Home Vegetables Fraternal Epiphany Monastery. Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God on canvas

Fraternal Epiphany Monastery. Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God on canvas

Icons of the Mother of God adorn many Orthodox churches. They have an extraordinary power that can protect you and your family from illness and hardship, so they are strong amulet and help in difficult situations.

In almost every house or apartment of a believer, you can see the icon of the Mother of God. Such attention is based on the incredible power of the icon. Some people claim to have known own experience the power of this divine image. The Orthodox Church is no exception, which always places the icons of the Mother of God in the most prominent place, because the parishioners first of all pay attention to the image of the Mother of God and do not pass by this icon without praying for themselves and their family.

Icons of the Mother of God are located in almost all churches and temples in Russia. However, neighboring countries give due attention divine image Mother of God.

History of the icon

In 1131, the Kiev prince Mstislav was presented with an icon of the Mother of God, painted on a fragment of the table at which Jesus Christ dined. The icon was placed in the Maiden Monastery of Vyshgorod, located in the Kiev region. Many years later, in the same city, the icon inexplicably appeared in the church of Boris and Gleb. This miraculous event happened in 1654.

During the Russian-Polish war, the Borisoglebskaya church was destroyed. Fortunately, the icon of the Mother of God was saved by local residents, who carried it out in advance and let it go along the Dnieper. Over time, the image of God washed up on the shore of Podil, located in Kiev. For believing residents, the appearance of such an icon was a joy and a great honor, and they placed it in the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery. The image of the Mother of God adorned the walls of the monastery for many years. After its destruction in 1935, the icon disappeared.

There is a story that during the Russian-Polish war, in order to insult local residents one of the soldiers hit the icon with his sword. At that moment, blood gushed from the face of the Mother of God, and the entire icon was filled with red. That night, the Mother of God appeared to the commander, demanding severe punishment for the godless. The next day, he demanded that the offender of the Mother of God be found and hanged, while he himself quietly disappeared from Vyshgorod.

In 1692, the "Song of the miraculous Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God" appeared. Only excerpts from this historical source are now known.

Where is the icon of the Mother of God

After serious destruction caused by wars and revolutions, the image of the Virgin had to go through long haul. Last time the original of the icon was in the Kiev-Bratsky monastery. In 1935, the monastery was blown up by the Bolsheviks, and the icon disappeared without a trace. On the this moment nothing is known about the fate of the original, however, an exact copy of the icon is located in the Kiev Intercession Monastery in the city of Kiev.

Description of the icon

The original of the icon has some differences from the surviving copy, mainly the color scheme and brightness of the image changed.

On the surviving copy of the icon, as on many icons of the Mother of God, the Holy Virgin is depicted with the Christ child in her arms. left hand the baby stretches out to the Mother of God, which means Her blessing. Right hand the baby shows three fingers, a symbol of the Holy Trinity, where two folded fingers, middle and index, mean the two natures of Jesus Christ - divine and human, and the little finger symbolizes one of the three God's essences - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

What does the icon help with?

Orthodox believers know about the power of the icon of the Mother of God not by hearsay. It is believed that the Mother of God is closer to God than other saints. Therefore, they turn to her much more often with requests and for blessings. Before the icon of the Mother of God they pray for healing, for deliverance from troubles and torment, for family well-being. Young girls are asked to save them from infertility and protect them from difficult births. The newlyweds seek blessings for a long and happy marriage. As before, so now this icon is especially popular with believers. Those who turn to her for help miraculously get what they want.

Days of celebration

The celebration of the Kiev-Brast Icon takes place three times a year: May 10, June 2 and September 6. All dates are associated with the miraculous appearance of the holy image of the Mother of God.

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God

"O, Holy Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God. Look with Your All-Merciful Eye on us, standing before You, the Great Mother of God, believing and praying to You. Appear before us and bless us servants of God. May Your light shine before us. Amen!"

From time immemorial, Orthodox believers have venerated the image of the Mother of God. As in the days of celebration, so in common days parishioners fall to the icon of the Mother of God and ask in prayer for the most secret. Health to you and your family, and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.09.2017 05:56

V Orthodox Christianity many days are devoted to the memory of saints, as well as to great icons. One of them...

Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God

The miraculous image of the Mother of God "Kiev-Bratsky" has been celebrated since 1654.
Days of celebration - May 10 (23); 02 (15) June and 06 (19) September.

History of the icon

This icon miraculously appeared in 1654 and was originally local in the Borisoglebsk church in the city of Vyshgorod (Kiev).

In 1662, during the war with Poland (1659–1667), the city suffered great damage from those who fought against Russia in alliance with the Poles. Crimean Tatars. The Church of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb was devastated and desecrated by the enemy. But by the Providence of God, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God was preserved, it was taken out of the temple in a timely manner and launched along the Dnieper, and the relics of the saints were hidden under a bushel. The river carried the holy icon to the bank of Podol in Kiev, where it was received with great joy by the Orthodox and transferred with due honors to the Brotherhood Monastery, from whose name it received its name. There the holy image remained for a long time.

Tradition adds the following detail to this story.

One Tatar noticed an icon in the river and decided to use it for crossing, but as soon as he touched it, the icon itself swam, moreover, very quickly and stopped in front of the Brotherhood Monastery. The Tatar, afraid of drowning, screamed desperately, and in response to his cries, the brethren from the monastery came out and sent a boat towards him. Subsequently, the saved Tatar was baptized and took tonsure in the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery.

In the inventory of the church property of the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery, made in 1807, a description of the miraculous icon is given.

There was a “Song of the miraculous Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God”, compiled shortly after 1692.

Unfortunately, the prototype of the icon has not been preserved. A copy of the miraculous image “measure in measure” is kept in the Kiev Monastery of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Troparion of the Mother of God before the miraculous icon of Her Kiev-Brotherhood.

Not found.

Kontakion of the Mother of God before the miraculous icon of Her Kiev-Brotherhood.


Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos before Her icon, called the Kiev-Bratskaya.


Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her miraculous icon of the Kiev-Bratskaya:

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Most Pure Lady Theotokos. Look with Your all-merciful eye on us, coming before Your most pure image, the Kiev-Brotherly named, and praying to Thee before him.
May the inexpressible light of Thy Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, shine in our hearts. May His will be done through our whole life. May He grant us forgiveness and cleansing of all our sins and transgressions.
Imams have no other help, no other hope, except for You, Most Pure One.
As in ancient times, the city of Vyshgorod and the land of Kiev glorified you with signs and miracles from your wonderful icon, when you miraculously saved the infidel Hagar from the water drowning in the Dnieper River, and you brought him unharmed to the monastery of Kiev-Brotherhood, and there you accepted his true repentance , and enlightened with the light of holy baptism, Angelic rank in this monastery you clothed you, and you guided the salvation and the true Orthodox faith to the affirmation.
For this sake, we, sinful and unworthy, boldly ask and pray: do not reject us, praying to Ty, before this wondrous and miraculous icon yours. Strengthen the right faith in us, grant unfeigned love for each other. Be the Chosen Governor against all our visible and invisible enemies: turn the unfaithful to orthodoxy, guide the faithful on the path of repentance and salvation.
Help, Lady Mistress, erect a temple and a monastery to the wondrous and glorious, venerable Angels and men, Thy name, in honor and memory of the miraculous image of Thy Kiev-Brothers.
Yes, and in this temple and this monastery, even more so in our souls and hearts, let us glorify Thee, the Intercessor and the Prayer Book for our kind, and by Thee we will give glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Magnification of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kiev-Brotherhood.


Do you have other information? Send, we will gladly supplement, but only with an indication of the source of information or a photocopy of the source.

Church history and Tradition have preserved a description of the miracles associated with the appearance and glorification of the Kiev-Bratsk Icon in the ancient city of Vyshgorod.

Vyshgorod is an ancient patrimony of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles (in the baptism of Elena, the memory is celebrated on July 11, old style), and later all Kiev princes, has always been in a special position with his patrons. It was first mentioned in the chronicle in 946: “Bebo Vyshegorod city of Volzin (Olzhin)”, that is, the inheritance of St. Olga, her favorite place and city, the organization of which she devoted a lot of care to (“Description of Kiev” by Berlinsky).

In 1131, an icon was sent from Constantinople as a gift to the holy noble prince of Kiev Mstislav (in baptism Theodore). Holy Mother of God, written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Lord Jesus Christ ate, known as Vyshgorodskaya (the celebration takes place on May 21, June 23, August 26, old style).

