Home Useful properties of fruits In bed with my second cousin. Sex with the wife's sister. Husband wants my sister

In bed with my second cousin. Sex with the wife's sister. Husband wants my sister

Hi. My name is Sergey. I am 33 years old. Not married. Honestly, I really want sex with my sister. She's 22. She's beautiful. She does not mind. Please tell me if just having sex with your sister is not bad if she is not pregnant?

Hello Sergey! As it becomes clear from the question, you already know about the possible consequences of "related sex" from a medical point of view. I will try to describe the psychological aspect of this question, which, I hope, will help you make the right decision. The main purpose of sex as a natural process is procreation. The pleasure that a person receives from sex, satisfaction with his worth and self-realization, these are secondary factors - "side effects". The listed needs can be satisfied in any other way, and the procreation is only one. When sex happens between strangers, not relatives, it is a natural process of "natural selection". Compatible (for various reasons) people with each other, as a result of sex, create a family and they have children, incompatible - they are content with the secondary factors of the process (I described them above). At the same time, the central role of sex in human life remains independent of the time and environment. This is due to the fact that procreation for a woman and the need for a woman for a man are an innate / natural instinct of a person. I'm not saying that every sex, as its goal, should be reduced to the birth of a child. I want to say that it is important to understand what kind of need a person is trying to satisfy with the help of sex? What are the consequences of this? The unnaturalness of sex between relatives lies in the fact that initially the central role of sex is excluded. Using sex as a way to satisfy secondary needs - pleasure, significance, self-realization and the like, a person deliberately moves away from satisfying his real needs. He resigns himself to the impotence to find and implement the way that can satisfy the needs of the present moment. The consequences of such actions may be states of worthlessness, hopelessness, unreasonable aggression, etc.
The desire for closeness, for you and your sister, can be a manifestation of an act of protest against the social order, or the arrangement of the parental family, just to the parents. A way of affirming your maturity / independence. In other words, any need that lies behind such an intention, other than the need for procreation, will most likely not be satisfied. Also, such an action will have an impact on the future. This will affect how the process of creating your own, new, families and the birth of children, for you and your sister, will go.
Roman Lyubushin!

Sergey, hello.
The question "is it bad" or not bad is a question of evaluation - moral evaluation.
In nature, in principle, there is no morality. Animals mate with each other regardless of family ties: whether it is a female with a grown cub, or heterosexual individuals born from one female, or a male who sowed his sperm with a female born from him.
Morality and moral assessment of certain actions exists only in human society. Moral taboos are also a product of human society. They did not arise out of nowhere and are mostly associated with the degeneration of the genus (once kindred marriages happened even in royal families, but when two close genes were combined with hereditary diseases, the chance of disease increased greatly).
You are apparently familiar with this, since you are concerned about the issue of accidental pregnancy.

"Please tell me if just having sex with your sister is not bad if she is not pregnant?"

Although you do not have commas in your sentence, it is not entirely clear what worries you more: the moral side of having sex with your sister, or whether it will be bad that she will or will not be pregnant. Or did you mean that you can take care in advance so that she does not get pregnant (which there are condoms for), and want to convince yourself or ask permission and the assessment of psychologists that this is not so bad?
". I am 33 years old. Not married. Honestly, I really want sex with my sister. She's 22. She's beautiful. She does not mind."

You mentioned that you are not married - what does this mean in the context of your desire for a sister? Is it just that you are free or that you want her so much that you cannot build relationships with other girls?
How do you know that she doesn't mind? Do you read this by the signs sent by her body, or did she tell you about it in plain text and you have already discussed this possibility?
You “want it so”, “she doesn’t mind” - the desire can be strong and, at times, the taboos imposed by society do not stop, but only fuel this passion and the desire to break it. Such a desire can cover your head and interfere with doing something else.
But no one can give you an "indulgence" in advance and give the go-ahead for this sexual relationship. This moral dilemma is up to you (you and your sister) to decide. And decide how to communicate and then live on. Will it be a one-time "reset" and the satisfaction of an obsessive desire, which has become like an obsession. Or are you going to continue them for a long time, protecting yourself so that your sister does not get pregnant? Will you be able, having such a secret or explicit connection with your sister, both of you to build on somehow your own lives and create your own families? Will the girl not later suffer from a rash act dictated by curiosity and a storm of hormones?

Do you understand my point? Only you yourself can make this moral choice (is it good, is it bad, is it acceptable to you). Just as you yourself are responsible for the consequences of your choice. Both your sister and you must understand that each of you has his own 100% responsibility, no matter what decision you make.

