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How old was the count of monte cristo. Acting characters

On February 27, 1815, the three-masted ship "Pharaoh" returned to Marseille from a regular voyage. Captain Leclair was not destined to set foot on native land: he died of a fever on the high seas. The young sailor Edmond Dantes took over command, fulfilling another last will of the captain: "Pharaoh" enters the island of Elba, where Dantes hands over the package received from Leclair's hands to Marshal Bertrand and meets with the disgraced emperor himself. Dantes is given a letter to be delivered to Paris, to M. Noirtier - one of the conspirators preparing the return to the throne of Napoleon.

The owner of the "Pharaoh" Morrel invites Dantes to officially take over as captain of the ship. The envious accountant of the shipping company Danglars decides to remove Dantes. Together with a retired soldier and now a simple fisherman Fernand Mondego, who competes with Dantes for the right to marry the beautiful Mercedes, and the tailor Cadrusse, who robbed Edmond's father during the voyage, Danglars composes an anonymous letter to the assistant prosecutor Marcel de Villefort. The meaning of the denunciation: Dantes is a secret agent of the Bonapartists. During the interrogation Dantes without concealment, everything is as it was, tells Villefort about his visit to the Elbe. There is no corpus delicti; Villefort is already ready to release the prisoner, but after reading Marshal Bertrand's letter, he realizes: his happiness and his life itself depend on this play of chance. After all, the addressee, M. Noirtier, a dangerous conspirator, is his father! It is not enough to burn the accursed letter, it is necessary to get rid of Dantes, who could unwittingly announce this whole story, and as a result de Villefort will lose not only his place, but also the hand of his bride Rene de Saint-Merand (she is the daughter of an old royalist; views of Monsieur Noirtier , his relationship with the groom is a secret for them). Dantes is sentenced to life imprisonment in the Château d'If, a political prison in the middle of the sea, not far from Marseille ...

Five years pass. Dantes is close to despair, he decides to starve to death. Suddenly, one evening, a dull screeching sound is heard beyond the wall. He is not alone here, someone is clearly digging a hole in the direction of his dungeon. Edmond starts digging the oncoming tunnel. Many days of work are rewarded with the joy of meeting a friend in misfortune. Abbot Faria - that is the name of a prisoner from the next cell - spent four years longer in the Chateau d'If than Dantes. Digging his hole, he hoped to make his way to the outer wall of the prison, jump into the sea and run free by swimming. alas, he was wrong in his calculations! Edmond consoles the abbot: there are now two of them, which means that they can continue what they started with double energy. The powers of the abbot are running out, soon - when the rescue is at hand, he becomes seriously ill. Before his death, he devotes Dantes to the secret of the innumerable treasure hidden by Cardinal Spada on the island of Monte Cristo three hundred years ago.

Having transferred the body of the abbot to his cell, Dantes hides in a bag in which the deceased was put. In the morning, not noticing the substitution, he is thrown into the sea - this is how the inhabitants of the castle of If have been buried since the founding of the prison. Edmond is saved! Smugglers pick him up. One of them, Jacopo, becomes Dantes' loyal companion. After a few months, Edmond finally reaches the island of Monte Cristo. The treasures of Abbot Faria are truly incalculable.

Over the long years of Dantes' absence, significant changes also took place in the fate of those who were responsible for his suffering, Fernand Mondego rose to the rank of general (now his name is Count de Morcer). Mercedes became his wife and bore him a son. Danglars is a wealthy banker. De Villefort is the Crown Attorney. Caderousse has said goodbye to a tailor's needle and scissors and runs a country inn. ... God sends a strange guest to Cadrusse. Abbot Busoni, who, according to him, professed the dying Edmond Dantes, must fulfill the last will of the deceased. Dantes handed him a diamond, the money from the sale of which should be divided into five parts: equally - Mercedes, Danglars, Fernand, Cadrus and the old man Dantes. Caderousse is blinded by the brilliance of the diamond. He tells Abbot Busoni that Dantes was agreed by those whom he decided to do good, that Mercedes did not remain faithful to him. Yes, he, Cadrusse, witnessed the writing of the denunciation - but what could he do! Danglars and Fernand would have killed him on the spot if he had hinted at the unseemly of their evil intent! As for the old man Dantes, he did not have the strength to endure the blow of fate (in fact, Caderousse robbed him to the skin, and Edmond's father died of hunger). He, he, Cadrusse, is the only heir to poor Dantes! Abbot Busoni hands the diamond to Caderousse and disappears in the morning ...

At the same time, Lord Wilmore, an agent of the banking house of Thomson and French, came to the mayor of Marseille. He asks for permission to review the investigation file of Abbot Faria, who died in If prison. He also has an assignment: to pay the debts of Mr. Morrel, the owner of a shipping company on the brink of collapse. Morrel's last hope was on his flagship - the three-masted "Pharaoh", but that - about bad luck! - dies in a shipwreck. Willmore hands Morrell a six-figure bill of exchange, arranges a three-month grace period. But what can be done in three months! On the day the grace period expires, Morrel's daughter receives a letter signed by "Sinbad the Sailor" indicating the address where she will find the wallet intended for her illustrious father. In the wallet - a check for the amount owed by Morrell and a diamond of the size of Walnut: Mademoiselle Morrel's dowry. Everything that happened is like a fairy tale: but this is not enough. The "Pharaoh" enters the port of Marseilles safe and sound in full sail! The city is a witness to this miracle. With a smile he looks at the sailing ship that has risen from the abyss and Lord Wilmore, who is also Abbot Busoni, who is also Count of Monte Cristo, who is also Edmond Dantes: “Be happy, noble man! You deserve this happiness! .. And now - goodbye, philanthropy! May the god of vengeance give me his place so that I punish the villains! .. ”With documents from his investigation file, which was kept together with the case of Abbot Faria, Edmond leaves Marseille ...

A young Parisian aristocrat Baron Franz d'Epinay, going to the carnival in Rome, set out to visit the legendary Elba. However, he changes his route: the ship sails past the island of Monte Cristo, where, according to rumors, a man who calls himself Sinbad the Sailor lives in a fabulous palace. The owner of the island receives Franz with such cordiality and luxury, which, it seems, has never dreamed of any of the most powerful inhabitants of the earth. In Rome, Franz unexpectedly meets Sinbad, who lives in the same hotel with him under the name of Count of Monte Cristo. Franz's friend the Viscount Albert de Morcer is captured by robbers from the gang of the ataman Luigi Wampa, who terrifies the inhabitants of Rome. Count of Monte Cristo rescues Albert: "Ataman, you have violated our agreement, my friend's friend is my friend." Wampa is confused, he sternly chastises his thugs: “We all owe the Count our lives! How could you act so recklessly! " Albert invites the Count to visit Paris and be his guest of honor.

In the capital (where the count has not appeared until now), Albert introduces him to his friends, including Morrel's son Maximillian. This acquaintance deeply disturbed the count - and young Morrel was no less excited when he learned that the count was using the services of the banking house of Thomson and French, which had saved the life of their entire family.

