Home Useful tips The task of life. Lunar nodes in houses and signs. North Node in the Eighth House (8) – South Node in the Second House (2)

The task of life. Lunar nodes in houses and signs. North Node in the Eighth House (8) – South Node in the Second House (2)

Here you experience, at the most basic level, a powerful internal struggle. Your karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of past incarnations. Until you master this, it will be difficult for you to find meaning in what you cannot own. You are jealous of other people's possessions, wanting to have everything you notice. For some, this develops into an insatiable lust for possession, and there is little that can stop them from pursuing their desires.

Almost always your life revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animalistic about you, and you openly or covertly ignore the cultural influence of society.

In past lives, you did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued to go your own way, not realizing how you affected others. You have accumulated so many needs that no matter how much you fulfill them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. You are like the proverbial donkey following a carrot tied to his head, but little does he realize that he put it there himself.

Your loved ones would give you the Moon if it would make you happy, but they, like you, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be replaced by another need. It seems like you feel like you have to have everything! It is a “lump of excess” in all directions. It is difficult for you to change your habits, even if you realize that you are following a disastrous path. At every intersection you go to extremes. Having discovered your mistakes, you are so far from your starting point that you find it impossible to see your way back. So you continue on the wrong path because it is the only path your eyes can see.

In some cases, you may be in conflict with the law, but when you see your mistake, you will try to convince other people that you are right.

More than a person with any other Node position, you must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging your desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy your current life.

Some people with this Node placement are so weak-willed that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. You try so hard to advance that you end up destroying all the positions you have achieved. Through the symbolic death of excess behavior patterns, you can ultimately experience a new birth.

Remainder past life presents too many physical and material concerns. Major growth in your current life is based on your ability to seek from the depths of your existence the power for rebirth. You often take an interest in the occult, acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve regenerative transformation.

Whatever you undertake, there will be chaos in everything, since you are a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay your rebirth. Your soul wants transformation, but you don’t have enough energy for this. The hardest thing for you is to learn to leave no trace, because you are so desperate to be impressive that you keep making your life more difficult.

Relationships are extremely important to you. In past incarnations, you were accustomed to viewing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework you continued to fight for status, always believing that some people were more privileged than others. Through your North Node in the eighth house, you must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will ultimately attune you to the values ​​of other people. By listening to your loved ones, you should learn a lot from them.

Most of your thoughts about sex come from a deep-rooted desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes you disgusted with yourself, as well as with your physical and material life, which you have been leading for so long. Open or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy of money or business, spiral your life to a point of no return. When you achieve this, you accept other people's value systems in order to find your way back. But you have to throw away everything that you once considered important, as if you are being asked to step back behind the line and wait your turn. Every time a new and more refined value is presented to you, you must learn to eliminate everything in yourself that blocks its acceptance.

you will begin new life from the bottom step of the stairs. The slowness of the climb will make you deeply appreciate every inch of progress upward.

Truly these Nodes point to difficult life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame for this.

Until the transition is complete, you can expect your current life to be a series of financial tugs of war. You must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.
When you stop wasting your vital energy, you can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, you should never forget to burn bridges to prevent yourself from slipping back into the levels you fought to get through.
You must understand biblical story Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and not to look back under any circumstances.

The North Node in the eighth house can promote regeneration or degeneration of the individual. It depends on your strength own faith. To reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first pass through the underworld and realize in the very depths of the earth that God will hear a subtle cry for help as soon as a person sincerely promises “not to look back.”
The sign that contains the South Node shows the value system of a past life that must be reborn. The sign that contains the North Node indicates the path of rebirth.
M. Shulman

North node in the Eighth House - South node in the Second House
The North Node in the Eighth House indicates ease in establishing and maintaining financial endeavors. This ease is the result of an inner awareness of modern views regarding business relations. Their position regarding the occult tends to be orthodox and conformist.