Life with a cousin. Part 1

Incest Watchers

The first day.

My name is Kirill, I am 18 years old and I live in Krasnodar. I have long wanted my cousin, Christina, and she also, it seems to me, wanted me. The problem is that having sex with your own sister is, in my opinion, immoral. Previously, she did not come to visit us for a long time, and somehow it was possible to restrain herself. But yesterday my and her parents went fishing (my father has a house on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk) and told Christina to live with me so as not to leave her alone. Today is the first day of our life together. Perhaps you will say that I am paranoid, but, in my opinion, she tested me all day today: then something fell and she bent down, wagging her back right in front of my nose, then she sighed sexually; then, for some reason, she decided to give me a massage, etc. Now she went to bed and I started keeping this diary. Hopefully, the lines written here will help me somehow control myself.

Second day.

I woke up with soft groans. I tiptoed out of my room, walked to the ajar door to Christina's room, looked in and my heart froze in place. Earbuds were plugged into my sister's neat ears, and my eyes were riveted to the image on the smartphone screen. A thin veil covered her only to the waist, exposing her strong third-size boobs. Her fragile body sagged at the waist, and sweet moans escaped from her cherry-red lips. The hand moved smoothly under the covers, in time with the moving hips.

I stood stunned and looked, unable to move. My penis was staked out, getting out of the elastic band of my panties. The movements of my sister's slender hand made the blanket slide, exposing perfectly smooth legs to my gaze, which she spread wide, allowing her hand to penetrate even a little deeper. The moans grew louder and the movements faster. “Oh, Kirill,” it seemed to me, she whispered; bit her lip ... Suddenly, she stopped her movements, sitting abruptly on the bed. I instantly bounced off the wall. My heart was about to burst out of my chest. "Cyril" - she called softly. I didn't understand why I was so scared, because I caught her masturbating. (Especially for -) A relieved exhalation and the creak of the bed informed me that my sister lay back. I quietly returned to my room, lay down on the bed, got rid of my panties and began to jerk off, listening to the moans of my sister and imagining that I was fucking her. Having finished violently in a napkin, which I prudently took out, I went to the shower.

The sound of gushing water drowned out my sister's moans and I was able to calmly think. On the one hand, she does not hesitate to masturbate, and, it seems, she called my name (or do I take wishful thinking?). Moreover, it is quite obvious that I should have heard her, because she knows very well how bad the sound insulation is in the house. But, on the other hand, she suddenly stopped masturbating as soon as she felt (how?) That I was near ...

After washing, I put on panties, gray jeans and put on a white shirt without buttoning. Leaving the bathroom, I came across Christina, dressed in a short robe.

I really need a shower, breakfast on the table, make tea yourself, and leave me some cold water! - she protorotor, kissed me on the cheek, squeezed through the doorway, pushed me out of the room and slammed the door ...

The sound of the robe falling. The sound of water turning on. Latch sound (seriously, in that order !?). Having run down the corridor, I jumped, grabbed the horizontal bar and hung, swinging. "What does she want?" I pulled myself up. "Sex with me?" I pulled myself up. "But why was she so scared that I could see her masturbating?" I pulled myself up. "Maybe he wants, but he is very shy?" I pulled myself up. “Suppose so. Well, I want the same. And he could not endure a day. So be it. “Another 10 pull-ups and I jumped so as not to overload the muscles (I’m doing exercises, not swinging!) If I understood everything correctly, I still need them. Exercises on the press, stretching, looked in the mirror. Tightened my muscles. "Not Stalone, but the body is quite nothing" - I thought ...

To be continued

My friends, I know that little is written here and there is no scene of normal sex. But this is my first experience and I would very much like to hear your criticism in order to write on the basis of this beginning a full-fledged story of five pages, which will not leave you indifferent!

One day a woman turned, suspecting that her husband was experiencing sexual attraction and erotic desires not only for her, but also for her younger sister, who was 22 at that time.

And since sex with my wife’s sister happens more often than we think, I’ll tell you what it might actually be. Can a husband dream of making love with his own sister's sister?

The answer is yes, of course! Sex with the wife's younger sister is a common male fantasy. You can, of course, sleep with the older one, but still men would rather prefer the younger one, if there is one.

And what? If everyone lives in the same apartment, then the man sees another young woman all the time. Sometimes not quite dressed, sometimes slightly drunk. And it happens that they are alone in the apartment. Anything can happen here.

Think for yourself: the wife's sleeping sister can open up in a dream. Or he can walk around the house in a transparent nightie. Not even with the aim of seducing her sister's husband, but because she is so used to it. There is nothing sexy about it for her.

