Home Useful tips The best classroom hours for first-graders on September 1. Class hour scenario: “September 1 for first graders.” class hour (1st grade) on the topic. Teacher's opening speech

The best classroom hours for first-graders on September 1. Class hour scenario: “September 1 for first graders.” class hour (1st grade) on the topic. Teacher's opening speech

« Hello, 1st grade»

1. Organizing time.

The song “What They Teach at School” plays (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky). First graders enter the classroom and sit down in their seats.

Teacher. Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

According to games, ventures and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life,

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check.
- Are the diligent girls here?
- Smart boys?
- Caring mothers?
- Handy dads?
- Kind and affectionate grandparents?
- Then we can begin.

Teacher. Dear Guys! Today is a solemn and important day for you: you have come to study at school. Just yesterday you were called children, kids, and from today they will say about you “This student, student, schoolchildren and schoolgirls.”

The school will become a second home for you, you will find many new friends. In this room, which is calledclass, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge.

Student. There are various holidays throughout the year,

And today is our holiday:

The first graders came for the first time

To your friendly school class.

And the parents stand on the sidelines

And they look at them with excitement,

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Their grown-up children.

Teacher .

Today is our Day of Knowledge. Now, children, the time has come for you to become disciples.

- Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also tostyle, rejoice in your successes and the successes of your comrades, think, reflect.

- And in order for us to cope with all this, we probably need to get to know each other.

2. Acquaintance.

- On the count of 3, let’s all say our name together (they say it) It didn’t work.

- Let's all say our names in a whisper (they name them) It didn't work out again.

Tell me, guys, did the meeting take place? ( Children answer - no)

The result was noise. There is a rule at school: you have to speak alone. There is no point in talking to everyone together. Neither whoever does not understand anything will not hear.

Let's get to know each other differently. I call a name, and those who are called that stand up! ( Zara baby names given) Dasha, Sasha, Alina, Vadim, Magamed, Vladik, Bogdan, Saveliy, Nastya, Akim, Vadim, Ro man, Vasya, Varya, Polina

Well, now we have met. I am very glad that the best, most important people have gathered in the hall cool guys. But I have a question: who is more fun in this room: girls or boys? ( you children shout)

I’ll read the poem now and start showing it,

And you guys, repeat, warm up your voices.

Who will shout at the end more friendly,

That one will be more fun.

And the words are very simple and the movements are like this:

    2 slam, 2 slams. Hedgehogs! Hedgehogs!

    Forged, forged knives, knives!

    Running in place (2 times)

    Bunnies (2 times) Come on, together! Come on, together! Girls! Boys!

Good for a start! But let's try again! (the game is played again )

We're almost deaf now

But I confess from the bottom of my heart

Both girls and boys

You were all good!

Teacher . Today you became first graders. Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the country Znany.
Starting tomorrow you will need school supplies. Guys, a guest from the Sunny City of Ne
the know-it-all thinks that you don’t know the names of school subjects and won’t be able to guess the riddles. Byshow him that this is not so?

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked,
And they live in that house -
Pens, books and album. (briefcase)

Tell me, first grader,
What do you wear to school with an eraser?
What - colored markers
And simple pencils? (pencil case)

I’m ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have -... (plasticine)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What am I? Notebook

Doesn't look human
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He draws and draws,
And this evening
He will color the album for me. Pencil

I love directness
I'm the most direct
Make a straight line
I help everyone. Ruler

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. Brush

You need me for order
Don't flip the pages in vain.

Where I lie, read. Bookmark

What kind of stick is in your hand?
Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
Have you written everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! Pen

I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write. (book)

Teacher. Well done! You have proven to Dunno that you are already real students. I would like to give you all a book as a souvenir.

- Game "Collect a briefcase"

Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

Teacher. Well done! You have passed this test.
I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and awarded the proud title of FIRST CLASSER. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronouncement of the oath of the first-grader, after which you willyou are members of a large and friendly school family of the school……………………..
I read the oath
. Repeat in chorus« We swear»
Learn letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by summer... We swear
Try your best in class and don’t count flies... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away or tear it... We swear!
Do your homework completely... We swear
Come to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and more mature in a year... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear!

And during recess
We promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people or walls,
Don't push like a bear. We swear!

Like real first-graders, you must be attentive

Teacher. Let's see how attentive you are. Repeat with me both the movements and the words.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap (clap their hands )

I take myself by the forehead (and she grabs her nose ) Children make mistakes .

Ha ha! What is that forehead on your nose? So I played you. Be careful! Take on what I name, and I will continue to confuse you.

We all have fun, We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap

I take myself for... ( shoulder, elbow, ear)

Clip « For the first time in first class ».

Teacher. Do you remember the fairy-tale hero who also went to the land of knowledge?

Guess it.

Wooden man -

On and under water

Looking for a golden key

His long nose sticks everywhere

Who is this? ( Pinocchio)

Yes, our beloved Pinocchio will also go to the land of knowledge. You can only open the door to the land of knowledgeto the magic key that Pinocchio asked to give you, but only if you solve the riddles.)

Return lost items to owners:

Monkey - banana

To the hare - a carrot

Fox - rooster

For a dog - a bone

Hedgehog is a mushroom.

Name a fairy tale.

A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Who has read such a book?

