Home Useful properties of fruits Pokemon go is the rarest. How to find and catch the rarest Pokémon

Pokemon go is the rarest. How to find and catch the rarest Pokémon

Per last weeks mobile game Pokemon GO has become a real sensation all over the world. It instantly broke all download records among other apps and became the most popular in history. What is it? It's pretty interesting project, which combines the beloved by absolutely everyone setting of the Pokemon universe, augmented reality and the need to travel to different locations in real time to catch Pokemon.

What kind of game is it?

When your character, who moves with you on the map of the real area (all this is achieved using GPS signal), appears next to a randomly generated Pokemon, you can catch it - for this you need to activate the camera and find your target in the surrounding area. As you can see, this process is extremely fun and in many ways very rewarding. People try to walk more in order to collect more Pokémon, they communicate with each other, as they meet on the streets of their cities, unite in teams and fight against each other. If you have already tried this game, then they should have realized that common Pokemon are found quite often, while rare ones are not visible almost anywhere. That is why many gamers have a completely logical question - how to get them? Rare Pokémon are called so for a reason, because they come across really infrequently, and if you want to become the owner of one of them, then you will need to seriously prepare for this. And this article will give you some basic information on catching these cute little creatures.


If your goal is rare Pokémon, then the first thing you need to arm yourself with is mindfulness. The fact is that you have a lot to do. analytical work if you're going to mumble someone rarer than Pidgey or Ratatt. You have to keep track of how things are in your vicinity - pay attention to the wiggling green leaves on the map. Many people think that this is the place where it is guaranteed that you can catch Pokemon, but they are mistaken, so they stop paying attention to the leaves. But in fact, the leaves indicate the places where Pokémon may appear in the near future, and often these points are static. If you checked one place of movement of the leaves and found a Pokemon there, then after a certain period of time it will appear there again. Now do you understand how this can be useful for you? If you check all of these places, you will significantly increase the likelihood that you will come across rare Pokémon than if you just wander aimlessly around the neighborhood.


Not only are the rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO, but even the most common ones are always found on specific types of terrain, and this is information that should help you in your search for specific creatures. If you want to find, then you need to go to any reservoir - there your chances will increase significantly. are found, for example, at gas stations, and electric ones - near power plants and poles that support power lines. It is worth noting that the information was recently refuted that during the rain the probability of catching water Pokémon is higher, and during a thunderstorm you can get more Electric Pokémon. Finding creatures is not based on weather conditions, but exclusively on geolocalization, so neither rain, nor a thunderstorm, nor even the time of day affects the likelihood of the appearance of certain species. But you should always remember about the area, because it is on it that you have to rely on when you concentrate on the search for any particular creature. Rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO also belong to one type or another, so it's better to look for the same Blastoise near the water, and not in the middle of a city or forest.

Crowds of people

If you are wondering where to look for rare Pokemon, then you should definitely pay attention to those places that are the most active and visited in your city. Most Pokémon are generated where there is most active, that is, in shopping centers, v central parks, on the main streets and so on. Naturally, this does not increase the likelihood that you will come across the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO, but it does increase the number of Pokemon that you can collect at a time, and among them, it is quite possible that there may be a rare or even legendary "pocket monster".


Another landmark to help you figure out where to find rare Pokémon is the landmarks in your city. In most cases, the main attractions are marked as poke stops or jims - two types of objects in the game that play very important role... By stopping near the first one, you can get certain items for free, such as Poke Balls, Pokemon Eggs, Berries, and more. The latter are the places of fights between teams for the right to own a specific point. And you can be absolutely sure that somewhere nearby there will be some kind of Pokemon, because, as you already understood from the previous paragraph, most of all they are generated where there are crowds of people, and various attractions are places that are visited maximum amount tourists or city residents. Well, now you know how to find rare Pokemon, but one question remains - how to catch them? After all, this process is not as simple as every Pokémon trainer would like.