The placement of the South Node indicates the adoption of a more conservative attitude towards money and possessions. People spend money carefully and look for properties that have lasting value. They feel that money is hard to come by and refuse to spend it thoughtlessly.
F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

The person is unhappy in family life. Separation from family, divorce. If the 8th house is Sagittarius or Pisces, it gives a personality that is spiritual rather than material and practical. Eternal lack of money. IN good signs and aspects - attractive appearance, “sex appeal”; in bad cases there are violations in this area.
If the VIII house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will be a kind of “sex bomb” and will live for ages. The marriage will be successful and will help him in life. Good intuition, interest in occult activities. No chronic diseases. Ketu in the 2nd house - The person is poor, will suffer from depression and feel unhappy all his life. Tendency to lies, alcohol, drugs; Possible speech impediment.
If the 2nd house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will receive an education and generally know a lot, especially in humanitarian fields. There will be money good food and good looks. An excellent speaker, although still prone to lying. Family life unsuccessful.
No Monster

Rahu in the VIII house - Ketu in the II house(interpretation according to Indian tradition)
A picky, grumpy person who makes money through dubious means; he suffers from social stigma and may be involved in matters involving poisons, drugs or medications; he is deceived by other people or he himself deceives others, coveting their money; but he is also characterized by a certain piety; he may live a long time, but his death may not be natural.
Ketu in the 2nd house - possible weakness of vision, stuttering or some other speech impediment, earning a living by unusual means, periods of dependence on others; Harmony among family members may be weakened and the person may have poor eating habits.
D. Kutalev


Refuse material goods, money, passbooks, accumulation of property (collected treasures in the past). We must strive for risk, fearlessness, not be afraid of dangers, make big bets in life, then it will come naturally. material well-being and physical energy will appear. If you do not follow the S. node, based on the south, then a critical mass of the 2nd house will accumulate and lead to the collapse of property and the entire financial situation, poverty and physical weakness will occur.

Globa P.P.

The North Node in the Eighth House indicates ease in establishing and maintaining financial endeavors. This ease is the result of an inner awareness of modern attitudes regarding business relationships. Their position regarding the occult tends to be orthodox and conformist.
The placement of the South Node indicates the adoption of a more conservative attitude towards money and possessions. People spend money carefully and look for properties that have lasting value. They feel that money is hard to come by and refuse to spend it thoughtlessly.

Francis Sakoyan.

Around the city of the Ordinary the fortress wall of the Extraordinary grows.
This person values ​​in tradition what constitutes the background of life - nature, the general environment (city landscape, small household items, etc.); in people of the past, he values ​​the power of conviction, loyalty to his idea, that is, personal ethics, which he tries to copy and considers as a model (another question is how much this actually works out). In emerging social innovations, he, first of all, appreciates the fact that they bury the outdated past, and he observes with partiality how this happens (sometimes, with a strong North Node, he himself participates). He is also interested in what new social trends offer to overcome various tense and marginal situations, and he can actively become involved in relevant activities.

Absalom the Underwater.

