Home Trees and shrubs Aika 2 game review. Functional and graphical advantages

Aika 2 game review. Functional and graphical advantages

Game Review


Short films based on the game Aika Online.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

(must watch with sound)

I. Introduction.

III. Classes.

IV. Prania.

  1. Battle for Relics;
  2. Battle of Leopold.
  3. Altars.
  4. Siege of the castle.
  5. Arena.
  6. Elter Arena
  7. Duels
  8. Combat Academy
  9. Competition
  1. Dungey
  2. Siege of Castle Verus
  3. Fishing
  4. Archeology
  5. Elter school

VII. Legions.

I. Introduction.

AIKA ONLINE - free, PvP-oriented online game with a lot of advantages. It will not only appeal to fans of fierce battles, but also to everyone else, because there is always something to do in Aika Online. The Aika Newbie Guide will explain the basics of the game that you need to know to start playing, as well as provide more information. detailed information experienced players.

Maximum level in the game - 95

II. Nations.

IN this moment There are 3 nations in the game:

Nations are the basis of the PvP system in the game. On Battlegrounds, players can choose a side based on the nationality of the teams and engage in bloody battles. During the Castle Siege, legions compete with each other to become rulers of their nation. In the Relic War, entire nations fight each other for global supremacy. We are pleased to introduce you to three nations, each with their own personality, fighting style, special events etc.

III. Classes.

There are 6 classes in the game, each class is tied to a specific gender.

(from left to right: sorcerer, marksman, warrior, paladin, pistoleer; in the center - priestess)

IV. Prania.

Prania is your little faithful companion. She will help you with her skills (both passive and active), entertain you with questions and dances, give gifts (sometimes valuable), and she also has an additional bag for storing important items. Three elements are available in the game:

  • Fire - attack
  • Water - protection
  • Air - evasion, reduced mana consumption.

Prania grows and develops along with your character, going through the stages: fairy, child, teenager, adult Prania.

Attention: you can only have two Pranias per account, so choose your assistant’s element wisely.

V. PvP.

1) Battle for relics.

This is the main type of PvP in Ike2. First, let's explain the main points.

Relics- these are sacred objects that bestow powerful blessings on citizens of nations that possess them. The blessing depends on the type of relic and provides benefits such as: increased HP, physical. or magician protection and so on. Full list relics (in the process of creation).

Devir- these are structures for storing Relics. At the moment there are 4 of them in the game - Devir Amarkand, Devir Sigmund, Devir Cahill, Devir Mirz. Maximum amount relics per nation - 13 (limited by the number of slots in devirs).

Tiamat- this is a teleport through which you can get to hostile nations. Located in the Galperin triroad location. You can move to a hostile nation while on the PvP channel. Possession of relics strengthens the nation, and a squad of people who install a relic in a devir on their own or an allied nation receives a reward - honor points and special items, which allow players to collect better equipment and help in leveling up their character.

2) Battle of Leopold.

The Leopold location is available to players of levels 51 and above. Every 18 hours the tower on Leopold becomes available to capture. Possession of towers gives the nation the following advantages - 1) the closed Silver Forest location opens, 2) debuffs to Skadi’s eye are removed in the Leopold location, 3) the tax for selling items on Leopold is reduced. For the battle on Leopold, the squad that installed the relic at Skadi’s eye receives special items that allow you to collect the best equipment and help in leveling up your character.

3) Altars.

The altar is the treasury of the nation. It contains the facies ore needed to upgrade relics, as well as the national treasury. The altars of all nations become available for capture every evening from 21.00 to 23.00, when the guard stones appear. In order to capture the altar of another nation, you need to destroy three guard stones, thereby summoning the mother stone, destroy the mother stone, after which you can capture the altar. A nation that “surrenders” its altar loses part of the treasury and facies ore. Players of the squad that captured the altar receive a reward of 5% of the experience required for next level, and money. These players' nation coffers are replenished with money and facies ore.

4) Siege of the castle.

Weekly event, takes place on Saturdays from 15.00 to 17.00 Moscow time. Up to the five strongest legions or alliances of the nation can take part in it (1 defending side - that is, the current ruling alliance, and up to four attacking alliances). The winner of the siege becomes the ruling alliance, the leader of this Alliance becomes Lord Marshall, the leaders of the legions allied to him become Arkonts.

5) Arena.

