Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill North Node in the Eighth House (8) - South Node in the Second House (2). Lunar nodes in horoscope houses

North Node in the Eighth House (8) - South Node in the Second House (2). Lunar nodes in horoscope houses

Here the individual, at the most basic level, experiences a powerful internal struggle. His karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of his past incarnations. Until he copes with this, it will be difficult for him to find meaning in what he cannot own. He is jealous of other people's possessions, wanting to have everything he notices. For some, this develops into an insatiable lust for possession, and there is little that can stop them from pursuing their desires.

Almost always the life of an individual revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animalistic about him, and he openly or covertly ignores the cultural influence of society.

In past lives, the individual did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued on his own path without realizing how it affected others. He has accumulated so many needs that no matter how much he fulfills them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. He is like the proverbial donkey following a carrot tied to his head, but little does he realize that he placed it there himself.

His loved ones would give him the Moon if it would make him happy, but they, like him, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be supplanted by another need. He seems to feel like he has to have it all! It is a “lump of excess” in all directions. It is difficult for him to change his habits, even if he realizes that he is following a disastrous path. At every crossroads he goes to extremes. Having discovered his mistakes, he is so far from his starting point that he finds it impossible to see his way back. So he continues on the wrong path because it is the only path his eyes can see.

In some cases, he may come into conflict with the law, but when he sees his mistake, he will try to convince other people that he is right.

More than a person with any other Node position, this individual must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging the desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy the current life.

Some people with this Node placement are so weak-willed that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. The individual tries so hard to advance that he ends up destroying all the positions he has achieved. Through the symbolic death of excess patterns of behavior, he can ultimately experience a new birth.

Remainder past life presents too many physical and material worries. The main growth in the current life is based on the individual's ability to seek from the depths of his existence the power for rebirth. He often takes an interest in the occult, acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve regenerative transformation.

Whatever he undertakes, there will be chaos in everything, since he is a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay his rebirth. His soul wants transformation, but he does not have enough energy for this.

The hardest thing for him is learning not to leave a mark, as he is so desperate to be impressive that he keeps making his life more difficult.

Relationships are extremely important to him. In past incarnations, he was accustomed to viewing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework he continues to strive for status, always believing that some people are more privileged than others. Through your North Node in the eighth house he must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will ultimately attune him to the values ​​of other people. By listening to his loved ones, he should learn a lot from them.

Most of his thoughts about sex come from a deep-seated desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes him disgusted with himself, as well as with his physical and material life, which he led for so long. Open or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy of money or business, spiral his life to a point of no return. When he achieves this, he adopts other people's value systems in order to find his way back. But he must discard everything he once considered important, as if he were being asked to step back behind the line and wait his turn. Each time a new and more refined value is presented to him, he must learn to eliminate in himself everything that blocks its acceptance.

He will start new life from the bottom step of the stairs. The slowness of the climb will make him deeply appreciate every inch of progress upward.

Truly these Nodes point to difficult life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame for this.

Until the transition is complete, the individual can expect their current life to be a series of financial tugs of war. He must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.

When he stops wasting vital energy, he can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, he must never forget that he must burn bridges to guard against slipping back into the levels he fought to get through.

He must understand biblical story Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and under no circumstances to look back.

The North Node in the eighth house can promote regeneration or degeneration of the individual. It depends on the strength of his own faith. To reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first pass through the underworld and realize in the very depths of the earth that God will hear a subtle cry for help as soon as a person sincerely promises to “not look back.”

A sign that contains South Node, shows the value system of a past life that must be reborn. The sign that contains the North Node indicates the path of rebirth.

The question is North Node in Aries in the 8th house. Karmic task? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is Self-development through challenges or a partner. Voluntary or forced.
Pasha Alekseev
Higher intelligence
You... 🙂

Answer from Sedge[guru]
Such questions are very well googled...
This position means that in a past life the individual was unable to establish himself; he was simply a reflection of other people, because he wanted to please and please everyone, to reconcile everyone and find some kind of compromise for everyone. He was swallowed up environment and his own family or tribe, community, to whose decisions he had to constantly submit. But she supported him and defended his interests. He was a pawn on a chessboard, deprived of everything, his soul, however, gained a lot of experience public life, but was unable to decide, make a choice, or inspire respect. His character was weak, he lacked strength, energy and desire. The soul was colorless, unstable - wherever the wind goes, that’s where it will turn.
During the last incarnation we will have to take this into account, we must learn to renounce softness and cowardice, from eternal pliability, in order to become strong personality living for others and for oneself, defending personal and spiritual freedom, independence and self-sufficiency, fearlessly making this or that decision without outside advice, from the outside, to act actively and decisively, independently, and if necessary, aggressively. The position of humility has already been practiced in a past life. Now it's time to realize your ambitions, without paying attention to anyone. Gaining strength, energy and self-confidence, these people begin to seek truth and justice, sometimes shocking loved ones, others, superiors, colleagues, and subordinates. Self-expression is gaining strength, as is self-affirmation. In everyday struggle, certain shifts appear, and a person takes a conquered independent position in life.
Now the individual will have to fight jealousy, envy, the thirst for possession. All life will be a difficult, continuous and merciless struggle, for jealousy and envy are from fallen angels, who were jealous of the power given to the woman, the last masterpiece of divine creation and creation. Moreover, both envy and jealousy are the root cause of all human vices. An unhealthy thirst for possession remained as an echo of a previous life. A person in a past life abused physical possessions, and all this is not forgotten to this day. His spirit strives for eternity, but man opposed him and refused, for he turned his faith to a mortal, relying on a creature of flesh and blood. But then he did not know happiness and continued to seek it, indulging in destructive passions, burning and decaying to ashes. In this life you will have to be reborn both physically and physically and spiritually. Either the individual himself will have any physical defects and illnesses, or there will be people close to him with whom he will have to nurse and look after. But this is only an echo of the past, and now with double strength and energy you will have to atone for old debts, cleanse and soften your karma. Serving others is a difficult and complex task, but rewarding and rewarding, elevating the spirit and expanding the spiritual horizon. Loathing for oneself and one’s past can only be overcome by a human partner who is close and loving, but such a person is difficult to find. In addition, it must be at a higher spiritual level, and this makes the task even more difficult. How this will happen and whether it will actually happen, only the Horoscope Map can tell you.
With an accentuated VIII field of the horoscope: ease in business and financial success through business speculation. Often - an increase in property due to a dowry or inheritance. Occult and sacred sciences have an orthodox and conformist overtones, often with a strong interest in the afterlife. Death is instant and easy.
With an accentuated II field: a clearly conservative attitude towards money and material values, towards property and fortune. An individual spends money carefully