And if there is ... Women love to be paid attention to. Most girls are pleased to be wanted and to catch the glances of men they please.

And the man feels quite free with his wife's sister, without unnecessary ceremony. And in small apartments and in small kitchens, physical contact happens. All this can provoke a case of sex or even an affair with the wife's sister.

Well, it seems, everything is clear with men. There is an affordable, young body nearby, and, of course, few men will refuse to take advantage of this. Moreover, interest is also mixed here - and how is she in sex? Does the wife's sister behave in bed in the same way or in some other way?

And what about the younger and older sisters themselves? How do they feel about an intimate relationship with someone else's husband?

Relationships between sisters are very often very competitive, and a sister can with great pleasure seduce her own sister's husband. Or not much to object if he shows his sympathy for her.

In our country, of course, this can cause misunderstanding and protest, but it happens. And, one must think, not so rare. Sisters often give themselves up to the husbands of their married sisters. They also often dream of having sex with a man whom they constantly see and who are not badly treated.

But even if a man didn’t come to having sex with his wife’s sister, then he certainly has erotic fantasies about it.

If you listened to men's stories about fantasies on this topic, you would be convinced that the desire to sleep with the wife's sister is a fairly common male dream. A man may look for legal excuses for bodily contact: to propose if a girl is in pain. Or he may offer to watch the video together, knowing that there are explicit scenes and so on.

Of course, there are very loyal men who will not look in the direction of another woman, but, let's be honest, there are not so many such men.

Sexual attraction to an older or younger sister of one's own wife is a controversial issue. What is the root of this desire? Does the husband just want to have sex with another woman or is there something else?

After all, the wife's sister is not just another woman. The man is very turned on by the fact that they are sisters and that he slept with both of them. And if he didn’t sleep, then he fantasized how it would be.

Even more men would like to sleep with them with two at the same time. I have often heard such sex fantasies from clients:

In my fantasies, I have repeatedly fucked my wife's sister in every and every corner of the apartment. In reality, this was not, but as soon as I see her in panties, walking out of the bath ... Then I imagine how I pull these panties off her and ... But I began to have sex with my wife more often, because her sister's appearance in our house gave just a powerful rush of testosterone!

My fetish is my wife's sleeping sister. She is so cute and funny when she sleeps. I get wildly aroused when I see her sleeping. She has a walk-through room, and on the way to the kitchen or to the bath, you always walk past her bed. And you often think what's under the covers. I really want her. But it’s awkward in front of my wife. A couple of times he imperceptibly masturbated, looking at her asleep. And in sex with my wife, I often imagine her sister.

One day my wife's sister came to visit us in frustrated feelings. There was only me. She complained about her ex, sobbed on my shoulder. And then she kissed her lips. There was nothing I could do about it. I understood that it was wrong, but she was so pressed against me, and my dick was so hard on her that I immediately fucked her. I don’t know what to do now.

I found my wife's sister naked at night in the kitchen. She stood by the refrigerator and ate something. Nude, slim, with firm breasts. She smiled, closed the refrigerator, and went to her room, but passing by, smiled and stroked my penis. I can't get her out of my head now.

Etc. I have brought these stories from sexological practice so that you understand that this may sound amazing to you, but sex psychologists know that this happens often.

From the psychological aspects, the desire for total possession of a wife is also added here. The man is pleased that he not only had sex with his own wife as soon as possible, but even possessed her own sister.

Yes, sisters for some reason are much more desirable than some cousins.

A man, probably, would not refuse a cousin, but this is almost like just a fantasy about sex with another woman. Here, for a man, the value of precisely the fact that this is a sister is reduced.

Of course, we don't often hear sex stories and stories of this kind, because few people want to take it outside the family, but such cases do happen.

That is why, if there is such an opportunity, it would be better for a young family to live separately from other relatives.

However, it is also not very recommended to invite unmarried girlfriends to visit, drink with them at home, and leave them at home overnight.

And then in the absence of a sister, sex with his wife's friend will do.

God forbid, all this will bypass you, but it is better to have this information in order to understand what is worth fearing. Well, with all psychological and sexological questions, please contact us! I will be glad to be of service to you!

