Home Vegetables Congratulations on the housewarming script. Housewarming - a scenario of a new life in a new place

Congratulations on the housewarming script. Housewarming - a scenario of a new life in a new place

For those who are late for the housewarming, the owners come up with a fine. For example, they offer to choose "Uh" or "Eh". But guests will not know what these interjections really mean.
"Uh" - "Kiss two!", "Eh" - "Kiss everyone!"

What to wish ...

Before all the guests take their places at the table, the hosts give them a piece of paper and offer to write on them what they would like to present to the new settlers or wish. Anything can be written on a piece of paper: "child", "car", "kangaroo". Then all these "letters" are put into one hat or dish, and the new settlers draw out one note at a time. They say that the "wish" that they drew out will certainly come true before the end of the year.

How to introduce guests?

The host gives the guests a regular roll of paper. Each guest tears off as many pieces as he wants from this roll (after all, no one knows why this is needed). When the roll "visited" everyone, the presenter announces that now each guest must tell as many stories about himself as he tore off pieces of paper. And it would be nice if these stories featured new settlers.

How to show guests the apartment?

There is a very interesting and fun way to "introduce" guests to the new home of the owners.

All the guests get into the "train", at the head of which, of course, the owners "go". So the locomotive moves around the house and stops only so that passengers can participate in contests and competitions.

Stop number 1. Pond.

The host (or host) announces to the guests that they must leave coins in the “pond”. To come back here more than once. The owner calls a bucket of water a pond. Guests stand around this bucket at some distance and throw coins into it. The one who turns out to be the most accurate will receive a reward from the owner. Then the locomotive goes on a journey through the apartment again.

Stop number 2. "Kindred".

Guests should name relatives, far and near. For example, grandfather, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Everyone says only one thing, and everyone follows the order. The one who is the last to name any "position of a relative" becomes the winner.

Stop number 3. "Song".

The hosts ask guests to recite children's poems or sing funny songs. Everyone who completes this task receives a small sweet gift... Children also participate in the competition.

Stop number 4. "Crocodile".

A good old game in which one person (without words) pretends to be an object, and everyone tries to guess which one. Everyone participates. The owner presents the prize to the best actor.

Stop number 5. Inverted.

The hosts give each guest in turn a task - to pronounce the word "backwards". For example, the owner says: "Wardrobe". The guest immediately answers: "Faksh". The one who quickly "turns" the word, he gets a small prize.

This is the final stop. After that, everyone sits down at the table and makes toasts.

Toast first. For new settlers.

The guest who makes the toast invites everyone to pay attention to the fact that the names of the new settlers have a wonderful connection with each other. Even though these names may not contain one common letter... Here you can fantasize.

Here's an example: Konstantin and Svetlana. Constantine - "hardness, constant", Svetlana - light, bright. Their names have united, and their union means that the light has acquired firmness and constancy, which means that it will warm and shine for a long time, warming all of us with its warmth.

Toast two. "Key".

Guests are given a large paper key. Everyone should leave their signatures and wishes on it. Then this key is solemnly handed over to the owners and at the same time they make a toast.

There is another unusual competition for guests and newcomers. This competition will amuse everyone.

"Target". The presenters prepare in advance the sheets on which the targets are drawn. The target initially looks like this: several circles are inscribed one into the other (in descending order). The circles are divided into 4 sectors. The first (central) circle already contains the letters "S", "P", "P", "L".

The owners fill the target as follows: in the very small circle they write numbers from 1 to 4. It turns out that the numbers need to be put next to the already written letters. Arbitrarily.

The next circle contains the names of four animals, for example, elephant, horse, tiger and wolf.

Circle behind him - character traits: passion, generosity, greed, tenderness. And, finally, sayings, proverbs, winged expressions are inscribed in the last circle.

It becomes interesting even when the presenter begins to "decipher the readings" of the target. On the first circle of the target, the presenter judges what values ​​are important for the owner / hostess. Letters, opposite which there are numbers, denote certain concepts. "S" - family, "P" - bed, "R" - work, "L" - love. But the numbers that the person filled out will tell you what is more important for him.

The next circles are read together with the first. For example, a passionate elephant in bed, a greedy horse at work, a gentle tiger in love.

The last circle is read together with the first. For example, love - measure seven times. This expression should characterize who filled out the target.

Contest "Traffic Jams".

All the girls stand in a circle. Back to center. They need to be blindfolded. The music is playing, and the men are walking around the girls. The music stops - the girls, without running away, catch nearby standing men... This is how pairs are formed. Each pair is given a cork. They should dance with the cork and not drop it, but not hold it with their hands. The music stopped - the couples run as quickly as possible to the bucket in the center of the room and throw plugs into it. But the corks, again, cannot be carried in the hands.

Participants, whose cork hits the destination, receive a prize and stop playing. And all the rest, less well-aimed shooters, continue to compete.

Contest "Sticky".

The host invites five couples. In each pair, one is "glued", that is, stickers are glued on it. The second person in the pair will then have to peel off these stickers. Not with your hands. But with teeth, lips or tongue.

Competition "Family".

