Home Vegetables Lesson summary: magic curl of Khokhloma in the preparatory group. Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group for decorative drawing: “Curl” (based on Khokhloma painting)

Lesson summary: magic curl of Khokhloma in the preparatory group. Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group for decorative drawing: “Curl” (based on Khokhloma painting)

Summary of a drawing lesson in preparatory group“Golden Khokhloma. Painting plates based on Khokhloma painting"(made using non-traditional techniques: wax pencils and watercolors).

Author of the work: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher additional education in Fine Arts. MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten general developmental type "Fairy Tale"
Description: This summary will be of interest to teachers of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of additional education in art activities, as well as simply creative people.
Target: expanding knowledge about folk crafts - Khokhloma painting.
- to form children’s ideas about the appearance of dishes in ancient times;
- talk about the appearance of Khokhloma painting;
- learn to consistently perform work using non-traditional techniques;
- learn to beautifully place a pattern over the entire surface of the plate;
- promote the development of aesthetic taste;
- promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands through drawing small curls;
- cultivate interest in Russian folk crafts, pride in our craftsmen;
- cultivate interest in drawing through the use of unconventional techniques.
Preliminary work: studying dishes and folk crafts in classes on the surrounding world.
Methodical techniques: story, conversation-dialogue, visual material, practical work.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator- Every day we use different utensils: kitchen, dining, tea. These dishes are metal, porcelain, glass. There are dishes that we use every day, and there are beautiful holiday sets that are taken out only on holidays to set the table. Do you know how the dishes appeared?
Dishes appeared a very long time ago. At first, ancient people used tree bark to, for example, scoop up water or nut shells. They tried to hollow out vessels from stone and wood. Sea shells were used as spoons; they were convenient for scooping up food. Gradually the dishes were improved. People learned to make dishes from clay and fire them.

And of course, since ancient times, people have tried to make dishes not only convenient for use, but also beautiful, therefore, from ancient times, various designs began to be applied to dishes. The first patterns were simple, they were made with thin wooden sticks, this geometric figures, people, animals.

So wooden dishes appeared, clay dishes - ceramic, and later people learned to make porcelain, which we use now.
Wooden utensils still exist today, but now they are more often used to decorate the interior. Beautiful, bright, it stands on a shelf or in a closet and pleases the eyes with its unique pattern. Do any of you know what this dish is called?
Children- Khokhloma.

Educator- Right. This wooden dish is painted with floral patterns. What does vegetable mean?
Children– this is grass, flowers, berries.
Educator– Yes, these are all kinds of plants: grass and leaves, berries, flowers with beautiful curls. According to legend, this painting was created by a talented master, icon painter Andrei Loskut. He worked for the king and he generously rewarded him for his work. But the master loved freedom most of all. One night he left the royal court and went to live in the forest. Andrey wanted to paint not only icons. He dreamed of creating something simple, necessary and at the same time beautiful, like native nature around. This is how the first wooden utensils appeared. And since the master lived in the forest, he began to paint it with flowers, berries, leaves, and twigs. The fame of the amazing master reached the surrounding lands. Many came to him to see this dishes, some stayed forever, wanting to learn how to create the same wonderful products. Andrey Loskut passed on the secrets of his skill to his fellow villagers; his skill has been preserved, pleasing the eyes and souls of people to this day. And since all this was in the village of Khokhloma, the painting began to be called Khokhloma. This painting is distinguished by obtaining a golden color without using precious metal. That’s why they often say “golden Khokhloma”.

Now we will paint our plates based on Khokhloma painting.
For this we need:
- wax pencils yellow and red;
- black watercolor;
- wide brush No. 5 or No. 6.
1.first, using a yellow wax pencil, draw three leaves at the bottom of the plate.

2. Using a red wax pencil, we draw three large strawberries over the yellow leaves.

3.Draw droplet leaves between the berries with a yellow pencil from smallest to largest.

4.Draw curls between the lower leaves

5.add small flowers and curls at the top.

6. Paint the entire plate with black watercolor.

The plate painting based on Khokhloma painting is ready.

Decorative drawing


(based on Khokhloma painting)

(preparatory group) Educator: Permyakova V.N.

Program content.

