Home Fruit trees Serving ourselves on a platter: how to learn to perform in front of an audience? Rules for Successful Public Speaking

Serving ourselves on a platter: how to learn to perform in front of an audience? Rules for Successful Public Speaking

We all sometimes have to speak to the public: during workshops, interviews, presentations and even family feasts. For many people, especially introverts, these moments are stressful. Fortunately, you can avoid panic or at least noticeably reduce its degree by following the advice of psychologists.

Today we will share with you 10 useful life hacks for those who have to speak in public.

Why is it important to be able to perform in front of an audience

I think it's worth starting with why everyone needs to be able to speak in public. Many of you may argue: I am not an actor, not a teacher, or even a sales manager, why would I need this? But if you think about it, then situations similar to public speaking are constantly encountered in our everyday life.

From graduation and job interviews to a toast at a family's wedding and explaining the rules of the game to your own child and his friends, these are situations in which you need to keep the audience's attention for a certain period of time, and it can often be difficult.

Fear of public speaking is one of the most common human phobias. Even if you do not panic, it is possible that the need to prepare a speech or presentation gives you some discomfort. But this sensation can be learned to control, including with the help of a number of tips that you will see below.

Psychologists say that in the first place, as with any other fear, it is worthwhile to vividly imagine the worst-case scenario. What could go wrong during public speaking? Nowadays, no one is showered with rotten tomatoes! Most likely, the worst thing that can happen is if you mumble indistinctly or forget the prepared text. But we have all experienced similar moments in our lives more than once or twice, starting with unsuccessful answers at the blackboard. Has anyone died from this momentary humiliation? Moreover, do you still remember them? Believe me, those who should listen to you in half of the cases will not notice that something went wrong, and in the rest they will forget about it the next day. Nothing bad will happen even if your speech is not brilliant. However, making this whole process much less stressful is not that difficult. Let's look at a few ideas on how to do this.

So, let's turn to specific advice from psychologists.

1. Observe other people speaking in public.

Nothing teaches us more clearly than living examples. If you know public speaking is your problem, start by listening carefully to other people. Go to conferences, lectures, watch videos on YouTube - whichever is more convenient for you. I bet you will meet as cool performances looking at which you will want to say: "Oh, I want to be like this guy!"

2. Relax.

Let's go back to what we said above: believe me, nothing bad will happen to you, even if you fail your speech.

Of course, if we are thoughtfully preparing our performance, it seems very important to us to make it brilliant. But even if something goes wrong, believe me, those around you will quickly forget about it or not even notice. Yes, perhaps you will not fulfill some goal: you will not convince investors, you will not find partners, you will not convey your idea, etc. But all this is definitely not the end of the world and is not worth so many nerves spent.

3. Prepare everything in advance.

Of course, if public speaking is not your thing, be sure to do your homework. Write the text of your speech or at least the main theses, practice at home - in front of the mirror or in front of your family.

If you need to speak at an event, never arrive at the last minute. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the site, make sure you have everything you need (presentations, screens, materials, etc.). The more you feel confident that the rest of your speech is under control, the less you will worry about your speech.

Debugged technical means Is an important part of the success of any performance

4. Study your audience.

The lion's share of the features of your speech depends on who will listen to you. If you have the opportunity to know in advance who will be your audience, then you can try to guess what exactly they want to hear from you, which means, immediately grab their attention.

For example, if you are serving as a guest lecturer at educational institution or at a master class, it is better to know in advance what approximate age the public, as well as what is their average knowledge of your topic. This will help to avoid both too complex and, therefore, incomprehensible and boring lecture, and too simple, from which your listeners will not learn anything new.

Also, knowing the interests of the intended audience will help you pick up jokes or deviations that will certainly grace any public speaking.

5. Involve the audience in your presentation.

If you've studied your audience, then this is the next logical step. You can ask questions, forcing the audience to answer or raise their hands (for example, “How many of you have already heard of ...?”), Or joke about familiar topics.

