Home Vegetables Why a baked apple is useful from a fresh one. Baked apples. Oven baked apples with honey and cinnamon

Why a baked apple is useful from a fresh one. Baked apples. Oven baked apples with honey and cinnamon

The benefits and harms of baked apples - this topic is of primary concern to fans of a unique dessert. The sweet aroma, well known from childhood, has a lot of fans of different age categories. Easy to prepare, endowed with great benefits for humans, it is enjoyed by even the most rigorous gourmets. It is difficult to overestimate its nutritional and beneficial properties.

But there is also the opposite opinion of doctors who doubt the full effectiveness of this product. Opponents say there is no healing effect and point to the harm caused by the apple delicacy. However, the widespread prevalence of this dish in various variations and the absence of deterioration do not confirm the position of the hype lovers.

Fresh apples are available all year round. Regardless of the season, they can always be found on supermarket shelves. But, please note that foreign fruits do not have such benefits. The external beautiful gloss of import is quite deceiving. Imported apples require chemical processing to extend shelf life. It protects the fetus from harmful microorganisms that cause rotting. It is difficult not to lose attractiveness during long transportation. Therefore, foreign fruits are heat-treated with wax to give shine. This is the reason for the loss of the beneficial properties of apples.

Feel free to give preference to domestic apples. Grown in their own garden with minimal use of pesticides, they contain much more healing vitamins. Fruits bought on the market may lose in appearance, but they will please with an affordable price and juicy pulp.

Composition and benefits of baked apples

No wonder they talk about this delicacy - a real treasure of health. It is difficult to find a similar fruit endowed with the same medicinal composition. They are recommended to be regularly consumed not only by doctors, but also by nutritionists. They actively use dessert in weight loss techniques. Eating baked apples will replace a whole vitamin and mineral complex for you. They contain potassium, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, E, C, PP, H, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and pectin. With such a unique composition, vitamin deficiency is not terrible.

The benefits of baked apples:

  1. Anyone who is faced with a lack of iron in the body should eat baked apples. This will protect against anemia and help in the fight against anemia or disruption of the cardiovascular system. Two pieces of sweet delicacy are enough to not feel the need for this microelement.
  2. Apples themselves do not have direct antimicrobial properties. But they are able to produce elements that strengthen the immune system. Stimulates protective functions to fight colds. To do this, indulge in a variety of fresh, baked apples and juices.
  3. The value of the fruit is high due to the content of vitamin C - 9 mg. It gives a unique sourness and relieves inflammation, helps to strengthen blood vessels and destroy viruses.
  4. Baked apples contain various antioxidants that help fight skin aging and hinder the development of cancer. Thanks to them, metabolism is stabilized, which ensures the proper regeneration of cells and prevents mutation into cancerous formations.
  5. Pectin, which is part of baked apples, will protect you from toxic substances, will take part in removing cholesterol. Vitamin B together with pectin will give the skin freshness and start the natural rejuvenation process.
  6. Vitamin A contained in baked apples protects eyesight from age-related changes, eye infections. By baking apples with liver, you can maintain your visual acuity for a long time.
  7. The content of calcium and potassium normalizes the work of the heart muscle, maintains vascular tone, and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium, even in small amounts, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and joints. If you have a significant deficiency of this trace element, then it is recommended to supplement your diet with foods containing calcium. Special vitamin complexes will effectively and quickly make up for the shortage.

Baked apples are most popular due to their use in dietetics. This is facilitated by the tangible result of the diet with not significant financial spending. Apples are able to normalize the digestive system due to the high content of vegetable fiber. Due to the saturation with fiber, hunger recedes for a long time. It frees the intestinal walls from toxins. But remember that medical advice is needed before applying the diet. Each organism is individual, has its own contraindications.

Baked apples: indications

Particular attention in the article should be paid to the benefits of baked apples. It is a mistake to assume that apples lose their beneficial characteristics during baking. In fact, an insignificant part of them is lost. After thermal exposure, be it frying, baking, sterilization or drying, apples retain a significant part of vitamins and minerals. Only chemical action can destroy beneficial qualities.

