Home Natural farming How a child's soul chooses a mother based on her own experience, spiritual and mental development. Children choose their parents. Truth or fiction

How a child's soul chooses a mother based on her own experience, spiritual and mental development. Children choose their parents. Truth or fiction

One day a woman who had just given birth came to a sage and asked him to give her advice on how to raise a child Smart, Kind, Wise and Omniscient. However, the sage answered her: "Darling ... you are 9 months late." This parable has a very deep meaning and meaning. Throughout its conscious life every now and then we come across information about what happens before conception, during pregnancy and childbirth itself in more subtle worlds-structures, and how these events affect our children.
"Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?" Oedipus has solved the riddle of the Sphinx. And you? Are you able, having lived the morning, the day, and maybe already the evening of your life, to solve at least one riddle of being, your Path and Karma? Are you able to help another meet the dawn of life and walk the Path? .. ..

"THE FINGER OF FATE WRITES AND, WRITING, DISAPPEARS," says Nostradamus, "neither your compassion, nor your scholarship can change a word!" The Goddesses of Fate weave invisible threads in your life. The sun gives life. The moon takes away ... And a person on Earth really wants to know: what is there, in the Looking Glass? The soul languishes from vague sensations: what happened before ... But memory is taken away at birth, and the human essence begins its life all over again, with blank slate- innocent, but with a baggage of heights and depths of past lives. A person who came to Earth is not given to remember the past so that he could make a free choice.

Life "pokes his nose" like a blind kitten, often giving no way out, but it is important to remember one thing: the principle of human existence on Earth is Love. Love the Divine World - and life will answer you in the same way. "Seek - and you will find, ask - and it will be given to you ..." - after all, "you are all children of God ...".

The principle of existence on Earth is Love. The natural continuation of Love is children, its fruit. Buddha sleeps in the lotus flower until the time comes for him to open up and go out into the world. This is how a person comes to life. Meet his light appearance at the time of birth. But it should be earlier ...

Hear what the astrologer, poet and physician Kei-Kavus wrote about this in the XI century in the book "Qaboos-Nam":
"As for the birth horoscope, I heard from my teacher that the date of birth of people is not the same when it really separates from the mother, but the main horoscope is conception, the moment of penetration of the seed, that horoscope when the husband's seed enters the womb of his wife and is accepted by them, this and this horoscope is the main one. Good and evil - everything is connected with him. And the hour when he separates from his mother, that horoscope is called the great transition, and the transition from year to year, when it happens, is called the average transition, and the transition from month to month - a small transition.What was in the horoscope of conception happens to a person, and the proof of these words from the messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and may peace send him: blessed is he who is blessed in his mother's womb and a sinner who is a sinner in his mother's womb. And the lord of the world said these words for the reason I told you about, but you don't have to talk about the birth horoscope, because it was not created for people like you. "

So Kay-Kavus instructed his son Gilanshah when he saw "... his name in the list of those who passed away." The great transition from life to life is being prepared long before birth. Whose parents will your children be? Do they know that from the interaction of two principles in nature, a third is born? "Tao gives birth to one - one gives birth to two - two gives birth to three - and three gives birth to everything." People enter the Stream of Love - the Living Birth Water - because someone's soul is calling them. A person can change a lot in life by making a choice, but marriages and children are predetermined in our destiny. You cannot choose the time of birth, you will feel the power and passion of mutual attraction when the Soul needs to incarnate. You are glad that you have a successful child. And you think that it was you who chose him, waited, gave birth and raised him. That he is yours now. I hasten to disappoint: it was he who chose you a long time ago. This is your Karma and his. He is a free entity. Your job is to try to match as much as possible the role that is assigned to you.

Children choose their parents so that, having come to Earth, they will receive the lessons they need on the Path of evolution, for further development... I foresee the question: how ?! What about abandoned children without parents or drunken parents? What can they teach a child ?! "Put down the surveyor" and look deep into your consciousness: this is a Lesson in independence. Fate either punished or rewarded a person - having passed such a difficult school of Life, he will become ten times wiser and stronger than many. In one life, he will make an evolutionary leap ten lifetimes ahead, but he can become embittered with the whole world, become a thief, a drunkard, a murderer and a sadist, and slide down to be unrecognizable as a vile insect. No matter how its next incarnation would be an intelligent cockroach ... The lesson is hard, but this does not mean that our task is to calmly observe how a person "dies". His independence lies in the freedom to choose Good and Evil, and the task of those around him is to lend a helping hand. Remember the commandment of Zoroastrianism, the most humane world religion: "A person is obliged to monitor his own moral and physical health, but also the health of his fellows, to help them advance along the path of evolution."

