Home Useful Tips What vitamins does bell pepper contain? Potential benefits and harms of bell pepper. In what form to use

What vitamins does bell pepper contain? Potential benefits and harms of bell pepper. In what form to use

Bell pepper is a fairly common and popular vegetable. Due to the excellent survival rate of the culture in various climatic conditions, many successfully grow it in their summer cottages.

The fruits of bell peppers or bell peppers can be of various colors: red or orange, yellow or green. Thick walls and the absence of pulp inside the vegetable gives the right to attribute the fruits of pepper to the so-called "false berries".

Despite the name, South America is considered the birthplace of this vegetable crop. Thanks to the Columbus expedition, the vegetable appeared in European states. Thanks to its excellent taste and pleasant aroma, bell pepper is widely used today in cooking, it is a component of all kinds of dishes. But along with excellent taste, pepper has many beneficial properties.

Calorie content and nutritional value of bell pepper

This vegetable is the champion among vegetables in the content of ascorbic acid, and this vegetable also contains vitamin P (the first letter in the word "paprika" - pepper), which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, pepper is rich in vitamins E, A and group B. And it would be nice if this cool pepper was present in your diet every day.

Vitamins in bell pepper are represented by the following composition:

Vitamin C helps our immunity, and also contributes to stress resistance, helps to cope with worries and worries. The aromatic substances secreted by the pepper promote the production of endorphins, the hormones of joy.

Rutin (300-450 mg per 100 g) strengthens the capillaries of the circulatory system. In addition to vitamins, pepper contains many trace elements: calcium, potassium and sodium, iron and iodine, silicon and phosphorus. The mineral composition of bell pepper is quite extensive:

Scientists say that if you eat at least one pepper daily, then such a dangerous disease as a stroke can be prevented by 50%.

It's important to know! The largest amount of vitamins in bell peppers accumulates near the stalk and in seeds, which, as a rule, are not eaten. Try to cut the peppers neatly in order to gain "access" to all the beneficial substances contained in this vegetable.

What are the benefits and harms of bell pepper for the body

Pepper juice and tincture helps to strengthen the immune system. It also helps lower cholesterol levels, stimulates bile secretion, thereby improving liver function. All components contained in pepper effectively fight diseases such as cancer. This was proved by American doctors. First of all, this vegetable is useful for women, because it reduces the risk of breast tumors by three times.

Only the fruits of this vegetable plant are eaten. They have a very dense, juicy and tasty peel, and inside there are many small seeds that are unusable. Bell peppers are rich in fiber, alkaloids, mineral salts, antioxidants and vitamins. For example, it is extremely high in vitamin C and B vitamins, and potassium, magnesium, fluoride, iron and iodine are essential for vital organs to stay healthy and functional. The vegetable does not contain many calories, therefore it is suitable for the diet. Nutritionists say that nutrition only with this fruit is enough to become slimmer and lose extra pounds.

The alkaloid capsaicin provides a pleasant sweetish-spicy taste to Bulgarian pepper. This substance is very useful for digestion, as it stimulates the work of the stomach, pancreas, improving appetite and assimilation of food.

In general, this multicolored shiny vegetable is perfect for the daily menu. In this case, it will support and normalize the work of the digestive tract (with constipation, lack of appetite, etc.), the nervous system (with insomnia, stress, fatigue, etc.), improve the functioning of the brain (with memory impairment, fatigue). With the constant use of bell pepper, the appearance improves: the condition and color of the skin, the condition of the nails and hair.

Vitamin C in combination with flavonoids strengthens the body's defenses, makes fragile blood vessels and capillaries more elastic, and improves their permeability. Healthy capillaries are very important in supplying nutrients to the brain.

Antioxidants are good for blood vessels. They break down low-density cholesterol, preventing the appearance of plaques on the walls, make thick blood thin, promote rejuvenation, enhancing cell regeneration. Iron, which is contained in bell pepper, is useful for our blood, so it will be useful for anemia as well.