Couples and couples in love are taking part. The women sit on chairs in a circle. Facing the audience. Their men are blindfolded. The presenter places empty bottles in front of the chairs and says that men need to get to their beloved ones without knocking down a single pins (that is, bottles). And then kiss your beloved. As soon as the gentlemen begin their journey, the ladies quietly change places. Will men figure it out?

Game "Bound".

Two teams of five participants are enough. The leader gives each team a "general headdress" - five hats, fastened with one rope.

Music is playing, everyone is dancing. The team will lose if at least one participant is left without a headgear.

Several teams of three are selected. In each team, the participants receive certain "positions": low drinker (the one who is always not enough), shy (who holds on to the wall after the first glass) and hardy (who drinks until he is taken out).

Each team does the same thing. The low drinker finishes what is in the bottle prepared by the host, the shy one places the bottles near the wall, and the hardy one collects these bottles in a string bag. The team that completed this task the fastest gets a prize.


One team is women, the other is men. Once the host starts the game, all players must take off their clothes (whatever they want) and put them in a line. Whose line is longer, he won.

"Not laughing."

All sit in a circle. In this case, everything is squatting. Only the presenter can laugh. He gives the commands: "Grab the ear of your neighbor on the right", "Touch the knee of the neighbor on the left." Everyone who laughs drops out. The most "sad" wins.

"Wow or Eh" for latecomers
All latecomers must choose "Uh" or "Eh" and complete the appropriate task. For example, "Uh" - kiss two, "Eh" - kiss everyone.

Before sitting down at the table, each invitee, on a piece of paper given to him, writes with a felt-tip pen what he would like to present or wish to the owners. Like a car, a key to a new apartment, a kid, banknote, new dress. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat (deep bowl). The owners are invited to draw out one piece of paper and read it out. What turned out to be there will certainly appear in the new settlers before the end of the year.

"Cheat sheets" for the first acquaintance of guests
The presenter launches a roll of paper in a circle to everyone present. Guests are encouraged to tear off as many pieces of paper as they want. After that, everyone just as in turn gets up and how many pieces of paper they have torn off, so many they tell interesting stories and facts from their lives. It will be even better if these stories are associated with heroes of the occasion.
Then a toast is drunk to the fact that there are so many friends and a bunch of pleasant and funny memories.


The hosts and guests stand one after the other in a chain, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Thus, the whole chain moves around the apartment or house, from time to time stopping at certain places for small games and competitions. If the apartment is small, you can walk not from room to room, but from corner to corner, to the kitchen and back.
So, the "steam engine" begins its journey from station to station.

Station 1. "Money"
The owner stops the "train" and announces that if the guests want to come back here again and again, then they should throw a coin for luck into the "pond" (a bucket or a bowl of water). Guests form a circle around the "pond" and throw coins into the water. The most accurate coin thrower is awarded a prize, and the "locomotive" goes on.

Station 2. "Family"
The "locomotive" stops and the owner says that no person can live without their loved ones. All those present are invited to name their close and distant relatives in turn, for example: grandfather - brother - brother-in-law - sister-in-law, etc. The participant who named the last definition of a relative receives a prize.

Station 3. "Children's"
At the station "Detskaya" the "locomotive" makes a new stop. Here all adults are invited to read children's poems and sing children's songs. Participants take turns completing the task, and everyone receives small sweet prizes. If children are present at the holiday, then they participate in all competitions on an equal basis with adults.

Station 4. "Teatralnaya"
At the Teatralnaya station, guests take turns showing a pantomime various subjects... If the guests find it difficult to independently come up with what they will show, then you can offer them cards with tasks. One shows, the rest try to guess. The best "actor" is awarded a prize. Examples of assignments: a bottle of champagne, a boiling kettle, a toaster, new shoes, escaped milk, etc.

Station 5. "Conversational"
“Talking to talk” is not an easy task. The host invites guests to verify this statement, the host or hostess calls the guests simple words, and the guests try to pronounce them backwards as quickly as possible, for example: rainbow - agudar, etc. The guest who correctly called the “shape-shifter” faster than others gets a small prize.

Toast after Paravozik
Now your turn has come.
We came to housewarming
View your property -
Accept honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
Everything you need for your soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you want - dance!
At least you roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can not deny
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, oven cooked,
So that it was warm in the apartment.
Come on, kind mistress,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

Toast "Connection of names" for carriers (for example, names: Sveta and Kostya)
I would like to draw your attention to the connection between the names of our new settlers. “Constantine” means “solid, constant, constant”, and “Svetlana” means “light”. The combination of these names means that Constantine found his bright ray of light and that, due to the firmness and constancy of his character, they will live in this house happily ever after. We wish you to keep up with the happy meaning of your names. For you!

Toast "Autographs"
The presenter puts a key-shaped postcard and a pen around the table. All in turn write their wishes on this postcard. Then it is solemnly presented to the new settlers and a toast is drunk.

There is a crush on the tram. Some are going to work, some from work.
The old storekeeper was squeezed from all sides. One of the women stood close to him and felt something hard press against her thigh.
- Wow! the woman exclaimed.
- This is not wow, but the key to a large warehouse!
I propose to drink to the key to your new apartment, for whatever you say, this is - wow!