Videvdat's law on children says that wherever a lonely child or a puppy is without help, the owner of the nearest house must take him to himself and raise him until he can provide for himself. Otherwise, this house will be cursed.

The lessons of independence are the lessons of freedom, when we are allowed to do whatever we want, and depending on what you "do", you will receive a reward or punishment. Lessons from luxury and poverty, fame and humiliation, wandering and even relaxation. A beggar, a king, an artist, a prophet, a judge or a thief - all are found in you by Souls flowing to the Earth. And no one is alike - to each his own. Sometimes the life of an inconspicuous righteous person turns out to be more important for evolution than loud fame and the existence of a narcissistic tyrant.

In many traditions of the East, one year is added to a person's birthday. For example, a child was born on April 19, 1990. You say he is Aries - Horse. In the East they will say: he is a Serpent, counting from April 19, 1989 summer. "Why, in this case, count back a year, and not nine months? - you ask. - After all, the horoscope of birth is the moment of conception!" Both are true. The child comes and hovers around the mother 2-3 months before conception.

Conception is the embodiment of a new soul for life. Birth is the great crossing over the Great River of Life.

Whether or not you are preparing for the appearance of a child, it is no secret for a sensitive woman or man that children warn about their appearance. You are thinking that you want to receive a living manifestation of your Love - a child, you had a dream about the birth of children or about fish, you have an unmistakable premonition. Even if this is the first time, know that He is here.

2-3 months before incarnation (pregnancy), children make themselves felt. Dreams foreshadow the arrival of children. I saw my daughter in a dream seven years before her birth. She ran out to me from a large shining country house, where I returned after a long wandering, holding a horse by the bridle, and exclaimed: "Well, where have you been for so long ?! I've been waiting for you!" I hugged her to me, knowing that the end of my wanderings and upheavals had come. She looked about twelve years old. A slender, wonderful girl with a long braid. In a dream, I realized that this was my daughter. Now I know for sure that it is she. The son was given to me, too, in a light wooden hut an old man and an old woman, radiance and love emanated from them. I carefully took this bundle out of the hut, and, although I was incredibly curious - a boy or a girl, I did not manage to find out until the midwife said: "You have a bogatyr! She gave birth to a hero, four kilograms. Shouts in a bass!" Talking about my premonitions of the appearance of children, I often heard from women that their feelings preceded conception. As if confirming my feelings and the word of the ancients about the coming of the Soul, Vladimir Ivanovich Safonov, a famous clairvoyant, once said to me and Pavel, looking as if past me: "Tamara will soon be pregnant." "When?" - Pavel asked. "I don't know, but he's on his way."

So, "he's already on his way." Are you ready to meet him? And your husband? Is he a worthy father? After all, only a woman knows which man is suitable for the continuation of her genetic line. What the Fruit of your Love will be: a paradise apple or a wormy sour - depends on you. Children see you as their teachers. Providence has chosen you for this Soul, be trustworthy.

The feelings and role of the father in this period are similar to the Creator: after all, he created new life, and the act is similar to the Creation of the World.

A woman should know what is included in her new world and the whole Cosmos. When a man and a woman approach each other, their consciousness should sound: "Now we will create worlds with you ...". The father holds the Sun in his hands - he gives it to the unborn child - Spiritual potential that will illuminate the whole further life newborn. The mother pushes the moon to go faster, as if hurrying the Soul, and so ready to come - she gives the child astral body, "the armor of Pallas Athena", or the Protection of the Mother of the World - the Lada of the Mother of God, which will protect him all his life.

He's on the way! Your attraction has become stronger. The consciousness of two is awakening. You see unusual in all natural phenomena vitality... You are entering the Stream of Love. The harmony of the Spheres embraces you, and the delightful dance of Love dissolves you in each other - it will then be remembered for a lifetime. A woman and a man! You see, through you the Spirit connects with the Soul on Earth, gaining a body. Man goes to Earth.

Tamara Globa, an excerpt from the book "Morning of Life",

The family is considered not only a social unit. Also, people in an unusual way connected to each other. Children choose their parents before birth, therefore, during the period of birth, there is already an opportunity to assume how the baby will live and what his destiny will bring. For many centuries, knowledge was formed that was collected by spiritual teachers.

