Home Useful properties of fruits Can I paint my face. How to make a white face for Halloween? Selection rules and methods of using paints. Can pregnant women paint their nails

Can I paint my face. How to make a white face for Halloween? Selection rules and methods of using paints. Can pregnant women paint their nails

The use of decorative cosmetics in Islam has a special attitude. This religion, perhaps more than any other, approves of a woman's desire to look beautiful and attractive. A Muslim woman not only can take care of herself, emphasize her beauty, but is also obliged. The only question is who this beauty is intended for, and what means should not be used for this. Can Muslim women wear makeup and makeup?

The beauty of a Muslim woman is only for her husband

In fact, all the possibilities of modern cosmetology are available to a Muslim woman. She can paint her eyes and lips, apply foundation and blush to her face, and can use perfume. She does this with the same purpose as other women around the world - to give her beauty even more expressiveness. But if an ordinary woman puts on makeup before going out into society, then a Muslim woman, on the contrary, paints herself at home, for her husband - the only man for whom she wants to become the most attractive and desirable. Muslim makeup can be bright if the husband likes it. In this form, she can appear in front of her family and a certain circle of people. But before going outside, if her face is open, a woman is obliged to wash off the defiant, bright makeup from her face. An overly expressive perfume will be regarded as a desire to attract a stranger and amount to adultery, so stifle, but do it in moderation.

What is prohibited?

To change something in your appearance of your own accord means to be dissatisfied with what Allah has given you. Therefore, Islam does not approve of interference with a woman's appearance. For example, it is strictly forbidden to pluck eyebrows and change their shape, remove hair between the eyebrows, do permanent make-up, and sharpen teeth for beauty. There are authentic hadiths about this. In addition, it is forbidden to paint your nails brightly. It is not allowed to cover the nails with varnish for another reason. During ablution, the surface of the nails remains under the varnish, and such ablution cannot be considered valid. we have written a separate article, if you are interested - be sure to read it.

There are two different opinions about the ban on eyebrow plucking. In the hadiths, where this is mentioned, this procedure is indicated by the word "nams", which means "plucking, removal of eyebrow hair." At the same time, some scientists believe that this concept does not include other actions, for example, trimming or thinning too long, thick eyebrows. In this case, their natural shape does not change, and the eyebrows are given a more neat, tidy look. Most likely, the hadith speaks of a warning to women not to make themselves very thin, coquettishly arched eyebrows, thereby not becoming like women of easy virtue of pre-Islamic times.

"Nur" on the face is the best decoration

Nothing adorns a girl's face like sincerity, a friendly smile, eyes that radiate love for the world around them. But if a Muslim woman still wants to hide small imperfections on her face, she has the opportunity for this. It is allowed to paint eyes using antimony and henna. These are natural substances, not only not harmful, but also beneficial to health. You can dye your hair if there is gray hair, but dyeing it black is not encouraged. In addition, a Muslim woman can use unlimited medical cosmetics and face and body care products. The main thing is that they do not contain substances prohibited by Sharia. Instead of conventional perfumes containing alcohol, a Muslim woman uses essential oils and other aromatic products based on natural herbs and oils.

What cosmetics should I use?

Not everything that the global beauty industry offers is suitable for use in Muslim makeup. Alcohol-based cosmetics, as well as preparations containing substances of animal origin, should not be in her cosmetic bag. No matter how meager the amount of these substances is, they still enter the body through the skin. Therefore, Muslim women try to choose a special

Some girls find it unnecessary to use a moisturizing or mattifying base before applying makeup. But this is the same as painting without wetting the brush in water.

The foundation will accentuate flaking on dry skin, and will shine on oily skin. Prepare your face if you don't want to ruin everything from the beginning.

2. Too much makeup

Women want to be beautiful. And there is nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't get carried away. Unfortunately, many women of fashion have problems with a sense of proportion.

If you really cover your face with tone and powder, then generously, so that not a single pimple does not shine through. If you blush your cheeks, then like Marfushenka-darling. Smoky makeup is blacker than night.

Overdoing your makeup means crossing the fine line between sexuality and vulgarity.