North Node in the Eighth House - South Node in the Second House
Here you are experiencing a powerful internal struggle at the most basic level. It is your karma to overcome the extreme possessiveness of past incarnations. Until you master this, it will be difficult for you to find meaning in what you cannot own. You are jealous of other people's possessions, wanting to have everything you notice. For some, this develops into an insatiable lust for possession, and there is little that can stop them from pursuing their desires.
Almost always your life revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animalistic about you, and you openly or covertly ignore the cultural influence of society.
In past lives, you did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued to go your own way, not realizing how you affected others. You have accumulated so many needs that no matter how much you fulfill them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. You are like the proverbial donkey following a carrot tied to his head, but little does he realize that he put it there himself.
Your loved ones would give you the Moon if it would make you happy, but they, like you, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be replaced by another need. It seems like you feel like you have to have everything! It is a “lump of excess” in all directions. It is difficult for you to change your habits, even if you realize that you are following a disastrous path. At every intersection you go to extremes. Having discovered your mistakes, you are so far from your starting point that you find it impossible to see your way back. So you continue on the wrong path because it is the only path your eyes can see.
In some cases, you may be in conflict with the law, but when you see your mistake, you will try to convince other people that you are right.
More than a person with any other Node position, you must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging your desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy your current life.
Some people with this Node placement are so weak-willed that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. You try so hard to advance that you end up destroying all the positions you have achieved. Through the symbolic death of excess behavior patterns, you can ultimately experience a new birth.
The remainder of the past life presents too many physical and material concerns. Major growth in your current life is based on your ability to seek from the depths of your existence the power for rebirth. You often take an interest in the occult, acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve regenerative transformation.
Whatever you undertake, there will be chaos in everything, since you are a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay your rebirth. Your soul wants transformation, but you don’t have enough energy for this.
The hardest thing for you is to learn to leave no trace, because you are so desperate to be impressive that you keep making your life more difficult.
Relationships are extremely important to you. In past incarnations, you were accustomed to viewing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework you continued to fight for status, always believing that some people were more privileged than others. Through your North Node in the eighth house, you must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will ultimately attune you to the values ​​of other people. By listening to your loved ones, you should learn a lot from them.
Most of your thoughts about sex come from a deep-rooted desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes you disgusted with yourself and with the physical and material life you have led for so long. Open or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy of money or business, spiral your life to a point of no return. When you achieve this, you accept other people's value systems in order to find your way back. But you have to throw away everything that you once considered important, as if you are being asked to step back behind the line and wait your turn. Every time a new and more refined value is presented to you, you must learn to eliminate everything in yourself that blocks its acceptance.
You will start a new life from the bottom rung of the ladder. The slowness of the climb will make you deeply appreciate every inch of progress upward.
Truly, these Nodes indicate a difficult life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame for this.
Until the transition is complete, you can expect your current life to be a series of financial tugs of war. You must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.
When you stop wasting your vital energy, you can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, you should never forget to burn bridges to prevent yourself from slipping back into the levels you fought to get through.
You must understand the biblical story of Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and under no circumstances to look back.
The North Node in the eighth house can promote regeneration or degeneration of the individual. It depends on the strength of your own faith. To reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first pass through the underworld and realize in the very depths of the earth that God will hear a subtle cry for help as soon as a person sincerely promises “not to look back.”
The sign that contains the South Node shows the value system of a past life that must be reborn. The sign that contains the North Node indicates the path of rebirth.

Martin Shulman.

North Node in the 8th house - South Node in the 2nd house
You will have to pay off debts in the 2nd house. Don't expect big earnings. There is no need to collect treasures on earth. Rahu in the 8th house is an indicator of the accumulation of spiritual fruits. Makes it possible to receive money from some invisible sources - finding a diamond, etc.

Larisa Nazarova.

North Lunar Node in the VIII house, South - in the II house
A person appreciates in tradition what constitutes the background of life - nature, the general environment (city landscape, small household items, etc.); in people of the past, he values ​​the power of conviction, loyalty to his idea, that is, personal ethics, which he tries to copy and considers as a model (another question is how much this actually works out). In emerging social innovations, he, first of all, appreciates the fact that they bury the outdated past, and he observes with partiality how this happens (sometimes, with a strong Northern Node, he himself participates). He is also interested in what new social trends offer to overcome various tense and marginal situations, and he can actively become involved in relevant activities.
Internal development requires the development of a balance of personal and group ethics: the first seems to be an unshakable basis, allowing only minor changes, the second, on the contrary, is subject to mastery and coordination with the personal one. This is not so simple and, perhaps, a person will have to change more than one team and spend a lot of work in order to discover his true ethics and personal system values ​​that do not come into insoluble contradiction with the duty to the collective and its value system.

Here Rahu indicates a picky, quarrelsome person who earns money through dubious means. These people suffer from social stigma and may become involved in matters involving poisons, drugs or medicine. They are deceived by others or they themselves deceive others, coveting their money. But they are also characterized by a certain piety; they may live a long time, but their death will be unnatural.

Here one can foresee weakness of vision, stuttering or some other speech impediment, earning a living by unusual means, periods of dependence on others. Harmony among family members may be weakened, and the person may have poor, unhealthy eating habits.