In addition, psychologists emphasize the importance of eye contact: try to look at your audience or at someone specific in the room or class, this will help your speech sound more convincing. If the speaker looks exclusively at the floor or at the ceiling, nothing prevents the listeners from burying themselves in smartphones and finally losing interest in his speech.

6. Tell life stories.

People love to listen to stories from personal experience... Sometimes short story how you yourself, for example, were able to solve a problem with the help of what you are now trying to sell, are ten times more convincing than any statistical data.

In this case, of course, brevity is important: do not delve into the details of your personal life too thoroughly, try to quickly return to the main topic.

7. Take your time.

One of the most common mistakes in public speaking is incorrect speech topics. Most of us in life speak much faster than is acceptable for a lecture or presentation. Try to pause if you feel that you are speaking too quickly, take a sip of water, take a breath.

You can also arrange with a friend or relative present in the room that he will give you a signal if you are in too much of a hurry.

8. Move!

Notice that nearly all successful speakers walk around the room and gesture while speaking. Take an example from them, do not hide behind a pulpit or a table!

At conferences, long presentations and other work events, people often have to listen to speeches for hours, so their attention is already deliberately distracted. If you move, smile and show your energy in every way, you are much more likely to be heard.

9. Prepare good questions.

You will hardly forget to prepare your speech in advance, but it is equally important to prepare questions and answers on your topic. Why is this needed? Remember how many times at various events you saw a similar picture: a person ends a speech, asks: “Does anyone have questions?”, And in response - silence. You should take the time to ask questions, but you can never guarantee that someone will really want to ask you. In this case, you can get out of the situation as follows: “I am often asked next question… ”They themselves asked the question - they themselves answered. Everything's under control!

10. Do not refuse to communicate with the audience after the performance.

Most likely, most of the audience will quickly forget what you were talking about, and that's okay. But people will definitely appreciate it if you were polite, considerate, and took the time to answer their questions.


Speaking in front of an audience is not necessarily an innate talent. Most often it is a skill that can be developed and improved. Remember that Demosthenes, the legendary orator of ancient Athens, was tongue-tied in his youth and learned to speak clearly, picking pebbles in his mouth, and the famous comedian Jim Carrey at the beginning of his career struggled with a real phobia of public speaking. Do your homework, exercise in front of the mirror, try to stay calm - and you will succeed! Good luck!

Here are some rules for successful public speaking. They will help you make your speech interesting and engaging.

1. Speech preparation

As you know, all good improvisations are carefully prepared in advance. Performing without preliminary preparation, especially a budding speaker, will almost certainly fail. Remember Mark Twain's aphorism: “It takes more than three weeks to prepare a good short speech impromptu".

First, make a "wireframe" or "skeleton" of the future public speaking:

  • Determine the motivation for people to listen to your talk. Why do they need it? What useful or interesting things will they learn for themselves?
  • Highlight main idea your speech.
  • Highlight subheadings by dividing your idea into multiple sub-headings.
  • Define keywords which you will repeat several times so that those present will better remember what you are telling them about.
  • Think carefully about the plan and structure of your future speech. It should include an introduction, body and conclusions (end)

Having prepared the "skeleton", begin to build up "muscles" on it.

  • Find vivid examples"From life", from history, literature, which you use in the performance process.
  • Prepare the necessary diagrams, illustrations, graphs for visual consolidation of information.
  • Determine the moment in the course of your speech when you ask the audience a question, with a request to name something, to recount - this will help the audience to focus their attention on the discussion of the topic and will significantly increase the effectiveness of the perception of your material.
  • Write full text. Special attention give it a start and an end.

The peculiarity of the introduction is that the audience will very quickly form an impression of you based on it, and this impression will dominate throughout the entire presentation. If you make mistakes in the introductory part, it will be difficult to correct them. It is important to get the public interested in the success of your first shot from the start. To do this, in the introductory part, you can use any witty joke, tell interesting fact or recall an outstanding historical event, be sure to link them with the topic of the speech.

