for fortune telling, you should pull the wick out of the purchased candle, and roll the ball out of the candle itself. This should be done carefully so as not to break it. It is believed that the upright fortune-telling attribute is a kind of symbol that directs the fortuneteller's desires to the Almighty. A broken candle breaks the connection, and the interpretation of divination for Christmas on water with wax turns out to be incorrect.

During divination, it is necessary to take seriously not only the choice of a candle, but also the quality of the water, since it is she who is the transmitter of information. When fortune-telling with wax and water, you do not need to use settled water, such a liquid has already absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. Not the best option for divination, the water supply will also become, it has no energy and is considered dead.

What determines the accuracy of interpretation

In order for the interpretation of divination for Christmas on water with wax to be true, it is recommended to lower a small mirror at the bottom of a container with water and pour wax over it. With the help of a mirror, information will be concentrated in one place, and the image will be more accurate.

It is necessary to pour wax in one place. In the event that the image turns out to be blurry, the made wish is conceived inaccurately. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that before the process of divination with water and wax, one should completely abstract from reality and concentrate on a conceived desire. Otherwise, the answer may turn out to be imprecise and vague.

Divination for Christmas with wax and water

You can bewitch with wax and water different ways, they are all simple and based on one mechanism of action. Fortune-telling with water and wax is used by girls to find out: the near future, early marriage, the number of children in marriage, what will be the relationship with the husband, whether he will be rich. You can guess yourself, a friend or a relative. This requires the following items:

  • deep capacity;
  • iron spoon;
  • cold water;
  • small mirror;
  • two candles;
  • Matchbox.

Experienced experts in this area recommend holding the ceremony at midnight. Immediately after divination with wax on the water, the figures that are formed do not need to be thrown away. Those that bear good signs can be used as a talisman, it is better to bury the bad ones in the ground so that the negative prophecy does not take effect.

Divination: dripping wax into water

To start the ceremony, you need to put the prepared mirror in the center of the container. Then it is worth thinking about the question of interest and keeping it in mind throughout the whole process of fortune-telling. After that, you need to pour water into the prepared container, so that the stream flows down to the surface of the mirror.

At this time, you need to get the wick out of the candle, roll it into a ball and put it on a spoon. The second candle should be lit and a spoon should be placed over its fire, gradually melting the wax ball.

The melted wax must be poured drop by drop into the water over the mirror and, after waiting a little, get the resulting figure. Then, using your imagination, try to understand what the fortuneteller associates with the resulting three-dimensional image.

The meaning of the figures and the interpretation of symbols

The divination process does not take much time. More effort will have to be spent on the interpretation of figures when fortune-telling with wax and water. When decoding, you should be guided by your own inner feelings. The meaning of the image is subjective. As a rule, where one person sees a figure that will bring good luck, another will notice an image that promises grief and misfortune. In the event that an incomprehensible blurry image is obtained, a series of bad days... The detailed designation of wax on the water during divination is below.

Animal world

  • A stork means that a fortuneteller awaits a happy one family life and replenishment in the family. Also for a creative person, such a figure symbolizes insight and a surge of new strength.
  • Butterfly foreshadows the appearance serious problems... In the event that other figures are also present, this promises the appearance of a deceitful person on life path.
  • Belka talks about the emergence of a job that will take a large number of time.
  • The bull warns of possible threat.
  • The dolphin symbolizes overcoming existing difficulties, perhaps with the help of a friend.
  • The hare indicates cowardice and insecurity.
  • A snake can portend danger, and also signify wisdom.
  • Crocodile means that a fortuneteller will be able to overcome troubles, thanks to the ability to understand people.
  • The cow symbolizes wealth.
  • The cat speaks of the onset of a black stripe and protects from betrayal.
  • The swan portends good news.
  • The horse speaks of the dedication of the fortuneteller.
  • The bear symbolizes stagnation in business.
  • Fish warns that the fortuneteller will soon receive wise advice, to which you must definitely listen.
  • The elephant says that it is necessary to calmly approach the solution of all problems.
  • The dog denotes loyalty and trust, the fortuneteller is surrounded decent people.
  • The duck symbolizes good luck and fortune.
  • The turtle advises that you should not rush things, everything that should happen will definitely happen.

Man, body parts

  • The eyes symbolize deception, you need to be careful.
  • The head portends a promotion or new discoveries.
  • The woman warns of the possible appearance of a lovemaker in life.
  • The embryo / embryo speaks of the birth of something new: love, friendship, job change, moving.
  • The bone symbolizes overcoming difficulties.
  • Face: if with a smile - joy, sad - the appearance of enemies or problems, several faces symbolize the holiday.
  • A man denotes the appearance of a guest with good news.
  • Heart: if clear, then to mutual feelings, with breaks and streaks, to heartache and feelings.
  • Human figure portends the appearance of a new friend.

