Home Trees and shrubs The quatrain about nature is short. Short poems about nature. I love the forest

The quatrain about nature is short. Short poems about nature. I love the forest

Our land is our home. Poems about the ecology of nature for children (schoolchildren) will help them realize the need to preserve it.

1. Bird

She flew over the highway.
The driver did not brake,
And the poor bird hit
Under the heavily loaded ZIL.

Take it a little higher -
She would have saved herself:
She's not just over the roof,
Could fly over the forest!

It was May evening, quiet and bright,
Nightingales sang in the lilacs.
And this case was not noted
Duty officer of the local traffic police.
(S. Mikhalkov)

2. Cherries

On a clear afternoon, at the end of summer,
The old man was walking along the road;
I dug a young cherry somewhere
And, satisfied, he carried her home.

He looked with cheerful eyes
To the fields, to the distant land
And I thought: “Let me remember
I'll plant cherries by the road.

Let the big-big grow
Let it go both in breadth and in height
And decorating our road,
It bathes in bloom every year.

Travelers will lie down in her shadow,
They will rest in the coolness, in the silence,
And, having tasted juicy, ripe berries,
Maybe they will remember me.

But they won't remember - what a shame, -
I don’t worry about it at all:
Do not want - do not remember, do not, -
I'll plant cherries anyway! "
(M. Isakovsky)

3. At the city cleanup

At the city cleanup
Great workers.
Clean up the city today
Both young and old came.

Gathered pensioners
Clean streets and squares.
- Do you need helpers?
Suggestions are heard.

It came out third grade
Cleaning for the first time.
One can only hear: - Come on!
Come to work!

Someone is collecting garbage,
Someone is planting trees
Someone is swarming in the flower beds,
Everywhere joyful faces.

At the city cleanup
All wipers, all rafts.
Even the restless mayor
He came to help us in our square.

Nobody fights with anyone
Everyone's got a job well done.
The third grade decided to "five"
Clean up the city for the holiday.
(N. Anishina)

4. The appeal of the tree to the Man

- Hey, Man, I am a TREE!
High, mighty!
I'm still standing in the forest
And I still rustle.
Forestry whole industry
Can't wait for a chance
Dump me, cut me down, cut me down -
Look for the fool!

Let him try at least!
I want her in advance
Warn in a friendly way
Minister - including:
Whatever they make of me -
All efforts are in vain!
I'm seemingly meek,
While I stand in the ground

But just turn me
Into various products -
I am a wardrobe with wild horror
Suddenly I creak in the night!
Stool splinter
I will bury myself in your body!
The parquet floor under you will rot -
At least fall, at least scream!

I'll accidentally go down the toilet
With a salary in three months!
I will collapse at the table on the guests,
Minister - including ...
Isn't it easier than chopping me down
Take it right away and hang yourself?
You don't have to look for the rope -
She lies in the hollow!
(I. Shevchuk)

5. Walk

We arrived at the river
Spend Sunday
And a free spot
Not to be found near the river!

They sit here and sit there:
Sunbathe and eat
Rest as they want
Hundreds of adults and children!

We walked along the shore
And they found the clearing.

But in a sunny meadow
Here and there - empty cans
And, as if to spite us,
Even broken glass!

We walked along the shore
They found a new place.

But even here they sat before us;
They also drank, also ate,
They burned a fire, burned paper -
They littered and left!

We passed, of course ...
- Hey guys! - Dima shouted. -
Here's a place wherever!
Spring water!
Wonderful view!
Lovely beach!
Unpack your luggage!

We were swimming,
They burned a fire
We played football -
Have fun as you can!
We drank kvass
Ate canned food,
Choral songs were sung ...
Have a rest - and left!

And stayed in the clearing
By an extinct fire:
Two bottles we broke
Two soaked bagels -
In a word, a mountain of garbage!

We arrived at the river
Spend Monday
Only a clean place
Not to be found near the river!
(S. Mikhalkov)

6. Though the grass does not grow

There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.
Lakes of oil are poured across the tundra.
And hostile whirlwinds twist from the pipes ...
Wildlife is already half-corpses.

The man put her on his knees.
Deer are moving farther and farther north ...
We want to get more money.
And what after us?
(A. Usachev)

7. Sad Citizen

The bee buzzes - it flies
To your honey meadow.
Moves, groans,
A beetle is crawling somewhere.

Spiders hang on a thread
The ants are running around
Fireflies cook for the night
Your flashlights.

Stop! Sit down!
Bend over
And look under your feet!
Surprise alive alive:
They are akin to you!

Isn't it your little sliver
We drag to the common house
And we whisper to our brother ant:
- Be strong, brother! Let's get there!

Someone that weaves his net,
Does it look like a spider?
This one is crawling, and that one
Flutters like a moth.

And you are between them and past them,
And sometimes on them
You walk on foot
A sad citizen ...
(S. Mikhalkov)

8. Bad uncle

This uncle has no regrets
That the cigarette butt is smoldering in the forest ...
Looking at such an uncle,
We guys will give a speech:
- Aren't you ashamed, uncle?
We need to protect the forest!

9. Small tree

It was a hot time:
The heat was hot all summer
And I didn't forget about the maple,
Watered five times a week.

And the maple survived this summer!
He is taller than me now,
And turns green in the spring.
I go - he waves at me with a branch.

Hello, hello buddy! Grow!
Glad I helped save you.
My life has not been lived in vain:
I did at least something useful!
(A. Dmitrenko)

10. Fire is not a toy!

Frost is bursting outside the window
Murka sleeps on the stove,
The heat in the stove - the fire is burning,
Warms Murka's skin.

The fisherwoman slipped
I got my clothes wet
Quickly made a fire
Got dry as before!

Near the forest at dawn
Noisy tourists
Porridge is cooked over the fire
Tea with fragrant herb.

From fire - warmth and light!
He's like a good friend!
But, do a lot of trouble
Unattended can!

Creeps up imperceptibly
Burning and dangerous
The bush will immediately cover
The ribbon is bright red.

Will crackle and sing
Gaining strength.
The forest beast will leave the holes,
Saving your life.

Tame and extinguish
The flame is very hard!
Where is the chanterelle to live now ?!
There is no cozy burrow!
Will not return to the house anymore
Bunny and frog!

Be careful with fire!
This is not a toy!
(T. Efimova)

11. Breadwinner

I am the only breadwinner
All the crows and doves
Waiting for my tiny gift
Every little sparrow.

I'll just go out on the porch
They recognize me by sight
And in a crowd from the surrounding rooftops:
- What, darling, will you treat?
(A. Orlova)

12. Environment

Everything - from the old pine tree by the fence
Before the big dark pine forest
And from lake to pond -

And also a bear and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -

I love silence on the lake
And the reflections of the roofs in the pond,
I like to pick blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox ...
I love you forever,
(L. Fadeeva)

13. Ecological song-rework (to the melody of the song "A Magyark came out to the bank of the Danube")

Long ago people littered everywhere,
Here are the peasants in Tver
We drank together, then we smoked,
They threw "bulls" into the water.

Gently the current caught them,
Like a caring friend
Volga rolled mighty waters
Together with the "bulls" to the south.

The river flows,
People are attracted
Into the distant distance.
For centuries
The river carries
What people threw in it.
For centuries
The river carries
What people threw in it.

The Volga near Syzran is not at all Already
The one that Tver had.
Residents are also not at all worse -
Everywhere and completely - Volgari ...

We looked into the river - "bulls" saw
From your bank.
They threw wrappers into the water -
The river received them.

Children of Samara, frolicking after school,
The mint was made no less:
They threw a Coca-Cola container -
The waves carried her away.

At the mouth of the Volzhans, they would also like
Leave the "bulls" in the water,
But they have no luck with the river, it seems, -
There really is no water to be seen!
(A. Dmitrenko)

14. Our planet

There is one garden planet
This space is cold.
Only here the forests make noise
Clinging birds of passage,

Only on her one bloom,
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are just here
They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other, similar!
(J. Akim)

15. What does the fish ask for

Would make
You fisherman
Would treat

No catch
No hook
Would give
(S. Pogorelovsky)

16. Be human

Goosebumps in the forest
They live by their labor
They have their own customs
And the anthill is a home.

Peaceful tenants
Do not sit idle:
In the morning, fighters are running to the post,
And the nannies to the kindergarten.

The worker ant is in a hurry
Labor path,
Rustles from morning to evening
In the grass and under the foliage.

You walked through the woods with a stick
And the ant house
Jokingly, I picked it up to the bottom
And then he set it on fire.

Peace and work of a large family
The trouble broke.
Ants darted in the smoke
Fleeing who where.

The needles were cracking. Smoldered quietly
Dry, fallen leaf.
Quietly looked down from above
Cruel egoist ...

For calling you that
I don't blame myself, -
After all, you did not create that,
That set on fire.

You live in our atomic age
And he himself is not an ant,
Be Human, human
You are on your land!
(S. Mikhalkov)

17. Fly!

Well into a deep blizzard
To shelter a little live bird,
And in the spring, after waiting out the bad weather,
Letting her go into the forest is free.
(Yu Mogutin)

18. I love the forest

I love the forest. Pine forest,
So that the pines are up to heaven.
To prick the clouds
White sides of the needles
So that the sun hides in the branches,
So that the air smelled strong with needles,
So that if you lie down with your eyes closed,
It seemed: it sails
The wind blows over you
Or the sea surf rustles
And you are sailing on a ship
Onward to an unknown land.
(A. Starikov)

19. Take care of the earth!

Take care of the earth. Take care of
Lark at blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sun glare on the paths.
On the stones of a playing crab
Above the desert, the shadow of the baobab,
A hawk soaring over the field
A clear month over the river peace,
A swallow flickering through life.
Take care of the earth! Take care!
(M. Dudin)

20. Saranki

Dispersed throughout the clearing
Bright red locusts.
Their cheerful, cheerful color
So it asks for a bouquet!
But we will not rip them off.
Let them grow to the delight of people!
(N. Yaroslavtsev)

21. Living Primer

Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing.
Patience spider.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.
And besides, in their work
Everything is fair.
Reflection in water
Teaches us truthfulness.
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness:
Every day, winter and summer,
Gives us warmth and light.
And in return no one else
Will not ask for anything!
Nature all year round
You need to learn.
We are trees of all kinds,
All the big forest people
They teach strong friendship.
(V. Orlov)

22. Thanks for the picnic

Somehow a family came to a picnic -
Splash in the river, fry a barbecue.
The forest greeted them generously, as good friends:
He saluted with raspberries, the nightingale sang.

And as a thank you, at the parking lot ...
There were still packages, bottles and cans.
Oh, it’s not easy to be a forest now.
It would be harmful to him to give milk!
(A. Smetanin)

23. Near future

Man goes bored
Alone in the forest
Doesn't meet on the road
No deer, no fox ...

The bee does not fly to the clover,
There are no ducks in the reeds ...
Instead of birds, a Chinese player
Fills in the ears.

Violet does not bloom in the grass.
There are no fish in the depths of rivers.
On the left is a landfill, on the right is a landfill,
In the middle is a man.

Why are you standing - looking sadly?
Previously, you had to think!
(A. Ignatova)

24. Learn from nature

There are thirty-five of us in the class.
And everyone is talking about something.
Nobody is listening to the lesson:
We are not going to study for the future.

Our fifth "G" went on a hike.
Here he walks past the field.
Sheep roam the grass.
The leader grazes them with a loud: "BE-E-E!"