Think if you are using too much cosmetics? Now naturalness is coming into vogue. One of the latest trends is the make-up-without-make-up effect.

3. The foundation does not match the skin tone

There is nothing worse when a "tanned" beauty has white ears, neck and décolleté. Is it just a dark, as if dirty, neck of a girl with "white" skin. Those who miss the mark with their foundation shade are easily recognizable in the crowd.


This mistake is very common. In a store, under artificial lighting, colors are distorted, and we often buy a product that does not suit us. It is also wrong to choose the tone when applying the testers on the wrist.

To find the perfect foundation that will literally blend in with your skin, apply the swatch to your cheek, near your chin, and test it in natural light.

4. Sloppy shading

Even with a well-chosen tone, it can be a mistake if applied inaccurately. When applying foundation with your hands, it is difficult to distribute it evenly - streaks and bald spots remain. Better to use a special brush or sponge.

The same goes for other beauty products. Undistributed blush looks like a trace of a kiss, shadows applied too graphically make the look heavier and add age. Make sure that the lines in your makeup are smooth and tend upward, and the colors pass harmoniously from one to another.

5. Using a too light concealer

Concealer is a female lifesaver. It can be used to disguise pimples or under-eye circles. The trouble is that many girls choose too light or dark concealer and get the opposite effect: they do not hide, but emphasize the flaws.


Should match the skin color or be half a tone (maximum!) Lighter. And do not forget that there are different proofreaders, each of them has its own mission. So, concealers of peach shades are ideal for applying under the eyes, greenish ones for painting acne.

6. Hard sculpting

Sculpting is designed to correct the shape of the face, hiding imperfections and highlighting the merits. There are many video tutorials on YouTube with sculpting schemes for various face shapes.

But this makeup technique is really difficult and not amenable to all girls. Typical mistakes are using the wrong shade of products, applying in the wrong places, poor shading.

Even skillfully sculpting is not always appropriate. The embossed face looks great in photos and videos, but should you wear makeup like Kim Kardashian if you just need to go out for bread?

7. Bronzer instead of a sculptor

If you cannot imagine yourself without sculpting and prefer dry correction, then do not confuse cosmetics such as bronzer and sculptor. Identifying them is also a common mistake.

A bronzer, like a highlighter, is applied to the protruding parts of the face and is designed to emphasize the tan, create a glow effect, as if the sun kissed you.

It is unacceptable to use bronzer, especially with a reddish undertone, to correct the shape of the face!

There is a sculptor for this. Usually it has grayish-olive shades (shade colors) and is intended for drawing cheekbones, chin, hairline.

8. Overkill with blush

Sometimes girls think that the more blush they apply, the fresher they will look. But if you overdo it a little, and the young beauty full of health turns into a circus clown.

We already have how to choose a blush for your color type. Recall that in order to apply blush correctly, you need to smile, find the "apples" of the cheeks and blend the remedy to the temple from them.

9. Applying powder all over the face

Powder is used to fix makeup. It is recommended to apply it on the T-zone, since the skin is most prone to shine on the forehead, nose and chin.

But many girls cover the entire face with powder, and with a dense layer, and use a brush for this, not a puff, which is why they sometimes look like porcelain dolls.

10. Eyebrows drawn in black pencil

Fashion for eyebrows is changing dynamically: today sables are relevant, tomorrow they are thin again. But eyebrows drawn in black pencil are always terrible. Is always!


11. Applying shadows to the entire eyelid

Some women will never come to terms with the fact that the 1980s have sunk into oblivion, and continue to paint their entire eyes - from eyelashes to eyebrows.

In modern makeup, colored shadows are usually applied only to the movable eyelid. The fixed eyelid under the eyebrow is highlighted with a highlighter. Applying shadows to the entire eyelid is permissible only for creative photo sessions, if the image requires it.

12. Eye shadow

It is a common misconception that the color of the eyeshadow should match the color of the eyes.

If a green-eyed brunette does green eye makeup, her eyes will go out. You can emphasize emerald eyes with burgundy and dark pink colors. Copper, plum and terracotta shades are great for blue eyes. Brown-eyed girls should try blue and purple shades.