The icon was installed in the Maiden Monastery in Vyshgorod. Many healings and miracles flowed from the miraculous Vyshgorod Icon of the Mother of God. And the ancient city of Vyshgorod, and all the limits of Kiev were henceforth under the protection of the Queen of Heaven.

The son of Yuri Dolgoruky, the saint brought the icon to Vladimir in 1155 and placed it in the famous Cathedral of the Dormition he had erected. Since that time, the icon has received the name of Vladimirskaya.

Information about the Kiev-Bratskaya icon, which was also a shrine of Vyshgorod, dates back to the 17th century, when Kiev and its borders were constantly attacked by Polish-Lithuanian and Crimean-Tatar invaders.

“The Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God used to be local in the Borisoglebsk Church in the city of Vyshgorod (Kiev), where it miraculously appeared in 1654,” the story of the icon begins in the book “The Benefits of the Mother of God to the Christian Family Through Her Holy Icons.”

The description of the miraculous appearance of the icon is preserved in Hrushevsky's work "History of Ukraine-Rus". The Lithuanian army, led by their prince Radziwill, preparing to attack Kiev in order to plunder it, stopped at a camp in Vyshgorod. Naturally, in Vyshgorod, Lithuanians - half-pagans, half-Catholics (as well as Calvinists) began to rob the city, not stopping even in front of the shrine. The line also reached the cathedral church, where the icon of the Mother of God was located.

One of the soldiers, wanting to insult all the Orthodox, hit the face of the Mother of God with a gun, this made a sign: blood flowed down her face, as if from a wound. On the same night, the Mother of God appeared to Radziwill and threatened that if he did not punish Her offender, he would not leave Vyshgorod alive. In the morning Radziwill ordered to find the atheist, hang him, and hastily left Vyshgorod without causing any ruin.

And the icon, glorified by the grateful people of Vyshgorod, has become one of the revered shrines of the city.

The event took place during the Russian-Polish war (1654-1667). The city suffered great damage from the Crimean Tatars who fought on the side of the Poles. The Church of the Holy Passion-Bearers was devastated and desecrated. However, the Providence of God preserved the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which was promptly taken out of the temple and launched along the Dnieper, and the relics of the saints were hidden under a bushel.

“One Tatar, as the legend says, wanted to cross the Dnieper on the icon. The icon itself floated and stood in the middle of the Dnieper opposite the Brotherhood Monastery. The Tartar sat on it and shouted; they sailed from the monastery and took the icon and the Tatar into the boat, who after that was baptized and tonsured a monk ... At this time, the icon of the Mother of God, brought by water to Kiev-Podil, was accepted, with due honor placed in the Fraternal Monastery, where it stands to this day ".

“Kiev-Bratsky Epiphany, school monastery of the second class. This monastery is located in Kiev on Podol and was founded in 1588 by the school Brotherhood at the school of the Epiphany parish church, located near; and when the Church of the Epiphany and the school burned down, and in 1613 Anna Gugulevicheva, the wife of Marshal Mozyrsky, gave her courtyard, which was on the site of the present monastery, for schools, then, with the appointment of monastic teachers to them, the monastery was founded in some way. But already under the Metropolitan (1596-1646) in 1631, it was approved to be a perfect monastery and under it the Academy, or Collegium. “The shrine of this temple (the Church of the Epiphany) consists of: the miraculous icon of the Brotherly Mother of God, brought by the waves of the Dnieper from Vyshgorod, devastated by the Tatars in 1662; she is on right side temple at the pillar in a special icon case, on a dais; weekly on Saturdays, an akathist to the Mother of God is read before the icon ... ".

In the book “Orthodox Russian Monasteries” it is said about the Fraternal Monastery: “The Epiphany first-class non-communal school monastery occupies a vast space along Aleksandrovskaya Square, between Naberezhno-Nikolaevskaya, Volynskaya and Ilyinskaya streets, surrounded by a stone fence, crowned from the side of the square by a three-tiered bell tower ... The cathedral church of the Epiphany was built on the site of a wooden hetman Ivan Mazepa in 1693.

In this temple, the shrines of the monastery are kept - the miraculous icon of the Fraternal Mother of God, which sailed along the river. Dnieper in 1662 from the cathedral church ruined by the Tatars in the city of Vyshgorod...”.

