Home Useful Tips Planning of athletics training sessions. Planning physical activity by periods in athletics. Athletics Training Session Plan

Planning of athletics training sessions. Planning physical activity by periods in athletics. Athletics Training Session Plan

Lesson. Training sessions in athletics in any period should represent, both in content and in form, a well-thought-out and organized pedagogical process.

The main form of conducting classes is a lesson. Each lesson is built according to a pre-planned plan. The coach draws up a plan depending on what tasks he sets for the given lesson.

When solving special problems, one must bear in mind the main aspects of the upbringing of a Soviet person. When teaching a particular technique, demanding the completion of a task, the coach tries to increase the consciousness, determination, courage of those involved, to foster a sense of camaraderie and collectivism and at the same time to suppress attempts to act in an undesirable direction, contrary to the ethics of Soviet sports.

The general objectives of the lesson can be:

1) study or improvement of technology and tactics;

2) improving the health of trainees;

3) improving fitness in the chosen form of athletics;

4) the acquisition, development and improvement of basic qualities: strength, endurance, speed, agility, etc.

The lesson is divided into four parts:
1. Introductory part 5-10 min.
2. Preparatory part 20-30 min.

3. The main part 60-70 min.
4. The final part 5-10

Total: 90-120 min.

In turn, each part of the lesson has its own particular tasks, as can be seen from the lesson diagram below. The scheme remains unchanged for all periods of training, only the content of the lessons changes.

Lesson outline
Introductory part


1) group organization;

2) organizing the attention of the students;

3) education of drill skills and correct posture;

4) general moderate warming up of the body.


1) ordinal and drill exercises;

2) walking, running, jumping, exercises for attention.

Preparatory part


1) general development of muscles;

2) special development of individual muscle groups and ligaments in combination with training in technique;

3) preparation for the main part of the lesson.


1) simple and complex exercises for flexibility, strength, dexterity for various parts of the body, their combination, relaxation exercises;

2) special exercises related to the development of the necessary qualities, skills and abilities;

3) exercises using medicine balls, sandbags, skipping ropes, "dumbbells and other apparatus."

Main part


1) the study of technology;

2) the acquisition, development and improvement of the qualities necessary for an athlete: speed, strength, endurance, dexterity, flexibility, etc.;

3) training in the selected form.


1) walking, running, jumping, throwing (main period);

2) additional types: sports games, apparatus exercises, skiing (preparatory period).

Final part


Calming the activity of the respiratory system, nervous system, bringing the athlete's body to a state close to normal.

Funds: Walking, calm, quiet running, breathing exercises and relaxation.

When conducting classes, the coach must:

1) to know well the purpose of the lesson, the lesson material and the sequence of exercises (for memory), to be able to conduct the lessons in a methodically correct and interesting way;

2) to achieve the effectiveness of classes, to be able to connect the material of this lesson with the passed;

3) be able to arrange the trainees for the exercises;

4) be proficient in the command language, correctly perform the exercises yourself;

5) have pedagogical tact, maintain discipline and apply insurance during class.

The trainer, knowing the composition of the trainees, determines the necessary exercises, their volume, how long it will take to master the individual elements of the technique, what results can be expected from the trainees.

Consistency in teaching and training is ensured by a correctly drawn up program and appropriate planning of classes for weeks, months and periods of the year.

Consistency and consistency in teaching and training means an increase in difficulty and difficulty in exercises, gradualism in achieving versatile physical development, in acquiring knowledge, in developing and improving the necessary motor skills.

Each workout, competition, even morning exercises is a part of the general training plan, provided by the coach in advance.

Work capacity in people is different, therefore, the physiological load cannot be the same. In each lesson, the dosage of exercises is given taking into account the individual characteristics of athletes, the levels of development of their qualities of strength, dexterity, endurance, etc.

The physiological load curve should increase during the winter, spring and summer periods, evenly distributed over months and weeks. Only systematic, correctly dosed exercises in running, jumping and throwing with a gradual increase in load can achieve good sports results.

