Home Useful Tips Save the meaning of the tattoo. Orthodox tattoos for men. Religious images - what is the essence

Save the meaning of the tattoo. Orthodox tattoos for men. Religious images - what is the essence

Since ancient times, religious tattoos have adorned the bodies of various people. Some in this way marked belonging to religion and God, others felt protected from dark forces, evil and failures in life. Today, modern Orthodox tattoos for men look different, ranging from angels and deities to religious symbolism.

In Russia, sketches with Orthodox tattoos appeared and began to rapidly gain popularity in the 30s of the last century. The most common today are crosses, angels, the faces of saints, prayers, sacred symbols such as the lamb of God or the pentagram. It is much better to apply such drawings, whether the church allows it, what a sketch means, the article will tell in detail.

Religious Christian tattoos are a popular trend in the art of body art, as many refer to such images as amulets and mentors in their search for the right path through life. Most often today, the following sketches of such a subject are made:

Cross- initially, such a tattoo protected the warriors in battles, the cross was stuffed on the chest, back, heart. Today, craftsmen fill several types of crosses, for example:

  • chivalrous- a symbol of strength and protection of honor even at the cost of life;
  • Celtic- means the interconnection of everything in the world and infinity;
  • Latin- a symbol of memory for deceased people;
  • cross with rosary- the piety and religiosity of the owner;
  • cross with a stone inside- search for the meaning of life and the right path;
  • cross on the back- predetermined choice of the owner, belief in karma;
  • jerusalem cross t - a symbol of the Crusade, inside which there are 5 different crosses;
  • baptismal- means the rebirth and immortality of the soul
  • Peter's cross- a symbol with which I show respect for Christ.

Angel- an important sketch in any religion, embodying faith in God, love for him, purity and fidelity. Several ideas are relevant today:

  • cherub- purity, innocence, love and joy;
  • archangel- defenders from the dark forces;
  • fallen Angel- a symbol of sinfulness and repentance of a person;
  • Angel of Death- a reaper of the human soul, meaning fear of death or, on the contrary, readiness for its end.

Symbols- numerous objects and pictures that act as amulets and talismans, for example:

  • lamb- the symbol of Jesus Christ, meaning humility and sacrifice;
  • the Rose- the symbol of the Virgin Mary, meaning martyrdom, mystery and purity;
  • anchor- a memorable symbol as a tribute to the dead;
  • pigeon- a symbol of the Holy Spirit, liberating the soul, and also giving hope.

the Virgin Mary- a sign of humility before God, striving for perfection, sinlessness and purity of the soul.

Angel and demon- opposition of opposites, the ability of a man to adapt to different life situations.

What does a religious tattoo give a man?

If in past eras and centuries, Orthodox religious tattoos were perceived as protective amulets against failures and dangers in battles and wars, today such wearable designs serve for other purposes. Namely:

  • to demonstrate their honor and love for faith and God;
  • as a tribute to traditions;
  • to protect yourself from evil and negative actions;
  • to immortalize the image;
  • in order to attract attention.

For reference! Many in this way wish to draw closer to God and higher powers, to bear sacrifices for cleansing from previous sins and transgressions. And such inscriptions as "save and save" are a strong talisman for many men.

The attitude of the church to Orthodox tattoos

How appropriate and justified are Orthodox tattoo amulets in religious themes? How does the church treat such manifestations of religious prejudice? Among the majority of the ministers of the church and devout people, many are opponents of wearable drawings. They consider it unjustified to demonstrate honor and love for God and Orthodoxy in this way.

But if you touch upon the records in the Bible, it only says that you cannot make tattoos in honor of living and dead people as a keepsake, other ideas and themes are not contraindicated. It is also worth noting that the book does not allow "cuts" in the skin of the ministers of the church.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, experience 8 years

Initially, Christians were allowed to stuff tattoos on their bodies with the faces and icons of saints, Jesus Christ, lambs and crosses, in order to thereby share the suffering with Christ.

Where do men most often get tattoos with an Orthodox theme?

The two main decisions for a man who wants to get a tattoo of a religious format is which sketch and where exactly to depict. The place on the body also affects the perception and understanding of the tattoo, most often the arms, legs, back, chest, sides and neck are chosen.