Rahu in the VIII house - Ketu in the II house (interpretation according to Indian tradition)
The person is unhappy in family life. Separation from family, divorce. If the 8th house is Sagittarius or Pisces, it gives a personality that is spiritual rather than material and practical. Eternal lack of money. In good signs and aspects - attractive appearance, “sex appeal”; in bad cases - violations in this area.
If the VIII house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will be a kind of “sex bomb” and will live for ages. The marriage will be successful and will help him in life. Good intuition, interest in occult activities. No chronic diseases.
Ketu in the 2nd house - The person is poor, will suffer from depression and feel unhappy all his life. Tendency to lies, alcohol, drugs; Possible speech impediment.
If the 2nd house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will receive an education and generally know a lot, especially in the humanities. There will be money, good food and good looks. An excellent speaker, although still prone to lying. Family life is unsuccessful.

Here the individual, at the most basic level, experiences a powerful internal struggle. His karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of his past incarnations. Until he copes with this, it will be difficult for him to find meaning in what he cannot own. He is jealous of other people's possessions, wanting to have everything he notices. For some, this develops into an insatiable lust for possession, and there is little that can stop them from pursuing their desires.

Almost always the life of an individual revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animalistic about him, and he openly or covertly ignores the cultural influence of society.

In past lives, the individual did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued on his own path without realizing how it affected others. He has accumulated so many needs that no matter how much he fulfills them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. He is like the proverbial donkey following a carrot tied to his head, but little does he realize that he placed it there himself.

His loved ones would give him the Moon if it would make him happy, but they, like him, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be supplanted by another need. He seems to feel like he has to have it all! It is a “lump of excess” in all directions. It is difficult for him to change his habits, even if he realizes that he is following a disastrous path. At every crossroads he goes to extremes. Having discovered his mistakes, he is so far from his starting point that he finds it impossible to see his way back. So he continues on the wrong path because it is the only path his eyes can see.

In some cases, he may come into conflict with the law, but when he sees his mistake, he will try to convince other people that he is right.

More than a person with any other Node position, this individual must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging the desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy the current life.

Some people with this Node placement are so weak-willed that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. The individual tries so hard to advance that he ends up destroying all the positions he has achieved. Through the symbolic death of excess patterns of behavior, he can ultimately experience a new birth.

The remainder of the past life presents too many physical and material concerns. The main growth in the current life is based on the individual's ability to seek from the depths of his existence the power for rebirth. He often takes an interest in the occult, acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve regenerative transformation.

Whatever he undertakes, there will be chaos in everything, since he is a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay his rebirth. His soul wants transformation, but he does not have enough energy for this.

The hardest thing for him is learning not to leave a mark, as he is so desperate to be impressive that he keeps making his life more difficult.

Relationships are extremely important to him. In past incarnations, he was accustomed to viewing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework he continues to strive for status, always believing that some people are more privileged than others. Through his North Node in the eighth house, he must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will ultimately attune him to the values ​​of others. By listening to his loved ones, he should learn a lot from them.

Most of his thoughts about sex come from a deep-seated desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes him disgusted with himself and with the physical and material life he has led for so long. Open or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy of money or business, spiral his life to a point of no return. When he achieves this, he adopts other people's value systems in order to find his way back. But he must discard everything he once considered important, as if he were being asked to step back behind the line and wait his turn. Each time a new and more refined value is presented to him, he must learn to eliminate in himself everything that blocks its acceptance.

He will start a new life at the bottom of the ladder. The slowness of the ascent will make him deeply appreciate every inch of progress upward.

Truly, these Nodes indicate a difficult life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame for this.

Until the transition is complete, the individual can expect their current life to be a series of financial tugs of war. He must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.

When he stops wasting vital energy, he can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, he must never forget that he must burn bridges to guard against slipping back into the levels he fought to get through.

He must understand the biblical story of Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and under no circumstances to look back.

The North Node in the eighth house can promote regeneration or degeneration of the individual. It depends on the strength of his own faith. To reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first pass through the underworld and realize in the very depths of the earth that God will hear a subtle cry for help as soon as a person sincerely promises to “not look back.”