Only two letters: "B" and "E",
And everyone in the herd understands ...
The teacher looked at the class:
- How many words do you need?
(A. Mlynash)

25. Let's decorate the Earth together

Let's decorate the Earth together,
Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.
Let's respect the Earth together
And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have one -
Unique, vulnerable, alive.
Beautiful: even summer, even winter ...
We have one, one like that!
(E. Smirnova)

26. Feed the birds

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their feed is not rich.
A handful of grain is needed
One handful -
And not scary
It will be winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring.
(A. Yashin)

https: // site / stixi-pro-ekologiyu /

27. What cannot be bought?

I wander barefoot in the morning,
All sprinkled with dew
With a bird, near a poplar,
I drink water from a spring.
Somewhere at home, by the subway,
Pepsi cola and citro
Carousel, zoo,
There are signs everywhere.
If you save money,
You can buy a lot
Home, clothes and factory,
Airplane and steamer.
But you can't buy dew
Bird singing in the forest.
And do not hide in your wallet
Spring and poplar.
(V. Orlov)

28. I love birds

I guys love birds.
I never catch them
No traps
Not online.
I don't keep them in a cage at home.
I will never touch the nest.
Not a magpie
No crows
No starling
No sparrow
I have not offended in my life!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

29. A dime a dozen

Goes to nature today
Abyss for all people:
Fishermen are a dime a dozen,
And go find the worm!

Not to get lost in the forest,
Not in the mountains will you fall ...
There are tourists - shast and shast! -
There is nowhere for an apple to fall.
(A. Usachev)

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30. Trouble has come

Under a tall pine tree
Defending the native forest,
The anthill lived without troubles
Twenty winters and twenty years.

And then trouble came:
No flood, no cold
Not a forest fire, not a dump.
And he came ... Kiryusha with a stick.
(A. Smetanin)

31. Hello, forest!

Hello forest,
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with the foliage
In the dark, thunderous night?
What do you whisper to us at dawn
Dew like silver?

Who lurks in your wilderness -
What kind of beast?
What kind of bird?
Open everything, don't hide it:
You see - we are ours!
(S. Pogorelovsky)

Yurka from our yard
I caught the bullfinch yesterday.
He began to boast to everyone:
- Here!
He now lives in a cage.
But the guys made a noise:
- What are you, Yurka,
Locked a bullfinch in a cage?
Let go!
Do not torture in vain!
Bullfinches are not toys -
Our guests are bullfinches! -
You better not be a trap
And I made a feeding trough!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

33. Poet and Girl

Rook fell out of the nest
At the very window.
The poet thought: “This is the problem,
The rook fell out of the nest.
Well, how is the cat next to you ?!

After all, she, the rogue, is only a jump -
And at once the point is.
Well, at least someone would help! "
A line flashed through my thoughts.

Instantly he opened the notebook
And with inspiration, on the move,
He began to compose a poem
How to protect
My own mother nature.

He beat with verse more painful than a whip!
And the poor rook
Almost under the nose of the cat
I managed to take from under the bush
A passing girl.
(V. Sapronov)

34. Environmental

The earth smoked with smoke
The earth was puffing with steam,
The ground was poisoned
And it shook in explosions.

The land of the forest was chopping,
The land of the forest burned,
The land of the forest was drowning,
Well, in a word, she went too far.

Then she asked:
- And where is the atmosphere?
Something felt stifling for me
Oh, I'm not feeling well!

Ah, give oxygen
And clean water!
Normal weather!
But the train left.
(R. Aldonina)

35. We have become environmentalists

They gave us badges today,
We have become environmentalists!
We are in any bad weather
We want to protect nature.

So that gardens and squares bloom,
To make us all better
We are good manners
We will vaccinate the younger ones.

So that trees and flowers
The city was decorated
To this beauty
People didn't break.

Let's start from our yards,
We'll collect the trash quickly.
Broken glasses all around
You are not barefoot.

Rakes, buckets and shovels
All the guys took it apart.
Were piled up on business
And the work started.

They broke new flower beds,
They planted the daisies.
So that the trees are not sad
They gave them water to drink.

Right there to us from all over
One hundred starlings flew in.
Looking for food for their chicks
And carried home.

We worked, we tried
They turned the courtyard into an oasis.
So tired of work
That everyone has become "green"!
(N. Anishina)

36. Ecological song-rework (to the tune of the song "Three White Horses")

The fish died, the reeds wilted.
Rainbow layer, no bottom visible.
This river is clean outside the city,
This river is clean outside the city.
Well, in the city - dirty, dirty, dirty.

Into the smoking dirty distance
Air, Earth and Water.

Forever the forest has dried up, smelling of fuel oil,
The birds were silent here forever.
Only pipes, endlessly smoking,
Everyone is running towards me, running, running.

The fish died, the reeds wilted.
I'm not afraid of dirt alone.
It was a lot of sadness outside the city,
Well, in the city I laugh, I laugh, I laugh.

And carry me away, and carry me away
Into the smoking dirty distance
Three dirty horses, eh, three dirty horses:
Air, Earth and Water.

37. Lipka

I'm thick, curly
I will grow up to fame, -
Take note of me!
I'm honey colored
I bloom in the summer -
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I will hide in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
The downpour pours sometimes
I will hide from the shower, -
Don't break me!
Good to both
We grow with you -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide light,
You will see the whole country -
Do not forget me!
(P. Voronko)

38. Chamomile

Undress all the daisies
White shirts.
I don't want to guess at them,
So as not to cut off the sheets.

Who to be friends with - and so I know
I’ll guess without the daisies.
Better not to tear the petals
Easier to take and count.

Let them grow freely ...
And flowers can hurt.
(E. Malenkina)

39. About fishing

We went fishing
The fish were caught in the pond.
Vitya fished out a washcloth,
And Yegor - a frying pan.

Kolya - tangerine crust,
Sasha - old shoes,
And Sabina and Soso -
From the car wheel.

I got two spots
Bor - a bank of herring,
A earring on a hook
Pakli fished out a piece.

All day in the pond stubbornly
We were fishing the fish in vain.
They fished out a lot of trash,
And never a gudgeon.

Everyone should know and remember:
If garbage is poured into a pond,
Then in such a pond once
The fish will simply die.
(A. Eroshin)

40. There is so much beauty in nature!

There is so much beauty in nature -
Look closely and you will understand
Why dew bushes
Shiver envelopes.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
Clearer than glass
What in the evening, in a field of rye,
The quails are singing ...

Let it become your heart
Bird speech is clear -
And you will learn
How to take care of all this.
(V. Chizhov)

41. Garbage fantasy

Never throw peels, skins, sticks -
Our cities will quickly turn into landfills.
If you litter now, then pretty soon
Garbage mountains can grow here.

But when they start flying to school on a rocket -
The worst will happen on the planet ...
How will they go to throw up into space from a rocket
Cans, flasks, husks, torn bags ...

Then the snowflakes will not fly in the New Year,
And old boots will fall like hail.
And when it rains from empty bottles -
Don't go for a walk: take care of the back of your head!

What will grow in the garden or in the garden,
How will the cycle of garbage go in nature? ..
And although we do not fly to the school class in a rocket,
Better to get rid of litter now, children!
(A. Usachev)

42. Chaffinch

I wanted to have a bird
And I saved up money,
And here at the Bird Market
I bought a Finch.

My Finch sat in a cage
And pecked the grains
And, as in the forest on a branch,
He sang and sang everything.

The guys came in
Look at Chaffinch,
And everyone wanted
Have the same.

I fiddled with Finch,
Though there was a lot to do.
And two weeks later
I'm tired of the singer.

Once I'm out of town
Left for three days
And for this time
Left without me.

When from the village
I returned home
Lay in an empty feeder
My hungry finch.

I saved him from death -
I logged it out
And set free
Living being.

Want a birthday
Give me a puppy
But I said, "Don't!
I'm not ready yet! "
(S. Mikhalkov)

43. Broken tree

Let them plant five trees
Let them plant a hundred trees
Two hundred, three hundred or even
A whole million -

There will be less of them anyway
There will be one less of them,
The one that was broken
Whether I, you, he ...
(O. Bundur)

44. Thanks to the hedgehog

Once upon a dacha sill
An inquisitive hedgehog came in.
A hand reached out to meet him,
The other hand poured milk.
Crumbled cookies in a deep saucer
And the hedgehog, leaving, promised them to return.

And in the evening I thought, walking in the forest:
- I'll bring the worms to my hands tomorrow.
(Yu. Simbirskaya)

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45. Temple of Nature

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a temple of nature,
With forests reaching out for hands
Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the year
Open to us in heat and cold.
Come in here, be a little bit heart
Do not desecrate his shrines.
(A. Smirnov)

46. ​​What are you squeezing a duck for?

What are you squeezing a duckling?
He's a kid and you are big.
Look, having lifted your head,
He is torn away with all his soul ...

Imagine such a thing -
If only a fat hippo
I wanted with you out of boredom
Would you like to play your turn?

I would take you tightly in my paw
I would lick my tongue
Wow, how would you call your dad,
And kick and shout! ..

Take the duck to the duck
Let him go swimming in the pond, -
The boy's paws are no joke
If you squeeze it in, it will be kaput.
(Sasha Black)

47. The forest is our friend!

And not immediately, and not suddenly,
We learned: LES is our friend.
There is no oxygen without a FOREST,
All nature will disappear at once,
We can't breathe without him
And no one will help us.
The winds blow away the harvest
And then - sorry, goodbye!
Our rivers will become shallow
They dry forever
All the animals will get sick
Up to a small hole.
There is no medicine for us without the FOREST,
There will be no food on the tables.
Then the planet will disappear
It is bitter for me to write all this.
And therefore, friends,
I call on all of you:
Take care of every bush,
Do not burn fires unnecessarily,
Appreciate every blade of grass
And rain on a leaf.
Let's save the FOREST from fire
For you and for me.
Living beauty - FOREST,
Let it grow to heaven!
(N. Filimonenko)

48. Greenpeace's New Year's Song

And the New Year is just around the corner,
Christmas trees languish in the forest
And the hares are jumping around:
Ah, who would not have cut them down suddenly!

I'm walking on a brand new track
And no saw with me
And there is no ax behind the belt -
There is only the world and I am with it.

Light behind the shadow, shadow behind the light,
The pines have their hats on one side,
And the squirrels husk the seeds
And silence sleeps peacefully.

I'm not the enemy of silence
I walk through the forest just like that
And I wave my hand to the Christmas trees:
I will not disturb your peace!
(I. Belkin)

49. Death of a Birch

She did not ask for mercy
When her time came.
And sprinkled with bitter juice
Steel blade of an ax.

Then she lay fearlessly
Diagonally across the path
And life exuded drop by drop
On the roadside grass.

In the sunset light, clouds floated ...
And a stump sticking out of the ground
They covered with a scurrying swarm
Ants from the nearest hummock.

And the guy in the gray check cap
In the palm of his hand occasionally spat
And a branch from trunk by branch,
Like a bird's wings, he chopped off!

Then he walked, taking to the left,
Where the west melted copper.
And for a long time in the twilight, whitening,
A birch pole was floating ...
(V. Sapronov)

50. Bonfire

A bonfire, forgotten, under the ashes
Did not blaze with fire.
Although he seemed not to be alive,
A spark was dozing in him.
Reveler-wind, mischievous,
Waking up in the morning
With bold lips
To a dozing fire.
The fire trembled asleep,
And, driving away the darkness,
He stretched out his timid hands
Embrace him.
And the mane is hot fire
Shot up to that time
Like a red horse's mane
In the morning dawn.
And the wind played with her, laughing,
I woke up a return heat
Dictating power to fire ...
... And the fire grew ...