The Count of Monte Cristo acquires several apartments in Paris and a house in Auteuil, at 28 rue fontaine, formerly owned by the Marquis de Saint-Meran. The count's steward, Bertuccio, sees their move to this house as bad luck. Many years ago, he witnessed how de Villefort buried in the garden of his father-in-law a newborn baby - an illegitimate son from an unknown lady, Bertuccio hurried to dig up the box - the baby was still alive. Bertuccio's daughter-in-law raised the boy, whom they gave the name Benedetto. The offspring of eminent parents took an unrighteous path and ended up in jail. But this is only one of two horror stories hidden from the Count by Bertuccio. In June 1829 he stopped at the inn of Cadrusse - the day after the Abbot Busoni had been there (Bertuccio does not realize that the abbot who rescued him a long time ago from penal servitude and the count are one person). Abbot Cadrousse sold the diamond for 45 thousand francs to a reliable jeweler, and on the same night he stabbed it. Now Caderousse is where Bertuccio happened to be: in hard labor. The count is sure that it is not Last straw in the cup that Cadrusse must drink; as for Benedetto - if he is alive - then he will serve as a weapon of God's punishment ...

The city is filled with rumors about the mysterious count and his wealth. At Danglars Bank, the graph opens "unlimited credit". Danglars questions the capabilities of the count: everything in the world has boundaries. The count sneers: "For you - maybe, but not for me." - "Nobody has counted my cash register yet!" - Danglars is hurt. “In this case, I am the first to whom it will be,” the count promises him. Monte Cristo draws closer not only to Danglars, who did not recognize him as poor Edmond, but also to the de Villefort family. The count wins the favor of Madame de Villefort: the servant of the Count Ali saved her and her son Villefort from an accident from an accident with her (Villefort also has a daughter from his first marriage, Valentina, bound by love with Maximillian Morrell, but forced by relatives to marry Franz d ' Epine). As if fate itself opens wide the doors to the Count of Monte Cristo in his sworn enemies, informs him of their other victims. The pupil of Dantes-Monte Cristo, the daughter of Pasha Ioannina, the wondrous beauty Gaide (there are rumors in Paris that she is the count's mistress) recognizes in the Opera the man who gave the Turks for two thousand wallets of gold the fortress that defended the city where her father ruled, and Gaide herself was twelve years old sold as a girl into slavery to the Turkish sultan. This man's name was Fernand Mondego; now he is known as the Comte de Morser, Lieutenant General, member of the House of Peers. Gaide was ransomed by Monte Cristo from the Sultan, the count vowed to take revenge on the one who killed her father and languished in captivity herself. He is not in the least surprised that this scoundrel is Fernand: the one who betrayed him once risks remaining a traitor to the end.

Sumptuous lunch at the Monte Cristo house. The first blows prepared by the count for his offenders. Villefort turns pale when the count informs all the guests that he found the skeleton of a baby in the garden, buried alive under the previous owner.

On February 27, 1815, the three-masted ship "Pharaoh" returned to Marseille from another voyage. Captain Leclair was not destined to set foot on his native land: he died of fever on the high seas. The young sailor Edmond Dantes took over command, fulfilling another last will of the captain: "Pharaoh" enters the island of Elba, where Dantes passes the package received from Leclair's hands to Marshal Bertrand and meets with the disgraced emperor himself. Dantes is given a letter to be delivered to Paris, to M. Noirtier - one of the conspirators preparing the return to the throne of Napoleon.

The owner of the "Pharaoh" Morrel invites Dantes to officially take over as captain of the ship. The envious accountant of the shipping company Danglars decides to remove Dantes. Together with a retired soldier and now a simple fisherman Fernand Mondego, who competes with Dantes for the right to marry the beautiful Mercedes, and the tailor Cadrusse, who robbed Edmond's father during the voyage, Danglars composes an anonymous letter to the assistant prosecutor Marcel de Villefort. The meaning of the denunciation: Dantes is a secret agent of the Bonapartists. During interrogation Dantes without concealment, everything is as it was, tells Villefort about his visit to Elba. There is no corpus delicti; Villefort is already ready to release the prisoner, but after reading Marshal Bertrand's letter, he realizes: his happiness and his life itself depend on this play of chance. After all, the addressee, M. Noirtier, a dangerous conspirator, is his father! It is not enough to burn the accursed letter, it is necessary to get rid of Dantes, who could unwittingly announce this whole story, and as a result de Villefort will lose not only his place, but also the hand of his bride Rene de Saint-Meran (she is the daughter of an old royalist; the views of Monsieur Noirtier, his relationship with the groom is a secret for them). Dantes is sentenced to life imprisonment in the Château d'If, a political prison in the middle of the sea, not far from Marseille ...

Five years pass. Dantes is close to despair, he decides to starve to death. Suddenly, one evening, a dull screeching sound is heard beyond the wall. He is not alone here, someone is clearly digging a hole in the direction of his dungeon. Edmond starts digging the oncoming tunnel. Many days of work are rewarded with the joy of meeting a friend in misfortune. Abbot Faria - that is the name of a prisoner from the next cell - spent four years longer than Dantes in the Chateau d'If. Digging his hole, he hoped to make his way to the outer wall of the prison, jump into the sea and run free by swimming. Alas, he made a mistake in his calculations! Edmond consoles the abbot: there are now two of them, which means that they can continue what they started with double energy. The powers of the abbot are running out, soon - when the rescue is at hand, he becomes seriously ill. Before his death, he devotes Dantes to the secret of the innumerable treasure hidden by Cardinal Spada on the island of Monte Cristo three hundred years ago.

Having transferred the body of the abbot to his cell, Dantes hides in a bag in which the deceased was put. In the morning, not noticing the substitution, he is thrown into the sea - this is how the inhabitants of the castle of If have been buried since the foundation of the prison. Edmond is saved! Smugglers pick him up. One of them, Jacopo, becomes Dantes' loyal companion. After a few months, Edmond finally reaches the island of Monte Cristo. The treasures of Abbot Faria are truly incalculable.

Over the long years of Dantes' absence, significant changes also took place in the fate of those who were responsible for his suffering, Fernand Mondego rose to the rank of general (now his name is Count de Morcer). Mercedes became his wife and bore him a son. Danglars is a wealthy banker. De Villefort is the Crown Attorney. Caderousse has said goodbye to a tailor's needle and scissors and runs a country inn. ... God sends a strange guest to Cadrusse. Abbot Busoni, who, according to him, professed the dying Edmond Dantes, must fulfill the last will of the deceased. Dantes handed him a diamond, the money from the sale of which should be divided into five parts: equally - Mercedes, Danglars, Fernand, Cadrus and the old man Dantes. Cadrusse is blinded by the brilliance of the diamond. He tells Abbot Busoni that Dantes was agreed by those whom he decided to do good, that Mercedes did not remain faithful to him. Yes, he, Cadrusse, witnessed the writing of the denunciation - but what could he do! Danglars and Fernand would have killed him on the spot if he had hinted at the unseemly of their evil intent! As for the old man Dantes, he did not have the strength to endure the blow of fate (in fact, Caderousse robbed him to the skin, and Edmond's father died of hunger). He, he, Cadrusse, is the only heir to poor Dantes! Abbot Busoni hands the diamond to Caderousse and disappears in the morning ...

