Home Useful Tips Dark dreams. Interpretation of a gloomy dream in dream books. Dream meaning - Forest

Dark dreams. Interpretation of a gloomy dream in dream books. Dream meaning - Forest

Glomerulonephritis (GMN) is a disease associated with kidney dysfunction that occurs after a severe cold, transferred in the form of acute infections (scarlet fever, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and others), as well as under the influence of streptococcal and viral infections. Treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis with folk remedies offers many recipes.

How to understand that a person is sick with glomerulonephritis?

With HMN, the renal glomeruli become inflamed, so urine is poorly filtered, and along with it proteins and other necessary substances leave the body, which leads to a variety of pathological disorders.

This disease is more typical for men, but also occurs in women. The main signs include:

  • The appearance of frequent edema
  • Onset of pain
  • Increase in pressure
  • Abnormalities in blood and urine tests.

The development of this disease can lead to renal failure, that is, impairment of all renal functions.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis with folk remedies involves the use of various infusions and adherence to a diet. The use of folk remedies is recommended after the acute phase of the disease has passed, therefore, the strict selection of food and certain restrictions in the daily diet comes first.

How is a diet chosen in case of illness?

It is necessary to adhere to the strictest diet for the treatment of GMN. Salt, hot spices, spices (for example, ginger), fried and smoked dishes are completely excluded, meat dishes are limited. It is recommended to eat more plant foods and dairy products.

Eat more apples and other sweet fruits and berries (watermelon, apricots, oranges, pumpkin, cabbage), as well as potatoes - these foods help ensure sodium-free nutrition.

Traditional medicine believes that the most useful product for stopping the acute phase of GMN and treating chronic course is sweet pumpkin. Typically, traditional healers advise eating pumpkin throughout the day in a variety of forms, and in the evening drink a glass of fresh pumpkin juice.

It is useful to eat as many fresh cucumbers and cherry berries as possible and drink decoctions made from sea buckthorn shoots, birch buds. Broths can also be prepared from the branches of sea buckthorn, birch buds and hernia smooth (naked).

It is often asked if it is possible to drink when diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. The categorical answer is no! It is alcohol as a strong toxic substance that often leads to the direct occurrence of this disease, and the use of alcoholic beverages with such a diagnosis simply kills the kidneys.

Healing infusions of plants

In folk medicine, there are many infusions that can be used to treat chronic glomerulonephritis. But remember to check with your doctor first.

Folk infusions help to remove swelling, reduce heart pain and lower blood pressure. All ingredients are crushed, poured with boiling water, infused for a while, filtered and then consumed several times a day. For brevity, the recipes are listed in the following order:

  • Component names
  • Their number
  • The amount of boiling water
  • Infusion time
  • How many times a day and how much to use.

Treatment with folk remedies can alleviate the patient's condition with GMN. Here are some examples of healing recipes:

  1. Cherry-corn infusion. Tails (cuttings) of cherries and corn fibers (stigmas) - 1 tsp. each - 1 glass - before cooling - 4 times half a glass.
  2. Elderberry infusion. Black elderberry (flowers) - 1 tablespoon - 1 glass - 3 times.
  3. Birch and strawberry infusion. Strawberry (forest) leaves (1 tsp), weeping birch leaves (3 tsp), flaxseed (3 tbsp) - 4 cups (boil for 5 minutes) - half an hour - 3-4 times half a cup ( before meals).
  4. Cranberry infusion. Cranberries - 1 tablespoon - 1 glass - 3 hours - 3-4 times half a glass (before meals).

Infusions of yarrow, nettle and other plants reduce pressure well.

We must be careful with untested recipes. For example, sometimes horsetail or bearberry are part of the infusions, but they are contraindicated in this disease.

Milk infusions (cocktails)

Folk remedies for treatment often include a high intake of milk and dairy products, which can be combined with fruit juices or whole berries and fruits, taken in the form of milk porridge, curd mass, and so on.

An interesting remedy is milk infusions - a kind of folk cocktails. Recipes for milk infusions are given according to the above scheme (boiled milk).

  1. Milk and juniper. Berries 2 tbsp - half a liter of boiling water - 2 hours - 3 times before meals (2 tablespoons of infusion in a glass of milk).
  2. Milk and strawberries. 2-3 tbsp strawberry juice in a glass of milk - do not boil - half a glass a day half an hour before meals.
  3. Milk and carrots. 2-3 tbsp juice of carrots in a glass of milk - do not boil - a glass 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

You can combine milk with corn silk infusion, birch sap, lemon juice, and so on.

Kvass as a type of healthy drink for GMN

Kvass cooked with raspberries is often used. To do this, put one glass of raspberry leaves (washed) in a glass container, pour three liters of cold water (preferably spring water), add one glass of sugar and one teaspoon of sour cream. Mix everything, cover with three-layer gauze and put in a warm place, where the kvass will be infused for two weeks.

After the kvass is infused, you need to drink two or three glasses in the evening or before the bath. Raspberry kvass has a diaphoretic effect and helps to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.

In addition, the video says about the methods of treating the kidneys:

Blood purification is an effective remedy

Traditional healers advise patients with GMN to purify the blood for general health promotion and removal of toxic substances.

To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of walnuts, dried apricots (dried apricots), prunes and raisins, which are ground in a meat grinder (each component separately) and mixed with honey. Eat 1 tablespoon every morning and evening. of this delicious medicine.

We are talking about chronic glomerulonephritis - an inflammatory process that primarily affects the glomeruli of the kidneys. Untreated disease inevitably leads to chronic renal failure. Different clinical forms are characterized by unequal rates of progression. With a malignant course, end-stage chronic renal failure develops 6 months after the onset of the disease, with accelerated progressing - after 6-24 months, with sluggish forms - after a longer period. The most dangerous is a mixed form of the disease, which is characterized from the very beginning by a combination of edema, arterial hypertension, severe proteinuria (urine with glomerulonephritis contains a lot of protein) or nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, as well as a decrease in renal functions. In the absence of proper therapy, the disease progresses rapidly.