Arena is special place, where you can find out which player is stronger. There are several types of Arenas - from duels to squad battles. You can get into the arena through the NPC Friedrich Kruger.

6) Elter Arena

The Elters Arena is an arena for players of levels 71-85, the battles in which will be mixed among all nations and players up to 100 to 100 will converge in one battle.

7) Duels

To quickly clarify relations with a player of their nation, test new equipment in battle, train for large-scale battles, and much more, without receiving a fine for killing a player of their nation, Elters can fight duels.

8) Combat Academy

This arena works on the principle of the Elter Arena, but has several significant differences. The main difference is that in the Battle Academy the chances of victory or defeat between players are equalized by the fact that all characters, regardless of level or equipment equipped, receive approximately the same parameters and the same, unique equipment for the duration of their participation in the Academy. Therefore, in Battle Academy, the player's ability to participate in PvP will matter, not the strength of the equipment.

9) Competition

The competition is a large-scale PvP event between the nations existing in the game. Accordingly, its participants are divided into teams, depending on their belonging to any nation.

The first one to activate it will receive the item “Conquest Faction”. In this case, the owner’s movement speed will decrease significantly, and the character himself will stand out with a characteristic glow. Since the goal of the event is to retain the “Facion of Conquest,” the hero who owns this item must be protected by the entire team.

The Battle for the Relics in Lakia and Leopold, as well as the War for the Altars make Aika 2 unique project.

Motivated PvP non-stop around the clock!

You can lead your country to victory - control the living army of your guildmates through chat or voice programs. Very dynamic MPvP, giving huge scope for tactics. Team play is important and each class plays its own important role.



Dungey entry levels- are intended mainly for pumping. But at the same time, dungeons of hellish difficulty level are a serious challenge for level 50-60 players (they can only be completed with good team play and an understanding of the game mechanics)

Lower deck of Eugenia, hellish.

Eugenia's upper deck, difficulty levels - normal, difficult, elite, hellish.

2nd mine L "Anfer- raid dungeon, to enter you need a squad of two groups (not necessarily full.) Difficulty level is one.

High level dungeons.

Some of them are intended for farming (mostly solo, but a group containing all 6 classes receives an additional boost, so some players prefer to farm with a const party), but the last two dungeons are impossible for one player to complete, again a close-knit team is needed, but there is also a chance to get rare items:


In Ike you can fish, and there is a chance to receive very valuable gifts.


Mysterious jars are scattered throughout Lakia, by examining which you can with a certain chance find the following items: a closed relic chest and part of a mysterious crystal, which can be exchanged for an open relic chest - a mini-game in which you can win weapons, armor, accessories, and items for enhancement equipment, foraging scrolls, etc.

Elter school

Elter School - arenas for players of levels 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80 and 81-85, battles in which will be against hordes of monsters and are needed so that players can develop faster and more productively for further participation in high-level battles.

Elter Arena

An arena for players of levels 80-89 and 90-99, battles in which will be mixed among all nations and players up to 100 to 100 will converge in one battle.

VII. Legions.

A guild can be created by a group of 6 people with citizenship and level above 10. Creating a guild costs 50,000 in-game coins. To create a guild you need to go to the NPC in Regenshain. From the beginning the guild receives the first level, maximum level guilds - 10. Each guild has a weekly tax, the amount of which depends on the level of the guild. The tax is deducted automatically weekly from the guild treasury; if the tax is not paid, then after some time the guild will be automatically disbanded. Also, the maximum possible number of players in the guild and the number of points for learning the skills of the guild depend on the level of the guild. Up to four legions can unite in an alliance. The goals of a legion can be completely different - from comfortable communication in a close circle of friends to conquering a nation.


  • Game Guides- http://goo.gl/j3m6vL
  • Game forum - http://goo.gl/hH5ceY
  • Forum rules - http://goo.gl/eGbo9c
  • Rules of the game - http://www.aika2.ru/rules
  • How to install GameNet launcher -
  • Password recovery -
  • Support -
  • Aika 2 is a client-side MMORPG with a well-implemented PvP mode

    Aika 2 is a fantasy multiplayer free-to-play online game created by developers from JoyImpact and is one of the most successful products of the Korean company. Since its release, it has won the hearts of millions of players from all over the world and to this day ranks worthy place among games of its genre. What is the secret of her popularity?