Catching Pokemon

Now you need to figure out how exactly catching these small creatures in the game "Pokemon GO" takes place. Rare Pokémon are caught here on the same principle as ordinary Pokémon, but you will have to try a lot more than in the case of Widdle or any other standard creature that comes across ten in a day. So, when you find a Pokemon on the map, you need to click on it, after which your camera will turn on, and you can start searching for a monster in the surrounding area. As soon as you notice it, you will need to press your finger on the Pokeball, which is located at the bottom of the screen. Once you do this, you can see a circle in front of the Pokemon, which expands and shrinks. You need to hit the pokeball directly into this circle. The problem is that, depending on the level of the Pokémon as well as its rarity, this process can be more difficult. If you throw a Pokeball at Pidgey, you will almost certainly hit (unless, of course, you do not throw it completely to the side), but when you meet a rare Pokemon, you will start to experience difficulties. The creature can hit your pokeballs, they may not reach it, so you have to adjust the trajectory along which you send your projectile. But if you are dexterous enough, then even the rarest Pokemon will not be able to hide from you.

Pokemon escape

Unfortunately, just because a Pokémon ended up in your Pokéball does not mean that you have taken possession of it. There is a possibility that he will break free and you will have to repeat the operation again. And that's not the worst thing - usually you have plenty of Pokeballs, so you can try again and again until you succeed. But there is another possibility, which is much more unpleasant: after the monster has escaped from the trap, it is randomly determined whether it remains available to you or not. And the higher the level of the Pokemon or its rarity, the greater the chance that it will run away and you will not be able to repeat the operation. If this happens to Widdle or Zubat, there is nothing to worry about - it is quite possible that you will meet the same Pokémon in ten minutes. But when rare GO Pokémon run away, it really spoils the mood. After all, there is a possibility that the next time you meet such a monster is very far away. But can this situation be avoided?

Berries and Super Pokeballs

If you decide to fully understand how to catch a rare Pokemon, then you should also know about what exactly you should take with you. Initially, not all items are available to you, so it is recommended to go hunting for serious prey only after the tenth level. Then you will come across more powerful monsters, and you will be equipped with everything you need, namely super-pokeballs and berries. What it is? Super Poke Balls are the same Poke Balls as the ones you used in the beginning, but they have one difference. They have a greater chance of keeping the Pokemon inside when it gets there. If the monster still continues to break out, then berries come to your aid. Feed them to a Pokémon, and this will significantly reduce the chance that he will run away the next time he breaks out of the Pokéball. By cleverly combining these two means, you will greatly increase your chances of getting some rare creature.


In keeping with the original Pokemon universe, these little monsters are attracted by a certain scent that you can use in this game as well. This is quite simple to do - you just need to purchase a special item that will be in your inventory. As soon as you are ready for serious Pokemon fishing, you can activate it - a kind of purple cloud will appear around your character on the map. This means that the scent works, but what does it give you? Activating this item for thirty minutes guarantees a significant increase in the appearance of new Pokémon around you. Unfortunately, this does not increase the likelihood that you will see a rare creature, but no one said it would be easy. The convenience of this item lies in the fact that the fragrance follows you everywhere, and will act where you are at a particular moment. The action of the module is slightly different, so you need to talk about it separately.


You can often see purple petals spinning near the poke stops on the map - this means that one of the players has installed a special module there that lures Pokemon, that is, creatures will appear in the area of ​​effect of this module much more often. Note that this item is less comfortable than the scent because it is static and tied to the specific poke stop it was placed on. But at the same time it acts much more powerfully than the aroma. Most often, you can find modules in parks, next to restaurants and cafes. Some owners of such establishments even purchase modules themselves and install them in order to attract more buyers. So if you find yourself next to a module that also operates for half an hour, then the likelihood that you will catch a rare monster will be much higher.


Eggs should be mentioned separately, as they can also become a source of rare Pokémon for you. Earlier in the article, it was already mentioned that eggs can be obtained randomly on poker stops, but what to do with them next? You have an incubator in your inventory, in which you can put an egg, and so it will become ready to "incubate" it. The word "incubate" is taken in quotation marks for a reason, because in fact you have to do the opposite - next to each egg there is a signature: 2, 5 or 10 kilometers. This means that you need to go exactly this distance with the game turned on in order for the egg to hatch new pokemon... Please note that you can only get rare Pokemon from ten-kilometer eggs, which are extremely rare.