In the hypertensive form of the disease, systolic blood pressure rises only moderately - 140-160 mm Hg. Art. Severe hypertension is observed only in the late stage of the disease, against the background of increasing chronic renal failure. Arterial hypertension is accompanied by proteinuria, which does not reach the level characteristic of nephrotic syndrome, involving the excretion of 3.5 g of protein per day in the urine, or hematuria (or a combination of these symptoms). With a significant severity of proteinuria, the hypertensive form of the disease can progress rapidly, in other cases it develops slowly.

The nephrotic form is manifested by an isolated nephrotic syndrome, which is periodically spontaneously replaced by proteinuria exceeding 1 g of protein per day.

There are "latent" forms, among which a favorable purely hematuric and more malignant proteinuric-hematuric forms prevail - urine with glomerulonephritis contains protein from 1.0 to 3.5 g per day).

Four methods of treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis have been tested: corticosteroid therapy, a combination of corticosteroid drugs with cytostatics (preferably with an alkylating cytostatic agent - chlorbutin), methindol and four-component therapy, including a corticosteroid drug - prednisolone, a cytostatic, anticoagulant and antigregant. The mechanism of the therapeutic action of corticosteroids used both alone and in combination with a cytostatic agent is immunosuppressive; metindol - mainly anti-inflammatory; the four-component scheme combines immunosuppressive and anticoagulant-antiaggregative effect. The latter is of particular importance in view of the fact that during the most severe forms of the disease, intravascular blood coagulation plays a significant role.

With a mixed form of the disease, especially with a short course (no more than two years), four-component therapy is effective. Prednisolone is prescribed at a dose of 60-80 mg per day, chlorbutin - 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight, antiplatelet agent - dipyridamole (courantil) - 400-600 mg per day and anticoagulant: heparin for 4-8 weeks, and then indirect anticoagulant - phenylin. Heparin is given intravenously twice a day. The drug is selected individually, taking into account that the clotting time should exceed the upper limit of normal values ​​by 1.5 times.

The dose of an indirect anticoagulant - phenylin - is regulated depending on the prothrombin index, which is set in the range from 50 to 75%. The concentration of prothrombin in blood plasma is monitored 1 or 2 times a week, leukocytosis - 1 time. Therapy should be carried out for a long time (at least 9-12 months). Premature cancellation can lead to relapse. Both complete clinical remission and partial can be achieved: elimination of nephrotic syndrome, decrease in proteinuria to a level not reaching 1 g per day, sometimes hematuria, a significant increase in renal functions. The prognosis of the disease is significantly improved.

With pronounced symptoms of glomerulonephritis, pulse-like therapy with ultra-high doses of prednisolone in the form of intravenous infusions of 500 or 1000 mg, administered 3, 4, 5 times at intervals of a day, is advisable. This course is carried out simultaneously with the quadruple therapy. Therapy lasts from one to two months to several years. It is advisable to continue it for at least 1-2 months, even after the complete elimination of proteinuria. The so-called methindol is characteristic - dependence, when the withdrawal of the drug entails a relapse of proteinuria or an increase in its severity. In this case, a new course of treatment is carried out. Metindol can cause a significant decrease in kidney function, in exceptional cases, even renal failure (usually reversible). In extremely rare cases, this drug contributes to hyperkalemia, which can cause sudden cardiac arrest.

Corticosteroid therapy is the method of choice for purely nephrotic or severe protsinuric disease. It can also be carried out with an increase in blood pressure up to 130-140 / 90 mm Hg. Art. not constant appearance of 5-10 erythrocytes in the urine sediment in the field of view. Prednisolone is prescribed for 8 weeks orally at a dose of 60-80 mt per day, which can be taken in fractional doses of 20 mg 3-4 times a day or once after a morning breakfast. In cases of effective treatment (when the proteinurne significantly decreases or completely disappears), a therapeutic dose of the drug can be prescribed every other day. It is advisable to continue such treatment after glomerulonephritis for one to one and a half months, even after the complete elimination of proteinuria.

Recurrence of nephritic syndrome, often observed after the withdrawal of steroids, can be prevented by supplementing therapy, starting from the 2nd or 3rd month, with the introduction of an alkylating cytostatic - chlorbutin or leikeran - at a dose of 0.2 mg per kg of body weight.

Corticosteroid therapy is carried out with a salt-free diet that includes acid chloride bread. With pronounced peripheral edema, and especially with ascites and hydrothorax, anti-edema therapy is simultaneously used. During treatment, strict monitoring of clinical and laboratory data indicating the appearance of a steroid ulcer is necessary.

Renal corpuscle. It contains a glomerulus of capillaries.

Glomerulonephritis - treatment with alternative methods

1. Before meals, take a tablespoon of celery juice.

2. Boil a tablespoon of oats in a liter of water over low heat until half of the water evaporates. Strain, add the sliced ​​lemon, leave for 24 hours, remove the lemon. Drink half a glass before meals.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis with folk remedies can be an addition to the main course of treatment. Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting the treatment of glomerulonephritis with folk remedies!

Oats for kidney treatment

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Beneficial features

Oats have many positive properties: it cleanses the body of toxins, dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and is a diuretic. Promotes the elimination of stones and sand formed in the kidneys from the body. Oats contain many useful and essential substances for the body: vitamins (A, B, K, E), magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and others. You can properly use the infusion of oats to reduce fever, revitalize brain activity, and treat many inflammatory processes. Oats are an excellent immunological agent, as well as a cure for insomnia and nervous tension. Thanks to its beneficial substances, bones are strengthened and cholesterol levels are reduced.