    Home distinctive feature The game can be called very vigorous gameplay with a well-implemented PvP mode, which gives you the opportunity to compete in exciting, large-scale battles. You will have battles with representatives of other gaming nations, participation in clan activities and much more.

    Following the traditional model for the genre, the developers managed to implement several original gameplay features that were not found in others similar games will not see. Aika 2 has, although outdated, quite decent and nice graphics, as well as modest system requirements, which allows even those with weak computers and laptops.

    Now let's look at the game in more detail.

    Game description

    The game's attractive graphics are fully realized in the battle scenes

    Customization is perhaps one of the weakest points Aika. The appearance editor is poor, it does not have a wide selection of hairstyles and flexibility in customizing facial features, so those who like to create characters in their own image and likeness will be disappointed. Accordingly, you won’t have to stand out from the crowd appearance, but by gaming skills.

    Classes in the game are strictly gender specific. There are a total of six classes available in the game and before you start, you will have to choose between a male character if you want to be a warrior, marksman or sorcerer, or a female character if you prefer to play as a paladin, pistoleer or priestess.

    Warriors– the most balanced class in Aika. They have large two-handed swords and heavy armor, as well as remarkable strength. Their element is close combat.

    Arrows designed for long-range combat. They use a gun and ammo to shoot enemies. Their defenses are weak, but they have the temporary ability to become invisible. Marksmen also have the highest critical attack. Primary reconnaissance class.

    Sorcerers- masters of offensive magic. Throughout his life, the sorcerer acquires three types of abilities: Fire, Electricity and Darkness. A class for those who like to deal huge damage. Its disadvantage is low performance physical defense and their attack is based solely on the use of spells, the reading of which takes time.

    Traditional pets have been replaced with pretty girls - pranas

    Paladins- protectors of the great goddess Aika. They have the ability to absorb and reflect damage, which gives them advantages in close combat. This class is a defense type. Paladins have more protection and strength, but vulnerable to magic.

    Pistoliers There are no equals in one-on-one combat, as they have a number of abilities that paralyze the enemy. The class specializes in assassinations. Armed with two pistols. Like shooters, they can become invisible. Weak defense is compensated by agility, which allows you to evade enemy attacks.

    Priestesses specialize in the art of healing, increasing the abilities of allies, absorbing large amounts of damage, and even resurrecting their comrades wounded in battle. They are not afraid to get into battle because they are fighting for the interests of the goddess Aika.

    In addition, there is a division of players into nations. Each of them has its own flag, but the map and set of quests are the same for all. Upon reaching level ten, you must choose one of the five available nations and become its citizen, after which you will be able to freely attack representatives of other nations, as well as unite into legions with your fellow citizens.

    The game features both one-on-one battles and team battles involving many players.

    Imber- born warriors who have seen a lot in their lifetime. Scaring these guys is not an easy task. Wise in combat experience, tactically savvy and not inclined to mercy.

    Keront- peace-loving traders, excellent diplomats who always strive to avoid conflict situations, settling them with specie.

    Therion- adherents of democracy in the world of Aiki. The key to their success is unity and equality.

    Akris- a people who failed to achieve unity in their lands. You certainly can’t deny them self-sufficiency and a rebellious spirit.

    Flamma- cunning and resourceful, these scoundrels will always find a way to victory through tricks, the arsenal of which is very wide.

    One of the most interesting and unique features, introduced by Korean developers, is to replace traditional pets with little girls - pranas. Unlike other online games, here pets are not just passive companions, but full-fledged characters and important gameplay elements.

    The game does not require hardware and is suitable for low-power PCs

    Upon reaching the seventh level, the player will have at his disposal a little fairy, who over time learns, develops and becomes an adult girl. It is noteworthy that every decision you make regarding the girl (conversations, feeding, courtship, etc.) will affect the development of her character and appearance. If you take good care of your prana, she will reward you generously, strengthening your character with her skills and giving him rare items.

    When it comes to PvP battles, Aika 2 is at its best. The choice of modes is very diverse, ranging from classic one-on-one duels to impressive cross-server battles with the participation of thousands of players on each side. The game provides wide range combat capabilities, satisfying the needs of the most demanding gamers.

    Fans of PvE will also not be bored, as there are many dungeons for them different levels difficulties. To get through difficult dungeons, you need to enlist the support of experienced allies who know how to work as a team, because only through joint efforts can you defeat a strong boss.