"Target" for new settlers
The heroes of the occasion are given sheets with painted targets and a felt-tip pen. The facilitator asks them to fill in the “target”. In each sector of the second circle, you need to arrange numbers from 1 to 4 in random order. In the third circle you need to write the names of animals, for example, bee, hippo, boa constrictor, lion. In the next circle - character traits: importunity, generosity, laziness, tenderness.
In the last circle are written catch phrases, aphorisms, sayings, "jokes".
Now the presenter "deciphers" all the inscriptions. The first circle will tell you that the birthday person is in the first, second, third and fourth place in life: P - bed, S - family, P - work, L - love.
The third and fourth circles should be read together with the main one. For example, a lazy hippo in bed, a gentle boa constrictor in the family, an annoying bee at work, a generous lion in love.
The last circle also refers to the main one and characterizes the culprit (tsu) of the holiday with one phrase: "Measure the bed seven times", etc.

Competitions during musical breaks

I need five guys and girls. Blindfolded girls stand in a circle with their faces outward. To the sound of music, the guys begin to walk around the girls. As soon as the music stops, the girls grab the men who are right in front of them. So the couples are created. I give each pair a cork, which you must squeeze together; for this you have to hug. You need to dance to the music without dropping the cork. As soon as the music stops, you need to race to the bucket in the center (indicated by the bucket in the center of the dance floor), and throw your cork into the bucket, but do not touch it with your hands. Whoever completes the task first takes first place and receives a prize. Those who get into the bucket with a cork are eliminated from the game. The others form a circle again and the game is repeated until the last pair.
(The last couple wins, she is declared the most loving and she is awarded the most erotic prizes - condoms).

Five pairs are required. Here are the stickers for all of you. You need to stick them in different places one of the partners (on the arm, on the neck, behind the ear, on the cheek, on the lips, and sometimes on the tongue). The second partner should rip off these stickers with his mouth, teeth, tongue, without touching it (the sticker) with anything else.

Find a wife and a kiss
Competition to test family passion. Taking part in the game married couples... In the middle of the room, chairs are placed on which the wives sit, and empty bottles are placed in a straight line to the chairs. The husbands are blindfolded and the task is explained: to pass without knocking down a single pins (bottles) and kiss his wife. The moment husbands begin to approach their wives, they need to quietly and imperceptibly switch places.

Chained by one chain
Teams of 5 people participate. Participants put on hats, sewn with a single rope, over their heads and dance to the music. The team that lost the cap earlier from the participant loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Relay game "Think for three"
It is known that drinkers are divided into three categories: low drinkers - no matter how much you pour them, everything is not enough; shy ones - those who hold on to the wall, having drunk even a little; hardy - those that often just do not dry out.
The teams are recruited into three participants - low drinkers, shy and hardy. Low drinkers empty the bottle (drink the leftovers - the bottles are prepared in advance), shy ones line these bottles along the wall on short distance from each other, and the third team members, that is hardy, having received "string bags", collect the bottles as quickly as possible.

Tango with a mop
At many parties, dancing is organized in one way or another. If the number of dancers is odd, then instead of a pair, someone will get a mop. And he will have to behave with her as with a partner (or partner). The main thing is that the music is regularly interrupted so that the couples can mix.

The final
Two teams are formed: in one - men, in the other - women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and put them in a line. Each team has its own line. The team with the longest clothing line wins.

Do not laugh
Players squat in a circle (female-male-female). Everyone is warned not to laugh (the leader can). The presenter "solemnly" takes his right-hand neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else in the circle should do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek (nose, knee), etc. Those who laughed leave the circle. The rest wins.

In the life of every family, a housewarming is an event no less significant than a wedding. If, celebrating a wedding, the newlyweds "announce" to the whole world about the creation of a new family, then at housewarming the family celebrates the "birth" of the family hearth. Since these celebrations - both weddings and housewarming - are rooted in the distant past, the traditions of the formation of these festivals are just as ancient and respected.

Housewarming scenario when moving into a new house, apartment

A party organized at the entrance to new house is obviously the most anticipated and should be a worthy completion of construction. Regardless of whether the house was being built by a contracting organization or a "family cleanup" was arranged, the owners can arrange a walk with family and friends lush and cheerful. The script for the housewarming party can and should even be cool, funny and comic.... For housewarming the house must be decorated, outside (on the door itself or next to the wall), you can fix a bouquet in the shape of a broom and hang a colorfully decorated housewarming poster. The scenario for carrying out largely depends on the time of year during which the housewarming falls, but the tradition according to which the eldest man of the family enters the house first can be beaten in any weather.

We start to celebrate housewarming on the doorstep

Guests never come all at the same time, so in the courtyard near the house, you can put a table with a "small" treat and soft drinks , so that when the guests are gathering, they can “refresh themselves” with sandwiches and at the same time “choose” a place where the owner will plant a tree. After everyone is gathered, an older family member enters the house with bread and invites guests... The entrance to the house is "not free" - in the hallway you can put a bucket of water into which guests can throw coins. With this, they wish the owners well-being and hospitality. The answer to the question "how to mark a housewarming" can be searched among the scenarios new year holidays... This festival can be arranged as a gala "dinner with dancing", or as a costume theme party With theatrical script and toastmaster. Housewarming is primarily a feast, so guests are invited to the table with homemade treats... The first word at the table is given to the head of the family: he offers to start the fun and conveys his feelings, which, of course, he has in abundance.