The sign that contains the South Node shows the value system of a past life that must be reborn. The sign that contains the North Node indicates the path of rebirth.

Sanjay Rath

There is nothing more frightening than the 8th house of the horoscope, which in jyotish is called Randhra bhava (house of longevity and death). The lord of the 8th house represents what we astrologers call the “hand of fate” in the most fatal sense of the expression. While there is a lot of research on the subject of the 8th house and its lord, here we will take a detailed look at the influence of Rahu on the 8th house. Although most astrologers assume that the combination of two malefic factors - the most malefic bhava (i.e. 8th house) and the main malefic in the horoscope (i.e. Rahu) should produce the greatest evil, this is not always the case. The placement of Rahu in the 8th house can bring sudden turns of fate, and when connected with another planet, the spheres ruled by that planet trigger Rahu - both in a positive and negative sense.

IN natal chart Albert Einstein Rahu in the 8th house is conjunct with exalted Mars, which is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses, promising advances in science and great fame due to great inventions and discoveries. Conjunction with Mars, the god of war, indicates that the results of research will be used to make powerful weapons- such as nuclear bomb. Mars as the lord of the 6th house indicates that war or battle will activate Rahu in the 8th house. In a way, the position of Rahu in the 8th house along with the exalted planet can be considered a blessing, since it was he who rewarded Einstein with his greatest success in the field of research related to energy (Mars rules Agni Tattva - energy).

Exalted Rahu in the 8th house in Gemini can indicate one who is born in a famous or wealthy family, receiving an inheritance and, in general, getting everything desired in life. When the lord of the house of happiness (Rahu is co-lord of Aquarius, the 4th house) is exalted in the 8th house, it is a real blessing. Bridget Fonda, American actress, belonging to a famous theatrical family, is the daughter of Susan and Peter Fonda, the granddaughter of Henry Fonda and the niece of Jane Fonda. In her chart we see an exalted Rahu, who, moreover, is in conjunction with the Moon, the lord of the 9th house. Although this is definitely not the best combination for longevity, the very stay on earth is blessed, since the 8th house does not give rise to tears, and if it does arise, these tears will quickly be dried by Rahu.

Aveek Sarkar is the son of Ashok Sarkar and grandson of Prafulla Sarkar, after whom one of the important streets of Kolkata is named. Exalted Rahu in the 8th house is placed with Saturn, the lord of the 4th house, which is responsible for housing and real estate. Around the time he moved to south Calcutta, his father died and he inherited a huge business empire, managing it successfully. Please note that just as Bridget Fonda continued the acting dynasty of her star parents, so Avik Sarkar became the successor to his father and grandfather. In general, Rahu in the 8th house, if it is exalted or along with an exalted planet, certainly indicates blessings - in in this case, we consider the sign of exaltation to be Gemini (and not Taurus, as for issues related to life expectancy).

Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in a variety of neurological symptoms in patients. The disease mainly occurs in young and middle age (15 - 40 years), and is more common in women. A feature of the disease is the simultaneous damage to several different parts of the nervous system. Multiple sclerosis can take various shapes when new symptoms appear either intermittently or gradually accumulate over time. During periods of remission, symptoms may be virtually absent, but permanent neurological impairment often develops, especially as the disease progresses.
Does not exist effective medicine from multiple sclerosis. It is extremely difficult to predict the course of the disease, as it depends on the subtype of the disease, individual characteristics the individual, the initial symptoms and the severity of the disorders that develop over time. Many doctors say that "the life expectancy of patients with multiple sclerosis is on average 5-10 years less than the rest of the population." In fact, this does not mean anything, because if average duration is about 60 years old, which means that people with this disease can live up to 55 years old, but this happens extremely rarely! This kind of statistics shows how ignorant our science is so far regarding this disease.