He grew and gained strength
No fuss:
Killer fire devoured
Trees and bushes.
Trunks crackled, collapsed,
In his hell is grief,
And there were drops of resin
Like tears on the bark.
Forgetting a secluded home
And with horror in my soul,
The beast ran in panic
Losing babies
Trying to get ahead of trouble -
(I would have saved myself!) -
And breathless on the run
And falling in smoke ...

I blame this for this drama,
That I reproach
Who through their negligence
Didn't put out the fire.
Keeping the beauty of the native land,
Keeping the peace of the forests,
You are for the pampering in the forest
Don't light a fire
So that someone's soul is not stolen,
Be in tune with yourself,
So that the spark of your fire
Didn't bring trouble.
(T. Shasheva)

51. No need to litter in the forest!

No need to litter in the forest
Spoiling all the beauty of nature,
We must urgently stop
Turn forests into a trash heap!

Play and walk in the forest
But don't leave trash there -
When the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,
The rest in it is doubly pleasant!
(M. Kryukov)

52. Lily

There was no need to pick a lily,
lake flowers white sister,
to cover with a shirt later
from the sun like a shot bird.
And they shouted in dismay at the courts,
the willows sighed, hunched over wearily,
and the sky and the water became sad,
as if they were missing something.
And the mother was not at all happy ...

There was no need to pluck the lily!
(M. Weizman)

53. Don't shoot a migratory bird ...

Don't shoot a migratory bird!
Don't cock the indifferent trigger!
Without that, it is not easy for her
To a foreign land at the appointed time.

Without that, it's hard and sad,
Cutting through the distance,
On the chilled bare fields
Crane pours sadness.

This is a cry for a native nest,
Parting is a painful sound.
Don't you know
The hopeless bitterness of parting?

Is it really on difficult roads
Of the noisy and present days
You did not lose the slain before the deadline,
Friends who have not reached the goal?

Here are the birds, like people, weeping
With the same hot pain in my chest.
How many, how many will they lose
On an unkind long journey!

How many will be mowed down by a merciless shot!
How many of them are from treacherous wounds
Crossed out by a fading whistle
Reed flimsy early ...

Don't shoot a migratory bird!
(V. Sapronov)

54. I will not kill you, swan

I will not kill you swan
Soaring over a sleepy pond;
Why are you in the cloudless sky
Are you flapping your wing in alarm?

I will not cut you down, Christmas tree,
Into this transparent silence;
What are you with every needle
Are you trembling at the roadside?

I won't rip you off, lily of the valley,
In a sensitive forest semi-darkness;
Why are you crying, most innocent?
Or do you not believe me ?!
(V. Sapronov)

55. Feed the birds!

Feed people, birds:
Waxwing and tits
Sparrows and bullfinches.
Feed them soon!

Have birds always
Grains, seeds, water,
They knew that they were loved, awaited,
And they will always find shelter.

The sparrow flew
The snow has trampled down a little.
I fluffed my feathers slightly,
Know, he was looking for a worm.

But it's icy under the snow,
He will not find food here.
The trees are not red
The branches are bare for a long time.

And there are no feeders in the forest,
Where can I find lunch for him?
Here are birds flying in a crowd
To our city to feed ourselves.

Feed it soon
Our little friends!
All birds are important
We must help them.
(G. Rukosueva)

The sun is shining brightly(I. Surikov)

The sun is shining brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look -
Everything around is light!
The meadow is dazzling
Bright flowers.
Doused with gold
Dark sheets.

Forget-me-nots(N. Yaroslavtsev)

Blue forget-me-nots
In the clearing - here and there.
They're not at all for fun.
Forget-me-nots are called.

That's why they were called that,
So that far from the Motherland
You and I didn’t forget
The beauty of the native land!

Birch(B. Sheshegov)

Sunrise(S. Yesenin)

The red dawn lit up
In the sky blue
The streak appeared clear
In its shine of gold.

The sun's rays are high
Reflected light in the sky.
And scattered far away
From them new ones in response.

The rays are bright gold
They lit up the ground suddenly.
The skies are already blue
Spread around.

our planet(J. Akim)

There is one garden planet
This space is cold.
Only here the forests make noise
Clinging birds of passage,

Only on her one bloom,
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are just here
They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other, similar!

There is so much beauty in nature(V. Chizhov)

There is so much beauty in nature -
Look closely and you will understand
Why dew bushes
Shiver envelopes.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
Clearer than glass
What in the evening, in a field of rye,
The quails are singing ...
Let it become your heart
Bird speech is clear -
And you will learn
How to take care of all this.

Take care of the earth(M. Dudin)

Take care of the earth. Take care of
Lark at blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sun glare on the paths.
On the stones of a playing crab
Above the desert, the shadow of the baobab,
A hawk soaring over the field
A clear month over the river peace,
A swallow flickering through life.
Take care of the earth! Take care!


Short poems about nature: beautiful little, small poems by Russian poets for children

  1. The best
    Fedor Tyutchev - There is in the autumn of the initial
  2. The best
    Alexander Blok - Summer evening
  3. The best
    Afanasy Fet - Spring rain
  4. The best
    Mikhail Lermontov - Autumn
  5. The best
  6. Afanasy Fet - Learn from them - from an oak, from a birch
  7. Vladimir Raevsky - A Song to Nature
  8. Vasily Zhukovsky - Nature here is true to the usual path
  9. Fedor Tyutchev - Look how the grove turns green
  10. Alexander Pushkin - In those days in the mysterious valleys
  11. Alexander Pushkin - Magic Land
  12. Nikolay Rubtsov - On the lake
  13. Alexey Pleshcheev - The grass turns green, the sun shines
  14. Alexey Pleshcheev - Bird
  15. Mikhail Lermontov - In the middle of heavenly bodies
  16. Mikhail Lermontov - Sun
  17. Mikhail Lermontov - Everything is quiet, full moon
  18. Afanasy Fet - Bell
  19. Afanasy Fet - From the wilds of fogs timidly
  20. Afanasy Fet - September rose
  21. Marina Tsvetaeva - July to April
  22. Marina Tsvetaeva - Silver beam
  23. Ivan Bunin - Autumn
  24. Nikolay Glazkov - The apple blossom turns white
  25. Bella Akhmadulina - Long life to you
  26. David Samoilov - Rowan
  27. Alexander Pushkin - Spring, spring, time for love
  28. Alexander Pushkin - There is a cave in the Carian grove, dear to hunters
  29. Alexander Pushkin - Cold winds still blow
  30. Alexander Pushkin - Terek rushes between the mountain walls
  31. Alexander Pushkin - Above me in clear azure
  32. Alexander Pushkin - Forgetting both the grove and freedom
  33. Nikolay Zabolotsky - Autumn landscapes
  34. The best
    Fedor Tyutchev - Clouds are melting in the sky
  35. Fedor Tyutchev - Evening
  36. Fedor Tyutchev - What are you leaning over the waters
  37. The best
    Fedor Tyutchev - Sphinx Nature
  38. The best
    Fedor Tyutchev - A kite rose from the meadow
  39. Fedor Tyutchev - Quiet flowing in the lake
  40. Fedor Tyutchev - Quiet Night, Late Summer
  41. Fedor Tyutchev - Calm
  42. Fedor Tyutchev - Morning in the mountains
  43. Alexander Tvardovsky - Forest in autumn
  44. Constantin Balmont - Dandelion
  45. Nikolay Zabolotsky - Trees
  46. Nikolay Rubtsov - I will die in Epiphany frosts
  47. Nikolay Rubtsov - Flowers
  48. Nikolay Rubtsov - Leaves flew away
  49. Agnia Barto - Cold Spring
  50. Agnia Barto - I know what to think of
  51. Land living peoples

Short poems about nature: read the popular, best, beautiful poems of the classic poet on the RuStikh website about love and the Motherland, nature and animals, for children and adults. If you have not found the desired verse, poet or theme, we recommend using the search at the top of the site.


Poems about nature

Poems about nature

Goddess of the forest

Pine tree with amber bark.
Goddess of the forest! Like spring
Green-crowned breathing with needles,
Green-eyed country!

She has fortitude and impulse,
They burn lightly and majestically.
Dawn will blush her carpets.
Sunset weaves purple bedspreads.

The Goddess stands in beauty,
Bathed in gold of burning
With a needle painting on canvas
Forest landscape, their visions.


And again the rain. The birch is crying with leaves
Dew from heaven glitters with diamonds
Ripples on the river, the water is transparent clear
Can't water the earth in any way.

Ruby cherry with dawn is poured,
The crystal grass is rustling,
Nature wakes up to the sound of rain
In the cool of the morning, captivating with beauty.

The winds play, play with ears,
On the field, a swell wave lay,
In the sky, thunder and clouds argue with graying
At the other end of the frozen village.

V. Zadorozhny

Slowly sliding down my cheek.

A cloud hovers like a black raven,
Are these moments worthless
Thunder in the sky speaks like a thunder.

Brooks rang in the drains,

The sky is overcast, the rain is getting stronger
The horizon is no longer visible

Unfolding an umbrella in a rush.

Full breath, dizzy

And the grass glistens under the drops.

V. Zadorozhny

How cheerful is the roar of summer storms,
When, throwing up flying ashes,
A thunderstorm that has surged like a cloud
Confuse the sky blue

And recklessly madly
Suddenly he runs into the oak grove,
And the whole oak grove will tremble
Broad-leaved and noisy! ..

As if under the invisible heel,
Forest giants bend;
Their peaks murmur anxiously,
As if conferring among themselves, -

And through sudden anxiety
A bird's whistle is heard silently,
And where is the first yellow leaf,
Spinning, flies onto the road ...

F. Tyutchev

How sweetly the dark green garden slumbers,
Embraced by the bliss of the blue night!
Through apple trees, whitened flowers,
How sweet the golden month shines! ..

Mysteriously, as on the first day of creation,
A host of stars burns in the bottomless sky,
Exclamations of distant music are heard,
The neighboring key speaks louder ...

The veil has descended on the daytime world,
The movement was exhausted, the work fell asleep ...
Over the sleeping hail, as in the tops of the forest,
A wonderful nightly hum woke up ...

Where is he from, this incomprehensible hum? ..
Or mortal thoughts, freed by sleep,
The world is incorporeal, audible, but invisible,
Now swarming in the chaos of the night? ..

F. Tyutchev

Morning in the mountains

Heavenly azure laughs
Night washed by a thunderstorm
And between the rop dew twists
The valley is a bright stripe.

Only the highest mountains to half
Mists cover the slope
As if the ruins in the air
By the magic of the chambers created.

F. Tyutchev

The clouds are melting in the sky
And, radiant in the heat,
The river is rolling in sparks
Like a steel mirror ...

From hour to hour the heat is stronger
The shadow has gone to the dumb oak trees,
And from the whitening fields
It blows a honey smell.

A wonderful day! Centuries will pass -
It will be the same, in the eternal order,
The river flows and sparkles
And the fields breathe in the heat.

F. Tyutchev

On a quiet night, late summer
As the stars in the sky glow,
How under their gloomy light
Dormant fields are ripening ...
Sleepy silent
How shine in the stillness of the night
Their golden waves
Whitened by the moon ...

F. Tyutchev

Quiet flowing in the lake
The gleam of golden roofs,
A lot looks into the lake
The glories of the past.

Life is playing, the sun is warming
But under her and under him
Here the past blows wonderfully
By his charm.

The sun is shining golden
The streams of the lake shine ...
Here is a great past
As if breathing in oblivion;

Slumbering sweetly carefree
Not embarrassing wondrous dreams
And fleeting anxiety
Swan voices ...