  1. The effectiveness of many apple diets and fasting days has been proven in practice. The effectiveness of this method is justified by the rapid weight loss and its further stability. Improvement of well-being, lack of discomfort in the intestines ensure the comfort of fasting days on baked apples. To do this, enter 2-3 baked fruits into the menu.
  2. Folic acid, riboflavin, tocopherol will help to increase efficiency, to improve reproductive function. For a daily requirement, drink 2 cups of apple juice and 3 baked apples during the day.
  3. In order not to harm yourself, eat sweet and ripe varieties of apples with increased acidity of the stomach. If you have the opposite situation, then sour varieties will do. It is recommended to eat baked apples without peel during the treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis. To remove excess acid from apples, you can bake them with honey.
  4. Sour apples in small quantities are allowed to be consumed even with diabetes mellitus, as they contain about two mg of iodine and have a low glycemic level. Endocrinologists warn that fruits should be baked without sugar. Otherwise, you will cause damage with such a product.
  5. Fresh apples have a less pronounced effect on bowel function. If the fruits are baked before use, then they gently cleanse the intestines from stagnant feces, eliminate inflammation and remove toxins. This will not harm the stomach, and irritation and constipation will be eliminated.
  6. Baked apples have a positive effect on liver function. While not a drug, they promote its natural recovery. If desired, you can completely restore its performance. But baked apples alone are not enough for this. Alcohol should be avoided and unhealthy foods should be reduced in the diet.
  7. Baked apples will help get rid of edema, normalize kidney function, and promote the elimination of fine sand. This will significantly improve your well-being.
  8. The apple is healthy in general. Both the pulp and rind contain nutrients. But according to some indicators, the peel bypasses the composition of the pulp. It contains a greater percentage of elements that slow down the development of malignant cells and helps fight diabetes. Only the peel that has been chemically treated can be harmful. Peel it off boldly and enjoy the pulp.

For maximum benefits, treat yourself to the apple complex. Eat fresh, baked apples or juice alternately and get the expected effect.

The harm of baked apples

A lot of time, effort and energy was spent on researching unique properties. The conclusion is unambiguous: baked apples do not harm, but fill the body with energy and strength. Feel free to include a treat with various additives in the menu for the whole family. Eating apples of any kind on a regular basis can help avoid many health problems.

The allegation of harming baked apples is completely wrong. But it is worth pointing out the existing contraindications. It is recommended to give up baked apples:

  1. If you have an allergic reaction to this fruit.
  2. If the disease of the duodenum or stomach ulcers are in the acute stage.
  3. If you suffer from urolithiasis (due to a slight diuretic effect).

Video: how to bake apples in the oven

A tasty and healthy product given to us by nature, which you should definitely include in your diet. In addition to a variety of apple pies, jams and salads, there is a dish that will take a minimum of time and cost to prepare, and you will get the maximum taste, aroma and benefits - baked apple.

What are the benefits of such a delicacy for human health, what are the methods of its preparation and the features of the chemical and energy composition, we will consider in more detail in our article.

The calorie content of this baked fruit without additives, depending on the variety, according to the results of various studies, is slightly higher than that of the fresh one - 45-70 kcal per 100 g.

People on a diet should take into account the fact that if you bake apples with sugar, honey, raisins, prunes and other sweets, the calorie content of the product increases up to 100 kcal per 100 g.

In terms of energy value, when apples are baked, the water evaporates, but the concentration of proteins and fats remains at a very low level. The concentration of carbohydrates increases several times:

  • - 0.4-0.6 g;
  • fats - 0.3-0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15-25 g.

Did you know? According to archaeological research, people began to eat the "fruits of paradise" in food more than 6500 years BC.

The amount of BZHU is indicated per 100 g of the product.

The main element in the baked apple is dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The product is also rich in vitamins. Here, in a small amount, almost the entire line is present (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), as well as vitamins, H, and PP.
Of the minerals in the composition of the product is,. In addition, baked apples are rich in folic acid and pectins, the peel contains ursolic acid, and the seeds contain, which is also useful in small quantities.

Did you know? Many are sure that the cut of apples turns black due to the oxidation of iron in them. But this is not the case. In fact, there is a complex chemical reaction of oxidation of plant pigments - polyphenols, similar to what happens with potatoes.

Due to its low calorie content and positive effects on the body, baked apple is one of the most popular foods for weight loss, dieting and maintaining muscle tone. But this is far from the only useful property of this dessert.