13. Chic! Shine!

Eyeshadow with shimmer, powder with reflective particles, pearlescent eyeliner - many of the fairer sex have a passion for everything shiny.

But the use of glitter cosmetics is appropriate only for evening and festive occasions. For everyday office makeup, it's best to stick with soothing matte shades.

Correct eyeliner makes the eyes stand out, making them more expressive. The key word here is correct. For some reason, many girls bring their eyes not only from above, but also along the entire contour. It doesn't look very good. Makeup artists call this eyeliner with black frame eyes.

The lining of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black liner visually narrows the eyes. If you want to bring the lower eyelid, draw the space between the eyelashes (you can only at the outer corner of the eye). Bring the water line in with kayal.

15. Unpainted ciliary margin

Small oversight, but capable of ruining the image. The fact is that it is quite difficult to paint over the eyelashes at the roots. As a result, a small gap remains between the eyelid and the eyelashes, creating disharmony.

To avoid this, do not forget to paint over the lash edge with a liner or dark shadows.

16. Aggressive arrows

Some girls draw arrows so intensely that it seems as if there is nothing else on their face - only arrows. Needless to say, how caricatured it looks?

If you go to work and not to a nightclub, try to keep your shooters neat and moderate.

17. Ton of carcasses

Women dream of long, thick eyelashes. In pursuit of a dream, they apply one layer of mascara after another. Eyelashes stick together, forming "spider legs". It looks awful, and when it dries, it also starts to crumble.

Sloppy false eyelashes also look ugly.

18. Disharmony of lip contour and lipstick

The contour pencil is designed to emphasize the shape of the lips and fix the lipstick. But if it doesn't match the lipstick shade, the following happens.


Looks strange, doesn't it?

19. Flowing shine

If the gloss slides into a white streak or spreads outside the lips, then there may be a gloss problem. But before you send the product to the trash can, try to apply it a little less.

Stylists say that the fashion for lip gloss remained somewhere in 2004. Now they put only a drop of gloss in the center of the lips to create volume.

20. Matte lipstick on dry lips

Matte lipsticks, on the other hand, are relevant. But you only need to apply them on perfectly smooth lips. Do it, exfoliate dead particles, moisturize your lips with a balm and only then paint with matte lipstick.

It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes three hours to look natural.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Some blemishes in makeup are trivial and almost imperceptible. Others immediately catch the eye and spoil the whole image. But it's best not to commit them at all. After all, a woman's appearance is her calling card.

Do you remember how your mother used to say: "It is harmful to paint!"? We agree with most mothers about something, because the abuse of cosmetics worsens the condition of the skin. Try to avoid makeup at least 2 days a week! We know at least 5 reasons not to wear makeup in the summer!

Natural beauty is the main trend of the decade!

Instead of tons of decorative items, give preference to your natural beauty, because often it lies even in our minor flaws! Treat them with humor, take good care of your skin and let it just “breathe” without overloading it with three-layer makeup.

Cosmetics harm the skin

So that make-up artists and creators of cosmetics do not talk about its harmlessness to the skin, the foundation still clogs the pores, and the powder dries, the concealer promotes the formation of fine wrinkles, and mascara and eyeliner irritate the mucous membranes of the eye ... In a word, healthy skin is your best make-up, high-quality moisturizer is the best friend, and let the decorativka wait for evening promenades! =)

Makeup costs money

Put all your decorative cosmetics on the table, and now raise the finances that went into purchasing it - impressive? Imagine how much money you could save and spend on the realization of, say, your old dream - buying a bicycle, a trip to Italy or a language course?

Young skin needs no makeup

If you are under 30-33, you are still a young girl who can do without makeup! Emphasize your beauty with a minimum of cosmetics - with a light tone, mascara and shine - believe me, your natural makeup will win no man's heart! And kissing such beauties is more pleasant than making-up "mummies"!

Learn to amaze people

Makeup transforms, that's a fact. Teach others to your natural beauty without "make-up", so that once or twice a week please with a new stunning make-up! And remember: your daytime makeup should not change your face too much, distorting its features, because this way you and your colleagues may not recognize you! Makeup should emphasize facial features, giving them seductiveness, and not correct what nature has awarded you.