Sketches with a crucifix and crosses are most often performed on the shoulder, emphasizing not only faith, but also masculinity, brutality, and strength.


Any religious drawings on the forearm will be the personification of craving for God, strength of mind and a rich inner world. Here, most often I place crosses of all themes and options, angels, the faces of saints.

Wrist tattoo

The most ideal tattoo on the wrist is amulets and talismans, so the masters stuff religious symbols, that is, crosses, doves, a rose, lambs or anchors.

Tattoos on the palm, hands and fingers

Small sketches, for example, symbols and crosses, as well as excerpts from prayers and petitions to the Lord are also stuffed on the hands, fingers and palms. Their goal is to direct the actions of a man only in a good positive direction.

Tattoo sleeve

Especially popular today in the context of the Orthodox theme is the sleeve tattoo on the arm, which completely covers the entire arm. These can be the hands of a prayer, icons and faces of saints, angels, the battle of good and evil, or a picture of the crucifixion of Christ.


Small modest tattoos, different symbols, crosses, inscriptions in different languages ​​will be appropriate on the neck. The cross, complemented by angel wings, will look original, as a sign of the desire for truth, purity, goodness.


Orthodox drawings on the chest are strong amulets that protect the wearer from risks to life and from dangers. Large-scale drawings with angels or Christ are often applied here, as well as medium-sized tattoos with crosses and inscriptions.


Non-trivial and personal drawings are stuffed on the side, Orthodox sketches, as a rule, determine confessional adherence and ethnicity. They can also be a reminder of sins, dead people and losses in life.


On the thigh, Orthodox tattoos are prohibited, since in this place any symbols and drawings will touch the intimate component, passion and even lust in a person.


A complex sketch with a crucifix, praying hands, crosses, as well as the faces of saints will look original on the back. They will say that a person bears his cross, creates his destiny, karma, is responsible for his deeds and thoughts.


Since in the area of ​​the shoulder blades there is a center responsible for willpower, it is customary to get a tattoo with a pacifying and nurturing subtext here. This is how all religious tattoos work, so any sketch works.


Any tattoos associated with faith and God on the leg will be purely decorative. Therefore, men today rarely resort to such experiments.

Are there guidelines for tattooing with religious overtones?

How many religions are there among mankind in the world, so many types of tattoo exist. The most popular are religious tattoos of several subspecies: Buddhism, Islam or Christianity. In order not to regret the decision made to fill a Christian tattoo, a man should heed a few tips:

  • think should strangers see the drawing or is it a purely personal non-trivial option;
  • draw up a sketch yourself, do not copy other people's ideas or recommendations of the masters;
  • every character, symbol, object, text should mean something;
  • decide on the style of performance, will it be monochrome or color version;
  • choose the place on the body and the scale / complexity of the sketch, taking into account the pain threshold;
  • soberly assess the emotional message of the picture, how the surrounding people will perceive it;
  • find out the price in advance and the duration of the work;
  • consult about the preparation and care of the tattoo;
  • evaluate how the nature and design of the work matches your image, appearance, field of activity;
  • find an experienced highly skilled craftsman.

For reference! Initially, Christian tattoos have become popular among prisoners. In this way, the criminals tried to atone for and forgive sins, and the church with domes served as an indicator of the term and the walk to the zone.

How to choose a sketch of a tattoo in relation to a place on the body?

If the place on the body is predetermined, but the options for the sketches are still in development, you can take the principle of proportionality as a basis. What is he talking about:

  • on the chest, back, sides complex large drawings, whole compositions consisting of different characters of objects, symbols and inscriptions, for example, the faces of saints and icons, the crucified Christ, scenes from the Bible, will look harmonious;
  • on the shoulder, forearm, legs and shoulder blades it is better to place tattoos of medium difficulty and size, for example, crosses, praying hands, prayers, angels;
  • on the hand, wrist, palm, neck small and simple images, amulets, symbols and talismans will fit in, for example, crosses, words from prayers, wings.

Do you already have religious tattoos on your body?


Styles and colors that are popular for Orthodox tattoos in 2018-2019.