So, first, let's find the Nodes in the map. In any online program, enter your data and look in which sign (indicated by the zodiac sign) and in which house (indicated by a number, designations Asc\Asc = 1st house, IS\Ic = 4th house, MS\Mc = 10th house, Dsc\ Dsc = 7th house) is the North Node ‌Ω. The South will be in the opposite house and sign.

In astrology, nodes are the points of intersection with the ecliptic plane.

IN different traditions nodes are usually called differently: in eastern astrology Rahu And Ketu, in the western North Node And South Node. There are also names - Ascending Node And Descending Knot. In the Eastern tradition one can find a description of the Knots as Head And Dragon's Tail, and Bowls, one is already filled (Ketu), and the second needs to be filled during life (Rahu). But the nodes act in pairs, so you need to accumulate experience with the North Node (Rahu).
Ketu is an experience of the past , past lives, as is commonly written everywhere. But I (!) am skeptical about past lives, so I propose to consider the experience of this life, but you need to understand that enough experience(which you can rely on) accumulates by the first return of the Nodes - by the age of 18-19. The more life you have lived, the greater your knowledge base.
The nodes always move retrograde, that is, their normal movement seems to be reversed: the nodes move from Pisces to Aquarius, from Aquarius to Capricorn, from Capricorn to Sagittarius and so on, while all planets (except during retrograde periods) move in the opposite way: From Sagittarius to Capricorn, from Capricorn to Aquarius, from Aquarius to Pisces. Owls sometimes begin to move directly, but as a rule, not for long.

A full rotation of the Nodes takes 18-19 years, so ages (approximately) 18, 36, 54, 62, 80 are considered “karmic.”

It is believed that by these periods a person must fill the Cup of the North Node with some experience. By these years, a person must Comprehend, Realize and Move to another level of development (LEP). There are also periods that are multiples of 9 years, which are also considered karmic, since the Nodes make a half turn: the North Node becomes the natal South Node, and the South Node becomes the natal North Node. Personally, I (!) consider these periods to be much more significant than the 18-year period, since the opportunity to understand one’s higher purpose opens up.

Knots are perceived as very strange by people interested in karma. Most likely because many are so fixated on spirituality and enlightenment. It is believed that the North Node is good and the South Node is bad. In fact, most people say that it is necessary balance , but man is such a creature that he wants to simplify everything. Therefore, even reading this text, you will still come to the conclusion that the North Node is good and the South Node is bad. And this is indeed true if we speak in context SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Spiritual growth presupposes the presence of not only this life, but also an afterlife or a subsequent one, where you should be better. That is, they treat them like this: “I’ll work on the North Node now, but in my next life it will be cool.” Let me, eh what about this life ? I have no experience communicating with past lives, there are good book at K. Daragan. That's why I will talk about the Nodes based on this incarnation.

Before we begin, I want to highlight a very important idea: we are talking about SPIRITUAL GROWTH. If you are not quite ready, then use both Nodes. Moreover, in this case, transits of the South Node (or to the South Node) can bring you something good, and the North Node - something difficult.

  • North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra— it is necessary to learn healthy egoism, to defend one’s own, not to fall into conformism, to defend one’s own from the point of view of subjectivity, to act decisively, and not to constantly engage in “measure seven times.” Those with this position of the Nodes know how to be tactful, delicate, conformists, and try to please everyone. These qualities should be used only when it is impossible to push, crush, or overcome.
  • North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio - You need to accumulate without taking from others, but yourself - through work, patience, and not through intrigue and machinations. You need to be able to grow, and not destroy or ruin. You need to drink and eat for the sake of pleasure, to prolong life, and not for the sake of self-destruction (alcoholism, for example). We need to develop talent, not the ability to destroy.
  • North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius e - you need to learn something all your life, learn new things, collect information, do not be a teacher without knowledge. You need to receive new information all your life. You can teach, but without pathos, without meager knowledge. You need to learn to communicate, not to teach.
  • North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn- you need to strive to create a family, respect your roots and honor your elders, and not go ahead, over your head, in order to achieve your selfish goals. You need to be able to take care of the hearth, and not sit at work, pursuing a career day and night.
  • North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius- you need to move away from society, from dependence on it, in favor of self-love. You need to learn not to love the whole world, but learn to love yourself, because change begins with yourself. You need to learn to rejoice and be proud of yourself and your creations - children, roles, paintings, cakes, and so on.
  • North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces— you need to help with concrete action, if possible, not to get involved emotionally, dissipating energy. You need to not only collect everything from everywhere, but also not create clutter - everything should have its place on the shelf. You need to become an expert in a particular matter, and not float on the surface of the subject.
  • North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries— you need to learn patience, objectivity, not to lash out, not to yell. Fight not with a sword, but with a plowshare. Become more diplomatic, learn to negotiate with people. Before cutting, you need to measure seven times.
  • North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus— you need to learn not only to save and preserve your own, but also to be able to multiply someone else’s. You need to take care not only of your own comfort, but also of someone else’s (financial, mental).
  • North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini— you need to learn not only to collect knowledge from everywhere, but also to be able to competently translate and transmit it. The transfer of knowledge should be subjective, you need to respect your knowledge and broadcast from the position of “do as I do.” Strive for personal authority.
  • North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer- you need to learn to get out of your comfort zone for the sake of your goals, learn not to back away, but to climb up and forward, trying to take a higher position. It’s better to have a career, you can rely on your family, but in such a way that it doesn’t drag you back into slippers for a long time.
  • North Node in Aquarius, South Node in Leo- You need to get rid of egoism and become an altruist, not to belong to yourself, but to belong to the whole world. You need to be able to destroy your works without becoming attached to them.
  • North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo— we need to move away from specific help on the case and move on to psychological help. We need to learn to treat not only the body, but also the soul.