A long-standing tradition requires a housewarming party to be celebrated with good friends and relatives, so that the new house is always a "full cup" and all hardships are avoided.

Obligatory "excursion" program for the new home

Guests, of course, should be given food, but inspection of the house should not be postponed... Still, the main culprit is the new house, which must be shown in all its glory (by the time the housewarming is organized, the connection of the house to all communications must be completed). So, after the guests have had the "first toast" after greeting the host, the excursion must begin... The order of visiting all the premises is chosen by the owners, but everything must be shown - from the closet to the hall, without missing the toilet. This part of the housewarming takes place "on a sober head", but it is not difficult to spend it cheerfully, since during the construction the owners have accumulated many interesting stories that can be told to the guests. If the house is not yet furnished, you can hang posters on the walls:

  • "There will be a closet for storing my wife's fur coats."
  • "A safe will be hidden here to keep my husband's money."
  • "There will be a computer for my son to write his dissertation."

The inscriptions on the posters depend on the composition of the family and the age of the owners.

"Japanese" youth housewarming

In such decorations (you can even have a few "salty" texts on the posters) you can have fun organizing a housewarming "on the floor" without using a table... To decorate the room, you can put several suitcases or travel bags showing that the hosts came to the ball directly from the ship. Guests should be warned about this form of celebration in advance so that they can “withstand” the dress code: you will have to sit on the floor, because clothes will need soft, spacious and comfortable... But on such a walk, nothing prevents you from holding funny contests and entertainment.

Who can "drive away the darkness"

First of all, you need protect the house from " evil spirits» ... There are many ways, but in modern conditions they need to be creatively adapted. Since a live rooster close in new apartment on the night before the housewarming, not everyone dares (what to do with it later, if the hand does not rise to hack?), then the guests will have to drive away the evil spirits. The easiest way - hold an art competition, in which the guests will depict this rooster on paper. The owner chooses the winner; he can mark the funniest, the most beautiful, the most unusual. The one who won the competition is solemnly allowed to "sing" the cockerel's morning song and disperse "all evil spirits."

House for the brownie

Further you have to respect the brownie... Everyone remembers that he loves to hide behind a broom, so for the celebration, you can purchase several new simple brooms for competitions. Guests can compete in "cleanliness and speed" sweeping. Garbage for such a competition can be:

  • tennis balls;
  • confetti;
  • plastic bullets for children's pistols;
  • large beads;
  • foam balls (from packaging household appliances you can "crumble" a piece of foam).

The lighter and more elusive the garbage, the more fun the competition will be... Scoops and bags should also be chosen in a cool shape.

You can spend beauty contest among brooms: to do this, before the "catwalk" guests must decorate these "predecessors of vacuum cleaners" and organize a funny presentation of their models.

New neighbors are future friends

Acquisition of an apartment in apartment building accompanied by "getting in the load" neighbors, a good relationship with which they can become the key to a quiet life in a new home. You can get to know your neighbors better at your housewarming party by inviting them to the celebration.... In a cheerful festive atmosphere, acquaintance will pass easily and naturally. If people gather at the table different people (both by age and by "experience" of acquaintance), entertainment needs to be thought out in advance(so as not to offend by chance some of the guests). A housewarming scenario, as a rule, implies availability of music... It's good if there is a possibility sing karaoke: long tradition drinking songs have not yet been forgotten, but very few people remember the lyrics by heart. And with karaoke, the acquaintance of new people is more fun, and the "old" friends are happy. For big company, in which it is difficult to establish a "queue" of congratulations, it is necessary to provide for a lottery with the drawing of these serial numbers... You can use a simple deck of cards: drawn cards will indicate the order of performances. Guests by "voting" need to choose who congratulates first - "ace" or "deuce".

Presenting gifts to hosts and guests

Ancestors have always revered purity - this concerns not only the absence of material waste, but also spiritual, energetic. Therefore, it is customary to come to a new home with pure bright thoughts and useful gifts. If the housewarming is held in a house (apartment) where furniture has already been installed, the owners may allow "Hide" gifts for guests throughout the house... Such gift-giving will be fun, because the hosts will have to find them according to the rules of the game "cold - hot" or guessing funny riddles of guests... The hosts, in turn, will take guests on a tour of the new dwelling in the "process of searching" for gifts. New settlers of apartment buildings can prepare colorful cards - business cards for the housewarming day, on which they can write a cheerful text of an invitation to visit with a new address. The host will give such an "invitation" to the guest in response to his congratulations and presenting a gift.

A merry housewarming party popular belief, guarantees the family happy life in this house.