Despite the huge number of styles and trends in the culture of body art, in the context of Christian tattoo, several options are used today:

old school- the classic method, practiced since the 90s of the last century;

realism- three-dimensional three-dimensional pictures;

minimalism- laconic and simple execution without unnecessary lines and details;

graphics- appropriate style if the artist depicts small symbols and objects;

blackwork- brutal and austere style, used black and white palette.

Most often, religious pictures on the body are performed in a monochrome style, which uses black and white shades. Less commonly, colored paints are used if the drawing contains flowers, various objects, landscapes, etc.

Symbols with which an Orthodox tattoo can be combined

By themselves, symbols and objects from a religious theme and can be both basic and additional elements. Namely:

  • flowers- purity, innocence, beauty;
  • cross- protects against evil and failure;
  • the Saints- each saint provides his own meaning;
  • praying hands- the desire to speak with God;
  • wings- the desire to become like the messengers of God.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Only an experienced highly qualified foreman should perform the work. You can find one in a salon with a license and official permission to conduct such activities. If you get on an unverified or insufficiently experienced specialist, you can get a poor-quality result that requires correction.

Examples of tattoos with religious meaning that are not recommended to be worn. Their significance in the zone

Similar tattoos take place in places of deprivation of liberty, in fact, from there the fashion for the image of crosses, churches, saints began. In such circles, other interpretations are provided, for example:

  • Virgin Mary and Child- the owner has been in prisons since his youth;
  • head of christ on fire(Bible or cross) - denial of faith;
  • the Virgin Mary- the offender considers himself innocent;
  • domed temple- the number of domes indicates the number of walkers;
  • cross- a way to atone for sins.

In connection with such information, it is worth thinking twice whether it is worth resorting to such solutions, since since past years, Christian tattoos have been associated with a prison.


Orthodox church tattoos are not categorically prohibited by the church and the Bible, but many ministers have a negative attitude towards such experiments. Men, with the help of underwear drawings of crosses, angels, saints, emphasize their prejudices, love for God and the desire to lead a righteous lifestyle. You already know the best sketches with photos and tips for choosing a place on the body, style of performance.

Tattoos depicting cathedrals, crucifixes, angels, faces of saints and biblical characters are most often applied to the chest and back. Less commonly - on the shoulders and legs.

The motivation of tattoos is different. The choice of a religious subject does not yet testify to the piety of the prisoner. It can carry a secret meaning, hope in the Judgment of God or information about the owner of the picture (say, the church testifies to the Catholic faith, the number of domes in the cathedral is the number of walkers or the prison sentence received, the numbers on the crosses can mean articles of the Criminal Code, etc. ).

Religious tattoos are often accompanied by anti-communist sayings or obscene expressions. The picture can be supplemented with the abbreviation "GOD" (was condemned by the state).

1. Improvisation on the theme of Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna". "The Most High intercessor before the Lord." Hope for the forgiveness of sins. Another interpretation of the tattoo is "Prison Child". Apply to the chest.

2. The crucifixion is a symbol of the martyr. "God endured and commanded us." Symbolizes humility and forgiveness. Place of tattoo - chest, shoulder.

3. Dove - tenderness, humility, love, hope (pigeons are most often found on tattoos among all biblical characters).

Religious tattoos are often accompanied by biblical aphorisms or winged sayings:

God is the judge of all.

God loves the one who does not sin, and the one who does not live does not sin.

God is not a fraer - he will forgive everything.

God, don't forget me and put me in paradise.

God, punish my executioners and take me to your place.

God save and save your servant ...

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Virgin Mary, save and save ...

Oh, God, why ?!

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable - they are in darkness, and the world is great.

Save me, a sinner, from this order.

What is not subject to God and the Church of Rome - must be put to death.

4. Flying lion with a Bible in its paws. Power and strength. It is applied on the chest, less often on the back.

5. Christian soul (dove) and communion (bunch of grapes). Found on the chest.

6. Soaring eagle, clutching the Bible. The place of the tattoo is the chest. Symbolizes pride, freedom, justice.

Foreign sayings of a religious nature are also popular. They can be applied without a pattern and exist independently:

CUM DEO (lat.) - with God.

