Home Helpful Hints How to make a pie in Minecraft? Learning to bake. How to make pumpkin pie in minecraft

How to make a pie in Minecraft? Learning to bake. How to make pumpkin pie in minecraft

So, today we will talk with you about how to make a pie in Minecraft. It is worth getting acquainted with some of the ingredients that we need to get. Where and how much are they taken? What ratio are they connected to? All this will be discussed today. So let's quickly try to bake a pumpkin pie in Minecraft.


Well, let's start with inventory. In order to cook in Minecraft, we need a bucket. Even three. What they are for, we will talk to you a little later.

The thing is that this inventory cannot be found anywhere in pure form. Just craft it yourself. This is easy to do if you already have a good supply of resources. If not, then you will have to suffer a little.

To create one bucket, you will have to combine three iron ingots. In fact, if you are interested in the question of how to make a pie in Minecraft, you will have to collect 9 of these items. They are obtained from iron blocks (1 cube equals 9 ingots), however, they are very difficult to find. In addition, the material we need can be obtained by killing an iron golem or during the processing of the corresponding ore. Iron mines are located in the Nether at a height of up to 64 blocks. It is enough to collect 9 units of this resource and burn them in the stove. For 1 ore you get 1 ingot. After that, combine them in three pieces on a workbench, get buckets. Take it with you and go for the following ingredients.


Well, if you are thinking about how to make a pie in Minecraft, then, of course, worry about the presence of sugar in advance. You can't do without this product even in real life. There will be no dessert.

But where can you get this item? Of course, from the reed. Where is this plant located? Yes, everywhere! As a rule, it can be found in the ground or near water. There are quite a lot of reeds near lakes and reservoirs. Just do not cut this plant: it is only useful in its living form, since the fruits renew on it over time. Dial more sugar, and then go in search of the following materials.

This product can be used in the preparation of pie, cake and marinated spider eye. In addition, sugar is required to feed horses. Useful item. It certainly won't be redundant. But what else is needed to get an answer to the question of how to make a pie in Minecraft?


Well, now let's try to figure out where we can get another product for our idea. It's about about chicken eggs. It's probably not that hard to guess that this product gives the hen while she is alive. In order to get this item, it is best to tame a couple of chickens or build a chicken farm. You just have to feed the birds in time and then collect their eggs. The main thing is not to kill them, otherwise you will only get meat, which, in principle, is useless for a cake or pie. After you collect enough of this item (it is better to take more - 6-8 pieces), you can start searching for the remaining items for our dishes.


In order to figure out how to make a pie in Minecraft, we need one more product. It's about the pumpkin. After all, we decided to cook a pumpkin pie that restores 8 health units!

Pumpkin can be grown from appropriate seeds. Located this vegetable in the ground. Generated randomly. In order to learn how to bake a pie in Minecraft, you only need one such vegetable.

For the cake, we need to find 3 units of wheat. It is grown like other cereals. In addition, now we need our buckets: we need to collect milk in them. It is taken from a tamed cow.

When you have all the products, you can start cooking. Combine the pumpkin, sugar and egg on the workbench. You will get a pumpkin pie that can be sold or eaten. If you combine 3 buckets of milk, wheat, sugar and eggs on the same workbench, you get a cake. That's all. Now you know how to cook pastries.

Hello, sailor with you and today I would like to talk about food in minecraft. Namely, I would like to tell how to make a pie in minecraft.

Ingredients for our pie

Let's start with crafts. We need to craft some buckets. It's easy to craft them. We put iron ingots in the fourth, sixth and seventh slots. When you have buckets, go to the cow and fill them (Hover over the animal and press the right mouse button).

The last ingredient is wheat. I think it is not necessary to explain where to get it.

Let's move on to crafting. In the first, second and third slots we need to put one bucket of milk. Put sugar in the fourth and sixth, and the egg in the center. It remains to put wheat in the remaining slots and that's it. Our cake is ready.

We put it on the ground with the right mouse button and if you want to eat ( chicken legs show the level of satiety), then we approach our cake and press the right mouse button. We eat one piece, and satiety rises almost completely! So is this great decoration in the House.

Type - food

Where to look - do it yourself

Foldable - yes, 64 per stack

Description and features

Finally, it will be possible to find a worthy use of pumpkin, namely in cooking. So let's figure out how to make a pumpkin pie in minecraft.

To do this, you need to position the pumpkin, egg and sugar in the workbench in the order shown below:

Pumpkin, egg and sugar - that's all you need for pumpkin pie!

Minecraft figured out how to craft a pumpkin pie, now a little about the features of this type of food, since you need to decide for yourself whether you need to do it or not, because you can get by, for example, with apples or bread.

What is good about this pumpkin pie is that it restores as much as 8 points or 4 hunger bars. This, of course, is not fried pork or beef, but much more serious than the same bread.