"Office" housewarming

Housewarming should be adequately celebrated not only when moving to a new house, but also in new office. Corporate party it is better to spend in the building itself (not in a restaurant or cafe) after renovation, but even before installing equipment and arranging work tables. Such an event may please the team and tune in successful work in the new premises... The scenario of the party is developed taking into account the number of participants: when moving to a new office of a large company with numerous staff the best option- invitation of professional organizers. Labor collectives often consist of unfamiliar people, so only experienced mass worker... However, the program will have to be compiled together. To make things even better in the new office than in the previous one, it is necessary to "bring" all the best from the old into it. These are not necessarily things and furnishings, it can be interesting stories that happened before, which can be told before the toast. The new office is usually purchased New furniture, but how the desktops will be arranged can be played in fun contests(if such a decision does not hurt future work). Each team has a cheerful person who can help the toastmaster in holding a fun holiday. It is better to choose a topic "profile" related to the activities of the company: at such a holiday, everyone can not only have fun, but also show their abilities. In addition, during the work, each company develops its own corporate style, the employees accumulate gifts from grateful customers, talismans. All such things must definitely find a place in the new room (and in the script), and for the celebration of housewarming, you can provide souvenirs in the "corporate" style.

What should it be? Suggest your advice or share your experience in the comments. Looking for recipes for a children's birthday menu? you will find everything you need. Several options are offered at the following address beautiful congratulations happy birthday for aunt.

Housewarming is a great reason to arrange a holiday on the eve of a new life... It is possible to solemnly move to the next stage of life, not only by moving to a new house, but also by overhauling it. According to the ancient Chinese feng shui tradition, the house must be equipped with a suitable environment for the flow of beneficial energy - for this, it is enough to start by replacing front door or flooring. That's why fun party housewarming can be arranged for a new front door, and the arrival of happiness and prosperity will not keep itself waiting long. Well, what kind of holiday can do without funny ditties- yes, practically none. In confirmation of this, we are watching a short video with mischievous ditties for housewarming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggjk8SkaeX0

INTRODUCTION (presenter begins):
Everyone has fun in their souls now
After all, we came to a housewarming party.
And happy on this day and hour
Congratulations on the update here.
Your apartment is good
Let's wash the walls slowly.
We fill glasses together
And now we proclaim a toast.
It's so good that this day has come
We raise this glass
For light and warmth
Our house has always been rich.
Let the money be kept
Let the shangs be baked
Let the fish pie on the table
Let the guests laugh
Let the guests get drunk
Joy and happiness to your family.

After examining your new apartment, we decided to immediately sign an act of acceptance. I hope the members of the commission can name not very flattering adjectives-epithets related to this dwelling. So please!
(The presenter fills in the gaps in a pre-prepared postcard with text. 31 adjectives must be entered).
So let's start from the beginning. We come to ……………………………………. house number 1 on Dementieva street. We go into the first one that came across on the way …………………………………… apartment.
Hanging on one hinge is …………………………………………. Door. With a threat to our lives, we all entered this apartment, leaving our boots in the spilled tar. And what do we see? ……………………………… the hostess in a circle of some ………………………………… guests are huddled in a single whole corner. “Don't breathe deeply - these ………………………………………… will come off. wallpaper ", - said to us ………………………… .. the owner. But it was too late. ……………………………………………. members of the commission selflessly tried to get out from under the former ………………………………………… wallpaper. The hostess, of course, remembering ……………………………………… builders ……………………………………… .. in a word, she gave us a little of her own ……………… ……………………… .. attention, led us through ……………………………. Rooms, showed ……………………………………………… …… the kitchen. We were in …………………………………………… bathroom ………………………………………… .. the plaster barely adhered to ……………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… .. smudges, and something pulled from the bathroom …………………………………… ... It broke through …………………………………………. pipe. "Save yourself, who can!" - shouted someone from …………………………………………. guests. We rushed out on ………………………………… street. When they wanted to slam behind them …………………………………………. door, then they heard a voice ...……………………………………… .. hostesses and screams ...………………………………………… touch, they will fall off completely! "
All the screams were drowned out by a terrible ……………………………………… crackle. It finally collapsed ………………………………… the ceiling.
Happy new home, dear …………………………………… Nikitchuk family.
If you disagree with the members of the commission, then clap your hands.
Who came to housewarming, clap your hands,
Who came here to eat, clap too….
Who is drunk today, clap your hands,
And who is hungry today, clap too,
Who slept all night tonight, clap your hands,
And who played love all night, clap too.

Toast (chant)
Today Tanya has a housewarming party, we all know about it!
WHO IS SITTING ON THE LEFT HAND: "You have to drink for this!"
There is no better apartment than yours! We firmly declare to you! ...
Great love and we wish the Nikitchuks happiness! ...
Now we raise our glasses together! ...

The security service of our team collected dirt on you, after listening to all the information, you will finally find out how you got this apartment, who made every effort for this. (Photo in Photoshop with the heroes of the poems)

How for this housewarming
Did you invite guests
We gathered slowly
Quiet rustling roofs.

Here on a helicopter
Putin himself is approaching!
And with such reverence -
Looks with affection!

Flew in from afar
Say hello slightly!
He says he worked a lot ...
Photographer Tanya immediately took a picture!

Putin spoke with Tanya,
He gave me a bottle of wine.
But he himself did not take a sip -
They say he was in the eyeballs.