DER MENSCH, VERSUCHE DIE GOTTER NICHT (German) - man, do not tempt the Gods.

DIEU ET LIBERTE (fr.) - God and freedom.

DIEU ЕТ MY DROIT (fr.) - God and my right

IN GOD WE TRUST (English) - we believe in God.

MEMENTO MORI (lat.) - remember death!

MEMENTO QUOD ES HOMO (lat.) - remember that you are human.

ME QUOQUE FATA REGUNT (lat.) - I also obey rock.

MORTEM EFFUGERE NEMO POTEST (lat.) - no one can escape death.

QUI SINE PECCATO EST (lat.) - who is without sin.

SICITUR ASTRA (lat.) - this is how they go to the stars.

SILENTUM (lat.) - silence.

VIA SACRA (lat.) - Holy path.

7. Peacock with a loose tail. Belief in the afterlife. "We will not die!" "For our freedom!" "We will win!". Apply to the shoulder or chest.

8. Mother of the Gnostics, sending grace. Found on the shoulder.

9. Snake tempter. Biblical story about the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. The composition can be complemented by an angel. The place of the tattoo is the chest.

10. Palm tree. "End crowns the work". "I came, I saw, I conquered." Apply to the chest or shoulder. Symbolizes good luck and victory.

11. The all-seeing eye. "God sees everything!" "God is the judge of all." "Let the grace of God ascend upon the sinner." The triangle means the trinity of God - Father, son and holy spirit. It is applied to the chest, shoulder, less often - on the hand.

An interesting fact: believing prisoners do not strive for tattoos of religious content. Vyacheslav Ivankov, who grew up in a religious family, wore a cross around his neck for decades and created a church in the Irkutsk prison (which, however, did not prevent him from robbing his neighbor), did not like “godly” art. Yaponchik himself had only two thieves' stars under his collarbones and a barely noticeable pattern on his hand.

Religious tattoos are preferred not so much by religious criminals as by superstitious ones.

12. Hand of the Creator. "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable - they are in darkness, and the world is great." The place of the tattoo is the chest.

13. Angel reading a book. "Servant of God". It symbolizes obedience to the Almighty and is applied to the chest or shoulder.

14. A branch of a palm tree is a symbol of victory. Found on the chest, shoulder, forearm.

15. Cathedral. The symbol of the Orthodox faith. "Holy Russia". The owner of the tattoo sometimes puts an autobiographical meaning into it: the number of domes is the number of people walking into the zone. It is applied to the chest or back.

16. Laurel wreath. Victory symbol. "Award to the winner". Apply to the chest or shoulder.

17. Theotokos with Jesus. The tattoo can be supplemented with the text: "The Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary, save and preserve the sinful slave ..." (further the name of the owner of the tattoo is indicated). It is applied to the chest or back.

18. The biblical story about a dove that flew to Noah with an "olive leaf" during the flood. The tattoo is applied to the chest or shoulder. A symbol of hope and salvation.

19. Church in the palm of your hand. There may be shackles on the arm, which indicates a long term of imprisonment. The number of domes means the number of walkers or the sentence received. The tattoo is applied on the shoulder, thigh, and less often on the chest.

A tattoo on a prisoner's body can tell a lot about the owner: from the number of walkers to the character and status in the criminal world. For your attention - the second part of the material, compiled on the basis of excerpts from the book of the forensic expert Arkady Bronnikov "Tattoos and their forensic significance." First part

The tattoo on the forefinger of this prisoner is a variant of the "negative ring", denoting hostility towards law enforcement and the regime. On the middle finger: "Freedom for the youngster" or "I bought time and I will steal." On the nameless: "Broken Youth" - the host was convicted as a minor. Five points on the wrist are a common sign of those familiar with the prison regime. They mean “four towers and me” or “I passed through the zone” of a prisoner who served a sentence of correctional labor or a colony. Lenin is perceived by many criminals as the "Father" of the Communist Party. The letters BOP, which are sometimes painted under his image, have a double meaning: the acronym stands for "Leader of the October Revolution" or in its literal meaning - VOR.