Introduce children to decorative arts different nations. Learn to highlight composition, main elements, color and use them in your drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw curls freely and easily with the end of the brush different sides. Improve multidirectional fused hand movements and visual control over them. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Continue to learn how to evaluate completed drawings in accordance with the task.


Presentation “The Tale of Khokhloma”; video “Khokhloma” (group “Fidgets”); audio recording of music for drawing. Household items decorated with Khokhloma painting, made based on Khokhloma. Cut-out paper outlines of cutting boards in yellow, red, black and green; paints: watercolor, gouache; palette; brushes; water; napkins; samples.

Connecting with others educational areas.

Introduction to arts and crafts and contemporary art(fabrics, dishes, scarves, etc.), viewing albums with Khokhloma painting, creating the “Museum of Khokhloma Painting.”

Progress of the lesson.

I Organizing time.

Clip “Khokhloma” (group “Fidgets”).

Hello guys, I came to visit you from the village of Khokhloma Nizhny Novgorod region. In our region there is a wonderful museum of Khokhloma painting, there are many interesting and beautiful objects. All these items were made and painted by our folk craftsmen. You'd like to see them with your own eyes. Then I invite you to watch the film “The Tale of Khokhloma.” Sit down on the chairs.

II Main part.

The teacher begins to show the presentation “The Tale of Khokhloma.” Children, together with the teacher, read the title of the presentation.

Tale of Khokhloma. The tale begins not about us, not about you, but about a wonderful drawing of magic grass.

They say that in ancient times there lived in the city of Moscow a master icon painter. The king highly valued his skill and generously rewarded him for his work. The master loved his craft, but most of all he loved his free life, and therefore one day he secretly left the royal court and moved to the deep Kerzhen forests.

He built himself a hut and began to do the same thing. He dreamed of an art that would become familiar to everyone, like a simple Russian song, and that beauty would be reflected in it native land. This is how the first Khokhloma cups appeared, decorated with lush flowers and thin branches.

The fame of the great master spread throughout the land.

People came from everywhere to admire his skill. Many people built huts here and settled nearby.

Finally, the master’s fame reached the formidable sovereign, and he ordered a detachment of archers to find the fugitive and bring him. But popular rumor flew faster than the archers’ feet. The master learned about his misfortune, gathered his fellow villagers and revealed to them the secrets of his craft. And in the morning, when the royal envoys entered the village, everyone saw the miracle artist’s hut burning with a bright flame. The hut burned down, and no matter how they looked for the master himself, he was nowhere to be found. Only its colors remained on the ground, which seemed to have absorbed both the heat of the flame and the blackness of the ashes.

The master disappeared, but his skill did not disappear, and Khokhloma colors still burn with a bright flame, reminding everyone of the happiness of freedom, and of the heat of love for people, and of the thirst for beauty. Apparently, the master’s brush was not a simple one - a brush made of sun rays.

Such is the legend. They always tell it a little differently, and everyone who is curious can read it in collections of legends and fairy tales of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Like any legend, there is a lot of fiction in it, but its truth is that great skill and great art are preserved only when they are passed from hand to hand, from teacher to student. This is what happened with Khokhloma.

Let's admire the products of Khokhloma masters.

What do you see? Describe verbally what kind of dishes? (beautiful dishes, bright, joyful, rich, colorful!)

What material is this cookware made of? (Made of wood.)

Are all household items painted in the same way? Do you know this painting? (Khokhloma)

This is the Museum of Khokhloma painting. Now we will walk through the hall of this museum. What does it contain?

Let's take a closer look at Khokhloma products - trays. What primary colors did Khokhloma masters use for the background? (Red, yellow, green, black).

People attach their own meaning to each color. Red – fire, love, devotion. Golden – sun, light, warmth. Black – earth, solemnity. Green is life.

Herbal ornament, or “grass”,

This is typical for all Khokhloma,

Wonderful drawing magical land!

Elements of grass painting.

Do you think there are few or many elements in the painting? Of course a lot.

“Sedges” are the simplest element. It is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom.

“Curls” are performed like “antennae”, only with light pressure in the middle of the element.

“Droplets” are performed by applying a brush to the product.

“Bushes” are depicted as a continuous line of equal thickness, twisted into a spiral.

Criul Curls are simple in shape, but pleasing to the eye.

The wonderful pattern is rich and elegant.

On the gold background with an intricate snake

The ornament curls here - try it!