The pectin in the product improves digestion, accelerates the elimination of toxins and has a beneficial effect on the condition and color of the skin.
The baked apple, with the help of iron, potassium and folic acid contained in it, makes a huge contribution to the stable functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Due to the consumption of this product in food, the production of hemoglobin is activated, the processes of blood purification, hematopoiesis, blood circulation and the enrichment of organs with oxygen are enhanced. The introduction of treats into the diet reduces the risks of leukemia, atherosclerosis, and strokes.

Important! It has been proven that eating two baked apples a day for a month can reduce the risk of stroke by a third.

Medical use, treatment, prevention, vitaminization

Baked apples are rich in vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements, therefore they are widely used for medical purposes for treatment and prevention.

You can start feeding your baby with baked apple puree from 6 months. For the baby, the dish will become not only a delicacy, but will also promote digestion and support immunity.

During heat treatment, apples almost do not lose their useful properties. Children's digestion, which is not yet fully formed, will treat baked apples more favorably than fresh ones. In case of poisoning, which often occurs in childhood, such an apple dish becomes the best remedy for the treatment of intoxication of the child's body.
A storehouse of vitamins and minerals will not only be a favorite dessert for a child, but also a faithful helper, supporting the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Calcium, ursolic acid and vitamins A and C help to strengthen bones and develop muscle tissue in a child.

Important! Baked apple desserts are an excellent antiviral agent, thanks to the antibacterial and immunosupportive properties of vitamin C. Iodine contributes to the mental development of the child, and the taste of the dessert will not leave the baby indifferent.

Proper nutrition of the mother directly affects the well-being and health of the baby. Mom can eat baked apples already in the first weeks of the baby's birth. The dish is hypoallergenic, full of vitamins and minerals. Apples do not affect lactation, but they have a positive effect on the baby's well-being and digestive system, since they get to him with mother's milk.
If, within a few days after taking the baked fruit, the baby's condition has not changed, you can safely include dessert in your diet on an ongoing basis.

Baked apples have the properties of restoring the imbalance in the body after childbirth, they will help to restore strength and give vigor.

A baked apple delicacy is a tasty and healthy dish that will ensure the health of the baby and peace of mind for the mother.

With diabetes

Another advantage of baked apples is their low glycemic index. This property is especially useful for people with diabetes, helping to keep blood glucose levels at an acceptable level.

Important! Endocrinologists say that diabetics will benefit from the inclusion of one or two baked apples a day in the menu to saturate the body.

Pectin, found in baked fruits, with regular nutrition, will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, blood from harmful substances and reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

Baked apples are allowed for all types of pancreatitis, subject to certain conditions:

  • only sweet varieties should be baked;
  • during an exacerbation, you can use such a dessert a week after the onset of the disease;
  • with an exacerbation of the chronic stage, baked apple delicacies should be eaten without a peel, in a grated form.

A huge advantage of baked apple desserts for patients with pancreatitis is the low acidity of the product. Therefore, the load on the pancreas is minimal and fruits are perfectly digested, providing the body with useful substances and a portion of carbohydrates.
Pectin and fiber normalize digestion and solve problems with constipation and flatulence, while baked apples do not cause bloating and abdominal pain.

Important! The baked apple dessert does not overload, but on the contrary, promotes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas and the course of the disease.

Both with pancreatitis and stomach ulcers, the question of proper nutrition arises, which will help solve baked apples. With their systematic use, as mentioned above, you can get rid of many digestive disorders.

It is these fruits in baked form that will be one of those dishes that will contribute to the fastest recovery.

Another fact is important for those with a sweet tooth. Among all desserts, baked apples are the safest and healthiest.
This fact is explained by the fact that during heat treatment, apple fiber becomes softer and more receptive for digestion.

The stomach secretes a minimum of gastric juice for digestion, while obtaining a maximum of nutritional and beneficial properties.

Baked apples are one of the foods that you can not only eat to improve the general condition of the body, but also be used as a cosmetic product.

So, regular use of the product normalizes metabolic processes, thereby helping to regulate weight, and also becomes an excellent ingredient for diets.
In addition, the minerals in the dish help to improve muscle tone, skin quality and color.

Important! Thanks to the cleansing properties of pectin, baked apples will help get rid of acne and pimples.

