Home Vegetables World Classical Wrestling Championship. See Paris and fly by... The Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team failed the World Championships in Paris. What will our freestyle fighters say? Russian national team composition

World Classical Wrestling Championship. See Paris and fly by... The Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team failed the World Championships in Paris. What will our freestyle fighters say? Russian national team composition

Moreover, all four medals were won in Olympic weight categories. And each defeat was not a consequence of the technical advantage of the opponents - those who later became champions. All these defeats happened according to the judges' verdict. But God forbid I point at the referees! No stones thrown in their direction. You have to be two heads stronger, and no one will take away your victory - another lesson Soviet struggle. In any case, in Paris, classics had to take at least one gold medal. And there is no excuse for the fact that this did not happen.

Consideration three. Greco-Roman wrestling is dying

This championship is positioned by the UWW as a “homecoming” - they say, classical wrestling came out of the French circuses and is now returning to its roots. I am sure that if the spectators who watched the fights between wrestlers in the circuses of the 19th century looked at what was happening at the AccorHotels Arena, they would demand their money back. Boring! Six minutes of hustle and bustle without throws, judges issuing fines for unknown reasons... My opinion: Greco-Roman wrestling continues to gradually die. Sometimes it seemed that the ex-president of the International Federation of United Wrestling Styles, Rafael Martinetti, who was once expelled from his post with a scandal, was present in the stands, barely holding back a sarcastic grin: “Well, what, guys, are you able to make a show out of wrestling? Are you interested in watching?"

Mamiashvili: UWW and I personally are not so pessimistic about the situation. But everyone understands perfectly well that changes are needed. Rules in Greco-Roman wrestling will be changed radically. I repeat: radically. This will happen in the coming days. The stalls, which were removed at the end of last season, will definitely return. Opportunities will expand for those wrestlers who are better prepared not physically, but technically. Today fighters take by force. It's unspectacular, and the public is unlikely to like it. It’s not only us who suffer from this, look: the Iranians are without victories, the Cubans - that is, all those who rely on throwing technique. And not, as you correctly formulated, a crush. Yes, reforms are needed, and we will implement them.

Consideration four. What to do with the head coach

According to the usual sports logic, the coach of a team that failed the World Cup inevitably faces the threat of resignation. What to do with Gogi Koguashvili, who has been leading the national team since 2006? You can make a lot of claims against him - like any specialist who has been tied to the main team for so many years. If we ignore emotions, he failed the 2017 World Cup, as Mamiashvili noted, rather from the point of view of statistics - de facto his team looked at its usual level.

Previously, this level was generally satisfactory, what has changed now? At the same time, for three Olympics in a row, the Russian team, as if by order, reached peak form and demonstrated its top scores in four years. This is clearly not an accident.

Photo: Evgeniy Slyusarenko, “Championship”

Mamiashvili: What does “what to do with a coach?” mean. Am I the Holy Inquisition? I have never separated myself from the team, the team’s problems mean I overlooked something too. As they say, let’s sit down, analyze, and understand where to move next. If Goga Murmanovich Koguashvili’s team presents plans that suit us with an eye toward Tokyo 2020, we will continue moving together.

I won’t hide that I have certain questions about the training process, although I always try not to interfere. There are things that should be heard one way or another by the national team's coaches. I'll say it straight: in mandatory There will be personnel reinforcements among the specialists of the Russian national team. New names? Well, I wouldn't call them new. Other surnames. The work process is underway, no sensations.

Fifth consideration. Optimistic

You will be surprised, but the legendary Parisian Bercy (this sports palace used to be called that way) finally heard the Russian anthem. This happened in an empty hall, after all the personal award ceremonies. It was then that it turned out that in the general standings (and the wrestlers in their own way) long tradition It's not the medals that count, but the points for occupied places) Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team... took first place. This means that its safety margin is still large. The anti-record has been set, there is nowhere to go lower, only further up.

In the meantime, let's listen to our anthem. There are four days of the World Championships ahead - first women's wrestling, then freestyle - this will come in handy.