Fresh fruits of this vegetable plant are taken for cooking. It is enough to wash, cut, mix with a couple of ingredients and herbs - a delicious salad is ready. The pepper is delicious and stewed. And if you stuff it, then it will compete with stuffed cabbage rolls. You can fry it, decorate ready-made dishes, or you can rinse it and bite it like a regular apple. Bulgarian pepper is good and healthy in any form: pickled, salted, grilled, and if you need to keep it for the winter, then just put it in the freezer.

Contraindications and harm of bell pepper

  • Bell pepper is a vegetable that can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, people who are allergic to these and other vegetables should completely stop consuming them.
  • Abuse of bell pepper leads to the development of diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating.
  • The product is contraindicated for people suffering from cardiac diseases - high blood pressure, heart ischemia, arrhythmia.
  • The fruits of bell pepper are harmful to people who have been diagnosed with gastritis, which developed against the background of an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. The consumption of these vegetables must be abandoned in case of gastric ulcer.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend bell pepper dishes for people suffering from epilepsy, hemorrhoids, liver or kidney disease.
  • Bell peppers are healthy to eat only fresh. Fruits that have undergone any heat treatment lose up to 70% of their beneficial properties.

Bulgarian pepper for face

Due to its beneficial properties, bell peppers did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists, since they contribute to youth, beauty and health of the skin. Therefore, Bulgarian pepper is recommended to be included in the composition of anti-aging and moisturizing masks.

Use masks with bell pepper at least once a week, take care of your face skin: do not rub it with a towel and leave it slightly damp after washing.

Face mask based on bell pepper with a rejuvenating effect

Option 1. Peppers of any color should be chopped using a meat grinder or blender, then combined with a pre-beaten chicken egg and a teaspoon of sour cream. This mask should be kept on the face for about 15 minutes. Then make a contrasting wash and apply your usual cream.

Option 2. Also, combine chopped bell pepper (two tablespoons) with honey in the amount of one tablespoon. Withstand the mask for no more than 20 minutes and wash off with a contrast wash.

Revitalizing Bulgarian pepper face mask

This version of the mask is more suitable for dry skin, returning it to a healthy color. Ground bell pepper should be combined with sour cream and freshly squeezed carrot juice (a teaspoon each). The mask should be washed off after about 20 minutes.

Bulgarian pepper is also useful for hair problems, as it strengthens weakened hair, making it stronger and healthier. For men, like women, eating and eating bell peppers will help prevent early baldness.

Varieties and colors of bell peppers

It is also important to know that, depending on the type of pepper, its properties will also differ.

Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper belongs to the "Edino" variety. The color of this vegetable is due to the pigments it contains: red-yellow - carotene, red - lycopene.

Bell peppers have more red color than peppers of other colors of vitamin A. This makes this pepper the most valuable for baby food, for the nutrition of people suffering from vision problems, since this vitamin is responsible for the health of the retina.

Red bell peppers are also rich in vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene, which can reduce the risk of cancer.

Yellow bell pepper

Light yellow bell pepper belongs to the "Indalo" variety, this pepper has the least amount of coloring pigment lycopene, but it contains components that give a yellow pigment - carotenoids.

The yellow bell pepper has a record potassium content in comparison with peppers of other colors. The value of potassium is great for the health of the heart muscle, which means that such a pepper will be especially valuable for people in old age and suffering from heart disease.

Also, this pepper contains more other phosphorus, which actively participates in the formation of bone tissue and normalizes the activity of the kidneys, as well as ensures healthy cell growth.

Green bell pepper

Green bell peppers are classified as "Atlantic". This variety contains both carotene and lycopene.

This pepper contains the most phytosterols - complex chemical compounds that play an important role in lipid metabolism and lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it is green pepper that is the lowest-calorie of all the others and contains only 20 Kcal per 100 grams of the product.