Rare Pokémon

That's all you need to know about catching rare Pokémon, one thing remains to be clear - which of these creatures are considered rare? Total in the game for this moment five legendary monsters: Ditto, Artikuno, Zapdos, Molltres and Mewtu. They are the hardest to catch.

So you've played a little Pokémon Go and now want to catch a rare Pokémon?

You are lucky. our team long time studied the game and explored the internet for the best tips and advice. So this article has everything you need to know to find and catch a Rare Pokémon, including details on which Pokémon are Common / Rare / Legendary.

Once you know the whole necessary information about rare Pokémon, check out other articles on our website. In them you will find rules and tips, details on how to play, how to download the game in your country, why everyone is talking about this application, and other important information about Pokémon Go.

The rarest Pokemon

In general, there are two types of rare Pokémon in the game: Rare and Legendary. Legendary Pokémon are the rarest creatures in the Pokémon universe. In fact, few people have met them in the game. Users have confirmed (by looking at the source code of the game) that Legendary Pokémon exist and hide well. So far, only a few players have managed to spot the legendary birds Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos and the rare Pokémon Ditto. Rumor has it that Niantic, the game's developer, is preparing an unusual surprise related to these characters, and therefore hiding them so.

Now about which specific Pokémon are considered rare ... It's a little more complicated here. Pokémon can be rare in one place, and at the same time common in another. Although, there are a few Pokémon that are very difficult to find and catch almost everywhere. Below is a list of 20 Pokemon that are considered to be the rarest (compiled by the official Poke Assistant website and based on information provided by thousands of users from different countries).

List of the 20 rarest Pokemon in Pokemon go:

How do I find rare Pokémon?

The most common Pokémon in Pokémon Go are Pidgey, Rattata, Caterpie, etc. Most likely, after playing the game for a couple of days, you will notice that you constantly meet these animals, and rare ones, like Marovak, do not come across at all. So how do you find these exclusive creations? Simple: level up the Trainer. How often a particular Pokémon is found depends on the level of your trainer and the CP (Combat Power) of the Pokémon.

You can see the Trainer level in the lower left corner of the screen. To go for more high level, you need to earn experience. To do this, visit as many PokeStops as possible, fight in Gyms, raise Pokemon from eggs, walk a lot and just play. You can even buy the Lucky Egg from the in-game store, which will double the XP collected in half an hour. Starting at level 10, you will come across some rare Pokémon.

How can a Pokémon card help you?

The Pokémon Map is a locator that determines the location of Pokémon in Pokemon game Go. It uses the Niantic API to locate Pokémon in the vicinity of the player and display them on a city map in real time. That is, if a Pokémon appears on the map, you can go and catch it right now.

It is very convenient to see which Pokémon are nearby at a given time. The map even displays a timer so you know how much time you have left to catch the Pokémon you want. Plus, you can know exactly where to look for them, which are hiding nearby. All this greatly simplifies hunting. A Pokémon location request can be sent every 30 seconds using a dedicated button.

How do I catch a Rare Pokémon?

If you click on the Nearby button in the lower right corner of the screen, a list of Pokémon that are hiding nearby will appear. If you want to hunt down rare characters, then take a look at the gray silhouettes in the Nearby menu. These are Pokémon that you haven't caught yet and are therefore not in your Pokedex.

Be sure to keep the Nearby menu open. The silhouette of the Pokemon you need to move up and down depending on the distance from you. If the silhouette descends to the lower right corner of the screen, then you move away from it. If the Pokémon moves to the right and down, then try to move to the other side and check if it is coming. In any case, the Pokémon indicated in the Nearby menu is somewhere near you, so be careful and keep looking.

Now short instruction how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go... If you are catching a rare Pokémon, try to narrow the ring around it as much as possible before throwing the Poké Ball. The narrower the ring, the less chance it will break out of the Pokeball. If a Pokémon does break out of the ring, you still have a chance to throw a few Pokeballs at it before it escapes.