At the same time, Lord Wilmore, an agent of the banking house of Thomson and French, came to the mayor of Marseille. He asks for permission to review the investigation file of Abbot Faria, who died in If prison. He also has an assignment: to pay the debts of Mr. Morrel, the owner of a shipping company that is on the verge of collapse. Morrel's last hope was on his flagship - the three-masted "Pharaoh", but that one - about evil fate! - dies in a shipwreck. Willmore hands Morrell a six-figure bill of exchange, arranges a three-month grace period. But what can be done in three months! On the day the grace period expires, Morrel's daughter receives a letter signed by "Sinbad the Sailor" indicating the address where she will find the wallet intended for her illustrious father. In the wallet there is a check for the amount owed by Morrell and a diamond the size of a walnut: Mademoiselle Morrell's dowry. Everything that happened is like a fairy tale: but this is not enough. The "Pharaoh" enters the port of Marseilles safe and sound in full sail! The city is a witness to this miracle. With a smile he looks at the sailing ship that has risen from the abyss and Lord Wilmore, who is also Abbot Busoni, who is also Count of Monte Cristo, who is also Edmond Dantes: “Be happy, noble man! You deserve this happiness! .. And now - goodbye, philanthropy! May the god of vengeance give me his place so that I punish the villains! .. ”With documents from his investigative file, kept together with the case of Abbot Faria, Edmond leaves Marseille ...

A young Parisian aristocrat Baron Franz d'Epinay, going to the carnival in Rome, set out to visit the legendary Elba. However, he changes his route: the ship sails past the island of Monte Cristo, where, according to rumors, a man who calls himself Sinbad the Sailor lives in a fabulous palace. The owner of the island receives Franz with such cordiality and luxury, which, it seems, has never dreamed of any of the most powerful inhabitants of the earth. In Rome, Franz unexpectedly meets Sinbad, who lives in the same hotel with him under the name of Count of Monte Cristo. Franz's friend the Viscount Albert de Morcer is captured by robbers from the gang of the ataman Luigi Wampa, who terrifies the inhabitants of Rome. Count of Monte Cristo rescues Albert: "Ataman, you have violated our agreement, my friend's friend is my friend." Wampa is confused, he sternly chastises his thugs: “We all owe the Count our lives! How could you act so recklessly! " Albert invites the Count to visit Paris and be his guest of honor.

In the capital (where the count has not appeared until now), Albert introduces him to his friends, including Morrel's son Maximillian. This acquaintance deeply disturbed the count - and young Morrel was no less excited when he learned that the count was using the services of the banking house of Thomson and French, which had saved the life of their entire family.

The Count of Monte Cristo acquires several apartments in Paris and a house in Auteuil, at 28 rue Fontaine, formerly owned by the Marquis de Saint-Meran. The count's steward, Bertuccio, sees their move to this house as bad luck. Many years ago, he witnessed how de Villefort buried a newborn baby in the garden of his father-in-law's house - an illegitimate son from an unknown lady, Bertuccio hurried to dig up the box - the baby was still alive. Bertuccio's daughter-in-law raised the boy, whom they gave the name Benedetto. The offspring of eminent parents took an unrighteous path and ended up in jail. But this is only one of two horror stories hidden from the Count by Bertuccio. In June 1829 he stopped at the inn of Cadrusse - the day after the Abbot Busoni had been there (Bertuccio does not realize that the abbot who rescued him a long time ago from penal servitude and the count are one person). The Abbot Cadrusse's diamond was sold for 45 thousand francs to a reliable jeweler, and on the same night he stabbed to death. Now Caderousse is where Bertuccio happened to be: in hard labor. The Count is sure that this is not the last drop in the cup that Cadrusse must drink; as for Benedetto - if he is alive - then he will serve as a weapon of God's punishment ...

The city is filled with rumors about the mysterious count and his wealth. At Danglars Bank, the graph opens "unlimited credit". Danglars questions the capabilities of the count: everything in the world has boundaries. The count sneers: "For you - maybe, but not for me." - "Nobody has counted my cash register yet!" - Danglars is hurt. “In this case, I am the first to whom it will be,” the count promises him. Monte Cristo draws closer not only to Danglars, who did not recognize him as poor Edmond, but also to the de Villefort family. The count wins the favor of Madame de Villefort: the servant of the Count Ali saved her and her son Villefort from an accident from an accident with her (Villefort also has a daughter from his first marriage, Valentina, bound by love bonds with Maximillian Morrell, but forced by his relatives to marry Franz d ' Epine). As if fate itself opens wide the doors to the houses of his sworn enemies for the Count of Monte Cristo, informs him of their other victims. The pupil of Dantes-Monte Cristo, the daughter of Pasha Ioannina, the wondrous beauty Gaide (there are rumors in Paris that she is the count's mistress) recognizes in the Opera the man who gave the Turks for two thousand wallets of gold the fortress that defended the city where her father ruled, and Gaide herself was twelve years old sold as a girl into slavery to the Turkish sultan. This man's name was Fernand Mondego; now he is known as the Comte de Morser, Lieutenant General, member of the House of Peers. Gaide was ransomed by Monte Cristo from the Sultan, the count vowed to take revenge on the one who killed her father and languished in captivity herself. He is not in the least surprised that this villain is Fernand: the one who betrayed him once risks remaining a traitor to the end.

Sumptuous lunch at the Monte Cristo house. The first blows prepared by the count for his offenders. Villefort turns pale when the count informs all the guests that he found the skeleton of a baby in the garden, buried alive under the previous owner. Danglars learns that, playing on the stock exchange, he suffered losses in the amount of over a million francs (the count put in the newspaper false information about the coup in Spain, and Danglars hastened to get rid of the shares of the Bank of Madrid). Villefort informs Madame Danglars that the count is apparently privy to their secret: the unfortunate child was their illegitimate son. “You buried my child alive! God, this is your revenge! " exclaims Mme Danglars. "No, revenge still awaits us, and the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo will have to carry it out!" Villefort undertakes at all costs to find out the whole truth about the count; but Abbot Busoni and Lord Wilmore, who found themselves in Paris, give him very contradictory information. The Count not only remains unrecognized, playing these two roles, but also obscures the tracks. A young man named Andrea Cavalcanti appears in Paris (one count, who showered him with generosity, knows that he is a fugitive convict Benedetto). Immediately from the ground, Caderousse also rises, assuring Benedetto that he is his offspring, and luring money from the young scoundrel under the threat of ruining the brilliant career that has opened before him. Cavalcanti Benedetto de Villefort is forced to obey: he has his eyes on the daughter of Danglars, a girl with a rich dowry. Wouldn't it be better, he suggests to Cadrusse, to shake the count well than to pull from him the money that the madcap Monte Cristo lends him to? Cadrusse climbs into the count's house - and comes face to face with the Abbot Busoni. The old convict betrays the young; he writes, under the dictation of the abbot, a letter to Danglars, explaining who his son-in-law really is. Leaving the house of the Count of Monte Cristo, Cadruss runs into Benedetto's knife. Before he gives up the spirit, the abbot makes sure that he, Monte Cristo and Edmond Dantes are one person ...

A hail of misfortune pours down on de Villefort's head: one after another, his father-in-law and mother-in-law suddenly die, then the old footman who drank lemonade from a decanter in his father Noirtier's room. The doctor concludes: they were all poisoned. The perpetrator lives in this house. All Villefort's servants immediately request their resignation. The case is getting widespread publicity. And here - a new blow: Noirtier upsets the wedding of Valentina and Franz d'Epinay (he promised this to his beloved granddaughter). The secretary of Noirtier contains a document stating that in February 1815 he killed in a fair duel General de Quesnel, Baron d'Epinay, who did not want to join the Bonapartist conspiracy.