F. Tyutchev

Rye ripens over a hot cornfield,
And from the fields to the fields
The whimsical wind is driving
Gold tints.

Shyly a month looks into the eyes,
Amazed that the day is not over
But wide into the realm of the night
The day has spread out.

Over the boundless harvest of grain
Between sunset and east
Just for a moment it adjoins the sky
Fire-breathing eye.

Sad birch
By my window
And at the whim of the frost
It is disassembled.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All funeral attire.

I love the game of the day
I notice on her,
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches

Russian expanse

Russian field, expanse,
Where the grass is not cut
There's a sea of ​​chamomile
And over the sea is blue.

There is a boundless carpet of flowers
Bright, gentle and wide
And sways in the open field
Herbs are a breeze.

There the grass grows up to the waist,
No paths, no roads.
And what a joy it is
Wander there for at least an hour.

Look into the eyes of daisies
Smile at the cornflowers
Delicate pink flower
Clover clings to my feet.

Bells, carnations,
Ivan tea and St. John's wort
Everything blooms, fragrant
Drenched in dew.

The splendor of summer grasses
Can't compare you to anything
Unsolved mystery
Beauty is understandable to everyone.

I. Butrimova

Moscow suburbs

Moscow region native nature,
Cornflower-blue birch edge,
Open your soul towards her
And give love without a trace.

She will respond with a warm wind
Like a nightingale song in spring
And in the sun sparkling with snow
And the coolness of the brook in the summer heat.

By the beauty of a spring meadow
The scent of uncut herbs
A yellow stack of fragrant hay
And tents of green oak groves.

Golden fields of wheat
Copper leaves in autumn forests,
When the birds are circling in flocks
Above you in blue skies.

With snow-white caps of firs,
An even tablecloth of snowy fields,
With the magic of New Year's blizzards
Bullfinches among white branches.

Moscow region native nature,
Can't find us a mile in the world!
Does not depend on the season
Feeling of tender sympathy for her.

I. Butrimova

Birch Grove

Birch Grove,
You are my favorite forest
The most delicate leaves
And the crown to heaven.

Weeping lovely branches
Their delicate scent.
Birches in white dresses
The smart ones are standing.

Herbs carpet green
I clung to the trunks of birches,
Pearl white lily of the valley
Glitters among them.

Leaflets fluttering
And the song of the nightingale
And a quiet murmur
A transparent stream.

I. Butrimova


How quietly it blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing
Like the noise from a flock of cranes, -
And in the resounding leaves he froze.

Like a spring sea in flood,
Brighter, the day does not flutter, -
And hurry up, be quiet
A shadow falls across the valley.

F. Tyutchev


White-trunk birch bent over the pond.
Mirror water admires its beauty.
The birch is washed with dew in the morning.
The wind caresses her, the fog luxuriates with her.

She stands smartly with a loose braid
And the traveler admires the unwritten beauty.
A ray of sunshine, the scarlet dawn comes to visit her
And from that it becomes even nicer.

B. Sheshegov

Tired evening

The tired evening hesitates at the window
The bright dawn has already faded,
Having touched the crowns of birches a little
Honey-gilded amber.

Dandelion eyelashes joined together,
Inhaling tart meadow infusion,
Until the birds flutter in the forest,
And the thick fog will not melt here.

Then, slightly flinching, fragile blades
Shaking off the dewdrops quivering mercury
In a cool malachite hollow, -
And this evening will never be returned.

Well, in the meantime, the tired evening hesitates,
And a new life is ripening,
In the silence, indistinct babbling is heard louder than herbs,
A distant star hears him.

Tatiana Maslova-Sherwood


We watched a rainbow in the sky:
The stripes were considered colored
And they decided to each color
Come up with a funny secret.

Let red confess love
Orange plays with the sun
And the yellow tulip is called
Leave the cactus green.

Let blue be the sky
And blue - like a sea wave,
Let it turn purple
A flower with an unusual border.

We counted many "secrets"
There are seven of them in total (to be precise),
But everyone in the colors of those will see
Just what the fantasy wants.

Hides a month behind barns
Yellow face from the fierce sun.
High above the meadows
There is a glow in the east.
The dawn is fogging with foam,
As if the depths of the eyes of the unknown.
Spring has arrived like a wanderer
With a fringe in birch bark bast shoes.
On the birch trees in the shady grove
Ringing earrings hung
And with dawn into the lilac garden
She fluttered merrily as a moth.

S. Yesenin


Four beautiful seasons of the year
And all children are glad to everyone:

In winter, it's skis and sledges!
In the spring - these are puddles, green parks!
And in the summer - the holidays are hot!
Only in autumn it is a little sad -
The nature around begins to fall asleep ...


Burdock stood in the rain
And the fluff grew fat from the water.
Burdock did not wither, burdock did not wither,
Burdock swamp wet groin.

Hid a burdock from the prickly jets
Green moss and small flies
Chipmunks, mice and those
Who was afraid to wet the fur.

When the downpour of the summer verse,
There was a loud sneeze in the forest.
Let's rain soaked burdock
He sneezed out loud four times.

Of the courtiers

The beginning of a thunderstorm

The sky frowned with shaggy eyebrows,
Sullenly looked at the ground;
Descended, hanging flush with the trees,
And it flashed with a beautiful horror.

The earth trembled: she was frightened!
She squeezed herself into a ball from the roar! ..
Like a scary tale, the thunderstorm began
Whirling fiery "lines"! ..

Green hairstyle,
Girlish breasts,
Oh thin birch,
What looked into the pond?

What is the wind whispering to you?
What is the sand ringing about?
Or do you want in braids-branches
Are you a moon comb?

Open up, reveal a secret to me
Your tree thoughts
I fell in love with sad
Your pre-autumn noise.

And the birch tree answered me:
“O curious friend,
Starry tonight
Here the shepherd shed tears.

The moon cast shadows
They shone green.
Behind bare knees
He hugged me.

And so, breathing deeply,
He said to the ringing of the branches:
“Goodbye my dove,
Until the new cranes. "

S. Yesenin

You are my fallen maple, icy maple,
Why are you standing bent over under a white blizzard?

Or what did you see? Or what did you hear?
As if you went for a walk outside the village

And, like a drunken watchman, stepping out onto the road,
He drowned in a snowdrift, froze his leg.

Ah, and now I myself have become unstable,
I won't make it home from a friendly drinking binge.

There I met a willow, there I noticed a pine tree,
I sang them songs under a snowstorm about summer.

I seemed to myself the same maple,
Only not fallen, but green with might and main.

And, having lost modesty, having become stupefied into the board,
Like a stranger's wife, he hugged a birch tree.

S. Yesenin

Beloved land! The heart is dreaming
Skirts of the sun in the waters of the pubic.
I would like to get lost
In the greens of your hundred-bells.

Along the boundary, on the line,
Reseda and porridge robe.
And they call the rosary
Willows are gentle nuns.

A swamp smokes like a cloud
Burn in the heavenly yoke.
With a quiet secret for someone
I harbored thoughts in my heart.

I meet everything, I accept everything,
Glad and happy to take out the soul.
I came to this land
To leave her as soon as possible.

S. Yesenin

You are my abandoned land,
You are my land, wasteland,
Unmown hay,
Forest and monastery.

The huts have taken care of
And there are five of them.
Their roofs foamed
Into the glowing bungalow.

Under the straw-riza
The wind mold is glaucous
Sprinkled with the sun.

They hit the windows without missing
Ravens with a wing
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
Waving his sleeve.

Didn't it tell in the barnacle
Your life and reality
What's in the evening for a traveler
Whispered feather grass?

S. Yesenin

Small forest. Steppe and gave.
The light of the moon to all ends.
Here again we suddenly burst into tears
Draft bells.

Unsightly road
Yes, beloved forever,
Which I traveled a lot
Every Russian person.

Eh you sleigh! What a sleigh!
Ringing of frozen aspens.
My father is a peasant
Well, I am a peasant son.

I don't give a damn about fame
And that I am a poet.
This stunted area
I have not seen for many years.

The one who has seen at least once
This edge and this surface,
Almost every birch tree
I'm glad to kiss the leg.

How can I not cry
If with a wreath in chill and links
Will have fun by your side
Youth of Russian villages.

Eh, accordion, death is poison,
Know, from that under this howl
Not one dashing glory
Was lost by tryn-grass.

S. Yesenin

Swamp and swamps
Blue circuit boards of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest is ringing.

Between the forest curls,
Dark fir trees dream
The homont of the haymakers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is dragging on -
Dry linden
Smells from wheels.

Hearing rakitas
Wind whistle ...
You are my forgotten land
You are my dear land.

S. Yesenin

Bird cherry

Bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And the branches are golden
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slides down the bark
Spicy greens under her
Shines in silver.
And next to the thaw,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows a little
Silver Stream.
Bird cherry
Hanging up, it's worth
And the greens are golden
It burns in the sun.
A rattling wave of a stream
All branches are poured
And smoothly under the steep
She sings songs to her.

S. Yesenin

The scarlet light of dawn was woven on the lake.
In the forest, the wood grouses are crying with bells.

An oriole is crying somewhere, hiding in a hollow.
Only I'm not crying - my soul is light.

I know that you will leave the ring of roads in the evening,
Let's sit in fresh heaps under a nearby haystack.

I'll kiss you drunk, I'll knock like a color,
There is no gossip for the drunk with joy.

You yourself, under the caresses, will throw off the silk of the veil,
I'll take you drunk until morning into the bushes.

And let the wood grouses cry with the bells,
There is merry longing in the dawn's scarves.

S. Yesenin

It's already evening. Dew
Glitters on nettles.
I'm standing by the road
Leaning against the willow.

Great light from the moon
Straight to our roof.
Somewhere the song of a nightingale
In the distance I can hear.

Good and warm
Like the stove in winter.
And the birches stand
Like big candles.

And far beyond the river
It can be seen behind the edge,
The sleepy watchman knocks
With a dead beater.

S. Yesenin

During a thunderstorm

Suddenly the sky broke through
With cold fire and thunder!
And the wind started at random
Download the gardens behind our house.

A curtain of muddy rain
The forest was clouded over.
Shredding the darkness and furrowing
Lightning flew to the ground!

And the cloud went, the mountain was like a mountain!
The shepherd screamed, the herd rushed about,
And only the church is under a thunderstorm
She was silent piously and holy.

Silent, lost in thought, and I,
With a habitual look, contemplating
Ominous celebration of being
A confused view of the homeland.

And all the heights split
A lullaby was heard
And the arrows of lightning all rushed
Into the alarming, boundless space.

N. Rubtsov

What the park whispers

About every new fresh stump,
On a branch broken aimlessly
I yearn for my soul mortally,
And it hurts me so tragically.
The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning.
Spruce bushes are thinning ...
He was once the forest is thicker,
And in the mirrors of autumn puddles
He was reflected by a giant ...
But now they came on two legs
Animals - and in the valleys
The ax carried its echoing swing.
I can hear listening to the buzz
Of a murderous ax
Park whispers, “Soon I won't ...
But I lived - it was time ... "

I. Severyanin

The spring forest is almost transparent
It is all light and blue,
And the smoke of its foliage is inconspicuous -
Fluff above the upper lip.

Inexperienced, careless
Open to the winds from all directions
Not a bit alarmed yet
He whistles jokingly.

Then summer comes to him
He is a slow force,
In the happy turns of the world
The foliage is heavy, like curls.

How these days fly like an arrow!
No grief, no offense, -
As pulls with honey and resin,
How dazzling from the birches!