How to choose and store bell peppers

Quality bell peppers are clean, firm, smooth and shiny. There are no cracks, mechanical damage or stains on their surface. When choosing vegetables, it is very important to pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  • lack of wrinkles on the surface of the fetus;
  • uniform, bright, saturated color of the skin (the pallor of the fruits signals that they were grown in violation of the technological process or were stored in consumer containers for too long);
  • a juicy green stalk (a dried brown tail indicates that the vegetable has been on the counter for at least a week and has lost most of its beneficial properties);
  • lack of plaque on the surface of the fetus.
  • The reasons for refusing to buy bell pepper may be:

    • damaged or wrinkled vegetable skins;
    • the presence of plaque, dirt, mold, spots, dots on the surface of the fruit;
    • signs of decay;
    • lack of a peduncle.

    Well-ripe fruits should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C (for example, in a refrigerator). In such conditions, they do not lose their taste and nutritional properties within 3-4 weeks. In order to increase the shelf life, you need to wrap each vegetable in paper.

    Green bell peppers should not be refrigerated. In cool conditions, unripe fruits begin to deteriorate, rot, and quickly lose their taste. These vegetables are best kept at room temperature, as far away from heat and light sources as possible.

Bell peppers are one of the most important products for every housewife. This tasty and juicy vegetable can be eaten fresh, dried or cooked. Due to its rich color, it is used to decorate festive dishes. And the huge content of vitamins in pepper allows you to make effective medicines and cosmetics from it. The fruit is so rich in micronutrients that it brings tangible benefits to the body.

Although the pepper is called Bulgarian, it is native to the American continent. A wild plant growing in natural conditions belongs to perennials, does not require cultivation and additional watering. Peppers of various shapes and colors on the shelves of grocery stores are selected vegetables. Based on the color of the fruit, there are three varieties: red, yellow and green. There are many carotenoid pigments in red and yellow peppers; these two varieties are recommended for people suffering from heart, kidney and bone diseases. Green vegetable is rich in steroid alcohols phytosterols, which regulate fat metabolism, remove bad cholesterol from blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

What is the nutritional value of bell peppers?

The big advantage of sweet peppers over many other plant foods is their low calorie content. One hundred grams of raw vegetable contains no more than 30 calories. It contains the following biologically significant elements:

  • proteins - 1.3%;
  • carbohydrates - 4.9%;
  • fats - 0.1%;
  • fiber - 1.7%;
  • water - 92.0%.

What vitamins are found in bell peppers?

Due to its high concentration of nutrients, bell peppers are extremely beneficial for the human body. Most of the vitamins are in fresh vegetables; during heat treatment, the product loses up to 70% of important microelements. An excellent source of nutrients is the juice squeezed out of the peeled fruit. What vitamins are found in the highest amount of bell peppers? One hundred grams of raw product have substances in the following volume:

  • retinol (A) - 1 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 130 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 1.6 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (B 3) - 1 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) - 0.3 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) - 0.3 mg.

What minerals are found in bell peppers?

They are rich in bell peppers and minerals that are essential for the normal functioning and development of the body. How many minerals does a fresh vegetable contain? One hundred grams of the product contains the following amount of trace elements:

  • potassium - 210 mg;
  • phosphorus - 26 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • calcium - 8 mg;
  • sodium - 5 mg.

How is bell pepper good for the body?

In order for sweet peppers to bring maximum benefit to the body, it is necessary to use it without heat treatment: in salads or as an independent snack. The vegetable contains the unique alkaloid capsaicin, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. This substance activates the secretion of the pancreas, improves appetite, has an antitoxic effect, removes carcinogens from the body, prevents the development of oncology, helps to lower blood pressure, and prevents the appearance of blood clots in the bloodstream. Also, capsaicin is able to destroy disease-causing fungi, stimulate hair and nail growth. It is useful to use the vegetable for people suffering from constipation, atrophic gastritis, increased sweating, anemia, diabetes mellitus.

Since the content of kilocalories in red pepper is negligible, it is recommended to include it in the menu for people with obesity. The Bulgarian fruit has the ability to speed up the metabolism in the body, which is why it is the first vegetable on the list for diet nutrition. Regular consumption of pepper can significantly reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. A vegetable must necessarily be in the diet of people who have bleeding gums and poor elasticity of blood vessels.