Interesting information about the Fraternal Icon is found in the book of the famous Kiev scholar and historian Konstantin Sherotsky “Kiev. Guide" edition of 1917. It says: “In the middle of the temple, near the middle right pillar, there is a miraculous, very popular in the 17-18 centuries. image of the Fraternal Mother of God. It is in Ukrainian letters of the 17th century. in the usual type of local icons and comes from the iconostasis of the Vyshgorod church, destroyed by the Polish-Lithuanian troops in 1651. The story of the arrival of this icon from Vyshgorod is told on an interesting engraved image of it, made by a famous Kiev engraver of the 17-18th century. Illarion Miguroyu, who considers the year of the appearance of the icon in the Fraternal Monastery to be 1654. The icon sailed along the Dnieper and was removed from there by the monks, who hurried to the call of the Tatar, who grabbed the icon in order to swim across the Dnieper. The icon is now heavily rewritten, but old engravings make it clear that the features of the drawing are unchanged. Sherotsky K. Kyiv. Guide. 1917).

Many monasteries of the Russian Empire ordered a copy of the miraculous Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God, wishing to have this shrine within their walls.

So in the inventory of the shrines of the Lebedinsky Monastery of the Kiev Diocese (now the Cherkasy diocese) there is an indication: “There were also revered shrines in the monastery: the icon of the Mother of God “Kiev-Bratskaya” in a silver-gold robe, with which Abbess Filaret was blessed in 1861 from the dean of the monasteries Archimandrite Ioannikius of the Kiev Diocese” (St. Nicholas Lebedinsky Monastery, p. 8).

The celebration of the Fraternal Icon takes place four times a year: May 10 (N.S. 23), June 2 (N.S. 15), September 6 (N.S. , Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Since the 17th century, the veneration of the Kiev-Brotherly Icon of the Mother of God was great among the common people, the townspeople, artisans, residents of Podil, Kozhemyak and other handicraft areas of Kiev.

The Podolians did not start a single important business without a prayer before the Brotherhood. Trade deals (the Fraternal Monastery was located just on one of the liveliest shopping areas in Kiev, Alexandrovskaya, or known under the name "Kontraktova"), matchmaking and the conclusion of marriage contracts, contentious issues, litigation, all this was decided before the Fraternal image of the Mother of God.

Mention of the icon in fiction

Row literary works Ukrainian classics vividly depicted the influence of the Fraternal Icon on the life and way of life of Kiev in the 19th century.

Outstanding Ukrainian writer Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky, who lived in the 19th century in Kiev and knew its traditions, in one of his works "On Kozhum'yaki", showed what a great influence the Bratsk icon had among the people. Here are some quotes from the piece:

Gostrokhvosty: I who told you about it? I God to you and I swear before the Brotherly miraculous Mother of God, that this is all nonsense.

“Ale, I swear to you, I swear! Rebuke me the holy Cross, "Ye, do not punish me Brother Mother of God!".

From the lips of another character we hear:

“Sidir Sviridovich: Holy, holy, holy! Brother miraculous Mother of God! Step in and have mercy!

At Mikhail Staritsky, no less famous Ukrainian playwright, in the comedy "Chasing Two Hares" there are also references to the Kiev-Bratsk icon:

"Golokhvasty: You don't believe? So know that I absolutely did not love anyone, I do not love and will not love, besides you! .. Yes, if I loved the Fraternal Icon so much, then the angels would take me alive to heaven!

"Sekleta: You're lying! Swear allegiance to me at least on Bratskaya!

Golohvasty: May all the Saints of the Caves punish me! Let the big Lavra bell cover me when I break!

Sekleta: No, swear allegiance on your knees before Bratskaya!

Headless (aside): I won't get rid of it! (Kneels down.) Well, let the Fraternal Mother of God beat me when I lie!

Sekleta: Well, now I believe, now I believe!

The fate of the icon in the XX century

At the beginning of the 20th century, or rather after 1917, the Kiev-Bratsk Icon and Monastery, as well as the lot of the entire Orthodox people, faced severe trials.

In 1919, the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery and the Kiev Theological Academy were officially closed. Soviet power. However, the academy functioned unofficially until the mid-1920s - some teachers lectured and took exams in private apartments.