Then October whistles with the winds
Along the glades of long and roads,
Over thinned curls
Friends aging in due course.

The autumn forest is almost nondescript
She does not strive to shine with herself,
Waiting for snow - sharp and transparent,
Calm, dry and businesslike.

K. Vanshenkin

And there will be lights of roses
Rose hips bloom, alley,
And underfoot the slope
Lilac sage scent
And in the depths the bay shimmers
With a scaly glitter of sleepy abyss,
In a gray-haired rim of foamy manes
And in the red frame of the burned mountains.
And you with your hand raised
Without taking your eyes off the seaside,
You will walk the evening trail
From the prayer plateau ...
You pass the sheep cattle, the ravine ...
You will be escorted to the fence
Cows pensive glances
And the sad eyes of the dogs.
Growing up with a toothed wing,
The shadow of the peaks touches the sea,
And you will arise, melting, melting,
In the wormwood gloom of the valleys.

M. Voloshin

The sky is in subtle patterns
Wants to overcome the day
And in the soul and in the lakes
The night is overturned.

I want to shout something
Into this black mouth
Creep with a timid heart,
To fall down with a sensitive ear.

And you go and don't breathe ...
The fields are getting colder.
No, listen ... Do you hear?
The earth breathes.

I fall to the grass.
To be yours forever ...
“I know… I know… I know everything” -
Water whispers.

The night is dark and starless.
Someone is crying in their sleep.
Abyss overturned
On the waters and in me.

M. Voloshin

On the pond

On a clear morning on a quiet pond
Swallows briskly soar around,
Down to the water itself
Just touch the moisture with the wing.

They sing loudly on the fly
And the meadows are green around,
And it stands, like a mirror, a pond,
Reflecting their shores

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
A forest has tipped over from the banks,
And the pattern of clouds leaves
Into the depths of the reflected skies

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light ...
And it comes steadily from the fields
A quiet ringing from the village over the water.

All woods and woods. And the day is getting dark;
The lower classes turn blue and the grass
It turns white with gray dew in the meadows ...
The gray owl woke up.

Westward pine trees in a row
They go like a host of sentinels,
And the muddy sun is a Firebird
Burns in their centuries-old wilds.


And here it is - Zarya, Zarya!
I swept a gentle ruby
Through the blue sky, giving
The plot of the divine picture.
Leaves and sand laugh.
Eternity flies like stardust.
And the flaming East
Carries delight on light wings.
A little bit more and the sun's ray
Time pierces with hot pain.
The motive of heaven sounds. Singer -
Hey! Hey! Expansion of love!


In the fog of cloudy ruins
Meeting the morning dawn
He was almost immaterial
And he is not dressed in life forms.
An embryo nourished by a cloud
He was worried, he was seething
And suddenly, cheerful and mighty,
Hit the strings and sang.
And the whole oak forest shone
Lightning sparkle of tears
And the leaves of every joint
They stirred by the birches.
Stretched by a thousand threads
Between the gloomy sky and the earth,
He burst into the stream of events,
Hanging his head down.
He fell from a distance, with a slope
In the gray accumulations of oak forests.
And the whole earth in a mighty bosom
She drank, trembling.

Nmkolay Zabolotsky

On the lake

The hut swayed on the hill
In the reed eyelashes of the lakes,
Clear cherry dawns in the morning
Embroider a pattern on the windows.
Under the mountain of silver melt
The waves are stroking the lake cover -
It's good for me to swim this morning
Under the raids of light winds.
The sun dances with a radiant tan
The steppes are pouring with a patterned carpet,
Waves are beating with molten smoke
About the side with tidal silver.

Boris Ruchev

The night is growing pale ... a veil of fog
It grows whiter in hollows and meadows,
The forest is louder, the moon is lifeless
And the silver dew on the glasses is colder.

The estate is still sleeping ... It's still dark in the garden,
Immovable poplar matte green,
And I can hear the air through the open window
Watered with spring aroma ...

The day is already near, a short dream has passed -
And, in the house without breaking the silence,
Silently go out the door to the balcony
And I'm waiting for a quietly bright sunrise ...

Ship pines

Heading north home
How many times in reality and in a dream
I remembered the stately, straight
Red-finned Karelian pine.

Magnifying her fabulous growth.
And she grows on the mountain.
At night she fumbles among the stars
And burns with fire at dawn.

I recalled, as in a winter forest,
No branches from top to toe,
Swaying slightly in the snow in the wind
The ship's pines creak.

And when spring comes
The trunks are getting younger, turning red.
And the dense thicket is drunk
From the resin that has warmed up during the day.

S. Marshak

What wonderful places:
Forests of the mighty land,
The calling river is clear -
Get some coolness.

Barely touching the breeze
The tops move.
Splendor source
Spilled through the air.

Irina Troshina

Stands lonely in the wild north
On the bare top is a pine tree,
And slumbers, swaying, and loose snow
She is dressed like a robe.

And she dreams of everything that is in the distant desert,
In the land where the sun rises
Alone and sad on a cliff with fuel
A beautiful palm tree is growing.

M. Lermontov

Do not turn yellow, birch, ahead of schedule

Do not turn yellow, birch, ahead of schedule,
Drink your summer to the end.
Look at the green-eyed world
There are so many clear days ahead.

The swallows don't fly away yet.
Cranes roam in quiet reaches ...
Why do they fly around so early
Are your yellow teardrops?

Why are you bending the branches so hard?
And to be sad, and to cry, wait.
Nothing that little black marks
Summer rains have not washed away.

Malachite greens are still early
Exchange for gold and copper.
Look, rowan and rakita
They continue to turn violently green.

And windy October will come.
Throw off your gold outfit.
For you I will update sewing December -
Dress with a snow-white veil.

Standing next to the spruce and pine,
You will freeze from the wind
And then came in the spring
You will bloom and turn green again.

N. Tsvetkova


From the magic jug
The river released the gin
And he swam over the water
With a long white beard
Over the fields, over the meadows,
Cleverly hiding behind the haystacks.
Retired into a dark forest
Lost and disappeared.

N. Tsvetkova

After the rain

Again the rain is drumming on the roof
Sitting on a leaf with pearls,
Drumming quieter and quieter
And it will stop completely later.

And the sky will smooth out from the wind,
Smiles with a golden star
And a fun good summer
Will be with me again for a long time.

The clouds will be mirrored
In the clear surface of rainwater,
And you will think that it is no coincidence
There was a hot heat before the downpour,

What has now risen above the clouds
Colorful rainbow dream
And the trees are green themselves
Dyed pink

And raindrops in the emerald grass
Reflect that pink light
And the fabulous wind sings,
Going back many years.

I. Gavrilova


Poems about nature for children

Sunny playing
In drops of rain
It sparkles with a rainbow.
Leaving to the sky

Ties together
Celestial bridge -
Rainbow arc!

We are all morning
We were busy with sprouts
We planted them
With your own hands.

My grandmother and I together
We planted seedlings
And Katya went
With a girlfriend in the garden.

Then we had to
Fight the weeds
We pulled them out
With your own hands.

My grandmother and I were carrying
Full watering cans.
And Katya was sitting
In the garden on a bench.

What are you on the bench
Are you sitting like a stranger? -
And Katya said:
- I'm waiting for the harvest.

The sky is crying in tiny tears
Slapped an umbrella in a girl's hand
The drops melt into small pieces of ice
Slowly sliding down my cheek.

The rain has gone, passers-by are in a hurry,
A cloud hovers like a black raven,
Are these moments worthless -
Thunder in the sky speaks like a thunder.

The leaves shone like mirrors
Brooks rang in the drains,
Crystal drops are falling from the sky
Shivering into bubbles.

The sky is overcast, the rain is getting stronger
The horizon is no longer visible
The wind was a little offended by the weather,
Unfolding an umbrella in a rush.

The air is clean, you can't breathe ozone,
Full breath, dizzy
In a measured beat, the song of the rain is heard
And the grass glistens under the drops.

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the ground.
And the blue jug blooms
And the cranes are calling each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Waiting impatiently for warm thunderstorms.
All springs are warmed by breath,
All around and loves and sings.

White-trunk birch bent over the pond.
Mirror water admires its beauty.
The birch is washed with dew in the morning.
The wind caresses her, the fog luxuriates with her.

She stands smartly with a loose braid
And the traveler admires the unwritten beauty.
A ray of sunshine, the scarlet dawn comes to visit her
And from that it becomes even nicer.

Sad birch
By my window
And at the whim of the frost
It is disassembled.
Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All funeral attire.
I love the game of the day
I notice on her,
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

You alone cast a dull shadow

And the greedy land watered with rain.

From the magic jug
The river released the gin
And he swam over the water
With a long white beard
Over the fields, over the meadows,
Cleverly hiding behind the haystacks.
Retired into a dark forest
Lost and disappeared.

Warm rain is washing the forest
Leaves and herbs whisper,
And raise the trunks to the skies
The crown of a green oak forest.

Having chosen an observation post in the branches,
Rejoicing in the downpour in July
The thrush is swinging like on a swing
With a drop of the sun on its beak.

Covers the golden leaf
Wet ground in the forest ...
I boldly trample with my foot
The beauty of the spring forest.

Cheeks burn from the cold:
Anyway in the forest I run,
Hear the branches crack
Rake the leaves with your foot!

Long on the leaves lies
The nights are frosty, and through the forest
Somehow looks cold
Clarity of transparent skies ...

Driven by the spring rays
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped by muddy streams
To the sunken meadows
A clear smile of nature
He meets the morning of the year through a dream;

The blue shines in the skies.
Still transparent, forests
As if they are turning green in rest.
A bee for a tribute to the field
Flies out of the wax cell.
The valleys dry and dazzle;

The flocks are noisy, and the nightingale
I was already singing in the silence of the nights.

Run out quickly
Look at the bullfinches.
Arrived, Arrived,
Snowstorms greeted the flock!
A Frost-Red Nose
He brought them mountain ash.
Well treated
Sweetened well.
On a late winter evening
Bright scarlet bunches.

I love the storm in early May,
When the spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Thunders in the blue sky.

The rolls of the young are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilded the threads.

A swift stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the bird noise will not be silent,
And the din of the forest, and the noise of the mountain -
Everything echoes merrily to thunder ...

It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes!

In the meadow by that path
That runs straight to our house,
A flower grew on a long stem -
White with a yellow eye.
I wanted to pick a flower
She brought her palm to him,
And the bee flew off the flower
And buzzes, buzzes:
"Don't touch!"


Small poems by Russian poets about the nature of their native forest

About the tourist Fedya and the bear (how not to behave in the forest)

On the dense green grass
The tourist "green" was going on a hike.
In the silence the "magician" rumbles,
His backpack rattles in time.
The sun is shining brightly in the sky
A cool wind hits your face.
Fedya, - that was the name of the tourist, -
For the first time he is storming the distance.

An hour passed, then a second,
The hero is not tired at all.
- They are melting, - know for yourself at the same time, -
In a bright pack of cigarettes.
Yes, matches are smoking in the bushes,
That throws out of habit.
- In this sunny wilderness -
So the landscapes are good!

Here in a rowan jacket,
Picking up the toe of your boot
Your cigarette butt boy
Delightfully threw it on the stump.
What a frightened bird
From the nest took off at a stroke.
Fedya shouted after her:
- Greetings to the wood grouse!

Unfinished bottle
I threw it in a heap at the fork.
A ray of light jumps from the bottle
A hot stream on a heap ...
Dry twigs heap
Will soon flare up like gunpowder.
- ... The guy is strong, full of strength -
He left a trace of it ...