Due to the high concentration of vitamins in red pepper, it is useful for brain workers to use it to improve brain performance and relieve mental stress. The vegetable helps to maintain vigor and good concentration of attention, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and eliminates the symptoms of depression. The huge amount of vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant, makes the Bulgarian fruit an effective remedy against deteriorating hair and nails, baldness in men and early skin aging in women. It is recommended to consume the vegetable for pregnant women: it helps them maintain healthy bone tissue and blood vessels.

Can bell peppers harm the body?

Sweet pepper is a nutritious and healthy product, but in certain diseases it can harm the body. In order not to worsen the state of health, it is strictly forbidden to consume a vegetable with the following pathologies:

  • angina pectoris, ischemia, arrhythmia;
  • insomnia, epilepsy, neurasthenia, mental disorders;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • poor liver function;
  • chronic kidney disease in the acute stage;
  • colitis, prolonged hemorrhoids.

You should carefully approach the choice of goods in grocery stores. Recently, pepper has appeared on the shelves, overly treated with agricultural pesticides. Unscrupulous farmers do not spare insecticides and pesticides for their products, which are extremely toxic to the human body. Therefore, you should carefully read the information about the product, give preference to vegetables from reliable manufacturers that have been tested for the presence of harmful substances.

The history of this vegetable begins in the 15th century, when it was first mentioned in documents. Its homeland is South and Central America, where you can still find wild varieties of bell peppers.

After the expedition of Columbus, Europe learned about this vegetable.

It is important to note that for a long time, red pepper was considered a wild-growing false berry, and only by the 19th century was it recognized as an important agricultural crop.

Not only the vegetable itself has an interesting origin, but also its name. It appeared thanks to the Bulgarian scientists, who developed new large-fruited varieties of this pepper.

Despite the fact that this culture is thermophilic, it can be effortlessly to breed on your personal plot to anyone who wishes.

Useful and medicinal properties, vitamins

Bell peppers are a very common, incredibly tasty and healthy vegetable.

It is used in food as an irreplaceable ingredient for various soups, main courses, all kinds of preserves, salads. He possesses excellent gustatory characteristics, has a pleasant smell. In addition, eating the fruits of this vegetable will yield huge benefit for the body.

Bell peppers contain many vitamins, thanks to which it is a very useful vegetable.

First of all, it should be noted the enormous content vitamin C it is in red pepper. Green bell peppers are rich in them in a slightly smaller amount.

Thanks to such a rich fortified composition, sweet peppers have bypassed even black currants, strawberries and even lemon.

In addition, the fruit of the bell pepper contains a large number of vitamins of group B, PP, vitamins A, E, as well as ascorbic acid, rutin and beta-carotene. It is also worth mentioning the content of iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, calcium and potassium salts in pepper.

Useful and medicinal properties:

  • Bell peppers are useful for those who want to have a good figure. Its fruits have a high concentration of fiber, which will also be very beneficial for people with diseases of the digestive system.
  • The alkaloid capsaicin, which is also found in pepper, improves the function of the stomach and pancreas. Thus, food is processed much easier and more efficiently. By the way, it is this substance that gives the pepper a specific taste.
  • The vitamins contained in pepper have a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening the immune system.
  • Experts have proven that bell peppers are able to support the body of those suffering from diabetes. With this disease, it is best to drink the juice from the fruits of the bell pepper.
  • Eating this culture in food can improve the state of the circulatory system thanks to vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • This vegetable will be useful for the elderly, since it has a positive effect on memory, lowers blood pressure, and the beta-carotene contained in it even partially relieves fatigue.
  • Bell pepper strengthens the nervous system, it will help get rid of insomnia and irritability. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins contribute to the restoration of brain neurons, thus increasing its activity.
  • It will be useful for the prevention of cancer due to compounds that prevent carcinogens from entering cells.
  • It is useful to use bell pepper for people living in regions with high radiation levels.
  • Bell pepper helps to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body.
  • The substances that bell pepper contains take part in the normalization of hormonal levels, so it will be useful for women during pregnancy.
  • It is also useful to eat pepper for beauty: the substances contained in it can significantly improve the condition of the skin, strengthen nails and hair.
  • In cosmetology, it is used as part of various face masks.
  • Useful are ointments from its fruits, which can be used in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis.
  • Bell pepper should be included in your diet for smokers. Scientists have proven that it reduces the harmful effects of tobacco on the body.