The skull and crossbones on this prisoner's shoulders indicate that the person is serving a life sentence. A single eight-pointed star signifies that he is the "watchman" among thieves. "A girl hooks her dress with a fishing rod" on her left forearm - such tattoos were worn by hooligans and rapists. Snakes entwined around human remains (located on the middle third of each shoulder) are a variation on the tattoos of old thieves. The snake is a symbol of temptation, but the head of the snake has been replaced by a woman's head - the temptress. The tattoo on the right side of the abdomen is a variation on the painting "Judith" (1504) by Giorgione (in the Old Testament apocryphal tradition, a pious widow saving her city from the invasion of the Assyrians - ed.); symbolizes deceit in the form of a seductive woman who betrays a noble person. The text above the cross reads: "O God, save and save your servant Victor." The text below reads: "God, judge me, not according to my works, but according to your mercy." The text above the belt reads: "F * have need and sorrow."

The inscription on the right hand reads: "save love, keep freedom." The inscription on the left hand: "Sinner". On the chest: "To each his own." The text under the skulls: "God is against everyone, everyone is against God." Text on the wrist in German: "Mein Gott" (Oh my God). A cowboy with a pistol shows that this thief is willing to take risks and is ready to use any opportunity. A dove carrying a twig (left shoulder) is a symbol of good news and deliverance from suffering.

Shoulder straps or epaulettes on the shoulders of convicts are adapted into ZK-tattoos from pre-revolutionary military uniforms and denote a negative attitude towards the justice system. Shoulder straps are worn by high-ranking criminals, who may also have a corresponding nickname, such as "Big" or "Colonel". Shoulder straps with three small stars or skulls are deciphered as: “I am not a camp slave, no one can make me work”, “I am a prisoner, but I was born free”, “I am a colonel of the zone - I will not get my hands dirty with a wheelbarrow”, “ The strong wins - the weak dies "," Horses die from work. "

“Dollar bills, skyscrapers, and a machine gun with the initials‘ US ”means this inmate’s addiction to the American mafia life.

On the prisoner's hand under the skull is the Latin phrase: "Momento Mori", which means "Remember death." The double-headed eagle is a Russian state symbol that was introduced in the 15th century by Peter the Great. In 1993, after the fall of the socialist system, he replaced the hammer and sickle as the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. This photo, taken during the Soviet period, shows this tattoo as a symbol of anger against the USSR. Tatu can also be interpreted as: "Russia for Russians." The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the desire for freedom, while a gloomy character holds a pistol and signifies a willingness to commit violence and murder. The eyes on the chest mean: "I can see everything" or "I look" - an authoritative tattoo of the criminal "beholder". Eight-pointed stars on the shoulders mark the wearer as an “authoritative” thief.

The text of the tattoo on the chest of the ZK reads: "Save and preserve." Text on both sides of the cross: "XB" (Christ is Risen). The eight-pointed stars on the collarbones represent a high-ranking thief. A butterfly around the neck is often found in high-security colonies. Originally, bow ties were tattoos of cheaters and traitors. They were executed forcibly under a "cat" - a tattoo of pickpockets who violated the "thieves'" code and sided with the authorities. Currently, however, there is no disregard for such tattoos. The dollar sign on the butterfly indicates that the wearer is either a bugbear or has been convicted of stealing government property.

  • ZK tattoo: an encyclopedia of Russian crime ...


The phrase "save and preserve" is among the forms used in the Christian religion. It got into the culture of tattoo through criminal symbols.

Gradually, this symbol passed into the category of sacred, it is used by people of religious views and who want to receive protection from the higher spheres. A tattoo with the inscription can be seen on the body of football players, racers, athletes, representatives of law enforcement agencies.

The meaning of the tattoo save and save on the hand

Most often, “save and save” a tattoo on the arm is beaten by people whose activities involve risks. The inscription has a protective meaning.

It is stuffed on the leading hand. It is most convenient to place words on the forearm, there is enough space for letters and additional decor.

Stuffing his hand with the inscription "save" a person asks the heavenly patrons for protection. Most often, a part of the picture is supplemented with an image:

  • angels
  • faces of saints
  • religious paraphernalia.