Abuse is man's great enemy. Often we ourselves spoil our health, "addicted" to one or another useful product. So it is with baked apples. Yes, the supply of their useful properties is limitless. But, as they say, in everything you need to observe the measure.
For example, an adult can afford 2-3 apples a day, for children from 2 years old, half of the fruit is acceptable once every few days, children from 5 to 10 years old can be allowed to eat 1 apple in 2 days.

Important! In case you want to go on an apple diet, you need to stock up on large portions of the product. The essence of the diet is to eat exclusively baked apples (up to 1 kg per day) for 5-7 days. An important condition: they need to be washed down with plenty of water. If willpower does not allow you to live on this fruit alone, you can add either a liter or low-fat one to your diet, or have breakfast with boiled vegetables, chicken breast, crackers, and switch to “heavenly” fruit and water from lunchtime.

The best apple fruits for baking are those where the incision darkens quickly. Therefore, it is precisely such specimens that you need to stock up on for the winter, of course, winter varieties (Antonovka, Simirenko) are best suited for such a case. Optimum storage temperature - 0 ... + 5 ° С, humidity - 85-95%. The room needs to be regularly ventilated, since the fruits emit ethylene - a gas that negatively affects storage: it accelerates the ripening of the fruits and reduces their shelf life.
The apple storage must be properly prepared: it is best to whitewash the walls and treat the floor with iron sulfate. The best containers for apple fruits are wooden or cardboard boxes, containers, racks.

The fruits themselves must be carefully picked, avoiding damage, and sorted.

How to cook baked apples: recipe and step-by-step instructions

There are many recipes for making such a delicious and healthy dessert. Let's reveal the secrets of some of them.

Cooking in the oven

In the oven, you can cook truly "heavenly" apples: their taste and aroma will not leave indifferent any gourmet. And, most importantly, it is quite simple to prepare such a culinary masterpiece: the fruit needs to be cut in half, the core removed, and honey and cinnamon should be placed in the dimple that has formed. The delicacy is ready for baking, it remains only to place it in the oven. Cooking time - 20 minutes at temperatures up to 200 ° C. You can diversify the taste by sprinkling such a dietary dessert with nuts, raisins, dried apricots, ginger, candied fruits, cinnamon - in a word, whatever your heart desires.

In the microwave

Another great way is to bake apples in the microwave. It is distinguished by its lightness, simplicity and speed of preparation. Main ingredients: apple fruit and honey.

Perhaps the most difficult step is to remove the core so as not to puncture the fruit through and through. Then you need to fill the resulting grooves with honey.

Important!The amount of honey used in this recipe depends on how sweet you are and on the acidity of the fruit itself.

The baking time is only 5 minutes, provided that the microwave is working at full power.

In a multicooker

One of the trends in modern cooking is apples baked in a slow cooker. The original combination of ingredients makes the dish not only very healthy, but also amazingly tasty. So, to prepare such a unique delicacy, you will need apples, honey (sugar), cinnamon, cottage cheese, nuts.

Important! Experienced hostesses recommend choosing apples with a hard skin and sour pulp for baking in a slow cooker (for example, Simirenko). Using soft-skinned varieties can end up with a delicious baked apple porridge.

At the bottom of the grooves that formed in the apples after removing the cores, it is necessary to place honey (sugar), fill the remaining void with cottage cheese with cinnamon and nuts grated in a blender. If you wish, you can experiment and mix the curd with jam or jam. Place the prepared product in a slow cooker and bake for about 40 minutes, depending on the hardness of the peel of the apple itself.

As you can see, baked apples are not just a dessert. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and substances useful for the human body. For those who want to lose weight, such a dish is a real find, since the process of losing weight on the apple diet is quite tasty and not exhausting. And for everyone who just wants to be healthy, baked apple dessert is a delicious and healthy folk remedy.

The apple is a fairly common fruit. It is grown in various countries of the world. This is the most common product in household food; they try to use it throughout the year. Compotes, preserves, jam, jam, all kinds of drinks, juices are prepared from apples; they are part of many interesting culinary recipes. They also use baked, pickled apples, but I want to tell you why baked apples are useful.

Many people like to eat and cook baked apples in different versions. Their use primarily consists in the mass of useful substances: vitamins B2, B3, A, B1, CC, H, B6, B9, E and PP. And most of all, apples contain useful vitamin B6, also pyridoxine, which takes part in the active metabolism of amino acids. Apples are essential for those who take antibiotics for a long time, who are still pregnant during periods of toxicosis, and women who are taking hormonal contraceptives. When a lack of vitamin B6 is found in the body, it affects the brain and blood circulation. One of the main advantages of this vitamin is its resistance to too high temperatures. The vitamin contains such elements from the famous periodic table: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iodine.