The most remarkable thing is that all the ingredients for this type of food are produced by the world itself, it remains only to find them. Only sugar from cane will have to be crafted, but it’s difficult to call it a problem, and taking into account the fact that cane cannot be called hard to get, diversify food in virtual space more than worth it, as it will significantly increase the possibilities of food production and you will not wait or depend on the speed of the harvest - you will already have several types of food prepared, which you can take and send at any time on a long journey or hard work in mine.

The crafting of a pumpkin pie in minecraft is quite simple, and hunger replenishment is tangible, therefore, this type of food can be called quite suitable for implementation, especially since you can quite arrange a farm with pumpkins, reeds and a small pen with chickens - i.e. a source necessary ingredients you will always have at hand.

Use in crafting as an ingredient

Pumpkin pie is not used anywhere as an ingredient.

Minecraft recipes - pumpkin pie in the game can certainly come in handy, as you will not only diversify your character's menu, but also increase the possibility of food production, and this is also a necessary and one more decisive step forward in the game, since it is necessary to restore health while traveling make sure the hunger bar is full.

Today we will talk about how to make Minecraft in Minecraft. This is one of the most popular computer sandboxes today. The player is allowed to do whatever he wants, be it building houses, castles or a whole city, collecting all kinds of resources, searching for ancient settlements in the depths of dark caves filled with secrets and danger.

A task

Before we figure out how to make a pumpkin pie in Minecraft, we note that our the main objective- survive. And if you are already used to this, try to get the appropriate equipment and weapons and defeat the Dragon. But there is a problem in the game no less serious than the dragon. Hunger. Already on the second game day, he will make himself felt, and if there is no oven or a piece of meat at hand, but there is sugar, an egg, a pumpkin, or pumpkin seeds, the question of how to craft a pumpkin pie in Minecraft can be solved without difficulty and satisfy hunger.

Recipe and gathering the necessary resources

The main advantage of this delicacy is that it can be prepared without any tools right in the inventory. For example, if hunger caught you in a forest or cave infested with spiders. Finding a workbench or furnace in such a situation can lead to an undesirable outcome of the game. So, let's start collecting resources and making a pie.
. Pumpkin. It will grow from seeds on its own. To create a bed, we need an ordinary hoe and a simple block of earth. Moisturize, sow, wait about 3 game days- and the long-awaited fruit is in our pocket. Wheat can be grown in a similar way.
. Egg. We need chicken. In order not to miss it, it is necessary to enclose a small area with walls with a door. Once every 6-7 minutes, the chicken lays an egg. That is what we will need.
. Sugar. Just crafted from cane. No third party devices are required.


When all three ingredients are collected, place them in the crafting window. This is such a simple and practical recipe. Now you know how to make pumpkin pie in Minecraft.

If you are a real Minecraft fan, then you should have a special cookbook available. It usually contains various recipes in large quantities. As practice shows, this element is one of the most important and significant in everything. gameplay. This is done so that you have the opportunity at any suitable moment to feed the virtual acting character his delicious food, because he also periodically wants to eat.

Probably, you have already been able to understand the fact that hunger is easily eliminated due to the timely use of a wide variety of dishes. However, many users still ask difficult question about what kind of dish needs to be cooked so that the selected character remains full for a long period of time? If you are looking for an easy-to-cook dish, then consider that the solution to the problem has been found, because Minecraft offers an already proven option.

How to make pumpkin pie

To make a pie in Minecraft, we need only 3 very affordable ingredients:

  • sugar
  • egg
  • pumpkin

If all the ingredients are in place, then you should make a craft pie. To accomplish your goal, you will need a workbench, not a stove.

By the way, a dish like pumpkin pie in Minecraft is distinguished by the presence of a relatively high level of saturation, which reaches 4.8. Compared to bread or fish, the above figure is much higher. This pie has one distinctive feature, thanks to which it instantly becomes the most popular dish in Minecraft. The fact is that you can very easily find all the necessary ingredients to ultimately make a culinary masterpiece - pumpkin pie.

IN currently consider making the most delicious pumpkin character pie in Minecraft. First of all, you should know a few interesting facts about a virtual pumpkin that will serve as a key ingredient during the preparation of the pie.

  • The very first appearance of a pumpkin was recorded in Minecraft Alfa 1.2.0.
  • At first, she served as a decoration.
  • After some time, certain useful properties were identified. Now with great success it can be used in the preparation of a pie.
  • Pumpkin is a great camouflage element to help hide from the Enderman. In particular, this can be checked when you look him directly in the face.
  • A pumpkin is an element in Minecraft that you can easily put on your character's head. In addition, it is possible to use it as a helmet. If Halloween suddenly comes, then you can create a pumpkin lamp.
Good night everyone and bon appetit! :)

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