Now it's Fernand's turn. There is a scandal in the House of Peers: the newspapers published a report about his low behavior at the time of the Turkish siege of the fortress of Ioannina. Haide comes to the hearing in the Chamber and presents the peers with documents that confirm: all this is true, the position of General de Morser in society was bought at the price of betrayal. Albert de Morser challenges the count to a duel, standing up for his father, but, after the whole truth about Fernand Mondego is revealed to him, he asks Dantes for forgiveness. Madame de Morcer, who still loves his Mercedes, begs for this Edmond. The Count accepts Albert's apology; on the same day he and his mother leave Paris. Morser repeats his son's challenge, but after the Count of Monte Cristo reveals his true name to him, the dishonored general shoots a bullet in the forehead.

Danglars is on the brink of ruin. He has to pay all the new bills with which the count’s proxies come to him. His last hope is that he will be able to form a decent part of his daughter: young Cavalcanti is Monte Cristo's confidant, and the hand of the giver is unlikely to grow thin. Thunder from a clear sky after the signing of the marriage contract, the words from the letter of Cadrusse: "Andrea Cavalcanti - a fugitive convict!" Eugenie leaves Paris. Danglars no longer has a daughter or money. He leaves a farewell note to his wife (“I am letting you go the way I got married: with money, but without a good reputation”) and runs wherever they look. Andrea Benedetto also runs, hoping to cross the border; but the gendarmes stop him. At the trial, he says: his father is the prosecutor de Villefort!

The last, most terrible blow of fate in the heart of de Villefort: Valentine is poisoned. He has no more doubts: the murderer is his wife, who in such a terrible way obtained an inheritance for herself and her son (old man Noirtier declared his granddaughter to be the sole heiress). De Villefort threatens his wife with the scaffold. In despair, Madame de Villefort takes poison and poisons the boy: "A good mother does not abandon the child for whose sake she became a criminal." Villefort loses his mind; wandering around the garden of the house of the Count of Monte Cristo, he digs graves in one place, then in another ...

The act of retaliation has taken place. Villefort is insane. Cadrusse and Fernand are dead. Danglars was captured by robbers from the gang of Luigi Wampa and spends his last money on bread and water: the thugs sell him a crust for a thousand francs, and in total he has less than fifty thousand in his pocket. The Count of Monte Cristo grants him life and freedom. Gray in one night, Danglars drags out the existence of a beggar.

Evil is punished. But why did young Valentina de Villefort burn out in its flames, not at all sharing the guilt of her father and stepmother? For what should Maximillian Morrel grieve for her all his life - the son of the one who for many years in a row made attempts to free Dantes from prison? Leaving Paris, the count performs the miracle of resurrecting Valentine. Her death was staged by him in community with old man Noirtier: a terrible poison was neutralized by a miracle cure - one of generous gifts Abbot Faria.

Returning to the island of Monte Cristo, giving happiness to Maximillian and Valentina, Edmond Dantes, the martyr of the Chateau d'If and the Parisian angel of vengeance, leaves a letter to young people that sounds like his confession, and as a commandment to two pure hearts: “There is neither happiness nor misery. Everything is relative. Only one who has suffered immensely is able to experience bliss. One must feel the taste of death in order to taste life with pleasure. All wisdom is in a nutshell: wait and hope! .. "

In 1815, on February 27, the three-masted ship "Pharaoh" arrives in Marseille from a regular voyage. Fate did not allow Captain Leclair to set foot on his native shore: he died on the high seas from a fever. The command of the ship was taken over by Edmond Dantes, a young sailor who fulfilled the captain's last will: the ship must go to the island of Elba, Dantes was instructed to hand over the package that Leclair gave him to Marshal Bertrand. Dantes carries out an assignment, a meeting of a young sailor and the disgraced emperor takes place on the island. Dantes receives a letter that he should deliver to M. Noirtier in Paris, one of the conspirators who is preparing the return of Napoleon to the throne.

Morrel, the owner of the "Pharaoh", offers Dantes to take the position of captain of the ship.

Danglars, the accountant of the shipping company, is gnawed with envy, and he plans to remove Dantes. Danglars orchestrates a conspiracy together with Fernand Mondego, a retired soldier and currently a simple fisherman who rivals Dantes for the heart of a young beauty Mercedes, and Cadrusse, the tailor who robbed Edmond's father during his voyage. Danglars sends an anonymous letter to de Villefort, assistant prosecutor of Marseille. The denunciation says that Dantes is a secret agent of the Bonapartists. During interrogation, Dantes honestly tells Villefort how it really happened, talks about visiting Elba. Villefort does not see the corpus delicti, he is already ready to let Edmond go, but after reading Marshal Bertrand's letter, he realizes that his happiness and life itself depend on this game of chance.

And all because the dangerous conspirator Mr. Noirtier is his father! Burning this damned letter is not enough, you have to get rid of Dantes, who can, albeit unwittingly, still make this whole story public. As a result, de Villefort will lose not only his place, but also the hand of the bride Rene de Saint-Meran, who was the daughter of the old royalist. Wherein Political Views M. Noirtier, like his relationship with the groom, is a mystery to them.

Dantes is sentenced to life imprisonment in the Château d'If, which was a political prison in the middle of the sea, not far from Marseille ...

Five years have passed. Dantes almost fell into despair, he decides to starve to death. But then one evening he hears a dull grinding behind the wall. Edmond realizes that he is not alone, and someone is digging a hole in the direction of his dungeon. Edmond begins to dig a tunnel towards him. It takes many days to get to work, but the reward becomes joyful meeting with a friend in misfortune. The prisoner from the next cell is called Abbot Faria. At the Château d'If, he spent four years more than Dantes. He dug a hole, hoping to dig it to the outer wall of the prison and escape by jumping into the sea. But, unfortunately, he made a mistake in his calculations. Dantes consoles the abbot with the fact that there are now two of them, which means that they will continue their work with double energy. But the abbot has almost no strength, and when there is very little left before salvation, he becomes seriously ill. Before his death, he tells Dantes about an untold treasure hidden three hundred years ago on the island of Monte Cristo by Cardinal Spada.

Dantes transfers the body of the abbot to his cell, he himself hides in a bag in which the deceased was previously. Not noticing the substitution, in the morning he is thrown into the sea - this is how the prisoners of the If castle have been buried since the founding of the prison. Edmond manages to escape! He is picked up by smugglers, among whom was Jacopo, who later became a loyal comrade of Dantes. A few months later, Edmond finds himself on the island of Monte Cristo and becomes convinced that the treasures of Abbot Faria are untold.

During the long years of Dantes' absence, the fate of the people responsible for his suffering developed in different ways. Fernand Mondego became a general, now he bears the name of the Comte de Morcer. Mercedes, ex-lover Edmond, became his wife and gave him a son. De Villefort became the Crown Attorney and Danglars became a wealthy banker. Caderousse has forgotten about his profession as a tailor and is the owner of a rural inn.

Once a strange guest appears in the house of Cadrusse - the Abbot Busoni, who confessed the dying Edmond Dantes, and is called to fulfill the last will of the deceased. Edmond gave the abbot a diamond, which was to be sold, and the proceeds were divided into five equal parts: Mercedes, Fernand, Danglars, Cadrus and Dantes's father. Cadrusse is delighted with the sparkle of a diamond. He informs the guest that Dantes was slandered by those whom he decided to do good, and Mercedes did not remain faithful to him. Yes, Caderousse himself witnessed the writing of the insidious denunciation, but he could not do anything! Fernand and Danglars would have killed him right there if he had even hinted that they were planning an unseemly act! And the old man Dantes was unable to endure the blow of fate. In fact, Caderousse robbed him to the skin, after which Edmond's father died of hunger. Only he, Caderousse, is the only heir to poor Dantes! Having handed the diamond to Cadrus, Abbot Busoni disappears in the morning ...