From a rocket launcher to a squirrel
He hits a plate as if in a dash.
No delay, in between.
It is immediately obvious that the guy is brave.
Squirrel brood squirrels
He hides in his green garden.
Fedya laughs after them:
- Red-haired ardent hello!

Among the thick windbreak
I decided to rest as at home.
And Fedya is quick to rest -
Instantly lit a big fire.
I ate the Snickers and drank some tea. -
Full of fresh energy again.
And, without extinguishing the fire,
He disappeared into the gloomy wilderness.

Again in the silence the "magician" rumbles,
His backpack rattles in time.
The sun is shining brightly in the sky
A cool wind hits your face.
But behind Fedya's back
A thick veil of smoke.

And around this time
The bear walked quietly up the hill.
Seeing everything is his habit:
Looks - the forest is burning from a match ...
Where there was a fire -
The old forest is in flames.
From a burning heap to a thicket
The serpent is crawling, smoking with fire.

A stump burst into flames.
Well, it turned out to be a day!
Here's a job
Until the seventh, immediately, sweat!

The red skin is smoking,
The bear continues to fight
With a roaming fire.
- Not enough hour in the afternoon -
Extinguishes the evening, extinguishes the night
To help the native taiga!

Anger suffocates the bear:
- Rip off the bastard's ears.
Let him hack on the nose
How to behave in the forest.
But while he was extinguishing the taiga,
Fedya's trail is long gone.
- A brave boy sleeps in a crib ...
The forest burned - and the ears are intact ...

And I had time with my family
Everyone about their exploits
Tell a heroic tale
How saved in the burning taiga
Mom - squirrels and squirrels,
With a wood grouse they are deaf.
That even though he is a simple guy,
But in the taiga he led like a hero!

Yes, - the bear thought, -
Hundreds of Fedya come to the forest.
Will not see behind every Fedya
Even a thousand bears.
We need to make Fedya
Honored by the Rules of the Bears!

So that they and all the boys
They were read like books.
Did not smoke, did not litter,
The forest was worshiped in everything.
They took care of animals and birds,
Without bad habits
And then in the forest the bears
Even Fedyam will be glad.


Poems about nature for children.

Rainbow(L. Gromova)

Sunny playing
In drops of rain
It sparkles with a rainbow.
Leaving to the sky

Ties together
Celestial bridge -
Rainbow arc!

Sad birch(A. Fet)

Sad birch
By my window
And at the whim of the frost
It is disassembled.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All funeral attire.

I love the game of the day
I notice on her,
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

Cloud(A. Pushkin)

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you are rushing across the clear azure.
You alone cast a dull shadow
You alone sadden a joyous day.

You recently wrapped around the sky,
And the lightning wrapped menacingly around you;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And the greedy land watered with rain.

Enough, hide! The time has passed
The ground refreshed and the storm swept by
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the wood,
Heaven drives you from the reassured.

It's a sad time!(excerpt) (A. Pushkin)

It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.

chamomile(M. Poznanskaya)

In the meadow by that path
That runs straight to our house,
A flower grew on a long stem -
White with a yellow eye.
I wanted to pick a flower
She brought her palm to him,
And the bee flew off the flower
And buzzes, buzzes:
"Don't touch!"

Sun and me(L. Tatyanicheva)

In the summer the sun wakes me up -
It wakes up early.
The earth awaits him with hot rays,
Wet with fog.
He cares -
No end to end.
Warm everyone up, come on!
I should sleep, but it is:
- Get up!
The strawberries are ripe.
… In winter it turns out the opposite.
We change places.
The sun does not rise for a long time in winter, -
I wake him up in the morning.
The edge of the dark forest brightens.
Throwing my satchel over my shoulders,
I ask the sun:
- Get up quickly! -
And the sun rushes towards ...

Environment(L. Fadeeva)

Everything - from the old pine tree by the fence
Before the big dark pine forest
And from lake to pond -

And also a bear and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -

I love silence on the lake
And the reflections of the roofs in the pond,
I like to pick blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox ...
I love you forever,

Living ABC book(V. Orlov)

Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing.

Patience spider.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.
And besides, in their work
Everything is fair.
Reflection in water
Teaches us truthfulness.
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness:
Every day, winter and summer,
Gives us warmth and light.
And in return no one else
Will not ask for anything!
Nature all year round
You need to learn.
We are trees of all kinds,
All the big forest people
They teach strong friendship.


Yesenin's short poems about nature, which are easy to learn for children

All poems by Sergei Yesenin

  1. Sergey Yesenin - The fields are compressed, the groves are goals
  2. The best
    Sergey Yesenin - White birch under my window
  3. Sergey Yesenin - Cherry cherry
  4. Sergei Yesenin - A blizzard is crying like a gypsy violin
  5. Sergey Yesenin - Autumn
  6. Sergey Yesenin - The evening was smoking, the cat is dozing on the bar
  7. Sergey Yesenin - I will look in the field, I will look into the sky
  8. Sergey Yesenin - Spring evening
  9. Sergey Yesenin - Where there are cabbage beds
  10. Sergey Yesenin - Pours bird cherry with snow
  11. The best
    Sergey Yesenin - Good morning
  12. Sergey Yesenin - Hides a month behind barns
  13. Sergei Yesenin - The Tempest
  14. Sergey Yesenin - Stars
  15. Sergey Yesenin - Sunrise
  16. Sergey Yesenin - The stars have bought up in invisible delirium
  17. Sergey Yesenin - Silver road
  18. Sergey Yesenin - Village (From Taras Shevchenko)
  19. Sergei Yesenin - Through the forest the goblin shouts at an owl
  20. Sergei Yesenin - Witch
  21. Sergei Yesenin - Acrostic (to Rurik Ivnev)
  22. Sergey Yesenin - The month is butting with the horn of the cloud

Yesenin's short poems about nature: read the popular, best, beautiful poems of the classic poet on the RuStikh website about love and the Motherland, nature and animals, for children and adults. If you have not found the desired verse, poet or theme, we recommend using the search at the top of the site.

With each of its seasons, nature seems to surprise a person with different colors and changing moods. In the spring we see the awakening of all living things, in the summer - growth, freshness, fragrance and riot of color, autumn - a slow immersion in sleep, and winter - snow-white silence.

Poets convey very vivid images of nature in their poems. Children will learn that nature has its own look, color and weather patterns at every season. In today's article, we have prepared such colorful poems about nature for children 4-5, 6-7 years old, for 1-2-3, 4-5 and 6 grades: short and light, for the competition of readers, poems by Russian and modern poets.

The river released gin from the magic jug ...

Nature poems for children 4-5 years old are short and easy


Spring has come to the country house again.
The sun rejoices. The day has grown.
And only some icicles cry
Sparing winter and frost.
G. Novitskaya


From the magic jug
The river released the gin
And he swam over the water
With a long white beard
Over the fields, over the meadows,
Cleverly hiding behind the haystacks.
Retired into a dark forest
Lost and disappeared.
N. Tsvetkova

The brook runs ringing.
He invites me:
“Come on, race!
Who is faster to the river ?! "
And he took off.
I follow him, not feeling my legs.
The river glistens ahead.
I hear a splash from afar:
"You won't catch up anyway -
I've been in the river for a long time! "
N. Radchenko

If the snow melts everywhere

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream is ringing in the fields,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
This means that spring has come to us.
E. Karganova

Into the frost

Snow and cold outside.
A puddle is filled with strong ice.
Shyly from the road
Twigs of the trail
Reach for houses:
- Can I get warm with you?
Valentina Lancetti


Sunny playing
In drops of rain
It sparkles with a rainbow.
Leaving to the sky
Ties together
Celestial bridge -
Rainbow arc!
L. Gromova

What is a forest?

What is a forest?
Pines to the skies
Birches and oaks,
Berries, mushrooms ...
Animal paths
Hills and lowlands
Soft grass,
An owl on a bitch.
Silver lily of the valley,
The air is clean, clean
And a spring with a living
Spring water.

What is a meadow?

What is a meadow?
A carpet of grass around.
Elegant corollas of flowers,
Voiced grasshoppers.
Playful moths
Beetles are unhurried.
With sweet honey bees,
Quail song.
Mint flavor,
Summer's gentle look
And up to white flies
Shepherd with a pipe.

What is a river?

What is a river?
There are clouds on the water.
Willows are above the water.
Spring floods.
Perch, ruffs.
Water lilies, reeds.
Foam in the sand
The boat is in the distance.
There is a duck in the nest
There is a beaver in the house.
Under the snag a cancer
Fisherman on the shore

What is a garden?

What is a garden?
Pink outfit.
Blooming apple trees
Singing birdhouses.
Blue drops
Swing balls.
Rosehip thickets,
Golden pears
Fluffy peaches.
Rustle of falling leaves,
Autumn coolness.
Bullfinch family,
Favorite bench.

What is the sea?

What is the sea?
Seagulls in the open.
Giant rocks
Cold fogs.
Three-story waves
Brave sailors.
Sharks are toothed
The whales are big-headed.
Stones of underwater boulders,
Outlandish fish.
Corals, octopuses,
Jellyfish and lampreys
And it's dark at the bottom
Like in the movies…

What are mountains?

What are mountains?
Conversations with the wind.
Snowy peaks
Terrible avalanches.
Stony paths
Antelopes are fast
The abyss is bottomless
And the caves are dark.
Thorny shrubs
Snakes and lichens
Goat climbers,
And underground diamonds.
Rivers like crystal
In the blue haze, the distance
Where the eagle soars -
Guardian of the high mountains.

To live, you need sun, freedom and a small flower.
G.K. Andersen

Winter prepared everything for everyone by herself

Poems about nature for children 6-7 years old for the recitation competition


We are all morning
We were busy with sprouts
We planted them
With your own hands.

My grandmother and I together
We planted seedlings
And Katya went
With a girlfriend in the garden.

Then we had to
Fight the weeds
We pulled them out
With your own hands.

My grandmother and I were carrying
Full watering cans.
And Katya was sitting
In the garden on a bench.

What are you on the bench
Are you sitting like a stranger? -
And Katya said:
- I'm waiting for the harvest.
A. Barto

Winter paints

Winter has prepared
Colors are all for everyone.
To the field - the best whitewash,
Dawn - scarlet ink.
All trees are clean
sequins are silvery.
And on the street - guys
decorated in a row.
As an artist, he paints in different ways:
who plays - paints red.
Who is afraid to move -
blue paint is good.
No way to beg
paint in a different way!
V. Fetisov

Scattered winter

Still standing around
The trees are bare
And drops from the roof
Funny dripping.

Winter somewhere
Run away in a panic
And very bad
I turned on the taps.

In the clearing, by the path
Blades of grass are breaking through.
A stream runs from the hillock.
And under the tree there is snow.
B. Zakhoder


Warmed by a warm rain
Our summer was coming.
Stood on the doorstep
Galloped along the road.
I ran through the colors
Summer is audible
Here and there.

Summer, summer, sultry day
Tired stump from the heat
He gave a quiet sigh and sighed,
And he took a nap until the fall.
L. Kislenko


Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,
A yellow leaf dotted the garden.
To a warm land, where there are no snowstorms,
The flocks of birds flew away.

The clouds move in succession
The wind blows under the mountain.
Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,
A yellow leaf dotted the garden.
G. Demchenko

Winter morning

Fell into the trees at night
Finger-thick hoarfrost.
Has become a fairytale village
And so dear, dear!
Silence pours into the fence
Everything is silent, I am silent too;
You can only hear it in the well
Timofey Belozerov

Living Primer

Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing.