How does a child's soul choose its parents before birth? Energy with a lot of experience independently chooses a family, and also then brings up parents in their own way.

There are three energies:

  1. Ananda.

Sat. The original appearance, the primary path to enlightenment. Purity is given, a clear concept of life. It is quite difficult to comprehend it, since one should accept the surrounding reality and people, love everything that already exists. At birth, babies relate to the world around them as if it could not be otherwise.

Cheat. Thanks to this type of energy, a person becomes higher than others, is in harmony with nature and art. People with developed energy Chit are considered subtle natures, not like the rest, have unnatural abilities - clairvoyants, psychologists, even see spirits.

Ananda. This is the embodiment of the highest bliss. Upon reaching this state, there is no need for someone to possess. If this happened, then genius and talented people who will be known in the future for doing good deeds. Any family chooses this kind of soul, as it survives in various conditions.

The three energies are the constituents of itself high strength... When the Soul just walks, it is engaged in the selection of a family where intelligence, a sense of happiness, compassion are developed. Moving into a child takes place only after a special check. The soul deliberately makes it so that future parents are faced with various cases, to show these qualities.

Is the newly born child conscious? Yes, babies really have it. There is a statement that at birth, a baby has a rich experience, even remembers some moments of his life, but does not apply it in the new world. After all, as soon as a person is born, everything happens from a blank sheet.

If the soul is young and has done few good deeds or there were no good deeds at all in the real world, then it cannot pick up mom and dad for itself. Such energy does not even come into being, we are talking about terminated pregnancies.

Mental and material well-being

Often the soul knows from the beginning in which family it will live and develop. Attention is drawn to the character of adults. The young type of energy is poorly understood, so the baby appears in dysfunctional homes, where adults drink, are psychologically unstable. Experienced baby shower chooses parents mature age, you can live with them with great joy.

If you touch physical health, then fate does not in all cases prefer a healthy family... People with chronic diseases also have a child, as if someone from above is helping them. This is the destination, the soul is preparing to be born. As soon as appears new member family, a person takes care of himself, becomes younger, as raising a new generation is a great responsibility. The same happens with healthy people, because they give birth to disabled people. In fact, the child chooses his own parents. Energy knows that adults can handle such a baby.

With help spiritual development dad and mom choose the baby on their own. When adults accept each other, admit their sins, repent of them, observe tolerance towards other people, that is, there is every chance that a genius baby will be born. The child will be bright, give others only goodness and love.

It is not enough just to want to continue the race. The more mature the parents are, the greater the opportunity to have a talented son or daughter. If the energy is strong and experienced, she chooses smart parents, as she wants to develop in the future.

If spouses with awareness ask the baby to come and promise to provide a good upbringing and a good life, then the soul will choose such a family. Attraction takes place through donations, charity, refusal bad habits and addictions that only make life worse for people. Even future mom is expecting a child, she needs to develop. Children choose their own parents before birth, so quite often the soul abandons a woman during gestation.

Spiritual causes of infertility

If a married couple provides everything for the development of the soul, then she will choose them. The point is not that the family should be financially secure. A child is born in homes with a small budget, receives an education, life experience, grows up and become a person regardless of their monetary status. The souls of children choose their parents before birth, so that adults can teach them something or give them such an opportunity.

Many families are sterile, but the physical issue is not the problem. The point is not the lack of the possibility of conception, but the fact that there is no energy that would like to interact with them. It is O wrong priorities in life, a certain addiction, passion for work. When a couple comes to the realization that it is necessary to change for the birth of a baby, then the situation no longer becomes critical.

Psychics are convinced that children choose their parents in heaven. Naturally, many are interested in this hypothesis. They say that the soul arrives even before conception, makes it clear that changes will occur in the near future. Quite often, a mother subconsciously realizes that she will soon have a child.

If for a long time a married couple does not conceive a new life, there is a belief that this is incompatibility. But children are born despite the prognosis, age, diagnosis of adults. Sometimes spouses notice a certain coincidence between relatives and the time of birth of their baby.

Children remember how they chose their parents. Couples are surprised when a child talks about it on his own. With the arrival of a baby, adults completely change their life and way of thinking.

Parapsychologists argue that when choosing parents, no attention is paid to the status and well-being of the family. The child does not belong to chance, he needs to solve a karmic problem. Therefore, parents are selected with whom it will be possible to implement these tasks.