Use for the kidneys of infusions and decoctions from oats

The use of oats for kidney treatment has no side effects and always has a positive effect. Often, decoctions or infusions are taken not only for treatment, but also for prophylactic purposes, to improve immunity and prevent the formation of stones or sand in the kidneys. It also helps to reduce swelling, which is usually triggered by impaired kidney function. Nevertheless, it is correct to consult a doctor before using the decoctions, since self-treatment can lead to unexpected unpleasant results.

Disease prevention recipes

For general prevention

It is advisable to stick to a diet - not to burden the body with heavy food.

Pour 100 grams of unpeeled oatmeal with water (0.5 liters) and simmer over low heat until jelly is formed from the oats. Cool the mass and store in the refrigerator. Take as a preventive measure to maintain healthy functions, as well as cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder, 1 tablespoon in the morning before meals for 7 days. The course can be repeated every 4 months.

Sprouted grain tincture

It is immediately necessary to germinate the oat grains. To do this, pour the unpeeled oats with cold unboiled water to the top of the oats and cover with a wet cloth. Place in a cool, dark place until germination. The grains that have sprouted are poured with cognac in proportions of 5: 1. Insist 3 days. Take balm 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals. Can be added to tea. This tincture acts as a sedative, activates blood circulation in the kidneys, relieves acute pain.

Medicinal recipes for urolithiasis, cystitis

Pour 3 cups of unrefined oat grains with 3 liters of water. Put on low heat and cook for 3.5–4 hours. Remove from heat, strain. Store in a cool place (0 to 5 degrees). Drink 100 grams warm 30 minutes before meals 4-6 times a day. This broth is anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Promotes the elimination of kidney stones. For the treatment of diseases in childhood, cooking on fire is reduced to an hour. To add flavor, you can add milk and a spoonful of honey to the broth. But it should be remembered that the broth with milk cannot be stored for a long time, so it is advisable to cook fresh every day.

Infusion of young sprouts

Take 300 grams of young green oat sprouts, mince them. Put the resulting mass in a bottle with dark glass, pour 500 grams of vodka. Place in a dark place for 21 days. Then strain, store in a cool, dark place. Take 3 times a day - dilute 30 drops of tincture in a tablespoon of water. The infusion effectively fights urolithiasis, promotes the excretion of sand from the kidneys.

Herbal collection in the presence of fine sand

You can treat the presence of fine sand with an herbal collection.

When the kidneys begin to accumulate fine sand, this pathology can be treated with the help of herbal collection. To do this, mix in equal quantities crushed corn silk, straw from oats, green beans without grains, blueberry leaves, and wolfberry. Pour all herbs with warm water - 1 liter of water into 4 tablespoons of the mixture. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Simmer for 20 minutes. Refrigerate. For 1 day, take for 3 hours every half hour, 1 teaspoon of the broth.

Universal Oat Recipes

200 grams of oat grains, 50 grams of rose hips, pour 1 liter of warm (not boiling water!) Water and heat over low heat to 75 - 80 degrees. Then mix equal proportions of honey and aloe juice to make 500 grams of the total mixture and pour into the hot infusion with oats and rose hips. Remove from heat, put to cool in a dark place. Take 1 glass of broth 3 times a day 30 minutes after a meal. You can drink the infusion with a glass of whey, this will help speed up the treatment of the inflammatory process and stone formation.

Oatmeal jelly

The recipe for oatmeal jelly is pretty simple. Cover a three-liter jar with ground cereal from oat grains. Pour 30-40 degrees with water to induce fermentation. To speed up cooking, you can add kefir or yogurt to the jar. Leave the mixture for 2 days, let it ferment. Then strain everything, lightly rinse the remaining mass with cool water, which must be collected, place in a glass dish and leave in a cool dark place overnight. After settling, drain off the cloudy white upper liquid. A dense white mass should remain, which must be collected and stored in the refrigerator. This universal recipe will help with cystitis, remove stones and sand from the kidneys, relieve inflammation of the biliary tract, strengthen immunity and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

How to brew oat broth correctly?

Boil 1 cup of oatmeal in 5 cups of boiling water until the grains are swollen. Then add 100 grams of honey and simmer for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be drunk 1 glass 3 times a day. It produces an analgesic effect, reduces the risk of gallstone disease. With the help of this broth, inflammatory processes are treated.

Contraindications to treatment

Sometimes, treatment with oats may be contraindicated. Oat infusions can be used to prevent gallstone disease, but if it has already arisen, the use of oats is unacceptable. It will also be contraindicated in cases of cholecystitis and other liver diseases, renal or heart failure, an increased level of acidity. It is necessary to use medications on oats with caution during pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor for setting the correct course of treatment.

Glomerulonephritis: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Helpful hints:

Glomerulonephritis is an immune-inflammatory disease that results in damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. Damage to the renal glomeruli leads to impaired filtration processes. As a result of glomerulonephritis, proteins and blood walls penetrate into the urine through the damaged capillary walls, and the kidneys stop removing toxic metabolic products from the body.

This disease is quite common in children. Glomerulonephritis in children leads to chronic renal failure and early disability. Glomerulonephritis in children ranks second in prevalence after urinary tract infections. Acute glomerulonephritis can occur at any age, but most often it occurs in patients under 40.

Useful properties of oats for the human body: use and application

  • What are the benefits of oatmeal broths?
  • Oats as a remedy for kidney disease
  • Cleansing the kidneys with oat broths and infusions
  • The kidneys in the human body regulate the volume of fluid and cleanse the blood of harmful substances that are removed from the body with urine. When the first signs of impaired renal function (edema, sweating, insomnia, bloated abdomen) appear, a medical examination and adequate treatment are required. Self-medication in this case will complicate and exacerbate the pathological process in the body. Kidney pathologies with oats and other folk remedies can be treated after consultation with a specialist.