After reaching level 7, the Trainer can receive Razz Berries in PokéStops. Feed them to a wild Pokémon so it has less chance of breaking out of the Poké Ball. At level 12, you can use more powerful Pokeballs (for example, Great and Ultra Bols). It is more difficult for any Pokémon, even the most powerful ones, to break out of such Poké Balls. And if you first feed a Pokemon with a berry, and then use a powerful Pokeball, then catching is likely to be successful.

Rare Pokémon change location from time to time, and this depends on a number of factors, such as population density in the player's city, proximity to certain types of terrain, time of day, etc. In addition, some Pokémon live in areas associated with their type. Ghost Pokémon tend to hide near graveyards, while Fire Pokémon tend to spawn in arid places.

Based on information from Reddit, Twitter and own experience, we made list of tips "How to find and catch rare Pokémon":

  • Walk a lot and take your time.
  • Check out unknown paths, unexplored locations and sparsely populated areas.
  • Choose locations depending on the type of Pokémon you want to find.
  • Use Lure Modules to lure Pokémon.
  • Use Essence to lure a Pokémon if you are in this location for 30 minutes or more.
  • Pay attention to the movement of leaves on the map.
  • Check the Nearby menu often.
  • If you spot a Pokemon, turn off AR (Augmented Reality) mode on your camera (top right corner of the screen).
  • Choose the appropriate Pokeball and throw it without unnecessary jerking movements.
  • Make sure the phone battery is charged.

These creatures are the hardest to find, and therefore are valued much higher than normal characters. Many players often wonder where to find rare Pokemon GO Pokémon and catch them. In fact, they are found everywhere, and our Pokémon Go guide on this topic will confirm this. You can meet them absolutely in various places on the map.

How to catch a Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

In order to increase your chances of catching a rare or legendary character, you should not get stuck in one place: you need to move around the map, exploring new places. It is most likely that you will meet rare creatures in special places (fountains, monuments, parks, reservoirs, etc.). Therefore, the main task will be, first of all, the search for rare places - but how to catch the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO in a different way?

The frequency of rare Pokémon appearing on your path directly depends on your level of play. Upon reaching level 8, you will encounter rare characters much more often. Therefore, the higher the personal level in the application, the higher the chances of finding a rare character. It is also possible to get a rare or legendary Pokémon by joining the Pokémon Trainer Club. Subscribe to their newsletter and sometimes you will receive special codes to get rare or legendary creatures.

How to search for rare Pokemon GO Pokémon?

When the Pokémon game first came out, players noticed one interesting thing: there is a small, almost imperceptible clue in the game, which lets them know that a rare character is somewhere nearby. This clue is golden leaves indicating which direction you need to move in order to find a rare character.

This step can be key in how to find rare Pokemon GO Pokémon. Developers Pokemon go have not yet confirmed this information, so you should not rely on it too much when searching for rare characters. These are just personal observations of the players and, possibly, the secret of the developers.

Also remember that you can get rare or legendary characters by laying an egg in a special incubator. You can get acquainted with the details of bearing a Pokémon from an egg, as well as with which Pokémon will hatch when passing a certain mileage, in the FAQ section of the website portal. By the way, there are many other interesting things there.

Among other things, when looking for rare characters, do not forget to take into account the daily cycle (12 hours), because in different time days in one area may appear different pokemon... Therefore, if you are not up to the task of how to catch the legendary Pokémon Pokémon Go, then you can try playing the application in the evening or at night in the same area. Suddenly you will be lucky!

Don't forget your inventory bag. Use the items you have in your inventory to attract Pokémon: Lure Modules and Incense. These things are very good at luring creatures. In general, this is the entire Pokemon GO guide on where to find rare and legendary Pokemon. Stick to the tips and you will be in luck! Well, below there is some more useful information.

Carefully study the Pokémon uniqueness table. Please note that it may differ in your location.

