Home Useful tips Omar Khayyam's phrases about life are short. Omar Khayyam: a great thinker and a brilliant poet. Quotes from Omar Khayyam about life - the best rubai of the sage

Omar Khayyam's phrases about life are short. Omar Khayyam: a great thinker and a brilliant poet. Quotes from Omar Khayyam about life - the best rubai of the sage

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15 valuable sayings from the greatest Persian poet, philosopher and mathematician - Omar Khayyam

His eastern wisdom is published in books and passed on from mouth to mouth for generations, and is still relevant today. The quatrains of this sage speak the truth, contain bitter truth, a little humor and a drop of insolence.

For you, we have collected some of the most thoughtful sayings about life, love and man, maybe in them you will find answers to your questions:

No one can tell what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever. You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.

He who is beaten by life will achieve more. He who eats a pound of salt appreciates honey more. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who died knows that he lives!

Two people were looking out the same window. One saw rain and mud. The other is green elm foliage, spring and blue sky.

We are a source of joy and sorrow. We are a receptacle of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces. He is insignificant and he is immeasurably great!

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value. Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors. We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful. Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.

We will never enter this world again, we will never meet our friends at the table. Catch every flying moment - you will never catch it later.

Don’t envy someone who is strong and rich; sunset always follows the dawn.

With this short life, equal to a breath. Treat it as if it was rented to you.

About love:
_Giving yourself does not mean selling. And sleeping next to each other does not mean sleeping with you. Not taking revenge does not mean forgiving everything. Not being close does not mean not loving!

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to begin with: you’d rather starve than eat anything and it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.

About grief, grief to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love, there is no torment, where there are no dreams of happiness. A day without love is lost: duller and grayer than this barren day, and there are no days of bad weather.

The plucked flower should be given as a gift, the poem you started should be completed, and the woman you love should be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

As soon as you went out into the garden, the scarlet poppy became embarrassed,
There is no way to calm down from envy.
Why didn’t the cypress bow to you?
I saw the marvelous figure, and he was seized with tetanus!

To the radiance of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of a cypress tree,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

What a temptation, what a temptation, God bless!...
Your face reigns in dreams day and night.
That's why there is pain in the chest and trembling in the heart,
And dry lips, and wet eyes, and trembling hands.

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don't need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

He dressed many women in brocade and pearls,
But I could not find an ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

Torment ages beauties. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and whose lips are firm.
Be more tender with your beloved: beauty escapes,
Leaving traces of suffering on the face.

To the world - the haven of our few days -
For a long time I fixed the inquisitive gaze of my eyes.
So what? Your face is brighter than the bright moon;
Than a slender cypress, your wonderful figure is straighter.

Ride a donkey -
The legs know no rest;
Living with two wives -
No rest for the ears!

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Omar Khayyam
Great quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam

© Tenigina N., translation

© Vatagin M., translation

© AST Publishing House LLC, design

Translations by Nina Tenigina

* * *

Without hops and smiles - what kind of life?
Without the sweet sounds of a flute, what is life?
Everything you see in the sun is worth little.
But at the feast, life is bright and bright!

* * *

One refrain from my Wisdom:
“Life is short, so give it free rein!
It's smart to trim trees,
But cutting yourself off is much stupider!”

* * *

Live, madman!.. Spend while you're rich!
After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure.
And don’t dream - thieves won’t agree
Get you back out of the coffin!

* * *

Have you been passed over for a reward? Forget it.
Are the days rushing by? Forget it.
The Wind is careless: in the eternal Book of Life
I could have moved the wrong page...

* * *

What's there behind the shabby curtain of Darkness?
Minds are confused in fortune-telling.
When the curtain falls with a crash,
We will all see how wrong we were.

* * *

I would compare the world to a chessboard:
Now it’s day, now it’s night... And the pawns? - we are with you.
They move you, press you, and beat you.
And they put it in a dark box to rest.

* * *

The world could be compared to a piebald nag,
And this horseman - who could he be?
“Neither day nor night, he doesn’t believe in anything!”
- Where does he get the strength to live?

* * *
* * *

Dreams are dust! There is no place for them in the world.
And even if the youthful delirium had come true?
What if it snowed in the hot desert?
An hour or two of rays - and there is no snow!

* * *

“The world is piling up such mountains of evil!
Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy!”
But if only you could dig them up! How many wonderful
You would find shining diamonds!

* * *

Life passes by like a flying caravan.
The halt is short... Is the glass full?
Beauty, come to me! Will lower the curtain
There is a dormant fog above the sleepy happiness.

* * *

In one young temptation - feel everything!
In one string melody - listen to everything!
Don't go into the darkening distances:
Live in a short bright streak.

* * *

Good and evil are at war: the world is on fire.
What about the sky? The sky is to the side.
Curses and furious hymns
They don’t reach the blue heights.

* * *

On the sparkle of days, clutched in your hand,
You can't buy Secrets somewhere far away.
And here - a lie is a hair's breadth from the Truth,
And your life is on the line.

* * *

In moments He is visible, more often he is hidden.
He keeps a close eye on our lives.
God whiles away eternity with our drama!
He composes, directs and watches.

* * *

Although my figure is slimmer than a poplar,
Although the cheeks are a fiery tulip,
But why is the artist wayward?
Did you bring my shadow into your motley booth?

* * *

The devotees were exhausted from thoughts.
And the same secrets dry out the wise mind.
For us ignoramuses, fresh grape juice,
And for them, the great ones, dried raisins!

* * *

What do I care about the bliss of heaven - “later”?
I ask now, cash, wine...
I don’t believe in credit! And what do I need Glory for:
Right under your ear – drumming thunder?!

* * *

Wine is not only a friend. Wine is a sage:
With him, the misunderstandings and heresies are over!
Wine is an alchemist: transforms at once
Life's lead into golden dust.

* * *

As before the bright, royal leader,
As before a scarlet, fiery sword -
Shadows and fears are a black infection -
A horde of enemies is running before the wine!

* * *

Guilt! “I don’t ask for anything else.”
Love! “I don’t ask for anything else.”
“Will heaven give you forgiveness?”
They don’t offer, I don’t ask.

* * *

You are drunk - and rejoice, Khayyam!
You won - and rejoice. Khayyam!
Nothing will come and put an end to these nonsense...
You are still alive - and rejoice, Khayyam.

* * *

There is a lot of wisdom in the words of the Koran,
But wine teaches the same wisdom.
On each cup there is a life inscription:
“Put your mouth on it and you will see the bottom!”

* * *

I am near the wine like a willow near a stream:
A foamy stream waters my root.
So God judged! Was he thinking about anything?
And if I had stopped drinking, I would have let him down!

* * *

The shine of the tiara, the silk turban,
I will give everything - and your power, Sultan,
I'll give the saint with a rosary to boot
For the sounds of the flute and... another glass!

* * *

In scholarship there is no meaning, no boundaries.
Will reveal more of the secret flutter of eyelashes.
Drink! The Book of Life will end sadly.
Decorate the flickering borders with wine!

* * *

All the kingdoms of the world - for a glass of wine!
All the wisdom of books - for the pungency of wine!
All honors - for the shine and velvet of wine!
All the music is for the gurgling of wine!

* * *

The ashes of the sages are sad, my young friend.
Their lives are scattered, my young friend.
“But their proud lessons resonate with us!”
And this is the wind of words, my young friend.

* * *

I greedily inhaled all the aromas,
Drank all the rays. And he wanted all the women.
What's life? - The earthly stream flashed in the sun
And somewhere in a black crack he disappeared.

* * *

Prepare wine for wounded love!
Muscat and scarlet, like blood.
Flood the fire, sleepless, hidden,
And entangle your soul in string silk again.

* * *

There is no love in those who are not tormented by violence,
There is damp smoke in that twig.
Love is a bonfire, blazing, sleepless...
The lover is wounded. He is incurable!

* * *

To reach her cheeks - tender roses?
First there are thousands of splinters in the heart!
So the comb: they will cut it into small teeth,
May you float sweeter in the luxury of your hair!

* * *

Until the wind carries away even a spark, -
Inflame her with the joy of the vines!
While at least the shadow remains of its former strength, -
Unravel the knots of your fragrant braids!

* * *

You are a warrior with a net: catch hearts!
A jug of wine - and into the shade of a tree.
The stream sings: “You will die and become clay.
The lunar shine of the face is given for a short time.”

* * *

“Don’t drink, Khayyam!” Well, how can I explain to them?
That I don’t agree to live in the dark!
And the sparkle of wine and the wicked gaze of the sweet one -
Here are two brilliant reasons to drink!

* * *

They tell me: “Khayyam, don’t drink wine!”
But what should we do? Only a drunk can hear
The hyacinth's tender speech to the tulip,
Which she doesn't tell me!

* * *

Have fun!.. Can't catch a stream in captivity?
But the running stream caresses!
Is there no consistency in women and in life?
But it’s your turn!

* * *

Love at the beginning is always tender.
In my memories, she is always affectionate.
And if you love, it’s pain! And with greed for each other
We torment and torment – ​​always.

* * *

Is scarlet rosehip tender? You are more tender.
Is the Chinese idol curvy? You are more magnificent.
Is the chess king weak in front of the queen?
But I, fool, am weaker in front of you!

* * *

We bring life to love - the last gift?
The blow is placed close to the heart.
But even a moment before death - give me your lips,
Oh, sweet cup of tender enchantment!

* * *

“Our world is an alley of young roses,
Chorus of nightingales and chatter of dragonflies.”
And in the fall? "Silence and stars,
And the darkness of your fluffy hair..."

* * *

“There are four elements. It’s like there are five feelings,
And a hundred riddles." Is it worth counting?
Play the lute, the lute’s voice is sweet:
In him the wind of life is a master of intoxication...

* * *

In the heavenly cup there is the hop of airy roses.
Break the glass of vain petty dreams!
Why worries, honors, dreams?
The sound of quiet strings... and the delicate silk of hair...

* * *

You're not the only one unhappy. Don't be angry
By the tenacity of Heaven. Renew your strength
On a young breast, elastically tender...
You will find delight. And don't look for love.

* * *

I'm young again. Scarlet wine,
Give joy to your soul! And at the same time
Give bitterness both tart and fragrant...
Life is a bitter and drunken wine!

* * *

Today is an orgy - with my wife,
The barren daughter of empty Wisdom,
I divorce! Friends, I'm delighted too
And I will marry the daughter of a simple vine...

* * *

Venus and the Moon have not seen
The earthly shine is sweeter than wine.
Sell ​​wine? Although gold is weighty, -
The mistake of poor sellers is clear.

* * *

The huge ruby ​​of the sun shone
In my wine: dawn! Take sandalwood:
Make one piece like a melodious lute,
The other one is to light it so that the world smells fragrant.

* * *

“A weak man is an unfaithful slave of fate,
I am exposed, a shameless slave!”
Especially in love. I myself, I am the first
Always unfaithful and weak towards many.

* * *

The dark hoop of days has bound our hands -
Days without wine, without thoughts about her...
Stingy with time and charges for them
The entire price of full, real days!

* * *

Where is there even a hint of the mystery of life?
In your night wanderings - where is there even a light?
Under the wheel, in unquenchable torture
Souls are burning. Where's the smoke?

* * *

How good the world is, how fresh the fire of the morning stars!
And there is no Creator before whom to prostrate.
But the roses cling, the lips beckon with delight...
Don't touch the lutes: we'll listen to the birds.

* * *

Feast! You'll get back on track again.
Why run forward or backward! -
At the festival of freedom the mind is small:
He is our prison everyday robe.

* * *

Empty happiness is an upstart, not a friend!
With new wine, I’m an old friend!
I love to stroke the noble cup:
His blood is boiling. He feels like a friend.

* * *

There lived a drunkard. Seven jugs of wine
It fit into it. It seemed so to everyone.
And he himself was an empty clay jug...
The other day I crashed... To pieces! At all!