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We will consider the relationship between a man and his wife's sister in terms of sexual desire. Each person is arranged by nature in such a way that the power of sexual attraction can even interrupt love for his wife, this is done so that people mix and multiply as much as possible, which leads to natural selection and the emergence of better copies of people. Well, let's not go into the intricacies of nature, but we will analyze some aspects of the relationship between a husband and his wife's sister, including sex with his wife's sister. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Before embarking on this dangerous, subtle and cunning game in which you play and place a bet on your family, think several times if this relationship is worth what you have to lose. If you really want a relationship with a woman, find them on the side, it is much safer. If you do not have psychological knowledge, it will be very difficult to drag your wife's sister into bed and, most likely, your attempt will turn into a big disaster. But, if you even decided to take this step, read below. Needless to say, this is immoral, everything is relative for each individual person.


There can be many reasons for answering this question, one of the most common reasons for a relationship with a wife's sister is lust, i.e. a man's sexual attraction to a woman and a search for diversity, and since the wife's sister in some cases in some way becomes closer to her sister's husband, some men may develop an attraction to his wife's sister, which is growing every day with his sister. By rapprochement, it means that you can often see your sister, moreover, family relations can be slightly liberating, which leads to a closer promise and falling in love. Why a man is looking for a relationship on the side, you can read in the article,

The next reason a husband has a relationship with his wife's sister is a less common reason called love. So man is arranged that a man can stop loving one woman, and love another. This is the most dangerous relationship, since a husband can really leave his wife and go to her sister, which will not only destroy family happiness, but also quarrel forever between his wife and his own sister.


If you consider sexual relations with your wife's sister only to satisfy your sexual desire, without further life together, then such a relationship can be classified as very dangerous, since the danger will persist throughout your life. Having slept with your sister's wife, you will be under life-long blackmail of her sister, moreover, at one fine moment, the wife's sister may quarrel with her sister and, in a fit of anger, will tell her everything that will destroy your family life forever, therefore, in this case, the relationship with the wife's sister are very dangerous and it is best not to give them a go.

If we consider not only sexual relations with the wife's sister, but also the further life together with her, then such a relationship is dangerous only because you will lose your wife and always quarrel them with each other. By the way, it's not a fact that you will develop a relationship with her sister, because the character of the sisters can differ very much.


This is a very dangerous step, which should be measured ten times and only then cut off. The slightest mistake and your wife will find out about your molesting her sister, how it will end, I think, you understand on your own. In this case, you need to play a subtle game and study the psychology of your wife's sister to the smallest detail. Here are some ways to tell your wife's sister that you want to sleep with her or are just in love with her, as well as how to hint at her relationship. We recommend reading

Under no circumstances, under any circumstances, do not inform or hint to your wife's sister about your desire, the first step you should take is to try to spend a little more time with your wife's sister, communicate on neutral topics in which you will ask some suggestive not direct questions that allow us to understand the psychology of the sister about whether she is ready for such a relationship or not.

As soon as you see that your wife's sister will not react aggressively, you can proceed to the second step, this is figuring out how she likes you. Pay attention to your wife's sister, give careful compliments, but do not give gifts, this can ruin everything, as the sister may tell your wife about the gift. Actually, we will save the gifts for the last step of sorting out the relationship. As soon as you see that your wife's sister has a positive attitude towards your courtship, or even better if she reciprocates you, move on to the next step of rapprochement.

This can be said to be the penultimate step in which you have to find out and dot you. Now that you know that your wife's sister is neutral or, better yet, positively about non-standard relationships, when you realize that you are not disgusting to your wife’s sister, you can take the first tentative step towards bringing your relationship closer together. This is where you will need a gift that could not have been given at the beginning of the showdown. Buy a very expensive gift that your wife's sister would like to have, and if you are alone, give her this gift for no reason, and along with the gift, give a postcard of neutral content (for example, the most charming, the most beautiful, etc.) ), as soon as the gift is presented, tell the wife's sister not to tell your wife about this gift, say let it be your secret. If the wife's sister is not quite a plump, dumb blonde, she will understand everything. If the sister did not take the gift, then you were in a hurry and did the first points poorly, but if she took it and said that it would remain your secret, then everything is fine. Next, you need to wait for time and check how much the wife's sister will keep her word. There may be two options, the first, the sister really will not tell your wife, or she will, but with the proviso that she does not tell you and collude with her to catch you. It all depends on your attentiveness and cunning.