    What are the benefits of oatmeal broths?

    Treatment of kidney with oatmeal is safe without causing side effects. But it is better to treat renal diseases with folk methods after consultation with a urologist, since there are a lot of renal pathologies.

    Oats are used as an adjuvant for many diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis;
  • pyelonephritis.
  • The beneficial properties of oats for the human body and its use for preventive and therapeutic purposes have been known for a long time. Oats are considered to be the most valuable product.

    Cereal oats contain:

  • proteins, amino acids, fiber;
  • essential oils;
  • oxalic and erunic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.
  • Oat broth is used to treat kidney diseases, diseases of the stomach, lungs, heart, and nervous system.

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    Oats as a remedy for kidney disease

    Renal pathologies are treated with oatmeal decoctions from grains and infusions of green grass oats or straw.

    It should be remembered that treatment with oats is contraindicated in people who have hypersensitivity to the components of this plant, and in patients with cardiovascular insufficiency.

    For the prevention of renal diseases, you can use oatmeal made from cereals or cereals boiled in water (200 g per day). It is very effective for preventive purposes to carry out fasting oatmeal days and eat only oatmeal five times a day for 150 g.

    The use of oats for medicinal purposes has become widespread in folk medicine. There are many recipes for the preparation of decoctions and infusions for the treatment of diseases.

    Milk oat broth is used to cleanse the kidneys. Prepare it as follows: add a tablespoon of oats to a glass of milk and boil for several minutes. Take half a glass a day.

    In another popular recipe, 1.5 tbsp is poured into oats per day. water. After that, the water is poured into another container, and the swollen grains are ground in a meat grinder, poured with the same liquid and squeezed through cheesecloth. Take this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach for a month and a half. Then they take a break for a month and repeat the course.

    Cleansing the kidneys with oat broths and infusions

    Oats have cleansing and diuretic properties, which helps to eliminate toxins and pathogenic bacteria. Oatmeal broth helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys.

    Prepare a classic oatmeal broth in the following way. 2 cups of grains are brewed in 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Take a remedy 3 times a day for half a glass.

    There is another popular way to cleanse the kidneys from sand and stones, which does not have a quick action, but is very effective and safe for the body:

    1. Unpeeled oats are poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 12 hours.
    2. Rub the swollen grains through a sieve.
    3. The resulting sticky mass is eaten in the morning without adding salt or sugar.
    4. When using a remedy, you need to drink juices and a lot of water.

    In the first month of treatment, oatmeal gluten is consumed once a week, and in the second month of treatment - 2 times a week. For prophylaxis, such therapy can be carried out once a quarter.

    For various renal diseases, traditional medicine recommends taking a decoction of oats with honey.

    5 glasses of water pour a glass of oats and simmer until the volume is reduced to half. Then add 4 tsp. honey and boiled again. Take this drug before meals, 1 glass warm 3 times a day.

    It is being prepared as follows. Unpeeled oats (3 cups) are poured with cold water (3 l), boiled for 3 hours over low heat. The finished broth is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, steep oatmeal broth is heated and consumed before meals, 0.5 cups.

    The green herb of oats is used to treat kidney stones. An infusion is prepared from it: 300 g of grass is crushed and 500 ml of vodka is poured. Insist in a dark container for 3 days and filter. Take the infusion 3 times a day before meals, diluting 30 drops of the infusion in 1 tbsp. l. water.

    Cleansing the kidneys can be carried out with an infusion of oat straw. Prepare it as follows: fill a liter jar with oat straw and place it in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water and leave for 2 hours. The infusion is drunk 3 times a day for half a glass, adding a few drops of calendula.

    To cleanse the kidneys, there is another effective folk remedy. It is prepared as follows: 1 kg of unrefined oatmeal is poured into 5 liters of water. Boil over low heat until 1 liter of liquid boils away. Add 1 tbsp. l. chopped rosehip berries, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 0.25 cups of aloe juice. This remedy is taken after a meal in 1 glass, alternating with milk whey.

    Oat infusions and decoctions are an effective remedy for renal diseases. Frequent consumption of oatmeal prevents kidney stones. To avoid kidney problems, eat oatmeal for health.

    Sowing oats - medicinal properties, recipes, application

    Other names: medicinal oats, Avena Sativa.

    Sowing oats Is an agricultural crop grown in the fields. For medicinal purposes, oat fruits (grain, preferably in husks) and stems (green or straw) are used.

    Traditional medicine uses oatmeal as a dietary remedy for convalescents, and is also used for treatment, as a coating agent for acute inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Oats properties, recipes ... Oatmeal is widely used in dietary nutrition, for small children and patients with lung tuberculosis, for acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (oatmeal jelly). Homeopathy and Tibetan medicine also take advantage of the medicinal properties of oats.

    A decoction of oat grains with husk in folk medicine is recommended for bedwetting (enuresis), mental fatigue, insomnia, renal edema, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

    Broth of oats ... take 2 cups of oat grains with husks, rinse well, then throw it in 5-6 cups of boiling water or milk and cook over low heat for 2 minutes. Set aside, leave for 30 minutes, strain and squeeze out the rest. Drink 1 glass, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, and so on for 2 months. After, take a break for 1 month and you can repeat the course. If there is a need, you can do several such courses in a row.

    To those who suffer diabetes mellitus... as well as for people who want to quit smoking, it is useful to drink a decoction of oats according to this recipe: soak 100 g of peeled oat grains in water with soda, for about 4 hours, then boil over low heat for about 1 hour. Take the broth 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

    Or, for diabetics, there is also such a recipe: pour 100 g of oat grains with 3 cups of boiling water, insist until it cools. Take 0.5 cups, 3-4 times daily before meals.