* * *

Days are river waves in minute silver,
Desert sand in a melting game.
Live today. And Yesterday and Tomorrow
Not so needed in the earthly calendar.

* * *

How eerie on a starry night! Not myself.
You are trembling, lost in the abyss of the world.
And the stars are in a violent dizziness
They rush past, into eternity, along a curve...

* * *

Autumn rain sowed drops in the garden.
The flowers have come up. They dapple and burn.
But sprinkle scarlet hops into the cup of lilies -
Like blue smoke magnolia aroma...

* * *

I am old. My love for you is intoxication.
I'm drunk with date wine this morning.
Where is the rose of days? Cruelly plucked.
I am humiliated by love, drunk with life!

* * *

What's life? Bazaar... Don't look for a friend there.
What's life? Bruise... Don't look for medicine.
Don't change yourself. Smile at people.
But don’t look for people’s smiles.

* * *

From the neck of a jug on the table
Wine is bleeding. And everything is in her warmth:
Truthfulness, affection, devoted friendship -
The only friendship on earth!

* * *

Fewer friends! Same day by day
Extinguish empty sparks of fire.
And when you shake hands, always think silently:
“Oh, they’ll swing it at me!”

* * *

“In honor of the sun - a cup, our scarlet tulip!
In honor of the scarlet lips - and he is drunk with love!”
Feast, merry! Life is a heavy fist:
Everyone will be thrown over dead into the fog.

* * *

The rose laughed: “Dear breeze
Ripped off my silk, opened my wallet,
And the whole treasury of golden stamens,
Look, he threw it freely onto the sand.”

* * *

The wrath of the rose: “How, me, the queen of roses -
The merchant will take the heat of fragrant tears
Will it burn you out of your heart with evil pain?!” Secret!..
Sing, nightingale! "A day of laughter - years of tears."

* * *

I started a bed of Wisdom in the garden.
I cherished it, watered it - and I’m waiting...
The harvest is approaching, and from the garden there is a voice:
“I came with the rain and I will go with the wind.”

* * *

I ask: “What did I have?
What's ahead?.. He was rushing about, raging...
And you will become dust, and people will say:
“A short fire broke out somewhere.”

* * *

– What is a song, cups, caresses without warmth? -
- Toys, trash from the children's corner.
– What about prayers, deeds and sacrifices?
– Burnt and decaying ash.

* * *

Night. Night is all around. Rip her up, excite her!
Prison!.. That's it, your first kiss,
Adam and Eve: gave us life and bitterness,
It was an angry and predatory kiss.

* * *

- How the rooster fought at dawn!
“He saw clearly: the fire of the stars had gone out.
And the night, like your life, was in vain.
And you overslept. And you don’t know - you’re deaf.

* * *

The fish said: “Shall we swim soon?
It’s creepy in the ditch—it’s a cramped body of water.”
“That’s how they’ll fry us,” said the duck, “
It’s all the same: even if there’s sea all around!”

* * *

“From end to end we are on our way to death.
We cannot turn back from the brink of death.”
Look: in the local caravanserai
Don't accidentally forget your love!

* * *

“I have been to the very bottom of the depths.
Took off towards Saturn. There are no such sorrows
Such networks that I cannot unravel..."
Eat! Dark knot of death. He's alone!

* * *

“Death will appear and mow down in reality,
Silent days, withered grass..."
Make a jug from my ashes:
I will refresh myself with wine and come to life.

* * *

Potter. There is noise all around on market day...
He tramples clay all day long.
And she babbles in a faded voice:
“Brother, have pity, come to your senses - you are my brother!..”

* * *

Stir a clay vessel with moisture:
You will hear the babble of lips, not just streams.
Whose ashes are these? I kiss the edge and shudder:
It seemed like a kiss was given to me.

* * *

No potter. I'm alone in the workshop.
Two thousand jugs are in front of me.
And they whisper: “Let's present ourselves to a stranger
For a moment, a crowd of dressed-up people.”

* * *

Who was this tender vase?
A lover! Sad and bright.
What about the handles of the vase? With a flexible hand
She wrapped her arms around her neck, as before.

* * *

What's a scarlet poppy? Blood sprayed out
From the wounds of the Sultan, taken by the earth.
And in the hyacinth - it broke out from the ground
And the young lock curled again.

* * *

A flower trembles above the mirror of the stream;
It contains the ashes of a woman: a familiar stalk.
Do not forget the tulips of coastal greenery:
And in them there is a gentle blush and reproach...

* * *

The dawns shone for people - even before us!
The stars flowed like an arc - even to us!
In a lump of gray dust, under your foot
You crushed the shining young eye.

* * *

It's getting light. The late lights are going out.
Hopes were ignited. It’s always like this, all day!
And when it glows, the candles will be lit again,
And the late lights in the heart go out.

* * *

To involve Love in a secret conspiracy!
Hug the whole world, raise Love to you,
So that the world falls from a height and breaks,
So that he can rise again from the rubble as the best!

* * *

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.
From mercury it is living silver.
It will sparkle with the moon, become silver with a fish...
He is all flexible, and death is His game.

* * *

The drop said goodbye to the sea - all in tears!
The Sea laughed freely - everything was in the rays!
“Fly to the sky, fall to the ground,”
There is only one end: again – in my waves.”

* * *

Doubt, faith, ardor of living passions -
Game of air bubbles:
That one flashed like a rainbow, and this one was gray...
And they will all fly away! This is people's lives.

* * *
* * *

Imagine yourself as a pillar of science,
Try to drive in a hook to catch on.
Into the gaps of two abysses - Yesterday and Tomorrow...
Better yet, drink! Don't waste your efforts.

* * *

I was also attracted by the scientists' halo.
I listened to them from a young age, debated them,
I sat with them... But by the same door
I came out the same way I came in.

* * *

Mysterious miracle: “You are in me.”
It was given to me in the darkness like a torch.
I wander after him and always stumble:
Our very blind “You are in me.”

* * *

It was as if a key had been found for the door.
It was as if there was a bright ray in the fog.
There was a revelation about “I” and “You”...
A moment - darkness! And the key sank into the abyss!

* * *

How! To pay for rubbish with gold of merit -
For this life? An agreement has been imposed
The debtor is deceived, weak... And they will drag him to court
No talking. Clever lender!

* * *

Inhale the world's fumes from someone else's cooking?!
Put a hundred patches on the holes in life?!
Pay losses on the accounts of the Universe?!
- No! I'm not that hard-working and rich!

* * *

Firstly, they gave me life without asking.
Then the discrepancy in feelings began.
Now they're driving me out... I'll leave! Agree!
But the intention is unclear: where is the connection?

* * *

Traps, pits on my way.
God arranged them. And he told me to go.
And he foresaw everything. And he left me.
And the one who did not want to save judges!

* * *

Filling life with the temptation of bright days,
Filling the soul with the flame of passions,
The God of renunciation demands: here is the cup -
It’s full: bend it and don’t spill it!

* * *

You put our heart into a dirty lump.
You let an insidious snake into heaven.
And to the person - You are the accuser, aren't you?
Hurry up and ask him to forgive you!

* * *

You came, Lord, like a hurricane:
Threw a handful of dust into my mouth, my glass
Turned it over and spilled the priceless hops...
Who of us two is drunk today?

* * *

I loved idols superstitiously.
But they are lying. No one is strong enough...
I sold my good name for a song,
And he drowned his glory in a small mug.

* * *

Execute and prepare the soul of Eternity,
Make vows, reject love.
And there is spring! He will come and take out the roses.
And the cloak of repentance is torn again!

* * *

All the joys you desire - tear them off!
Wide the cup of happiness!
Heaven will not appreciate your hardships.
So flow, wine, songs, overflowing!

* * *

Monasteries, mosques, synagogues
And God saw a lot of cowards in them.
But not in hearts freed by the sun,
Bad seeds: slave anxieties.

* * *

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out. We need another...

* * *

Be a freethinker! Remember our pledge:
“The saint is narrow, the hypocrite is cruel.”
Khayyam’s sermon sounds stubborn:
“Be a robber, but be wide-hearted!”

* * *

The soul is light with wine! Pay tribute to her:
The jug is round and sonorous. And minting
With love, a cup: so that it shines
And the golden edge was reflected.

* * *

In wine I see the scarlet spirit of fire
And the shine of needles. Cup for me
Crystal - a living fragment of the sky.
“What about Night? And Night is the eyelashes of Day..."

* * *

Always be in good spirits, drink more,
Don't trust the wretched wisdom of people,
And say: “Life is a poor bride!
The dowry is in my gaiety.”

* * *

Yes, the vine is at your heels
She pestered me, to the dervishes' laughter.
But from my soul, like from metal,
The key, perhaps, to heaven is being forged.

* * *

From scarlet lips - reach for another love.
Christ, Venus - invite everyone to the feast!
With the wine of love, soften the untruths of life.
And the days, like tender brushes, tear them up.

* * *

Great - throw some grains in the fields!
It’s more beautiful to throw the sun into our souls!
And subjugate free people to Good
More beautiful than giving freedom to slaves.

* * *

Be softer to people! Do you want to be wiser? -
Don't hurt with your wisdom.
Fight with the offender - Fate, be bold.
But swear not to offend people!

* * *

The heart asked: “Teach at least once!”
I started with the alphabet: “Remember – “Az”.
And I hear: “Enough! Everything is in the initial syllable,
And then – a fluent, eternal retelling.”

* * *

You are crying? That's enough. The storm will end.
Every tear will sparkle like a diamond.
“Let the Night extinguish the world and the sun of the world!”
How?! Stew everything? And children's eyes?

* * *

Close the Koran. Look around freely
And think for yourself. Good - always share.
Evil - never remember. And so that with my heart
To rise up - bend down to the fallen.

* * *

A shot bird is my sadness,
She hid, the dull pain melted away.
Hurry up the wine! Singing sounds of the flute!
Lights, flowers - I’m joking and cheerful!

* * *

We cannot change what the days have in store for us!
Don't cause alarm, don't go dark
The shining remnant of azure days.
Your moment is short! Be blessed and appreciate!

* * *

A thrown ball will not say: “No!” and “Yes!”
The player threw - fly headlong there!
They will not ask us: they will take us into the world and throw us.
Heaven decides where everyone goes.

* * *

The hand stubbornly draws a sentence.
Is it written? End! And from now on
The lines will not be moved and the words will not be washed away
All our tears, wisdom and reproach.

* * *

He caught us and covered us with a bowl of heaven,
The wise man is scared. Happy is he who is in love.
Clinging to sweet life! He pressed his lips to her
The jug is above the bowl - so he is above it!

* * *

For whom is it easy? To inexperienced hearts.
And in words - to deep sages.
And I looked into the eyes of cruel secrets
And he went into the shadows, envying the blind.

* * *

Keep it like a secret. Don't tell everyone:
There was paradise, there was shine, untouched by anything
And for Adam there’s immediate trouble:
They made me sad and drove me out completely!

* * *

There are boundaries in the fields. Stream, Spring is all around.
And the girl comes to me with wine,
Beautiful Moment! And start thinking about the eternal -
And it’s over: you have your tail between your legs like a puppy!

* * *

Universe? - my fleeting glance!
Lakes of tears? - all from her alone!
What the hell? - The burn of my mental anguish.
And heaven is just a reflection of earthly joy!

* * *

Fill the ocean with pebbles
They want saints. A hopeless plan!
They scare you with hell, they tempt you with heaven...
Where are the messengers from these distant countries?

* * *

Isn't it strange? - how long until now
People have gone into an unknown space
And not a single one returned from there.
If I had told everything, the argument would have been over!

* * *

"Forward! There are bright sheaves of sun there!”
“Where is the road?” - heard from the crowd.
“I found... I will find...” - But it will sound alarming
The last cry: “It’s dark, and there’s no path!”