In the monastery churches, services were held until the early 1930s, as parish ones.

After the liquidation of the Fraternal Monastery and the closure of the Kiev Theological Academy, the icon disappeared without a trace. When an inventory of the monastic valuables and the sacristy was carried out, in connection with the nationalization of church property in the 1920s, the icon was no longer there. It is known that at the time of disappearance, the icon was decorated with an expensive gilded riza with many precious cameos (the inventory of the icon is kept in the archives of the Vernadsky Library in Kiev). There are no documents confirming the removal of the shrine or its transfer to another place.

After the disappearance of the icon, the destruction of the Fraternal Monastery and other familiar to us historical events, there was a period of some spiritual oblivion. The memory of the Kiev-Bratsk icon was preserved only in church calendar and in those few icon lists that were in the surviving Orthodox churches.

Until recently, it was possible to honor the memory of the Brothers, to venerate the image in three churches in Kiev: the Ilnskaya Church on Podil (in the aisle of St. John the Baptist), in the Exaltation of the Cross Church (in the Kazan aisle) on the same Podil and in the Kiev Intercession Convent.

In 2007, on the outskirts of Kiev, in the village of Gorenka, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district, with the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Vladimir His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, a community and parish in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Kiev-Brothers" is being created, which begins work on the construction of a church in honor of the great Kiev shrine - the Brotherly icon of the Mother of God.

In autumn 2007 hegumen Akhila (Shakhtarin) was appointed rector of the parish by decree of the Metropolitan.

The temple Kiev-Bratskaya icon of the Mother of God was painted, according to the historical description and surviving copies.

The iconography of the Kiev-Bratsk icon, which in its composition dates back to the ancient Byzantine icon"Our Lady Eleusa", which in Greek means "Merciful", or "Tenderness".

“This iconographic type developed in late Byzantine art, but it flourished precisely in Russia. He turned out to be in tune with that special sincerity that has always been characteristic of the Russian perception of Christianity. character itself ancient Russian icon painting- light, soft, melodious - perfectly suited just such an image of the Mother of God with the Child.

The word "tenderness" is related to the Greek "Eleusa" - "Merciful". So in Byzantium they called many icons of the Mother of God. The very same type of "Tenderness" was called in the Byzantine icon painting "Glykophilus" - "Sweet Kiss". main meaning such icons mutual love and tenderness of Mother and Son. In these images, their attention is drawn primarily to each other: Mary tenderly hugs the Baby to her, and He hugs Her by the neck or gently touches her cheek with his hand.

This touching tenderness also has a special, tragic connotation. After all, Mary caresses not a simple child, but the Savior, who will have to accept the Cross torment for the sins of the human race. Not without reason, on the icons dedicated to the mourning of Christ, one can also see the Mother of God, clinging to the cheek of the Son.

When this work was supplemented with new data on the Kiev-Brotherhood Icon and was being prepared for the second edition. It became known that in July 2009 the miraculous Kiev-Brotherhood Icon of the Mother of God was found in the vaults of the National Art Museum of Ukraine, the traces of which, as mentioned above, are lost in the 20s , 30s of the XX century.

This good news comes from an article by Nina Parkhomenko, researcher National Art Museum of Ukraine "The Finding of the Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God", placed on the last page of the Church Orthodox newspaper No. 21, November 2009.

From the article it became known that after the destruction of the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery, the icon entered Kiev Pechersk Lavra to the museum and from the Lavra Museum in the 30s, it ended up in the storerooms of the National Art Museum: In 1935 rozorone and znesenno Bratsky monastery. Until recently, the Kiev-Bratsk icon was considered lost. І dated, at lipni 2009 At the same time, he works at the collections of the National Art Museum of Ukraine, and found a qiu icon, before that, in a silver silver frame with a gilt carbovanized frame. On the back of the doshka there is an old inventory number (which is known from the funds of the Lavra museum site in 1934), the order with which it is indicated that the icon was taken from the Bratsk Monastery. The icon to finish the rosemary is large - 133 × 96 ... ”, (Church Orthodox newspaper No. 21, 2009).

Celebration of the Kiev-Bratsk Icon happening May 23, June 15, September 19 (May 10, June 2, September 6 old style).