It is also worth considering Houses, in which the Nodes fell. It is necessary to combine the house and the sign in terms of concepts so that it is clear how to work with the Nodes (there will be examples below). It should be noted that event Nodes will manifest themselves - for some stronger, for others weaker . It is stronger for those who strive for spiritual growth and self-knowledge. It is weaker for those who are primarily occupied with material values. Transit of the Node/to the Node is a proposal to the native: “do you want to change yourself?” Depending on the decisions made by the native, the answer to this question will be obvious.

  • North Node in 1st house, South Node in 7th house- you need to spend more time on yourself, not sacrifice yourself for the sake of relationships, and show selfishness. In a couple, you need to be able to build equal relationships, and not slide to please your partner. You need to be able to antagonize if you have to. Events will unfold around the partnership, and since a person is engaged in partnership mainly only in a couple, then around the relationship. There may be events related to adoption important decisions for example, losing your independence and staying in a relationship or breaking up.
  • North Node in the 2nd house, South Node in the 8th house - you need to take care of your pocket, and preferably on your own. Get out of the financial care of your parents or husband, and learn to earn money on your own. It is advisable to develop talents. Events during transits can pay off debts and offer financial assistance. You need to fight the temptation to hang on the neck of your husband/parents and learn to earn money on your own. There may be events related to the feeling of health, monitor nutrition, follow a diet. In general, the diet can be maintained, but giving up alcohol will be difficult. It is also important not to relegate dieting to the category of self-torture.
  • North Node in 3rd house, South Node in 9th house— you need to be able to transfer knowledge without becoming attached to it and without indicating your “I”. You should not assign your own assessments to the information received. Events will develop around relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. There may be strange, almost mystical incidents with transport. Knowledge gained in educational institutions, will be important.
  • North Node in the 4th house, South Node in the 10th house - events will occur around parents and family. Events can be of a different spectrum, from caring for a sick parent to leaving for another country, possibly with the loss of roots. Need to do restoration family tree and collect things that will later become heirlooms.
  • North Node in the 5th house, South Node in the 11th house- you need to be more selfish, stick out your Self more, be less susceptible to social ideas. If you like, be a conservative, not a radical. Themes of children and creativity will come up during transit events. Some will learn the joys of motherhood, while others will have problems in this area. You will need to protect your children, your creativity.
  • North Node in the 6th house, South Node in the 12th house- you need to learn to be a master, a specialist in a narrow field, and this field is connected with specific activities. Events can be played out as an illness, treatment, self-care, or health care. The pet sector will also be affected. Contacts with colleagues or new responsibilities at work will be very symbolic.
  • North Node in 7th house, South Node in 1st house— you need to avoid selfishness in relationships, don’t pull the blanket on yourself. You need to give more to your partner. In terms of events, this can mean a fateful relationship (both the beginning and the end), which can change life, and maybe new enemy. If a person is public, then this may mean good sign to go out in public.
  • North Node in 8th house, South Node in 2nd house- you need to learn in this life to rely not only on yourself, but also on others, especially in financially. You need to strive to manage or at least have the opportunity to participate in another person’s finances. A person learns questions of life and death. Eventually, each death can be perceived painfully. A person can lend money during transits and take out loans.
  • North Node in the 9th house, South Node in the 3rd house- you need to strive for knowledge, and spiritual knowledge, such that is not available to many. You need to become an expert in the field of such knowledge and be able to transmit it. There will be a temptation to pick up knowledge superficially, but you need to strive to go deeper into the material. Events will unfold around studying, gaining knowledge, and positioning yourself as a successful specialist. There may be important trips in which a person learns something, comprehends something, and broadens his horizons.
  • North Node in the 10th house, South Node in the 4th house— you need to strive to go beyond your home, to be in society, to strive for self-realization and a career. Events can be played out as relationships with parents, as making important decisions at work, or receiving a special social status.
  • North Node in the 11th house, South Node in the 5th house— you need to strive to be among friends, communicate with people, be the center of attention, but at the same time not be a leader. You need to learn to love not only yourself, to care not only about your success, but also about other people. When engaging in creativity, it is better to make it accessible to everyone—free.
  • North Node in the 12th house, South Node in the 6th house— you need to learn to get out of your world, help people and animals, and provide specific help. Event-based transits will reflect the state of health (hospital-treatment). It would be good to engage in spiritual practices, to specifically isolate yourself from everyone in order to provide targeted help to one. Events can also be associated with limitations - mental and physical, so it is better to practice meditation.