* * *

Have you sinned, are you confused, Khayyam?
Don't bother Heaven with your tears.
Be sincere! And wait for death calmly:
There is either the Abyss or Pity for us!

* * *

Oh, if only it would shine in the desert
The living spring sparkled with moisture!
Like crumpled grass, rising,
The fallen traveler would come to life and stand up.

* * *

Where is the color of the trees? The sparkle of spring roses?
Days, who took away the seven-colored cup?..
But there is still greenery near the water, in the gardens...
The rubies of the vines' clothing burned through...

* * *

I haven’t kissed so many lips!
What joys I didn’t know!
And everything went away... Some kind of disembodied dream
Everything that I touched so greedily!

* * *
* * *

Attention, wanderer! The distance is unreliable.
Fiery steel snakes from his hands.
And the deceptively bitter sweetness beckons
From behind the fence are tender almonds.

* * *

Among the lawn there is a shadow like an island,
Under the tree. He beckons, he’s not far away!..
Wait, two steps there from the dusty road!
What if the abyss lies across?

* * *

Without eating apples from a tree in heaven,
The blind puppy hid in its crevice.
And those who eat it can see: the first day of creation
He started an empty crowd for centuries.

* * *

To the very edge of the sown fields!
There, where the silence of the steppes is in the wind!
There, before the throne of the golden desert,
Slaves, Sultan - everyone can breathe freely!

* * *

Get up! The East has thrown a stone into the cup of darkness!
Let's go, caravans of stars! The darkness is exhausted...
And catches the tower of the proud Sultan
Hunter-Sun in a fiery snare.

* * *

The potter was sculpting and standing nearby
Clay jug: handle and oval...
And I recognized the Sultan’s bare skull,
And I recognized the hand, the hand of a beggar!

* * *

“The treasure is not in gold, it’s in the mind!”
Not the poor pathetic one in life's prison!
Look: the heads of the violets are drooping,
And the roses fade in the lush fringe.

* * *

Sultan! By the brilliance of star fire
For centuries your horse has been saddled.
And where he touches the ground with his hoof,
Golden dust will come out ringing.

* * *

“A little bread, fresh water and shade...”
Tell me, but why then?
Brilliant, proud sultans?
Why slaves and beggars then?

* * *

Yesterday on the roof of the Shah's palace
The raven sat down. Skull of the Proud Shah
He held it in his claws and asked: “Where are the pipes?
Trumpet the glory of the Shah endlessly!

* * *

The great king Bayram lived in the palaces.
There are lizards there. The lion spends the night there.
Where is the king? Wild onager catcher
Caught forever - in the worst of pits.

* * *

Shall we talk some sense into it? It's easier to burn the sea!
Wherever there is happiness, there is a crack and a leak!
Is the jug full? Touch it and it will spill.
Take the empty one! Safer to take care of.

* * *

Earthly life is a momentary ringing groan.
Where are the ashes of the heroes? Scattered by the wind,
Swirling pink dust in the sun...
Earthly life is a floating dream in the rays.

* * *

Khayyam expanded the tent for Wisdom, -
And thrown by Death into the fiery fire.
Khayyam's tent was cut down by an Angel.
The gold pattern was sold for the songs.

* * *

No need for lights, servants! How many bodies!
Intertwined, and their faces are like chalk.
In the vague darkness... And where is the Darkness forever?
No lights needed: the holiday is over!

* * *

White horse of Day, black horse of Night,
Flying through the world to the palace of earthly dreams:
Everyone dreamed of his short-lived glory!
And everyone woke up in front of the impoverished Darkness!

* * *

Death is not scary. Life can be scary
Random, imposed life...
In the dark they handed me an empty one.
And without a fight I will give this life.

* * *

Learn all the secrets of wisdom! - And there?..
Arrange the whole world in your own way! - And there?..
Live carefree until you are a hundred years old and happy...
You will miraculously last until two hundred!.. - And there?..

* * *

The earth is silent. Desert seas
They sigh, trembling with scarlet grief.
And the round sky does not answer,
Giving us all the same days and stars.

* * *

What did you remember? About the affairs of centuries?
Worn out ashes! The muffled babble of words!
Put the cup down and we’ll both get drunk
Under the silence of forgetful worlds!

* * *

The tulip is refreshed by the spring rain.
And you hold out the glass to the wine.
Admire: young greenery in the splashes!
If you die, a new tulip will grow!

* * *

Life fades, sadly easy...
Will crumble from the first push...
Drink! Gloomy cloak - torn by the moon in the sky...
Drink! After us, the moon will shine for centuries...

* * *

Wine is like a bright arrow of the sun:
The pierced darkness will stir,
The icy snow is falling down!
And the distance in the landslides is fiery bright!

* * *

Night on earth. Carpet of earth and sleep.
Night underground. Canopy of earth and sleep.
Shadows flashed, swarmed somewhere -
And they disappeared again. Desert... mystery... dream.

* * *

Spend your life! Behind her there is complete darkness,
Where there is no wine, no women, no revelers...
Know (but you shouldn’t tell others!)
The red poppy has crumbled and is finished!

* * *

An angel will appear where he sang speeches,
Silent Angel with a Cup. Will be in it
The drink of death is dark. And it will bring you closer
Her to the lips. And drink without fear!

* * *

Who planted a rose of tender love
To the cuts of the heart - you didn’t live in vain!
And the one who listened sensitively to God with his heart,
And the one who drank the hops of earthly delight!

* * *

Nishapur gave us life or Babylon,
Does the cup pour sweetness or is it bitter? -
Drink the silent moisture of Life drop by drop!
And life will dry up drop by drop, like a dream.

* * *

Like the moon, the stars are pleasing all around,
The king at the table goes around the guests.
I'm not among them! And for a moment
Turn the empty bowl upside down.

* * *

Oh, if only a winged angel could
Before it's too late, the deadline hasn't been met,
Cruel scroll to tear out, forward
Or cross out the threat of prophetic lines!

* * *

Oh, that there would be peace on earth!
Oh, if only peace could be found in the earth!
No! - you will come to life with spring grass
And you will be trampled on the ground again.

* * *

Give me wine before death, in my delirium!
The wax will flash like a ruby, and I will leave...
And wrap my corpse lushly with vines
And keep it in the dormant garden.

* * *

The hill above my grave - even him! -
He will be given fragrant wine to drink.
And the late traveler will come closer
And he leaves involuntarily, intoxicated.

* * *

The whole harvest is in the grain. Proud late brother
Taken from an ancient lump of clay.
And what the Morning of the World wrote into life -
Will read the last solar sunset.

* * *

The day is drowning in twilight. Dumb
And a fast day. I'm in the workshop
At the potter's. Clay products…
And I am alone with their strange crowd.

* * *

There are many of them! On the shelves, on the floor...
Big, small... Through the darkness
I have bad sight. I can hear whispers.
But there are some completely silent ones in the corner.

* * *

The jug braves: “Yes, I am from the earth!
But since I was taken out of there,
Once they gave the form, shine - not with that, of course,
To make the earth a block again!”

* * *

The other is calm: “Even if you’re angry,
Once there is a jug of wine on the table,
You won't break it! So that the one who sculpts himself,
Did you start breaking it? Can't be! It's threatening!

* * *

Silence. And a secret sigh
Unfolding chipped pot:
“Everyone is laughing at me... Who is to blame?
Why did the master’s hand tremble?”

* * *

Another potty talker. Quite old.
In a Skufei hat. Heat is burning inside him:
“I was you! You will become clay, me!
So which one of us is the pot and which one is the potter?”

* * *

“But,” someone interjects, “they say,
What will be on display: and who is spoiled will go to Hell
They'll throw you to pieces! I do not believe! Gossip!
Our Good Friend will arrange everything in order..."

* * *
* * *

They chatted for a long time. There was a discordant hum.
Suddenly a clear moon looked into the windows.
And everyone started muttering by surprise: “Quiet!
Watchman! Sleep!..” And the darkness fell asleep.

* * *

From faith to rebellion - one easy moment.
From truth to mystery - one easy moment.
Drink more youth and joy!
The breath of life is one light moment.

* * *

“Drinking wine is a sin.” Think, don't rush!
You yourself clearly do not sin against life.
Sent to hell because of wine and women?
Then there probably won't be a soul in heaven.

* * *

The wine of your whole life keeps going.
Anyone who doesn’t drink is a burden to themselves.
And give wine to the mountain - the mountain will dance.
Wine will bring youth to the old too!

* * *

Wine and sweet lips... Yes, it will exhaust
And hard coins, and the Supreme's credit.
But don't worry, it's not scary. Tell me, have you seen it yourself?
That heaven that attracts us so much, that hell that threatens us?

* * *

King David is dumb! The verse is a lamentable psalm.
And the nightingale in Sanskrit language
Shouts: “Wine, guilt! – over a yellow rose, -
Drink! Become scarlet and flare up in triumph.”

* * *

“Relive yourself from the wounds of your soul with wine...”
Then put all the wines in the world on the table.
My soul is wounded... All the fault
Come here. But leave the wounds to me.

* * *

You are a mine, if you go in search of a ruby,
You are loved if you live in the hope of a date.
Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise:
Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!

* * *
* * *

Who wrote the letter of eloquence with a pen,
Moreover, how Alif drew the camp of his beloved.
He once drew it as an example,
The student then drew it a hundred times.

* * *

The one who has learned the secrets of the spirit in his heart,
He reads in the hearts of no matter who stands in front of him.
He himself is the sea, a diver and priceless pearls!
Delve into the wisdom of what I just said!

* * *

Both good and evil will pass in mortal life,
Joy, like sadness, will undoubtedly pass...
Our life is like this: how we will spend it -
Either in struggle, or in bent sorrow it will pass.

* * *

The rich man eats his kebab for lunch - everything will pass,
He drinks intoxicating wine as soon as it’s light - everything will pass.
And the dervish soaks the bread in his beggar's cup,
Homeless, dressed in rags - everything will pass...

* * *

What grief is there to cry so inconsolably?
Or lower the flags of fun at the feast?
Before it brings bitter turmoil,
It must be expelled from the possessions of the soul!

* * *

Our old world will not become young again,
Desires in business are elusive smoke.
Oh, handsome! Give me wine or turn away those who are thirsty -
We will still only come to our infirmities...

* * *

The code of laws for life carries Sharia
By fulfilling it, tariqah was achieved.
In a combination of science and pure deeds
The jewels of truth lie in the world.

* * *

How many of those who tried on the dervish face,
In my thirst for truth, I didn’t go to its roots!
How many of them, chattering about “Alif” and “Lama”,
Who is used to dishonoring a person’s face!

* * *

How many of those who could not survive until the morning,
How many are there who do not know the path of goodness!
How many of those who disgraced the face of man -
In jewelry made of gold and silver!

* * *

At the hour when the beginning took place,
Everyone was happy and didn’t expect anything more.
Arguing about more always became just a quarrel.
Here's the moral so that you don't become greedy in life.

* * *

People of faith have penetrated into the high essence,
Nearby people are not allowed to look there.
And it’s funny that in comprehending the Truth
People often see a heretical path!

* * *

Who is called to taste the knowledge of wine in life,
He must forget about everything that is not God.
Those who are given tongue are not allowed to see,
Those who are born sighted are not given the ability to speak.

* * *

Who was born in the beauty of happiness to contemplate the face,
So the world will shimmer with many facets -
Decorates a dress with sewing for a beauty
And he knows how to understand the inside out of his soul!

* * *

Look, a caravan is being led to us into existence,
How they walk freely, without burdensome fetters!
They, the ones who walk, do not know our worries,
That’s why they walk and walk so carelessly...

* * *

Don't be sad! While this world will live,
People will not forget your name and your trail.
While the stars move harmoniously in the sky,
Your thought is an invisible thread to the Essence.