The final part of the public presentation provides for a summing up. At the end, you need to recall the key problems raised in the speech, be sure to repeat all the main ideas. The success of the construction of the last phrases, enhanced by their emotionality and expressiveness, will not only arouse applause from the audience, but also turn them into your adherents.

Your main controller is time. The audience can listen carefully and perceive your ideas only for a limited period of time, due to psychophysiological reasons (usually no more than 15-20 minutes, then the audience's attention begins to weaken). You are expected to be short, clear, understandable, persuasive, and accessible. Follow Chekhov's: "Brevity is the sister of talent." Consider the tempo of your speech. The most favorable comprehension rate is approximately 100 words per minute. When planning your presentation, be sure to consider the time you will need to spend answering questions.

It is advisable to find out in advance who you will have to speak to: the size of the audience, its interests, views, what she expects from the speaker, what kind of reaction you need to get from her. Depending on these indicators, adjust certain points of your speech. You need to be on the same cultural level with the audience, to communicate in its language, only in this case you can count on the establishment of psychological contact between the speaker and the audience. You should not touch on topics that go beyond the understanding of the audience.

Check the dictionaries for the meanings of the smart words you are using. Find out the correct pronunciation. Language mistakes can cause ridicule and ruin the entire performance, no matter how ingenious in content.

When the speech is prepared, it is better to write down its main points or theses on small cards. Arrange them sequentially. It is very convenient to use such cards during the performance. If this is not a two-three-hour lecture, then it is not recommended to read the text, it is advisable to memorize it and pronounce it from memory, only from time to time looking at your notes.

Give your speech aloud several times (preferably in front of a mirror) to get used to the text and get a good feel for all the nuances. For polishing phrases, intonation, facial expressions, it is desirable to work with a tape recorder or video camera. This preliminary workout will reduce your anxiety, make you feel confident, and greatly increase the likelihood of a successful public speaking.

2. Place of public speaking

A lectern or a tribune, a stage or a balcony, in general, any elevation above the floor level always arouses fear in people who do not have sufficient experience in public speaking. E. Morin called it "stage fright", and Mark Twain recommended to those who are afraid of performing: "Calm down, because the audience still does not expect anything from you." . It is better to set yourself up as if you first of all want to tell yourself something interesting, at the same time acquainting everyone present with it.

It is very important to examine the room before speaking to establish which side the audience will be looking at. Consider your height when choosing a location. You need to check if everyone can see you. If you need to speak behind the podium, then if you are short, make sure that a strong stand is placed under the podium. "Talking Head" looks comical and will not be able to hold the attention of the audience for a long time. Care must be taken that the speaker is visible up to the chest.

If you have to sit while speaking in public, make sure your seat is comfortable. Sitting at the table, you cannot slouch and put your hands on it; sitting in a chair, you cannot lean on the armrests and backrest, throw your legs over your legs, clasp your hands on your knees, try to sit on the edge of the chair, leaning slightly forward with your legs slightly back and your heels pressed to the floor; it is necessary to sit upright, freely, radiating openness and benevolence; to look people in the eyes, to follow their emotions, gestures and facial expressions, to demonstrate care and understanding with all their appearance.

3. Clothes

Performing in front of a large audience resembles a performance, therefore great importance has the speaker's clothes. During a public speech, the speaker has to sit at the table, stand on a high pulpit, at the podium, etc. Considering this, pants and skirts should be long enough, socks - high, shoes - to be in perfect order.

Wear items that you feel comfortable in, that do not distract you with their inconvenience. You should never have a thought: "How does it sit on me?" Better not to use completely new things that you are wearing for the first time. Clothes and shoes should not give you internal discomfort and distract your attention.

The universal rule of thumb for successful public speaking is to avoid imbalance between what you say and how you look. For formal occasions, it is best to use a medium-dark suit, a white or ivory-colored loose shirt and an elegant expressive tie. Contrasting colors, a good suit help shape positive attitude to you and contribute to the success of your public speaking. The tie should not have a bright pattern, so as not to distract attention from the face, at the same time, it should not be one-color. Ties made of matte fabric, dark blue, wine red, burgundy with a subtle pattern are best suited. The length of the tie should be such that the end barely covers the buckle on the waist belt.