Flying away, hugged
Kissing my hands tenderly
And giving a postcard, again
I told her about love!

And who else has arrived?
Who and who! .. Yes, a horse in a coat!
I didn’t say that I came,
He just stood there in silence.

Only Konik made legs,
Medvedev is on the doorstep!
He gives Tanya flowers
And the palace promises her ...

Tanya says to him:
- You look tired!
Therefore, no matter how hard you try,
Better return to the Light.

Guests came again
And they brought gifts.
Sitting at the table now
Everyone is looking at the apartment!

Here is the wine Vovka brought you,
From a horse - here's a carrot!
Help yourself, pour,
Congratulations on your new home!

Since everyone is familiar with the compromising material, I hope to hand over the presents.

We give you a puppy with a bow,
He will guard the house.

And a couple with him and a cat,
To sit at the window
And I waited for the owners
I couldn't eat without them.

Here's a flower in a big pot,
He is a decoration for an apartment,
And if you need a friend,
He will cheer you up.

Dear guests! The question arises: "Well, what if we seriously congratulate the owners on the housewarming and leave something for them as a keepsake?"
I think you will agree, friends,
That it's time to give us the main gift.

We wanted to housewarming
You buy a big thing,
And then they decided it was easier -
Give you money.
You will decide for yourself
What should you buy with them.
For much needed gifts
We will pour all the cups now!

They say that there is no life,
If there is no brownie in the house.
Let him live with you,
Removing damage from the house, the evil eye.

(Brownie appears)
What made a noise? After all, here I am
I chose the place for myself, friends.
I will now live in a new apartment,
Such that you will not find in the whole world.
You will have to lead a friendship with the owner,
I promise the hostess not to beat the shouts.
You feed me more food,
Then no trouble will happen.
Now you will accept a horseshoe as a gift,
Believe in luck, value the brownie.
MODERATOR: Well, so we met the first inhabitants of this house. I wonder who inhabits it? It’s not for nothing that they say: you’re not buying a house, you’re buying a neighbor. Therefore, having come to the housewarming, we sincerely wish you, dear owners, good neighbors. They will help you with advice, lend money, look after the apartment, invite you to visit, or even ask for a holiday.
(A knock on the door. Grandma and Dedka enter, sing ditties, dance)
We are your neighbors on the right
Came to meet.
Somehow limped,
They found the door by touch.

We barely heard a noise
The whole house shudders.
It's in your apartment like that
They are having fun peacefully.

Let me dance
Let me stomp!
Is it possible in this house
Will the floorboards burst?

Well, mistress,
Do not regret a drink today
Full glass
Pour all the guests
So that they sing
And they danced merrily
And your housewarming
They remembered for a long time.

And now, dear Tatyana, our team has decided to present you with one more gift - a MUSIC GIFT - a song.
(on the motive on Tikhoretskaya)

We were sent here for housewarming
So that we congratulate Nikitchuk here.
And, they saw us off, but with instructions
One hundred grams for courage - 3 times
One hundred grams for courage, in the eyes of doubt
Don't ask how you prepared
But, thank God, everything terrible is behind
After all, we are without complexes and sexy
Half a liter was drunk - 3 times
Drink half a liter, cheeky eyes
We congratulate you now confidently
After all, the honor of the whole school is entrusted to us
Let everyone be jealous
Let everyone hiccup
And how much they drank - 3 times
And how much they drank does not concern them

Let's try together, all together
To say congratulations not in prose, not in a song,
And a simple creation, folded into rhyme,
Such a funny little performance
Here are the guests sitting, wave your handkerchiefs!
Everyone came with gifts, even flowers!
So smart and in a good mood
Everyone shouts to Tatiana
GUESTS: Happy new home!
But look,
There is no flaw anywhere
Tatiana is sitting in the center,
Looks at friends, work colleagues
And everyone is delighted ...
HOSTESS: Well, you give!
And guests with zeal and affection
They shout out loudly to her again
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
Tatyana even came to congratulate
Her colleague, our head teacher.
Says to everyone in a low voice:
ZOVUCH: Well, why don't you drink?
In response, Tatiana:
HOSTESS: Well, you give!

Galdyat congratulatory
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
Then everyone paid attention to the lady
With a crazy Brazilian ad
She will definitely not go home alone
Laughing, she says
LADY: Wow!
Our head teacher shouts:
ZOVUCH: Well, why don't you drink?
In response, Tatiana:
HOSTESS: Well, you give!
And the guests are still the same with the utmost respect
Shout congratulatory
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
Mingled with the crowd and groans from timidity
Our colleague is Valentina Petrovna.
Ready in verse congratulations to her,
Sighing anxiously, he repeats
Followed by a lady with a haircut, all full of premonitions,
Savor, admiring himself
LADY: Wow!
Our head teacher shouts:
ZOVUCH: Well, why don't you drink?
In response to all Tatiana:
OWNER: well, you give!
And the guests are all with the same great respect
They shout so fervently their own
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
Two frisky girls, girlfriends differently,
About something of their own, about girlish gossip,
They coo under a glass so, without harming themselves,
And out loud they admire:
GIRLS: That's not a fig for yourself!
Petrovna hides her message,
Slowly he says to himself:

Savor, admiring himself
LADY: Wow!
Our head teacher shouts:
ZOVUCH: Well, why don't you drink?
And after all Tatiana:
HOSTESS: Well, you give!
And the guests, laughing fervently, in a mood
Chant together their own
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
A separate fragment, but brightly and briefly
Koroleva Galka also contributed
She threw arrows on food
KOROLYOVA: Where are the empty plates here?
The girls have already lost their taste for food
Sit, indignant
GIRLS: That's not a fig for yourself!
Petrovna crumpled up her message
Hisses looking in surprise
Followed by a lady with a haircut, full of premonitions,
Laughs with delight whispering
LADY: Wow!
Our head teacher shouts:
ZOVUCH: Well, why don't you drink?
And after all Tatiana:
HOSTESS: Well, you give!
And the guests with the utmost admiration
All the same and just the same
GUESTS: Happy New Home!
Here Tanya, pushing the cocktail to her face
Told us all with inspiration
Let's drink FOR NEW HOUSING !!!

Oh, this is a housewarming ... For him, too, submit a script and some contests, otherwise the evening will be boring, drunk and joyless. Not a small script for a housewarming party with detailed recommendations.

At the same time, it is the turn of the host (or toastmaster). To make your new home, like a full bowl, and life rich and well-fed, you must try bread and salt. The hostess with the owner must alternately break off a piece from the loaf and eat it. After this procedure, you can sit down at festive table.

As usual on housewarming guests bring some gifts that are presented to the new owners with some ordinary congratulations and wishes at the entrance. This process can be organized in a more interesting way. In this case, the "bitten" caravan can be well used. Here is the meaning of the procedure: from the edge of the table, this caravan begins to be transmitted to the music, it is important that the next guest receives the loaf only when he breaks off a piece of the loaf and completely chews his piece to the end. The same of the guests, on which the music stops in the process of absorbing the bread product, must be the first to present his gift and speak congratulatory speech... It is necessary to transfer the caravan in this way until all the gifts of the guests are completely exhausted, and the guests are able to present them. The presenter of the holiday should watch the musical accompaniment of the improvisation, so that the right to present a gift does not fall to one guest several times, but not once to some other.

During all holiday all guests need to please and entertain, in this regard, the following games are offered:

"We transfer the card"

The host is obliged to line up guests in a line, alternating guests of different genders. The guest in front in the line is provided with an ordinary playing card. the main task competition-game, pass this card to others standing in the line, holding it in your mouth. Hands cannot be used during the transfer. This task can be somewhat complicated by tearing off a small piece from the map after each circle, thereby reducing the area of ​​"capture" of the map by the lips. In this game, all guests can be divided into two teams and arrange a kind of speed competition.

"Who's Longer"

The host divides all the guests participating in the competition into two teams. The main task of the players is to create the rope of their accessories and clothing, which is available on the guests. The winner of this competition will be the team with the longer rope.

Traditional scenario

The following scenario can be called completely traditional. The key person in this scenario is the cat. Its color is preferably black. This sign has gone from ancient times. So it was traditionally believed that the brownie either himself transforms into a black cat, or solemnly "rolls in" on the animal into a new home. The cat must be launched first, and after the animal gets a little familiar with the apartment, you can go to the owners and invited guests. The owners, according to the presenter's recommendations, should lay coins in the corners of the dwelling, they should bring wealth and good luck to this house. After all the procedures, it is better to leave these coins in these corners, unless they negatively affect the interior of the apartment.

After of this rite you can sit down at the festive table. The gift transfer process can be organized according to the rules famous game"Alphabet". The presenter lists the letters of the alphabet to himself, and someone interrupts him. The presenter calls the letter he left off, and the guest, whose last name or first name begins with this letter, must give his gift and say congratulations.

Also, all gifts can be arranged in advance in a new home. And in the process of the slow flow of the festive evening, the hostess and the owner will look for them with the help of the “hot or cold” technique, which is familiar to everyone from childhood. After new gift is found, the owners are obliged to guess whose gift it is. If the answer is not correct - fant.

Due to the fact that the new owners gradually need to establish a life in the home, it is very good to first play a game called "Fun shopping" ... Especially for this game, it is necessary to prepare special cards in advance, on one of them they write the purchase, and on the other - the main purpose of this item.

For example, it can be such inscriptions: on the first card a dress is written, on the second I will iron it with an iron, or a car, and on the second I will go, put a vase with flowers and admire it, and so on.

Each of the guests who come must draw a couple of cards, one from the shopping group, the other from the shopping assignments. In the event that two cards coincide in meaning, then the guest is entitled to a prize. Prizes can be any small souvenirs with original signatures or comments.

In order to continue the fun and laughter, you can play the following competitive games:


It is necessary to prepare in advance the silhouette of a full-length figure cut out of cardboard paper (the owners of the apartment themselves should not know about this). In the place where the face is located, it is necessary to stick a photo of the hostess or the owner of the new home. Further on this mannequin you need to put on various items of clothing, ranging from underwear and ending outerwear, for example, with a hat. These things can either be real, or they can also be made of paper. If it is paper clothes, then it is better to pin it to this mannequin. After that, during the festive evening, the presenter asks whose face the guests see on the mannequin, then asks about the most general information, when married, what he prefers in food and the like. If the guest makes a mistake, then he is obliged to remove some of the clothing from the figure.