* * *

It's not right to offend good people
It’s not appropriate to growl like a predator in the desert.
It is not wise to boast about the wealth you have acquired
It is not proper to honor oneself for knowledge!

* * *

Man is the truth of the world, the crown -
Not everyone knows this, but only a sage.
Drink a drop of wine so you don't think
That all creations are based on one example.

* * *

Not a man who is accustomed to grooming his appearance,
Who strives to please every moment.
Be courageous everywhere, decorate your soul,
For a woman is a husband who adorns her face!

* * *

When the time comes and the soul flies away,
This moment will return things to their essence.
The wise course of life and four verses
Suddenly they will lose their harmonious appearance forever.

* * *

They say a man must know his craft,
Compare all your actions with your father’s ideal.
Nowadays, however, they think differently:
“Nothing! You just need to have gold!”

* * *

If you need pearls, you need to become a diver
And four skills to cultivate in yourself:
To trust a friend who is ready to give up his life,
Don’t breathe and dive into the seething abyss!

* * *

Spirit - you are the mind, be omniscient in the world
And seek mercy on the righteous path!
White falcon you are in good hands with the Sultan,
And is there a place in ruins for one who knows the essence?

* * *

Why is this drum being beaten again? -
So that the lost falcon returns back.
Why are this bird's eyes covered? -
So that the falcon's eyes do not see the unnecessary things.

* * *

Foolish people since the beginning of time
Instead of truth, they amused themselves with a rainbow of words;
Even though Jesus and Muhammad came to their aid,
They did not penetrate into the secrecy of the fundamentals.

* * *

The ocean is not afraid of storms or storms,
Human! Distinguish monkeys from people!
Evil is not born from good and vice versa...
Human eyes are given to us to distinguish them!

* * *
* * *

Imagine that you have soared high in life,
Imagine that you got what you wanted in full.
You took the treasures in life in full measure,
Just imagine: leaving everything behind is the ultimate destiny!

* * *

Consider that you have achieved what you want in business,
Consider that life is over, and you are silent dust.
You said that you will achieve what you want,
Consider, although it’s unlikely to be so, that everything is in your hands.

* * *

The essence of truth does not come from words,
For gifts it is not possible to look into its secrets.
While your heart is not in wounds, you do not suffer for half a century,
They won’t show you the path to insight.

* * *

If you live silently in the midst of the crowd,
You, O heart, are reaping the ears of godlessness.
Go away, patient one, into the desert land,
You will be amazed at what you will find there.

* * *

The Creator created two Kaabas for our faith -
Being and hearts, this is the crown of faith.
Worship the Kaaba of hearts while you can,
Above thousands of Kaaba - and one of the hearts!

* * *

You, who threw your dear life into the wind
And with death he was sometimes disrespectful,
You calculated your path two hundred years in advance,
But he didn’t ask fate for an hour’s delay.

* * *

The Lord condemns these greedy people,
And the miser perishes in a hot fire, like a villain.
So it was written by the prophet: better is the infidel,
If he is a Muslim he will be more generous.

* * *

The heart said: “We are equal to a poor drop.
We can’t see the shores of a distant country!”
This drop, falling into the endless sea,
She shouted: “We are a sea of ​​great depth!”

* * *

In the body of the world, the soul is the essence of Truth,
Creatures - feelings that filled the world's chest
Elements, nature are only organs of the body,
Everything follows the outlined path in unity!

* * *

If you're not a hunter, don't talk about game,
Never judge an unread book!
If Truth asks about its own essence, -
Talk about what you see, but ignore the essence.

* * *

Go boldly to the poor, be independent,
Just don’t forget to wash the stain off the face of your heart!
And say to the lost: know your soul -
And then choose your path according to your heart!

* * *

This pathetic man amazed my mind -
In this life he is looking for supports and rafters!
Although there are no gifts in the world for the living,
He is like the wind and shadow in waste of strength!

* * *

Only the soul - the essence and core of the bright Truth,
On the clothes of the soul is God's face and goodness.
Everything that the sign of being bears in its appearance,
There is either God, or the radiance of His silver!

* * *

If I broke my earthly connection with my native mine,
Look back at what you are and where you have ended up!
You have lost in your soul what was given by God,
And he lost his way to the temple!

* * *
* * *

You recognize the superiority of others, that means you are a husband,
If he is the master of his actions, then he is the husband.
There is no honor in humiliating someone who is defeated,
Being kind to those who have fallen in misfortune means a husband!

* * *

If the grapes turn sour in the month of Dey,
Why is he then a source of delight for us?
Someone was able to make a rubab from a log,
And among the reeds the flutes make a gentle noise.

* * *

You are looking for Jamshidov’s cup every moment,
All in doubt - I’m not used to looking for the right path.
Look, the particles of the soul are bowls,
Where, as in a mirror, the face of creation is visible!

* * *

You soar in the clouds - they will bring you down from the clouds, If you are prosperous - they will force you to need. Say goodbye to ignorance, if it's not too late,
Don't offend anyone if they come with a request.

* * *

He who knows how to benefit from wine,
Are you drunk? His head is wonderfully clear.
For a fool, if there is excess, harm is certain,
If you drink wisely, there is only one benefit.

* * *

To kill the worm of vice is one desire,
To be far from people is one desire.
I would like to stay away from what is happening,
From the vicissitudes of fate, there is only one desire.

* * *

The world is beautiful! Look at everything with gratitude!
The Lord gave us this paradise to live in!
For homelessness, which a friend will not condemn,
Do not punish us with a bitter word of reproach.

* * *
* * *

We don’t know if life will last until the morning...
So hurry up and sow the seeds of goodness!
And take care of love in this perishable world for your friends
Every moment is more than gold and silver.

* * *

You, striving to find a way to eternity,
You can find a lot in bright prayer.
God is in you, and the great sky is in your heart,
Only in yourself - where else can you find God?

* * *

How long will you endure grief?
To succeed in business in two days of life?
Drink wine! Stop being selfish and greedy!
Where is Karun and where is the treasure? - answer this!

* * *

Be faithful to the times and bow to Kavsar,
Forget heaven and hell and give up on them.
Exchange the silk of your turban for wine, and without fear,
Wrapping yourself in a rag will make you lose your shine!

* * *

Who grows his flesh on someone else's waqf,
He will become a cunning fox, even if he was born a lion.
If you are unselfish, then give confirmation,
Why don’t you please the flesh of the waqf with a piece.

* * *

Noble people loving each other,
They see the grief of others and forget themselves.
If you want honor and the shine of mirrors, -
Don't envy others, and they will love you.

* * *

Having failed to fulfill your wise commands,
You crave the properties of a noble soul.
Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
Knock and the door to the judge will open!

* * *

You are walking along the road - go unnoticed
Don’t create bad feelings in people’s lives!
Don't appear to be a leader near the mosque
And therefore don’t please the imams.

* * *

You need to be clear-eyed and visionary,
Those separated from goods must learn to live.
You have not been given the sight of the vision of God,
Since you cannot appreciate His greatness.

* * *

Oh, Hodja, if things are not going well,
If they are not talking about you in the khutbah,
Don't push! Become the owner of the affairs of this world,
If greed and selfishness don't kill you.

* * *

Close both eyes - your heart will become like an eye,
You will see a different world surrounding us.
Give up your personal claims -
Approval will follow at the same hour!

* * *

To whom was the key to barriers given to possess it,
He has the power to leave a trace of his life.
He should be awarded the highest blessings by people!
Who's sad? We need to taste the joys of life!

* * *

You are rich in what is given from above,
Do not endure so much torment from the delights of the heart.
Don’t put a heavy burden on your soul -
You will leave everything, you will leave, you will not come back.

* * *

You are careless, Omar, do not walk in being -
After all, walk between the abysses of nothingness!
And how you were nothing at the beginning of creation,
So you will get out of the way a hundred times over!

* * *
* * *

Don’t strive forward and don’t be arrogant,
Be yourself, but don’t be lazy.
If you want to pray to God alone,
Don't look, don't listen. Don't be intolerant!

* * *

Hey, coming, don’t be weak in trouble,
Be calm, don't be like a tramp!
Look into your soul, perspicacious man,
You are not a spectator! Don't be on your journey without courage!

* * *

Don't look for a friend in strange corners,
With him, their adversity was not shared in half.
Be alone, find a cure for suffering yourself,
Let your Comforter heal himself.

* * *

You came to be ruler over us,
So come to your senses so as not to commit this evil!
You were nobody yesterday, you will become nobody tomorrow,
You only know how you can live today.

* * *

Do not persecute people based on the slander of strangers,
Between people, be reasonable, and kind, and tolerant.
You will say: “I did not do evil of my own free will.”
No one will believe your excuses!

* * *

Every moment, oh, idol, don’t be cutesy,
Don’t be so constant in self-love.
Walk with an even step and don’t frown more than your eyebrows,
Never be an enemy to lovers!

* * *
* * *

Don't let a scoundrel into your secrets - hide them,
And keep secrets from a fool - hide them,
Look at yourself among the people passing by,
Keep silent about your hopes until the end - hide them!

* * *

You are looking for God everywhere, night and day,
You are looking outside yourself, blind in dreams of Him.
God speaks to you in different dialects:
“Are you looking for where and who? I am in you!”

* * *

Live righteously, be satisfied with what you have,
Live freely, preserve both freedom and honor.
Don't grieve, don't envy the one who is richer,
Those who are poorer than you are countless in the world!

* * *

Create joy in the world for others and yourself,
Live freely, surrendering your body to fate.
Give up what you will lose tomorrow
Live to your fullest, without burning out in a fruitless struggle!

* * *

If you are depressed and tormented by fate,
Turned to heaven with a fruitless prayer,
Beware! - and even water from the scoundrel’s hands
Don't take it, even if the flame plays with you!

* * *

If you serve people, you will be loved by them,
You become a faithful and desired friend.
It is better to accept an ant as a guest in your home,
Than being accepted into the house by Solomon himself.

* * *

Muslim, Jew or pagan you are -
Sacrifice your life to bring your soul to God.
Be straight as an arrow in keeping the faith!
Or - it is a humble honor for you to lie in the quiver.

* * *

Oh, my heart is drunk with ignorance,
How long will you glorify an empty life?
If you have not disappeared into the abyss of foam,
So how long will you not leave your debauchery?

* * *

Like a child you are, oh heart, in your little years -
There is burning desire, but no courage.
Where to get friendship without the pain of complete separation,
Without seeing the temptation, the burning light?

* * *

If you don’t give up all the interference and connections -
You will never perform a worthy prayer.
You will not leave the snares of poverty or sorrow,
Without renouncing everyone - yourself and us!

* * *

Never lose the essence of wisdom in life,
Don’t lose in order to cling to good or evil!
You are both a traveler, and a path, and a halt on the road, -
Don’t lose the way to return to yourself!

* * *

They will send down a test - what will you do?
If you cause suffering - what will you do?
If heartbroken in sleepless prayer
If he insults you with abuse, what will you do?

* * *

Hey, who arose from the seed, listen, friend:
There are destructive properties and a circle of dishonor.
Avoid boasting, money-grubbing, arrogance,
Black envy, stinginess, greed of hands!

* * *

Don't look for a friend in the world, in the abode of lies,
And apply this wise hadith to yourself:
“Be okay with suffering and don’t expect healing,
Don’t look for a comforter and don’t grieve!”

* * *

Hey, unfortunate thing, have a drink, don’t cry - have fun!
Separate yourself completely from time and timelessness!
Sprinkle the heat of melancholy with this wonderful moisture
Before the soul soars to bright heights!

* * *

Until you can open your heart's eyes,
Until then you will not be able to be perspicacious.
Drink a cup of wine from this jug,
Don't lose hope, the leading thread!