As soon as you realized that your wife's sister really hid the gift that you gave her from her sister, then everything should work out. The next step is to meet with your sister's wife alone and reveal your feelings to her, discuss all the points. And there will be two options, either she says yes, or she says no. Or, instead of talking, you can go straight to business and just kiss her. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with


This can happen for several reasons: The first reason, your wife's sister has principles that do not allow you to sleep with your sister's husband, even if she wants to. In this case, it will be difficult to reverse it, everything will depend on the time and sexual starvation of the sister, the hungrier she is, the faster she will agree, she will have to wait. The second reason is the lack of attraction to you, it is even more difficult, if the wife's sister did not tell her sister about your behavior, it is only because she wants to save her sister's family and gives you another chance to forget everything and improve, use this the chance bestowed on you. This happens because you could not fall in love with your wife's sister and cause her attraction and sympathy for you, which would drown out all her conscience, which, by the way, can wake up at any moment and ruin your life.

If your wife's sister refused you and did not tell your wife, you are very lucky and, perhaps, you should not continue the relationship, although, depending on your fear and risk. Sex with your wife's sister is dangerous and perhaps not worth what you can lose, of course, if you have something to lose. Cheating with your wife's sister is not worth losing your family relationship. Love with your wife’s sister may not be worth the risk, unless, of course, love with your wife’s sister has developed into something stronger than love with your wife.

They met 2 years ago, before that they saw each other only in childhood. first, how the relatives communicated. and then it grew into a feeling. now their parents have found out (they are cousins ​​to each other). we are all in shock. horrified. I read on the Internet they write that it is a sin, on other sites, that even marriage is allowed. I'll go and talk to the priest, of course. the question is how to talk to them, how to convince them that it is wrong. their parents are categorical. absolutely no. it's a sin, scary. want to ban. I am very close to my godson, I want to talk. I do not know how to say. how does it feel about it. in complete confusion ...

Hello Vera.

How old are you? Remember yourself at 20 and tell me, was it possible to convince you that what you are doing is not right? Those. there is no way to influence if they themselves want to stay together.

Here is information about marriages between cousins ​​and sisters - both genetic risks and church restrictions are very small. http://www.zerkalo.ws/archive/index.php?t-864.html

I can assume that there is even less of this for second cousins.

Another question is what are the reasons for your shock and horror? It seems that this has nothing to do with these guys. This is your reaction and the reaction of their parents. And for a start, it is important to deal with it, and only then talk, dissuade and prohibit.

Moreover, they may need support from at least one close person (given the mood of their relatives). Having figured out what exactly bothers you, you can give them this support, because in your perception there will be less emotions and more understanding of the situation.

If it is important for you to understand, I will be glad to help you.

You can also write to me by mail: [email protected]


Good answer 1 Bad answer 1

Vera, you sincerely believe that after your conversation and story about the fact that "this is a sin ( the fact that he is a godson does not always mean that he is in the church and sincerely believes), fearfully ( to whom?), want to prohibit ( at 5 years old you can still ban, and at 20 ...) "- they quickly realize everything and disperse?

Notice what? The fact that you are shocked and horrified! What happened? When people love, is it horror?

What does "I am very close to my godson" mean? How much? That girl is really close!

He will deal with his parents himself! Why should you get involved in other people's (i.e. not your own) showdowns, especially those concerning the intimate life of a couple!

Do you have a family, how old are you, are you married, do you have children, as you have with the sexual side of life ... If you "fell" into a situation that does not concern you with such force, it is important for you to find peace in your soul (maybe prayers, and if it doesn't help, then you need to act - go to a psychologist). Good luck to you! Take care of yourself and do not violate the boundaries of others, especially loved ones, people!

P.S. By the way, nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about the prohibition of marriages between cousins ​​or second cousins (information from authoritative sources).

Good answer 2 Bad answer 0

Hello Vera! You know - a second cousin is no longer siblings, although there is undoubtedly a consanguinity and the couple will not be insured against genetic problems (in terms of children - and in reality I met with this - that children can have very serious ailments and even incompatible with life) - but in addition there are couples in which everything is fine. You want to know what you can do for them - rather, just inform, give them the opportunity to understand and see what difficulties they may actually face - genetics, misunderstanding and rejection by relatives, and as a result, quarrels and even breaks in relations are possible, i.e. ... relationships can be endured through struggle - but on the other hand, in such a situation, one cannot simply set them up against each other - this will only lead to a back reaction and bring them closer and further away from everyone around them - it is important now that both parents become not opponents to them, but allies who are able to hear and understand - but this is rather a message to them! From the outside, you can describe to them their possible future - since they may still not be aware of what they may face and in general what everything can lead to - but you must understand one thing that the choice still remains with them! and only they can continue to be responsible for their lives - so let them choose for themselves - and, of course, relationships need to be built by everyone together and with their parents as well - but this is their relationship! And if you (or any of the families) have any questions - you can contact us - call!

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