The path to high sporting achievements is associated with overcoming difficulties. Muscular efforts depend on volitional efforts. The stronger volitional efforts, the more strength, speed and endurance an athlete can show.

Strong-willed efforts are largely brought up in overcoming the difficulties associated with improving sportsmanship, and in competitions, where wrestling creates an emotional uplift that contributes to the manifestation of all the forces and abilities of athletes. Therefore, the coach must pay great attention to the development of will in the students. Conducting assessments, qualifying competitions, the systematic participation of athletes in calendar competitions contribute to the education of volitional efforts among those involved.

Correctly structured training sessions are a sure guarantee against overwork. The reason for overtraining is most often the lack of proper pedagogical and medical supervision and non-observance of the basic rules of training (comprehensiveness, repetition and gradualness). With overtraining, the body's performance decreases. Weight loss, lack of appetite, insomnia, lethargy, unwillingness to exercise are the first signs that the workout was not structured correctly.

Long breaks in training significantly reduce the results of training.

Group and individual lessons.

Depending on the composition of the trainees in the section, the following groups can be organized. The group, which is homogeneous in terms of gender and preparedness, is engaged in a permanent composition without dividing into subgroups. The mixed group is divided into subgroups, and the educational material passed through is dosed depending on the composition of the subgroup. A well-prepared group is divided into subgroups (in the main part of the lesson), taking into account the individual characteristics and aspirations of those involved in improving in certain types of athletics.

For each group, the trainer draws up a specific work plan.

Athletes-dischargers are engaged according to individual plans drawn up by them with the help of a trainer. Classes with them are held simultaneously with the classes of the whole group, but for special assignments and with the help of mutual observation of the students themselves during the exercise. The sooner the opportunity is created to switch to training according to individual plans, the better.

Individual plans provide for a possible increase in the sports results of each person involved in the chosen type of athletics, taking into account his individual characteristics and the timing of the competition. First, individual plans are drawn up for a short period, and then for a longer period (by periods).

When building training sessions, it is necessary to follow the sequence in the use of various kinds of loads. This should be reflected in the plan. It is necessary to take into account the nature of the athlete's training the day before. If the previous training was devoted to the development of speed, then it is advisable to plan endurance exercises for the subsequent lesson.

After intensive training for the development of speed, the body's ability to high-speed stresses temporarily weakens, so a short rest is necessary to restore it. The adaptability of the cardiovascular system to endurance work remains good, despite the previous intensified activity of a high-speed nature. Therefore, training for the development of speed should be alternated with training for the development of endurance.

The following weekly diagram shows the approximate sequence in which the nature (orientation) of training sessions alternates in the main training period.

Theoretical studies.

Along with practice, theoretical studies are also conducted. Their goal is to contribute to the improvement of the general and sports culture of those involved, to help master the basics of technique and training in athletics, as well as to prepare those involved in the delivery of sports norms.

Theoretical lessons are conducted in the form of short interviews on specific issues before training sessions and lectures at a designated time.

Activity Sequence Diagram

Monday - Exercises that develop and improve agility, coordination of movements
Tuesday - Exercises to develop and improve general or special endurance
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Exercises that develop and improve the bone in combination with the development of speed
Friday - General development and special exercises, jogging, acceleration on the ground
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Estimates, competitions

Developed for university teachers ,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Lesson work plans for athletics - 1 course ……………………………………… ..3

Lesson work plans for athletics - 2 course …………………………………… .... 22

Appendix 1. Errors when performing athletics

Appendix 2. Exercises for the development of physical qualities ……………………………… 41

Appendix 3. Outdoor games in athletics ………………………………………… 42

List of used literature ………………………………………………………… 44


The main principles of the lesson are:

Constant implementation of the basic pedagogical law - the unity of teaching and upbringing;

Thoughtful and rational selection of educational material;

Knowledge of the technique and methods of teaching various types of athletics, the ability to demonstrate athletics exercises yourself;

Taking into account the age characteristics and the level of preparedness of students;

Develop and improve physical qualities;

Continuously contribute to the development of the functional state of students;

Use individual and group forms of classes;

Plan situations that would help students use their athletics skills in daily life.

