Home Useful Tips Phraseologism without further ado the origin. "Without further ado" is a phraseological unit, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. Use of a winged expression in speech

Phraseologism without further ado the origin. "Without further ado" is a phraseological unit, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. Use of a winged expression in speech


1) for a long time or a lot without hesitation; without going deep and 2) simply, artlessly; without unnecessary, unnecessary undertakings.

Expression from the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen:

Describe, without further ado,

Everything that you will be a witness to in life.

To wisdom - to think deeply, philosophize; slyly - bld. "with the aim of deceiving, cheating."

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is NOT WISD LUCKOVO in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    cm. …
    no fancy, just ...
  • NOT WISDOM SECOND in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    without wisdom ...
  • NOT WISDOM SECOND in the Spelling Dictionary:
    without wisdom ...
  • LUKAVO in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || without further ado ...
  • LUKAVO in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    wagging, roguishly, maliciously, playfully, Jesuitical, insidious, mischievous, roguish, roguish, feigned, cunning, ...
  • LUKAVO in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adverb 1) Sly. 2) Playfully, ...
  • LUKAVO in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    sly adverb 1) Sly. 2) Playfully, ...
  • LUKAVO in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adverb qualities. 1. Sly. Ott. Filled with good-natured, cheerful deceit, imbued with it. 2. transfer. Playfully, ...
  • LUKAVO in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adverb qualities. 1. Sly. Ott. Filled with good-natured, cheerful deceit, imbued with it. 2. Playful, flirtatious. II predicate. An evaluative characteristic of someone's behavior, ...
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  • CHERVINSKY in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
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  • DUBNIKOV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    The man who lived in the oak grove, our ancestors, without further ado, called him Dubnik, Dubnyak. Having got into the first censuses, ...
  • Second in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    The basis of this and those close to her was the male name of the Second: in the old days it was customary, without further ado, to name children ...
  • WISDOM in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    philosophizing, philosophizing (colloquial). Don't just relate to something, do something. being clever, wise. Without further ado (bookish) - simply, without trickery. ...
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    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 11:23:49 = B = * We mow the bar, but we ask for bread for ourselves. * You cannot fill the bins with fables. * ...
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    Data: 2008-09-06 Time: 05:02:01 Quotes from the poem "Poet and Citizen", 1855 - 1856 June (author Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich) * ...
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    Data: 2009-09-10 Time: 04:47:00 = Season 1 = = "Crush" = = "Sink or Swim" = = "The New Ron" ...
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    Data: 2009-06-02 Time: 16:05:45 __NOTOC__ = B = * Blessed Anthony never dared to do anything more useful for him ...
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    Data: 2009-06-02 Time: 15:44:07 __NOTOC__ = A = * Ah, my brethren! Don't we all soon disappear from our face ...
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    Data: 2009-04-19 Time: 07:29:03 Bakhtiyar Melik oglu Mamedov was born on January 5, 1962 in the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Education …
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    (Acts 16:14) - the seat of love, desires and human affections. Therefore, how much can the heart be the guardian of holy love for God and ...
  • SIR 6
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 6 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • SIW 37 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 37 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • SIR 31 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 31 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • SIR 14 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 14 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • PARABLE 3 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon. Chapter 3 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
  • PARABLE 20 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon. Chapter 20 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
  • EKKL 9 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Ecclesiastes. Chapter 9 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
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    Gorchakov, Dmitry Petrovich, prince - satirist (1758 - 1824). Having received a good education at home, he entered the military service, was an adjutant ...
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    (Russians). - In a class society, literary publishing houses invariably participate with their products in the struggle of classes, serving their ideological needs. As well as …
    (Froissart) - French poet and one of the largest chroniclers of the late Middle Ages; was born in Valenciennes in 1338, died around 1410 ...
  • TANNER BERNHARD-LEOPOLD FRANCISK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Tanner) - Czech traveler, originally from Prague; the time of his birth and death is unknown. In 1676 he moved from Prague to ...
  • WORLD OR INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    language (mostly artificial, that is, invented by one person, not naturally formed), in which all civilized peoples could ...
  • WISDOM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -you, -you, -you; nesov. Do something, being clever, wise. Without philosophizing slyly (simply, without trick; book.). II noun philosophizing, -I, ...
  • JAPAN*
    ? constitutes a special branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and art. The very term E. comes from the Greek ??????????, which means sensual, and ...
  • CHRISTIANITY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia.
  • FRUASSAR in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Froissart)? French poet and one of the greatest chroniclers of the late Middle Ages; was born in Valenciennes in 1338, died around 1410 ...
do smth. Without complicating the essence of the matter; without unnecessary hesitation, unnecessary undertakings.

It means that a person, a group of persons (X) imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Speaks with approval. speech standard. ? X does smth. without further ado... unchanged In the role of obst. or an introductory feature. The order of the component words is fixed.