Let's look at a few cases of multiple sclerosis. What we expect to see in them:
Rahu's association with the 8th house or the lord of the 8th house, resulting in incurable diseases; the body gradually turns into stone (Rahu) as the nervous system is destroyed.
The lord of the 8th house must be weak in itself or be in conjunction with a very weak planet.
Defeat of Mars, the ruler nervous system, simultaneously with the connection of Mars and Venus - the conflict of fire and water causes illness.
The period (dasa) that manifests this affliction in the natal chart.

Map 1, dr. March 3, 1984; 8.01, Sonepat, India. Venus, lord of the 8th house, and Saturn, lord of the 7th house, are in parivartana yoga (yoga of exchange). Such a combination involving Randhra-bhava is undoubtedly a dainya-parivartana (unlucky exchange combination). Mars is located in the 8th house in the sign of Venus (Libra). Rahu influences the lord of the 8th house (Venus) through graha drishti and the 8th house through rashi drishti. Multiple sclerosis manifested itself in Saturn dasa and Venus antardasha and the native fights it with the help of homeopathy. In general, according to our data, homeopathy is very effective when Venus is affected.

Map 2, dr. December 16, 1983, 4.45 IST, Jaipur, India. Venus is the lord of both the 8th house and Lagna and is well placed in the Lagna. Conjunction with Yogakaraka Saturn gives brilliant Raja Yoga. However, as randhresha (lord of the 8th house), Venus can also bring fatal disease, especially if Rahu is placed in Taurus in the 8th house and aspects the Lagna along with Venus and Saturn in it through rashi drishti. Mars is placed in the 12th house and is also aspected by Rahu through graha drishti. The disease arose in the dasa of Venus and the antardasha of Saturn.

Map 3, dr. January 11, 1982; 1.53 IST, Bhopal, India. Again, we see parivarthana yoga involving dusthana - this time, the 12th house, where Saturn is placed with Mars, and Mercury conjunct Venus in the 4th house. Saturn and Mercury exchange signs, forming an unfortunate connection between Mars and Venus, with whom they are conjunct. Rahu is not in the 8th house and does not aspect the 8th lord Venus in any way, although it aspects Saturn and Mars. But Rahu is placed in the 9th house in Marana Karaka Sthana and its dispositor Mercury is also in Marana Karaka Sthana aspecting Venus, the lord of the 8th house. Here there is no direct connection between Rahu and the 8th house as in the previous two cases, but the native was also suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Map 4, dr. April 22, 1982; 13.40 IST, Delhi, India. Moon is in the 8th house in Chandrashtama dosha; 8th house lord Jupiter is very weak being in marana karaka sthana in 3rd house. Rahu, although exalted, aspects the 8th house through rashi drishti and the 8th lord Jupiter through graha drishti. The disease manifested itself in the dasa of Ketu, since in the navamsha Ketu occupies the 8th house (Scorpio). However, with the advent of Venus dasha, improvement began. Note that Venus is not involved in this combination, and Mars is not directly involved in it, but is in the 2nd house with Saturn (significator of illness), and aspects the 8th house.

Map 5, dr. October 17, 1974; 11.17 IST, Rajkot, India. The 8th house is aspected by Saturn and the 8th house lord Mercury is well placed in the 12th house. However, he is in Papa Kartari Yoga between Rahu and Mars with Saturn. This malefic yoga formed by Rahu and Mars afflicts the 8th lord and Moon causing disease. Venus, the dispositor of the lord of the 8th house, forms parivartana yoga with Mercury - and again we see dainya parivartana yoga with the participation of dusthana (12th house). Moreover, there is also a conjunction of Venus and Mars, directly involving the 8th house lord.

Map 6, d.r. January 28, 1983; 23.42 IST, Ludhiana, India. 8th lord Mars conjoins Venus in marana karaka sthana in 6th house and both are aspected by their dispositor 6th lord Rahu through graha drishti. Lagnesha Mercury is also in Marana Karaka Sthana in the 4th house, under the influence of Rahu. The planets are in dainya graha malika yoga - forming a garland, starting with Saturn in the 2nd house and ending with the dangerous conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 6th house. The result of this combination of planets is illness manifested in the 6th house. All life now revolves around her. The disease struck the native in at a young age, and she bravely fights with her.