Especially novice Pokemon GO players, having caught the first Paras or Evie after about twenty Drowsey or Pidgey, begin to wonder: how rare a Pokemon did I get? Unfortunately, there are no tables of rarity of Pokémon from the creators of the game in nature. Yes, and different cities the set of Pokémon varies considerably. But in principle, you can find out how rare the beast is from the Pokémon rarity table published below. These are not fanciful inventions of Pokemon hunters, but the result of collecting statistics of the game bot almost maximum level(38 out of 40 available so far) on the streets of the most major cities Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Murmansk, Belgorod, Surgut and Rostov-on-Don), Ukraine (Kiev, Lvov, Odessa and Kharkov), as well as Australian Sydney and American New York. The bot has counted the number and percentage to the total volume of all pocket monsters he encountered. Let's dive into wonderful world statistical data!

The rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Pokémon not encountered by the bot in any of the cities at all. Besides, none of the people have met them yet either. Legendary Pokemon, namely the most powerful Pokemon Mewtwo and the winged mirages of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, will most likely appear as an element of a quest from the developers and at the moment they are not in the game. But the cool Pokémon Ditto, which can change its shape, was rumored to appear on the radar of players who had close to 132 Pokémon caught (this is his number in Pokédex).

Although these animals are extremely difficult to find, they can still be found.

There are, but rarely.

There are already more of these guys, but still it is rather difficult to meet them.

These Pokémon come across quite often.

Of course, not at every step, but it is quite possible to catch a few of them for a walk.

Most common.

The most annoying of pocket monsters. They can be found almost everywhere.

Another table of the rarity of the Pokémon.

In conclusion, we will provide another table of Pokémon rarity, which is based not on bot statistics, but on the general opinion of knowledgeable players.

It often happens that capturing Pokemon in Pokemon Go is not an easy task. There are Pokémon that are very difficult, if not impossible, to meet. These Pokémon are called rare. Rare Pokémon in Pokemon Go are especially appreciated by players due to the effort and time spent on capturing them.

There is a special table of Pokémon rarity, with which players can assess their chances of meeting a particular Pokémon. So, the Pokemon Magmar, Venusaur, Blastoise and Cherizard in the wild can only be caught by a few players, provided they are very lucky. Also rare are Aerodactyl, Tauros, Snorlax and Lapras. The same list includes Poregon, Kangaskhan, Dragonite and Mister Maim. These Pokémon are called epic or mythical.

Pokemon rarity table

In Pokémon Go, rare Pokémon are also distinguished in a special a separate group legendary Pokémon. There are five of them in the game: Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mew and Mewtwo. These are the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon Go. And although some players say that they caught them, in reality, most likely, no one has succeeded yet.

There is also a version that legendary Pokemon can be found only in specific parts of our planet, for example, Mewtwo allegedly lives exclusively in Times Square in New York. However, this information is not exactly confirmed. The rarest Pokemon in the game is the mysterious pink Ditto, its presence in the game, in principle, has not yet been clarified. However, some players still hope to meet him.

The rarity of Pokemon in Pokemon Go sometimes depends on the location of the player. So, it is widely believed that Tauros is not at all rare for the inhabitants North America, Mister Mayme can easily be found in Europe, Farfecht is quite available in Japan, and Kangaskhan lives in Australia.

Distribution of Rare Pokémon in the United States

There are several ways to get rare Pokemon, and those who want to catch them all do not have to travel to the other end of the world. In the wild, rare Pokémon can more the likelihood of meeting in the so-called "nests" where they live. However, finding these places is also difficult. Also in the game there are special baits and incense, which attracts a large number of pokemon to one place or another. There is an observation that the path to a rare Pokemon on the map is sometimes indicated by gold leaves.

The most in a simple way However, it is very time consuming to incubate eggs in special incubators provided to each player. Eggs are awarded for passing 2, 5 and 10 kilometers, and the more mileage, the more rare Pokémon can emerge from the egg. However, the disadvantage of this method is that you cannot know in advance who will hatch from the egg, a rare and valuable Pokemon or an ordinary one, duplicating one already in the collection. It is worth noting that the higher the player's level, the higher the likelihood that he will come across rare Pokémon. This becomes especially noticeable starting from level 8 of the game.

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