First there were amateur translators, then professionals appeared. First translated without further ado, then translation theories appeared. D. Zhukov, We are translators. Something will suddenly come to mind ... I wrote down without further ado... V. Ketlinskaya, Evening, Windows, People.

Accounting, without further ado, after deducting depreciation for the elderly Kuklins [Doll is the name of the horse] years, she hung 1,500 rubles around his neck. V. Murzakov, We are already walking, mom.

And one hundred / it, without further ado, turn to those plays where human destinies, passions and human concerns on this earth are expressed in experiences and feelings that are understandable to everyone. Evening Moscow, 1992.

They say, "It doesn't matter." But "essence" is the third person plural form of the verb "to be" - what does it have to do with it? One should have said "it is not important", but it does not sound anymore. May be, without further ado, say "it doesn't matter" or "that's not the point"? NG, 2001.

cultural commentary:"Expression from the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin" Boris Godunov "(1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen:" Describe, without further ado, everything that you will witness in life. " (Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. SPb., 2001. S. 389.) The image of phraseology. goes back to the opposition "complex - simple", as well as to the rethought opposition "dirty - clean"; Wed with a simple (pure) heart, simple (pure) thoughts (thoughts), dirty thoughts (thoughts). To be wise - "to do something, being clever, wise." (Ozhegov SI Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1981. S. 322.) Evil (cf. also unclean) - one of the names of the devil - the ancestor and culprit of sin, the enemy of truth. (Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. SPb., 2000. S. 133.) Component phraseology. philosophizing correlates with the anthropic, that is, properly human, cultural code; component slyly- with a religious one, but in the form of phraseology. - with the anthropic code of culture. In the form of phraseology. reflects the symbolic meaning of deviation from straightforward thoughts and actions; Wed crafty thoughts (thoughts), no need to dissemble; Wed also too clever. see in folklore, where the concept of "crafty" is identified with the concepts of "crooked", "deceitful": Simple as a pig, and crafty as a snake; Wiggles the mind like a dog's tail; Speaks directly, but does it crookedly. For simplicity as about pure, kind, truthful thoughts of a person, see also the Fokllore: A truthful husband does not need guile; Where it is simple, there are about a hundred angels, where it is cunning (where it is tricky), there is not a single one; All untruth is from the evil one. see in the Gospel: "But let your word be:" yes, yes "," no, no "; and what is beyond this is from the evil one" (Matthew 5:37). phraseology. as a whole fulfills the role of a standard, that is, a qualitative measurement, simplicity and clarity of smb. actions, lack of unnecessary intricacy, complexity of ideas. M. L. Kovshova

Do that l. Without complicating the essence of the matter; without unnecessary hesitation, unnecessary undertakings. It means that a person, a group of persons (X) imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Speaks with approval. speech standard. ✦ X does smth. without further ado. unchanged In the role of ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

- (footnote) without hesitation and disassembling (as if seeing salvation in moshkanii). Wed Gentlemen ... why then philosophize slyly? Bѣda came, open the gate. Boborykin. Pass. 3, 39. Cf. Without further ado, she handed over the management (dulami) to an elderly ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

- (footnote) without hesitation and disassembling (as if seeing salvation in hesitation) Cf. Gentlemen ... why philosophize here slyly? Trouble has come open the gate. Boborykin. Pass. 8, 39. Cf. Without further ado, she handed over the management (of affairs) to an elderly German ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

without further ado- 1. for a long time or a lot without hesitation; without going deep; and 2. simple, ingenuous; without unnecessary, unnecessary undertakings. Expression from the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen: Describe, without further ado, All that is witnessed in ... ... Phraseology reference

Without further ado- Book. Without unnecessary hesitation, speculation; no fancy. Annenkov's letters are wonderful; he writes directly and simply, as he saw, thought, overheard, without further ado (A. Koltsov. Letter to V. G. Belinsky, February 27, 1812) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

Spread. 1. For a long time or a lot without hesitation, without going into details. FSRYa, 255; BMS 1998, 389. 2. Simple, ingenuous. FSRYa, 255; BMS 1998, 389. 3. Simple, straightforward. BTS, 507 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

without further ado- do not miss the onion avo ... Russian spelling dictionary

without further ado- (without hesitation) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


  • Encyclopedia of worldly wisdom. Wisdom slyly, Vorontsov Valery Alexandrovich. The book offered to the readers' attention is one of the first attempts to creatively generalize the life experience of many wise, observant and endowed with a sense of good humor, people who lived ...
  • Encyclopedia of worldly wisdom, philosophizing slyly Signs proven by life and experience Tips to help avoid mistakes Answers to many difficult questions Secrets of the past, present and future, Vorontsov V. humor of people who lived ...