A weak Randhresha (lord of the 8th house) under the influence of Rahu can indicate a life full of suffering. Worship Lord Rudra and find relief from the terrible suffering and pain indicated by the 8th house. Exalted planets associated with the 8th house can be a blessing.


Here you are experiencing a powerful internal struggle at the most basic level. It is your karma to overcome the extreme possessiveness of past incarnations. Until you master this, it will be difficult for you to find meaning in what you cannot own. You are jealous of other people's possessions, wanting to have everything you notice. For some, this develops into an insatiable lust for possession, and there is little that can stop them from pursuing their desires.
Almost always your life revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animalistic about you, and you openly or covertly ignore the cultural influence of society.
In past lives, you did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued to go your own way, not realizing how you affected others. You have accumulated so many needs that no matter how much you fulfill them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. You are like the proverbial donkey following a carrot tied to his head, but little does he realize that he put it there himself.
Your loved ones would give you the Moon if it would make you happy, but they, like you, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be replaced by another need. It seems like you feel like you have to have everything! It is a “lump of excess” in all directions. It is difficult for you to change your habits, even if you realize that you are following a disastrous path. At every intersection you go to extremes. Having discovered your mistakes, you are so far from your starting point that you find it impossible to see your way back. So you continue on the wrong path because it is the only path your eyes can see.
In some cases, you may be in conflict with the law, but when you see your mistake, you will try to convince other people that you are right.
More than a person with any other Node position, you must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging your desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy your current life.
Some people with this Node placement are so weak-willed that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. You try so hard to advance that you end up destroying all the positions you have achieved. Through the symbolic death of excess behavior patterns, you can ultimately experience a new birth.
The remainder of the past life presents too many physical and material concerns. Major growth in your current life is based on your ability to seek from the depths of your existence the power for rebirth. You often take an interest in the occult, acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve regenerative transformation.
Whatever you undertake, there will be chaos in everything, since you are a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay your rebirth. Your soul wants transformation, but you don’t have enough energy for this.
The hardest thing for you is to learn to leave no trace, because you are so desperate to be impressive that you keep making your life more difficult.
Relationships are extremely important to you. In past incarnations, you were accustomed to viewing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework you continued to fight for status, always believing that some people were more privileged than others. Through your North Node in the eighth house, you must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will ultimately attune you to the values ​​of other people. By listening to your loved ones, you should learn a lot from them.
Most of your thoughts about sex come from a deep-rooted desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes you disgusted with yourself and with the physical and material life you have led for so long. Open or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy of money or business, spiral your life to a point of no return. When you achieve this, you accept other people's value systems in order to find your way back. But you have to throw away everything that you once considered important, as if you are being asked to step back behind the line and wait your turn. Every time a new and more refined value is presented to you, you must learn to eliminate everything in yourself that blocks its acceptance.
You will start a new life from the bottom rung of the ladder. The slowness of the climb will make you deeply appreciate every inch of progress upward.
Truly, these Nodes indicate a difficult life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame for this.
Until the transition is complete, you can expect your current life to be a series of financial tugs of war. You must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.
When you stop wasting your vital energy, you can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, you should never forget to burn bridges to prevent yourself from slipping back into the levels you fought to get through.
You must understand the biblical story of Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and under no circumstances to look back.
The North Node in the eighth house can promote regeneration or degeneration of the individual. It depends on the strength of your own faith. To reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first pass through the underworld and realize in the very depths of the earth that God will hear a subtle cry for help as soon as a person sincerely promises “not to look back.”
The sign that contains the South Node shows the value system of a past life that must be reborn. The sign that contains the North Node indicates the path of rebirth.

Martin Shulman.

North Node in the Eighth House - South Node in the Second House
The North Node in the Eighth House indicates ease in establishing and maintaining financial endeavors. This ease is the result of an inner awareness of modern attitudes regarding business relationships. Their position regarding the occult tends to be orthodox and conformist.
The placement of the South Node indicates the adoption of a more conservative attitude towards money and possessions. People spend money carefully and look for properties that have lasting value. They feel that money is hard to come by and refuse to spend it thoughtlessly.