Baked apples, the benefits of which are undoubtedly based on their softness, make themselves accessible even to the elderly, because not all of them can boast of healthy and strong teeth.

Another good thing about a baked apple is that it contains a sufficient amount of sodium, which is an important intercellular and intracellular element. It regulates blood pressure in nerve and muscle tissues. In addition, it actively participates in water metabolism and the activation of various digestive enzymes. Baked apples, the benefits of which are also due to the potassium content in them, have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, blood, and muscular system. Magnesium, which lies in the composition of apples, has a beneficial effect on nervous activity, actively participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Baked apples, the benefits of which are quite multifaceted, can be discussed for a long time. They wonderfully help even with severe constipation, because they completely dilute the entire contents of the intestine. Perfectly removing cholesterol from the body, they help to combine free radicals, which contain many pectins. Baked apples are a good remedy for the prevention of cancer and various tumors.

Dysbiosis can also be treated with baked apples. They also recover well, improve digestion after complex operations on the abdominal cavities.

Famous folk healers prescribed fruits in the red-hot ash of a fire for patients with pleurisy, and baked apples rubbed with fat were applied to nursing women in the form of an ointment for quick healing.

Calcium and phosphorus (contained in apples) are always responsible for the smooth functioning of the entire skeletal mass of the human body. They strengthen teeth, bones and tendons. For sprains, fractures, or cracks, doctors also advise eating more apples. Therefore, it is often in the childhood of mothers and grandmothers for little children, so that their bones grow together correctly.

The healthy fruit can also be a great substitute for your regular toothbrush. You just need to eat 1 baked apple on an empty stomach, so the enamel is instantly cleared of accumulated bacteria and plaque. The blood supply in the gums is noticeably improved. A baked apple is also great for relieving unpleasant and uncomfortable breath.

Eating only 5 apples per day, a person remarkably and reliably protects himself from various respiratory diseases, including asthma. Flavonoids - antioxidants definitely reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The presence of some phytonutrients in apples makes it possible to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases in the brain, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Doctors not in vain sing praises to apples and call them the fruits of health. They contain important components that eliminate the need to resort to synthetic analogs. Potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements from the periodic table are fully present in sour and sweet varieties. A high content of fruit acids, fiber, antioxidants is noted. vitamins: C, A, H, group B, PP. Amino acids of tyrosine, threonite in aggregate make up 38-80 mg%, which confirms the value of the product. If only because 1 apple has an effect on the body no worse than pharmacy vitamin C taken in the amount of 1,500 mg, baked apples can be considered useful.

Fruits are useful in any form, therefore they are dried, used for compotes, mousses and wine are prepared. The taste and benefits of baked apples from the microwave are familiar to gourmets and those who, if necessary, had to include them in a sparing diet or use them as an aid in many diseases. A delicious fruit dessert made with cinnamon, honey and nuts will allow you to enjoy the tastes and bring great benefits to the body.

The benefits of baked apples

Fruits after heat treatment are absorbed faster. However, in the process, partial destruction of nutrients is allowed. Four baked fruits or a couple of glasses of fresh apple juice will provide your daily requirement for iron, organic acids, and vitamin C.

The benefits of baked apples in the oven are obvious. A large amount of pyridoxine (B6) is a panacea for resuscitation of microflora after a course of antibiotics and for women taking. Vitamin firmly tolerates high degrees and is not destroyed during culinary manipulations.

The benefits of baked apples for weight loss have been proven over time. Unlike fresh fruits, they do not provoke appetite, fill up faster and contain no more than 63 kcal / 100 g. When adding a spoonful of honey or sugar, 30 units. The mono-diet goes unnoticed when alternating fresh fruits with baked ones. Pectin increases the elasticity of the skin and significantly improves its condition.