    The game interface is simple and intuitive. Quests are presented in the form of dialogues, which greatly facilitates the understanding of the plot for players who want to know only the essence of the task without reading long sheets of text.

    Video review of Aika 2


    To summarize, it must be said that Aika 2 is a very multifaceted and exciting MMORPG that offers you a large number of game content, an interesting plot and ample opportunities, which will allow everyone to find something to their liking. This is an excellent, conducive have a nice time a game in which you can relax and take a break from your busy everyday life, but at the same time, it encourages you to develop your heroes in order to achieve best results, and thanks to its low hardware requirements, Aika 2 becomes accessible to everyone. Therefore, we can safely recommend it to every fan of online games!

    Aika 2 is a free fantasy MMORPG game that includes PvP elements from paid ones Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online. Players can expect dynamic RvR battles of 1000 versus 1000, beautiful graphics and effects. You have to join one of 5 factions, fight to expand borders, raise your little assistant Prania and fight huge bosses.

    The game is a free-to-play project, which means players can freely download the Aika 2 game client on the official website and play their favorite class.



    There are a total of 6 different heroes in the game, differing in skills, strengths and weaknesses:

    • Warrior- a powerful class focused on hand-to-hand combat. The warrior in Aika 2 has many lives and reliable protection, which makes it a great tank. He wears metal armor.
    • Pistolier specializes in mid-range attacks and has damage over time skills. Wears leather armor.
    • Witch- The main offensive caster in Ike. They can deal considerable damage with spells, but have low hit points and defense. Wears fabric armor.
    • Shooter specializes in dealing damage from a long distance, making them an ideal ranged class. Prefers leather armor.
    • Priestess- The main support class in Aika. He is incredibly useful in a group with his healing and support skills. Priestesses wear cloth armor.
    • Paladin- a combination of warriors and priests. They are a good fighter and support class. Wears metal armor.


    The gameplay in Aika 2 is traditional F2P MMORPG. Players will face standard quests (destroy a crowd of mobs and collect loot), battles with bosses and massive PvP battles.

    An important part of the gameplay is protecting the interests of the faction. You will have to participate in massive RvR battles for control of territories and complete special missions.

    One of the most unique and interesting features Aika 2 game is a Prania system. The player is given the opportunity to choose an assistant belonging to one of the elements: fire, water or air. The little fairy will eventually become an adult. The development of Prania's personality and appearance is influenced by the player's attitude (feeding, talking, etc.).


    “AIKA 2 online” is a fantasy anime MMORPG, a Korean greeting from the past for hardcore players.

    Outdated graphics and controls “a la five years ago,” but also global battles and hundreds of people sawing each other out in one location. Strictly for fans of PvP and party play.

    Video: trailer for the game AIKA 2

    Yes, sadly, playing solo in the MMORPG “AIKA 2” is not held in high esteem; they even artificially limited experience and income for activity in PvE.

    But to kill your own kind and make friends against someone - there’s so much of that.

    The project is very harmoniously suitable for many categories of players– perhaps fans of graphics and not fans of the hard East, with fluffy tails, tights and cute ears, will pass by him.

    But fans of hardcore PvP, girls, benders and “social workers” will be one hundred percent satisfied.

    • Some people will like fairies,
    • For some, fights for one thousand two hundred people,
    • The role of the clan head and tax collection with the coordination of troops,
    • A rare opportunity to participate in luxury events.

    Well, it’s no joke, fend off the attacks of mobs, roll the Laser Cannon to the castle, reflecting waves of mobs along the way and take it by storm, defeating half a dozen bosses and taking unique relics that will give bonuses installed in your castle.

    Raids of a thousand people

    Parties with a legion of comrades are not in every Korean “grindle”, as well as pushing everyone into PvP against everyone - these are the moments worth enjoying.

    The fairer sex will get a lot of pleasure from fiddling with “pranias,” buying them unique things and answering countless questions – a Tamagotchi and a child rolled into one.

    PvE players, although limited in their “rights” and “nishtyaks,” can be satisfied with grandiose cross-server battles and regular dungeons, many of which are several levels long and with Bosses that dynamically change the characteristics.

    Well, of course, tough PvP gamers will feel at home and at ease in their environment.

    Graphics cannot be compared to modern games, but 1200 enchantments plus in one location is no joke, something had to be sacrificed, but the performance is excellent and no lags have been noticed.