Yesterday, on August 26, the 2017 World Championships in freestyle, women's and Greco-Roman wrestling ended in Paris (France). The last sets of championship medals were competed by freestyle wrestlers in the weight categories up to 65, 70, 74 and 97 kg.

Prize-winners of the 2017 World Championships in freestyle, women's and Greco-Roman wrestling among freestyle wrestlers in weight categories up to 65, 70, 74 and 97 kg. Ukrainians stopped in the 1/8 finals.

Yesterday, August, 26th V Paris (France) ended 2017 World Championships in freestyle, women's and Greco-Roman wrestling.

The last sets of championship medals were competed by wrestlers free style weight categories up to 65 , 70 , 74 And 97 kg .

final the days of the tournament were:

V weight category before 65 kg :

1 . Georgian Zurabi Yakobishvili,

2 . Pole Magomedmurad Gadzhiev,

3 . Cuban Alejandro Enrique Valdez Tobier and Russian Alan Gogaev.

Ukrainian took 12th place, defeating Australian Liam Bryce Neyland in qualifying, and losing to Puerto Rican Franklin Gomez Matos in the 1/8 finals;

in the weight category up to 70 kg :

1 . Italian Frank Chamizo Marquez,

2 . American James Malcolm Green,

3 . Kazakhstani Akzhurek Tanatarov and Japanese Yui Fujinami.

Ukrainian became 12th, having defeated Belarusian Georgy Kaliev in qualifying, and in the 1/8 finals he was defeated by Turk Yakup Gora;

in the weight category up to 74 kg :

1 . American Jordan Ernest Burrows,

2 . Russian Khetik Tsabolov,

2 . Belarus Ali Shabanau and Turk Soner Demirtas.

Ukrainian Vasil Mykhailov took 12th place, out-qualifying the Chinese Izhiken Ailisyati, and losing to the Frenchman Zelimkhan Khadzhiev in the 1/8 finals;

in the weight category up to 97 kg :

1 . American Kyle Frederick Snyder,

2 . Russian Abdulrashid Sadulayev,

3 . Armenian Georgy Ketoev and Azerbaijani Aslanbek Alborov.

Ukrainian Pavlo Oliynyk took 11th place, winning in qualifying against the Greek Timofey Xenidis, and in the 1/8 finals losing to the Georgian Elizbar Odikadze.

On Tuesday, August 22, the main start of the wrestling season will continue - the World Wrestling Championships in France, Paris, today wrestlers performing in the classical, Greco-Roman style will compete for medals at the 2017 World Cup in the remaining four weight categories: 59, 66, 80 and 130 kg.

After yesterday's wrestling extravaganza, wrestling fans have the right to expect interesting and exciting fights today.

The World Cup continues in the city. wrestling and today the following wrestlers will perform in the teams that are most interesting to readers of the site:

Ukraineina: Dmitry Tsimbalyuk, Denis Demyankov, Dmitry Pyshkov, Nikolai Kuchmiy.

Russia: Stepan Maranyan, Artem Surkov, Roman Vlasov, Vitaly Shchur.

Kazakhstan : Mirambek Ainagulov, Askhat Dilmukhamedov.

Bela Rus : Maxim Kazharsky, Soslan Daurov, Radik Kaliev, Kirill Grishchenko.

Main headliner today fight at the 2017 World Championship is Roman Vlasov, it is his fights that will be most interesting to watch. Was Roman able to adapt to the rule change? We'll find out the answer soon. Now let's predict the favorites for August 22.

59kg: There are no clear favorites in this weight, perhaps the most preferable to the rest are: Japanese Kenichiro Fumita, Bulgarian Ivo Angelov, North Korean Yun Won-Chol and Stepan Maranyan from Russia. Oh yeah, I forgot Stig-Andre Berg, Olympic medalist at Rio 2016. We also hope that Dmitry Tsymbalyuk will have something to say in the fight for medals at the 2017 World Cup.

66kg: Here, the most preferred figures for favorite status are: Russian Artema Surkov, Soslan Daurov from Belarus, Korean Rui Han-Soo and Almat Kebispaev from Kazakhstan.