Calorie content

How many calories are in bell peppers? The fruits of the vegetable, which is also called sweet pepper, have a rather attractive appearance: they come in red, yellow, green colors with different shades. At its core, it is a pod made up of the skin, which has grown together with the pulp, and the seed nest inside, tightly adhered to the stalk.

Different types of bell peppers also differ form: they can be round, spherical, pyramidal, conical. Depending on the number of fruits and the method of their preparation, their calorie content.

Light salads, which include bell peppers, are tasty and healthy. It has practically no calories, so even diabetics and people involved in sports or dieters can eat it.

Calorie content per 100 grams of fresh product - about 25 kcal... Pickled peppers are higher in calories - up to 70 calories.

Bell pepper is very popular, eaten rolled up. Its calorie content per 100 grams. - no more than 80 calories.

Harm to health

There is no doubt that bell peppers are one of the healthiest vegetables in the world. But it is important to know that for any product there is also a series contraindications to use.

Bell pepper is not capable of causing significant damage to human health, but some provisions on it harm everyone should know.

Pepper seeds taste bitter, causing discomfort from a slight astringency in the mouth. In everyday life, they are used not only for growing new seedlings and crossing varieties.

Very aromatic essential oils are also produced from seeds, which have medicinal, prophylactic and cosmetic properties. Any essential oil that was made from bell pepper seeds can only be harmful to the category of people suffering from allergies regarding this product.


Although the vegetable is rich in vitamins, under some conditions, bell peppers can still be contraindicated... The decisive factor may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • It is necessary to exclude bell peppers from their diet for those suffering from coronary artery disease, hypotension, and people with heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Bell pepper is harmful to people with stomach ulcers, gastritis.
  • With epilepsy, increased excitability of the central nervous system, unstable mental state, bell pepper is categorically contraindicated.
  • You can not use it for patients with hemorrhoids, as well as for people with kidney and liver diseases.

Some of these contraindications are due to the content of essential oils in bell pepper, which should be consumed forbidden with the above deviations and diseases.

Bell peppers are best consumed raw. This saves the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in it.

It can be used in a variety of salads. By the way, a lot vitamin C is located just in the part that is usually thrown away after peeling the pepper - in the seed nest, so do not rush to get rid of it.

For preservation, bell peppers are suitable both raw and dried. It can be stewed, boiled, baked - in any form it will remain useful and will charitable influence on your body.

Bell peppers are an important vegetable in the kitchen. It can be eaten raw, dried or boiled, and every dish with it will be delicious and healthy. Thanks to its vibrant hues, the vegetable is used to decorate salads and other holiday snacks. And yet, what vitamins are in bell pepper? What is its main benefit?

Nutrients found in a sweet vegetable

This sweet and vibrant vegetable is very rich in vitamins that are beneficial for the human body. Scientists have even learned how to make cosmetics and medicines from it.

At the moment, on sale you can find three types of bell peppers, different in color. The first representative - green - contains steroid alcohols phytosterols. They are useful in preventing diseases such as atherosclerosis. The other two (red and yellow) are beneficial for people with kidney, bone, and heart disease.

Bell pepper is included in most diets, as its calorie content is minimal. 100 grams of this beautiful and tasty vegetable contains only 30 kcal.

The percentage of significant biological elements:

  1. Protein - 1.3%.
  2. Fat - 0%.
  3. Carbohydrates - 5%.
  4. Water - 92%.
  5. Fiber - 1.8%.

Vitamin composition of bell pepper

Many are looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins are in bell pepper. In fact, there are quite a few of them. And thanks to this, it is considered very useful for the human body. But if bell peppers are cooked, about 70% of trace elements will simply evaporate. But freshly squeezed vegetable juice is a very useful vitamin drink.

What vitamins are found in bell peppers in the greatest amount?