Sun— aspects with the Sun are very strongly tied to a person’s personality. Aspects with the North Node force a person to be an individual, since the South Node will tempt: “leave it all, be like everyone else.” Aspects with the South Node, on the contrary, say: “moderate your EGO.” This does not mean that a person should become a moth. Depending on the houses, this can mean: “teach others to be individuals.” For women, the husband or father will play important role, for men - father and other significant person in life.

Moon- here there will be a very strong influence on bindings to everyday affairs, habits. Aspects with the North Node will indicate that a person needs to develop new habits, different from those instilled in the family. You need to learn to communicate differently with your children, to cope with the role of a mother. Aspects with the South Node will indicate that habits, on the contrary, can be preserved, passed on from generation to generation. Very important female figures: mother, grandmother - for women, for men - wife and mother.

Mercury- primarily concerns the intellect and mental activity of a person. If there are aspects with the North Node, then you need to study, develop your intellect, and take on new things. Aspects with the South Node mean that a person already has a sufficient supply of knowledge that he will have to learn to live not according to his “head”, but, for example, according to his “heart”. Sometimes you can find this aspect in cards for people with disabilities. intellectual abilities, which means: “you don’t need intelligence, use other personality traits.”

Venus- aspects with the North Node speak of the need to learn romance, love, learn to build harmonious relationships, strive to join partnerships. Aspects with the South Node may say that it’s time to stop dissolving into your partner, to stop living as a couple. This does not mean going to a monastery and being a monk, but it can mean: “when in a couple, have personal space.”

Mars— aspects with the North Node can mean that a person needs to learn to develop energy, drive, to be a fighter, to compete, to be able to fight. Aspects with the South Node may mean that a person needs to develop patience, not run ahead of the locomotive, and be able to build a dialogue. Aggression needs to be pacified (but not suppressed). For example, a person is aggressive, but this can be demonstrated through sports, and not through walks in search of adventure.

Jupiter— aspects with the North Node indicate that you need to gain ambition in this life, to be an influential, “impressive”, authoritative person. And such a person becomes when he knows a lot, goes to a lot of places, communicates and remembers. Aspects with the South Node indicate that a person already has enough authority; I won’t say that it doesn’t need to be developed. Rather, transfer it to a quality level.

Saturn— aspects with the North Node indicate that a person needs to learn discipline, patience, and diligence. Aspects with the South Node indicate that a person needs to be less uptight, get out of the image of an “old man”, always dissatisfied, grumbling, and be able to live and enjoy life like a child.

Uranus- aspects with the North Node say that you need to include more rebellion in life, more free spirit. Aspects with the South Node remind us that it is necessary to destroy only when there is an idea of ​​what to build. Sometimes it's good not to destroy an old house to the foundation, and preserve still usable walls.

Neptune— aspects with the North Node indicate that you need to dream more, work with the unconscious, do meditation, go to the astral/other worlds, you need to get rid of grounding a little and spread your wings to fly. We need to honor help, sacrifice, and compassion. Aspects with the South Node indicate that the person needs to be grounded, otherwise he has his head in the clouds too much. Often such aspects occur in people who are sitting in a crowd, but by the look of their eyes they are lost in their thoughts and it is difficult to reach them. We need to learn to enjoy reality.

Pluto- aspects with the North Node indicate that you need to strive for control, manipulation, and force (as with the help physical strength, and through the power of persuasion). You need to work with the masses, be able to influence them, and be interested in esotericism. Aspects with the South Node say that it is time to loosen the grip, you need to let go of the dictator and manipulator and try to value equal relationships.

The same information can be taken into account for transits.Transits of nodes to planets in natal indicate some interesting events or sensations. The South Node aspecting the planet indicates that the situation or emotion will repeat itself - this has already happened. Why do we need repetition? In order to overcome yourself, solve the problem, stop living according to the rules. Do not step on the same rake, try to reach new level. For example, when a south node communicates with natal Venus, then relationships may appear in your life that are damn similar to those that already existed once. If you screwed up in that relationship, then fix the situation yourself. Correcting mistakes takes you to another level of relationships. You need to understand that events can be “smaller” - for example, transit to Mars - avoiding an accident, to Mercury - a person was late and did not board the bus, which crashed, and so on. Of course, situations can also play out exactly the opposite - managed to board the ill-fated bus, left on time, and so on. This is karma, and karma is not to be trifled with!

I believe that even the planets of the septenary work well and can tell a lot about both the native and ways to improve his life. But I often come across questions from the series: “how to work through the square of the South Node?”, “how to live according to the North Node?”, “how to get away from the South Node, because this is past experience and it’s bad for karma!”

When a native asks questions like this about working out fictitious points in his chart, the first thought that appears in my head is: “he hasn’t worked out the Sun.” After all, it is Sun gives us a state of okayness = “I’m fine.” Would a person who is doing well have fear of Lilith or the Nodes? No, it will not. The second thought is this: pseudo-spirituality. A person knows that Knots are karma, which means it is necessary to get rid of/improve/correct karma. Having read wise books, having heard a lot wise people, the native feverishly begins to “correct karma”, without thinking about cause-and-effect relationships. I call this “spiritual work” PSEUDO, because this is the biggest self-deception, which only harms that very karma, and does not improve it. Why? More on this below.