At the same time, Lord Wilmore, who was an agent of the banking house of Thomson and French, comes to the mayor of Marseille, who asks permission to see the investigation file of Abbot Faria, who died in If prison. Here Lord Wilmore has another assignment - he pays the debts of the owner of the shipping company, Mr. Morrell, which is practically bankrupt. Morrel's last hope was in the three-masted Pharaoh, but at the behest evil doom he dies in a shipwreck. Willmore gives Morrell a six-figure bill of exchange, which he draws up with a three-month grace period. Is it possible to do something in three months! On the last day of the reprieve, Morrel's daughter receives a letter signed by Sinbad the Sailor. The letter contains the address where she will find a wallet for her father. The wallet contains a check for the amount owed by Morrell, and a diamond the size of a walnut as Mademoiselle Morrell's dowry. What is happening looks like a fairy tale. But the appearance in the port of Marseilles safe and sound "Pharaoh" was absolutely incredible! The whole city witnessed this miracle. Lord Wilmore, who is the Abbot of Busoni, Count of Monte Cristo and Edmond Dantes, looks at the ship that has risen from the depths with a smile. He wishes Morrell happiness, since they deserve it, and at the same time says goodbye to philanthropy, since the time for revenge has passed.

Edmond leaves Marseille, seizing documents from his investigation file, which was kept together with the case of Abbot Faria ...

The young Baron Franz d'Epinay, a Parisian aristocrat, on his way to the carnival in Rome, decided to visit the legendary Elba. But he deviates from his path and directs the ship to the island of Monte Cristo, where a man named Sinbad the Sailor lives in a fairytale palace. The owner of the island welcomes Franz very cordially, such a welcome was never even dreamed of by the most powerful inhabitants of the earth. Suddenly, Franz meets Sinbad in Rome, where he lives in the same hotel with him and calls himself the Count of Monte Cristo. Viscount Albert de Morcer, Franz's comrade, was captured by robbers from the gang of Ataman Luigi Vampa, from whom all the inhabitants of Rome were horrified. Count of Monte Cristo rescues Albert, reproaching the chieftain for violating the agreement: "my friend's friend is my friend." Luigi Wampa is embarrassed, he severely chastises his thugs, saying that they all owe the Count for their lives and did not dare to act so recklessly. Albert, in gratitude, invites the Count to be his guest of honor in Paris.

Until now, the count did not appear in the capital. Now Albert introduces him to friends, including Morrel's son Maximillian. The count was deeply moved by this acquaintance. Young Morrel was equally thrilled when he learned that the Count of Monte Cristo was using the services of the banking house Thomson and French, which had saved their family's life.

Meanwhile, the Count of Monte Cristo acquires several apartments in Paris, as well as a house at 28 rue Fontaine in Auteuil, which was formerly in the possession of the Marquis de Saint-Meran. Bertuccio, the count's steward, refers to the move to this house as to the will of evil doom. Once he became an accidental witness of how de Villefort buried a newborn baby in the garden of his father-in-law's house, which was his illegitimate son from an unknown lady. When Bertuccio dug up the box, the baby was still alive. The boy was given the name Benedetto, Bertuccio's daughter-in-law raised him. But the matured Benedetto took the wrong path and ended up in jail. However, Bertuccio hid another scary story... In June 1829, the day after the Abbot Busoni was visiting Cadrousse, Bertuccio stopped there and learned that Cadrusse had sold the Abbot's diamond to a reliable jeweler for 45,000 francs and that night he had stabbed the jeweler to death. Now Caderousse is in hard labor, where Bertuccio once visited, and from where he was dragged out by the Abbot Busoni. Hearing these stories, the count realizes that Cadrusse has not yet fully drank his bitter cup, and Benedetto, if he is still alive, will become an instrument of his revenge.

There are rumors in the city about the mysterious count and his untold wealth. The Count opens an "unlimited loan" at Danglars Bank. When the banker doubts the earl's solvency, he ironically notes that, perhaps, everything has boundaries for Danglars, but not for him. The banker is hurt and declares that no one has counted his cash registers yet. To this the graph replies that in this case he will be the first to do it.

Monte Cristo communicates with Danglars, who did not recognize him, becomes close to the de Villefort family, and wins the favor of his wife. Ali, the count's servant, saved Madame de Villefort and her son from an accident. Villefort has a daughter, Valentine, from his first marriage, between her and Maximillian Morrell romantic relationship, but relatives force the girl to marry Franz d'Epinay.

In front of the Count of Monte Cristo, it is as if fate itself opens the doors to the houses of his enemies, helps him learn about their other victims. The marvelous beauty Haide, daughter of Pasha Ioannina and a pupil of Monte Cristo (in Paris they say that the girl is the count's mistress), in the Opera she recognizes the man who gave the fortress to the Turks that defended the city, whose ruler was her father, for two thousand wallets of gold. He sold twelve-year-old Gaide to the Turkish Sultan into slavery. The man's name was Fernand Mondego, now everyone knows him under the name of Lieutenant General Comte de Morser, a member of the House of Peers. Monte Cristo bought Gaide from the Sultan and swore an oath to take revenge on those responsible for the death of her father and her position as a slave.

He is not even surprised when he finds out that this villain is Fernand, because once a betrayer becomes a traitor forever.

At a sumptuous dinner at the Monte Cristo house, the Count struck the first blows at his offenders. When the count tells the guests that he found the skeleton of a baby in the garden, which was buried alive under the previous owner, Villefort turns pale. Danglars receives news that he has lost more than a million francs as a result of trading on the stock exchange. In fact, it was the count who posted false information about the coup in Spain in the newspaper, and Danglars got rid of the shares of the Bank of Madrid. Villefort tells Madame Danglars that, apparently, the Count knows their secret: the child buried alive was their illegitimate son. Ms. Danglars is horrified that her child was buried alive. Villefort seeks to find out the truth about the mysterious count, but he is constantly confused by Lord Wilmore and Abbot Busoni who have appeared in Paris. The Count manages to remain unrecognized by playing these two roles. Soon Andrea Cavalcanti appears in Paris, actually a fugitive Benedetto convict, but only Monte Cristo was aware of this.

Immediately, Caderousse appears in the city, who assures Benedetto that he is his son, and lures money from the young scoundrel, threatening to ruin the brilliant career that has opened before him. The young man is forced to obey: he liked the daughter of Danglars, a wealthy heiress. He invites Cadrusse to shake the Count well. Caderousse climbs into the house of Monte Cristo - and comes face to face with the Abbot Busoni. The cowardly old convict betrays the young; under the dictation of the abbot, he writes a letter to Danglars, in which he explains who his almost son-in-law really is. Leaving the count's house, Caderousse runs into Benedetto's knife. Before dying, he is convinced that Monte Cristo and Edmond Dantes are one person.

Villefort began a streak of misfortunes: suddenly, one after another, his mother-in-law and father-in-law die, then the old footman, who drank lemonade from the decanter standing in the room of Villefort's father, Noirtier. The doctor concludes that they were all poisoned. A criminal lives in this house. Villefort's servant asks for resignation. The events are widely publicized. Another blow was that Noirtier upset the wedding of his beloved granddaughter Valentina and Franz d'Epinay. In the secretary, Noirtier keeps a document that testifies that in February 1815, in a fair fight, he killed General de Quesnel, Baron d'Epinay, who did not join the Bonapartist conspiracy.