The mineral composition of bell pepper

In addition to vitamins, in bell pepper you can find minerals that are also useful for the human body.

Expanded pepper composition

Analyzing the chemical composition of pepper, one can be convinced of its invaluableness to humans. So what are the healthiest vitamins in bell peppers?

  1. The content of vitamin C is several times higher than in lemon. In a red vegetable, 200 g of ascorbic acid.
  2. The minerals included in the composition help to cope with baldness, anemia and even osteoporosis.
  3. Capsaicin makes the bell pepper taste unique. It can help lower blood pressure or improve digestion.
  4. Vitamin A content will help vision and skin. It is also good for hair and nails.
  5. Vitamin P will give elasticity to blood vessels.
  6. Lycopene prevents cancer risk.
  7. B vitamins normalize sleep and help cope with stress.

What vitamins in sweet bell peppers are in smaller quantities:

Vitamin composition of pepper

Let's try to understand what vitamins are in red bell pepper. The amount is indicated per 100 grams of the vegetable:

  • vitamin C - 150-200 mg;
  • thiamine, or vitamin B 1 - 0.05 mg;
  • riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
  • niacin, or vitamin B 3 - 0.5 mg;
  • choline - 5.6 mg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.99 mg;
  • folic acid - 10 μg;
  • beta-carotene - 209 mcg;
  • vitamin K - 7.5 mcg.

Vitamins according to the color of bell pepper

Common bell pepper colors are green, yellow, and red. Each of them is useful in its own way. Let us dwell in more detail on what vitamins in bell pepper are of different shades.

  1. A red-colored vegetable is sweet and juicy. What vitamins are found in bell peppers? In fact, there are quite a few of them, but the first place is occupied by the vitamin retinol and ascorbic acid.
  2. Yellow vegetable. It is dominated by an element called rutin, which is very beneficial for blood vessels. Also, the amount of phosphorus and potassium is greater than in others.
  3. colors. What vitamins does this color bell pepper contain? It is difficult to select any one element. But experts say that this vegetable can prevent cancer.

The choice of pepper must be taken seriously. Firstly, the vegetable should be without visible damage, beautiful and bright. Secondly, the choice of color depends on the future dish. If it becomes a salad, then any bell pepper will do. When the hostess is going to heat the vegetable, the best option would be yellow or red peppers. After cooking, the green vegetable tastes bitter.

What's useful?

This vegetable is best eaten fresh, so you can get the largest number of useful components that it contains.

The capsaicin in the product in question is beneficial for the intestines and the entire digestive tract. The pancreas begins to actively produce a secret, due to which an improvement in appetite can be noticed. Also, the body is freed from harmful substances, carcinogens. Pressure stabilizes, blood flow improves. Capsaicin is able to fight a variety of fungi.

Nutritionists advise overweight people to eat bell peppers. First, the number of calories is minimal. Secondly, the body's metabolism is accelerated.

A red-colored vegetable is recommended for people whose work is connected with mental stress. Useful substances have a positive effect on the nervous system, cope with depression. Vitamin C significantly improves hair growth in women, prevents early baldness in men. For pregnant women, bell pepper is also necessary. Using it, they may not worry about blood vessels and bones.

Bell peppers, especially red ones, can help fight anemia. The sweet vegetable contains substances that can fight coughs. So with bronchitis, this vegetable should be included in the patient's diet.

The harmful properties of pepper

The benefits of the vegetable in question are undoubtedly high, but in certain diseases, the vegetable can be harmful. For the following ailments, it is better to refuse this product:

  • lingering hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal colitis;
  • liver or kidney problems;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • epilepsy;
  • any mental disorders.

The choice of bell peppers should be approached seriously and competently. Many farmers do not spare pesticides and various chemical fertilizers, so the vegetable becomes harmful. You need to buy only the product that has been tested by special authorities. The certificates for the vegetable, which the seller must present to each buyer upon request, will also be useful.

Bell peppers ripen in July, August and September. But in supermarkets you can see it on the shelves all year round. All this is possible with the help of nitrates and pesticides. They process a vegetable and grow in a greenhouse. By consuming such pepper, the human body gradually accumulates these harmful substances. Thus, a healthy vegetable can be bought only during the specified ripening period and frozen for the winter.