He knows a little girl. ( Thumbelina).

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears).

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. ( Snow Maiden).

Well done. You have done it and the key of knowledge rightfully remains with you - the students of the first A class.

Teacher: Of course, school will not be easy. But we always have reliable friends and helpers. Who are they? Yes, these are our parents. Well, dear parents, you ready to help his should first-graders study?
- And you children, turn to your parents and listen, what they promise you.
We will always help children with their studies,
So that the school is proud of the children.
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us.
Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be as wise as a star in the sky.
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be on time both here and there. Yes!
We will always prepare delicious dishes,
Pamper your children with sweets sometimes.
When will my studies be completed?
Then we'll go for a walk with the children. Yes!

It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

Have time to read a smart book,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

- Each of you has a little ray of our warm, cool sun. And so that you know that this ray is yours, take a pencil and draw any small picture or write your name.

- Look what a radiant sun we have created.

The radiant sun is not divided into parts.

And the eternal land cannot be divided.

But a spark of happiness - a silver ray

You can, you can give it to your friends.

- From today day you enter a cheerful, ebullient and not very easy school life. And this On your first day of school, I want to wish you great success in your studies. I wish you to love your school dearly. Good luck, my dear friends.

“I have to go to school soon. How should I behave there?

Purpose of the holiday: give first-graders an idea of ​​the school and the rules of behavior.

Characters: Vanya Klyushkin Vasilisa the Wise Snow Man Golden Autumn Teacher First-Grade Diana

After the general school assembly, first-graders, led by the teacher, enter their classroom in pairs. The melody of the “School Waltz” sounds (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

At the threshold of the classroom, children are greeted by Golden Autumn (she is wearing a suit in yellow and red tones, a crown of maple leaves). Together with the teacher, she helps them find their places at their desks.

Gold autumn:

-You were preschoolers

And we went to kindergarten.

The teachers taught

Draw, make friends, play.

You said goodbye to kindergarten,

We spent the summer at home.

But autumn has come -

You have now come to school.


—Who are you and what are you doing in first grade?

Gold autumn:

- I am Golden Autumn!

And I help you

Find out all the rules.

After all, on the first day of September

Now I have to go to school

You should go every year!


- How long do we have to study?

Give me the answer, Autumn!

Gold autumn:

— You’ll be coming here, kids, for 10 years!


— The academic year begins on September 1 and ends in May. And all this time you will go to school every day, because from today you are students. Having completed the first class, you will move to the next, to the second. After the end of the school year, vacations will begin. And then - back to school.

Vasilisa the Wise:

- All over the country today

School doors opened.

The cheerful bell is ringing,

Bouquets, balloons

The school yard is colorful...

The class includes the Snowman. He looks around and backs away. But then Vanya Klyushkin jumps out from behind the desk, runs up to the character, grabs him by the hand and leads him to the desk.

- Sit down, sit at your desk, dear little man!

Even at school, in first grade, I will not part with you!


- What kind of character is this?

This student is not ours!

Vanya Klyushkin:

- Snowman is -

A creature from another planet!

Don't kick him out

Give him a place in the class!


— I’ve been friends with Vanya for a long time.

I came from another planet.

I don't go to school at home:

We don't have any trace of it!

I don't know anything at all!

And I suffer very, very much...

Please understand me

And also accept me into first grade!

The teacher asks the first-graders whether to leave the Snowman in the classroom. Having received the answer, she says:

- Well, I'll leave you.

And I’m enrolling you in our first grade!

Sit down and listen:

(Golden Autumn takes the Snowman to his place - an empty desk or a specially prepared chair.)

When the teacher enters the classroom,

Shut up everyone at once!

And from behind the desk every time

All of you get up together!

Now I'll go out and come in,

And you meet me! (Leaves the class.)

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Now we know this rule,

And in chorus, we repeat together.

Students repeat the words:

— The teacher entered the class —

We get up every time!

The teacher returns to the classroom, everyone stands up, she says hello and allows the children to sit down.

Vanya Klyushkin(jumping up from his seat with fervor):

- I am preschooler Vanya Klyushkin!

I want to become like Pushkin:

Write fairy tales and poems.

My mother just tells me:

“This, Vanyusha, is not enough!

To write a book,

There is a lot to know.

So that all your dreams come true,

I need to study at school!”

I came to school now:

I'm entering first grade!

Gold autumn:

- You are a lively boy, Vanyusha!

You understand your mother.

But here are our school rules,

It's obvious right away, you don't know.

Vanya Klyushkin:

- You can see it right away! Why?

I don’t understand you!


- Let's stop arguing, friends!

Your teacher is me!

(Introduces himself.)

I'm starting my lesson.

Vanya, listen: I’m explaining.

As soon as the bell rings -

Let's shut our mouth.

If someone wants something

Tell me, the teacher,

You have to raise your hand!

Snowman (raising his hand):

- I want to know very soon,

Tell me, what is school?

Gold autumn:

— The school is a large educational building.

There are daily dates with friends!

The school is cozy and interesting.

They study at school - everyone has known for a long time!


— At school we write, read, sing,

We learn something new every lesson.

We will go to the theater together, for walks,

Eat sweet rolls in the dining room.

Vasilisa the Wise:

- First of all, at school they teach you to work,

Believe in yourself and strive for success.