* * *

Remember: the talk of the crowd is the wind, it only makes noise!
Those who continuously give joy to the soul,
Never ruin by listening to empty slander -
The world, like us, stores a lot in its memory!

* * *

Who brought you to us, slightly intoxicated,
Who threw away the veil, what hand?
Who brought you to us, who were burning from separation,
Like the coolness in the desert, like the sigh of the breeze?

* * *

You will go away and leave me crying,
But the date will make me twice as happy.
Do as you wish, as your heart pleases,
Melting me with the fire of testing.

* * *

You alone brought only joy to my heart,
Your death burned my heart with grief.
Only with you could I endure all the sorrows of the world,
Without you, what is the world and worldly affairs to me?

* * *

Do you know, honey, how many nights have passed,
How have we not seen your wondrous eyes?
You don't send messengers and, apparently, you don't want to
Know about us or hear the sound of our speeches.

* * *

I thought that your promises were true,
Your promises are full of constancy.
No, I didn’t know that, like the pillars of the universe
Light of the eyes! - your promises are fragile!

* * *

I said: “Your curls have managed to ruin many.”
And the answer: “Agree, if you love, don’t live!”
I said: “I will not taste the fruit of my beloved camp!”
And the answer: “Who could taste the fruits of the cypress tree?”

* * *

My soul tells me that I am in love with his face,
The sound of his speeches penetrated into the very heart.
Pearls of secrets fill my soul and heart,
But I can’t say - my tongue is nailed!

* * *

The arrival of my friend illuminated my soul,
Happiness smiled upon me amidst many adversities.
Let the moon darken. And with the extinguished candle
A night with you is like the sun rising for me.

* * *

The essence of an idol for mortals is the soul of existence,
Which burns to the ground all the foundations of life.
To find this soul, I went around the whole world,
But she is in our house - I was sure.

* * *

My idol did not show his wonderful face to anyone,
But you can’t tie an idle tongue to the crowd.
She eagerly listens to the absurd fable
Those bigots who are accustomed to tyranny and gossip.

* * *

I said: “The world and kingdoms are Thy creation,
Your dominion is boundless in the universe!”
You answered: “You won’t know anything about us,
What you learned about us is your delusion!”

* * *

There are no people in the world who are not completely smitten by you,
There is no one in the world who would lose their mind.
And although you are not partial to anyone,
There is no one in the world who would not desire your love.

* * *

In this world there are no stones left in the steppes,
That there would be no war with my destiny.
In no land can a man be found,
Who do not yearn for your smile!

* * *

From the fire of your passion only smoke came out,
He brought little hope to his heart.
I tried hard to meet you,
But since there was no happiness, my ardor is fruitless!

* * *

All - and ten minds, also nine heavens,
eight gates of heaven
Seven constellations - for you for six reasons
the song sings:
“God has not yet created a creature, who would you like
was like
Who are the five senses, all four elements,
carries three spirits!”

* * *

Suddenly the soul in the breeze caught your spirit,
And she flew like feathers to find you.
Now she doesn’t even want to remember me -
I learned your character from two characters!

* * *

We can’t be without your friends even for a moment!
By their will, I had to be a sufferer.
Once captivated by you - like clouds of dust particles,
How can the sun shine through our window?

* * *

At night my sighs fly to the Twins,
The rivers of tears in my eyes want to merge with the sea.
You said: “We will drink wine the day after tomorrow.”
But will my series of days last until tomorrow?

* * *

The mind is weak to know the limits of Your greatness,
He failed to discover your eternal essence.
There are none who would penetrate into Your perfection.
Who dared to comprehend the essence of Your merits?

* * *

To kindle passion for you, we only
a spark is needed
One note in the song intoxicates you.
To kill us, arrows from your eyes are not needed,
The whip is enough for us - if death is destined.

* * *

The circle of your face has just begun its course -
The entire sky froze in contemplation.
The morning boasted friendship with a captivating face -
The sky was disgraced - the people saw it!

* * *

In the heart of truth, insight barely broke through,
Two worlds had to disappear in his vision,
As if the heart is longing for the great sea
Suddenly it melted away and merged with the sea.

* * *

The shine of crowns merged in your bright name,
Empyrean and sky, Kaaba is your home.
And now that you have become a great imam,
You embrace the whole world with an omnipotent mind!

* * *

On Your path there are many tribes in search,
They are looking for words everywhere, but the law is not the essence,
The essence of Truth in the world does not illuminate everyone,
Those who do not know it are condemned to merely chatter.

* * *

If today your soul goes into faith,
Imprisonment awaits you together with God.
The sigh that you dare to take without God,
Tomorrow it will burn you with a hot flame.

* * *

Only Your existence commanded me to live,
My existence could not exist without him.
You have always been, You are and You will be everywhere!
Who will suffer if my thread is torn?

* * *

The existence of two worlds is Your goal, Your essence.
Muhammad! Your life is a path of glorification!
My refuge is the shores of Your mercy!..
Two rivers of my tears flow onto my chest.

* * *

Your essence is the light in the recesses of existence,
Your properties are written on the doors of existence.
You are always hidden from people by a veil of greatness,
But You are always evident at the auction of existence.

* * *

Only I begin to grieve with you,
How everything in the world is suddenly ready to serve me.
Let me sacrifice my life for you -
Without you, she would be food for hawks!

* * *

I, like Moses himself, am tired of ridicule,
Like Yahya, I was trampled under the weight of failure.
You torment me; Like Jesus
I began to wrap my pains around a thread!

* * *

It is better to believe in an idol, since its face is yours,
It’s better to become a drunkard, since your cup is mine too!
Sweetly, lovingly, I plunged into oblivion,
It is a thousand times better than earthly life!

* * *

The breeze flew across the lawn, frolicking,
Cypress from above threw a bold reproach:
“You fly low, you can’t compare with me!”
I said: “You are nearsighted, although you are tall!”

* * *

Where is the heart that can know His secrets?
Where is the ear that can delve into His speech?
That moon is sweet and charming day and night -
Where are the eyes that can contemplate her?

* * *

Lord of all powers - that is Your essence,
Before Your threshold, Your path is clear to us!
In my prayers I repeat the word of Truth again:
“In spite of us, be the ruler of vanity!”

* * *

She was there, but I didn’t know about it
Moreover, she was among us, I didn’t know.
I wanted to understand what separates us?
What separated us then? - I did not know.

* * *

You are my dear life, You yourself are the soul,
My lute is silent in glorifying You.
I see: You are an epiphany for half-seeing eyes
I know: You are living water for the mind.

* * *

Only God! There is nothing more, I know
The Genesis notebook told me about this.
The heart was barely illuminated by the light of Truth -
My faith has been cleansed from unbelief!

* * *

I will never dare to take that breath in front of my friend,
I will refuse to do it in front of my confidant.
If, besides You, someone notices him, -
I won’t take this breath, even if I lose my life!

* * *

From the commonwealth of tinder, flint, flint,
If the tinder is not dry, there will be no fire.
Your remoteness and nearness are all misfortune:
Distance and proximity plunge me into blasphemy.

* * *

I won’t give this pearl away easily,
No balm can replace the torment of love for me.
Your threshold is dearer to me than the kingdom of Jamshid,
I won’t sell your hair for two worlds!

* * *

Not Adam - our forefather, given by fate,
Before the beginning, we were already together with you.
It’s not today that you and I are alone, -
Before we were born, we were chained together.

* * *

When again the saints at the end of days
They saddle their bodies like horses,
In a bloody shroud I will rise from the dust
At the threshold of Your eternal abode.

* * *

We need the melting of souls and we need the blood of hearts,
So that the end of the curtain rises before the Truth.
Before Your greatness reason is rejected,
Of two worlds You are the essence and a worthy crown!

* * *

The light in the eye of the ant is lit from You,
The moth’s day is short, even he is from You.
There is divine light in Your boundless essence,
Every low object is reflected from You!

* * *
* * *

The essence of times! Where are You in this eternity?
There is nowhere - where in infinity are You not?
Your essence does not need a reason or place!
Where are you not in this human transience?

* * *

He came to me: “If you are looking for me,
Why are you searching for someone who is not me?
If you are beside yourself, I am you, you have become me,
Don’t look for yourself in the circles of existence!”

* * *

In my excitement I could not control my heart,
It managed to take off in search of the sky.
The angel said there: “The truth is with you everywhere,
And not in us - break the network of delusions!”

* * *

I have no hope of meeting you,
No patience for a moment - what to do with yourself!
There is no courage in the heart to tell about grief...
What a wondrous passion fate has given me!

* * *

You know about medicines for seriously ill patients,
You know the use of treatment, of saving them.
I would tell you about heart wounds,
But like everything else, you know about them too.

* * *

Where in the non-existence is Your essence not?
Not anywhere, but Your light has permeated everything.
Your essence is in the worlds, but it does not need worlds.
Where are you? You are everywhere. The world is warmed by You!

* * *

Whoever you are - a sinner or a liar -
you come back
Even an atheist, even a priest of idols -
you come back!
There is no hopelessness in our bright palace,
Even though you finally broke your vow, come back!

* * *

The idol said: “Oh, priest, you are our admirer,
Why are you our diligent fan?
He made us like his body and face
The one of you who created us was our sculptor!”

* * *
* * *

You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
You are a mihrab from the temple of heaven!
When you were born, your mother washed you with ambergris,
By mixing drops of my blood into the aroma!

* * *

You threw a fluff over your beloved's lips -
And the violet laid a petal on the roses.
The sun sent her a letter as a sign of worship,
By writing these few lines on the moon.

* * *

You walked in - as if someone had poured paint on a rose -
Everything turned red, opened up without will, without strength.
Why didn't the cypress bow down to you?
He would pay dearly for this bow!

* * *

The branches of the young trees bloomed for the first time,
Pick the fruit and satisfy my desire!
Don’t cherish buds of hope in your head -
There are many unfulfilled hopes in the belly of the earth...

* * *

Black curl is blacker than musk color,
The light of your soul makes friends with the lips of yours.
Yesterday I compared your thin figure to a cypress tree -
Cypress became proud for a thousand years!

* * *

The heart takes light from its beloved face,
Like a candle it goes out and lives again.
Tell the moth hearts about the candle,
And the story of those who suffer will burn with fire!

* * *

There is a delicate fluff on the beloved's face
It hasn't diminished its beauty even by a hair's breadth.
The rose is the gateway to the soul in the flower garden of her face,
It turns green in due time.

* * *

Those who believe that souls, in order to overcome death,
They pass from flesh again to flesh,
Looking at you, they said and swore:
“Here is Yusuf, he will live until the coming!”

* * *

My eyes are crying because of the chain of separations,
My heart cries from doubts and torment.
I cry pitifully and write these lines,
Even the kalam cries, falling out of his hands...

* * *

A scattering of your curls, so tenderly beckoning,
Kidnaps me before my birthday.
Twist them tight, don't let them scatter,
So they don't kidnap me again!

* * *

It’s not easy for the wind to fly into her curls,
And it’s not easy not to have suffering in love.
They say that her face is inaccessible to the eyes -
Of course, it’s not easy to look drunk!

* * *

I will happily hug my beloved again
And I will remove the evil of my days from my memory.
Although a drunkard does not heed the words of the sages,
But of course I will understand these words!

* * *

Come, because peace of mind is you!
You've come! And not someone else - it's you!
And not for the sake of the soul - for the sake of our God
Let me be sure, touch with your hand - it’s you!

* * *

The message from God to our world of vanity is you,
The example of unearthly beauty is you.
Outside of you there is nothing for the heart in the world -
Demand everything! The embodiment of a dream is you!

* * *

You, who took earthly creatures from nothingness,
He created heaven and earth - the basis of life!
Before Your truth, everyone is equal - the Shah and the beggar,
Both the drunkard and the sober - You are the judge of everyone!