To increase the performance of the lesson, it is necessary to use exercises that would awaken interest in motor activity, would increase the emotional state of students.

The experience of university teachers shows that monotonous exercises sharply reduce interest in classes. These types include the usual long and race walking, jogging, cross-country runs. The use of such exercises with various changing tasks (running with acceleration, in pairs, triple, over obstacles, etc.) significantly increases the emotionality of the exercises. In the preparatory part of the lesson, it is advisable to use the performance of rhythmic exercises to the music (aerobics, sports dances).

All classes must be conducted at a high density and ensure that each student is constantly busy and active.

It is necessary to provide for a rational balance of physical activity and rest. Flexibility and posture should be done after intense running exercises.

It is necessary to use motivated assessments for the implementation of the technique of light-athletics exercises and the level of development of physical qualities. A low level of development of qualities or poor proficiency in the technique of exercises causes a negative attitude towards such students. Therefore, in all classes, it is necessary to purposefully include exercises for the development of physical qualities. It is recommended to use the following options: to develop speed qualities (reaction time, ability to accelerate, time of a single movement, complete exercise up to 6 seconds; speed-strength qualities or agility), speed-strength qualities and agility; speed and flexibility; strength and flexibility; endurance and flexibility.

A modern lesson should provide for the formation of the need for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the technique of performing the exercise, the basics of physical qualities, the influence of practicing athletics exercises on the human body.

The specific features of various options for running, jumping and throwing create favorable opportunities for the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities and hard work.

As far as possible, athletics classes should be held on a sports ground, stadium.

Homework should be an obligatory component of the lesson. They provide for the implementation of individual elements of the exercise technique, the development of physical qualities, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Homework assignments are developed by the teacher in a strictly differentiated manner and must contain compulsory practical material.

Every athletics session requires a high level of organization. This is due to the difficulty of performing athletics exercises and ensuring the safety of classes. Any throwing, standing facing each other, oncoming speed exercises, relay races, jumping on unequipped places, performing exercises on slippery and wet ground should be excluded.

Considering the above general methodological recommendations, when compiling the abstracts of classes, be guided by the following methodological guidelines.

In this part of the lesson, it is necessary to include various constructions, rearrangements, pay special attention to posture, as well as the clear implementation of all commands.

It is advisable to use various sets of exercises on the spot, in motion, in pairs, in groups, with a rope and other objects. Include exercises that are emotionally charged, use musical accompaniment. It is characteristic that in the preparatory part of the lesson it is necessary to include exercises that do not cause difficulties in their implementation.

It is necessary to include a large amount of exercises for the development of endurance, strength, flexibility, speed qualities. This part of the lesson takes 8-12 minutes of the total time. It is necessary to observe the following condition - the exercises of the preparatory part should not cause fatigue.

The main part of the lesson. In this part of the lesson, a high level of physical activity is provided and the maximum use of all available conditions to increase the effectiveness of training and education. It is necessary to strictly observe the methodological sequence in the development of the types of athletics. For example, exercises related to the accuracy of movements, complex coordination, the manifestation of speed-strength qualities and dexterity, it is advisable to master at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, and exercises for the development of strength and endurance - at the end.

The selection and use of exercises for teaching and consolidating the technique of types must be carried out in three groups: a) general preparatory; b) leads, consisting of imitation and special; c) basic (holistic exercise performance).

It is advisable to alternate the exercises with each other, solving at the same time the task of conjugated teaching of technique with the development of the necessary motor qualities.

When learning and consolidating the exercise technique, it is necessary to use a group or stream method of teaching. This requires a clear organization of the group and the preparation of training sites and equipment. The main part of the lesson is allocated 75 minutes of the total time.

The final part of the lesson. The conduct of this portion of the lesson is dependent on the student's subsequent activities. If there are subsequent classes, then in the final part of the lesson it is necessary to provide complexes of calm measured exercises aimed at relaxation, attention, the development of flexibility, as well as self-massage. The task is to relieve emotional and neuromuscular arousal within 3-5 minutes.