    Infusion or tea from oats ... chop the unpeeled oats and brew like tea (1 tsp for 1 tbsp of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes). Drink this infusion after meals at intervals of 2-3 hours, but no later than 9 pm. But, it should be remembered that an infusion or decoction of oat grains can lower blood pressure, so you need to monitor this.

    With a dry cough use several different recipes using oats: Option 1 - take 100 g of oats and 1 peeled medium-sized onion, boil them together in 1 liter of water (5-7 minutes), take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. The second option differs from the first in that 2 tablespoons of honey are also added to the broth. Take in the same way as in the first option - 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

    With a dry cough, when it is difficult to get rid of it, the following recipe is used: pour a half-liter jar of oat grains into 2 liters of cow's milk, boil in a water bath for about 3 hours, while the milk turns yellow. After that, strain the broth through 2 layers of gauze and drink 0.5 cups 5-6 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    With asthmatic cough oat grains are crushed, poured with boiling water and insisted for several hours, wrapped. Can be brewed in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

    Tincture of oats (extract) has a healing and calming effect on the body. It can also be prepared at home: pour 1/10 of oats into a jar with a twist and pour vodka to the top, that is, in a ratio of 1:10, leave for 1 week or more in a dark place.

    With rheumatoid arthritis, gout - take 100-200 g of oat straw, throw it in 5 liters of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat. When the broth cools down to about body temperature, pour it into a bath and immerse sore hands or feet in it for half an hour. The procedures are done every other day, the course of treatment is 5-6 baths.

    For people weakened after an illness, a decoction of oats is made in the following ratio: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of grain with 0.5 liters of water, boil for 20-30 minutes, strain after cooling. Drink during the day.

    Sowing oats, contraindications ... With caution, it is necessary to use the infusion and decoction of oats for hypotensive patients (at reduced pressure). Do not overdose as this can cause headaches. Individual intolerance is also possible. For gallstones, take oat preparations after consulting your doctor.

    Glomerulonephritis in children: prevention and treatment

    Glomerulonephritis- a large group of kidney diseases, characterized by immune inflammation in the glomeruli of the kidney. Glomerulonephritis is sometimes abbreviated as nephritis. Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) is a more general concept (for example, it can be nephritis with kidney injury or toxic nephritis), but it also includes glomerulonephritis.

    Kidney function. The kidneys play a very important role in humans.

    The main function of the kidneys is excretion. End products of protein breakdown (urea, uric acid, etc.), foreign and toxic compounds, excess of organic and inorganic substances are excreted from the body through the kidneys with urine.

    The kidneys maintain the constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body, the acid-base balance, removing excess water and salts from the body.

    The kidneys are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

    The kidneys are a source of various biologically active substances. They form renin, a substance involved in the regulation of blood pressure. and also erythropoietin is produced, which promotes the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes.


  • The kidneys are responsible for blood pressure levels.
  • The kidneys are involved in blood formation.
  • How does the kidney work?

    The structural unit of the kidney is the nephron. It can be roughly divided into two components: the glomerulus and the renal tubules. The elimination of excess substances from the body and the formation of urine in the kidney occurs when two important processes are combined: filtration (occurs in the glomerulus) and reabsorption (occurs in the tubules).

    Filtration. Human blood is driven through the kidney like a filter. This process takes place automatically and around the clock, as the blood must be constantly purified. Blood flows through the blood vessels into the glomerulus of the kidney and is filtered into the tubules, urine is formed. Water, salt ions (potassium, sodium, chlorine) and substances that must be removed from the body enter the tubules from the blood. The filter in the glomeruli has very small pores, so large molecules and structures (proteins and blood cells) cannot pass through it, they remain in the blood vessel.

    Reverse suction. Much more water and salt is filtered out in the tubules than it should be. Therefore, part of the water and salts from the renal tubules is absorbed back into the blood. At the same time, all harmful and excess substances dissolved in water remain in the urine. And if about 100 liters of liquid is filtered out in an adult per day, then only 1.5 liters of urine is formed as a result.

    What happens when the kidneys are damaged?

    If the glomeruli are damaged, the permeability of the renal filter increases, and protein and erythrocytes pass through it into the urine along with water and salts (erythrocytes and protein will appear in the urine).

    If inflammation joins, in which bacteria and protective cells of leukocytes are involved, then they will also enter the urine.

    Impaired absorption of water and salts will lead to their excessive accumulation in the body, and edema will appear.

    Since the kidneys are responsible for blood pressure and blood formation, as a result of the failure of these functions, the patient will develop anemia and arterial hypertension.

    The body loses blood proteins with urine, and these are immunoglobulins, which are responsible for immunity. important proteins - carriers, transporting various substances in the bloodstream, proteins for building tissues, etc. With glomerulonephritis, protein losses are enormous, and erythrocyte withdrawal with urine leads to anemia.

    The reasons for the development of glomerulonephritis in children

    With glomerulonephritis, an immune inflammation occurs in the kidneys, caused by the appearance of immune complexes that are formed under the influence of an agent acting as an allergen.

    Such agents can be:

  • Streptococcus. It is the most common provocateur of glomerulonephritis. In addition to kidney damage, streptococcus is the cause of sore throat, pharyngitis. streptococcal dermatitis and scarlet fever. As a rule, acute glomerulonephritis occurs 3 weeks after the child undergoes these diseases.
  • Other bacteria.
  • Viruses (influenza and other causative agents of ARVI, hepatitis virus, measles viruses, etc.)
  • Vaccines and serums (after vaccinations).
  • Snake and bee venom. When meeting with these agents, the body reacts to them in a perverse way. Instead of neutralizing and removing them, it forms immune complexes that damage the glomerulus of the kidney.
  • Sometimes the simplest effects on the body become the starting points for the formation of immune complexes:

  • Hypothermia or overheating.
  • Long exposure to the sun. Abrupt climate change.
  • Physical or emotional stress.
  • The filtration process is impaired, kidney function decreases. The child's condition worsens significantly, since excess water, protein breakdown products and various harmful substances remain in the body. Glomerulonephritis is a very severe, prognostically unfavorable disease, often resulting in disability.