Technology and buildings

  • The arch symbolizes development, the transition to a new important life stage... In addition, the arch can herald a journey.
  • The tower suggests that in the near future the fortuneteller will have a wedding or an opportunity to develop his talents.
  • The door marks a new stage in life.
  • The house foreshadows the emergence of a new economy, that is, a move, a successful marriage. Also, such a figure symbolizes happiness and harmony in the house.
  • The machine indicates that there is a fortuneteller ahead. new way.
  • An airplane indicates an ambulance. In case if vehicle looks shabby, the trip will be unsuccessful.
  • Car: There is a new path ahead of you that will bring happiness. There will be a lot of new and interesting things, laziness and apathy will remain in the past.

Various subjects

  • Lampshade denotes possible deception. It is necessary to analyze the words and actions of colleagues and friends.
  • The angel talks about possible changes that relate to the character of the fortuneteller. Infantilism, laziness, passivity will go away. Also, such a figure can indicate the appearance new love, good news or help from loved ones.
  • Pancake symbolizes loneliness.
  • Bumps indicate possible troubles and difficulties.
  • Letters or all kinds of numbers indicate people or the date of an event that will be important for a fortuneteller in this period of time. The letter is the initials, the number is the date important event, which can relate both personally to a person and to someone from his close environment.

  • The bouquet symbolizes joy, gifts, holidays.
  • The rope indicates the emergence of difficulties. In the event that nodules are visible on the figure, problems will affect health, loops - financial questions.
  • Mushrooms denote a change in life: a change in the type of activity or the emergence of a new feeling.
  • The dragon indicates that the fortuneteller will have to show willpower.
  • Stars speak of wish fulfillment, career success or love.
  • An open umbrella - the occurrence of minor troubles, a closed umbrella - serious difficulties.
  • A ring or candles speak of an imminent engagement or wedding.
  • The dot symbolizes the emergence of additional income and profits.
  • The pit is the most undesirable figure in fortune-telling, as it portends illness or imminent death.

In order for the figure obtained during the fortune-telling to be interpreted correctly, you should observe the wax from the very beginning of the process. It is worth seeing how it flows down and which images appear first. How they flow into others over time and are finally formed.

Only when all the wax is poured into the container, you can proceed to the interpretation. When decoding, it is worth paying attention to which images replaced each other. Individual figures may have the same decoding, but most of the images should be viewed individually.

In the event that the fortuneteller cannot explain the formed image in any way, do not give up fortune-telling or despair. You need to rest for 5 minutes and start the process again.

Winter is a time of fairy tales and the fulfillment of desires, so the girls loved to spend Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas to Epiphany (from January 6 to January 19), in fortune-telling and predictions. But, as practice shows, the most truthful answers to all questions asked could be obtained precisely on the night of January 6-7, when the Christmas fortune-telling was carried out.

On this night, young maidens in Russia gathered in the bathhouse, since it was the most secluded place and it was here, according to legend, that magical power flew in, answering all girlish questions without hiding. Before embarking on fortune-telling, the girls bathed, thus washing off all the troubles and problems that had accumulated over the whole day, and went with a clean head and a clean body to a dialogue with the power of magic and magic.

A prerequisite: the bathhouse should have smelled of pine needles, so the fortunetellers brought in spruce and pine branches, which scattered a pleasant aroma from the heat around the room, and they themselves could beat each other with spruce brooms, thereby pleasing magic power so that she is supportive and gives only truthful answers.

In some villages, they also brought various sweets and pastries to the bathhouse, which they put on a bench covered with a white cloth, it was believed that the spirits would wash, eat, listen to songs (the girls were sure to sing that day) and those who were satisfied would give good and faithful advice.

Today, all these ancient rituals are rarely observed by anyone, but fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmastide is also relevant among modern girls, therefore, the following methods of prediction will be useful to them, however, it is still advisable to prepare for them accordingly, so that, as they say, not to anger the magical power: instead of a bath, there is a sauna, instead of spruce branches- aromatic oils, well white tablecloth replace with a snow-white towel and, of course, do not forget to take a steam bath to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts.

The value of figures for fortune telling in wax, coffee, shadows and others

Here you will find an explanation of the figures for folk fortune-telling on coffee and tea, as well as for fortune telling on wax, shadows, mirror, lead, tin and the like. The database contains values ​​for 600 figures.

Name the figure you saw:

For every person, his future is a secret that you really want to know. Probably, this is where the repeated attempts to create a time machine appeared. After all, no one knows what the future is. Christmas divination able to lift this veil of mystery.

Here you will find divination for marriage on Christmastide and Christmas: on buttons, indoor flower and threads. They will predict how soon you will get married, what kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and what kind of character he will have.