In the course of archaeological research, scientists have concluded that bell peppers were grown in Central America 9 thousand years ago. The first documentary mentions of him were found in the manuscripts of the famous physician Columbus. There is a version that at the end of the 17th century, immigrants from Bulgaria brought sweet pepper seeds with them, then through Odessa it got to Central Russia. Only from the 19th century it began to be grown here as an agricultural crop. Now it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged diet without sweet bell peppers. We know about the benefits of this product only in general terms. It's time to figure out which vitamins in bell peppers help us maintain health throughout the year.

Vitamin and mineral composition and nutritional value

One hundred grams of vegetable daily will prevent diseases of the eyes, nervous and cardiovascular systems. and A in red peppers is higher than in citrus fruits and in.

100 gr contains:

Vitamins mg Action
1 Essential for eye health and sharp vision, especially in the evening.
130 One of the main defenders of the body from external influences, takes part in the assimilation of other trace elements.
1,6 Strong antioxidant, vitamin for skin beauty and health, prevention of clogged veins.
1 Participates in oxidation processes, strengthens the nervous system. The disadvantage is manifested in gastrointestinal malfunctions.
0,3 Participates in the exchange between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With a deficiency, there is a stop in growth and development.
0,3 Stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Activates RNA synthesis.

Mineral composition of 100 g of the product:

Minerals mg Action
Potassium 211 Regulates muscle contraction and heart rate. Promotes the replenishment of gastric juice. Deficiency manifests itself in impaired digestion, nausea and vomiting.
Phosphorus 26 A unique source of energy. Together with calcium, it is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth, and helps in the synthesis of vitamins.
Magnesium 12 Strengthens the action of calcium. Important for maintaining the stability of the nervous system. A shortage can lead to cramps and loss of muscle tone.
Calcium 7 It is the foundation of the musculoskeletal system and helps to contract muscles.
Sodium 4 Found in tissue fluids and blood plasma. Regulates the distribution of fluid throughout the body systems.

The minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium restore brain neurons, protect the nervous system from stress, increase attention and mental activity. By consuming bell peppers, we also replenish the deficiency of iron, phosphorus, zinc and iodine. Substances in the composition of the fruit support appetite, force the stomach to actively process food and rid the body of toxins and decay products.

Pepper contains a substance called the alkaloid capsaicin. It takes good care of the gastric mucosa and gives the fetus a characteristic aromatic taste, participates in the prevention of diseases.

Nutritional value of 100 g of fruits:

Beneficial features

The unique substance capsacin, contained in sweet pepper, has a number of invaluable qualities: it inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungi in the stomach, activates the pancreas, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

What other positive effect on the body does the product have:

  • Vegetable contains lycopene- an antioxidant that strengthens bones, supports kidney health .
  • Bell pepper green contains phytosterol, which the accelerates the metabolism of fats and removes cholesterol .
  • Mineral composition maintains a full blood composition, prevents .
  • Helps with weight loss, activates the intestines .
  • Antioxidants in red peppers thin the blood, bring the pressure back to normal .

Red pepper is used to create toning face masks.

Given what vitamins are contained in p erce and how much, it must be included in the diet of pregnant women and children.

In what form to use

It is best to eat it fresh. Raw bell peppers will be most beneficial and will help you digest food completely.

Bell peppers can be boiled, baked, stewed, canned. It spices up vegetable stews and rich soup. The popular “stuffed pepper” dish leaves no one indifferent. However, n It should be noted that during heat treatment, a vegetable loses up to 70% of valuable microelements.

When you can't eat pepper

The product is contraindicated:

  • people with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • at problems with the gastrointestinal tract as it is considered "heavy" food;
  • at stomach ulcer.

Bell pepper is unpretentious. It is grown in greenhouses by many gardeners. On store shelves, it is available fresh and frozen all year round. Due to its many valuable qualities, it deserves the right to take an honorable place in our daily diet.

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