In some traditions of the East, it is customary to count the age of a child from the moment of his conception. Thus, the baby is born already at the age of one. According to the East Asian account, three more months are added to the nine months spent in the womb, during which the soul of the unborn baby hovers around the expectant mother. It has been repeatedly noticed that 2-3 months before pregnancy, sensitive women see very realistic dreams. Talking about their premonitions, they assure that they saw in detail the image of the unborn child, talked to him. Many have noted the feeling of the constant presence of an invisible soul even before the actual conception. In this regard, the question arises: "Does the child choose his parents even before birth?"

The soul of a child before conception in terms of reincarnation

According to the Higher Laws, the future incarnation of the soul is predetermined by the actions that a person performs in this life. When the time for reincarnation comes, nothing can be changed. The soul incarnates in order to fulfill a certain program and move from one level of development to another. She has no choice about future parents. The exception is the souls of high spiritual development. They are in no hurry to return to earthly existence, because material goods they are attracted to lesser degree... Sensing the need for a new incarnation, the souls of high spirituality consciously choose where and with whom to be born.

Communication with the soul of the unborn child

The soul visits future parents not only just before conception. Even the constant presence nearby does not mean that she is completely ready for incarnation. Sometimes it takes a long time to get ready. Sometimes efforts are required from both parents to create conditions in which the child can realize himself and fulfill his karmic tasks. They should not only take care of the material aspect, but also be ready to teach the baby to interact with outside world, adapt in it. Only after this does the communication of the child's soul with the mother and father begin through dreams and forebodings.

As long as the soul is outside the body, it can long time observe the behavior of family members in which she will live. For her potential parents, she can even arrange trials in which virtues (compassion, forgiving, caring, etc.) should appear. For example, a spouse who embarked on the path of spiritual and moral development, have every chance to "get" a highly spiritual soul. The adherents of reincarnation are sure that the soul can come even to couples who have been sentenced by doctors to a terrible sentence - infertility.

Particular attention is paid to internal state partners. In the theory of reincarnation, it is believed that the fears and doubts of the parents delay the child's birth. A woman who subconsciously denies the possibility of having children drowns out the instinct of motherhood. All nine months, the child is completely dependent on the mother, including her emotional state... That is why it is so important to communicate mentally and aloud with the fetus. If the soul feels that the baby will be unwanted, he is not expected and will not be loved, the threat of miscarriage increases.

Usually they speak doomedly, that parents are not chosen. But parapsychologists and psychics categorically disagree with this. They argue that children choose their own parents.

How do children choose their parents before birth?

How can children choose their parents even before they are born? This question is of interest to many who hear this hypothesis.

It is the child's soul that chooses the parents. How does this happen? There is an opinion that the baby's soul flies to future parents a few months before conception, letting them know that everything will change soon. Often, the expectant mother subconsciously feels that soon there will be a miracle in her life.

This confirms the fact that some parents cannot get pregnant. for a long time, despite health and financial situation. It is explained, simply and incomprehensibly - incompatibility.

But there are cases when in some families children are born in spite of everything: diagnoses, forecasts, age.

The child chooses the time of appearance, date of birth, and when parents begin to look closely at the numbers, character or events associated with the birth of a baby, they notice interesting coincidences and facts, connections with parents, grandparents. For example, the month of birth or day coincides with some a certain event or the date of birth of close relatives.

Children choose their own parents for a reason.

Children choose their own parents, and by choosing, the child changes the parents themselves and their lives. With the advent of a child, they become more serious, make changes in life before the appearance of a baby in the family, discover new facets in themselves.

According to parapsychologists, children choose their parents not according to their status of well-being, whom they need. No child in the world is "accidental." The goal is to solve his karmic task, so he chooses his parents with whom he can fulfill his assigned tasks.

How Children Choose Their Parents: Baby Stories

About how children chose their parents, they often tell themselves how they amaze their dads and mothers.

The story is told by the mother of 3-year-old Kiryusha, from whom I heard all these stories.

“I cooked dinner to distract the child somehow and make the fidget sit quietly for a while, I gave him all the photographs I kept. And now my son runs up to me with a black and white photograph, in which I was with my mother in my youth (who died shortly before the birth of Kiryusha) and says: “Mom, I remember you and your green dress! You were late for the bus that day! " I have eyes on my forehead - I ask: “Son, how do you know? Daddy told? " - no, he says: "I saw you from above, they showed you to me and said that you will be my mother!" - after that I began to ask my acquaintances and girlfriends about such a phenomenon and it turned out that not only my child “remembers” how he looked at his mother from somewhere before his birth.