Don't be afraid of any business on Earth.

Vanya Klyushkin:

- At school they will teach you to write, draw,


- I heard that knowledge is the key

Can I get it at our school?


— The key to knowledge is in the head.

The head must work:

Listen, think, repeat,

Think, learn!

It has already been proven beyond doubt:

Studying at school is hard work!

Games away - learn your lessons,

Complete all tasks

And then go for a walk!

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Right! Here is the third rule:

So that you don't get a bad grade at school,

Lessons must be taught at home!

Gold autumn:

- The sciences that you study at school,

You'll get it for the rest of your life!


- What will we study?


- We will repeat the letters:

Everyone needs to know their native speech.

We will study the numbers

Learn to write correctly,

Sing, draw, teach poetry,

Love friends, animals, the whole world!

Vasilisa the Wise:

— Russian people say: “It is not the one who knows how to read who is literate, but the one who listens and understands.”


- My wise head!

As always, girl, you are right.

Let's learn other rules,

So that you behave correctly:

Don't talk, be quiet and listen,

Be careful, don't eat

And don't bother your neighbor!

You know, raise your hand!

If the bell rang,

So the lesson is over,

So there will be a change.


-What is change?


Everything is according to schedule!

And remember, friends:

You can't be late for class!

To avoid being late for class,

Don't forget anything

In the evening, notebooks and books

We need to get ready for school!

Vanya Klyushkin, please tell me what you will put in your briefcase when you get ready for school?

Vanya Klyushkin:

— Eraser, paperclip and notebook...

I was a little confused and forgot what to take!

Eraser, paperclip and notebook...

What else should I take to school?


- Remember the rules, don’t forget anything!

And now we will play so that we know for sure

What should you prepare for school and what things should you take?

To remember the order, we will all start the games with riddles. Then there are games dedicated to school supplies.

Game "Pencil and Ball"

Gold autumn:

- He is not a pen, but he will write, draw a river, a beach, a School, a backpack, a student - Wooden... (pencil) Participants are divided into two teams; Two players stand out from both. Each pair is given a thick pencil and a ball of thread. At the leader’s command, the players begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. The fastest pair is rewarded with a prize. You can give a second award for accuracy.

Game "What's in the pencil case?"

Vasilisa the Wise:

— Put the pen and pencils in the box,

So that they don’t dangle in the briefcase, so that they don’t scatter along the bottom,

In order for you to lift the lid, you take what you need in your hands.

This narrow box is called... (pencil case)

The player is blindfolded, mittens are put on his hands, and he, having lowered his hand into a large pencil case with school supplies and candy, must pull out the object and say what he is holding in his hand. The participant takes the candy as a prize.

Game "Portrait of a First-Grader"

Gold autumn:

- They are so different - green and red,

Blue, purple and light blue,

They will paint the world in all colors... (colored pencils) Players receive a piece of cardboard or whatman paper with slots for their hands and colored pencils. Putting their hands through the slots, they draw a “portrait” without looking. The prize is awarded for the funniest or most successful drawing.

Game "Eraser and Pencil"

Vasilisa the Wise:

“I only follow the tracks and correct mistakes.”

I'm not a laundress, I'm not a housewife, but I erase stains (eraser)

Participants are divided into two teams (“pencils” and “erasers”), and players emerge from each one one at a time. They stand face to face, put their hands behind their backs and, with their legs spread wide, rest their foreheads against each other. The “pencil” is opposed to the “eraser”, which is trying to “erase” its “traces”. The task of each participant is to move the opponent while remaining in place.

Game "What's in my notebook?"

Gold autumn:

“I have rulers and cells, and everyone learns to write from them.” All adults and children need me, don’t forget your... (notebook)!

Participants in the game come out with notebooks open on a blank page. Everyone draws an animal: a cat, a dog, a goat, a cow, an elephant, a giraffe, etc. When finished, the player passes the notebook to his neighbor. He must write below the letter with which, in his opinion, the name of the animal begins, and make a similar image. The winner is the author of the best, in the opinion of the majority, drawing.

Game “Walk the Line”

Vasilisa the Wise:

- To draw straight lines in a notebook, bring me to school in a briefcase, (ruler) Several long rulers are laid out on the floor. The player must walk along the line in a tightrope walker position and not leave it. To make it more difficult, you can place different objects along the way (a book, a pencil case, a piece of paper, a toy, etc.). It can also be a competitive game between teams.

Game “Everything in the briefcase!”


- For notebooks and pens,

For pencil cases and books, I am home.

You will find a ruler in me,

Eraser, pencil, album, (briefcase)

The driver is selected. He assigns the participants the names of school subjects:

- I will call all of you:

Pen, pencil, notebook,

Diary, ruler, brush, pencil case...

I think I named them all!

The players go out and form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle. They ask him: “Have you collected your briefcase? What did you put there? He answers: “I put down the brush, took the ruler, forgot the notebook.” Players under the code names “brush” and “ruler” run to the driver. But the third participant, the “notebook,” can get ahead of them.

The driver gives way to the child who is faster than him. The other two players return to their seats. One of them can be taken by the former driver if he gets ahead of the “owners”. A participant who does not have time to take a place in the circle is eliminated from the game.