80kg: According to regalia, Roman Vlasov is preferable to everyone, but this new weight for the Novosibirsk resident, here too there are quite formidable rivals in the person of: Zurab Daunashvili, Mark Madsen, Aslan Atem and of course our Dmitry Pyshkov, I really hope that Dima will finally break through, he has long been ripe for the Championship.

130kg: In the absence of the great Mihai Lopez, the Turkish Reza Kayalp looks like the clear favorite among the heavyweights; everyone else will most likely be able to claim gold only if the Turk performs unsuccessfully.

Look live broadcast 2017 World Championships in Greco-Roman wrestling from France. And you will see for yourself whether our predictions will come true. It will be interesting, stay tuned!

World Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships live broadcast watch video online

Greco-Roman wrestling World Championship Paris-2017, online video broadcast

58 - Internal news page

5:31 26.08.2017

On August 25, freestyle wrestlers began competing at the World Wrestling Championships in Paris. Medals were played in weight categories up to 57, 61, 86 and 125 kg.

The Russian national team was represented by Euro 2017 bronze medalist Zaur Uguev (57 kg), 2016 European champion Gadzhimurad Rashidov (61 kg), (86 kg) and Anzor Khizriev (125 kg)

All the most interesting things about the first day of freestyle wrestling are in the review of WRESTRUS.RU.

It was the penultimate day of the World Wrestling Championships, and there was hope that the Russian anthem would finally be played at the Bercy arena in Paris (France). The freestyle wrestlers entered the action, and the main contender for gold on the first day was Gadzhimurad Rashidov. But for the day the freestyle wrestlers had only silver and bronze.

Easiest vacancy

“I think Uguev will win a medal because all the best flyweight wrestlers have moved up to 61.” This opinion was expressed by many, and not only from Russia. But already in the first fight, Zaur Uguev could not get past the Indian, who subsequently lost on all counts. The American Gilman and the Japanese Takahashi made it to the final of the “lightest vacancy” - and the victory went to the latter. Obviously, this guy will be the standard bearer for the Japanese freestyle wrestlers for the Tokyo Olympics.

“If only he had had my bullet, he wouldn’t have made it to the finals.”

If the most meticulous expert were asked to draw the worst scenario during the draw, he would not have done it the way the Athena system did with Gadzhimurad Rashidov. Current world champion, Olympic champion, three-time champion Europe - and all of them one after another within one hour. Rashidov “decorated the chervonets” for the American Stieber, won in a bitter fight against the Georgian Khinchegashvili and outclassed Opan Sat, who competes for Turkey under the nickname Genghis Khan Erdogan. But in the final, Rashidov did not have enough strength - after such and such a bracket... After all, he was opposed not only by the experienced and titled Gadzhi Aliyev - he was also fresh. “If he had my bullet, he would not have reached the final,” said Gadzhimurad Rashidov at the end of the fight. And he admitted that he needed to train even more. But because of this, Russia lost its only chance for gold on the penultimate, fifth day of the World Championship... Rashidov was the only Russian finalist.

A gift from fate to Vladislav Valiev

“Luck is the strongest, Vlad, isn’t it?” said Dzambolat Tedeev after Valiev pulled out an already lost fight in the 1/8 finals with the Korean. The scoreboard showed 5:58, and Valiev managed to do a reverse belt in two seconds. It’s just that the time on the scoreboard didn’t show up - they didn’t have time to press the button at the mat leader’s table... Whether he made it in two seconds or didn’t make it in time is no longer so important, after all, Valiev’s hand was raised. After that, he defeated one of his main opponents - Rio 2016 silver medalist Kaloy Kartoev from Turkey, competing under the name Selim Yasar. But in the semifinals, Valiev could not oppose the Olympic champion from Iran Yazdanishariati. When Vlad won the small final and received bronze, he could hardly hold back his tears. He came to Paris for gold, but in this case he won’t be upset about bronze either.

"We were sitting at the breakfast table with Abdul-Rashid Sadulayev, and he told me: the rivals see Russian flag- and this is already a 50% guarantee of their destruction. Rashid told me how to win in this weight - but since I have bronze, apparently I missed something,” Vladislav Valiev smiled in the mix zone.