Christmastide is a great time for all kinds of fortune-telling, because these days ordinary people do not work, but they walk in full swing and celebrate christian holidays- Christmas and Epiphany, and it is on these days that the otherworldly forces are most active, which means there is an opportunity, without the help of specialists, to look into your future to find out what it promises!

What cherished dream? Everyone has their own, but it is for her sake that a person lives, breathes and moves. Someone is ready to move mountains to fulfill their plans, and someone hopes for magic and expects this magical moment. And what is amazing ... he comes. The main thing is faith and hope that everything will work out!

Love is the greatest feeling on Earth, and in the entire Universe. This is an invaluable gift, which, alas, is not given to everyone, but which many dream of. For the sake of love you can suffer, for the sake of love you can live, for the sake of love you can create. Therefore, it is love fortune telling and predictions are the most popular among both women and men.

We are all waiting for our soul mate, with whom we will walk hand in hand through life, overcoming adversity and rejoicing in joint happiness. Therefore, unmarried girls strive to find out, looking into the future, what he is - their beloved and unique.

Who among us would not like to know our destiny? In attempts to look into the future, we are not confused by the complexity of the methods, or the unusual means, or the originality of the interpretations ... And the use of coffee for fortune telling, in the most amazing way, "stuck" in the practice of sorcerers.

Among the Slavic magic rituals Christmas is the most famous, and even a beginner can carry out the interpretation of divination in wax. The symbols and images that are distinguished by fortune-tellers on a wax pattern contain energy and information corresponding to real life... Only fantastic or fairy-tale characters or accessories are of particular uncharacteristic meaning.

In the article:

The interpretation of divination in wax - explicit and hidden patterns

The rules for performing fortune-telling on wax both on Christmas night or Christmastide, and at other times are very simple. Apart from natural wax, spring water and privacy, no special conditions are required. You can pour into the water either wax melted in a spoon or dripping directly from a burning candle.

The most painstaking task is to discern in the wax figure symbols or objects that are significant for predicting future events. Sometimes the image is impossible to identify, and the only way to understand what a figure stands for is to look at its shadow through the light of a candle. The interpretation is as true as the pattern.

The meaning of symbols for divination in wax does not depend on the purpose of the ritual. And in rituals to determine significant events in the future, both in and in rituals for detecting damage or the evil eye, the drawings are interpreted in the same way. Only images of people can have opposite characteristics, both positive and negative.

Unambiguously positive meanings of wax figures in divination

There are symbols that are always associated only with positive emotions and events. Is it possible to assume that the image Angela could mean something bad rather than good news and great news? As an eternal symbol of good luck, Horseshoe, can predict trouble, and a reliable symbol of marriage, Ring, anything else? Absolutely right: there are images, the interpretation of which is unambiguous.

Perspectives material well-being, the receipt of monetary profit is denoted by such figures as Grape, Coins, Purse... Images tell about unconditional luck in business and personal life. Shamrock, Crowns, Parrot... Signs of the happy development of a love relationship, of course, are Heart, Wreath, Tower, a Egg, Basket, Stork or Embryo are guaranteed to predict the completion of the family.

Ladder- to career growth, Key- to solve the problem, Automobile, Ship- to travel. In fact, the meaning of symbols is exactly what is associated in the mind of a person. If the image is positive, it predicts positive events associated with the area in which its meaning is most natural.

Wax divination meanings warning of danger

No matter how stormy human fantasy, suggest that Coffin, Scull, Cross or Crow can show cloudless, happy events no one can. It is - this is a collection of the most unpleasant prospects for health, life and plans. The only positive moment in such a situation is the timely interpretation of divination in wax and the ability to change the course of events.
If an image is formed during the ritual Bottle, Shot glasses or Glasses, it is necessary to make every effort to combat the addiction to alcohol of someone close, whose life may go downhill because of this addiction. Eye, Fork, Bull, A monkey,Snake- insincerity, deception, hidden envy, insidious plans secret enemies - unexpected threats from people who were considered friends or well-wishers. Rope, and even with nodes, is as unfavorable as The mountains or Cell- these are difficulties that you will definitely have to overcome in order for everything to be good in the future.

But with people's faces, the situation is much more complicated. Here you should focus only on internal sensations. If the image of a person, whether it be a man or a woman, causes a feeling of inexplicable anxiety or unpleasant emotions, problems and difficult situations coming from friends or close relatives are likely. It is necessary to be on the alert with others, it may be possible to prevent threats.

Material symbols of wax divination

If the ceremony is performed by melting a candle, a large number of separately frozen drops are obtained, which can be mistakenly designated as coins. This will be an invalid value. It is better to focus on the image in material matters. Chest, Full bag or, oddly enough, Spider... It is these figures that always predict the receipt of money.

Spiral warns of possible fraud, there is real threat loss of money. The same perspective shines in the image Empty bag... The most unfavorable symbol for financial situation is Shark- a very influential and invincible person plans to destroy your material well-being.