Most intimate parts the mannequin can be covered with a fig leaf made of green paper. In the event that you are sure that the owners will understand your humor, you can write some jokes on these green leaves.

"Don't spill a drop"

All guests must be seated at the table and made to pass a glass in a circle. Each of the guests pours a little of any drink into this container. The last one whose glass is overfilled and the liquid begins to overflow over the edges, will receive a glass and toast as punishment.


The host calls four guests, two women and two men. How to distribute these guests in pairs is better for you to decide, or by belonging to different genders, or to one. After that, you need to blindfold a couple of participants. The presenter starts asking them, pointing to any desired place. "Tell me, are we going to kiss here or not?" and at the same time pointing, for example, to the cheek (you can at the lips, hands, eyes, and so on). The participant asks questions until the blindfolded participant answers in the affirmative to the question. After that, the presenter asks the second question: “How many times are we going to kiss? That much? ”, And demonstrates the number on his fingers, changing the combination of fingers with each question, until he again receives an affirmative answer. After that, the eyes of the participant are untied and he is forced to do what he chose. This could be, for example, an eight kiss on a man's knee.


Of course, there can be a lot of different scenarios, but for any of them it is necessary to take into account the composition of the invited guests, the age of the new owners, as well as a lot of others. important points that can affect the course of the event. Considering various features, already and it is necessary to plan a holiday party.

For the atmosphere to be truly festive, you need to decorate your new home beautifully and cheerfully. Since the main leitmotif of the event is, it is necessary maintain the style of a recently completed renovation, or construction works ... If the new owners do not mind very much, you can scatter different wood shavings... As an alternative to this option, you can prepare a kind of shavings of their paper.

Make a huge plan new room, and place it in a conspicuous place by the front door. During the evening or before leaving, guests can leave their wishes for the newcomers on this big plan... Undoubtedly, this will help to leave a long memory, since the owners can save this plan and periodically look, remembering the memorable day.

Another idea

You can implement such an idea. Since the apartment is new, most likely all guests are not very well oriented. Especially for this purpose you can come up with some kind of funny pointers about what and where is located. So, for example, the first arrow at the entrance with the inscription “Balcony. 8 meters ". You can come up with a wide variety of inscriptions, ranging from the most serious to simply indecent. It directly depends on the contingent of guests and the wishes of the hosts.

To make the mood more festive, you need to hang it in a new apartment fairy lights(not even forgetting about the toilet and bathroom, balconies, unless of course the weather does not interfere). Variations of garlands can be very different, and the most sophisticated, and quite simple. This, of course, depends on the time available (they need to be prepared with my own hands) and their artistic and creative abilities.

Above the doors of each room hang horseshoes for luck... If suddenly there are real ones, then it will be just fine, but if there are no real ones, then paint and paper can again come to help. I must say that in such a variation, they should look no less original, since their scale can be made more significant, and painted in some funny colors. In this form, they will not remain unnoticed by the invited guests.

This wonderful festive picture can be completed by specially laid out on different places apartments, carpentry tools (for example, a medium-sized plane) or dishes (cups, saucers or clay slides).

And as the final touch in the design of the new settlers' apartment, a beautifully and festively decorated and served table will become. The main theme of the evening, of course, is a new place of residence, but at the same time there should be no shortage of drinks and food. In the process of serving the table, improvisation means a lot, and an ordinary cloth or paper tablecloth can turn into a starting point for amateur performance. Of course, the tablecloth should be ironed and well starched. The central transverse and longitudinal folds of the bedcloth should be strictly lowered against the tablecloths.

If you would like to pleasantly surprise your guests, you can unusual to embroider on a tablecloth... In general, a properly spread tablecloth is a guarantee of elegance and solemnity of the feast.

To decorate the table, you need to use fresh wild or garden flowers, which must be placed in vases of 3-5 flowers each. In order for the sitting guests to see each other well, place these bouquets at different ends of the table.

In the middle of the table, place a well-presented main dish, the chili cutlery. Vinegar or mustard, a bowl of fruit.

For each guest, you need to put a dinner plate, and on top of it - a snack bar. By left side put a special pie plate for bread.

Napkins on a given day are best laid in the form of a house (if, of course, you know how to serve napkins) or in the form of a triangle, square, cap and place them on the snack plates on the left side. The table will always benefit from the fact that the napkins and tablecloth are uniform fabrics. Together with cloth napkins, in the middle of the table you can place a vase with a napkin holder for paper napkins, which are best rolled into tubes.

By right side knives are laid out from the plate, with a blade directing them to the plate, next to them is a spoon, and on the left - a fork, directing it upwards with the prongs. Place a dessert spoon behind the plate, parallel to the table edge, convex side down, handle to the right.

Wine glasses, glasses and wine glasses must be placed in front of each of the devices a little to the right of the plate according to the sequence of serving dishes.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to put small amount of shavings on the table, so as not to forget about the reason for which the guests gathered on this day.

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