Other benefits of baked apples

  1. The presence of potassium significantly increases the beneficial properties of baked apples. Tender pulp is necessary for the heart, maintaining the balance of the acid-base environment, and excretion of oxalic acid.
  2. Sour grades of iron and copper salts help with anemia.
  3. The benefits and harms of baked apples are due to the presence of magnesium and sodium involved in metabolic processes, coordination of water and carbohydrate balance, and pressure stabilization.
  4. Phosphorus and calcium are indispensable for the skeleton, strength of muscles, teeth, hair. For injuries of any kind, the priority should be apples in different types and preferably in combination with nuts.
  5. Baked fruits with a wonderful aroma help with colds, dry coughs - they dilute phlegm. For greater effect, the pulp is best mixed with honey, lemon juice.
  6. Apples are good for heart failure and sleep disorders.

The role of pectin, fiber, quercetin

The flavonoid quercetin has a high ability to affect DNA during cell division. It inhibits substances that provoke inflammation and allergies, prevents thrombosis in blood vessels. Fruits help normalize overall cholesterol levels and neutralize free radicals. This prevents the development of atherosclerosis, oncology and thread youthfulness to cells.

The benefits of baked apples are undeniable in case of high acidity, and are included in the diet for chronic gastritis and ulcers, sluggish digestion. Malic and tartaric acids help in the absorption of food. Shaped are recommended for colitis. The benefits of baked apples for the liver (due to pectin) are:

  • in the withdrawal of "bad" cholesterol and heavy metal salts;
  • gentle cleansing of the ducts;
  • normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Are apples healthy if only one fruit contains 3.4 g of dietary fiber? When the peel is cut off, their number decreases to 2, 8 g, but the indicators remain after cooking. Fiber is considered an effective remedy for constipation. People with this problem are advised to add fruits to morning porridge lightly baked or boiled in milk and water, taken in equal proportions. Seeds should not be thrown away - they are rich in iodine. The benefits of baked apples are evidenced by the fact that they are present in the children's menu.

The harm and benefits of baked apples

In order to preserve the product, fruit suppliers apply a protective layer based on an allergic wax to the skins. With careful processing with hot water with alkali, the phenomenon can be avoided. The presence of beta-carotene in red varieties can also provoke a negative reaction. Green apples are completely safe.

Speaking about the dangers and benefits of baked apples, it is difficult to come to an unambiguous statement. For example, speaking of pectin, it is worth mentioning the fact that plant fiber enhances peristalsis, provokes bloating. At the same time, its importance cannot be underestimated in the treatment of dysbiosis, because pectins help beneficial microbes in the intestine to adapt and suppress pathogenic ones. Sorbent is also indispensable for cleansing the liver. Baked fruits are an alternative to store-bought flour desserts. This requires: remove the middle, sprinkle with cinnamon, add ingredients to taste, shove them into the oven.

To get the most vitamins from food, it must be handled delicately. Baked apples are just as beneficial as raw apples. However, they do not irritate the stomach or cause bloating. They can even be given to infants and very elderly people.

Health benefits and harms of baked apples

Baking is an easy and quick way to make a healthy apple dessert. It is in this form that doctors recommend using this healthy fruit for pregnant women so as not to overload the tired intestines. Oven fruits retain their original benefits and vitamins. But do not forget about the negative aspects of healthy food.

Baked apples - benefits and sweetness

The benefits of apples from the oven:

  • They contain many pectins, have a beneficial effect on the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract, especially on the intestines. Facilitate the removal of toxins, help with constipation and bloating.
  • They have a mild diuretic effect. Relieve swelling, remove toxins from the body. Baked fruits are useful after poisoning or long-term illness.
  • They are rich in easily digestible vitamin C. Baking makes potassium and calcium bioavailable, so it is good for elderly and pregnant women to eat them.
  • This is a low-calorie treat. There are no more than 50 kcal per 100 g of the finished dessert.
  • Recommended for children as a first food.
  • With regular use, they normalize the work of all body systems, even out the metabolism, have a rejuvenating and healing effect.

With undoubted advantages, baked apples have some disadvantages and may even be harmful:

  • May cause upset stomach and intestines - bloating, gas, diarrhea.
  • Sometimes they cause allergies.
  • When consumed excessively, especially with sugar and nuts, they contribute to weight gain.

When consumed in moderation, baked apples are one of the healthiest desserts around.

How to Cook Baked Apples in the Oven: Benefits and Sweetness

Baked wild apples are one of the most ancient treats. The uncultivated fruit was small and sour, but even with the development of gardening, they did not stop baking.

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