The main condition for making up the face correctly is the correct application of the foundation.

In order to choose the right base that best suits your individual characteristics, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • skin type;
  • color of the skin;
  • what degree of disguise it will need;
  • what cosmetics are supposed to be used when doing makeup.

The fact is that the effect of cosmetics is largely due to the type of skin. That is, the same cosmetic product can act differently on different types of skin. When doing makeup, this circumstance must be taken into account.

The dependence of the texture of the base on the type of skin

Thus, before applying makeup on your face, you will need to accurately determine your skin type and, based on this, choose a base with a suitable texture. Let's take a step-by-step look at how the texture matches the skin type:

  • The matte texture is most suitable for normal to moderately oily skin. In addition, such a texture is able to qualitatively hide such flaws as acne, age spots and small rashes. This is due to the fact that it does not contain fats. You need to apply it correctly with your fingertips or a sponge, because it is easier to create a thin, even layer. When using a brush, the layer may be too thick. As a result, the face will give the impression of a plaster mask.

  • The moisturizing base is ideal for very dry skin, as it can saturate it with moisture. It is also suitable for other types, with the exception of oily skin. However, it should be used with extreme caution in summer, especially with high humidity. The fact is that in this case, there is a high probability of the appearance of an oily sheen.
  • Satin base is the most common type, as it is suitable for all skin types, with the exception of very oily skin. Its advantages include the fact that the surface of the face treated with it acquires elasticity. However, in creating a smooth surface, it is inferior to a matte base. Its decorative qualities are slightly lower than that of a base with a moisturizing texture.
  • The luminous base is somewhat universal, since, thanks to the light-reflecting microparticles included in its composition, due to the play of light, it well masks minor imperfections of any skin type. An exception is problem skin with rashes, since shimmery particles only emphasize the heterogeneity of the relief.

Primers and make-up bases


A primer can help you paint your face correctly. This cosmetic product has come into wide use relatively recently. The primer is multifunctional. A step-by-step list of tasks that he must solve looks like this:

  1. The primer prevents moisture loss from the skin.
  2. Thanks to him, you can make a perfectly even base layer under the foundation.
  3. The primer gives the makeup extra hold.
  4. It masks shallow wrinkles well.
  5. The primer gives the complexion a brighter and more matte complexion.
  6. The primer is ideal for makeup on skin with enlarged pores.

Thus, the primer can be considered as a kind of primer for the surface of the face. It allows you to professionally make makeup that will retain its original look and color all day long. This quality is due to the fact that it is a protective layer between the fatty secretions of the skin and the tonal base. This ensures that the color of the base remains unchanged.

The smooth surface of the face, created with the help of a primer, allows you to make it up of a higher quality, since cosmetics fit on it better and make-up lasts longer.

Apply foundation

Let's consider the process of applying the base step by step. It should be applied correctly from the center of the face. In this case, strokes must be applied to the forehead and cheeks, then the tone is shaded.

It is necessary to blend the tone from top to bottom. If you have pale skin color and light hair color, you can blend in any direction. After the end of shading, the tone should be blotted to remove excess fat, and powder.

Sometimes, when doing makeup, it can be difficult to find a foundation tone that would harmonize with your natural skin tone. In this case, the desired tone can be made by mixing two shades. But this can be done correctly only by mixing cosmetics from one manufacturer.

For some women, this is the only way to create a tone that matches skin color. The fact is that the skin color of the face changes somewhat depending on the season. In winter, the skin is lighter than in summer, so high-quality makeup requires a very accurate selection of shades.

Sometimes it may be necessary to mix tones to match the skin tone


The basics of face painting

Drawings on the face with paints are very popular not only among professional actors, but also among ordinary people. So, at any children's event and holiday, you can find a fun procedure for decorating children's faces. There is not a single child who would not want to show off and show off their gorgeous and colorful image. What face painting is, and will be discussed in this article.

Face painting is a face painting procedure. To create drawings, use only special paints for this.... When applying gouache or watercolors, which are intended for paper, you can not only provoke irritation on the skin, but also ruin the baby's face.