In another case, if the lesson is held last in the schedule, then it is necessary to apply an intense load in this part of the lesson. However, the intensity should not exceed the level of the main part. You can hold small competitions, ball games, a variety of relay races with an obstacle course, sets of exercises for the development of speed-strength endurance and agility, strength and flexibility.

When building a plan for conducting a lesson, it is necessary to observe the main condition - preparation and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. It is especially necessary to provide for the development of the strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the foot. All types of athletics are performed through interaction with a support when the body is in an upright position. Therefore, the musculoskeletal system and, especially, the foot are subjected to significant loads. This requires a systematic development of the strength of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. If the constant load does not alternate with other muscle groups, which is facilitated by the alternation of body posture and starting positions, then this can lead to the development of flat feet.

In athletics classes, it is necessary to use the following groups of means to strengthen the foot: a) strength exercises for the development and strengthening of the muscles encircling the foot, which are associated with maintaining its normal arch; b) speed and strength exercises to develop the strength of the gastrocnemius, flexors and extensors of the toes; c) jumping exercises aimed at the elasticity of the longitudinal arch of the foot (exercises such as: a quick roll from heel to toe, lifting on the toes to the heel height below the support, various jumping exercises from one leg to another, jumping into the "depth" with a rebound at the height of the support 20-40 cm. To strengthen the foot, it is necessary to perform exercises with supports of different hardness (sawdust, wood covering, rubber, grassy soil, sand). The development of the strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the foot, the ligamentous apparatus should be in the field of attention of the teacher.

It is very important to correctly place the training material according to the component parts of the lesson. One of the options for placing educational assignments in the lesson is offered:

Preparatory part of the lesson. Construction exercises, posture exercises, jogging with overcoming obstacles, with a change in pace, direction, in the rhythm of the dance. General preparatory and special exercises aimed at preparing for the main part of the lesson and types of athletics, team relay races, running with a handicap, with carrying a medicine ball. Cross training is also possible, but it must be clearly planned.

The main part of the lesson. First, a set of leading exercises is performed, and then a lightened version of a holistic exercise or a ligament of the main phases. In conclusion, speed and speed-power games, relays with medicine balls are necessarily planned. All this should contribute to the development of qualities.


training session in athletics for groups NP-2 years of study

Topic: "Circular training".

Location:sports hall SDYUSSHOR "AVANTGARDE"

Date: .2015 year.

Lesson objectives:

  • to form students' interest in athletics;
  • involve children in regular physical education and sports in circles and sections;
  • develop speed-strength qualities in circuit training mode.

Method of carrying out:individual, group.

Inventory: stopwatch, mats, jump ropes, benches, chips, pancakes, wall bars.

Time spending: 90 minutes.

The abstract was:trainer-teacher Zhidova Yu.V.

Lesson Objectives:


  • To consolidate the technique of motional action.
  • To consolidate the technique of motional action in the game, in the conditions of competition.
  • Safety training during training in a circle in the gym.


  • Fostering discipline and the habit of independent physical exercise.
  • Fostering value orientations for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Education of moral, strong-willed and aesthetic qualities.


  • Formation of correct posture in children.
  • Formation of vital motor skills and abilities.
  • Formation of knowledge about personal hygiene, the influence of physical

exercise on the body and preservation of health.

Educational technologies:

  • health savings,
  • gradual formation of mental actions,
  • a differentiated approach to teaching,
  • pedagogy of cooperation, problem learning,
  • development of students' creative abilities,
  • information and communication.

Activity system.

Cognitive activity:

  • informational - possession of information;
  • activity - mastery of the technique of exercises;
  • personal - awareness of the personal meaning of a cognitive object.

Transformative activity:

  • independence, which is expressed in cognitive activity, showing interests, aspirations and needs;
  • willingness to overcome difficulties associated with willpower;
  • efficiency, which presupposes a correct understanding of the tasks facing students and the actions to solve them.