* * *

From love for You, my heart grieves more and more,
Give me a helping hand, God, in my sorrow!
If in some way I am unworthy of You,
For me, everything is in Your grace!

* * *

In the world of ashes I scattered ashes - everything is gone,
I knew friends and enemies in business - everything passed.
Really, I don’t care about your quibbles -
I waved it off - Allah forgive me! Everything is over.

* * *

The thread leading the mind in life is torn,
And the thread inherent in the actions of the mind...
Strengthen mercy with a good chain
In a temporary house there is a thread of reason!

* * *

If you remember your sins, I am the son of sinfulness,
Doom is my companion, the cause of sadness,
But it is known: if the slave brings repentance,
Then the lord will forgive him all his sins!

* * *

The sages pondered both night and day,
And everyone went the same way to Your gates.
Finally finding ourselves in offensive powerlessness,
We stopped fighting fate and evil...

* * *

Those who are generous will give a mountain for a blade of grass
And for just one breath, sins will be forgiven.
Where God is always disposed toward living creatures,
A hundred lost people will be forgiven for just one glance.

* * *

I tirelessly sin in the world day and night,
I rely on mercy day and night,
There is not even a shadow of hope for people on earth,
I ask Your mercy day and night!

* * *

I walked through the desert of love more and more boldly,
I met thousands of people pouring anger or oil in it
Everyone told me hypocritically or angrily:
“Tilt that bowl!” Be careful not to spill it!”

* * *

The one who has comprehended the essence of deity in this life,
I’m used to letting go of everyday worries.
People catch your only glance
as a favor,
And for happiness they honor the moment of Your closeness.

* * *

When they are happy to give their share,
They will be able to lend something to me, the unfortunate one.
If they are recognized as good, they will be numbered among them,
But if I pass for bad... I’ll have to forgive!

* * *

I went to Christians, to Jews, to churches -
The gaze of those praying was turned to You,
I went to the pagans, remembering my meeting with You,
The curl of your curls served them as a rosary!

* * *

Those who have a false view of the Truth,
All those nights in a row they just say prayer.
But the grain of obedience is better before God,
Than a hundred years of prayer is an unnecessary ritual!

* * *

Every morning I share this secret with You,
I stand at the threshold of the mosque with a prayer:
Merciful to slaves, even ungrateful ones,
Poor man, arrange things for me in life.

* * *

Took me from oblivion, You commanded me to stand up,
In the transience of life there is a stamp of confusion.
And now I am in doubt before Your command,
“Tilt it, don’t spill it!” – so should I understand?

* * *

You managed to create the beauty of an idol,
Enclose it in the scent of hyacinth.
And now you forbid them to admire them?
That is, tip the cup and don’t spill the wine!

* * *
* * *

God, if I have committed great sins,
I was ruining my own soul and body!
I am firmly confident in your mercy -
So he came with repentance... and sinned again!

* * *

I ran from You, but accept and forgive,
And shelter under the shadow of your kindness!
Do not leave the path that is destined for You,
You have drawn it, so you lead the way!

* * *

You said: “Longing for me is your law,
Turn away from me if you are conquered by me!”
“If your face has now become a qiblah for my spirit,
How can I be turned away from my qiblah?

* * *

The most shameful deeds do not bother me,
He lived without cursing his vicious actions.
I am not afraid of sins with Your mercy,
The only thing I fear is shame for the Day of Judgment.

* * *

The old horse of reason is tired on the way,
And we had to wander into the camp of the robbers.
What to interpret now? The doors are mixed up -
And they couldn’t find peace for a moment.

* * *

"I'm obedient!" - I will answer Your call in humility,
“I obey!” - I will say in emotional excitement.
If You say in mercy: “I forgive!” -
“You are just, Lord!” - I will say in admiration!

* * *

Oh Lord, turn me away from wrong steps,
Let me enter into Your abode for the humble!
While I’m sober, I can distinguish good from evil,
Intoxicated, let me escape from good and evil!

* * *

Are you preparing a snare of hundreds of troubles or am I?
Have you been tormenting lovers for a hundred years or have I?
If I am in You, I cannot say anything,
I will become you - Will you give the answer or will I?

* * *

About yesterday - remorse burns my soul,
There is pain in my heart - what is tomorrow to me?
will it bring?
My life is a priceless pearl, the only one
in the world -
It became a storehouse of fear, melancholy and adversity.

* * *

If a monk does not sin, You are omnipotent, God,
We are in sins - You forgive us our sins too.
For him - omnipotent, for me - all-forgiving,
Which of the two is your name? For us - who are you?

* * *

We are accustomed to trust in Your mercy,
To sweep away both humility and sin from yourself.
There will be Your mercy - and the dream will come true,
And forgiveness of sin will bring grace!

* * *

You see our sins, even though we’ve lost count of them,
But the omnipotent hand does not tear the veil for us.
Although I am worse than the bad ones in this sinful world,
Your mercy grows from time to time!

* * *

In worship of You the sun and the moon are equal,
May your service be with me forever.
You take away adversity and you give happiness,
Take it away and give it to every creature on earth!

* * *
* * *

You protect me from random adversity,
From bad news and everyday worries,
And the more of my vices you see,
The more I am honored with Your bounties!

* * *

Then you give the throne of Solomon to a scoundrel,
This is the prophet's crown for the orphan and the blind.
Oh Lord, maybe from the gardens of forgiveness
The breeze will touch my face!

* * *

You know all the vagabonds, the poor and the sick,
You know all the helpless ones with sorrow,
If I call You, you will hear moans,
But if I remain silent, you know the speech of the dumb.

* * *

I am dejected and poor, and You know this,
You know about the earthly medicine for the heart,
So why tell me about heartache? -
Without my confession, You know everything.

* * *

You, whose mercy is one of the scoundrel’s supports,
Whose forgiveness sometimes covers shame,
Have mercy on the slave who is homeless on the way,
He looks up to Your threshold with hope!

* * *

Since You are the one who gives us blessings for life,
Since You are the one who judges us and rewards us,
So why my confession in the secrets of the heart? -
Since You are the one who knows them inside out?!

* * *

You who give the living the beauty of beauties
Or distributes heartache or sorrow,
Although you did not give us joy, we are grateful,
After all, you are a hundred times more generous when distributing adversity!

* * *

If I don’t drink wine, it means I’m not ripe,
If I always drink, then shame is my destiny.
A sage, a shah, a tramp, can drink,
So don’t drink if you couldn’t become one of them!

* * *
* * *

Do not interpret that God is not generous to us with mercy;
What you know is nothing, and keep quiet about the vow.
So many young creatures whose lips are like sugar!..
Give a vow?! Or is Islam of no use to us?

* * *

My shame has walked far across the earth,
I am already the thirtieth person to overcome the pass.
No joy! I'll drain a hundred cups - if there was a chance,
For the wedding feast is long past!

* * *

I will sacrifice myself to evil for the sake of the honest,
Let the scoundrels perish, I will give them blasphemy!
I am poor - and only grief is my friend, -
And for his loyalty I will give him praise.

* * *

When the weight of sins begins to bend your back,
God's mercy will still be waiting for us.
Why is the hour of reckoning postponed until tomorrow?
To pass the way until the day of Retribution!

* * *

Before my spirit took off from my body,
I am a passionate supporter of the most pleasant things.
I'll send a hundred thorns into my beard for reproaches,
After all, the consequences of deeds are only the lot of a harlot!

* * *

The whole world will be just as confused after us,
Hundreds of secrets have not been penetrated by a discerning eye.
It's a pity that the light of thousands of thoughts, deep and subtle,
In human recklessness, without being born, it went out.

* * *

The weight of my sins destroys my faith without difficulty,
Makes holy men run away in shame.
If they try to weigh this heavy load,
Without a doubt, the scales will be broken on the Day of Judgment!

* * *

You, for whom sin is a daily lot,
Which the worthy man didn’t even dare to think about!
After all, aiming sin at the heart of eternal science
For the intelligent, ignorance is the extreme limit!

* * *

Do not rush to condemn my lack of faith -
No one in the world can find stronger faith than mine.
And I'm the only one! Am I a heretic, O God?
So who can be called a Muslim?

* * *

Until my friend pours wine into my bowl,
Really, fate won’t come to kiss me.
They keep telling me: “The time has come for repentance!”
I can not! God does not give me repentance!

* * *

I had to say to the godless heart:
“Death will come, and it’s time to call on reason!”
And, confused, my heart said to me:
“I was dead from birth, I can’t become alive!”

* * *

I have no hope of being on the right path,
Even the heart cannot save you from mistakes.
I won’t sleep anymore, I’ll only drink wine,
For I have a long time to sleep.

* * *

The original thread of human connections is breaking,
Attachment - to whom? What to love?
Who to be friends with?
There is no humanity. It's best to stay away from everyone
And, without opening your soul, it’s nothing to talk about.

* * *

It seemed to me in some ecstatic moment,
That through science and wisdom I have comprehended the mysteries.
But belief is wisdom and screen is science,
And then I despised their deceptive face.

* * *

I’ll become hard as a stone - they’ll grind me down,
If I become soft like wax, they will immediately begin to melt.
If I bend, I will be pulled back like a bow,
I will straighten up - like an arrow into a hostile camp
will send!.

* * *

It seems that I am not there - existence is becoming clearer,
And I’m standing high - I’m swinging down more and more.
From the wine of existence, it seemed to me that I was sober,
I'm actually getting drunker and drunker.

* * *

Wine drinking keeps me alive in this life,
The oppression of heaven will ease my intoxication.
Since the ship of my life is already close to wreck,
This means that you need to throw away the shield in advance.

* * *

I realized: loneliness is better than friends,
So as not to see good or evil in people,
To strictly understand your own soul, -
Only then should people be among strict judges.

* * *

We were confidants at the cup of wine -
And we needed a secret when dating -
How afraid they were to disgrace themselves in their actions!
Disgraced now - the rumor is not terrible!

* * *

We are careless in worries about earthly life,
We don’t worry about the day’s food in the morning.
And from the heavenly Kitchen we await hidden treasures,
On earth with no other hope.

* * *

Why don’t I make a vow not to drink?
No one can stop me from drinking wine.
There is, of course, a ban on drinking for hypocrites,
And let me pay for the sin of the wise men!

* * *

I swore and again broke my vow,
And the vow has been crying out from me for a long time.
Yesterday I broke the cup in the name of a vow,
And today, in honor of the cup, I broke the ban!

* * *

Having laid the bricks, I will not walk on them,
From now on I’ll spend a moment by the fields with the wine of life
I won’t burn because of any little thing,
If I don't find a beauty, I'll find an ugly one.

* * *

The young beauty and I only need a flute,
We took refuge in a corner with a jug of wine.
The wine will slightly warm our nerves and veins,
I won’t accept even a grain of someone’s mercy!

* * *

Let the whole world lie obediently before the Shah,
Hell belongs to the bad, but heaven belongs to the righteous.
Rosary for angels, freshness for heavenly heavens,
We must give our loved ones and their souls!

* * *

You, who have gone to the heights of the firmament more than once
And whose temple messenger appeared Jebrail,
You are the eternal mediator of existence and reason,
How did you deserve your freedom from God?

* * *

The madrasah releases an army of libertines,
The appropriation of the waqf is the mother of cruelty.
Living in a slum corner on a pauper's allowance -
This means to always remain in the kingdom of freedom.

* * *

Who resignedly got used to the old bedding,
Whose mind and tongue are devoted to hashish,
They say: “We are just lion cubs in a harmless game!”
Yes, they have lost their human face!

* * *

There will be no willows or their shadow left,
Silver-bodied beauties and their charms...
Will not remain in a world so fleeting,
Your magical charms and my prayers...

* * *

At the feast of existence, drunkenness is a vile flaw -
You won’t hear the flute, and there’s deception in your heart.
Even the drunkards have all renounced their addiction,
The city mukhtasab is still drunk.

