Home natural farming Poets of the 19th century about the nature of the motherland. Poets of the 19th century about the motherland and native nature. Performing group "Summer"

Poets of the 19th century about the nature of the motherland. Poets of the 19th century about the motherland and native nature. Performing group "Summer"

Literature lesson in 5th grade. Teacher Savitskaya E.V.

Topic: Russian poets of the 19th century about the Motherland and native nature.

Type of lesson: lesson - travel.

Lesson Objectives:

    General education: generalizes students' knowledge of landscape lyrics, teaches them to defend the topic, forms the ability to expressively recite poems, artistically read a prose text own composition, develops the ability to analyze a poetic text, teaches the separation of functions

    Developing: develops the ability to see the aesthetic value of poetic, pictorial works, evaluate their originality, develops oral monologue speech students

    Educational: fosters collective responsibility, mutual assistance, interest in literature lessons and in literature in general.

Lesson layout:

    Reproductions of paintings by Russian landscape painters

    Exhibition of drawings and creative works of students

    Music "The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi

    Decorated tables of groups of seasons

    Jury table

Preparation for the lesson, homework.

For the lesson, the children are divided into groups according to the seasons. They were given the task to represent their time of year.

Each group is given a task:

1. Prepare expressive reading a poem of a poem (Spring - “Spring Waters” by Tyutchev, summer - Fet “Rye ripens over a hot field ...” or “Swallows are gone ...”, autumn - Pushkin “Autumn” or any other, winter - Tyutchev “Enchant winter. ..")

3. Choose another poem about "your" season. Prepare his expressive recitation by heart

4. Decorate the table of “your” season with colors or symbols of the season, for example, applications of snowflakes, a young leaf or flower. You can change into costumes and imagine your season

Tips for defense: one student reads a poem, another shares his impressions about him, the third decorates the table, the fourth reads another poem by heart, the fifth tells a story about the season. Think over the sequence of parts, who will perform, rehearse the performance. Everyone can contribute to the design of the table. You can draw illustrations for poems, a portrait of your season. You can compose and read your own poems.

Attention! You must meet the time -performancelasts 7 minutes

During the classes

* The lesson begins against the background of the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

1.Introductory speech of the teacher:

We have an unusual lesson today. Today we will travel through the calendar. And the poems about nature that you know, your illustrations, your creative work. For the lesson, you prepared to defend your season, decorated your tables. Your performance will be evaluated by a strict and competent jury: high school students.

It's winter now. (The teacher shows the corresponding page of the calendar. Tchaikovsky's music sounds). The trees seem to be dressed in white fur coats and hats. Snow covered the ground in a soft fluffy carpet. This is how Russian artists conveyed the beauty of their native nature. (Then the teacher leads a tour of an impromptu exhibition (reproductions of paintings by artists), asks questions to the class)

Winter has come to visit us. Let's listen to her performance.

2. Performance of groups (representation of their season)

Performing group "Winter"

Time will pass, the snow will darken, swell, streams will run, spring will come. (The teacher shows the corresponding page of the calendar. The corresponding music by Tchaikovsky sounds). And here is how Russian painters depicted this young season.

Performing group "Spring"

And after spring comes a bright, clear, hot summer. All nature is fragrant and languishing from violent forces. The sky is bright, the grasses are juicy, the scent of flowers is in the air. Summer brings us many fruits. The artist Shishkin was especially fond of portraying.

Performing group "Summer"

Finally we got to autumn, a sad and at the same time bright time. Pushkin was especially fond of autumn and dedicated many of his poems to it. She inspired the poet. Among the paintings dedicated to autumn, the works of Levitan stand out. Let's give the word autumn.

Performing group "Autumn"

3. The final word of the teacher.

You did a wonderful job. Each group found its own original ways of solving the defense. Everyone was creative and interesting. But still, who, according to the jury, was the best? Dear jury, you have the floor.

The poets we talked about today lived in different time, but all of them are united by one thing - love for the Motherland, native nature, the ability to feel especially strongly, to see especially vigilantly, to notice what is hidden from the gaze of the lazy and indifferent. And talented writers and poets have one more gift: the gift to “draw with words”, just as artists draw with a pencil and a brush.

Poems reveal beauty to us native land, call to protect all living things, teach to understand the language of nature. Poetry is also a great miracle. But it will be revealed only to those who are kind, sensitive, attentive.