General educational activities:

  • diversified development of the child, equipping him with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in sports and life;
  • the use of modern teaching technologies, provides for the formation of general educational skills and abilities in students;
  • entertaining, cognitive interest - games that arouse students' keen interest in the learning process, help them master the educational material.

Self-organizing activity:

  • possession of the knowledge of ORU, which are the content of morning exercises, dynamic pauses during the preparation of lessons;
  • the ability to use illustrations, tables, which describe certain exercises;
  • possession of motor qualities, counting changes in heart rate;
  • organize sports competitions.




General guidelines

  1. Introductory preparatory part

Construction, calculation of the group.

Marking in the journal of attendance of training sessions.

Communication of the tasks of the lesson.

Warm up:

1.Tempo cross

Gradual transition to walking, breathing restoration.


2. Warm up on the spot

Head slopes;

Back and forth,

Circular rotation of the head;

Circles left, right

Exercise for the arms and shoulder girdle

Circular rotation, brush to lock;

Left, right

In the elbow joints;

Back and forth,

Rotation of straight arms in the shoulder joints;

Back and forth,

Exercise for the trunk

I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt;

torso tilts;

Back and forth,

Sideways to the right, to the left,

circular movements of the body alternately; - right left,

Turns of the body, arms extended to the sides;

Left, right

Exercise for the legs and hip joints;

I.p.-legs apart, hands on the belt:

Circular rotation of the hip joint to the right, to the left

I. p. - legs together, knees with palms in girth: circular rotations to the right, left,

I.p.-main stance: swing legs up to outstretched palms alternately, right, left,

I.p. - hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart: deep lunge with the left (right) leg forward.

I.p. - arms to the sides, - behind the head, - on the knee in front of the standing leg: spring squats,

Flexibility exercises;

Stretching with a transverse, longitudinal twine,

Stretching, sitting, feet together, knees apart in opposite directions.

3. Preparation for the main part

Arrange inventory by stations, story-show of exercises at each station.

6 minutes

10 min

1 minute

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes.

5 minutes

Formation in a line, execution of the commands "Level up!" "Attention!"

Execute on command. Keep track of the distance between students.

Observe correct breathing.

Perform slowly.

Perform slowly.

Straight legs, do not bend at the knees.

Lean as low as possible

Ensure balance is maintained.

Perform at full amplitude

Do not bend your knees, raise your leg as high as possible

Do not bend the supporting leg at the knee

Monitor the correct completion of the assignment.

Breathe evenly. Stretch exercises smoothly, do not bend your knees

Total: 30 minutes.

  1. The main part of the lesson

1 station

Hanging leg raises on the wall bars.

2 station

Pancake squats 5-10 kg

3 station

Shuttle run 3 * 10 m

4 station

Jumping rope.

5 station

Somersault forward

6 station

Flexion and extension of the trunk, lying on the back

7 station

Jumping from a deep squat position with a clap at the top.

8 station

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position


10 times

10 times

3 times

15 times

1 time

30 times

10 times

10 times

10 min

Legs straight (do not bend at the knees)

Touching the line, running back

Group up correctly

Exercise on the mat

We reach the cube with our breasts

The trainees are divided into 2 teams.

The game begins with a jump ball in the center circle when the ball is legally tapped by one of the jumpers. The ball is awarded 2 points.

Total: 55 min

  1. Final part

Measuring heart rate

Breathing exercises

Construction, summing up the results of the lesson.

5 minutes.

Home assignment.

Total: 5 min.

Total lesson time: 90 minutes.

Note: the total time of the lesson in the main part is taken into account together with the rest time.

I.P. - starting position; Sec. - second; Min. - minute;

Athletics Training Session Plan

Period: preparatory

Topic of the lesson: Teaching the high jump technique by the "overstepping" method.

Lesson objectives:

    familiarization with the technique of high jump by the "step over" method

    training in the technique of repulsion and the transition of the bar

    improving running technique from a low start

Sport equipment: whistle, stopwatch, mats, racks, plank, gymnastic bench, volleyball.

Location: gym.

I... Warm up.