So, if we talk about development according to the Nodes, then we must understand that all the planets of the septener have been worked out. Although, what is there, let’s at least focus on the luminaries - Sun and moon worked out, or are being worked on in the process of life consciously.

Nodes can be compared to confession(and this action seems to exist in all religions of the world). The essence of confession is awareness of the cause-and-effect relationship, that is, the person made a mistake, repented of what he did, and does not do it again. Well, or by at least, sincerely believes that he will not commit. The willingness to change yourself is the essence of confession. There are people who confess insincerely, but because “it’s necessary.” Who needs it? Well, they say it’s necessary...

The meaning of the Nodes is approximately the same - people often think that their lives will improve if they live according to the North Node, which is why there are so many variations on the theme of developing karmic potential on the Internet. And it's true - books don't lie. However, many do not understand the very essence of karma and nodes in the map - North Node gives the go-ahead only when the native open to changes WITHIN yourself. As long as the native has dishonest thoughts, especially towards himself, the North Node will not bring the promised good. Why?

An example when the North Node is in the 12th house. This house always imposes restrictions, and the native must do them voluntarily. What are the restrictions? This question will be answered by the sign in which the Node is located. If the native develops along the North Node, then he will have to endure restrictions - this includes staying in a hospital/prison/under supervision, i.e. different kinds restrictions that constrain daily life native. If the native panics in the process, he will be offered the option “go back, because it will get worse.” * " Eventally, this looks like a loophole, but at first it can be perceived very negatively, and its true essence will be assessed later. Usually with the words: “Well, it’s necessary, because then there was a chance to return everything to normal.”

* worse - meaning that there will be even more restrictions that need to be endured. Therefore, the Knot condescendingly allows you to retreat if you are not ready for change. But retreat can also be painful.

For example, the North Node is in the 5th house of the natal chart - in books and on the Internet they write: “you need to gain experience on the topic of the 5th house - having a child.” On the topic of the North Node, this experience new- the native may not be ready for it, but he is told/reads that the North Node is good, these are bonuses and “life is raspberries,” so the native decides to have a child. After all, this is good, right? However, the native himself is not ready for a child. What happens then? And the following happens: during the transit of a planet to the Node or during the transit of the Node to a planet in the 5th house or the ruler of the 5th house, it happens "examination" - if the native has doubts about the child, then he is given a chance to correct and return everything back, to return to normal life. If pregnancy has already occurred, then termination of pregnancy, for example, may occur. The North Node seems to suggest to the native: “if you are not sure, then let’s “cancel” everything; come back to former life." This is why it is so important to be sincere, first of all, to yourself: The North Node will then give blessings to the house and sign when the native SINCERELY wants changes in his destiny, and does not have selfish goals.

An example when the North Node is in the 7th house. Here partnerships offer development and spiritual growth. If the native himself agreed to enter into marriage, or another partnership relationship, then fate tells him: “if you want to change, then you need to pay attention to your partner, stop being selfish.” If the native agrees to this, then he needs to show himself through care, care, and attention to his partner. If the native at some point decides to give up, then a rollback may occur - a banal break in relations. Often, when the native develops along the Node, the partner may become ill - then he will need care, and the native will leave his comfort zone (egoism) in order to learn care and attention to others, and not to himself.

Knots are always a challenge, therefore, a person must be ready for the test, but most importantly, he must be glad to pass the test. The native must decide for himself whether he needs it or not, whether he is ready or not, and not just because it is necessary / they write in books / people say. That's why I call pseudo-spirituality trying to live by knots - how can you build your karma if you depend on the opinions of others?! This is why it is so important to first develop and work on your luminaries, and then think about karma, because then it will be ONLY YOUR KARMA, you will do what YOU WANT, and not what others tell you.

Another quality of the Nodes is that you work them out whenever you want. No one evil will come and punish you - these are fictitious points, they do not punish. In the case of the Nodes - development along them, this is a purely voluntary matter - you want to develop spiritually - please do it sincerely with love, with all your heart and with a pure soul. Then you will be rewarded. But if you started working with the Node and panicked, rest assured that you will be “contacted” - you will roll back in your development and it will be painful.


Sanjay Rath

There is nothing more frightening than the 8th house of the horoscope, which in jyotish is called Randhra bhava (house of longevity and death). The lord of the 8th house represents what we astrologers call the “hand of fate” in the most fatal sense of the expression. While there is a lot of research on the subject of the 8th house and its lord, here we will take a detailed look at the influence of Rahu on the 8th house. Although most astrologers assume that the combination of two malefic factors - the most malefic bhava (i.e. 8th house) and the main malefic in the horoscope (i.e. Rahu) should produce the greatest evil, this is not always the case. The placement of Rahu in the 8th house can bring sudden turns of fate, and when connected with another planet, the spheres ruled by that planet trigger Rahu - both in a positive and negative sense.

IN natal chart Albert Einstein Rahu in the 8th house is conjunct with exalted Mars, which is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses, promising advances in science and great fame due to great inventions and discoveries. Conjunction with Mars, the god of war, indicates that the results of research will be used to make powerful weapons- such as nuclear bomb. Mars as the lord of the 6th house indicates that war or battle will activate Rahu in the 8th house. In a way, the position of Rahu in the 8th house along with the exalted planet can be considered a blessing, since it was he who rewarded Einstein with his greatest success in the field of research related to energy (Mars rules Agni Tattva - energy).