* * *

Since longing managed to fill my heart with pain,
He needs to get drunk or fall in love again.
Don't you have any wine? - You sent me that moisture,
Which, like a cup, you can drink by the handful.

* * *

The Creator gave his bright face to Adam,
He also revealed the secret of the harem to a friend.
All that was treasure in the treasury of the Universe,
The merciful ruler gave it to Adam.

* * *

The cypress says: “How beautiful is her figure!”
He says: “I am depressed after realizing my flaw!”
"What's wrong with you?" - restless birds make noise,
He says: “The heart aches and the ocean of tears!”

* * *

Sorry for the puppy! He was constantly on the run,
And then it was like the steppe wind.
He was so hungry for bones that in his unhappy pursuit
Right in the teeth of a boar - alas! - pleased...

* * *

Our restless face under this dome
It is only like an ant that it entered the bottle:
We are not given knowledge about hope and fear -
We wander blindly, like a mill bull.

* * *

A father's five sons are like pillars in supports,
We are like fingers on the hand of fate.
If we straighten up, we will rise like a banner,
And let us clench together - a single fist for the fight.

* * *

I saw a rose when I wandered into a corner,
A flower cried over a torn shirt:
“Who broke the veil of my young charm?”
"It's me!" – the breeze whispered proudly.

* * *
* * *

They say: if you eat hashish, you won’t be afraid of longing,
With him, neither a harp nor a cup of wine is needed.
According to the teachings of those who know, it is known for sure:
Better than a hundred drugs is a drop of wine!

* * *

It is not water, but tears that are destined to be in the eyes,
For grief, patience should be a friend.
Or life should be long in proportion to suffering,
Or should it be short to the best of life's ability.

* * *

A libertine appeared in broad daylight,
As if in a hellish child, as if all of fire,
He broke my jug - may he not live long! -
With this pure wine and, moreover, from me!

* * *

The moon came out over the drinking houses,
In the empyrean she set up a tent.
From the tent, a sad sigh suddenly sounded in the sky:
“This unstable world, truly, is not worth a grain!”

* * *

Dear youth, at least you can live with faith in Christ,
Come! Try to conquer fear,
To dry my bitter tears from my eyes
Or put your lips to your old lips.

* * *
* * *

You are a sea of ​​mercy for us, you are a spring of generosity,
Please let us answer the question that has arisen:
“There was only God and there was no other in the world,
If there is nothing, where was the face of God?

* * *

Tomorrow you will, Khoja, you will be responsible for everything,
Tomorrow you can appear despised before heaven.
Be worthy in your actions so that you may stand before the Judge
Tomorrow I could stand without shame and disgrace!

* * *

Oh, my soul, I need to meet you,
For me this night is as long as your curl!
To catch this bird of a date with you,
My keen eyes do not know sleep!

* * *

I suffer, my sighs fly to you,
Because of the separation, both my house and garden became gloomy.
My eyes and heart are far from you,
Still my heart is with you! On the road - my view!

* * *

Questioner, here's a short lesson for you:
God has no abode!
Can't you comprehend? Look into your soul -
Where is the corner for her in your being?

* * *

You don’t push your horse on the road of love -
You'll be exhausted at the end of the day,
Don't curse the one who is tormented by love -
You cannot comprehend the heat of someone else's fire.

* * *

The light of our eyes, the inspiration of our hearts!
Our destiny is only the torment of our hearts!
From separation, my soul suddenly rose to my lips,
The meeting is only the healing of our hearts.

* * *

Oh, idol! Why did you break off the friendship?
Where was your loyalty at this time?
I wanted to grab your shalwars -
You tore my patience shirt!

* * *

Your hair is a hyacinth that was born curled,
And the eyes are like daffodils; narcissist is a dream
Lala - hops that are always inseparable from nectar,
Your whole face is like fire, with which I am blinded.

* * *

Sing the wine with a sonorous song of all strings,
It is a sin not to listen to the speaker.
And never be lower than a beast of burden,
The kind of water you are destined to drink only when you whistle.

* * *

Don't look for friendship from people -
You won’t find it, just like there’s no shade under a dry branch.
The thrifty one is worthy, and the greedy one is humiliated,
Build a house of life on lasting dignity!

* * *
* * *

The essence of the pearls of love is from other mines,
And a haven for love is between other clouds.
The bird that pecks the grains of love's flour,
From another nest, beyond worlds and centuries.

* * *

Is it the sun - cheeks - I don’t know - or is it the moon,
Lips - honey - I don’t know - or the sweetness of wine,
Whether it’s a cypress - I don’t know - or the appearance of a friend,
Person or peri - I don’t know - she...

* * *

You are the ruler of heaven, and I cannot describe You
A simple man is not a match at all.
Both worlds are nothing compared to you,
Where You are, they can only prostrate themselves before You.

* * *

Your memory - your trace - has settled in our hearts,
Passion, like a prisoner, is forever locked in the hearts,
And I will never leave your slavery,
As long as life lasts, the candle remains in the hearts.

* * *

Halva is insignificant before our daily bread,
And the brocade before the rough sack is dead.
How much can you talk about the Jamshid Cup?
This one of ours is alive in everyone’s heart!

* * *

Your moon will not wane in a month,
While decorating, the stingy fate was generous to you.
It’s really not difficult to leave this life and world,
But how difficult it is to always leave your threshold!

* * *

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

* * *

The blacksmith's apprentice at the end of the day,
Having shod his horse, he dozed off by the fire.
Who has seen the moon itself at full moon?
Did you attach the crescent moon to the horse's hoof?

* * *

Among the pagans in the temple we are all in love,
Both the wine and the priest are full of worship.
My friend's black lock of hair took power over my heart,
We fell to the ground in confusion... Drunk!

* * *

My heart is set towards the dervishes,
And I owe my spirit to the dervishes.
Don't give the dervishes the name of beggars -
Even the Sultan of the world serves them, the dervishes!

* * *

And the hunter, and the game, and the grain - this is He,
The cupbearer and friend, and the wine is He.
And in the pagan temple I saw again -
In an alien temple the priest is still the same – it is He.

* * *

The weaver to whom I sacrificed my soul,
Tied my body with a "base" of hair.
When he grooms the “warp” with a comb without a “weft”,
It’s as if I’m captivated by amazing dreams.

* * *

Even though daffodil eyes are looking for a reason for troubles,
Laughter and joy live in the arches of black eyebrows.
These arches, which are higher than beautiful daffodils,
As if they are talking about their supremacy!

* * *

When only a connection was born from the root causes,
Then the spark of God merged with chaos.
In the alphabet of the worlds, not yet knowing the signs,
The parts merged with the whole into an inextricable connection.

* * *

In wise speech there is a thread of understanding,
And in a conversation with a crowd you can taste grief.
We need to drink some wine! Fill my cup,
After all, today I don’t want to live either...

* * *

There is no choir for the soul except these curls,
There is no mihrab for the heart without these eyebrows.
In your face I see the form of my soul,
There are no mirrors for the soul without your smile!

* * *

There are no such thorns in these sultry steppes,
That she wouldn’t stick to me both in fate and in business.
I became hostile to people with my whole being,
Where I am, there are only quarrels and fear all around!

* * *

When priestly souls are a heterogeneous synclite
He will come out to God for judgment from under the stone slabs,
Only then will God figure out what’s what
Who will live in heaven, who will cry in hell.

* * *

Well, let's say that you will be honored,
And your wishes will come true,
Where are you old friends and youth time
Will you find it in the bustle, between honorable worries?

* * *

The Turkish woman took my heart captive with daffodils,
And she wrapped herself in curls like a net,
Prepared the falcon immediately for the hunt
And into my arms again - alas! – cleaned it up!

* * *

The garden of your face - it’s a pity - is overgrown with weeds,
And the tulip of your cheeks was carried away by the crow in its beak.
Even the cinnabar of the lips, and it has darkened,
The wind brought autumn to the crimson of your lips...

* * *

I went out into the garden in grief, and I’m not happy about the morning,
The nightingale sang to Rose in a mysterious way:
“Show yourself from the bud, rejoice in the morning,
How many wonderful flowers this garden gave!”

* * *

We have wine, love, and zonnar,
The cross and the temple, the cupbearer's watchful eye.
We are free, single, we are fans of the cup,
We have embraced both good and evil more than once!

* * *
* * *

Can the fruit of the mind of the sages be erased by feeling?
Or will envy melt gold into copper?
A fool is like a dog, a wise man is like the sea,
Even a dog couldn’t desecrate this sea!

* * *

This joyful hour of the holiday has come,
He prepares a lot of treats and delights for us.
On the page of your eternal Book of Peace
"Live forever!" - There is a decree written there for you.

* * *

The blessings of the world are like honey; who ate it
Excitement in the blood, heat and trembling are their destiny.
And the tyrant who eats kebab from the liver of beggars,
If you look at it, you have succeeded in devouring yourself.

* * *

From your brow is the scent of white roses,
Your hair has a musky scent.
Heavenly pearls shine from ruby ​​lips,
At your doors fear and confusion reign.

* * *

The path of piety is contempt of goods,
After all, the one who strives for them is poor in spirit and naked.
Be humble, as if you were already underground -
Under the ground you will preserve the life of a righteous sign.

* * *
* * *

Sugar, if only he could shine with a smile,
You are a cypress, if he could walk proudly,
You are the moon, if the moon spoke in the sky,
You are a candle, if only you could captivate like that!

* * *

Only Your sun has had time to shine,
How the soul flew to wander in search.
My tongue is numb - I cannot glorify mercy,
The essence of Your virtues cannot be understood by the mind!

* * *

The wheel of the firmament is like a mill shaft,
In this mill the millstone did not wear out:
No matter how many measures of grain time pours in,
Insatiable and greedy, he devoured everything...

* * *

Those for whom the veil of the secret is torn,
They are worried about the fate of people and worlds.
They only accept the suffering of Love in the world -
Where there is no Love, their sentence is harsh.

* * *

Will our beloved give us a look, maybe?
And his tyranny will stop, perhaps?
Is there a power that stands with the uprightness of the “alif”
Suddenly, bending it, it turns into the letter “dal”?
May be…

* * *

Her body is a cypress tree, and her face is the face of the moon,
It’s like sugar on the lips – both fresh and tender.
Curls of curls and eyelashes of your beloved
Like chain mail and spears - but I’m not afraid!

* * *

Those initiated into the secrets of heaven are at least modest,
But in the power of the spirit, kings are only equal.
Let in the eyes of Christians, Muslims, Jews
They are considered to be lost, but their ways are true.

* * *

Stupid forever wine is an absolute ban.
The noble one accepts only this advice.
From twenty - it is allowed. Necessary -
For those who have reached adulthood in life

* * *

Not in the thorn - the scent is in the love flower,
Not everyone is a sensualist either.
Do not look with contempt on those who love life -
What you yourself are deprived of, the richer your neighbor is.

* * *

He is a dervish who goes through life unknown,
Selfless, does not expect rewards or handouts.
Even in the flames of poverty, forever burning,
He will never pick someone else's fruit.

* * *

A heart that is destined to live without love,
It does not live in being, it is already dead.
And consider the person dead while alive,
If the world of love is not given to him to know.

* * *

He is the beginning of all great peaks,
For all forms and for earthly thoughts - an ideal.
And when Adam was only water and clay,
In the world of the spirit He was already a traveler.

* * *

I stain the carpet of asceticism with wine
Today I am left alone with my beloved.
Well, tomorrow, at least burn me, at least caress me, God, -
You will guide me in the best way!

* * *

Have fun! There are both benefits and harms in the world,
And why are you grieving about what doesn’t exist?
Who achieved something by walking through these doors?
When you leave them, the light will not change!

* * *

Don't envy - you'll feel oppressed,
And if you humiliate anyone, he will be your prisoner forever.
While you can, support your neighbors in adversity,
The one you helped will be next to you.