Dosage (min)

1. Formation, greeting.
Reporting Lesson Objectives

2. Slow running

Running is even, without jerking

3. General developmental exercises

Head tilts to the side

Head turns to the right, to the left

Circular movements of the hands in one direction, then in the other direction

Jerking arms with a twist of the torso

Tilts forward, down

Back bends

Rotation of the body in one direction, then in the other direction

Lunge forward, jump leg change

Squat on the left leg right to the side, the opposite hand on the foot, exit to the straight left leg without taking the hand off the foot

Support squatting, left leg straight, change of legs at the expense

Emphasis crouched, emphasis lying, emphasis squatting, stand up

squatting (hands on the floor), straighten your legs without lifting your hands off the floor

Keep balance

Keep your arms straight

Keep your back straight

Knees do not die

Do not throw your head back

Try to fully straighten your legs

4.Special running exercises:
- running with a high hip lift
- running with the overlap of the lower leg back


- many hops

- running with acceleration

The body is tilted slightly, lifting the thigh-toe down

Landing on toes, keeping feet soft

The arms are bent at the elbows, the fist is slightly clenched

Do not raise your chin high

II.Main part.

Dosage (min)

Organizational and methodological guidelines

1. Jumping over an obstacle:

Jump running

Jump with two legs

Jump in a run with a turn

Two-legged take-off jump with a twist

To convert forward speed to flight speed

2 Flapping leg movements

Swinging with the free leg, slightly rising on the jogging leg (standing sideways against the wall and holding on to it)

3. Imitation of the technique of setting the leg and take-off in combination with swinging movements of the leg and arms

Stand on the swinging leg, push back. Take a jogging step forward, bring the pelvis to it. The arm is bent at the elbow, simultaneous swing of the leg and arm, pushing upwards.

4. Jumping from 3 steps of a run through the gymnastic bench with the execution of "escape" from it.

Vigorous repulsion with the extension of the swing leg to the horizon. provisions

5. Jumping over the bar:

Overcoming the bar in stride

Jump over the bar without a run

Jump performance in general

Approach to the plank at an angle of 35 o -45 o. Landing on the swing leg. The toe of the swing leg and knee should be slightly turned towards the plank. This contributes to the rapid withdrawal of the pelvis from the bar. When learning individual elements of a jump, pay attention to the ability to maintain balance upon landing and gently extinguish the force of gravity of the body in the event of a fall.

6 running from a low start

Repetition of the starting position of the low start. After the command "Attention!" the sprinter lifts the knee off the ground, raises the pelvis slightly above the shoulders and pushes the torso forward upward. In this case, the legs are straightened somewhat, the weight of the body passes to the hands. After the command "March!" the runner lifts his arms off the track and simultaneously pushes off with his feet. When performing a starting acceleration, observe the inclination of the torso and head.

8 passing the volleyball through the net

Divide the children into two teams.

9.Pioneerball game

Highlight the best players.

III... Final part.

Dosage (min)

Organizational and methodological guidelines

1.Slow running

2. Relaxation exercises.

3. Summing up the results of the lesson.

Name common mistakes. Celebrate the best students.

Workout 1.

Tasks: 1. Improving the technique of running short distances.

2. Development of speed-power qualities.

3. education of strong-willed qualities.

Introductory part- 20 minutes.

1. Safety briefing in athletics classes (instruction No. 05-01) - 2 minutes.

2. Warm-up run - 1 km. (5 laps in the stadium or 2 laps in the forest) -8 minutes.

3.Warm up. Formation in one line. 10 minutes.

1) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, hands on the waist. Head tilts forward - backward, right - left.

2) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, hands behind the head. Turns of the torso to the left, to the right.

3) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, arms to the shoulders. Circular movements with the shoulders forward, backward.

4) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, hands below. Tilts of the body to the left and to the right, hands slide along the body.

5) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, arms forward. Swing legs (opposite).

6) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, hands behind the head. Squats to knee level. Try to keep your back straight 10.

7) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, the toes are turned to the sides, the arms are free for balance. Squats - 10 times.

