Home Trees and shrubs Summons a resident with the required parameters. How to multiply inhabitants in Minecraft and what it will give you

Summons a resident with the required parameters. How to multiply inhabitants in Minecraft and what it will give you

Today, millions of people play Minecraft - a game in which you can build own world... It is very often called a "sandbox", since everything in it is built from separate cubes or modules and the player can influence the events taking place in the game.

Almost any game has its own specific subtleties and nuances. For example, if you want your Minecraft world to be interesting and developing, you can increase the population.

In the game, a situation may arise when many houses are built in the village, but there are not enough residents. Then you need to multiply them somehow.

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We multiply the inhabitants

The main factor influencing the reproduction of inhabitants is the number of houses built. Players themselves can build houses.

To spawn inhabitants in Minecraft, you need to understand the principles of their spawning. For example, how do villagers “see” houses? For them, it is a wooden door, on one side of which is the street, and on the other - the interior of the house.

From the point of view of lighting, this description may look like this: for a resident in the daytime, a house is a place in which sunlight least of all, and at night - in this place artificial lighting is used as much as possible.

Thus, a house for a villager in Minecraft will be a 4x4x4 structure, which necessarily has a wooden door.

The algorithm of the game is configured in such a way that as soon as empty houses appear (made according to the parameters described above), the inhabitants will reproduce on their own. And this process will continue until the number of these residents reaches 135% of the number of doors in the village (which, as already mentioned, are associated with houses). Moreover, everyone will be able to independently choose their own profession.

Residents in Minecraft

It should be noted that residents in Minecraft (a it comes about villagers) added as passive mobs. At the same time, the inhabitants may outwardly resemble the player himself: they have green eyes, big head, thick eyebrows... The residents' arms are crossed over the chest.

They can move, moreover, not only in the village and its surroundings, but also in houses located in the village. In the event that a resident enters a house, then he receives a profession, depending on which building he entered.

Help the village!

Zombies can attack villages and turn their inhabitants into zombies. In the mode Hardcore(Hardcore) or difficulty level Complicated(Hard) Zombies can break even wooden doors. Items cannot be exchanged with the zombie villager, and you may die if he attacks you. Villagers do not reproduce quickly and can accidentally die by stepping on lava or falling into a well. So the population is diminishing easily.

To cure a zombie, isolate it, throw the Weakness potion at it and feed it with a golden apple. The villager will shake for a few minutes before he recovers

How to help save the village

Go to bed as soon as it gets dark. At the same time, the playing time will change, and a new day will come. The night will be "skipped" along with the darkness in which mobs can appear. This minimizes the number of zombies that appear. Kill them in the morning.

Place a fence around the village. Lock residents in their homes until work is done to keep them safe.

Remove stairs in front of doors, replace broken doors, and make sure the doors are properly positioned on the outside. (Do not add a door to the forge. The nature of this building confuses residents and they begin to gather outside.)

Light the area around the village to prevent mobs from spawning.

Get rid of cacti, lava pools and caves where mobs appear.

If possible, heal zombies by throwing the Weakness potion at them and feeding them a golden apple. It will take a few minutes for a resident to regain health, so isolate him so he doesn't harm himself and other residents.

You can protect the villagers with the help of Iron Golems, build new houses to expand the village and increase the chances of its residents to survive.

Iron golems

Iron golems spawn on their own if the village has ten inhabitants and twenty-one houses. If there is no Iron Golem in the village, create one. You will need a pumpkin or Lantern Jack and four blocks of iron placed on the ground (not in the crafting grid) in the shape of a "T". Iron golems only protect villagers and can leave if outside the village. You can keep Iron Golems in a fenced paddock or leash them.

When crafting an Iron Golem, place a pumpkin or lantern last.


A villager, depending on his occupation, offers you certain items. Typically, you buy and sell with emeralds. On the first exchange with a villager, he makes only one offer. He will make new ones when you exchange the last item on his list and close the inventory window. If the villagers are ready to offer you something new, you will see green and purple particles above their heads.

If the villagers have a new proposal for you, you will see green and purple particles above their heads.

There are hundreds of offers and exchange opportunities. From the farmer (in brown clothes) you can buy flint, steel, scissors and arrows. The butcher (in a white apron) has leather armor and saddles, and the blacksmith (in a black apron) has iron and diamond objects, as well as chain mail. From the priest (in purple clothes) you can buy an Eye of the Ender, a glowing stone, an enchant bottle and a red stone, and from the librarian (in white clothes) you can buy spell books, bookshelves, watches and compasses. The priest can enchant an item, such as iron or diamond armor. Grow wheat that can be exchanged for emeralds at the farmer. Use these emeralds to purchase other items from the villagers.