For a long time in Rus', images of flowering bushes and fruits were considered a wish for goodness, prosperity and happiness.

Khokhloma artists call the berries affectionately, and the same master will never paint them the same way.

Currant berries

Currant and rowan berries are drawn with a “poke” or a “frog” (a piece of sheep’s wool wrapped around a stick), and we can draw them with a cotton swab.

But look - a familiar plot.

Did you recognize the fairy tale? Did you find out or not?

Firebird no one has seen it, so each master paints it in his own way. You have already done the same in the application according to your own ideas.

Slide 18-20

Khokhloma is modern art. You can paint it anywhere, on any objects.

Who do you think it is? (Masters of painting.)

Khokhloma brush! Thank you very much!

Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life!

You, like the soul of the people, are beautiful,

You, like people, serve the Fatherland!

Guys, look at the exhibition Khokhloma dishes, did I mix up anything?

Game "Remove the extra object"

Guys, have you noticed what an elegant apron I’m wearing?

Game "Find the curl on my apron."

Well done! You remember very well the element of Khokhloma painting “Curl”

Would you like to work as masters of Khokhloma painting today? I am the main master, and you are my apprentices.

Today I want to teach you how to draw one of the “curl” elements, which is very important for Khokhloma. What element of painting will we learn to draw? (curl). Correct curl.

I want to remind you where to start drawing.

Place gouache on the tip of the brush and with light hand movements, using the tip of the brush, draw a thin twig in one direction and the other.

Now we draw a “curl” from the branch on one side, longer and shorter on the other side. And so on every branch. Let me remind you that the curl can be long or short.

It turns out to be a very beautiful painting. What other elements can you decorate a branch with? (berries, leaves, grass). Which one of you wants to add to my thread? (The child decorates the twig with a pattern of his own choosing.)

And now, I suggest you draw the Khokhloma pattern yourself. But don’t forget: The main pattern of the painting is a curl. You will paint the boards. I brought preparations for you. I suggest you choose the board background red, yellow, black. Choose what you will work with and sit down.

Think about what colors of gouache you will use in your work. Which color will stand out brighter against the background of the board.

Let's take a dry brush in our hands and try to make movements in the air, and now on the board, as if you were easily drawing a twig in one direction or the other without pressing. And from her there is a curl. Now put some gouache on the tip of the brush and start painting the board.

Children draw to music.

What wonderful paintings you have done. All the boards are so beautiful. Let's arrange an exhibition of your works. I will help you with this. Let all the kindergarten children come to your exhibition and admire your works

Permyakova Vera Nikolaevna

Abstract of GCD

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

Decorative drawing

in the preparatory school group

Topic: “Khokhloma painting”

Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 4 “Cinderella”

Dovgaleva Galina Vasilievna

Starodub 2014

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. "Khokhloma painting"

Program content:

1. Continue to introduce children to the elements of Khokhloma painting - the “curl” and the method of depicting it.

2. Learn to compose a pattern from familiar Khokhloma elements (berries, curls, leaves) in a certain sequence.

3. Develop compositional abilities by arranging elements on the silhouette.

4. Cultivate interest in folk crafts.


Khokhloma dishes;

Samples of elements of Khokhloma painting;

A sheet of paper to show how to draw a "curl"

For children, paper silhouettes of dishes, tinted in black, yellow, red colors of various shapes;

Leaflets for practicing drawing “curls”;

Gouache, squirrel brushes No. 3, paper pokes, rags;.


What I see! What a wonder!

So much joy around!

Isn’t it beautiful here, kids?

It's breathtaking!

Come in and look at the dishes we have collected here. She is not simple.

It was made by Russian craftsmen from Khokhloma.

Look! These things have come to visit us today,

To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty.

To introduce us to the world of Russia, the world of legends and goodness.

To say that there are miracle people in Russia - masters!

V.: Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

V.: What other seasons do you know?

D. Autumn, spring, summer.

V.Children! Look at this dish and tell me what time of year it reminds you of!

D. This dish, the pattern on this dish is reminiscent of autumn!

Q. Why do you think so?

D. I think so because this dish is bright, colorful, cheerful, just like nature in the fall. Only at this time of year do trees put on colorful outfits of yellow, red, orange leaves and berries. Autumn is called golden and Khokhloma is also called golden.