The request for salvation on the hand is connected not only with the fear of failure or loss of life. The owner asks to protect his spirit and soul from temptations and destructive decisions.

There are many font options:

  • Latin;
  • Old Church Slavonic;
  • church Orthodox;
  • recipe;
  • gothic font, etc.

According to the zone code, those who were sitting had the right to fill in such signs more than once. The expression came into use even at a time when the death penalty was part of the punishment.

They were beaten by people whose life was inextricably linked with crime. And therefore they risked falling under an article with a severe punishment.

Where else can you apply?

ATTENTION! For the most successful placement of the inscription, consult with the expert. Some areas are considered forbidden for the location of phrases from religious texts.

In addition to the hand, you can choose a place that gives you a stable association with protection. So many people prefer to wear the phrase on the back. In this way, a person seeks protection from powerful forces that should cover his rear at the moment of danger.

Women often have a tattoo on their chest in the area of ​​the heart. You can see tattoos on the fair sex:

  • on the edge of the palm
  • fingers
  • around the wrist.

If the leg is in need of protection, an area close to the risk zone is chosen.

Video - "Save and Save" - ​​photo gallery

Today, it is no longer surprising to surprise anyone with those knocked out on the shoulder, arm, leg, chest, back, etc. tattoo. "Save and Preserve" is one of the most popular options. This inscription is quite common. The masters have long been accustomed to this phrase.

The "Save and Save" tattoo can be located on different parts of the body. The main thing is to decide on the font and color.

Who is filling the "Save and Save" tattoo?

Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to decorating their bodies with various designs. This art, according to some historians, is more than six thousand years old.

Of course, today it is quite difficult to surprise anyone with a tattoo. They are often already stuffed into adolescents. Even parents stopped panicking when they looked at these images.

The "Save and Save" tattoos are most often filled by men. This inscription, of course, is not made for beauty and not to attract attention.

This tattoo speaks about the inner world of a person, about his feelings, about his attitude to religion. This inscription is filled with serious and judicious people ...

Religious images - what is the point?

The "Save and Preserve" tattoos, like cathedrals, crucifixes, angels, faces of saints and biblical characters, are most often applied to the back and chest. Although these images are found, albeit rarely, and on the arms, shoulders, and legs.

The motivation for creating such tattoos can be different. It is not at all necessary for its owner to be a devout person. A tattoo can carry a secret meaning, information about the owner of the picture, or hope for God's Judgment.

Think well

The only thing to keep in mind is that this is not just an image. This drawing is for life. Therefore, before getting the "Save and Save" tattoo on your arm, back, chest or any other part of your body, think carefully whether you are ready for this inscription to accompany you until the very end. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Try to imagine how the tattoo will look on your skin many years from now.

Remember also that any drawings on the body, even such, are fiercely condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church opposes any images stamped on the human body. Accordingly, think carefully before taking such a step.

Contact the professionals

And one more important factor. It is best to get a tattoo in a specialized salon. Professionals will definitely not let you down. That is, you decided to get the "Save and Save" tattoo. The photo, considered in the catalogs that the master will give you, will make it clear to you whether this is what you would like to see on your body.

This figure is not limited to certain frames. Each artist can add his own touches to this tattoo, his own style - unconventional, bold, independent, unlike anything else. Thus, this image can acquire various variations, be distinguished by special originality, a manifestation of the creative "I" of an individual professional.

Of course, a lot also depends on the personal preferences of the customers. For example, a certain category of people chooses exclusively a traditional tattoo. That is, the drawing can be done on any part of the body, but at the same time a minimum of colors are used, and there are no shadows on it.

Some tattoo lovers, on the other hand, love something unusual, non-standard. Perhaps it will be the original font or ornamental edging.

In any case, whichever option you choose, a tattoo will not only decorate your body if you so desire. She will also indicate your life principles, aspirations, positions, desires. Just remember that this is not just fashion. This is a pretty big step.

The popularity of the "Save and Save" tattoo is growing every day in different segments of the population. But a person with such a pattern on his body makes us think of him initially as a rather serious person. In short, this tattoo says a lot, so be one hundred percent sure of your decision before agreeing to this procedure.

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