* * *

The face of my moon and the moon is visible,
I hung my head at the sight of the two moons.
I saw the moon on earth and in the sky,
And the heavenly sky was eclipsed at that very moment!

* * *

There is a lot of evil that seemed good to me before,
And goodness that only turned out to be evil towards me!
I do not know what I want? Give me, God
What good will bring into my soul and into my home!

* * *

The share that my beloved baker will give me,
He will not viciously, but kindly, tenderly serve.
I am in the hands of suffering - like soft dough,
And I’m afraid that he will set me on fire again!

* * *

I told my beloved more than once or twice:
“Why do you always break your words like that?”
“How can they jump out through my little mouth,
If I don’t break them into pieces first?”

* * *

The mind seeks knowledge of Your essence,
The mind is looking for You throughout the entire universe.
Where is the peace for hearts and souls? I'm in doubt -
Are You in the heart? Are you in my soul?

* * *

Draw a long stroke on the circle of existence,
Place the heart point where it should be.
If in the center the compass only trembles and moves,
His tip can’t find the point again!

* * *

To get closer to the Truth while living,
Tame the lust in yourself, like Moses,
Quickly throw off the sandals of passion,
So that, like him, he can reach the top of Sinai.

* * *

Oh, wealth and youth, love and spring,
Oh, grass and stream, the joy of a cup of wine...
For those you are good at drinking wine in the morning,
Who can hear the song of birds and flutes!

* * *

How much sugar is hidden in sweet lips,
A scattering of pearls is beautiful in ruby ​​lips -
You bestow upon those who seek Chinese amber
Ambergris in black locks and their curls!

* * *

With gold you can conquer any beauties,
So that the fruits of these meetings can be picked and tasted.
And the crown-bearing narcissist has already raised his head, -
Look! Gold can wake you up from sleep!

* * *

Can the torment of love give me joy?
Is the heart capable of listening to advice?
Your black curls have made my heart captive
Does captivity make you fall into madness?

* * *

Look at the grief-stricken, suffering,
Look at the one begging for alms!
I am unworthy of your threshold, I know,
God help me, don't look at me!

* * *

“So what is your face like?” - “He will compare
only with the Moon!”
“And the lips?” - “They are the sugar of earthly delight!”
"Don't do it!" - "What?" - “Yes to deeds”
“I will do it!” - “Well, have mercy on me!”

* * *

What did I taste from passion for you, suffering?
Day and night I endured pain and misfortune,
My heart is bleeding and my soul is tormented,
And my eyes are wet, and I myself am without strength.

* * *

If the image of your beloved appears before your eyes -
Her face bears the image of light or darkness.
It will be reflected on the loving face,
Like a double born from the radiance of an idol!

* * *

Live with reason in friendship and die with it,
We drive through life without stops - die.
The sign of life is love, without it there is vegetation!
If you vegetate, useless to the living, die!

* * *

Having arrived from afar, don’t fuss,
Don’t strive to be like a blind arrow!
And on the coming journey before the unknown distance,
Like a foolish youth, don’t rush around anywhere!

* * *

Don’t be ambitious, capable of leadership,
Be a balm, but don’t be a sting.
If you don’t want to be offended in life,
Don’t suggest anything bad and don’t be evil!

* * *

If it's not fun, still live with hope,
And sinfulness comes from knowledge; live as an ignoramus!
If the demon of the crowd disturbs your soul,
Having hidden both your soul and your eyes behind your eyelids, live!

* * *

Be diligent in knowing the Lord,
While you are able, look for a righteous path for yourself.
How long will you live in shackles of gold?
“Besides God, there is no God!” – that’s the whole point!

* * *

If you can absorb knowledge and wine into your mind,
Then be silent - don’t you dare sell great secrets!
And don’t look for your ears for precious words -
You will become an endless sea if you remain silent!

* * *

Passion for you has torn the robe of roses,
Your scent contains the breath of roses.
You are tender, sparkles of sweat on silken skin,
Like dew at the wonderful moment of opening roses!

* * *

The curl is the night, and your face is the morning light,
And the secret of your power is in the tonsils of your eyes.
God knows, for my soul you are only a delight,
If I don’t see you, I have no pleasure!

* * *

The wine of your lips has taken on the bright color,
Cypress has no comparison with you.
Hurry to tear off the veil from the full moon,
So that the desired dawn appears before the night!

* * *

I fell in love with you - there is pain in my heart,
The entire liver was burned from separation fire.
I'm sad that I won't see your face today!
He raised his eyes to heaven before the birth of the day.

* * *

Once I bought a cheap jug from a pottery shop,
And, having filled it, I hurried to my friends.
And the jug said to me in a secret dialect:
“Like you, I drank without rest during my life!”

* * *

When I was dreaming about your face,
I delighted my eyes with rose petals.
I was inseparable from the cup of joy all night,
I drank wine and played the chang melodiously...

* * *

I think I'm insignificant, but I'm not.
I imagine myself as one of the crowd, but in reality I am a leader.
In the world of dead things I am the pinnacle of creation
And I seem to strangers, but I am not a stranger to them.

* * *

A wise man and a madman may grieve nearby,
Nearby there is a temple in your kingdom and a mosque,
They bravely sacrifice their own and others’ lives,
For they are glad to burn before You!

* * *

For the flesh of the universe, we are its soul, its essence,
We, who are given the opportunity to look into its secrets.
Take a closer look - there is nothing better in the world than us,
We will connect the worlds between them - our way!

* * *

The world of love cannot be found without torment,
The path of love cannot be diverted at will.
And until you become bent over from suffering,
The essence of this is impossible to convey to consciousness!

* * *
* * *

Why should the caravan of those traveling suffer?
A moment of two days, giving us joy, to suffer?
Everything is nothing - we and the world, even joy and sorrow,
It’s so worthless to suffer about something that doesn’t exist!

* * *

Your eyebrows, which tend to steal hearts,
Your eyes have trained themselves to throw arrows.
Above the eyes they guard the beauty,
That is why they are not allowed to see the eyes.

* * *

Your heart inclines you towards evil - so do good!
Goodness can skillfully unravel the knot.
If both are in a hurry to become your friend forever,
Then boldly choose kindness as your friends!

* * *

It was as if you were friends with me at first,
But then she suddenly decided to quarrel with me.
I did not despair that fate had turned away:
What if you still become nice to me?

* * *

My heart follows my eyes in love,
My heart drinks cruel sorrow on the way,
If I ever lose my heart,
My heart will disappear only from your eyes.

* * *

Just the essence, how worthy of men, speak,
Only when answering - the words sir - speak.
There are two ears, but one tongue is not given by chance -
Listen twice and speak only once!

* * *

In the sounds of the flute, you can hear my heart’s groan,
The case is often, learning about the suffering of love!
Do you want to know about soul food for lovers?
Listening to the sighs of the flute, live in the world!

* * *

From the wet rose you, throwing off the bashful veil,
Brought me confusion in the form of gifts.
A hair's breadth away from your waist! Show me your face!
I'm melted like wax and ready for suffering!

* * *

You have made us a shield for deadly arrows,
He never wanted to give us attention.
What have you seen from us? Only devotion of the gaze!
Why didn’t the light of Your mercy warm us?

* * *

Since I am apart from you, I have no healer,
I'm burning like I'm wearing flames.
On the night of my date with you, I will part with this life -
The light of the day, separated from me, is not joyful!

* * *

Your face is the day, with it the curls are always in friendship,
The rose is you, and in the thorns is the trouble of separation.
Your curls are like chain mail, your eyes are like spears,
In anger you are like fire, and in love you are like water!

* * *

Oh, nimble potter, you are not given to know,
That you too are destined to leave this world.
After all, trouble will overtake, and the unknown potter
Your ashes will be placed in a jug so that wine can live in it...

* * *

I saw a bird in Rey on a pile of stones,
Hatem-Taya's skull lay there in front of her.
She said: “How to submit, leader,
Khosrow-Key without your wise generosity?

* * *

I looked into the world - I was young and ready to learn -
Into a united and harmonious world, the foundation of foundations.
Everything became strange, unity fell apart -
Just one arm has become a hundred sleeves!

* * *

That station of tyranny that is given to us all,
Every moment brings us closer to death.
And until it’s your turn to give up your life,
Why are you running from love and wine?

* * *

Do you think that you are like kin to heaven?
You are stupid if you drink this sweet balm.
Drink wine carelessly, don’t look for a poor lot -
They won’t choose a monastery for us based on acquaintance!

* * *

Your purity is flawless above the world,
And Your sinlessness is like Your height.
Before You all the worlds are like specks of dust from the universe
Hundreds of thousands of Adams are just dust and vanity.

* * *

Roses are blooming! The chants are heard everywhere,
Hundreds of feasts in the gardens during the tender spring.
Everyone thinks about love and roses,
We are full of melancholy and cemetery thoughts.

* * *

On the ruins a bird was sad alone,
Holding the Shah's skull, full of suffering,
And she repeated to him, wailing and crying:
“You are dead! You didn’t take even a grain with you!”

* * *

If you master the essence of the sciences of all people,
You still can’t avoid fate.
That order on the forehead that has been inscribed for centuries,
It is not given to us to clean up or simply erase.

* * *

Throw aside strife and adversity while you're on your way
Devote the years to truth while you're on the road.
You endure hardships while saving your wealth...
Give and spend while you're on the go!

Omar Khayyam is a great Persian poet and philosopher who became famous throughout the world for his wise sayings. In his homeland he is also known as a mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. In mathematical treatises, the scientist presented ways to solve complex equations. His scientific achievements also include the development of a new solar calendar.

Most of all, Omar Khayyam was glorified by his literary and philosophical activities. Omar Khayyam is the author of quatrain poems - rubai. They are written in Farsi. There is an opinion that the rubai were initially translated into English, and only then into other languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

There is probably no topic to which Omar Khayyam would not devote his work. He wrote about life, about love, about friends, about happiness, about fate. In the poet's work there are also reflections on reincarnation, on the soul, on the role of money; in his poems (rubai), he even described wine, a jug and a potter he knew. Initially, the poet’s work caused a lot of controversy, some considered him a freethinker and a reveler, others saw him as a deep thinker. Today, Omar Khayyam is recognized as the most talented author of the rubaiyat, and his work undoubtedly deserves attention.

Isn’t it funny to save a penny all your life,
What if you still can’t buy eternal life?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss time!

Life must be appreciated.

Be easier on people. Do you want to be wiser -
Don't hurt with your wisdom.

Clever is not wise.

You say, this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Life is given only one, and you need to love it.

Those who lose heart die before their time.

As long as you believe in yourself, as long as you live.

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

You need to understand life, and not act out of inertia.

About love

A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

If you're not confident in your abilities, it's better not to try it.

Like the sun, love burns without burning out.
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale moans.
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Love is like a flame that warms souls.

Know that the main source of existence is love.

The one who loves has the meaning of life.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Not to love means not to live, but to exist.

You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.

You cannot find happiness with an unloved person.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Being a wife and a beloved woman are not always the same thing.

About friendship

If you don't share it with your friend on time -
All your fortune will go to the enemy.

You can't spare anything for a friend.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle.
And remember: a close friend living far away is better.

The less common affairs, the more trust.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

But in life everything is quite the opposite.

If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug an enemy, you will find a friend.

The main thing is not to confuse.

The wittiest

If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out!
If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!

You need to listen to the wise.

It's better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the scoundrels in power.

You shouldn’t give in to temptation, power is a vile thing.

Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
Knock and the doors to destiny will open!

Who seeks will always find!

No one can tell what roses smell like...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey...
If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever...
You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand...

All people are different, there is no doubt about that.

The work of Omar Khayyam is filled with meaning. All the sayings of the great thinker and poet make you think and rethink life.

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