    Clinical forms of glomerulonephritis in children

    In the clinic of glomerulonephritis, there are 3 main components:

    • Swelling.
    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Change in urinalysis.
    • Depending on the combination of these symptoms, the patient has several forms, pathological syndromes that occur in glomerulonephritis. Distinguish acute and chronic glomerulonephritis .

      Clinical forms of glomerulonephritis:

    • Acute glomerulonephritis.
    • Nephritic Syndrome.

      Isolated urinary syndrome.

      Combined form.

    • Chronic glomerulonephritis.
    • Nephrotic form.

      Mixed form.

      Hematuric form.

      Acute glomerulonephritis in children

      The disease can begin either acutely, in the case of nephritic syndrome, or gradually, gradually, with nephrotic syndrome. Gradual onset of the disease is prognostically less favorable.

      Nephritic Syndrome. This form of the disease usually affects children 5-10 years old. Usually, the disease develops 1-3 weeks after the transferred sore throat. scarlet fever, ARVI and other infections. The onset of the disease is acute.


    • Swelling. They are located mainly on the face. These are dense, difficult-to-pass edemas, with adequate treatment, they persist for up to 5-14 days.
    • Increased blood pressure accompanied by headache. vomiting, dizziness. With proper treatment, it is possible to lower blood pressure in 1-2 weeks.
    • Urine changes:
    • Decreased amount of urine;

      The appearance of protein in the urine in moderation;

      Red blood cells in the urine. The number of erythrocytes in the urine is different for all patients: from a slight increase to a significant one. Sometimes there are so many red blood cells that the urine turns red (urine "the color of meat slops");

      An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine.

      Changes in urine persist for a very long time, for several months. The prognosis of this form of acute glomerulonephritis is favorable: recovery occurs in 95% of patients after 2-4 months.

      Nephrotic syndrome. This form of glomerulonephritis is very severe and prognostically unfavorable. Only 5% of children recover, the rest of the disease becomes chronic.

    • The leading symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are edema and protein in the urine.
    • The onset of the disease is gradual, consisting in a slow increase in edema. First, these are the legs, face, after the edema spreads to the lower back and can be very pronounced, up to fluid retention in the body cavities (the cavity of the heart bag, in the lungs, abdominal cavity). Unlike edema in nephritic syndrome, they are soft and easily displaceable.
    • The skin is pale, dry. Hair is brittle, dull.
    • Changes in urine:
    • Decrease in the amount of urine with an increase in its concentration;

      Large amounts of protein in the urine;

      There are no erythrocytes or leukocytes in urine with nephrotic syndrome.

    • Blood pressure is normal.
    • Isolation urinary syndrome. With this form, there are changes only in the urine (the protein content is moderately increased and the number of erythrocytes is increased to varying degrees). The patient has no other complaints. Diseases in half of the cases end with recovery, or become chronic. It is in no way possible to influence this process, since even with good competent treatment, the disease turns into a chronic form in 50% of children

      Mixed form. There are signs of all three of the above syndromes. The patient has everything: severe edema, high blood pressure, and a large amount of protein and red blood cells in the urine. Mostly older children get sick. The course of the disease is unfavorable, it usually ends with a transition to a chronic form.

      Chronic glomerulonephritis in children

      The chronic course of glomerulonephritis is said to be when changes in the urine persist for more than a year or if it is not possible to cope with high blood pressure and edema for 6 months.

      The transition of an acute form of glomerulonephritis to a chronic one occurs in 5-20% of cases. Why does glomerulonephritis end in recovery in some patients, while in others it becomes chronic? It is believed that patients with chronic glomerulonephritis have some kind of immune defect, either congenital or formed during life. The body is unable to cope with the disease that attacked it and constantly maintains a sluggish inflammation, leading to the gradual death of the glomeruli of the kidneys and their sclerosis (replacement of the working tissue of the glomeruli with connective tissue).

      The transition to a chronic form is also facilitated by:

    • The presence of foci of chronic infection in the patient (chronic sinusitis, caries, chronic tonsillitis, etc.).
    • Frequent ARVI and other viral infections (measles, chickenpox, mumps, herpes, rubella, etc.).
    • Allergic diseases. The course of chronic glomerulonephritis, like any other chronic disease, is accompanied by periods of exacerbation and temporary well-being (remission). Chronic glomerulonephritis- a serious illness, often leading to the development of chronic renal failure. At the same time, the patient's kidneys stop working, and they have to be replaced with artificial ones, since a person cannot live without constant blood purification, he dies from poisoning with toxic products. The patient becomes dependent on the artificial kidney apparatus - the blood purification procedure has to go through several times a week. There is another option - a kidney transplant, which in modern conditions is also very problematic.
    • Nephrotic form. Usually occurs in young children. It is characterized by persistent long-term edema, the appearance of a significant amount of protein in the urine during an exacerbation of the disease. In about half of patients with this form of the disease, persistent long-term remission (actual recovery) can be achieved. In 30% of children, the disease progresses and leads to chronic renal failure, and as a result, to the transition to an artificial kidney apparatus.

      Mixed form. In the mixed form, all possible manifestations of glomerulonephritis are found in various combinations: both pronounced edema, and a significant loss of protein and red blood cells in the urine, and a persistent increase in blood pressure. Changes occur during an exacerbation of the disease. This is the most severe form. Only 11% of patients go into long-term stable remission (actual recovery). For 50%, the disease ends with chronic renal failure and an artificial kidney apparatus. After 15 years of the course of the mixed form of chronic glomerulonephritis, only half of the patients remain alive.