Five types of villagers: priest, blacksmith, librarian, butcher, and farmer

Boost your population

Add new homes. For the game to "understand" what you have created new house, she must first "see" new door... A door is considered part of the house if there is a roof on one side of the door. As long as this rule is respected, you can create houses as you like. You can build a door with only one roof block. After creating a door, the program checks the five blocks in front of and behind the door for roof blocks. A roof block is any block that blocks sunlight from the ground. There may be more roof blocks on one side of the door than on the other. (If you don't have enough resources, you can create a house with a door and one block of dirt.) Finally, to be considered a house, the door must be next to the villager. For every three and a half doors, a new resident is created, so to create two residents, seven doors will have to be made. There must be at least two residents in order for them to have children.

To build the simplest village house, you only need a door and one roof block behind it.

Be polite!

In each village, you earn popularity points. The countdown starts at 0, can go up to 10 and go down to -30. Buying the last item from the inventory from a villager adds 1 point. Attacking a villager will take 1 point away, killing 2 points, killing a villager's child 3 points, and destroying an Iron Golem 5 points. At a score of –15, the village's iron golem attacks you.

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When creating maps for minecraft, many have a desire to create quests, that is, tasks for players - such as "Kill 5 zombies", "Get 3 diamonds", etc. Previously, players simply created tasks for the players, and the player himself had to count how much he killed, how much he collected, in general, he himself must control the execution of quests, while any task can be skipped and move on to the next, you see, it was completely wrong. But times are changing, command blocks have appeared in the game and are very useful, now you can do almost anything in minecraft, but with knowledge of programming and a desire to study the commands of the game, which are not often written about. I will write about one of the possibilities in this article, namely, how to assign products that sell and buy villager.

If you choose yourself what the villager should change for, then you can create tasks such as "Bring me this, and I will give you that." In addition, in this way you can organize trading on servers.

We will use the command to summon a villager with the goods we need. The commands will be quite long, so not all of them will fit into the chat, in which case we will use the command block.

Summon a villager with the right goods

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Offers: (Recipes: [(maxUses: 3, buy: (id: 265, Count: 8), sell: (id: 266, Count: 1))]))

Changes a maximum of 3 times, buys 8 iron ingots (id: 265) for 1 gold ingot (id: 266).

Summoning with a command block

1. We get the command block:

/ give @p minecraft: command_block

2. Install the command block on the ground, right-click on it, enter our command.

3. Next to the command block we put a lever, and "pull" it, the inhabitant called, we remove the block and the lever.

Other possibilities

1. Summoning a resident of one of 6 professions:

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Profession: #)

Instead of # - insert from 0 to 5

2. We give the resident a name:

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (CustomName: name, CustomNameVisible: 1)

Instead of "name" - any name, better in English, so there will be fewer conflicts, although in Russian it is possible.

3. Resident asks for two goods

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Offers: (Recipes: [(maxUses: #, buy: (id: #, Count: #, Damage: #), buyB: (id: #, Count: #, Damage: #), sell: (id: #, Count: #, Damage: #))]))

maxUses - how many times can be exchanged
id - product ID
Count - amount
Damage - Additional ID (for example, for boards, wool, glass) or damage to an item, you can remove or put 0

4. Multiple trade

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Offers: (Recipes: [(maxUses: #, buy: (id: #), sell: (id: #)), (maxUses: 1, buy: (id: 118, tag :( display: (Name: No More Trades))), sell: (id: 118, tag: (display: (Name: No More Trades))))]))

First, the merchant sells something “maxUses” once, then starts selling something else.

5. Combination of all properties

/ summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (CustomName: name, Profession: #, Offers: (Recipes: [(maxUses: #, buy: (id: #, Count: #, Damage: #), sell: (id: #, Count : #, Damage: #)), (maxUses: 1, buy: (id: 118, tag: (display: (Name: No More Trades))), sell: (id: 118, tag: (display: (Name : No More Trades))))]))

The main thing here is not to make a mistake and fill in everything correctly, otherwise the game will crash and crash.