Exalted Rahu in the 8th house in Gemini can indicate one who is born in a famous or wealthy family, receiving an inheritance and, in general, getting everything desired in life. When the lord of the house of happiness (Rahu is co-lord of Aquarius, the 4th house) is exalted in the 8th house, it is a real blessing. Bridget Fonda, American actress, belonging to a famous theatrical family, is the daughter of Susan and Peter Fonda, the granddaughter of Henry Fonda and the niece of Jane Fonda. In her chart we see an exalted Rahu, who, moreover, is in conjunction with the Moon, the lord of the 9th house. Although this is definitely not the best combination for longevity, the very stay on earth is blessed, since the 8th house does not give rise to tears, and if it does arise, these tears will quickly be dried by Rahu.

Aveek Sarkar is the son of Ashok Sarkar and grandson of Prafulla Sarkar, after whom one of the important streets of Kolkata is named. Exalted Rahu in the 8th house is placed with Saturn, the lord of the 4th house, which is responsible for housing and real estate. Around the time he moved to south Calcutta, his father died and he inherited a huge business empire, managing it successfully. Please note that just as Bridget Fonda continued the acting dynasty of her star parents, so Avik Sarkar became the successor to his father and grandfather. In general, Rahu in the 8th house, if it is exalted or along with an exalted planet, certainly indicates blessings - in in this case, we consider the sign of exaltation to be Gemini (and not Taurus, as for issues related to life expectancy).

Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in a variety of neurological symptoms in patients. The disease mainly occurs in young and middle age (15 - 40 years), and is more common in women. A feature of the disease is the simultaneous damage to several different parts of the nervous system. Multiple sclerosis can take many forms, with new symptoms appearing either intermittently or gradually accumulating over time. During periods of remission, symptoms may be virtually absent, but permanent neurological impairment often develops, especially as the disease progresses.
Does not exist effective medicine from multiple sclerosis. It is extremely difficult to predict the course of the disease, as it depends on the subtype of the disease, individual characteristics the individual, the initial symptoms and the severity of the disorders that develop over time. Many doctors say that "the life expectancy of patients with multiple sclerosis is on average 5-10 years less than the rest of the population." In fact, this does not mean anything, because if average duration is about 60 years old, which means that people with this disease can live up to 55 years old, but this happens extremely rarely! This kind of statistics shows how ignorant our science is regarding this disease.

Let's look at a few cases of multiple sclerosis. What we expect to see in them:
Rahu's association with the 8th house or the lord of the 8th house, resulting in incurable diseases; the body gradually turns into stone (Rahu) as the nervous system is destroyed.
The lord of the 8th house must be weak in itself or be in conjunction with a very weak planet.
Defeat of Mars, the ruler nervous system, simultaneously with the connection of Mars and Venus - the conflict of fire and water causes illness.
The period (dasa) that manifests this affliction in the natal chart.

Map 1, dr. March 3, 1984; 8.01, Sonepat, India. Venus, lord of the 8th house, and Saturn, lord of the 7th house, are in parivartana yoga (yoga of exchange). Such a combination involving Randhra-bhava is undoubtedly a dainya-parivartana (unlucky exchange combination). Mars is located in the 8th house in the sign of Venus (Libra). Rahu influences the lord of the 8th house (Venus) through graha drishti and the 8th house through rashi drishti. Multiple sclerosis manifested itself in Saturn dasa and Venus antardasha and the native fights it with the help of homeopathy. In general, according to our data, homeopathy is very effective when Venus is affected.

Map 2, d.r. December 16, 1983, 4.45 IST, Jaipur, India. Venus is the lord of both the 8th house and Lagna and is well placed in the Lagna. Conjunction with Yogakaraka Saturn gives brilliant Raja Yoga. However, as randhresha (lord of the 8th house), Venus can also bring fatal disease, especially if Rahu is placed in Taurus in the 8th house and aspects the Lagna along with Venus and Saturn in it through rashi drishti. Mars is placed in the 12th house and is also aspected by Rahu through graha drishti. The disease arose in the dasa of Venus and the antardasha of Saturn.

Map 3, dr. January 11, 1982; 1.53 IST, Bhopal, India. Again, we see parivarthana yoga involving dusthana - this time, the 12th house, where Saturn is placed with Mars, and Mercury conjunct Venus in the 4th house. Saturn and Mercury exchange signs, forming an unfortunate connection between Mars and Venus, with whom they are conjunct. Rahu is not in the 8th house and does not aspect the 8th lord Venus in any way, although it aspects Saturn and Mars. But Rahu is placed in the 9th house in Marana Karaka Sthana and its dispositor Mercury is also in Marana Karaka Sthana aspecting Venus, the lord of the 8th house. Here there is no direct connection between Rahu and the 8th house as in the previous two cases, but the native was also suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Map 4, dr. April 22, 1982; 13.40 IST, Delhi, India. Moon is in the 8th house in Chandrashtama dosha; 8th house lord Jupiter is very weak being in marana karaka sthana in 3rd house. Rahu, although exalted, aspects the 8th house through rashi drishti and the 8th lord Jupiter through graha drishti. The disease manifested itself in the dasa of Ketu, since in the navamsha Ketu occupies the 8th house (Scorpio). However, with the advent of Venus dasha, improvement began. Note that Venus is not involved in this combination, and Mars is not directly involved in it, but is in the 2nd house with Saturn (significator of illness), and aspects the 8th house.

Map 5, dr. October 17, 1974; 11.17 IST, Rajkot, India. The 8th house is aspected by Saturn and the 8th house lord Mercury is well placed in the 12th house. However, he is in Papa Kartari Yoga between Rahu and Mars with Saturn. This malefic yoga formed by Rahu and Mars afflicts the 8th lord and Moon causing disease. Venus, the dispositor of the lord of the 8th house, forms parivartana yoga with Mercury - and again we see dainya parivartana yoga with the participation of dusthana (12th house). Moreover, there is also a conjunction of Venus and Mars, directly involving the 8th house lord.