If your jacket has two buttons, you need to fasten only the top one, if three - only the middle one. Unless absolutely necessary, you should not wear glasses when public speaking, jewelry is also not needed.

If the speaker is a woman, her clothes should have a long sleeve, the length of the skirt should be medium (to the middle of the knee), it should not be too tight. Regarding colors, here the requirements are much more liberal than those of men: the color must simply go to a woman. Women should also avoid flashy, massive jewelry. Shoes are best dark colors with inconspicuous or plain bows; stockings of the same color as the shoes. Glasses should have a simple design and frames to match the hair color.

When performing in an informal setting (friendly parties, etc.), dress requirements do not play a big role. You can dress however you like, but remember that if your appearance If there is some eclectic detail that catches the eye (a bright brooch, a loud tie of acid colors, an original style of a suit with capricious patterns), then it will distract attention from the content of your words. The audience will remember it and will not pay attention to what you said.

4. Successful public speaking - a few secrets

When you enter the audience, move confidently, do not mince or make fidgety movements. Walk with your usual gait, by this you will convince those present that you are not worried and in no hurry. When you have been introduced, go up, be sure to give the audience a slight smile and enter the direct eye contact with the audience.

In order to show your value and gain the respect of the audience, you need to control the maximum allowable space. Do not try to show yourself as a small person and do not hide somewhere in the corner of the stage. Be sure to take a seat in the center, or at least direct your gaze to the center from time to time. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head and lean forward a little, demonstrating something like a bow in front of the audience, you can then repeat this gesture several times.

When you take the podium, stage, podium, or other place to speak, do not rush to speak immediately. Be sure to pause. You can take any opportunity - ask for a glass of water, lay out the papers, move something. Use the pause as much as you feel is necessary to prepare yourself psychologically and set the audience up to communicate with you. If you are very anxious, take a few deep breaths in and out before speaking. Taking a pause will also help you to examine the space around you in a few seconds, to estimate how you will use it. Remember the theatrical axiom: the more talented the actor, the longer he can keep the pause.

Further, do not just take in with your eyes, but carefully examine the hall, take a closer look at the entire audience. Take a look at a few of those present who will become visual points of reference, beacons in your speech. Then, if necessary, you can change them. Try to donate your personal attention as much as possible more people, but be sure to look around the entire space of the hall - from left to right, from the first to the last row. Do not linger long in the back rows and again turn your gaze to the front seats. Remember that they are always occupied with the most interested people, in their eyes you will find support for yourself. Having fixed for yourself several such visual "anchors", start talking.

Your facial expressions and gestures give a person much more impressions than anything you say. With gestures, you focus on the importance of the information. When gesturing, there are three rules: first, do not put your hands in your pockets; second, do not hide them behind your back; third - do not occupy them with foreign objects. Hands are helpers that should always be free and ready to unite with your thoughts.

You can not use "defensive" or "defensive" body movements, for example, crossing the arms on the chest, laying them behind the back. Crossing your arms demonstrates uncertainty about what the person is saying. It is best to take an open position and show a smile from time to time. Constantly monitor your posture, keep your back straight, your head raised, and move naturally.

During a public speech, do not freeze like a monument, and do not throw your head back, as this will push the audience away and delay the flow of psychological energy that should dynamically influence those present. Be sure to move. You need to show yourself alive, energetic, dynamic. Keep your movements short, precise, and convincing. When you want to emphasize something, move your body towards the audience or use a gesture to bring your body closer to those present. If there is an opportunity to get closer to the audience, then do it when you want to tell her something important to convey and convince those present that you are right.

Maintain eye contact with the audience at all times. An experienced speaker always monitors the attention of the audience, looking from the front rows to the back. If you use notes, then do it very carefully: with a quick and short look down, look at the text and look up again, transferring all your attention back to the audience.