8) I.p. - the main stand, hands behind the head. Full squats, do not break the heels, try to keep your back straight. 10 times.

9) I.p. - Sitting to the side on the hip, arms forward for balance. Rolls.

10) I.p. - the main stand. Lunge forward alternately right and left. 10 times with each leg.

11) I.p. - lying position, hands shoulder-width apart. Push-ups - 10 times.

12) I.p. - lying position, hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing each other. Push-ups - 10 times.

13) I.p. - the emphasis is lying, hands are almost next to each other. Push-ups -10 times.

14) I.p. - the main stand. Mixed stops - 10 times.

Main part- 1 hour 20 min.

7) Run 200m. (1 lap) from a high start. After the start, every 20m. gradually increase the speed to maximum, (every 20m place flags) 1 series.

2. Development of speed-power qualities - 20 minutes.

1) Running with a high hip lift, in place and with slight forward movement at a different pace.

2) Jumping on both legs with slight forward movement and pulling the bent legs (hips) to the chest. 2-3 series, girls 10-20 times and boys 15-30 times.

3) I.p. - crouching emphasis. Jumping up into a crouched position. 8-10 times.

4) standing long jump. 8-Juraz with or without fixation of the jump range.

5) Triple jump from a place. 4-6 times with or without registration of the result.

6) Jumping on one leg then on the other with forward movement. 5-6 times.

7) In pairs. "Pistol". 4-6 times on each leg - girls, 6-8 times - boys.

8) Multiple hops on both legs. 4-6 times at intervals of 10-15m.

H. Play soccer - 20 minutes.

Final part- 20 minutes.

1.Game "Wrestling in squares"

the size 5x5 and two 2x2.

2. Playing volleyball, pioneerball.

Workout 2.

Tasks: 1. Improvement of sprinting.

2. Development of strength abilities.

3. Education of volitional qualities. Introductory part- 20 minutes.

1. Warm-up run - 1 km. - 8 minutes.

2.Warm-up - 6 minutes.

3-4 - the same in the other direction.

3) I.p. - the main stand.

6) Triple jump.

Main part- 1 hour 20 min.

1. Improvement of the technique of running at short distances - 40 minutes.

1) Running 30m. from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes.

2) Running 30m. from a low start, in the first 10-15m. there is a maximum set of speed, the rest of the segment is running by inertia. In pairs. 3 episodes.

3) Running in a circle, on the whistle - acceleration, on the second whistle - slow running. 8-10 accelerations at 600m. (3 circles).

4) Rest - playing volleyball in a circle - 5 minutes.

5) Run 60m. from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes.

6) Running 100m. (0.5 lap) from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes.

7) Run 200m. (1 lap) from a high start. After the start, every 20m.

gradually increase the speed to maximum, (every

20m. place flags) 1 series.

2. Rest - playing volleyball in a circle - 10 minutes.

3. Development of strength qualities - 20 minutes.

1) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, half inclination of the body forward, "pancake" behind the head. Circular body movements with maximum amplitude to the right and left. 6-8 rotations in each direction.

2) Squats on one leg ("pistol"). Perform the maximum number of times on the right and left legs. It is allowed to stick to the support with your hand.

3) Jumps in place with weights on the shoulders (barbell bar weighing 10-15 kg.) 15-20 times - boys, 8-13 times - girls.

4) Leaning forward with a load of 10-15 kg. on the shoulders 15 times - boys, 10 times girls.

5) I.p. - hanging on the bar. Kick circles left and right. Legs

straight or slightly bent at the knees. 4-6 circles in each direction.

4. Playing soccer - 10 minutes.

Final part- 20 minutes.

1.Game "Wrestling in squares"

On the volleyball court in the middle, draw 3 squares: one

the size 5x5 and two 2x2.

All players stand in a large square. At the signal each

seeks to stay in the big square, pushing the neighbor into the small

square. Those who have passed into the next square continue to fight in it.

Those who managed to stay in the big square win.

During the fight, you can only grab the opponent by the arms and

torso. You cannot attack a player from behind. The one who has retired is considered to be

who will cross the boundary lines with two feet.