- Now we'll play

And let's do some math.

I know that you guys

Get started, Vasilisa,

Check this knowledge!

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Masha counted the apples:

One two three four five...

An apple fell to the floor.


— Mom bought me pens.

How many things? I forgot.

Five in the briefcase, three in the pencil case...

Perhaps you have counted?

Vasilisa the Wise:

— There are seven notebooks in the store

They gave it to first-grader Nadya.

My sister gave me three,

I dropped one into a puddle.

Nadya counted everything.

How many pieces did you end up with?


— You studied the alphabet,

We learned the letters in kindergarten.

How many are there in the alphabet?

Give the exact number!

(Children answer.)

Gold autumn:

— Well done, you showed us your knowledge,

Just their names

They didn't call it that.

Get ready to get up

Whose letter will I name?

All children whose names begin with the letter A are invited to stand, then with the letter B, etc. The first grader rises from his desk, says his name and sits down after one of the parents gives him a gift. This can be a ball on a string (preferably shaped), tied with a ribbon, to the end of which is tied a chocolate medal, pen, badge, book, etc. At the same time, a solemn congratulation is read, for example, with the following content:

— Congratulations, Olya,

On the first day of school!

— Congratulations, Nastya!

I wish you school happiness!

- I congratulate Ilyusha,

I wish you to be an excellent student!

- Study, Olezhka, don’t be lazy!

Strive to be the first in everything!


- We played, counted,

We met, we were tired,

But today you

We learned a lot of new things!


- Wow, there are a lot of rules at school!

I'll forget everything, dear!


- We will repeat them

And actually apply it.

Now we want to tell you

About our school house,

So that he becomes for you as soon as possible

Familiar and familiar.

This is the class where my students come,

They answer their lessons at the blackboard,

They give them grades in their diaries.

Through the windows they watch the clouds float across the sky,

They are waiting for a loud bell to ring during recess.

Gold autumn:

- And here there is a large, wide hall,

Where physical education classes always take place.

There is a horse and parallel bars in the hall,

You will jump here

Do any exercises

To strengthen your strength and health.

Vasilisa the Wise:

— I’ll tell the children about the library!

I take books here all the time,

I come here often.

So many shelves, so many books!

More than in any apartment.

Books will tell you a lot.

Interesting in the book world!

Pinocchio and Malvina,

Cheburashka and Pierrot,

There are different pictures of fairy tales,

Pushkin, Mikhalkov, Perrault...

Vanya Klyushkin:

To know everything in the world!


- For those who have lost immunity,

There is a medical office at the school.

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Of course, anything can happen at school:

Colds and illness plague us all.

And if a tooth suddenly hurts

Or you have a cough,

You accidentally broke your nose,

Or your hand was pinched by the door,

You somehow slid off the railing the wrong way,

Or a fit of laughter began,

Run straight to the doctors.

They will always help you!

Gold autumn:

- And your school yard is cozy and green!

Benches under birch trees and maples,

Lilacs and bird cherry blossom in spring,

Flowers in the flower beds - children plant them.


— School is your life for ten years,

School brings light of learning to you!


— I really liked the school.

The people here are friendly and cheerful.

I will invite friends here.

After all, knowledge is light, but without it there is trouble!


- So it’s over -

Our first lesson.

Tomorrow for sure

Be on time!

The end of the holiday is marked by a general dance to the melody of a school song in a waltz rhythm.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 1" of the city of Velizh

Compiled and conducted by: primary school teacher

Petukhova Marina Olegovna


"For the first time in first class".

Goals and objectives:

  1. awaken children's interest in school and knowledge;
  2. cause joyful emotional experiences in children and their parents;
  3. develop in children the desire to learn something new;

Equipment: projector, kolobok drawing, rays, balloon.

It's autumn outside.

The birds flew south.

So it's time for kids

Place books in briefcases.

Entering class for the first time

First-graders are new settlers.

Can't take my eyes off

From a spacious, bright school.

Everyone is at their desks. Here's a notebook.

We boldly took our hands in our hands...

Stop running and playing

Let's do some grown up stuff!

Let them ask us at the board -

We will proudly answer everyone:

We are now students

Not little children!

Teacher: - Hellomy dear girls and boys.! The long-awaited day has come - September 1st, when you first came to school - the Land of Knowledge. I'm sure you've been looking forward to this day. Have you noticed that each of you has matured a little this day? Just yesterday they called you children, kids, but from today they will say about you: “This is a student, a schoolboy.”Congratulations! Look at our class. How beautiful and clean it is. We will try to keep it like this all year.

Today you came to first grade for the first time. I'll try to guess why you are so happy today. If I guess right, you will clap your hands.

You are happy because you have a beautiful holiday outfit!

It's your birthday today!

You have a beautiful new briefcase!

Won a lot of money in the lottery!

You have become schoolchildren!

We will learn together and help each other become better.

I'll tell you everything:

Why does there thunder?

And about the north and about the south,

And about everything that is around,

About the bear, about the fox

And about berries in the forest.

1.Game – getting to know each other.

A wonderful balloon will help 1st grade students recognize each other. (children pass the ball to each other and say their names). I once again congratulate you on the beginning of your school life, I wish you to be kind and honest, and to study well. The school will become a second home for you, where you will learn to read and write and make many new friends. Guys, tell me what is shown on my board? Kolobok.