Francis Sakoyan.

Around the city of the Ordinary the fortress wall of the Extraordinary grows.
This person values ​​in tradition what constitutes the background of life - nature, the general environment (city landscape, small household items, etc.); in people of the past, he values ​​the power of conviction, loyalty to his idea, that is, personal ethics, which he tries to copy and considers as a model (another question is how much this actually works out). In emerging social innovations, he, first of all, appreciates the fact that they bury the outdated past, and he observes with partiality how this happens (sometimes, with a strong North Node, he himself participates). He is also interested in what new social trends offer to overcome various tense and marginal situations, and he can actively become involved in relevant activities.

Absalom the Underwater.

Give up material goods, money, savings books, accumulations of property (in the past I collected treasures). We must strive for risk, fearlessness, not be afraid of dangers, make big bets in life, then material well-being will naturally come and physical energy will appear. If you do not follow the S. node, based on the south, then a critical mass of the 2nd house will accumulate and lead to the collapse of property and the entire financial situation, poverty and physical weakness will occur.

Globa P.P.

North Node in the 8th house - South Node in the 2nd house
You will have to pay off debts in the 2nd house. Don't expect big earnings. There is no need to collect treasures on earth. Rahu in the 8th house is an indicator of the accumulation of spiritual fruits. Makes it possible to receive money from some invisible sources - finding a diamond, etc.

Larisa Nazarova.

North Lunar Node in the VIII house, South - in the II house
A person appreciates in tradition what constitutes the background of life - nature, the general environment (city landscape, small household items, etc.); in people of the past, he values ​​the power of conviction, loyalty to his idea, that is, personal ethics, which he tries to copy and considers as a model (another question is how much this actually works out). In emerging social innovations, he, first of all, appreciates the fact that they bury the outdated past, and he observes with partiality how this happens (sometimes, with a strong Northern Node, he himself participates). He is also interested in what new social trends offer to overcome various tense and marginal situations, and he can actively become involved in relevant activities.
Internal development requires the development of a balance of personal and group ethics: the first seems to be an unshakable basis, allowing only minor changes, the second, on the contrary, is subject to mastery and coordination with the personal one. This is not so simple and, perhaps, a person will have to change more than one team and spend a lot of work in order to discover his true ethics and personal value system, which do not come into insoluble contradictions with his duty to the team and its value system.


Here Rahu indicates a picky, quarrelsome person who earns money through dubious means. These people suffer from social stigma and may become involved in matters involving poisons, drugs or medicine. They are deceived by others or they themselves deceive others, coveting their money. But they are also characterized by a certain piety; they may live a long time, but their death will be unnatural.

Here one can foresee weakness of vision, stuttering or some other speech impediment, earning a living by unusual means, periods of dependence on others. Harmony among family members may be weakened, and the person may have poor, unhealthy eating habits.


Rahu in the VIII house - Ketu in the II house (interpretation according to Indian tradition)
The person is unhappy in family life. Separation from family, divorce. If the 8th house is Sagittarius or Pisces, it gives a personality that is spiritual rather than material and practical. Eternal lack of money. In good signs and aspects - attractive appearance, “sex appeal”; in bad cases - violations in this area.
If the VIII house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will be a kind of “sex bomb” and will live for ages. The marriage will be successful and will help him in life. Good intuition, interest in occult activities. No chronic diseases.
Ketu in the 2nd house - The person is poor, will suffer from depression and feel unhappy all his life. Tendency to lies, alcohol, drugs; Possible speech impediment.
If the 2nd house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will receive an education and generally know a lot, especially in the humanities. There will be money, good food and good looks. An excellent speaker, although still prone to lying. Family life is unsuccessful.

Ascending Node in the 8th house.
The axis of the nodes, passing through the 8th and 2nd houses, emphasizes the interactions of personal and collective finances. A person can afford to live on his partner’s money, but he should not become a money-grubber; for example, he can accept an inheritance as a gift. You should avoid hoarding and the passion for profit in every possible way.

Falling Node in the 2nd house.

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