Not wisely sly- simple, straightforward; (book). (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, "Wisdom")

Not wisely sly(book) - simple, straightforward. "Describe, without philosophizing slyly, everything that you will be a witness in life." Pushkin. (Explanatory Dictionary (1935 - 1940), "Wise")

Wisdom- Do not just relate to something, do something clever, wise. (Explanatory dictionary (1935 - 1940))

It came from - without thinking (philosophizing) with cunning (sly).

The expression was first used (and apparently invented) by a Russian poet (1799 - 1837). A phrase from the poem "Boris Godunov" (1825), scene "Night. Cell in the Chudov Monastery ", Pimen's words:

"Describe, without further ado,

All that which you will witness in life:

War and peace, rule of sovereigns,

Holy miracles,

Prophecies and signs of heaven -

It's time for me, it's time for me to rest

And extinguish the lamp ... "

Examples of

Taleb Nassim Nicholas (born 1960)

"Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability "(2012):

"The harder we try to make history something more than a series of descriptions from which without further ado having fun, the worse the result. "

"But the artist-plactik at the age of twenty has the full right to sing and celebrate the artistic performance of the forms and life of nature and fantasy, not mindless, if the Lord did not give him the genial mind and wisdom of the Philosopher "

“You know what, brother?” He said, getting up and going up to his brother. Without further ado, run for the vowel, and little by little we will take you to the council, and then to the comrades of the head "

"" (1888) - from the story of the engineer: / p>

"that is, when my conscience drove me back to N., and I, without further ado, repented before Kisochka, begged her forgiveness like a boy, and cried with her ... "

(1818 - 1883)

"Noble Nest" (1858), ch. 29:

"... do not philosophize, do not call weakness the cry of your heart, which does not want to surrender without love "

(1821 - 1881)

"" (1866) h. 6 ch. 2:

"I know that he does not believe, - but you do not slyly philosophize; surrender yourself to life directly, without reasoning; do not worry - it will take you straight to the shore and put you on your feet."

What is "NOT WISDY DEIC"? How the given word is spelled correctly. Concept and interpretation.

NOT WISDOM SECOND do smth. Without complicating the essence of the matter; without unnecessary hesitation, unnecessary undertakings. It means that a person, a group of persons (X) imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Speaks with approval. speech standard. ? X does smth. without further ado. unchanged In the role of obst. or an introductory feature. The order of the component words is fixed. First there were amateur translators, then professionals appeared. At first they translated without further ado, then translation theories appeared. D. Zhukov, We are translators. Something will suddenly come to mind ... I wrote down without further ado. V. Ketlinskaya, Evening, Windows, People. The accounting department, without further ado, minus depreciation for the elderly Kuklins [Doll is the name of the horse] years, hung 1,500 rubles around his neck. V. Murzakov, We are already walking, mom. And one hundred / it, without further ado, turn to those plays where human destinies, passions and human concerns on this earth are expressed in experiences and feelings that are understandable to everyone. Evening Moscow, 1992. They say: "It doesn't matter." But "essence" is the third person plural form of the verb "to be" - what does it have to do with it? One should have said "it is not important", but it does not sound anymore. Maybe, without further ado, say "it doesn't matter" or "that's not the point"? NG, 2001. Culturological commentary: "Expression from the tragedy of AS Pushkin" Boris Godunov "(1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen:" Describe, without further ado, everything that you will witness in life. " (Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. SPb., 2001. S. 389.) The image of phraseology. goes back to the opposition "complex - simple", as well as to the rethought opposition "dirty - clean"; Wed with a simple (pure) heart, simple (pure) thoughts (thoughts), dirty thoughts (thoughts). To be wise - "to do something, being clever, wise." (Ozhegov SI Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1981. S. 322.) Evil (cf. also unclean) - one of the names of the devil - the ancestor and culprit of sin, the enemy of truth. (Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. SPb., 2000. S. 133.) Component phraseology. philosophizing correlates with the anthropic, that is, properly human, cultural code; the component is slyly - with a religious one, but in the form of phraseology. - with the anthropic code of culture. In the form of phraseology. reflects the symbolic meaning of deviation from straightforward thoughts and actions; Wed crafty thoughts (thoughts), no need to dissemble; Wed also too clever. see in folklore, where the concept of "crafty" is identified with the concepts of "crooked", "deceitful": Simple as a pig, and crafty as a snake; Wiggles the mind like a dog's tail; Speaks directly, but does it crookedly. For simplicity as about pure, kind, truthful thoughts of a person, see also the Fokllore: A truthful husband does not need guile; Where it is simple, there are about a hundred angels, where it is cunning (where it is tricky), there is not a single one; All untruth is from the evil one. see in the Gospel: "But let your word be:" yes, yes "," no, no "; and what is beyond this is from the evil one" (Matthew 5:37). phraseology. as a whole fulfills the role of a standard, that is, a qualitative measurement, simplicity and clarity of smb. actions, lack of unnecessary intricacy, complexity of ideas.

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