Minecraft is a game familiar to millions of Internet users and computers running on all currently known operating systems... it a virtual reality with an open game world, which is also called a "sandbox", for the ability to create your own setting through the use of numerous independent modules.

Despite the uncomplicated plot and rather primitive graphics, it has its own secrets and features, the knowledge of which allows the gamer to significantly increase the amount of pleasure received from gameplay... For example, in order for the world you built to develop dynamically, not to be boring and boring, you can increase the number of virtual characters "living" in it.

In this task, it seems, there is nothing difficult - you need to build many, many houses and wait for the computer "mobs" to settle in them. However, quite often the provided "living space" remains empty. This happens due to a misunderstanding of the logic of the computer.

What to do to mean "welcome!"

Having the opportunity to build in virtual space around the miner's hut at home, the gamer must not forget to do everything exactly as he did when building his own "house". That is, in addition to four walls, a door must be present in it.

According to the logic of a computer, “home” is a place where it is darker during the day than outside, and vice versa at night. This light gradient makes it clear that this is a habitable place. But until there is a door in one of the walls of the "house", the machine will not be able to start the character cloning program.

In addition to understanding that it is the “door” that is the “trigger” for the start of virtual reproduction of characters, you need to know that the number of inhabitants is always more numbers doors by 35 percent (some houses have two characters).

Armed with the knowledge of such subtleties of the game, the gamer can regulate the population of his world. For example, do not build all houses with doors, but only a part. The rest are used as decorations.

Who are my neighbors?

It is possible that before arranging virtual doors in houses, you will want to know: "who are they, my future neighbors, and how will they look?" Those who settle in the houses you proposed will look like the main character.

The only difference is the absence of a mining tool (pickaxe) in the hands. They will move both inside houses and along the built virtual world... When visiting homes marked with a profession, they will acquire it. They will not interact with the main character, although when installing the Zombie module they will try to run away or hide from him.

When the player first appears in the freshly generated world of "Minecraft", then he can feel quite lonely - and he has every reason. After all, you find yourself alone in a huge world filled with dangers. Naturally, I would like to find people who could diversify your stay in it. You may be surprised, but such a possibility exists, because along with the main character, special harmless mobs are generated in the game, which can bring you a lot of benefits. These are the ones you need to look for, respectively, in the village. However, there may not be so many of them, so you need to know how to multiply inhabitants in Minecraft. Naturally, this does not happen according to the same scheme as in the case of animals, when you just need to feed them with special food. Things are a little more complicated here.

Find a village

Before wondering how to breed inhabitants in Minecraft, you should find them. And it won't be easy to do it. The point is that in big world, which is generated at the start of the game, most often only one, and maximum two, villages are created. Accordingly, you will have to spend a lot of time searching. But when you find a village, you'd better have a map with you. In order for the location to be preserved and not have to start the search anew. As mentioned earlier, there may be very few people. Therefore, now you can already think about how to multiply inhabitants in Minecraft, because it will be very useful for you in the future.

Reproduction of inhabitants

Every gamer should know how to multiply residents in Minecraft, because this will give new opportunities, which will be discussed below. For now, you need to understand not the most difficult principle of the formation of the population size. It all depends on the number of residential buildings in the village: the more there are, the more residents there will be. A house is a room that has at least four free blocks in any direction, and, most importantly, is equipped with a door. It is the number of doors leading to such a room that determines the number of residents. Moreover, there will always be 35 percent more settlers than doors. Now that you know how important a house is for residents in Minecraft, you can start building. You can be honest and create complete homes in the size you want. And you can use tricks. For example, create a footer with big amount doors leading to one room. This way you don't have to build a lot of houses, but you get a lot of population growth.

What are residents for?

Now it's time to sort out one very important issue: "Why was all this necessary?" How can the villagers benefit you? The fact is that almost all settlers are sellers from whom you can buy resources or trade items with them. So the more trading opportunities, the better for you.

Differences between residents

You have most likely noticed that all the villagers look identical, but have different clothes. Most likely you didn't pay special attention on this small nuance, but in fact it plays crucial role... The fact is that different colors- this is not just a decoration, they can be used to determine what a particular resident is doing. For example, if you see a person in a brown suit, you can recognize him as a farmer, and accordingly, you will understand that he should sell (or buy from him) various products related to the farm, such as meat, wool, eggs or vegetables. Each color means something. So, green signals that this villager does not have any specific profession and, accordingly, will not become a good business partner for you.

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