V. That’s right, you look at her and remember these lines:

“Golden autumn, a scattering of scarlet berries

Groves, copses, silk splashes,

Sunny honey beauty of foliage.

Look carefully and tell me if all the dishes at our exhibition are bright and colorful?

D. No, not all, some are not painted..

V.: Yes, children! The craftsmen ran out of paint to paint the dishes and finish the work. Shall we help them finish their work and wash the dishes?

V.: But before we start drawing, tell me how the Khokhloma pattern differs from other paintings?

What background do craftsmen apply their pattern to?

D.: On a yellow, red and black background.

V.:What elements of this painting do you already know and know how to draw?

D.: “sedges”, “grass”, “antennae”, “droplets”. "Leaves"

V.: And today we will draw the most complex and most beautiful element of Khokhloma - the “curl”.

Look carefully.

I draw attention to how you need to hold the brush in relation to the paper (your hand is above the table): with three fingers, vertical to the paper.

First, we begin to draw with the end of the brush, stretch out a thin strip, and then we press and make a curve; the strip becomes wider, stretch again and carefully lift the brush and again draw with the end of the brush to make a thin strip. As you further twist the “curl”, release the pressure on the brush.

(After my demonstration, demonstration and explanation by the child)

B. Now take the unpainted dishes and sit down in your seats. Now practice drawing on separate pieces of paper that are on your tables.

We've done some exercise, and now we'll rest a little and

Let's prepare our hands for the main work.

Here are my assistants, turn them the way you want: (we look at the open palms) And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way. (Rub hands together) One, two, three, four, five. (Clap our hands) They can’t sit still again. (Shake our hands) They knocked, (knock on the table) turned (circular rotations with the brush) and wanted to work. (Rub our hands) They will work a little, (Clap our hands) We will give them a rest. (Put your palms together) We knocked, (knock on the table) twirled (circular rotations with the brush) and again went back on the road. (Clap our hands )

V.: We’ve had a rest, and now it’s time to get to work.

Let's remember in what order you will paint your product.

1. First we draw curls.

2. We outline the berries and draw the berries with a poke (pay attention to the color of the berries: on a black background - red berries, on a yellow background - red or black berries, on a red background - black berries).

3. So that our pattern does not turn out pale and not bright, we need to decorate it! How can we decorate it?

(draw leaves)

Children draw.

The teacher individually approaches all children who find it difficult to show them again on his piece of paper.

At the end of the lesson, an analysis of children's work.

B. We finish the work, wash the brushes, blot them on a napkin and put them back in place. While your work is drying, look at what kind of work we got?

Who got the roundest "curls"

Does everyone have the right color of berries?

Who got the real Khokhloma pattern?

V.: Well done, guys, we have created real Khokhloma dishes, which are so pleasing to the eye. .

When your work is dry, we will arrange an exhibition so that everyone can see how beautiful you have turned out.

Q Now let's put our tables in order. Our activities are finished.

Preliminary work.

1. Classes to familiarize yourself with your surroundings

Topic: "Acquaintance with the history of Khokhloma fishing"

Topic: "Features of Khokhloma painting."

Conversations with children.

Where did the name "Golden Khokhloma" come from?

What kind of craft do the craftsmen of the village of Khokhloma do?

What material do they make their products from?

What paints do Khokhlomichi people use when painting their products?

What are the main elements present in Khokhloma painting?

What mood do these products create in people?

Examination of Khokhloma dishes, albums, postcards on the corresponding topic.

Observing plants in a flowerbed while walking and discussing the similarities and differences between wildlife and the stylized Khokhloma design.

Conducting classes on decorative drawing, preceding this one, on the topic of Khokhloma painting.

1. Introduction to the simplest elements of Khokhloma (sedge, grass, tendrils, droplets). An exercise in drawing these elements on simple pieces of paper.

2. Learning to draw a “kriul” (central branch) in its different configurations;

Outline the location of the berries (if they are clusters, the berries are drawn in a bunch using sponge pokes). Learning how to draw berries. (on separate sheets of paper)

3. Drawing flowers using cotton swabs. (on separate sheets of paper)

4. Drawing curls ( this lesson) .

Listening to Russian folk melodies, creating an associative connection between a musical work and golden Khokhloma products.

Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing in

preparatory group of MDOU "Rodnichok"

Art teacherI categories

"Composition in Ural painting"

Program content:

1. Expand children's knowledge about artistic features Ural painting: introduce them to different options its compositional solution.

2. Continue to develop children's pattern making skills.

3. Exercise children in well-known painting techniques (“animations”).

Dictionary enrichment: scheme, composition.

Materials and manuals:

v Variable schemes of compositional solutions of Ural painting.

v Background maps.

v Round brushes No. 2.

v Products decorated with Ural painting (cutting boards, panels, etc.).

Progress of the lesson


Guys, this morning strange things started happening to us: this folder appeared on my desk. Let's look together at what lies in it. (The teacher takes out the diagrams and shows them to the children.) Some drawings! I wonder what it is? Guys, can you tell me what this is? (The teacher, together with the children, examines the patterns, compares them. Finds similarities and differences in the location of identical elements of the patterns.)

I guessed what it was! What about you guys? Look at this cutting board and this drawing. How are they similar? (Children's answers.)

You noticed correctly: the flowers in the painting on the board and the flowers in the drawing are in the same places, as are the leaves and buds. This drawing is called a painting scheme, i.e. a drawing that tells the master how to arrange flowers, leaves, buds, birds and other elements of the painting.

Each pattern has different elements, but they can be the same, only the master can draw flowers, leaves, buds differently: they can differ in both shape and color (show on objects).

Let's play: who can quickly find painting elements that are identical in location to this scheme (the teacher suggests a painting scheme with a circular composition).

Well done, such a painting on a round panel.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/627/images/image006_16.jpg" alt="scan0004" align="left" width="349" height="475">А теперь найдите роспись вот к этой схеме (симметричная композиция «Куст в вазе» или «Куст»).!}

That's right, this bush mural fits this scheme. How are they similar?

Guys, the arrangement of pattern elements (flowers, leaves, buds) in a certain order (in a circle, in the form of a bush) is called composition. This is the word that artists use.

Now let's rest a little.

Physical education “Scarlet Flowers”

Our scarlet flowers open their petals...

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway...

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals...

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep...

(Smoothly opening your fingers, waving your hands in front of you and smoothly lowering them onto the table).

https://pandia.ru/text/78/627/images/image008_6.gif" width="192" height="187">Guys, on your tables you have background card sheets and sets of cut out elements (flowers, leaves , buds).

Abstract directly - educational activities in the preparatory group.

teacher Veselova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

Educational area: « Artistic creativity»

Subject: "Magic curl of Khokhloma"

View: productive activity (decorative painting)

Type: final, integrated.

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Socialization", "Health", "Music".

Target: developing children's interest in folk arts and crafts, artistic creativity in decorative drawing.


Artistic creativity:

  • Develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned drawing methods when creating patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
  • Improve the ability to draw with the end of a brush or a poke; perform the pattern in a certain sequence.
  • To develop independence in choosing the color of a painting, depending on the main tone, a sense of color, creativity, and imagination.


  • Expand and clarify children's ideas about the objects of folk art crafts of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, the features of its painting.
  • Develop sensory skills: hand-eye coordination when drawing Khokhloma patterns, fine motor skills hands


  • Improve your ability to answer questions.

Reading fiction:

  • To develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving artistic words.


  • Develop creative imagination; to cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts and the traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in our country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.


  • Develop the need for physical activity.


  • Develop emotional feelings when perceiving works of folk art.

Preliminary work.

Educational conversations about folk arts and crafts.

Examination of the visual teaching aid “Khokhloma”, products applied arts, stylized samples.

GCD cycle in the field of “Artistic Creativity” (decorative drawing).

Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern, drawing up compositions, painting silhouettes in the joint activities of the teacher with children and independent artistic activities of children.

Didactic games “Golden Khokhloma”, “Make a pattern on the dishes”, “Guess it”, “Continue the pattern”, “Collect objects”.

Reading fiction, memorizing poems.

Listening musical works Russian folk art.

Making templates for Khokhloma painting with children. Toning templates.

Learning a dance to the children's song “Puff-puff, Samovar.”

Demo, Handout and equipment.

Khokhloma products, an audio recording of folk music, an envelope painted with Khokhloma painting, a presentation “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, a visual and didactic aid “Khokhloma”, cut pictures for the game “Collect Objects”, tinted blank templates of Khokhloma dishes, brushes, pokes, gouache ( red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins.