2. Playing volleyball, pioneerball.

Workout 3.

Tasks: 1.To teach the technique of running at medium distances.

2. To improve the technique of running at short distances.

3. To develop speed-power qualities.

4. To cultivate strong-willed qualities.

Introductory part- 20 minutes.

1-warm-up run - 10 minutes at a slow pace (heart rate no higher than 120bpm).

2-Warm-up - 6 minutes.

1) I.p. - hands are clasped below. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes and stretch;

3-4 - lowering your hands through the sides, return to I. p.

2) I.p. - a narrow stand of the legs apart, hands on the waist.

1 - tilt to the right with simultaneous rotation of the body to the right;

3-4 - the same in the other direction.

3) I.p. - the main stand.

1 - arcs to the left of the hand up and tilt to the right;

2 - return to IP in reverse motion;

3-4 - the same in the other direction. Do not stop in the starting position.

4) I.p. - lying emphasis. For each count, jumping changes in the position of the legs.

5) I.p. - the main stand. Mixed stops.

6) I.p. - the main stand. Jumping with a high rise of the hips to the chest.

7) I.p. - the main stand. Bending up jumps, arms up.

8) Stretching the muscles of the legs (trying to sit on a split).

Z. Special. running exercises - 6 minutes.

1) Running with a high raise the hips in place and in motion.

2) Running by jumping forward (vigorously pushing off with the foot) with a gradual increase in pace.

3) Mincing run. The exercise should be done in small but quick and free steps.

4) Running with an overlap of the lower leg back in place and in motion.

5) Jumping upward moving forward.

6) Triple jump.

7) Jumping on one leg with advancement.

Main part- 1 hour 20 minutes.

1. Teaching middle distance running technique - 30 minutes.

1) A story about the technique of running at medium distances (how to start, a gradual increase in running speed, finishing).

2) Running 200m segments. 3-4 people - 3 series, with a rest of 1-2 minutes.

3) Acceleration for 100m. (0.5 lap), uniform with a smooth increase in the pace of steps to the maximum.

4) Acceleration for 100m. with a change of pace (every 5-6 pairs of steps of fast running after 5-6 pairs of steps of free running by inertia).

5) Acceleration for 100m. with a minimum cadence.

6) Acceleration for 100m. with the maximum cadence.

7) Running 800m segments. at a slow pace with a gradual

an increase in running speed (on the whistle, increase the pace by 2-3

running steps; whistle - every 100m.).

2.0 rest - 20 minutes. Playing football, volleyball in a circle.

3. Improvement of sprint technique - 30 minutes.

1) Running 30m. from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes.

2) Running 30m. from a low start, in the first 10-15m. there is a maximum set of speed, the rest of the segment is running by inertia. In pairs. 3 episodes.

3) Running in a circle, on the whistle - acceleration, on the second whistle - slow running. 8-10 accelerations at 600m. (3 circles).

4) Run 60m. from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes.

5) Running 100m. (0.5 lap) from a low start in pairs for distillation. 3 episodes. Final part- 20 minutes.

1. Development of speed-power qualities - 10 minutes. Perform as fast as possible.

1) Jumping over the bench sideways - 30 times.

2) Jumping on a bench with a change of legs - 50 times.

3) Jumping on both legs, jumping and jumping on an elevation with a height of 30-40cm. The same on one leg.

4) Jumping on one leg with forward movement and pulling the pushing leg forward and up.

5) Running by jumping from foot to foot with a high rise of the knee of the swing leg and full extension of the jerk.

6) jumping forward - upward for every third or fifth step along the course of the run. Land on the swing leg.

2. Game "Snipers". Held at the site. The players are divided into two teams. One is in the field, the other is located behind the endline of the court. The ball (volleyball) is in the possession of the second team. One of the players of the second team serves the ball up (like in volleyball) - try to keep the ball in the air as much as possible. After the service, the player tries to run across the court beyond the opposite endline. The players of the first team, catching the ball, try to burn the running player by passing the ball with passes. If they managed to beat the player, then the teams change places.

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