My friend secretly told how her daughter had recently betrayed: "Mom, and grandfather, with a magnificent red beard, said hello to all of you and said that he was praying for you!" The grandfather with the red beard is the great-grandfather of this woman, she saw him only as a little girl, and the only BW photo of poor quality was kept in her mother's albums. Daughters did not show them for sure, a child at that age of BW photos is not interested in looking at pictures when there are bright books. Therefore, after talking with the mother, the women came to the conclusion that the daughter really saw her great-great-grandfather before her birth!

Then, on the playground, I got into a conversation with another young mother. She told how her son described how uncles and aunts were shown to them on some screens and they chose their parents.

Another mother of 4-year-old Mashenka told how her daughter said: “and when they sent me to your tummy, an angel flew in and said that I would be named after a good aunt who would help me”. The girl did not know that when her mother was pregnant, then one day, shortly before giving birth, she slipped and fell, one woman helped her, took her to the hospital and was there until she found out that everything was fine. In honor of that woman, mother decided to name her daughter Mashenka!

The most amazing story, in my opinion, this is about the girl Katenka, at the age of 2.5 she told her parents that together with her her mother and father had chosen 2 more boys. But one was not allowed to choose these parents, and the other was told to prepare. A year later, the woman had a miscarriage - they lost the boy. And after 2 years they gave birth to a healthy son. They remembered the prediction of their little daughter and somehow shared it with us.

Like these ones wonderful stories I heard from a friend. While my child is small and does not speak, but who knows what he will tell me when he becomes a little older! I believe that we are sent to Earth by angels and that children can choose their parents up there! "

To believe that the souls of children are able to choose their own parents even before their own birth, or not - it's up to you to decide. In any case, very often even what at first glance seems impossible may turn out to be true.

The soul of our unborn child, who is she?

What do we even know about the soul?

Does she somehow influence her future parents?

Can future parents choose and attract the soul of their unborn child?

Why are physically healthy couples infertile?

The answers to all of the above questions are in Holy Vedic Scriptures.

According to the law of Karma, the present is a consequence of the past and the cause of the future. This means that our future directly depends on how we disposed of the fruits of our past activities. All this also applies to souls preparing to be born on Earth. The soul has almost no right of choice, its parents get it according to Karma. The soul incarnates in order to improve and gain experience of life in our rough material conditions.

Memory at birth is taken away and everything starts from scratch, the little man comes to this world innocent, but with the "baggage" received in past lives. All this is necessary so that in his new life he can make a free choice.

So, a person walks through life, meeting with various difficulties, acquiring very important experience and thereby improving. But you need to know one thing - the principle of existence on Earth is love. Love this world, and then it will answer you in kind. It is very good when this truth helps a person to understand his parents.

A soul that has done few good deeds in its past incarnation may be immature (green). Her destiny is an unplanned pregnancy, with which it is still unknown how they will proceed. How lucky you are. In the case, if the soul has developed spiritually and has accumulated Piety, then it can itself bring up future dad and mom.

The soul has 3 energies:

Sat- this is eternity (immortality);
Cheat- this knowledge (the soul cannot live without knowledge);
Ananda- happiness (endless). Consciously or unconsciously, we always strive for happiness.
Sat Chit Ananda (Sanskrit).

While the soul is outside the body, it clearly knows that it wants to come to that family where it will be provided with all the conditions for knowing the world and in which it can be happy. If the parents cannot yet provide her with such conditions, then she arranges for them various strength exams. For example, by sending meetings where they can show compassion, charity, concern; providing the necessary information for study (about raising a child, about family relationships, etc.)

The soul will definitely come to the family: in which the spouses accept everything that comes, ask her to come to them now, promise to love and accept the child as he will be, perform austerities (for example, they stop poisoning their bodies with nicotine and alcohol), forgive insults, engage in charity, bring love to everyone, show great concern for their parents and the people around them. This will happen even if the doctors have already passed their final verdict - infertility.

Can the spouses "receive" a more developed, benevolent soul than the one that is already hovering over them? Yes they can! But only if this married couple embarked on the path of spiritual development. For this it is not enough just to study scriptures, you need to change your lifestyle.

When the spouses feel that it is time to prepare for conception, then they choose favorable time years, all past sins are necessarily recognized (of which one must certainly repent), a sacrifice is performed (for example: repeating the prayer “I wish everyone Happiness!” for 5 or 10 minutes a day, or another one of their choice). And then a bright personality, genius, etc. can come to them.

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