The wax ritual is good because it allows you to see in advance the impending danger of losing money or your own business. Even if the unpleasant event cannot be prevented, worries about this will be much easier than it could be.

Special divination with wax on the water - interpretation of damage and the evil eye

A very important type of wax divination is the pouring out of spoilage and the evil eye. This rite differs from the standard in minor details. Pouring wax on the water should be over the head of the person who is suspected magical effect, it is advisable to put three icons on the table, and before the ceremony you should read the 90th psalm. There are no clear time conditions for damage and evil eye.
Typically, this ritual shows an image of the body parts or organs that have been attacked. Head indicates the impact on thoughts, Heart- on the ability to love, hands - for the opportunity to work, legs- move around. The drawing, which is difficult to distinguish, is visible in the same way as in ordinary fortune-telling: through the light in the form of a shadow.

Often enough similar ritual helps to see where the damage came from. By carefully studying the image, it is realistic to see the face of a person who wishes evil. But if the wax is clearly imprinted Boomerang- you will have to blame yourself. As in life, this attribute means the return of the negative that was consciously or unwittingly sent by you.

Pouring wax is a simple and affordable divination method. The face and head are rarely poured out when fortune-telling on wax. The figures have their own negative or positive value, which is interpreted by itself and together with other symbols.

The meaning of the wax head shape

Fortune-telling on wax does not often show a human head. It is difficult to recognize it, because the outlines of the figures are blurry. Just wax in the form of a head means that the fortuneteller has achieved harmony with himself and those around him. it new stage in a relationship with a partner and close friends - new topics of conversation, new dreams and goals will appear, which together they will bring to life.

But if you managed to consider the details: face, eyes, mouth, and gender sign, then you need to interpret taking into account these features. The interpretation also depends on the gender of the fortuneteller and the question he asked.

Man's head

The outline of a man is an auspicious sign for young unmarried girls... It means:

  • good news;
  • emergence good friend or a life partner;
  • early marriage for a woman with a partner.

For a man, the sign promises the appearance of a competitor at work or in personal life. Therefore, be careful with new acquaintances.

Sometimes the figure of the head is shown in wax with details. Take a closer look at the face - if there is a smile on it, then success awaits in business. But a sad expression bodes well for failure and trouble. Well-defined eyes or one eye - the intent influence of others. Be discreet for a while and do not act provocatively. They will also try to deceive you for their own benefit.

What is the significance of the shape of a man's head:

  1. If it resembles the shape of a light bulb, then the fortuneteller is unjustifiably fixated on something. This situation should be released in order to continue living on.
  2. An egg-shaped head speaks of the effort that will have to be made to achieve success.

Female head

The meaning of the symbol is different from the previous one. For a man, this means the appearance of a companion or close friend... For a woman - an envy or a rival, especially if there are several figures.

When divining in wax, a woman's head speaks of the need to reconsider priorities.

If the figures do not have special features (smiles, eyes), then fortune-telling portends positive moments in life. A waxy face with a smile means difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex: relationships need a sip fresh air, change.

Read additional items figures:

  1. Lush breasts symbolize the upcoming platonic pleasures. The fortuneteller will have a good time with a close friend.
  2. Dresses promise participation in the celebration, the fortuneteller will be the culprit or the invited guest.

Children's head and children's figures

In the figures of children, the interpretation depends on many factors: gender, age of the fortuneteller. More often, fortune telling does not show the head separately, but the whole body. It can be in the form of a baby or an embryo.

The general interpretation of the sign - soon the fortuneteller will start a new business. It will take a lot of effort to develop it, but the result is worth it. People in finance will make sudden profits. Good sign- smiling face.

The interpretation also depends on the question that was asked. If a person asked whether it is worth starting a business or changing something in life - the head of a child positive sign... For women, it is interpreted as follows:

  1. For young people who want to get pregnant, it means an early addition to the family.
  2. Pregnant sign promises easy childbirth and a healthy baby.
  3. Adult women without a partner will have the opportunity to nurse someone else's child.

The figure of the embryo is endowed with a positive value in fortune-telling. She portends unexpected joy, euphoria, long-awaited success. The fortuneteller learns about a positive outcome of an important case or a resolved problem.

Fortune-telling face

The interpretation of the sign depends on the accompanying symbols and the time of appearance. If a face appears:

  1. In the beginning, it promises trouble or gossip about the fortuneteller.
  2. At the end of the rite it means guardian. He will help you sort out the problems ..

It's good if you were able to examine the face and identify the person by their features. This person will affect the fortuneteller's life. If negative symbols fall out, the person will bring problems. And if they are positive, then you will find a faithful assistant in business. When a fortuneteller conducts a rite of love, they look at the betrothed or betrothed in the face.

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