By the way, Alexander Gostiev, who plays for Azerbaijan, lives with Vladislav in Ossetia in the same house, but in different entrances. The Small Bronze Festival today is at the entrance of a Russian wrestler. And gold flaunts around the neck of the Iranian, who continues to lift weights and churn out victories year after year.

Performance at your level and a living example of Geno Petriashvili

“Three months ago Petriashvili beat this Turk 11:0 in Europe. And now what?! Champion. Petriashvili is a beast, that’s who we should follow as an example,” said Dzambolat Tedeev after the heavyweight final between Georgian Geno Petriashvili and Olympic champion from Turkey Tahoy Akgülem.

Russia has a catastrophe... At the World Championships, Anzor Khizriev fought with an ankle injury - and fought for bronze. But it was not possible to take her - Anzor lost to the “eternal” Georgian Armenian Levan Berianidze. “Khizriev performed at his best. Considering that he had an ankle injury, his performance can be considered successful. Not by the way he performed - Anzor gained experience and now knows what it’s like to fight for a World Championship medal,” said Dzambolat Tedeev, who will have a hard time in this cycle, analyzing the resource in the strands.

"Tomorrow there will be gold"

Talking about gold to Russians and everyone concerned is already scary. Tomorrow is the final day of the championship, and if not on Saturday, then never again... According to Dzambolat Tedeev, on the first day he counted on gold only in Rashidov’s weight class. Considering that the initial task was three gold, tomorrow there should be at least two. On the last day, Alan Gogaev, Magomedhabib Kadimagomedov, Khetik Tsabolov and Abdul-Rashid Sadulaev will appear on the carpet. Dzambolat Ilyich got ahead of the journalists’ questions and assured that tomorrow there will definitely be gold. Which Russian will be able to break this vicious circle?

57 kg. 1. Yuki Takahashi (Japan) 2. Thomas Gilman (USA) 3. Andrey Yatsenko (Ukraine) 3. Bekhbayar Erdenebat (Mongolia)
61 kg. 1. Gadzhi Aliyev (Azerbaijan) 2. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) 3. Yovlis Bonnet (Cuba) 3. Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia)
86 kg. 1. Hasan Yazdanisharati (Iran) 2. Boris Makoev (Slovakia) 3. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) 3. Michael Cox (USA)
125 kg. 1. Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) 2. Taha Akgul (Turkey) 3. Nicholas Gvyazdovsky (USA) 3. Levan Berianidze (Armenia)