Consider the cultural, ethnic, religious and other characteristics of the audience. For example, in Chinese and Japanese people, your open gaze can cause negative feelings, as in oriental cultures it is not accepted. For the Caucasian peoples, a direct, firm look in the eyes of a man is perceived as a challenge to a duel, etc. Also, with great care, you need to use jokes on national or religious topics.

You shouldn't have a frozen, motionless expression on your face. Otherwise, you will cause indifference and boredom in the audience. The basis of your attractiveness as a speaker is a light, pleasant smile. Try to accompany the transition to each key theme with a special change on the face: raise your eyebrows a little or move your eyes, use slow turns of the head. If you are sitting, use your hands: translate something or slightly change their position. While sitting, emphasize the freedom of your posture all the time.

Repeated repetition of simple expressive phrases, vivid phrases contributes to the success of a public speech. However, try to avoid inappropriate and untimely use. The content of the phrases should not be allowed to be far from the thoughts that need to be conveyed to the audience.

Do not show superiority or frivolity when communicating with the audience, do not broadcast "condescendingly" in a mentoring tone. Be very serious about formulating the answers to the questions posed - the answers provide an opportunity to once again emphasize the main points of your speech. Avoid annoyance, hostility, or sarcasm, even if the questions are unpleasant to you. Much better - calmness, benevolence and light humor.

Take philosophically any surprises and awkwardness - a breakdown of a microphone, a fall on the floor of a glass of water, a sudden pause, etc. You cannot betray your confusion and show a negative attitude towards negative moments that arose by chance or turned out to be "homework" of your ill-wishers. It is best to react to this with humor, to play in a way that is beneficial to yourself. The speaker must control the situation, show that all this does not hinder him, and that troubles do not unsettle him.

If the speech is interrupted by applause, you need to wait until it ends and only then continue - so that the beginning of your next phrase can be heard by everyone. Also remember that there is a difference between applause and applause. The speech must end before the tired and irritated listeners begin to slam the speaker.

At the end of the speech, you need to look the listeners in the eyes and say something pleasant, demonstrating your satisfaction from communicating with the audience. Such a positive informational impulse in the final will remain in the memory of people, in their perception of your public speech.

© Prepared by I. Medvedev
© Psyfactor, 2006

When thousands of people look at you, are ready to listen to you and, holding their breath, wait for your speech - this, of course, is unnerving. Maxim Rakitin, teacher acting from the Smile studio theater, told us how to make a public performance brilliant, or at least not faint.

Internal state

A speaker who doubts himself, his speech, and the meaning of life can also be successful. His name is Woody Allen. The rest should be configured inner world according to instructions.

  • Do not think for others
  • Yes, perhaps the audience is mentally laughing at your cheap suit and lop-eared. Maybe they even guess about the tattoo in the form of Onishchenko's profile. But it means that you are incredibly charismatic. After all, they usually have no opinion at all about the speaker until he finishes.

  • Do not think for others
  • Set a goal
  • Collecting investments for a billion and buying Kazakhstan for a golf course is a second time. the main objective any performance (whether at a presentation or from a stage) - to convey to the public a certain idea. By focusing on the task at hand, you will be distracted from the fear of failure and thoughts of your imperfection.

  • Remember the state
  • Emotional memory is the foundation of the artist's profession. If you can remember the feeling of victory after winning a teddy bear at Forex and you can evoke that feeling before the show, the jitters will be replaced by confidence.

  • Conduct auto-training
  • Before going out in public, look in the mirror, remember everyone who loves you, and feel confident that you are perfect. At least symmetrical if you have two arms, two legs and two eyes. Not bad for a first impression.

The audience can be capricious and unpredictable, like a three-year-old child. A rattle would be the obvious solution, but there are even more effective methods for adult humans.

  • Material ownership
  • It is corny, but difficult to achieve. It is not enough to learn the material, it must be deeply understood. Then you can do whatever you want with it in public - cut it into strips, juggle or put a puzzle, without risking mistakes and missing important things.