Patience spider.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.
And besides, in their work
Everything is fair.
Reflection in water
Teaches us truthfulness.
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness:
Every day, winter and summer,
Gives us warmth and light.
And in return no one else
Will not ask for anything!
Nature all year round
You need to learn.
We are trees of all kinds,
All the big forest people
They teach strong friendship.
V. Orlov

We live in the midst of nature, we are her friends. She constantly talks to us, but does not reveal her secrets.
I.V. Goethe.

I will walk through the forests, there are many birds ...

Poems of Russian poets about nature for children of 1-2-3 grades of primary school

Fluffy white snow
Is spinning in the air
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow
The field has turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.

Dark forest that heaped
Covered himself with a weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, soundless.

The days are shorter
The sun shines a little.
Here came the frosts
And winter has come.
I. Surikov

In the meadow

The forests are more visible in the distance
Blue skies
More noticeable and blacker
There is a strip on the arable land,
And the kids are louder
Voices over the meadow.
Spring is on the sidelines
Where is she herself?
Chu, a clear voice is heard,
Isn't this spring?
No, it's loud, subtle
A wave murmurs in the stream ...
A. Block


Snow flutters, whirls,
It's white on the street.
And puddles turned
Into cold glass.

Where the finches sang in the summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
Bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut with skis
Like chalk, squeaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
Nikolay Nekrasov

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the ground.
And the blue jug blooms
And the cranes are calling each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Waiting impatiently for warm thunderstorms.
All springs are warmed by breath,
All around and loves and sings.
A. K. Tolstoy

Winter is not without reason angry
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives them out of the yard.

And everything was in a fuss
Everything is boring Winter out -
And the larks in the sky
Already raised the bell.

Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise ...

The wicked witch went berserk
And take the snow,
She let go, running away
Into a beautiful child ...

Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blush
Contrary to the enemy.
F. Tyutchev

Bird cherry

Bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And the branches are golden
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slides down the bark
Spicy greens under her
Shines in silver.
And next to the thaw,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows a little
Silver Stream.
Bird cherry
Hanging up, it's worth
And the greens are golden
It burns in the sun.
A rattling wave of a stream
All branches are poured
And smoothly under the steep
She sings songs to her.
S. Yesenin

In May

I'll walk through the woods
There are many birds there
They all flutter, sing,
Warm nests are made.

I will visit the forest
There I will find bees:
And they make noise and buzz,
And they are in a hurry to work.

I will walk through the meadows.
The moths are there;
How beautiful they are
These days in May.
A. N. Maikov

Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up
And they look sadly
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows.
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling.

The waters rustled
Fast stream.
The birds flew away
To warm lands.
A. N. Pleshcheev

All forest and forest ...

All woods and woods. And the day is getting dark;
The lower classes turn blue and the grass
It turns white with gray dew in the meadows ...
The gray owl woke up.

Westward pine trees in a row
They go like a host of sentinels,
And the muddy sun is a Firebird
Burns in their centuries-old wilds.
I. Bunin

The stars fade and fade.
Clouds on fire.
White steam spreads over the meadows.
On the mirror water, on the curls of the vine
From dawn, a scarlet light spreads.
A sensitive reed slumbers.
Quiet - desertedness around.
The dewy path is slightly noticeable.
If you touch the bush with your shoulder, suddenly
Silver dew will sprinkle from the leaves.
I.S. Nikitin

On the pond

On a clear morning on a quiet pond
Swallows briskly soar around,
Down to the water itself
Just touch the moisture with the wing.

They sing loudly on the fly
And the meadows are green around,
And it stands, like a mirror, a pond,
Reflecting their shores

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
A forest has tipped over from the banks,
And the pattern of clouds leaves
Into the depths of the reflected skies

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light ...
And it comes steadily from the fields
A quiet ringing from the village over the water.
I. Bunin

Stands lonely in the wild north
On the bare top is a pine tree,
And slumbers, swaying, and loose snow
She is dressed like a robe.

And she dreams of everything that is in the distant desert,
In the land where the sun rises
Alone and sad on a cliff with fuel
A beautiful palm tree is growing.
M. Lermontov

Birds and animals, flowers and trees cry out to man: save, save where you stand, where you live - at a distance of sight and voice, at least at arm's length.
D.S. Likhachev

Let the bird speech become clear to your heart ...


B. Sheshegov


Covers the golden leaf
Wet ground in the forest ...
I boldly trample with my foot
The beauty of the spring forest.

Cheeks burn from the cold:
Anyway in the forest I run,
Hear the branches crack
Rake the leaves with your foot!

Long on the leaves lies
The nights are frosty, and through the forest
Somehow looks cold
Clarity of transparent skies ...
A.N. Maikov


White-trunk birch bent over the pond.
Mirror water admires its beauty.
The birch is washed with dew in the morning.
The wind caresses her, the fog luxuriates with her.

She stands smartly with a loose braid
And the traveler admires the unwritten beauty.
A ray of sunshine, the scarlet dawn comes to visit her
And from that it becomes even nicer.
B. Sheshegov

The beginning of a thunderstorm

The sky frowned with shaggy eyebrows,
Sullenly looked at the ground;
Descended, hanging flush with the trees,
And it flashed with a beautiful horror.

The earth trembled: she was frightened!
She squeezed herself into a ball from the roar! ..
Like a scary tale, the thunderstorm began
Whirling fiery "lines" ...


Everything - from the old pine tree by the fence
Before the big dark pine forest
And from lake to pond -

And also a bear and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -

I love silence on the lake
And the reflections of the roofs in the pond,
I like to pick blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox ...
I love you forever,
L. Fadeeva

There is so much beauty in nature!

There is so much beauty in nature -
Look closely and you will understand
Why dew bushes
Shiver envelopes.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
Clearer than glass
What in the evening, in a field of rye,
The quails are singing ...

Let it become your heart
Bird speech is clear -
And you will learn
How to take care of all this.
V. Chizhov

Nature has taken care of everything in such a way that everywhere you find something to learn.
Leonardo da Vinci

The Earth is spinning, in a waltz - in a circle - summer, autumn, winter….

Spring thunderstorm

I love the storm in early May,
When the spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Thunders in the blue sky.

The rolls of the young are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilded the threads.

A swift stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the bird noise will not be silent,
And the din of the forest, and the noise of the mountain -
Everything echoes merrily to thunder ...
F. I. Tyutchev

Goddess of the forest

Pine tree with amber bark.
Goddess of the forest! Like spring
Green-crowned breathing with needles,
Green-eyed country!

She has fortitude and impulse,
They burn lightly and majestically.
Dawn will blush her carpets.
Sunset weaves purple bedspreads.

The Goddess stands in beauty,
Bathed in gold of burning
With a needle painting on canvas
Forest landscape, their visions.

The last leaf

The autumn cold is a frozen puddle
Winter breathes nearby
A trembling leaf is circling in the air
There was a tear in his eyes.

I will warm the last leaf in my palms,
Autumn-artist wondrous outfit,
He adorned the stately crown,
Then, he completed the autumn ceremony.

Anxious farewell - as punishment
But, without him, spring will not come.
Winter colors - for contemplation
Winter will give me

I believe in it - it will not be otherwise,
A green leaf will give me spring
The Earth is spinning, in a waltz - in a circle
Summer, autumn, winter….
Suvorin's love

And again the rain. The birch is crying with leaves
Dew from heaven glitters with diamonds
Ripples on the river, the water is transparent clear
Can't water the earth in any way.

Ruby cherry with dawn is poured,
The crystal grass is rustling,
Nature wakes up to the sound of rain
In the cool of the morning, captivating with beauty.

The winds play, play with ears,
On the field, a swell wave lay,
In the sky, thunder and clouds argue with graying
At the other end of the frozen village.
V. Zadorozhny

Russian expanse

Russian field, expanse,
Where the grass is not cut
There's a sea of ​​chamomile
And over the sea is blue.

There is a boundless carpet of flowers
Bright, gentle and wide
And sways in the open field
Herbs are a breeze.

There the grass grows up to the waist,
No paths, no roads.
And what a joy it is
Wander there for at least an hour.

Look into the eyes of daisies
Smile at the cornflowers
Delicate pink flower
Clover clings to my feet.

Bells, carnations,
Ivan tea and St. John's wort -
Everything blooms, fragrant
Drenched in dew.

The splendor of summer grasses
Can't compare you to anything
Unsolved mystery
Beauty is understandable to everyone.
I. Butrimova

Spring evening

The silvery river flows quietly
In the kingdom of the evening green spring.
The sun sets behind the wooded mountains,
The golden horn floats out of the moon.

The West is covered with a pink ribbon,
The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,
And beyond the road in the thicket birch
The song of love was sucked into a nightingale.

Listens to deep songs affectionately
From the west, a pink ribbon is dawn.
Looks fondly at the distant stars
And the earth smiles at the sky.
S. Yesenin

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They do not always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet!
V. Berestov

Listen to Olga Korolenko's poem "On Nature" - like a warning to a person that it is necessary to take care of nature.

A. L. Barto "Katya"

We are all morning

We were busy with sprouts

We planted them

With your own hands.

My grandmother and I together

We planted seedlings

And Katya went

With a girlfriend in the garden.

Then we had to

Fight the weeds

We pulled them out

With your own hands.

My grandmother and I were carrying

Full watering cans.

And Katya was sitting

In the garden on a bench.

- What are you on the bench

Are you sitting like a stranger? -

And Katya said:

- I'm waiting for the harvest.

A. K. Tolstoy

Now the last snow in the field is melting,

Warm steam rises from the ground.

And the blue jug blooms

And the cranes are calling each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,

Waiting impatiently for warm thunderstorms.

All springs are warmed by breath,

All around and loves and sings.

A. N. Pleshcheev "Spring"

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window ...

Soon the nightingales will whistle

And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

Pure sky blue

The sun became warmer and brighter

It's time for blizzards of evil and storms

Again for a long time passed.

A. N. Maikov

Go away, Winter is gray!

Already beauties of Spring

Golden chariot

Rushing from the mountain top!

F. Tyutchev

Winter is not without reason angry

Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives them out of the yard.

And everything was in a fuss

Everything is boring Winter out -

And the larks in the sky

Already raised the bell.

Winter is still busy

And grumbles at Spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it only makes more noise ...

The wicked witch went berserk

And take the snow,

She let go, running away

Into a beautiful child ...

Spring and grief is not enough:

Washed in the snow

And only became blush

Contrary to the enemy.

A. Block "In the meadow"

The forests are more visible in the distance

Blue skies

More noticeable and blacker

There is a strip on the arable land,

Spring is on the sidelines

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave murmurs in the stream ...

A. S. Pushkin

Driven by the spring rays

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped by muddy streams

To the sunken meadows

A clear smile of nature

He meets the morning of the year through a dream;

The blue shines in the skies.

Still transparent, forests

As if they are turning green in rest.

A bee for a tribute to the field

Flies out of the wax cell.

The valleys dry and dazzle;

The flocks are noisy, and the nightingale

I was already singing in the silence of the nights.

F. I. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm"

I love the storm in early May,

When the spring, the first thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Thunders in the blue sky.

The rolls of the young are thundering,

Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,

Rain pearls hung,

And the sun gilded the threads.

A swift stream runs from the mountain,

In the forest, the bird noise will not be silent,

And the din of the forest, and the noise of the mountain -

Everything echoes merrily to thunder ...

L. Kislenko "Summer"

Warmed by a warm rain

Our summer was coming.

Stood on the doorstep

Galloped along the road.

I ran through the colors

Summer is audible

Here and there.