Next comes Fernand's turn. The House of Peers is outraged by a newspaper report about the low behavior of the Comte de Morcer during the Turkish siege of the fortress of Ioannina. Haide comes to the hearing in the Chamber and presents documents to the peers confirming that everything said is true. The position in society was bought by General de Morser at the price of betrayal. Standing up for his father, Albert de Morser challenges Monte Cristo to a duel, but after learning the whole truth about Fernand Mondego, he asks Dantes for forgiveness. Edmond and Mercedes, who are still in love with him, plead for this. The Count accepts Albert's apology; Mercedes and his son are leaving Paris on the same day. Morser repeats the call of his son, but after learning the true name of the Count of Monte Cristo, he shoots himself in the forehead.

Danglars is on the brink of ruin. He pays for all the new bills that the count's trustees bring him. His last hope is that he will be able to marry his daughter to young Cavalcanti, the confidant of the Count of Monte Cristo. But after the signing of the marriage contract out of the blue, the words from Cadrus's letter that Andrea Cavalcanti is a fugitive convict are heard. Eugenie leaves Paris. Danglars lost both his daughter and his money. He leaves his wife a farewell note, in which he says that he is letting her go the way he got married: with money, but without a good reputation. Danglars escapes from Paris. Andrea Benedetto also runs in the hope of crossing the border, but the gendarmes do not allow him to do so. At the trial, he declares that his father is the prosecutor de Villefort!

The worst and final blow of fate for Villefort is the poisoning of Valentina. He no longer doubts that the murderer is his wife, who thus obtained an inheritance for herself and her son, since Noirtier declared his granddaughter to be the sole heiress. De Villefort threatens his wife with the scaffold. Madame de Villefort, in despair, takes poison and poisons her son, justifying herself by saying that good mother never abandon the child for whom she became a criminal. De Villefort goes mad, he wanders through the garden of the Count of Monte Cristo and digs graves.

Retribution has come true. Villefort has lost his mind, Fernand and Cadrusse are dead. Danglars is held captive by robbers from the gang of Luigi Wampa and spends his last money on bread and water: the thugs sell him a hump of thugs for a thousand francs, and he has less than fifty thousand left in his pocket. Monte Cristo grants him freedom and life. One night, the gray-haired Danglars becomes a beggar.

Evil has been punished. But then why did the young Valentina de Villefort die, having nothing to do with the fault of her father and stepmother? Why is Maximillian Morrel, who loved her, the son of a man who for many years tried to rescue Dantes from prison, doomed to suffering all his life? Leaving Paris, the Count of Monte Cristo miraculously resurrects Valentina. Together with old man Noirtier, he faked the death of a girl, neutralizing the effect of a terrible poison with a miracle cure inherited from Abbot Faria.

Edmond Dantes connects the hearts of Maximillian and Valentina and returns to the island of Monte Cristo. A prisoner of the Chateau d'If and an angel of vengeance, he leaves a letter to young people that sounds both a confession and a commandment to pure hearts. In the letter, he says that there is neither happiness nor unhappiness in the world. Only in comparison is everything known. Only those who have suffered immensely are capable of experiencing bliss. To enjoy life, one must taste death. All the wisdom of life lies in just two words: wait and hope!

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Useful material on the topic

The novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a work about the unlimited possibilities of man. It is also a book about revenge. In the work on the work, the writer relied on the information of the Parisian police. But thanks to Dumas, this chronicle acquired not only brilliance, but also a different attitude towards the vendetta itself. Read the summary of the "Count of Monte Cristo" in the article.

Mediterranean voyage

Before you start retelling summary"Count of Monte Cristo", let's tell a little background. In 1842, Alexandre Dumas went on a cruise along Mediterranean... When he was in Florence, one of Napoleon's brothers, Jerome, instructed his 18-year-old son to accompany the writer. Together they were going to visit the island of Elba, where the emperor passed away.

On the island, travelers saw the sights that were associated with the stay of the great French autocrat on this territory. After that, they decided to make a short trip to the nearest island. They intended to hunt there, but this activity was unsuccessful. But one of local residents, who agreed to be their guide, recommended that they pay attention to small island nearby. It was called Monte Cristo. The writer was told that, according to legend, untold treasures are buried here.

The prose writer liked the story and the title very much. Moreover, he swore an oath to a relative of Jerome that someday in memory of this voyage he would write a novel, which would be called Monte Cristo.

French archivist

After some time, the author of "Count of Monte Cristo" came across the memoirs of a certain official Pesce. This six-volume book was called Police Without Masks and was based on documents from the relevant department. At one time, the direct author participated in the events French revolution eighteenth century. He studied French very seriously. judicial practice and even was a lawyer. In addition, he edited one of the famous publications and published his work on Mirabeau. He also worked at the Ministry of Police and was the head of the Bureau of Investigation of Cases of Emigrants and Conspirators. After that, he worked as an archivist for the Metropolitan Police. It was then that he wrote his memoirs, in which he narrated about a number of court cases of that time.

At the same time, Pesce bequeathed to publish this opus only after his death. And when the author was gone, the publishing house published this colossal work. And Dumas was his reader. One story, called "Diamond and Vengeance," captivated the writer. The plot of the novel unfolds during the reign of Napoleon.

A wealthy and unhappy shoemaker

In 1807 the French capital there lived a shoemaker named Pico. Have young man was a rather rich bride. Her name was Margaret Vigo.

During one of the carnivals, the happy groom entered a Parisian tavern owned by his friend Luppian. Pico told him about his imminent wedding and the wealth of the bride.

Luppian was not only an envious person. He himself was secretly in love with Margaret. And so he decided to interfere with the marriage.

When Pico left, Luppian decided to play a trick on his friend. He, along with direct witnesses to the story of the shoemaker, including a certain Antoine Allu, wrote a denunciation, which said that Pico was an English spy. Besides, he was in a conspiracy. Its goal is the return of a representative of the Bourbon dynasty to the throne.

As a result, the unfortunate shoemaker was arrested three days before the long-awaited wedding. Pico and Margaret were in utter despair. There were no other details at all. Pico just disappeared.

As it turned out, the young man was imprisoned in Fenestrel Castle. In captivity, he met an old and sickly sick priest from Italy. Pico looked after him in every possible way. Before his death, he admitted that he was the owner of colossal treasures. It was about 8 million francs, which were invested in movable property, 2 million in jewelry, as well as 3 million gold. This wealth was hidden in one of the secret places. And when the prelate was gone, Pico became the heir to the treasures.

In the meantime, the great French emperor was overthrown. The Bourbons came to the throne again. And for the prisoner Fenestrel, who was at that time in the castle for seven years, this meant long-awaited freedom.

Of course, when Pico escaped from captivity, the first thing he did was find the treasure of the late priest and became the sole owner of the wealth. And then he began to realize his plan. He wanted to find his ex-bride and take revenge on those who were responsible for his arrest.

Under a pseudonym, he found himself in his hometown... As it became known, the shoemaker's beloved had been waiting for him for two years. But then she got married. Luppian was her chosen one. That is, the man who became the main culprit in Pico's misfortunes.

While the prisoner was in prison, Margaret had children. And her husband generally became the owner of a chic and prestigious restaurant.

When the situation with the arrest finally cleared up, Pico began to brutally take revenge on his enemies. He killed all the informers except Allu. The fact is that he already understood who had eliminated his friends. That is why, wanting to stay alive, he shot Pico. And to avoid French justice, he hid on the shores of Great Britain.