Map 6, d.r. January 28, 1983; 23.42 IST, Ludhiana, India. 8th lord Mars conjoins Venus in marana karaka sthana in 6th house and both are aspected by their dispositor 6th lord Rahu through graha drishti. Lagnesha Mercury is also in Marana Karaka Sthana in the 4th house, under the influence of Rahu. The planets are in dainya graha malika yoga - forming a garland, starting with Saturn in the 2nd house and ending with the dangerous conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 6th house. The result of this combination of planets is illness manifested in the 6th house. All life now revolves around her. The disease struck the native in at a young age, and she bravely fights with her.

A weak Randhresha (lord of the 8th house) under the influence of Rahu can indicate a life full of suffering. Worship Lord Rudra and find relief from the terrible suffering and pain indicated by the 8th house. Exalted planets associated with the 8th house can be a blessing.

A person's natal chart is a unique pattern of planets, signs and houses. In addition to the planets, astrologers consider the position of the lunar nodes in the natal chart. Vedic astrology attaches great importance to them. The northern lunar node and the southern lunar node are the intersection points of the Moon's orbit and the ecliptic (apparent motion) of the Sun. The nodes do not have their own energy, like the planets, but they are places in the sky that have the energy of interaction between the Sun and the Moon during periods of eclipses. Vedic astrology also calls the ascending (northern) lunar node Rahu, the head of the Dragon, and the setting (south) node - Ketu, the tail of the Dragon. During periods of eclipses, the Dragon seems to eat one of the luminaries, depriving it of energy. The nodes in the natal chart were considered inauspicious objects, especially if there was a planet next to them. Such a planet was deprived of its own power, the action of the nodes was identified with serving society according to the functions of this planet.


Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of India drew a parallel between the lunar nodes and human karma, as well as his subsequent reincarnations. The south node was identified with the experience gained in past lives, and the north node with new aspirations in this incarnation and the purpose of the individual. The position of the south node indicates with what karma a person came into this world. The North Node in the natal chart indicates what karma needs to be developed and in what areas to develop, where it is better to make efforts for the sake of successful implementation. It all depends on what the natal chart is, and what signs and houses the lunar nodes fall into.

As a guide to moving forward, the Lunar North Node (NLN) is interpreted differently in each of the 12 houses, as well as in different signs. The sign where the SLU is located will show which planet’s energy (the planet of the sign’s ruler) needs to be developed, and the house will show in what situations this potential is best acquired. If the energy of the sign of the Southern Lunar Node (SLU) is close and understandable, it was given initially, then the energy of the SLU is given with difficulty. Likewise, situations at home where YLU is located are comfortable, but situations at home where SLU is located are stressful - they require development.


Conventionally, three categories of development according to SLN can be distinguished:

  1. If the situations of the house and the sign where the SLU is located are perceived easily by a person, then the person has understood his purpose correctly and is moving towards gaining new experience. As a rule, in the natal chart there are several more helping planets in that house and the sign is somehow highlighted. For example, when the 7th house is filled in Aquarius, where the SLU is also located, a person works as an astrologer consultant. The air element is strong, the 7th house is strong, the person easily advises others.
  2. If the situations of the house and the sign where the SLU is located are stressful, but the person makes an effort to learn something new, tries to get out of the comfort zone of the SLU position - then he is on the right way development, but it will not be easy to pass. For example, SLU is in the 7th house in Aquarius, but the 5th house is filled with planets. The man chose the profession of an astrologer-consultant, but being busy with children slows down his development.
  3. The situations of the house and the sign where SLU stands are generally alien and uninteresting. A person, even having found himself in a situation necessary for development, turns on the reverse gear and retreats towards his YUL, into his comfortable, familiar state. For example, SLU is in the 7th house in Aquarius, and the filled 1st house is in Leo and YLU. This means that the person is destined to be an astrological consultant and work with people, but personal creativity outweighs, and the person is not interested in others. After all, the position in the 7th house suggests situations in which you need to learn to interact with other people and fight selfish tendencies, since this is the house of equal relationships and marriage. Sometimes it is difficult to understand your purpose, guided only by the position of the Lunar Nodes. Especially if some planet aspects them poorly and interferes. It is necessary to look at the entire natal chart in order to see the overall picture. life path person.

Scorpio and Pluto

This is the abode of Scorpio and the symbolic ruler of this house is Pluto. It represents passion, risk, mystery, the desire to own and control the unattainable. It is associated with manipulation and fraud with other people's money, crowd management, mass energy, internal transformations, as well as deep crises and radical changes. Anyone who works through their Scorpio house knows how to cope with tension and use it to their advantage. Planets in the 8th house get the opportunity to manifest themselves to the fullest in appropriate situations (mostly stressful episodes). For example, the Moon in the 8th house implies constant soul-searching, anxiety disorders, and acute emotional perception in general. Those with this position of the Moon like to tickle their nerves and experience unusual excitement; they tend to fall into various situations on the brink of survival. Scorpio is a feminine watery fixed sign. Therefore, emotions tend to accumulate here. Such people may be interested in the otherworldly and mystical, related to death or birth, and do something in the spirit of the mysterious Scorpio. The situation with the Ascending Node is the same.

North Node in the 8th house

He who has nothing to lose is truly strong.