Summer, summer, sultry day

Tired stump from the heat

He gave a quiet sigh and sighed,

And he took a nap until the fall.

L. Kislenko "Summer in a red sarafan"

Summer in a red sundress

Our Anna liked:

- Give me a sundress,

I'll sew a pocket on it.

Summer in a red sundress

Smiled at our Anya:

- My dress is not simple,

You have another one for yourself.

Mine - with flowers and gardens,

And endless fields.

It is with cherries and strawberries,

And fragrant strawberries.

L. Kislenko

Summer, summer, old friend

He came to our meadow.

Sat by the fire

Where the kids were bored.

She treated us with raspberries

And it took a long way.

L. Kislenko

The summer got bored somehow:

- I'm not dressed in fashion,

The kokoshnik is too small for me,

And the belt is too narrow.

Where to find a summer dressmaker,

To be fashionably dressed?

Maybe there are fewer berries?

Maybe go on a diet?

G. Demchenko "Summer"

Warm days again

Hello summer time!

Near the river on the sand

The kids are sunbathing.

An ear of wheat is golden in the field,

And in the forest, the grass is like silk.

And the nightingale fell silent.

Here the strawberries are turning red

We are in a hurry with baskets.

We all have something to do

We don't stay at home in the summer!

A. N. Pleshcheev

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up

And they look sadly

Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows.

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

The waters rustled

Fast stream.

The birds flew away

To warm lands.

G. Demchenko "Autumn"

Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,

A yellow leaf dotted the garden.

To a warm land, where there are no snowstorms,

The flocks of birds flew away.

The clouds move in succession

The wind blows under the mountain.

Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,

A yellow leaf dotted the garden.

L. Tolstoy

Autumn. Our whole poor garden is sprinkled,

Yellow leaves fly in the wind;

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

The brushes are bright red wilting rowan trees.

S. Yesenin

The golden foliage swirled

In the pinkish water on the pond

Like a flock of butterflies

With a daze flies to the star ...

I. Surikov

Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow

The field has turned white

Like a shroud

Everything clothed him.

Dark forest that heaped

Covered himself with a weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, soundless.

The days are shorter

The sun shines a little.

I dream of a house in the woods.
I don't need wealth and fame.
I want to live where the birds sing
And not listen to human scandals.

I want to sleep in silence.
See the stars of the enchanting night.
I want to wake up to watch
As the sleepy sun still rises.

I want to hear the raindrops
That knocking lost in the foliage
And then run barefoot
on the cold, soggy grass.

I dream of seeing the sunset
That pours pink paint into the sky.
I want to watch endlessly
How fairy tales are made from clouds.

And also inhale the aroma
Marvelous herbs and flowers in the meadow.
I want to lie on the lawn and watch
For wonderful animals.

And then returning home.
You can brew fragrant tea,
And look through the big window
How the wind is played, fast.

How the lake, the trees are worried,
Whispering in the clearing.
And like clouds flying gloomily,
They gather in whole flocks.

I want to look at nature.
How the forest changes every month
As the nightingale sings in the spring,
How the fields come alive with dawn.

I dream of a house in the woods.
I dream of quiet happiness.
Maybe I'll run there
Or maybe all these are just thoughts.

Leaves are falling in our city
The crumbling ground is damp
The rain is crying with the sound of a violin
The trees have been sleeping for a long time already with a completely awakened dream
Which carries them away
At that time, parting rooks ...

Nice and simple,
Quietly watch the stars ...
All these patterns obediently look,

Look, smile and dream modestly.

And the sky is like a sheet
And the stars are like sparkles!
Twinkle and burn in the night sky.
Watch the stars quietly, it's so easy!
Come up with what they say there.

Perhaps the bear is full of grief,
And she keeps a grudge on the scales,
She wanted to know the weight in kilograms,
But often there were zeros among them.

And I just got offended
You will not believe!
So Aquarius brought her water right away ..
And this is not a lie, this is not even a fairy tale ...
Cancer was witnessed ...
But the main villain

I sat on the sidelines
Laughed very softly.
In the affairs of these cunning masters, champion ...
Have you already guessed, my dear friend?
What a scoundrel, our scorpion brother!

They burn silently
And for some reason they do not conduct dialogues with people,
Perhaps they, brother, are hiding something,
Or he may be afraid that they will not be understood ...

Clouds float across the sky
The clouds are creeping south
The sun is sad
And the whole world will surround us.
Everyone will suddenly smile
And the rains will begin

The sparrows will start up
The arcs will bend quickly.
It's a rainbow arc
After the downpour, she came to life.

The grass began to grow.
All green and new.
There is only blue in the sky
There is a lot of celebration in the sky.
But the weather is wrong
Why, why?
All nature is so dead!

History of the work:

Inspiration and mood came. Spring weather is lovely, I want to write about it, compose.

Nature is scarlet sunsets
Nature is quiet forests
I will see your beauties
And gasp like heaven.
The beauty of winter storms
Snowy houses around
All this gives me comfort
Calmness, cheerfulness and shelter.

I love any time of the year:
In winter - snow, and in summer - heat,
Autumn mourning of the firmament
And awakening in the spring.

I think of movement in everything
And even in dead silence
As in a storm of violent reflection,
In its reverse side

And even in death; rotten maple
Having outlived a short life term
Gave the way for others, now he is superfluous,
Another sprout is already sprouting there.

When everything came to life in the summer
All the fish in the river are already swimming.
It became warm and hot here.
And everything was already flooded.

And everything is getting younger
The trees have blossomed.
Are all the children on the river?
Not all will find love for her.

History of the work:

I read Lermontov's verse Spring. And based on this, I made my own verse.

The snow has melted and the cold is gone
The sun's curls rinse in the puddles.
Deceived by the warmth, it bloomed
In January, the golden marigold.
The sparrows cry in surprise:
Why is she, stupid, mad?
Though streams flow along the roads,
There are many months until spring!

Winter May, winter May -
An unexpected paradise.
Look to the skies -
Miracles, miracles!

Bliss pours from the azure spheres,
Recklessly we will wash with it.
Let's go to the merry square
And let us bow to these impudent flowers.

Winter May, winter May -
An unexpected paradise.
Look to the skies -
Miracles, miracles!

Snow will fall again soon
And the blue blizzard will whirl ...
Only we do not forget how you are all
Gave it spring, marigold!

Winter May, winter May -
An unexpected paradise.
Look to the skies -
Miracles, miracles!

History of the work:

Memories of the blooming marigold.

How has the environment changed ...
From the moment of birth!
The earth and the sky confirm this ...
What was before, now no more!

The steppe meadows have become cities!
The lakes have dried up, they let the forest under the knife!
And something is happening between us ..
A demon has settled in the hearts of many!

As if no one notices ...
We are completely involved in the process ...
Whom the demon quietly controls ...
I’ll lose my measure by presenting it as progress!

Reaping the fruits of demonic orgies,
It seems to us that we cannot live WITHOUT ...
An excuse that we ourselves changed
On a very terrible understanding of the word BES!

Again we are going to get ready.
Leave your own nest again.
Again hide from the vanity of the world
And talk about love at halts

Having put on a backpack, stuffed to the eyeballs,
Saying to all those close to you a general "Bye !!!",
Having left everyone, we will go into this fairy tale,
Where the night is as loud as the river

Road lovers, sons of nature,
We go high with our heads raised
We don't need any other freedom
We would sleep in tents, hugging our backpacks.

We'll listen to songs by the fire all evening,
Then discuss girls all night
But it's a pity that all good things do not last forever
And we all just have to wait.

We've been waiting for someone's command for a long time
And here she is, it's time we hit the road again
Let's go with friends of the Cordillera, Andes
Someone will believe, someone will say "Horror!".

And again the city bustle has changed
For a quiet night by the river.
The sun went down over the horizon
The flowers of the lilies of the valley were covered ...

And the evening with its quiet silence
I went down to a dense forest.
And our camp is under the mountain.
She will go to bed again, having extinguished all the fires.

And I won't sleep for a very long time.
And I will not extinguish my fire.
I will sing and think only of a miracle:
Because of him, I began to love forests.

Blow the wind, blow my face
I want to enjoy the coolness.
Spin the wheel of this life
So that luck becomes my reward.

I want to breathe with my full chest,
Enjoying the wonderful sunset.
So that I can decide for myself
How can I live and swear.

I am ready to forgive and understand everyone
Accepting the terms of the deal.
And hug your enemies tightly,
Forgetting all their antics.

I will meet with pleasure
Every day is like born again.
I've already learned to forgive
And bowed to fate to the ground.

I will be grateful to her forever,
That I lived through the worries without knowing.
And may I keep it careless
The cup is full of goodness and to the brim.

03/16/2019 Oleg Nimin

Opening my eyes quietly,
The sun will shine in your face!
I'll reach out while still yawning
I’ll take my time out onto the porch.

Favorite home! Nature! River!
There is no dearer on earth,
A native land for a heart,
What beats joyfully in me!

I will go out into the field, harvest wheat,
As long as the hand holds the sickle!
I will see a titmouse in the sky,
What drives the clouds away!

My native land, my joy!
I am proud of my big country,
What is so simple and dignified!
My wondrous land, I am forever yours!

House with small windows
Reflection in the pond
Decorated with flowering branches
They reach out through the windows to him.
Home is my refuge
Was born once in it,
My declaration of love
He hears often.
The garden behind the house stretches
All in bloom in May
The house is covered with petals,
Flying in the wind.
I am proud that I was born in the village
In the old house I am by the pond
I remain faithful to him forever
I will never betray him.
The house by the golden pond
With a red roof he has,
He stands so cheerful
I love him very much.
My house is decorated with poplars
A bird's choir is heard from the tops,
Songs all day long
My old house is enjoying itself.
He drowns in flowers in the summer
The smell of lilies, roses outside the window
The house inhales all the smells,
He was saturated with perfume.
Covered with snow in winter
With a red roof, a house upstairs
Caressed by a snowstorm, by the wind
He's in a February blizzard.

History of the work:

I wrote a lot of poems, I want someone to read and appreciate them.

Once again the night is diluted for me
Coffee and emptiness
The clouds are dropping sadness
The sky is on waste.

Let the center of the universe only-
A nail driven into the wall.
The sky is tired of whining
Its rain stops.

I think it's worth it once
Drown a step in the grass
To look the sun in the eyes
Meet the dawn in the forest.

It won't stop, no!
Furious jingle of coins
In the created silence
Joyful run of the planets.

And the main thing at this moment
Don't put out your heart
Rejoice and meet
Its a renaissance of the soul!

Coffee, warm fireplace, blanket and easy chair.
Such an interior is dictated to us by a dreary, gloomy autumn.

The reflection of the sky in the shimmering puddles disappeared.
In a panic, the wind whirls dead leaves and carries them away somewhere.

Autumn red, swollen, snotty sighing nose.
Continuously sneezing, walking through puddles and mud.

Having burst into the ajar windows, he will ask permission to enter.
By the fireplace, lie down in silence until morning.

Ah, late you, old autumn chilled.
You all rush through the windows in the cold November rain.

You will calm down, falling asleep by the fireplace, warmed up, lying flat.
You don't have long until December.

History of the work:

Autumn is the time for inspiration

Nature has created everything that is beautiful on our earth: caves and lakes, trees and flowers, seas and oceans. They write about nature, paint about nature, talk about it. When a person is lonely or badly, nature will help him not to lose himself, learn to love life and be happy. It is for this reason that for many hundreds of years people have devoted their works to nature. This category contains works by contemporary authors about the world around us. Enjoy ...

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