F.I. Tyutchev “Winter is not without reason angry”, “How cheerful the roar of summer storms”, “There is in the original autumn”; A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring", I.S. Nikitin "Morning", " Winter night in the village"; A.N. Maykov "Swallows"; FROM. Surikov "Winter". expressive reading of poetry.

Theory of Literature. Poetic Rhythm as a means of transmission emotional state, mood.

From the literature of the XX century.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.Brief story about the writer.

"Kossy". The perception of beauty. Aesthetic and ethical in the story. The blood relationship of the heroes with the vast expanses of the Russian land, the mental warehouse of songs and fairy tales. The story "Mowers" as a poetic memory of the Motherland.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko. A short story about the writer.

"In bad society." The life of children from prosperous and disadvantaged families. Their communication. The kindness and compassion of the heroes of the story. The image of a gray sleepy city. The indifference of the surrounding people to the poor. Vasya, Valek, Marusya, Tyburtsy. Father and son. Heroes' reflections. Mutual understanding is the basis of family relationships.

Theory of Literature. Portrait. The composition of a literary work.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. A story about a poet. Poem "Blue May. Zorevaya warm…” - a poetic image of native nature. The originality of the language of Yesenin's lyrics.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. A short story about the writer.

« copper mountain Mistress. Reality and fantasy. Honesty, good advice, diligence and talent of the protagonist. Striving for excellence. The Secrets of Mastery. The peculiarity of the language, the intonation of the tale.

Theory of Literature. Narrative as a genre of literature. Tale and fairy tale (common and different).

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. A short story about the writer.

"Warm bread", "Hare paws". Kindness and compassion, real and fantastic in Paustovsky's fairy tales.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. A short story about the writer.

"Twelve months"- play-tale. Positive and negative characters. The victory of good over evil is a tradition of Russian folk tales. artistic features fairy tale plays.

Theory of Literature. Drama is a kind of literature. The play is a fairy tale.

Andrey Platonovich Platonov. A short story about the writer.

"Nikita". Reality and fantasy. Main character story, the unity of the hero with nature, the spiritualization of nature in his imagination - life as a struggle between good and evil, a change of joy and sadness, suffering and happiness. Optimistic perception of the world around.

Victor Petrovich Astafiev. A short story about the writer.

Vasyutkino Lake. Fearlessness, patience, love for nature and its understanding, resourcefulness in extreme circumstances. The behavior of the hero in the forest. the main character traits of the hero. Vasyutka's "discovery" of a new lake. The formation of the character of a young hero through trials, overcoming difficult life situations.

Theory of Literature. Autobiography of a literary work.

Poems about the war. Patriotic deeds during the Great Patriotic War. K.M. Simonov "Major brought the boy on a gun carriage"; A.T. Twardowski's Tale of a Tankman. War and children are the tragic and heroic theme of works about the Great Patriotic War.

Works about the motherland and native nature.

I. Bunin “I remember a long winter evening... "; A. Prokofiev "Alyonushka"; D.Kedrin "Alyonushka"; N. Rubtsov " Home village»; Don Aminado "Cities and Years". Specific landscape sketches about the generalized image of Russia.

Sasha Black. « Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Igor-Robinson”. Images and plots of literary classics as themes of works for children.

Theory of Literature. Humor.

Julius Chersanovich Kim. A short story about the writer.

"Whale". The poem is a joke.

Theory of Literature. Poems-songs. Songs are jokes. Fantasy songs.

From foreign literature.

Robert Louis Stevenson. A short story about the writer.

"Heath honey". The feat of the hero in the name of preserving the traditions of the ancestors. Theory of Literature. Ballad.

Daniel Defoe. A short story about the writer.

"Robinson Crusoe". The life and extraordinary adventures of Robinson Crusoe, the character of the hero. A hymn to the inexhaustible possibilities of man.

Hans Christian Andersen. A short story about the writer.

"The Snow Queen". The symbolic meaning of fantastic images and artistic details in a fairy tale. Kai and Gerda. Gerda's assistants.

George Sand "What Flowers Say" The dispute of heroes about beauty. Speech characteristics of the characters.

Mark Twain. A short story about the writer.

"Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Tom and Huck. Boys friendship. Games, fun, resourcefulness, enterprise. Tom's character traits revealed in relationships with friends. Tom and Becky, their friendship. Inner world heroes of M. Twain.

Jack London. A short story about the writer.

"The Tale of Kish"- a legend about the growing up of a teenager, forced to get food, take care of the elders. Respect for adults. The character of the boy - courage, courage, ingenuity, ingenuity, self-esteem - support in difficult life circumstances. The skill of the writer in the poetic depiction of the life of the northern people.