Naturally, the lunar nodes lie opposite each other, that is, the South Node in this case falls into the second house. If you are an adherent of the descending node in the house of Taurus and engage in hoarding and saving, it is impossible to avoid problems with your carefully guarded property. The North Node in the 8th house suggests spending savings, active use of resources for spiritual growth, for development inner strength. Everything that was issued by the South Node should serve as the foundation for the development of a new powerful energy. Extreme and transformation become necessary components of life. The owner of such an ascending node position is destined to place high stakes and take risks, burn bridges and cut ties, get rid of conservative thoughts and destroy the old in order to build the new. Plutonian energy at home pushes a person to a severe revision of goods. The unnecessary is eradicated, some generally accepted values ​​are rejected. As a result, the individual is freed from the burdens of the past, attachments and feels ready for something grandiose and unknown. It has the following characteristics:

  • Self-control and spiritual power.
  • Fearlessness and endurance.
  • Psychoanalytic abilities.
  • The ability to “revive” after stress.

Men and women

Since the 8th house is identified with Scorpio - the feminine fixed water sign, then the North Node in the 8th house in a woman’s natal chart looks better than the North Node in the 8th house in a man’s natal chart. The 8th house of the natal chart is also the second house from the seventh according to the system of derivative houses, that is, it is the house of the partner’s finances. The North Node in the 8th house for a woman suggests that sooner or later a situation will arise when she will have to be an active participant in her husband’s financial affairs, helping him, no matter how difficult it may be for her. Whereas the north node in the 8th house for a man speaks of his direct involvement in his wife’s financial affairs.

The position of the developed North Node in the 8th house can characterize certain aspects of a person’s destiny: social interactions, love affairs, hobbies, material goods, physical health and more.

Social interactions

Such people have insight. Their tenacious gaze is able to penetrate deep into the soul of other people, bring problems to the surface and provide psychological support in crisis situations. This good psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. They are able to heal mental wounds. They may also have the power of hypnosis or the power to influence large crowds of people. They have a particularly keen understanding of sacred and afterlife topics. Their instincts rarely let them down.

The values ​​of an individual can resonate with the general ones, and its main goal is to learn to combine both.


The 8th house is the house of the intense emotional component of a person’s life. Unlike the 5th house, the 8th house provides selectivity in sexual relations, almost elevates them to the rank of sacred. Merging of bodies and souls - highest degree pleasure for the owner of the north node in the house of passionate Scorpio. Thanks to deep and emotionally powerful contacts, experiencing orgasm (symbolically dying), partners seem to comprehend the essence of life and death.


The owner of the Ascending Node in the 8th house has a chance to explore occult sciences, be interested in esotericism and spiritual movements. Classes shown martial arts, yoga, breathing practice to accumulate internal energy and balance emotional state. For such people, external life is not as significant as fulfillment inner world. It is worth moving away from the practiced practicality and mundaneness in order, for example, to meditate or think about life and death.


The owner of the north node in the 8th house can be said to be lucky in terms of finances. The achievements of past lives provide material wealth in any case: there is no need to work hard for pennies and worry about debts. Survival doesn't require too much effort. There is always money, you just need to learn how to use it and not give in to stinginess, share and increase it. Sooner or later, situations will arise where you will have to manage other people's funds, or work will be connected with this, for example, working in a bank. This also includes relations with creditors. Since the 8th house is associated with the death of loved ones, there is a high probability of receiving an inheritance, especially if the Ascending Node is conjunct Jupiter or Venus. This position of the Lunar Node supports endeavors in the field of business, management shared resources.

Physical health

The position of the North Lunar Node in the 8th house is not very favorable for the owner of the horoscope. Since the 8th house is one of the houses of illness, surgical interventions, situations on the verge of life and death, as well as the use of alternative medicine for a complete recovery are possible throughout life. Physical health person is directly related to the level spiritual development, as well as emotional health and sexual satisfaction. A person who has comprehended the difficult energy of Scorpio can learn to sublimate energies, as well as transfer them from one type to another. For example, for the highest results in sports, a wrestler concentrates, accumulates internal energy without wasting it on love affairs and emotional contacts.

North Node and other planets

When considering the natal chart, you need to pay attention to the connection of the Lunar Nodes with Mars, Saturn and Pluto. The close location of Mars, the red planet, to the North Node strengthens it, saturates it with energy and increases the level of aggression of the individual. Stressful episodes related to death or other people's material superiority can be really damaging. Saturn slows down the processing of the North Node in the first stages of life due to self-doubt. It develops patience and self-organization. And Pluto's excessive gluttony can turn a person into an obsessed vampire.

The Sun or Moon in the 8th house shows that the father or mother will leave an inheritance to the child. Mercury fuels streams of thoughts on highly spiritual topics.


George Washington, J. K. Rowling, Claus von Bulow, George Foreman, Winston Churchill, Lenny Bruce and Vladimir Lenin all had an Ascending Node in the 8th house who achieved success through loss and risk.

Difficulties and elaboration

Helping others find their resources and values ​​is key to correct use North Node in the 8th house.

Isabel Hickey

The greatest difficulty for the owner of the North Node in the 8th house is the fear of loss. All you need to learn and accept: you cannot be greedy and overestimate material things; the ability to share and take risks will lead to wealth. It is worth finding a balance point between the needs of society and personal ones. Moving away from a stable world can be scary, but getting attached to things and people that are old, limiting, and resistant to growth leads in the wrong direction.

Studying this position in the natal chart Vedic astrology allows a person to understand both the world of material values ​​and interpersonal mergers on a spiritual level. The eighth house is only part of a grandiose path to new achievements, and if it is passed, you can move on, for the treasures of the depths of consciousness.

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