  • Breaking the template
  • The colorful NLP term hides paradoxical behavior that the viewer does not expect. And it works with any audience. Try during the performance to put yourself tea in a bottle of brandy and sip. You will see, the audience will be completely captured by what is happening.

  • Fixation of attention
  • To cope with the jitters and keep the audience's attention, choose one of the audience and speak mostly to him. This will give you the illusion of one-on-one communication and make your speech more confident.

  • Change of rhythm
  • Any enjoyable activity can be a dull job if you don't change the rhythm. Therefore, even a pornographic picture is changed every half a minute. In an ordinary performance, there is no such rigor, but it is also desirable to divide it into segments. The important is longer and slower, the secondary is shorter and faster.

  • A minute of silence
  • The best way to grab the attention of your audience. You have to silently look into the hall with an inner message that you would like to tell a lot, but you cannot continue while they are chatting and rustling with foil from chocolates. Silence reigns very quickly.

This is the main thing in the speech, not counting the meaning. And the main thing in the voice is breathing, voice formation, diction and speech logic. Talking about the voice, Maxim Rakitin skillfully modulated and sounded extremely convincing.

  • About breathing and sound production
  • “You can't breathe in conversation chest, breathing should be diaphragmatic. The lower abdomen and oblique muscles push air out, this provides a vocal message. As one of my teachers used to say, you need to talk with eggs. And weaned from the habit of speaking quietly. Everybody has a voice. Those who have problems - let them go to the phonator. This is the doctor who solves the problems of the vocal cords. "

  • About diction
  • “The tongue is a lazy muscle, it needs to be developed. Tongue twisters are suitable for this. And we must get out of the habit of speaking with a half-open mouth. There is such an exercise: pinch the wine cork with your teeth and read the text, then remove the cork and repeat. The difference will be for sure. By doing this exercise regularly, you can get rid of problems with diction. "

  • About the logic of speech
  • “This is the most difficult thing, because the cultural level needs to be developed. Read more and more fiction... There is such a book - "Dialogues with Joseph Brodsky" by Solomon Volkov, there is Brodsky's direct speech. What a speech it is! "

    • Keep your distance. If you fidget and sway during the program, the sound will move in and out, as if you were broadcasting from a hammock.
    • Hold back the sound. Your powerful diaphragm voice will tear your audience's eardrum and your sound engineer your career. On the radio, speak with your mouth, not your belly.
    • Breathe evenly. The microphone is very sensitive, and any deep breaths will reach the listener like a chug.

Nevertheless, you can quickly enough learn to speak in front of people, observing simple rules.

When speaking to an audience, a person usually worries about how he will be perceived, whether he will be able to convey his thoughts to the audience, what the final result of his communication with the audience will be. All these fears are causing severe stress, which in itself negatively affects the performance. In other words than more people worries about failing the performance, the more likely it becomes.

Ways to relieve stress

Only experience helps to learn to feel comfortable in the presence of a large audience. However, there are ways to minimize the effect of stress on your performance.

1. Artificial aggression. It’s easy to say “don’t be afraid of the audience,” but in practice such advice doesn’t work. Knock out a wedge with a wedge - before going out to the audience, induce a state of readiness for battle, a confident and slightly angry mood. To do this, you can sing this or that mobilizing song to yourself. For example, the song by Vladimir Vysotsky "Hunting for wolves" is perfect. You can choose a suitable repertoire yourself, which will set you up for a fighting mood. The result is that you will reach the audience fully mobilized, which will help you perform well.

Self-esteem can be affected by a variety of factors. During times like these, it is difficult to maintain coping with any stresses. How to bring peace back? Watching the video!

2. Throw into the future. Analyze what are you really afraid of when speaking in front of people? The fact that you look bad, that they will laugh at you? Afraid of failure? Reveal your fears, and then internally come to terms with the fact that all that terrible thing that you thought about has already happened. You failed your performance - you looked terrible, you were tongue-tied, you were openly laughed at, etc. etc. Everything has already happened, you have accepted it, experienced it, so you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Accept defeat, don't expect anything good. As a result, it will be much easier for you to perform.