      Hematuric form. The patient has only changes in the urine: during an exacerbation of the disease, erythrocytes appear. Small amounts of protein may also appear in the urine. This form of chronic glomerulonephritis is prognostically the most favorable, is rarely complicated by chronic renal failure (only in 7% of cases) and does not lead to the death of the patient.

      Treatment of glomerulonephritis in children

      Mode. A child with acute glomerulonephritis and exacerbation of chronic is treated only in the hospital. He is prescribed bed rest until all symptoms disappear. After being discharged from the hospital, the child is homeschooled for a year and is exempted from physical education lessons.

      Diet. Traditionally, table number 7 is assigned according to Pevzner. In acute glomerulonephritis or exacerbation of chronic - table number 7a, when the process subsides, the diet expands (table number 76), during remission, if there is no renal failure, go to table number 7.

      Table 7a.

      Indications: acute renal disease (acute nephritis or its exacerbation).

    • The food is fractional.
    • Liquids up to 600-800 ml per day.
    • Table salt is completely excluded.
    • Significant restriction of protein foods (up to 50% of the amount prescribed by age).
    • Recommended products: boiled, mashed vegetables, fruits, especially rich in potassium salts (dried apricots, apricots, raisins), cereals and flour dishes in moderate quantities (buckwheat porridge with milk), tea with milk, salt-free white bread, sugar up to 70 g , butter up to 30 g.
    • Additionally vitamins: vitamins C, K, group B.
    • With developing renal failure, the amount of proteins is reduced to 20-25 g, primarily due to a reduction in the content of plant proteins - legumes, soybeans, flour products, bread, etc., since they are inferior to animal proteins in biological value and only overload the body with harmful protein products exchange. Prescribe glucose or sugar in large quantities (up to 150 g per day).
    • Table number 7b.

      Indications: subsiding of the acute inflammatory process in the kidneys.

      This is a transitional diet from table 7a to table 7b.


    • White bread, salt-free.
    • Lean meats, boiled fish 1-3 times a week.
    • Table salt up to 2 g per hand (products used for cooking contain 2-4 g of natural salt).
    • Liquids up to 800-1000 ml.
    • Drug treatment (main directions):

    • Diuretic drugs.
    • Blood pressure lowering drugs.
    • Antibiotics if it is confirmed that the cause of glomerulonephritis is a bacterial infection.
    • Hormones (prednisone), cytostatics (stop cell growth).
    • Drugs that improve the properties of blood (reduce viscosity and clotting, etc.)
    • Treatment of foci of chronic infection (removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, treatment of caries, etc.) 6-12 months after exacerbation of the disease.
    • With the development of renal failure, hemosorption or kidney transplantation is used.
    • Herbal medicine and folk recipes.

      Phyto-collection No. 1. Recipe of N. G. Kovaleva (for chronic glomerulonephritis):

      lavender herb - 1 part,

      black currant leaves - 1 part,

      birch leaves - 1 part,

      ivy budra grass - 1 part,

      Crimean rose petals - 1 part,

      bearberry leaves - 2 parts,

      herb herbal medicine - 2 parts,

      lingonberry leaf - 2 parts,

      plantain leaves - 2 parts,

      nettle herb - 3 parts,

      rose hips, crushed - 4 parts,

      strawberry fruits - 6 parts,

      field horsetail shoots - 6 parts.

      Brew 5-6 g of a collection of 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Take 50-150 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, warm. Treatment is long-term, under the control of urine and blood tests.

      Phyto-collection No. 2 (for acute glomerulonephritis):

      black currant leaves - 2 parts,

      nettle leaves - 3 parts,

      plantain leaves - 3 parts,

      oregano herb - 1 part,

      rose hips - 3 parts.

      Phyto-collection No. 3 (for acute glomerulonephritis with high blood pressure):

      goldenrod herb - 2 tbsp. l.,

      St. John's wort herb - 1 tbsp. l.,

      wheatgrass rhizomes - 1 tbsp. l.

      Brew a collection of 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain. Drink 6 times a day for 1 / 4-1 / 2 glass.

      Phyto-collection No. 4 (with a decrease in renal function and the onset of renal failure):

      real bedstraw herb - 4 parts.

      grass astragalus woolly-flowered - 3 parts,

      lemon balm leaves - 2 parts,

      dill fruits - 1 part,

      Icelandic moss thallus - 2 parts.

      Brew 1 tsp. collecting 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain. Take 15-50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

      Phyto-collection No. 5 (for nephrotic syndrome):

      linden flowers - 3 parts,

      elecampane root -2 parts,

      lingonberry leaf - 2 parts,

      black elderberry flowers - 1 part,

      leaves of round-leaved wintergreen - 2 parts.

      Herbal tea No. 6 (during remission in chronic glomerulonephritis):

      juniper fruits - 2 tbsp. l.,

      watermelon seeds - 2 tbsp. l.,

      rosehip seeds - 2 tbsp. l.

      Grind all components, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 3 times a day warm.

      Phyto-collection No. 7 (to increase immunity):

      rose hips (crushed) - 4 parts,

      fruits of black currant -3 parts,

      nettle leaves - 2 parts,

      plantain leaves - 1 part.

      Brew 1 tsp. collecting 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos overnight. In the morning, strain and drink 100 ml 2 times a day before meals.

      Phyto-collection No. 8 (for chronic glomerulonephritis, accompanied by an increase in the level of red blood cells in the urine):

      plantain leaves - 2 parts,

      calendula flowers - 2 parts,

      nettle leaves - 2 parts,

      kidney tea herb - 2 parts,

      string herb - 2 parts,

      yarrow herb - 2 parts,

      rose hips - 1 part.

      Brew 3 tbsp. l. dry chopped collection of 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 2-3 hours, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

      Pollen. Take 1/2 tsp. pollen, pollen-pollen or bee bread 2-3 times a day (pre-pour pollen with 50 ml of boiled water and leave for 3-4 hours).