I will call out the first and last name, and you will go out and stick a ray to the Kolobok.

  1. Ageenkova Elizaveta;
  2. Akhramovich Egor;
  3. Ashuraliev Alexander;
  4. Barkhatov Anton;
  5. Bogdanov Vladislav;
  6. Gorynya Maxim,
  7. Gorynya Victoria;
  8. Eremeev Egor;
  9. Ivanov Maxim
  10. Kapustina Polina;
  11. Lobza Pavel;
  12. Minakov Vadim;
  13. Naumkin Nikolay;
  14. Pestun Vladimir;
  15. Rogachev Nikita;
  16. Sokolov Alexander;
  17. Solovyova Polina;
  18. Staroverov Andrey;
  19. Stroynova Ekaterina;
  20. Yushkovskaya Ksenia.

1st grade students, what did we do? It turned out to be sunshine. Did our class immediately become brighter? Yes.

Teacher: - From today you are not just girls and boys, but bear the honorary title - 1ST CLASS STUDENT. You are all classmates. We will be with you 4 autumns, 4 winters, 4 springs, 816 days, we will conduct 32 thousand lessons. There will be 20 students in our class group.

To be an exemplary student, you must follow the school rules:

  1. Stand up together every time the teacher enters your classroom for a lesson.
  2. If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just raise your hand.
  3. The teacher will ask if you need to stand up, but if he allows you to sit down, sit down.
  4. Sit well at your desk and behave with dignity.
  5. A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.
  6. School is not a train station; those who are late are not welcome here.

Guys, tell me, what will they call you now? Pupils, schoolchildren and of course first graders. Let's say the first-grader's oath:

Learn letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count... We swear
Try your best in class and don’t count flies... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away or tear it... We swear!
Do your homework completely... We swear
Arrive at school on time... We swear
Become smarter and more mature in a year... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear!

Let's not forget our pen at home
And a notebook and a pencil.
And we forgot - we won’t cry
For the whole class, for the whole floor. We swear!
And during recess
We promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people or walls,
Don't push like a bear. We swear!
Let's be smart and cheerful
Let's do good deeds! We swear!

Teacher: Well done, first graders, now let’s see how polite and attentive you are?

2. Game “Say the Word”

The boy is polite, wonderful,

He says, meeting... (hello)

I met Vitya, a neighbor.

The meeting was sad.

He's like a torpedo on me

It came from around the corner.

But imagine! - in vain from Vitya

I was waiting for the word... (Sorry)

What a shame - my grandfather gave his granddaughter a briefcase,

See, I'm very happy.

But you can't be silent like a fish,

We must say... (thank you)

Teacher: Good guys, guys! You are truly kind and polite students. Of course, school will not be easy. But we always have reliable friends and helpers. Who are they? Yes, these are our parents, grandparents, friends.
Well, dear parents,grandmothers, grandfathersAre you ready to help your first graders learn?
- And you, children, turn to your relatives and listen to what they promise you. I read
promises, say yes or no...

We will always help children with their studies, Yes!
So that the school is proud of the children. Yes!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks, Yes!
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. Yes!
Let's be calm, like water in a river, Yes!
We will be as wise as a star in the sky. Yes!
We'll get up in the cold in the morning, Yes!
To be on time both here and there. Yes!
We will always cook delicious dishes, Yes!
Pamper your children with sweets sometimes. Yes!
When will the studies of suffering be completed,
Then we'll go for a walk with the children. Yes!

Guys, look how many things your parents promised you and, in turn, your mothers and fathers give you, first-graders, instructions.Listen to the instructions from your parents.

  1. The desired hour has come,

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order:

  1. Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself thoroughly.

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at your desk.

  1. Accustom yourself to order.

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

  1. Tell everyone about the school

Cherish the honor of the school.

To become a literate child!

Teacher: thank you, dear parents. Students, will we do everything?

3.- Now solve the riddles:

1. There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it;
They write and count there,
Draw and read! (school)

2.You go to school with him,

After all, you need him.

Pencil case, notebooks with primer -

Everything can fit in it. (Satchel)

3. I’m ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have -... (plasticine)
4. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What am I? Notebook
5. Doesn’t look like a little man
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He draws and draws,
And this evening
He will color the album for me. Pencil
6. I love directness
I'm the most direct
Make a straight line
I help everyone. Ruler
7.Your own braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)
8.I have a grimy back.
But my conscience is clear -
I erased the blot from the sheet. (Rubber)
9.You need me for order
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where I lie, read. (Bookmark)
10.What kind of stick is in your hand?
Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
Have you written everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! (Pen)

4. - Well done, you guessed it! Let's playgame “What will you take to school”?

If you need to take it, clap your hands.

ABC, spoon, pen, notebook, bucket, pencil case, toy, cubes, paints, brush, eraser, pencil, ruler, airplane, briefcase.

5. Teacher: - There is a beautiful outfit, there is a briefcase with textbooks and school supplies, there is a school, there is a teacher. What else is very important for all children and adults to live, study, work and enjoy life?

There are letters hidden in the classroom from which you need to form a word.

(children find letters and form the word “PEACE”)

Explain what it is"WORLD"?