A few years later, in 1828, Allu decided to confess before his death. And the priest wrote down his story. She soon received widespread publicity. The archivist Pesce, who was mentioned a little higher, also learned about her.

Characters and prototypes

When the author of The Count of Monte Cristo read Pesce's story about the shoemaker, he gradually began to work on a new piece. Of course, this story has been greatly transformed over time and has acquired completely new details and characters. In fact, only the title of the work was unchanged. The author promised his son Jerome to immortalize this place!

The main theme of the "Count of Monte Cristo" was, of course, revenge. A person should know that sooner or later he will pay for his unseemly actions.

By and large, Dumas himself was well aware of what vile lies and slander are. To put it mildly, he disliked journalists who worked in the "yellow" publications. He hated crooks and did not tolerate crooks who got rich on colonial expeditions.

By and large, on the pages of his works, he always tried to settle scores with them. He made his own history. In the novel, the author decided to make the main character a sailor. He also settled him in beautiful Marseille. But everything is in order.

Let's begin to retell the summary of the "Count of Monte Cristo". So, the story of the shoemaker took place during the Napoleonic empire. The main characters of the "Count of Monte Cristo" lived in the era of the Restoration and the July Monarchy.

The central figure of the work was the mate of one of the ships E. Dantes. The immediate prototype was Pico. Thanks to the writer's fantasy, the shoemaker became a nobleman. In addition, he decided to adopt the name of the island of Monte Cristo.

Margaret turned into Mercedes Herrera. She sincerely loved Dantes, but could not wait for her lover. Moreover, Mercedes Herrera believed in his death. Fernand, who was in love with her, informed her about this.

In turn, this character hides Luppian, the culprit of the tragedy of the shoemaker Pico. It was Fernand Mondego who decided to betray Edmond.

Danglars is a fictional figure. He is Dantes' colleague. He became the direct initiator of the creation of denunciations against him. Anticipating the course of events, we will inform you that he became the first and the last person whom the Count of Monte Cristo later forgave.

The denunciation itself was written by Danglars under the dictation of Cadrusse. He was a neighbor of the future prisoner of If and worked as a tailor. By and large, this man could have saved his acquaintance, but he decided to keep a cowardly silence.

Another culprit in the tragedy of Edmond Dantes was Villefort. In the novel, he worked as an assistant to the Crown Attorney. It was he, for the sake of his career, who decided to send Edmond Dantes, without trial or investigation, to prison in the castle of If.

Haide is also one of the main figures in the story. She was a slave of Monte Cristo. At the same time, she had her own scores with Fernand.

An important character in the novel is Abbot Faria. In fact, for Edmond, he was the second father. He's a cellmate. By and large, he was able to teach him literally everything. It was he who bequeathed his colossal treasures to Dantes. By the way, this clergyman is more than a real figure ...

The water-loving abbot

In fact, Abbot Faria existed at one time. He was born in Goa in mid XVIII centuries and came from a noble family. His ancestors belonged to the Brahmin caste. The father of the future abbot decided to change his faith and converted to Catholicism. When Faria was in adolescence, he moved to the Apennine Peninsula. It was there, in Italy, that he managed to get a decent education. He became a Doctor of Theology. In addition, there is information that Faria studied to be a doctor. In any case, he literally knew the technique of hypnosis perfectly and at one time even published treatise on this subject.

After receiving his education, the young man went to Portugal. He became a priest of the royal church. However, he soon left Lisbon. The fact is that he took part in the conspiracy. Its goal is to gain independence from the Portuguese authorities by the Goa colony.

Abbot Faria arrived in France. Here he continued to engage in church activities.

After a while, his affairs did not go well again. He found himself again in opposition to the authorities and ended up in the Bastille. He stayed there for several months, for France was shaken by the revolution. Faria accepted and supported her.

Then he began teaching at the academy in Marseille. That is, in the city where the main characters of the "Count of Monte Cristo" lived. A little later in the French capital was created new organization that preached social equality. And Faria led this society.

Of course, the abbot in again arrested. And later he became a prisoner of the castle of If. He died there. As well as the character of the brilliant Dumas.

The plot of the novel

In the first chapters of Dumas' bestseller "The Count of Monte Cristo" the main character arrived in Marseille on the ship "Pharaoh". He was successful. And he knew that he would soon become the captain of this ship. And this means that his material well-being will increase significantly.

In addition, he was sincerely happy, for a bride named Mercedes and an elderly father were waiting for him.

But the happiness of the future captain is hindered by Danglars and Fernand. The first served as an accountant in a shipping company. This firm also owned the ship "Pharaoh". Dantes himself felt that the accountant was a fraud. But, unfortunately, I did not have time to display on it. clean water... As for Fernand, he was in love with Edmond's fiancée. As a result, these people decided to slander the young man. They drew up a denunciation in which Dantes was declared an agent of the Bonapartists. In addition, he allegedly intended to commit an anti-government conspiracy. Directly wrote this libel Cadruss, who was the neighbor of the new captain.

As a result, on the eve of the wedding, Edmond was arrested. And after a while the prosecutor Villefort ordered that he, as dangerous enemy state, imprisoned in the castle of If, that on the rock of Monte Cristo.

In captivity, the main character met just with the Abbot Faria. It was he who told him about his colossal wealth, which is hidden on this island. The unfortunate prisoners began to prepare an escape. But the priest died. Fourteen years later, Dantes managed to escape from the castle. He found the abbey's treasures and returned to his homeland. He called himself the rich Count of Monte Cristo.

The first thing he did was start his own investigation. The truth was told to him by his neighbor Cadrusse. He learned that his ex-fiancée is now the wife of Fernand. He, in turn, became rich when there was a war in the East. He also became a count. Danglars, an accountant for the shipping company, became a banker. Millions were on his account.

After that, Dantes began to realize his plan of revenge. In this endeavor, he was assisted by his slave Gaide, as mentioned above.

Edmond, as a count, met his offenders again. After some time, he brought her husband Mercedes Fernand out into the open. He was disgraced. Ex-bride left him with the children, and he himself decided to commit suicide.

As for the banker Danglars, due to the machinations he became a beggar. He was forced to flee France. Cadrussus, as was said before, was spared by Dantes.

In the finale of the novel, Monte Cristo says goodbye to his homeland and sets sail in the hope of finding true happiness. Most likely, it will help him in this Guide.


A. Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" first began to be published in a newspaper in Paris. And this process lasted a year and a half.

As a result, the success of the work exceeded all the previous books of the prose writer at times. Moreover, none of the French writers of that era had such a triumph.

Theater directors literally vied with each other to stage their productions based on the book "The Count of Monte Cristo". As a result, the writer made a lot of money on Dantes. True, he literally immediately began to vigorously spend these funds.

He was able to build a house, and then, a little later, he erected a country villa. He called this palace “Monte Cristo Castle”. Contemporaries said that this structure, in fact, is one of the most wonderful follies that the great writer ever did. He also created a wonderful English park on this territory with drawbridges, lawns and waterfalls.

Incidentally, this villa has survived to this day.

Continuation of the novel about the graph

Many fans of Dumas' work believe that after the triumph, the author again began to write about the Count's adventures. They say that after his death, handwritten versions of the sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo were found in his archive. But this is not true. The writer never took up this. Judging by the description of events and the style of writing, Dumas could not have written such works.