Face paint is a safe water based product that can be washed off very easily with warm water. Even children's clothes that are heavily stained with paint can be easily washed with ordinary powder.

What paints are used?

Face paints are ready-to-use or in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with a certain amount of clean water. Modern manufacturers also offer their makeup paints in the form of pencils and aerosols, which not only facilitates the application process, but also significantly reduces the time at all stages of work.

What colors can you paint on your face? This question often arises for beginners of face painting or for those who want to please their child. Of course, it is best to purchase professional face paint, but if this is not possible, you can make them yourself, but more on that later.

Related article: Finger painting for the little ones

Preparation and technique of drawing

The first step is to prepare everything you need to work. In a convenient location, there should be the desired paint colors, several brushes (always of different sizes) and cotton pads for applying tone and eliminating erroneous strokes.

Before applying any manufacturer's paint to the face, it should be checked on the fold of the arm or anywhere else where the delicate skin is. Most often, the formulations are applied with ordinary brushes. It is advisable to choose flat so that the application of paints is easier. In this case, the dye is consumed in a smaller amount.

It is very important that the brushes are soft and do not scratch the delicate skin of the face.

Before you start painting your face, the skin must be moisturized; any baby cream is suitable for this. A mandatory technology is the application of the original tone. After complete drying, you can begin to draw the outline and small details of the overall picture.

To beautifully paint your face with straight lines, it is recommended to keep the brushes perpendicular. After applying the contour, small details are filled. The final step will be to adjust the overall picture.

When creating masterpieces, face painting masters usually show all their imagination. It is almost impossible to create two absolutely identical images, even on the same face, let alone two different ones. How to paint a face for children, you can find out from the instructions that should come with the paints.

In the video: a set for face painting and organization of the workplace.

DIY face paint

This technology is very simple and very fast with all the right ingredients. Facial makeup is called face painting because of one component - water. Therefore, for self-preparation of paints, clean water will also be a mandatory component.

What you need:

  • baby cream - 15 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • food coloring.

Related article: Features of the choice and application of paints for glass and ceramics

First, you need to dilute the starch with warm and clean water, and then add the cream. It should not be very greasy, as it will be very difficult to achieve uniformity. After the composition is ready, you can add dyes. It is better not to use the whole mass for one color or shade if the drawing is supposed to be colored.

The paint should turn out to be creamy, so that later it fits well on the face and does not spread.

Such paints are natural and harmless. In this case, you can be one hundred percent sure that the paint will not harm the child's face.

Interesting ideas

Professional masters who paint on their faces have already prepared a number of beautiful pictures, drawings or works they have already completed. Any holiday has its own theme, and the images must correspond to it. Face drawings for children can be different, there are a lot of ideas.

Image options for girls:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • cartoon characters.

When applying an image of animals, it usually does not require much effort, you just need to highlight the areas of the eyes, nose and mouth. Girls most often choose images of a cat, fox or lioness. Vegetation and floral designs look good on older girls. With the help of them, you can create images of fairies, nymphs or princesses. The standard colors for this motif are yellow, red, green and white.

The most common and simplest is the butterfly drawing. In this case, strict symmetry is required. When performing this image, you can show all your imagination and use all the variety of the palette of shades.

Boys very often choose cartoon characters, for example, Spiderman, or animal images. For boys, it is recommended to choose brighter colors for face painting.

Very often face painting is used for makeup, painting the body and face of actors who play on stage, so that their image looks more vivid. Also body paints can be used for professional photo sessions. Body paint can be used on a child too.

White paint during make-up allows you to make a light tone and adds beautiful shades to all colors.

Many artists paint on their faces only with paints called face painting, because they are safe, and after removing the drawing, children's skin will not be injured. If the drawing has already been drawn, but some details have been erased, it can be corrected or painted again at any time.

Related article: Types of solvents for oil paints and their differences

Face painting is gaining more and more distribution, especially among little girls, as they all observe how their mothers paint and they want it too. But drawings on the face can only be done with special paints. How to draw on the face, any master who practices this lesson can tell, but beginners quickly understand the whole essence of this creativity.

Face painting master classes (2 videos)

Variants of drawings on the face (25 photos)

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