3. Rehearsal. Practice speaking by yourself. You can speak in front of the mirror, evaluating yourself from the side. But if you are not happy with your reflection, train somewhere in nature, where there is no one else. This will allow you to speak in full voice without fear of anyone. Such training gives very good results.

4. Play of imagination. When you go to bed, replay the upcoming performance in your mind. Present it in every detail, hone important points. In your performances, you must appear as a confident person, performing brilliantly in front of an audience.

Determinants of success

1. One of the most important points is an the ability to win the sympathy of the audience. Do not make excuses in any way. Don't excuse yourself for the first time, etc., it turns the audience against you. Do not start with the words "Let me ...", "Let me ..." and the like, this is wrong. Start your speech confidently, with a short greeting, and get straight to the point.

2. It is very important to feel like the master of the situation, "Keep the hall". If during your presentation you see that the audience's interest is disappearing, people start talking, making noise, take a break for a minute. Just be silent and look at the audience, it will make it subside. Then continue speaking. Another option is to start talking about something completely different, preferably interesting. Returning the audience's attention again, say something like, “So, is everyone back? Thank you, let's continue then, ”and then continue your speech again.

Performing in front of an audience is a real art, it is acquired only with years of practice. But even the debut can be quite successful. You just need to believe in yourself, choose the most suitable options for internal mobilization. And most importantly, do not take everything that happens too seriously.


Prepare your speech carefully and responsibly. Write it down on paper so you don't miss out on what's most important. It is better to prepare the text in advance so that you can reread and correct it. The speech should be simple, understandable and interesting. Try to use vivid epithets and to keep people interested.

Now start fighting your fear. First of all, realize that even if the performance fails, nothing bad will happen to you. You will not be killed, maimed, fired, or pelted with eggs. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Remember, people tend to be wrong. And even if you say something wrong, the audience will be loyal to it. To avoid this minor embarrassment, learn the speech by heart.

Consider how many benefits this performance will give you. Set a specific goal for yourself. For example, you will act to win an election. Or your speech will help bring your idea to life. If no global goals have been found, consider that this talk will help you overcome your fear.

Don't think that this is a public speaking. Let it be just another task to be completed. Take it easy.

Don't forget to tidy yourself up before the event. This will make you more confident and the audience more loyal. Comb your hair, correct your makeup, iron your clothes, remove dust from your shoes.

Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or in front of relatives. It is better to do this several times. You must understand how easy it is. Not only give a speech, but also think over a posture, gestures, so that your speech looks organic.

When you are in front of the audience, imagine that you are asleep and have a dream that can be controlled. This will solve most of your problems. After all, you will begin to feel more relaxed and simpler. There is no audience, no stage, there is just a dream in which you are in charge. Whatever you want it to be. You will be able to perform brilliantly, convince people that you are right. Such a simple auto-training will help you to loosen up, become more confident in your abilities.


Do not take any sedatives before performing, as this can make the situation worse.

Helpful advice

Find one person during your presentation. Imagine that he is your friend and tell him your text.


  • How to perform confidently and not be afraid of it
  • how are they not afraid to speak to the public

Before the first public appearance, a person inevitably experiences excitement. For some people, this is expressed in feeling light anxiety, others may experience real panic.


The success of your presentation depends on a solid knowledge of the material you are going to present. Learn everything and repeat several times in front of a mirror, in front of friends or family members. Start overcoming your fear in small audiences. After a few workouts, you will feel a certain confidence that you can successfully perform in front of strangers. people.

Give yourself the right to make mistakes. People are imperfect, and you are no exception. The audience is almost always positive about the perception of the speaker. Therefore, even if you make a mistake and confuse something, no one will kick you out or condemn you. Imagine that you are running away from the audience amid the whistle and hooting of the audience. It's funny, unrealistic and not scary at all.

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