One such hoax is a book called The Last Payment. It was seen as a sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo. In the storyline of the works, Dantes visited the Russian capital... And after this visit, a certain avenger began to pursue the count. He believed that the killer of the great Pushkin and Monte Cristo were related. The book was published in 1990 in the Soviet Union. Note that it was never published again. On this moment it is proved that this witty novel, in fact, cannot belong to the pen of a French prose writer.

Nevertheless, the eminent science fiction writer Jules Verne wrote his next book in 1885. He named her "Matias Sandor". The writer admitted that his work is a kind of response to the novel by Dumas. True, if Dantes was an unhappy person who was framed by his "acquaintances", then Sandor was a revolutionary who sought to overthrow the government in Austria-Hungary. By the way, many believe that this creation surpassed the novel about the captain of Marseilles.

No less interesting continuation about the graph is the Hollywood motion picture "Son of Monte Cristo". It was released in 1940. In the plot, Napoleon III is trying to establish his dictatorship in one of the territories under his jurisdiction. He turns to the son of Dantes, who by that time had become a famous banker. But he refused the offer and headed liberation movement against the autocrat.

Scientist A. Bester also turned to the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo", a summary of which you already know. In his book Tiger! Tiger!" he talks about a certain worker who was left in the ruined spaceship... Naturally, the unfortunate vowed that he would take revenge on those who abandoned him. The work was published in 1956.

Another writer from Germany A. Mützelburg also created his own sequel. In this novel, readers once again met with the main characters of Dumas. He not only described their further fate, but also added new characters. It was they who visited the American West, the African continent and other European states.

In the 2000s, a Japanese anime series appeared. He was called the "Ruler of the Cave". The painting uses the motives of the plot of the book "The Count of Monte Cristo".

At the same time, the Russian television series "Count Krestovsky" was filmed. The tape played up the story of Dantes in the Soviet Union during the 80s.

And the last thing. In 2006, the German rock band Vanden Plas released an album called Christ 0. In this release, the musicians used a modernized version of the story of Monte Cristo.

The best screen versions of "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Dumas' novel itself was filmed several times.

One of the best in this regard is the French motion picture, in which the main role performed by Jean Mare. The tape was released in 1954. The French managed to fit almost the entire story of Monte Cristo. The only drawback was the lack of Danglars in the tape.

In 1988, the famous director G. Jungwald-Khilkevich, who had already become famous for his adaptation of Dumas's Three Musketeers, filmed his version of the best-selling French writer. This work was called "The Prisoner of the Castle of If". And Dantes was mainly played by the now late V. Avilov. The role of the young Edmond was played by E. Dvorzhetsky.

A decade later, the French decided to return to the film adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. They shot a new serial film. Gerard Depardieu and Ornella Muti took part in the project.

Well, in 2002, an American picture came out. The director was K. Reynolds. And the main roles were played by D. Caviezel and G. Pierce. They say this film is absurd. So, in one of the scenes, the count went down to the ball at hot-air balloon... And in the final, he bought out the castle of If and began to live there.

Second Life

There are three streets in Marseille associated with the characters of Dumas' immortal creation. One of them is named after Abbot Faria. Others - Dantes and, in fact, the count.

In addition, in the same port city, one of the highways is named after the writer.

Also keeps the stamp and the castle of If - "Bastille of the South". At the moment, this territory is, in fact, an absolutely harmless place. Over the past four decades, the structure has been protected as historical monument... Tourists constantly come to the fortress. They look with interest at the tablets on the doors of the casemates, which say that Abbot Faria and Dantes, the future Count of Monte Cristo, were kept here. The guides even demonstrate a hole, which they allegedly were able to dig from cell to cell ...

Edmond Dantes, who replaced the captain of the ship "Pharaoh", arrives at the port of Marseille. There his fiancée Mercedes and an elderly father are waiting for him. The envious Danglars and Fernand Mondego are conspiring to slander Dantes. The Crown Prosecutor sends a new captain to Château d'If.

There, the main character meets with Abbot Faria, who tells him about the untold treasures buried on the island of Monte Cristo. Dantes escapes from prison, finds a treasure, and then begins to take revenge on the offenders. As a result of his actions, Villefort goes mad, Fernand commits suicide, and the ruined Danglars is forced to flee France.

Read the summary of the Count of Monte Cristo Dumas

This novel tells that no evil deed will go unpunished. Marseilles. The Pharaoh ship arrives at the port. His captain is dead. The command was taken over by the young man Edmond Dantes. He fulfilled the request of the old captain, drove to the island of Elba and received a note from Napoleon. Now he must deliver her to Monsieur Noirtier.

Dantes is happy and successful. Marseille is waiting for him new position, he will be the captain of the ship. Money has appeared and, therefore, he can get married. His fiancée Mercedes and his elderly father are waiting for him.

Dantes suspects Danglars, an accountant of the shipping company, of fraud. He, together with Fernand Mondego, in love with Mercedes, is a denunciation. Edmond introduces himself as an agent of the Bonapartists who plotted the coup. With them is Cadrusse, the envious neighbor of the new captain. He is against slander, but when he is drunk he falls asleep.

Edmond, arrested during the betrothal, talks to the prosecutor. Villefort is already ready to let go of the slandered captain, but learns that Dantes must hand over the letter to Noirtier, who is the father of the prosecutor. Then Villefort condemns the young man to imprisonment in the Château d'If.

After spending several years in prison, Dantes meets Abbot Faria. The old man tells him about the treasure hidden on the island of Monte Cristo. They are preparing to escape. But the abbot is dying. Then Dantes pretends to be a meter friend. Instead of the abbot, he is thrown into the sea, which serves as the grave of the prisoners of the castle of If. There Edmond is picked up by smugglers. He learns that he was imprisoned for 14 years.

Having found treasures on the island, Dantes becomes rich. He rewards those who helped him and begins an investigation. Disguised as a priest, he turns to Cadrusse. Dantes allegedly left a diamond to be divided among the friends of the "deceased". Caderousse, overwhelmed by greed, tells the truth. It also turns out that Mercedes married Fernand, who became rich during the war in the East and became the Comte de Morcer. Danglars became a banker with millions on his account.

Edmond rescues his friend, the fitter Morrel, from ruin, and then sets off on a journey. After spending 9 years wandering, he returns to his homeland under the guise of Count of Monte Cristo, a rich man. He gets to know his abusers again. He already has a plan for revenge in his head. He is helped by the slave Gaide, whose father Fernand betrayed and killed, and Bertuccio, who saved and raised the illegitimate son of Villefort.

Count and Haide take Fernand out into the open. The truth about his betrayal in Ioannina was revealed. He is disgraced. Mercedes and Albert, their son, leave him. Desperate, the Comte de Morcerde decides to shoot himself.

The second wife of the Crown Attorney is trying to poison his daughter from his first marriage so that their joint son will inherit the entire inheritance. After Villefort uncovers this plan, she kills herself and their child. The truth about the illegal son of the prosecutor and Mrs. Danglars has come to light. Villefort, disgraced and having lost his entire family, goes mad.

As a result of the machinations of the Count of Monte Cristo, the banker Danglars is practically ruined. He flees France, now all he has to do is live out his years in poverty. Monte Cristo bestows happiness on the innocent. He rescued Valentina de Villefort, daughter of the Crown Attorney, and helped her reunite with her lover, Maximillian Morrell. The count himself floats away from Gaide, who has long been in love with him. Together they hope to find happiness.

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