22:18. 125 kg. The final. Taha Akgul (Türkiye) - Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) - 8:10.
22:06. 125 kg. For bronze. Anzor Khizriev (Russia) - Levan Berianidze (Armenia) - 0:3.
21:56. 125 kg. For bronze. Zolboo Natsagsuren (Mongolia) - Nicholas Gwiazdowski (USA) - 1:5
21:37. 86 kg. The final. Hassan Yazdanisharati (Iran) - Boris Makoev (Slovakia) - 10:0.
21:27. 86 kg. For bronze. Mikhail Ganev (Bulgaria) - Michael Cox (USA) - 0:8.
21:20. 86 kg. For bronze. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) - Alexander Gostiev (Azerbaijan) - 3:1.
21:00. 61 kg. The final. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) - Gadzhi Aliyev (Azerbaijan). Haji Aliyev (Azerbaijan) won by fall.
20:50 61 kg. For bronze. Rinya Nakamura (Japan) - Yovlis Bonnet (Cuba) - 0:10.
20:44. 61 kg. For bronze. Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia) - Chingizhan Erdogan (Türkiye) - 3:0.
20:30. 57 kg. The final. Thomas Gilman (USA) - Yuki Takahashi (Japan) - 0:6
20:22. 57 kg. For bronze. Bekhbayar Erdenebat (Mongolia) - Vladimir Dubov (Bulgaria) - 9:2
20:10. 57 kg. For bronze. Andrey Yatsenko (Ukraine) - Hak Jin Yong (North Korea) - 12:2
16:18. 125 kg. Comfort. Anzor Khizriev (Russia) - Corey Jarvis (Canada) - 5:0. In the fight for bronze, Anzor’s opponent will be Levan Berianidze (Armenia)
16:11. 86 kg. Semi-final. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) - Hassan Yazdanisharati (Iran) - 4:0. Vladislav Valiev will compete for bronze.
15:57. 125 kg. Semi-final. Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) - Levan Berianidze (Armenia) - 12:2. Anzor Khizriev (Russia) gets a chance to compete for bronze.
15:55. 125 kg. Semi-final. Taha Akgul (Türkiye) - Nicholas Gwiazdowski (USA) - 10:0.
15:38. 61 kg. Semi-final. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) - Chingizhan Erdogan (Türkiye) - 8:2
15:20. 86 kg. 1/4 finals. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) - Selim Yasar (Türkiye) - 3:1. Vladislav Valiev’s opponent in the semi-final bout will be Hassan Yazdanisharati (Iran)
15:05. 125 kg. 1/4 finals. Taha Akgul (Türkiye) - Kun Jin Nam (South Korea) - 12:2.
15:04. 125 kg. 1/4 finals. Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) - Corey Jarvis (Canada) - 10:0.
14:41. 61 kg. 1/4 finals. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) - Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia) - 5:3. In the semi-final fight, Gadzhimurad Rashidov will meet with Genghis Khan Erdogan (Türkiye)
14:00. 125 kg. 1/8 finals. Anzor Khizriev (Russia) - Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) - 2:13.
13:50. 86 kg. 1/8 finals. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) - Hwa Nuk Kim (South Korea) - 9:7. In the quarterfinal bout, Vladislav Valiev will compete with Selim Yasar (Türkiye)
13:30. 57 kg. 1/8 finals. Sandeep Tomar (India) - Yuki Takahashi (Japan) - 3:14. Zaur Uguev lost his chance to compete for the bronze medal.
13:21. 61 kg. 1/8 finals. Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia) - Tuvshintulga Tyumenbileg (Mongolia) - 7:1.
12:55. 61 kg. 1/8 finals. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) - Logan Stieber (USA) - 11:0. Gadzhimurad's opponent in the quarterfinals will be Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia).
12:50. 85 kg. 1/16 finals. Vladislav Valiev (Russia) - Sayfedin Alekma (France) - 11:2. In the 1/8 finals, Vladislav Valiev will compete with Hwa Nuk Kim (South Korea)
12:45. 86 kg. Qualification. Selim Yasar (Türkiye) - Shao Wen Wang (Taipei) - 10:0.
12:40. 125 kg. Qualification. Anzor Khizriev (Russia) - Samit Samit (India) - 4:0. In the 1/8 finals Anzor’s opponent will be Geno Petriashvili (Georgia)
12:15. 57 kg. Qualification. Zaur Uguev (Russia) - Sandeep Tomar (India) - 2:8.
11:28. 61 kg. Qualification. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia) - Josef Molnar (Hungary) - 11:0. In the 1/8 finals, Gadzhimurad’s opponent will be Logan Stieber (USA)
11:20. 61 kg. Qualification. Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia) - Christian Nicolescu (Palau) - 10:0.

The World Wrestling Championships are in full swing in Paris. Freestyle athletes, including famous Dagestan athletes, are only entering the sport today; the Greco-Roman wrestlers of the Russian national team have already managed to set a sad anti-record - they have not won a single gold medal. For the first time since 1953.

Literally on the eve of the World Cup, the head coach of the Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team Gogi Koguashvili, apparently, had absolutely no doubt about successful performance their eagles. “I know what work we have done, so I am confident that the team will perform successfully at the championship and win the team competition. All the guys are healthy, there are some minor problems, but, as they say, without a sore it’s no fun. We are flying to France with the champion squad,”– said Koguashvili.

But something apparently went wrong, and three days later the president of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBR) Michael Mamiashvili said: “The Greco-Roman wrestling team was left without gold, but this is not a reason to sprinkle ashes on our heads. The situation will be analyzed in the most severe way, and organizational conclusions will be drawn. But we must understand that the team is heading towards the main event of the four-year anniversary, our task is to form a capable composition.”