A tape recorder, a disc with a recording of a Russian folk melody, a presentation of “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma,” an audio recording of the song “Puff-Puff, Samovar.”

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator. Hello guys!

There's a knock on the door. They hand over the envelope.

Educator. Children, look what an unusual envelope they sent us!(the envelope is decorated with Khokhloma painting)

Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers) Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Do you know anything about Khokhloma painting? What is it used for? (children's answers) Well done! Let's see what's inside the envelope.

(The teacher takes out small envelopes with cut-out pictures from a large envelope.)

Children and Khokhloma masters invite us to play the game “Collect Objects”. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Exercise. Children must collect cut pictures and name the resulting objects.

Educator. Well done! They did the task very well. But that is not all. The envelope contains a message: “Dear guys! An exhibition of folk and decorative crafts opens today. We invite everyone, everyone, everyone! At the exhibition you could try yourself as a craftsman and “paint” the dishes. We are looking forward to seeing you!!!" Children, would you like to visit this exhibition?

Children. Yes!

Educator. But first, we must remember the basic rules of behavior at exhibitions! Name them.

Children. Keep quiet!

Listen carefully to the narrator!

Don't disturb others from listening!

Educator. Well done boys! Then I invite you to the exhibition! (children enter the prepared hall and sit on chairs)

Children, we are with you at the “Golden Khokhloma” exhibition, look how many wonderful beautiful things there are here. All this was created by the hands of masters.

A long time ago, in the outskirts of the city Nizhny Novgorod folk wooden craft was born. There was a village there with the cheerful name Khokhloma, where dishes were made from soft trees (linden, birch, alder). Since ancient times, fairs have been held in this village to sell wooden utensils. This gave the name to the whole fishery.

Look, children, how bright they are! How do they become so beautiful?

First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with oil and melted; after heating in an oven, it gives the product a unique golden shine. This is where the name “Golden Khokhloma” comes from. “Golden” because all products shine like gold.

The guys, as well as Khokhloma masters, prepared a presentation for us so that we could see all the beauty of Khokhloma painting.”

(showing the presentation “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, during the presentation the teacher reads the poem “Golden Khokhloma”).

Golden Khokhloma.

Like the sorceress Firebird,

Doesn't go out of my mind

The sorceress is a craftswoman,

Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful,

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, bowls and ladles.

And what’s missing here:

Bunches of fiery mountain ash,

Sunny summer poppies

And meadow daisies.

I absorbed everything like a memory:

The dawn of red rays

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade.

The leaves turn red without thinning,

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey,

Into the world of magical beauty.

Carved spoons and ladles

Take your time to take a look.

There is grass and flowers there

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it Khokhloma.

Educator. Children, did you like the presentation? Would you like to try yourself as a craftsman and paint dishes?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Then take a seat at your workstations. Each of you has several templates for Khokhloma dishes. Choose any one you like. Now you will feel like real craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes. Before we start decorating the dishes, let's remember the sequence.

Where do you start? (From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or according to the shape if it is round).What will you draw next?(Curl, curved twig). Why? (Curl - main element Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are painted on it).

What will you draw on the curl first, what then?(First large elements: berries, leaves, then small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.).

How to draw grass and swirls?(Use the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use to draw berries?(Brush, poke).

What colors will you use?(Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done guys, you know everything!

And now, a little warm-up for your fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are all my fingers, turn them any way you want:

And like this, and like this, they won’t be offended in any way(rubbing hands).

One two three four five(claps hands).

They don't like it again(shaking brushes).

They knocked, turned,

We wanted to draw.

Now, young masters, you can safely get to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!

(Under folk music the guys start drawing. Independent activity. Children are provided with the necessary assistance on an individual basis).

Educator. I'm very interested to see what you came up with? I see everything is already finished. Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your works.

(Children, with the help of a teacher, hang their work on a pre-stretched rope with clothespins).

Educator. Guys, look how wonderful the dishes turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are real masters!

Well, guys, “everything ends well,” so I invite you to dance with the surprise “Samovar”!

(dance performed)

And here, children, is a surprise, the samovar is not simple, there are treats inside.

(Children treat themselves and give their works to the guests).

Educator. Guys, it's time for us to go back to children's cue garden Thanks to all! Goodbye!

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