      Fitovanny... Warm baths with the addition of decoctions and infusions of herbs: birch leaves, pine and spruce needles, walnut leaves, juniper shoots, hay dust, rye and wheat bran.

      Pumpkin with butter and sugar. Cut off the top from a medium-sized pumpkin, remove seeds and fibers. Pour 250 ml of olive oil inside and add 250 g of granulated sugar. Close the pumpkin with the cut off top, bake in the oven. After - remove the peel of the pumpkin, chop and mix everything. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

      Broth of oats. Pour 2-3 tbsp. l. oats with 3 cups of water, simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Strain into a thermos and drink warm throughout the day.

      Physalis jam. With chronic glomerulonephritis for the winter, prepare jam from the fruits of physalis. Take 400 g of fruit and 400 ml of water, cook for 1 hour, strain, add 800 g of honey and cook for another 30 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. l. before meals.

      Dispensary observation for acute glomerulonephritis:

    • After being discharged from the hospital, the child is transferred to a local sanatorium.
    • For the first 3 months, a general urine test, blood pressure measurement and a doctor's examination every 10-14 days. The next 9 months - once a month. Further within 2 years - 1 time in 3 months.
    • For any disease (ARVI, childhood infections, etc.), it is necessary to take a general urine test.
    • Exemption from physical education.
    • Medical withdrawal from vaccinations for 1 year.
    • The child is removed from the dispensary and is considered recovered if there have been no exacerbations and deterioration of analyzes for 5 years.

      With chronic course:

    • The child is observed before moving to an adult clinic.
    • Urine analysis followed by a pediatrician examination and blood pressure measurement once a month.
    • Electrocardiography (ECG) - once a year.
    • Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky - 1 time in 2-3 months.
    • Phytotherapy courses for 1-2 months at monthly intervals.
    • Very important:

      Compliance with a diet;

      Protection from hypothermia, a sharp change in climate, unnecessary stress (both physical and emotional);

      Timely identify and treat infectious diseases and SARS in a child.

      Prevention of glomerulonephritis in children

      Prevention of acute glomerulonephritis consists in the timely detection and competent treatment of streptococcal infection. Scarlet fever, tonsillitis, streptoderma must necessarily be treated with antibiotics in the dose and the course prescribed by the doctor, without initiative.

      After a streptococcal infection (on the 10th day after a sore throat or on the 21st day after scarlet fever), it is necessary to pass urine and blood tests.

      Prevention of chronic glomerulonephritis does not exist, so how lucky.

      In conclusion, I would like to dwell on the main points:

    • Glomerulonephritis is a severe, serious kidney disease and should not be taken lightly. Treatment of glomerulonephritis is mandatory, carried out in a hospital.
    • The disease does not always start acutely, obviously. Her signs sometimes come gradually, gradually.
    • Suspicions of glomerulonephritis in a child are caused by:

    The appearance of edema: the child woke up in the morning - the face was swollen, the eyes, like slits or on the legs, there were pronounced traces from the elastic of socks;

    Red, "meat-slop-colored" urine;

    Decreased amount of urine;

    In the analysis of urine, especially if it is submitted after an illness, the amount of protein and erythrocytes is increased;

    Increased blood pressure.

  • In acute, manifest, onset with nephritic syndrome (erythrocytes in the urine, a slight increase in protein in the urine, edema, increased pressure) in 95% of cases, the disease ends with a complete recovery.
  • Glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome (a gradual onset, slowly increasing pronounced edema and a large amount of protein in the urine) becomes a chronic form.
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis often results in renal failure, which results in the use of an artificial kidney machine or kidney transplant.
  • To protect the child from the progression of the disease in chronic glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to strictly observe the regimen, diet and treat infectious and colds on time.
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    Article author: website

    Find out from the online dream book what Darkness, haze is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreter authors.

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of the Darkness from your dream

    Darkness, haze - Dead-end, wrong direction in life.

    Islamic dream book

    Darkness, haze to what dreams

    Gloom, haze - This is delusion and confusion, as well as oppression.

    Great encyclopedia of dreams by O. Adaskina

    Why is Darkness dreaming, haze according to the dream book

    Darkness, haze - Find yourself in the darkness, try to consider something - communicate with people from whom it is impossible to get specific information. They will talk in hints and hide a lot from you.

    Dream interpretation of Sergei Karatov

    Darkness, haze - interpretation of a dream

    If you dreamed that you were looking at something in complete darkness, then you will have an incomprehensible conversation with someone from your loved ones.

    See also: dark night, darkness, fog in the morning.

    Large modern dream book

    Darkness, haze - why is the dreamer dreaming?

    Darkness, haze - in a dream you see a gloomy environment around you, you yourself seem to be in a gloomy mood - a dream suggests that you will soon have to mobilize to overcome life's difficulties.

    Modern dream book

    Darkness, haze in a dream:

    If you dreamed about darkness, haze, then you will have a very bad mood. If complete darkness suddenly came in a dream, then a black streak awaits you in life, which must be endured. If in a dream you came out of the darkness, then they will help you in a difficult moment. If you dreamed that you could not find a way out of the darkness, then you will find yourself in a desperate situation.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    Why is Darkness dreaming, haze?

    If in a dream you observe how the pre-thunderstorm darkness is rapidly thickening in the sky, haze - such a dream portends you failure in any kind of activity. The darkness of the night, when no stars or moon are visible in the sky, means an ordeal that will fall on your lot in love. Wandering, lost in the darkness, means that your hopes will inevitably collapse, for your enemies will do everything possible to do this. Losing your companions in the darkness is a warning against a possible attack of unjust anger. Finding yourself in a dream in a dark dungeon foreshadows in the future anxiety over insignificant trifles.

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