Even those who were bet on in individual plan. On the first day of the tournament, the 2016 Olympic champion Presses Chakvetadze was unable to compete for awards due to injury; on the second day, two-time Olympic champion Novel Vlasov In general, he was defeated in the first fight with the representative of Azerbaijan Alvin Mursaliev.

Another Russian fell into the same hole as Vlasov - Vitaly Shchur, who in the weight category up to 130 kg could not cope with a wrestler from Egypt Mohamed Abdellatif. Shchur lost with a score of 1:2, thereby losing his chance even for bronze. A Georgian wrestler took them from him Levan Arabuli, who defeated Abdellatif in the 1/8 finals.

Well harnessed (compared to other Russians) Stepan Maryanyan in the weight category up to 59 kg. In the opening round he defeated the German Etienne Kissinger. The Hungarian outright defeated the Hungarian in the 1/8 finals Erika Torbu. But in the quarterfinals the Russian lost to the representative of Japan Kenichiro Fumite– 2:4. However, the fact that the Japanese wrestler reached the bout for gold meant that Maryanyan would be able to compete for bronze in the consolation tournament. His first opponent was a Lithuanian Eustace Petrevicius, and here Stepan did not allow his opponent to score a single point: the score was 9:0.

In the fight for third place, Maryanyan fought with a wrestler from Kyrgyzstan Kanybek Zholchubekov, who was stopped in the semi-finals by the same Fumite. The Russian conceded at first, but after a series of successful techniques he forced the referee to record his victory – 10:2.

After that, all that remained was to rely on the Greco-Roman Artyom Surkova, performing in weight up to 66 kg. He also started the tournament fast, first defeating the host of the competition Grachika Malkhasyan(8:0), then confidently defeating the bronze medalist Olympic Games 2016 from Uzbekistan Elmurata Tasmuradova with a score of 9:4 (in Rio de Janeiro he won a medal in the weight category up to 59 kg), and in the quarterfinals he beat the Serbian Mate Nemesha(9:0). But that's where the positives end. In the semi-finals, Surkov lost to the 2013 world champion from South Korea Ryu Hansu– 1:2 and went to “fight” for bronze with the Armenian Karen Aslanyan.

Thus, for the first time in 64 years, the Russian team was left without gold in the Greco-Roman style. They finished the Paris championship with only four medals - two silver and two bronze. And against this background, Mamiashvili’s statement – ​​“we will sort it out thoroughly and in the most cruel way” – looks like little consolation.

Nevertheless, our team became first in the nations’ standings, scoring 46 points and being 10 points ahead of athletes from Iran, who came second.

But today freestyle fights will begin in Paris. The Russian national team is represented by 8 athletes, and it is quite obvious that the results of their matches will leave a more pleasant impression on the fans.

Head coach of the national team Dzambolat Tedeev Already announced plans. “Our medal plan, by and large, is always the same. In Paris we will test the young guys, give them the opportunity to prove themselves and prove themselves at the beginning of the Olympic cycle. It’s time to open up the guys, it’s time to create internal competition for Tokyo 2020. As for the plan, we want to win at least three gold medals. Boldly? Why did you decide so? Due to the fact that in Paris, only Sadulaev will he fight? We may have a lot of debutants in our team, but they have a clear goal. They must cling to any chance."- he said.

However, Paris gave another joy. On Thursday, a meeting of the UWW Bureau was held there as part of the World Wrestling Championship. Members of the United World Wrestling (UWW) bureau approved the holding of the 2018 European Championship in Kaspiysk. ]§[

Composition of the Russian national team.

Up to 57 kg. Zaur Uguev– winner of the European Championship 2017

Up to 61 kg. Gadzhimurad Rashidov– European champion 2016

Up to 65 kg. Alan Gogaev– European champion 2012, world championship medalist 2010

Up to 70 kg. Magomedhabib Kadimagomedov

Up to 74 kg. Khetag Tsabolov– World champion 2014

Up to 86 kg. Vladislav Valiev

Up to 97 kg. Abdulrashid SadulaevOlympic champion 2016,two-time world champion (2014, 2015),two-time European champion (2014, 2015)

Up to 125 kg. Anzor Khizriev

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