What do they pray for in Kiev-Bratskaya icon of the Mother of God: when attacked by enemies, they pray for the defense of the Fatherland; on the conversion of non-Christians to Orthodoxy; about giving kindness and love to people.

Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God

Prayer to the Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady, Most Pure Lady Theotokos. Look with Your all-merciful eye on us, coming before Your most pure image, the Kiev-Brotherly named, and praying to Thee before him. May the inexpressible light of Thy Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, shine in our hearts. May his will be done through our whole life. May He grant us forgiveness and cleansing of all our sins and transgressions. Imams have no other help, no other hope, except for You, Most Pure One. Like in ancient times, the city of the Higher City and the land of Kiev glorified you with signs and miracles from your wonderful icon, when you miraculously saved the infidel Hagar from the water drowning in the Dnieper River, and brought you unharmed to the monastery of Kiev-Brotherhood, and there his true repentance thou hast received, and having enlightened with the light of holy baptism, she has clothed thou in the rank of angels in this monastery, and thus to salvation and the true faith of the Orthodox, the affirmation guided thou. For this sake, we, sinners and unworthy, boldly ask and pray: do not reject us, praying to Thee, before this marvelous and miraculous icon of Yours. Strengthen the right faith in us, grant unfeigned love for each other. Be the Chosen Governor against all our visible and invisible enemies: turn the unfaithful to orthodoxy, guide the faithful on the path of repentance and salvation. Help, Lady Mistress, erect a temple and a monastery to the wondrous and glorious, venerable Angels and men, Thy name, in honor and memory of the miraculous image of Thy Kiev-Brothers. Yes, and in this temple and this monastery, even more so in our souls and hearts, let us glorify Thee, the Intercessor and the Prayer Book for our kind, and by Thee we will give glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The miraculous Kyiv-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God was revealed in 1654 and was originally local in the Borisoglebsk church in the city of Vyshgorod (Kiev).

In 1662, during the war with Poland (1659-1667), the city suffered great damage from the Crimean Tatars who fought against Russia in alliance with the Poles. The Church of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb was devastated and desecrated by the enemy. But by the Providence of God, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God was preserved, it was taken out of the temple in a timely manner and launched along the Dnieper, and the relics of the saints were hidden under a bushel. The river carried the holy icon to the bank of Podol in Kiev, where it was received with great joy by the Orthodox and transferred with due honors to the Brotherhood Monastery, from whose name it received its name. There the holy image remained for a long time. In the inventory of the church property of the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery, made in 1807, a description of the miraculous icon is given.

There was a “Song of the miraculous Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God”, compiled shortly after 1692.

Celebrations of the Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God are celebrated three times a year. All of them are dedicated miraculous phenomenon holy icon in 1654.

Unfortunately, the prototype of the icon has not been preserved. A copy of the miraculous image “measure in measure” is kept in the Kiev Monastery of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her miraculous icon of the Kiev-Bratskaya

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Most Pure Lady Theotokos. Look with Your all-merciful eye on us, coming before Your most pure image, the Kiev-Brotherly named, and praying to Thee before him.

May the inexpressible light of Thy Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, shine in our hearts. May His will be done through our whole life. May He grant us forgiveness and cleansing of all our sins and transgressions.

Imams have no other help, no other hope, except for You, Most Pure One.

As in ancient times, the city of Vyshgorod and the land of Kiev glorified you with signs and miracles from your wonderful icon, when you miraculously saved the infidel Hagar from the water drowning in the Dnieper River, and you brought him unharmed to the monastery of Kiev-Brotherhood, and there you accepted his true repentance , and having enlightened with the light of holy baptism, you clothed you in the Angelic rank in this monastery, and you guided the salvation and the true faith of the Orthodox affirmation.

For this sake, we, sinners and unworthy, boldly ask and pray: do not reject us, praying to Thee, before this marvelous and miraculous icon of Yours. Strengthen the right faith in us, grant unfeigned love for each other. Be the Chosen Governor against all our visible and invisible enemies: turn the unfaithful to orthodoxy, guide the faithful on the path of repentance and salvation.

Help, Lady Mistress, erect a temple and a monastery to the wondrous and glorious, venerable Angels and men, Thy name, in honor and memory of the miraculous image of Thy Kiev-Brothers.

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