    A typical product for a hardcore player who doesn't mind nerdiness - 80 levels, guild masters and legions.

    Aika 2– a large-scale client 3D MMORPG online game, the second part of the famous Aika Online, developed in the fantasy genre and focused on PvP. The game features ten different arenas with different combat modes. You will have to take part in massive inter-server battles, where there can be about a thousand participants at the same time.

    But this city is not famous for its endless battles and trips to dungeons. game project. The gameplay is varied. There are both peaceful and casual activities here. game events, and quests, and helper pets, and trade, and crafting items.

    Aika 2 official website

    http://www.aika2.ru/- link to the official Russian website of the game Aika 2


    • Availability developed system quests, crafting systems, trading and titles.
    • Choice of female and male characters.
    • Using both tactical and strategic skills in battles.
    • The presence of various mounts, an extensive bestiary, and a developed dungeon system.
    • Legions, nations, duels, sieges and relic wars.

    Review of the game Aika 2

    Game process

    The basis of the gameplay - struggle of nations. Representatives of different nations can kill each other no matter what territory they are in. You can create your own legion, but this will require finding like-minded people and, of course, in-game currency. By uniting legions, you can create an alliance, thanks to it becoming even more powerful and at the same time receiving very good buffs.

    The game project is more developed towards PvP, so all its diversity is present here: relic wars, sieges, duels, arenas and much more.
    Key goal of the arena– gain arena points as quickly as possible and receive rewards in the form of medals of courage. These points are required to purchase valuable stones.

    To fight with dignity and defend your honor, you need to engage in crafting, improving equipment. During this process, equipment acquires specific color, which refers to a certain level of sharpening. Thus, you can understand with whom to engage in battle, and with whom it is better to abstain.


    All playable characters are divided into five nations, each of which has its own territory.
    • Imber. Military nation. Glory about her incredible military history spreading throughout the entire region. Representatives are distinguished by their courage, incredible combat skill and strict morals.
    • Keront. Friendly trading nation. Its representatives prefer to solve problems through diplomatic means, rather than meaningless confrontations. If diplomacy is not able to solve problems, then their main weapon is used - money.
    • Therion. Democratic nation of the world Ike. The basis of the therion way of life is unity and equality.
    • Akris. Representatives of this nation never managed to achieve democracy, because the distinctive feature of this people is their zeal for freedom, which they are ready to achieve by any means.
    • Flamma. A nation characterized by resourcefulness and cunning. It is the various tricks that bring them victory over their opponents.


    When choosing your hero's class, base it not only on how you can play alone, but also what role you can play in team confrontations, because you won't be able to avoid them.
    • Warrior. Representative of the melee class. His distinctive features- not only attacking abilities, but also resistance to damage in battles. The warrior is capable of inflicting great damage on the enemy.
    • Paladin. The character is female. In most cases, it acts as a tank. He is distinguished by his combat skill and knowledge of light magic, which helps him support both himself and his allies.
    • Witch. The character is quite fragile, but is capable of inflicting enormous damage on the enemy. Features: remarkable strength in battle, but a small amount of health. Therefore, the sorcerer constantly needs protection from enemy attacks.
    • Priestess. Provides indispensable support for any team. Its main task is to treat teammates and strengthen their combat abilities. Combined with a warrior it gives incredible results.
    • Shooter. Master of sabotage. It has the ability to inflict significant damage in ranged combat, but is practically ineffective in close combat. By engaging in close combat, the shooter increases the likelihood of his quick death.
    • Pistolier. Armed with two pistols, which can cause significant damage to the enemy in close combat.

    Cross-server PvP battles

    More than 1,200 players simultaneously take part in cross-server battles for relics, which provide an advantage not only during difficult storylines, but also in mass events on your server that are held constantly.

    Registration Aika 2

    http://www.aika2.ru/- link for quick registration in the game Aika 2.
    Let's summarize
    • Fascinating storyline.
    • The ability to play without donating without feeling inferior.
    • Bright, colorful graphics with good rendering of effects.
    • The presence of interesting quests and PvP.
    • Quite decent physics.
    • Good Russian voice acting.
    • Sometimes there are bugs, although not significant.
    • The attachment of a class to a particular race.
    • The ability to beat heroes in locations.
    • Sometimes you get tired of running.
    This game project is worthy of attention and is capable of drawing in game process for a long time.

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