Our country is called Russia,

Let the peaceful sky shine above her,

Let your heart be filled with joy, happiness,

Let millions of people sing the songs.

7.- Now let's play a game“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

If you agree, repeat this phrase; if not, clap.

  1. Who is a cheerful band

Going to school every day?

  1. Which one of you comes to class?

An hour late?

  1. Who is not afraid of frost,

Does he skate like a bird?

  1. Which one of you keeps things in order?

Pens, books and notebooks?

  1. Which one of you, one of the kids?

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

  1. Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

  1. Which one of you, I want to know,

Loves to sing and dance?

8. Teacher: -What important event happened in everyone’s life? (They became first-graders.) And here is the homework.Draw today at home, your first day of school.. We will include the drawing in your portfolio. Our first lesson has come to an end. Meet another friend of yours - the school bell. The bell will call you to class, and when it ends, it will ring again - ding-ding! This means the lesson is over and recess begins.

Good luck, dear first-graders! I'm waiting for you tomorrow!

The song “Write Different Letters” plays.

Classroom script for first graders

Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

It all starts with school life,

We are going to the Galaxy of Knowledge!

Let me welcome our first graders(applause)

Guys, today you came to school for the first time. Clap your hands for those who are in a good mood. Let me try to guess why you are happy today. If I guess right, you clap your hands. Agreed?

You are happy because you have a beautiful briefcase, because there are a lot of new school things in your briefcase, because today you are very beautiful and smart, because today you came to school for the first time, because today you became students, because you met with your teacher.(after each definition they clap their hands).

Dear first graders. Today is a solemn and important day for you: you have come to study at school. Just yesterday they called you children, kids, and from today they will say about you “You are a student, you are a student.”

I hope that the school will become a second home for you, where you will find many new friends. In this room, called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge.

Now let's get acquainted. My name is Ekaterina Sergeevna, I am your first teacher. Now you all say your name together. (called) Did not work out.

Let's all say our names in a whisper. (called) It didn't work out again.

Yes, guys. It’s good to play together, sing, sometimes read poetry, butIt's better to speak one at a time (a note appears on the board). This is the first school rule. A person becomes especially pleased when they listen to him. If we learn to listen to each other, it will become easier for all of us to learn.

Today you have become first-graders, and your great desire to know a lot distinguishes you from all other children.

Now tell me, first graders, which of you already knows how to read? (children answer in unison)

So I checked who remembered the first school rule.

How can I tell him so that I can immediately find out who can read? That's right, raise your hand.

On the board: We will be together (closed at first)

4 winters

816 days

4 springs

32 thousand lessons

4 autumns

50 thousand hours

Guys, can anyone read what is written on the board? Can you explain what these words and numbers mean?

Maybe it will become clearer to you now? (teacher opens the first line)

Yes, you are right, that is how many winters and springs, days and lessons we will be together. WE are our 1-D class of school No. 45 in the city of Tyumen, in which there are 30 students. Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also to be sad, rejoice at our successes and the successes of our comrades, think, reflect.

Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them correctly. If you agree with what I say, answer in unison"YES!" , if you don’t agree –"NO!" It's clear? So,

Will we always help out a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes!)

Copy the answer in class? (No)

Throw a stone after the cat? (No)

Should I take a ticket on the bus? (No)

Ah ah ah! How is it not?

You should always take a ticket! (Yes)

Don't be timid when there's trouble? (Yes)

Do not spare labor for business? (Yes)

Don't wash your hands during lunch? (No)

How can you not wash it? Be sure to wash!

Wash off the dirt from them without a trace? (Yes)

Sun, air and water? (Yes)

We say hello to the lazy? (No)

What about those who always work? (Yes)

Well, dear parents, are you ready to help your first-graders study?

We must make you promise. If you agree with me, say the word “Yes!”

And you guys, turn to your parents and listen to what they promise you.

We will always help children with their studies,
So that the school is proud of the children. YES!

We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!

Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be as wise as a star in the sky. YES!

We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be on time both here and there. YES!

We will always prepare delicious dishes,
Pamper your children with sweets sometimes. YES!

When will my studies be completed?
Then we'll go for a walk with the children. YES!

The school clock was ticking. New good meetings with the world of knowledge that our teachers are ready to give you.

Happy new school year!

May we succeed!

Cool "First Bell" in 1st grade

Class notes for September 1st for first graders

Target: Create a festive mood on September 1 by showing children a puppet show prepared by older children or a group of parents.

Characters: Parsley, Bear, Fox, Aibolit, Fedora, Moidodyr, presenter.

Equipment: student identification cards, a balloon, gifts for first-graders, surprise candies pinned on the back of the seat of each student’s chair.

Progress of the event

After the ceremonial assembly, the children and the teacher enter the classroom.

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Hello guys! There are so many of you and how beautiful you all are! Today you came to school for the first time. Clap your hands for those who are in a good mood today. Let me try to guess why you are so happy today. If I guess right, you clap your hands. Agreed?

You are happy because you have a beautiful backpack; because there are a lot of new school things in your backpack; because you are very smart and beautiful today; because today you came to school for the first time; because today you have become schoolchildren; because you met your teacher today. And you probably really want to get to know me better, right?

(After each definition, the children clap their hands.)