IV. Educational and thematic plan

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cool essay home composition Test
Oral folk art. Russians folk tales
From ancient Russian literature
18th century literature
19th century literature
Poets of the 19th century about the motherland and native nature.
Russian literature of the 20th century
Poets about WWII
Writers and poets of the 20th century about the Motherland
Writers smile
Foreign literature

Calendar-thematic planning

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Russian poets of the 19th century about the Motherland, about native nature

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873)

Winter is not without reason angry, Its time has passed - Spring knocks on the window And drives from the yard. And everything started to fuss, Everything forces Winter out - And the larks in the sky Already raised the chime. Winter is still busy And grumbles at Spring. She laughs in her eyes And only makes more noise... The evil witch went berserk And, seizing the snow, She let her run away, Into a beautiful child... Spring and sorrow are not enough: Washed in the snow And only became a blush In defiance of the enemy.

Spring waters Snow is still whitening in the fields, And the waters are already rustling in spring - They run and wake up the sleepy shore, They run and shine and say ... They say to all ends: "Spring is coming, spring is coming! We are young messengers of Spring, She sent us forward !" Spring is coming, spring is coming, And the quiet, warm days of May A ruddy, bright round dance Crowds merrily behind her! ..

Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825-1893)

Spring The snow is already melting, streams are running, A spring breeze blew through the window... The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in leaves! Clear sky azure, warmer and brighter sun It became, The time of evil blizzards and storms Again passed for a long time. And the heart beats so strongly in the chest, as if waiting for something, As if happiness is ahead And the winter of care has taken away! All faces look merry. "Spring!" - you read in every glance; And he, like a holiday, is happy with her, Whose life is only hard work and grief. But frisky children ringing laughter And carefree birds singing They say to me - who loves renewal more than all Nature!

Ivan Savvich Nikitin (1824 -1861)

Morning Stars fade and go out. Clouds on fire. White fallow spreads across the meadows. On the mirror water, on the curls of the willow From the dawn, a scarlet light spreads. A sensitive reed is dozing. Quiet - deserted around. A slightly dewy path. If you hit a bush with your shoulder, silvery dew will suddenly splatter on your face From the leaves. The breeze pulled, the water wrinkles and ripples. Ducks swept with noise and disappeared. Far, far away, a bell is ringing. The fishermen in the hut woke up, They removed the nets from the poles, they carried the oars to the boats ... And the east is still on fire, flaring up. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs, And the forest is worth itself, smiling. So the sun rises, it shines from behind the arable land, Over the seas it left its lodging for the night, On the fields, on the meadows, on the tops of the willows It gushed in golden streams. A plowman rides with a plow, rides - he sings a song; On the shoulder of the young man, everything is heavy ... Do not pain you, soul! take a break from worries! Hello sun and happy morning!

F.I. Tyutchev. “How cheerful is the roar of summer storms…” How cheerful is the roar of summer storms, When, throwing up flying ashes, A thunderstorm, surging in a cloud, Will confuse the azure of heaven And recklessly and madly Suddenly it will run into the oak forest, And the whole oak forest will tremble Broad-leaved and noisy! .. As if under an invisible fifth, Forest giants bend; Their peaks murmur anxiously, As if conferring among themselves, And through the sudden anxiety The bird's whistle is incessantly heard, And here and there the first yellow leaf, spinning, flies onto the road ...

Open literature lesson in grade 6
Topic: Poets of the 19th century about the Motherland and native nature
Purpose: to acquaint students with the works of Russian poets about nature, to find out what feelings and attitudes are expressed in poetry, to consider the means of expression, thanks to which a figurative picture of nature is created. Form an aesthetic taste. The ability to appreciate and understand beauty.