Teacher's story about himself

Teacher. My name is... If you forget my name, come to me and ask. I am your first teacher. I like children very much. I have... I love... I don’t love... My greatest hobby... You and I will study together, and I will always be happy to help you.

I'll tell you everything:

Why does there thunder?

And about the north and about the south,

And about everything that is around,

About the bear, about the fox

And about berries in the forest.

You have met me. And now I want to meet you. I have a wonderful balloon. He will help us get acquainted. The one who has the ball should say his first and last name.

(Children take turns saying their names, passing the ball to each other.)

A game

Teacher. Let's play now. I will name different names. If you hear your name, run out to me.

(The teacher calls names until all the children run to the board. Then you can play any game at the teacher’s discretion.) Well done! We played great.

Presentation of certificates

Teacher. From today you are no longer just boys and girls, you will now bear the honorary title - Pupil!

(Student certificates are presented, and the children’s first and last names are spoken again).

Teacher. You are now true students in your own right. Look at each other again. You are all classmates. We will be together with you for 4 winters, 4 springs, 4 autumns, 816 days, we will conduct 32 thousand lessons. This is our cool team, in which 25 people will live and study.


Teacher. Now it's time to watch the show. Make yourself comfortable, we're starting.

Hello school!

Hello class!

School doors today

Opening up for you.

You came to school today.

We entered first grade.

They forgot about the ball,

And about games in the yard:

We'll take a good look

All pictures are in the ABC book.

We'll know a lot.

We will know a lot.

What is two and two?

What are islands?

Why did the bear lie down in the den?

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

How does a plane fly?

Who was the first to open the way to space?

And now, and now -

Presentation for you!..

(The screen of a puppet theater or flannelgraph appears. The show begins.

The back canvas (or the front lower side of the screen) depicts a vegetable garden, and on it are the gifts of autumn: cabbage, turnips, sunflowers. There's a hive right there. Petrushka appears to cheerful music.)


I am Parsley, Parsley, Parsley!

I'm funny, funny, funny.

No toy in the world

Will never compare to me.

Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la!

Never compares to me!

ABOUT! How many guys! And all the students?

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.


Children(in unison). Hello, Petrushka!


Congratulations, congratulations

Welcome to first grade!

Did you put everything in the backpack?

Children. Yes!

Parsley. Well done! I also came to school. Guess what I came with?

You go to school with him,

After all, you need him.

Pencil case, notebooks with ABC book -

Everything can fit in it.

Children. Backpack!

Parsley. Right! Well done! And in my backpack I have what you have. Guess what it is?

You wouldn't write without it.

We wouldn't paint without it.

It's in your pencil case,

He is your faithful assistant.

Shura, Tanya, Petya, Valya

Much needed...

Children. Pencil!

Parsley. Well done, you guessed it right! And this? (Shows the back of the primer.)

The most important, the most important,

The most necessary book for you,

Very beautiful, with different letters.

Well, guess what! I think back:

Three, two, one!

Children. Primer!

Parsley. And this riddle was solved. When I went to kindergarten, I really loved listening to poems, fairy tales, and various stories. Oh, how I loved it! Do you guys know poems, fairy tales, stories?

Children. We know!


Then guess which book this is from.

Trrr... My phone rang..

Who's speaking?

Children. Elephant! ("Telephone".)


Who is the hero of this book?

(Doctor Aibolit appears to the sound of music.)

Come to me for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bunny and a puppy.

I deftly adjusted my shoulder

To the green grasshopper,

I cured tummies

To the unfortunate hippos.

Parsley. Who will heal, heal?

Children. Dr. Aibolit!

Parsley. You guessed it! You guessed it!

(Fedora appears.)


What kind of miracle is this?

Who has trouble with dishes?

Who's hobbling out of the woods?

This is grandma...

Children. Fedora!

Oh, you, my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine.

Go home, unwashed.

I will wash you with spring water.

I'll clean you with sand

I'll douse you with boiling water.

And you will be again

Shine like the sun. (Leaves.)

Parsley. Do you think the dishes returned to Fedora?

Children. She's back.

Parsley. Now try to guess which fairy tale these lines are from.

Fleas came running to the Fly,

They brought her boots

And the boots are not easy...

Children."Fly Tsokotukha".

(Moidodyr appears to the sound of music.)


I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings.

And the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

I am the hero of a famous fairy tale,


Children. Moidodyr!

Moidodyr. You guessed it! Learned! Tell me, who wrote these fairy tales?

Children. Korney Chukovsky.

Parsley and Moidodyr. Right! Writer Korney Chukovsky. (Moidodyr leaves.)

Leading. You guys are so smart. Let's check how attentive you are.

Attention game “My cap is triangular”

During the game, one word in the text is removed and gradually replaced with gestures. Gradually, all text is replaced by gestures.

My cap is triangular,

my triangular cap

and if it is not triangular,

that means he is not my cap.

Cap (children point to the head).

Mine (point to themselves).

Triangular (show a triangle with your hands).

He (points to another).

No (shaking head)..

Parsley(looks for something). Oh! Oh! (He became sad, sat down, and hung his head.)

Teacher. Why are you sad, Petrushka?

Parsley. How can I not be sad: my friend didn’t come. We are playing here, having fun, but he is not there.

Teacher. What friend? Who is he?


Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Children. Bear.

Parsley. That's it, he's the one. He's not there - that's all. What to do?

Teacher. Guys, let's call Mishka all together. He will hear us and come.

Children. Bear! Bear!

Bear(from behind the screen). I'm coming! (Comes out.)

Parsley. Mishka, my friend, why haven’t you come for so long?

Bear. You see, I wanted honey. Well, I climbed into the peasant’s garden. The hives are standing. The bees are buzzing. As soon as I crept up to the hive, lo and behold, there was a round, yellow, huge head, not a head, but a head sitting in the garden bed. I've never seen anything like it in my life. I bowed to her and said hello, but she didn’t say a word! He took it and pulled her green braid. And she is neither here nor there. I felt scared - I ran.


Hee hee hee! I know what is it...

Round side. Yellow side.

Gingerbread man sits on the garden bed,

He was rooted to the ground firmly.

Children. Turnip!

Parsley. Eh, Mishka, Mishka! Why are you scared of a turnip?


If only turnips!

And then a round sieve

standing on one leg

And he turns his head.


And we know this!

Golden sieve

There are plenty of black houses.

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents.

Children. Sunflower!

Bear. Ugh! And I was running from the sunflower! I ran and ran, and a little animal came towards me. The nose is black, the eyes are green, cunning, the tail is long and fluffy. Who is this?

Children. Fox!

Bear. Here you go. She ran up to me, licked her lips, and spoke so sweetly.

(The Fox appears to the sound of music.)

Fox. Oh, I had a nice breakfast, I didn’t leave a crumb, yummy...

Bear. What did you have for breakfast, Foxy?

Fox(pretends not to hear).

Grandma kneaded

Not a bun, not a pancake.

As I put it on the table,

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's round...

Children. Ko-lo-bok!

Fox. And then I wanted to eat the cockerel. I crept up to the house. I called him and called him. She praised and praised and sang songs. But he doesn't look out the window. I started calling again, but only heard that his friends were returning from hunting. I barely lost my legs. Who are Cockerel's friends?

Children. Cat and Drozd!

Parsley. Right! Eh, Lisa! You're doing all kinds of mischief: Koloboka ate it, and almost killed Cockerel. It's a shame, Foxy, it's a shame! After all, today is a holiday for the guys - September 1st!

Fox. I won't do it anymore. Excuse me. I give my honest word to the fox that I will never, ever do that.

Parsley. Shall we forgive Fox?

Children. Sorry!!!

Fox. Thank you! And for this I will play a game with you.

Game “What will you take to school”

Place your hands on your elbows. I will name the items. If you hear the name of an item that needs to be taken to school, you should clap your hands. If not, don't clap. Be careful!

ABC, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, chewing gum, pencil, pen, eraser, briefcase, candy, markers, album, plate.

I brought you my congratulations.

(Takes out a postcard.)

Red-haired, white, black,

Quiet, obedient and disobedient,

To those who laugh, dance and jump,

He who does not fight only cries occasionally...

(All the puppet characters appear. They congratulate the students.)

It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.

We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts.

Let people live together in this school

Both elders and kids!

So that you read more books,

To write beautifully in notebooks,

To study at full five.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

(The screen closes.)

Teacher. Our favorite toys are gone, and we will continue our holiday. Fifth graders came to congratulate us.

Congratulations to fifth graders

Guys! At school you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things, but be very careful, there may be traps waiting for you. To prepare you, we have brought you some tricky riddles.

A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,

Golden eyes and tufted ears,

But it's not a cat, look out - beware

The insidious one is going hunting... (lynx).

The pachyderm... (elephant) takes the hay with its trunk.

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red... (squirrel).

In the thicket, with my head raised,

Howls from hunger... (wolf).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot brown... (bear).

Sing songs under the moon

Sat on a branch... (nightingale).

Well done guys, you made no mistake! Continue to be so attentive.

There are various holidays throughout the year,

And today is your holiday.

First graders go for the first time

To your friendly school class.

And the parents stand on the sidelines

And they look at them with excitement,

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Their grown-up children.

Every schoolboy smoothed his hair,

Everyone is dressed in a new suit.

And they have gladioli in their hands,

Golden, like the light of the sun.

The bell rings and rings.

The boys are starting now

A new streak in life.

Instructions from fifth graders

The desired hour has come,

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Train yourself to order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown in vain, be brave -

And you will find friends.

Tell everyone about the school

Cherish the honor of the school,

To get a “five” mark.

That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them,

Goodbye. Good luck!

Good luck, dear first-graders! Good luck in your studies! Always be strong and healthy!

Teacher. Dear Guys! You will receive gifts every day. But these are not sweets, not cakes, this is knowledge.

And now we will perform a miracle. Close your eyes and say “Krible! Crable! Bume!

(Children close their eyes and repeat the words.) Now open your eyes and look what’s under your chairs.

(Pin the candies with buttons in advance.)


The teacher invites parents to congratulate their children on the beginning of the school year. Fifth grade students can give children small handmade gifts.

Gifts can be tied to a string. Children will enjoy cutting themselves a gift with their eyes closed.

Quickly cut the thread

To receive a gift.

Finally, you can play.

Games: “It flies, it doesn’t fly”, “A stream”, “Fishermen and fishes”.

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