1. Creative five-minute.
2. Survey of students.
Reading by heart poems about pyrode.
3. Native nature in the poems of poets of the 19th century.
Introduction by the teacher.
Poets, writers, musicians, and artists dedicated their works to nature.
Meanness! - he muttered - A monstrous abomination! Who gave man the right to cripple and disgrace the earth. There are things that cannot be valued in rubles or billions of rubles. Is it really so difficult to understand that the power of the country is not only in material wealth, but also in the soul of the people. The wider, freer this soul, the greater the greatness and strength of the state. And what brings up the breadth of spirit, if not this wonderful nature? (K.G. Paustovsky Squeaky floorboards).
And if I want to live up to 120 years old, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and healing power of our nature.
Love for native nature is one of surest signs love for your country.
Today we will get acquainted with the works of poets of the 19th century about nature.
4. Reading poems by F. Tyutchev Winter is not without reason angry, Spring waters
5. Conversation.
- The most important thing is that nature in Tyutchev's poems is humanized, spiritualized. Like a living, thinking being, she feels, breathes, rejoices and is sad.
What is the name of this figurative-expressive means? Give examples from the text. (Giving way to spring, winter gets angry, grumbles, bustles, rages, and spring laughs, smiles, becomes ruddy).
6. Reading poems by A. Fet Spring rain, A. Pleshcheeva Spring
- Compare the poems of A. Fet, A. Pleshcheev and F. Tyutchev, dedicated to spring, spring mood. What do these poems have in common?
- What mood are the poems about spring imbued with?
- On the basis of what did you conclude that everyone is in a joyful mood?
- What does good mood mean?
- How does it manifest itself? How will others find out about it? (mood is expressed in a) how a person relates to other people; b) in what tone he speaks; c) how to act; d) how they perceive the world around them.
- Prove that the poems about spring are imbued with a joyful feeling.
- What epithets and comparisons help to create a bright, bright picture of spring?
- What qualities should a person have to write about nature like that?
7. A special place among poets glorifying Russian nature is occupied by A.V. Koltsov and I.S. Nikitin. Poets-compatriots-singers of captivating landscapes middle lane Russia.
(Landscape - 1 view of the earth's surface, general form terrain; 2 - same as landscape (obsolete)
Images of nature are given by them in a harmonious combination with human labor, with the best feelings of working people.
(Harmony - 2 - consistency, harmony in a combination of something)
Reading a poem Kosar A.S. Koltsov.
- What is the poem about?
What mood does the poet convey to the reader?
(For the hero, the free steppe is the basis of well-being, material security)
- How does he address the steppe? (He talks to her like a true affectionate friend)
- What makes the hero happy? (How beautiful this Russian steppe is! It seems as if we see its entire expanse, breathe the smell of its flowers. It is not only spacious, but also somehow in a special way light).
8. Oral drawing based on the poem Kosar
9. Reading a poem by I.S. Nikitin Morning
Nikitin's descriptions of nature are woven, like patterned carpets, from multicolored threads. The colors are so juicy and visible that they just ask for the painter's canvas.
- What do we see? What do we hear?
- What a fine- means of expression languages ​​help the author paint a figurative picture of a summer morning? (Epithets - mirror water, sensitive reeds, silver dew, golden streams, etc. Sensitive - quickly and easily perceiving something; sympathetic, sympathetic. Personification - the forest smiles, the sun has left the lodging for the night, the reeds are dozing. Metaphor - clouds are on fire , curls of wicker, the east is on fire
- What role does nature play in the life of workers? (When the sun rises, everything awakens in nature. Nature, as it were, facilitates working conditions, gives the plowman strength)
Summary of the lesson.
Literary critic Y. Seleznev in the afterword to the book The Seasons writes: You cannot love the Motherland without living one soul with the life of your beloved birch! It is impossible to love the whole world without loving the Motherland.
- Do you agree with this idea?
- Prove that the poets we met today were real patriots?
memorize one poem (optional); Illustrate the poem if you wish.

Russian poetry is unthinkable without one of its main themes - the theme of nature. The literature of the 19th century left us picturesque, lyrical, touching, heartfelt sketches of the charming corners of nature, full of charm and sincerity. Let us touch them with our hearts as we travel through the seasons and through the pages of our favorite volumes of poetry.

Oh, you winter-winter!

One of the creators of the famous Kozma Prutkov - Alexei Zhemchuzhnikov - in a short line expressed general admiration fabulous beauty Russian winter: "So this first snow is sweet to me ...". The poetry of native nature, its splendor and brilliance, is also depicted by Pushkin in the 5th chapter of Eugene Onegin. Do you remember the scene in Tatyana's Morning, when she wakes up and looks out the window and sees with joy the whitened yard, the roofs, the frosty and fur coats of the trees, the "brilliant carpets" in the fields?

Together with his heroine, the poet rejoices in a cheerful spiritual uplift, creative inspiration. This time of the year is dear to the Russian heart, forcing the blood to boil, awakening the vitality. Consonant with Pushkin's lines and poetry of native nature, presented in the work of Nekrasov, Polonsky, Maikov, Fet, Bunin and many other masters of the artistic word. They left us their amazing poems, from which it breathes frosty freshness, cheerfulness, a cheerful, life-affirming beginning is clearly felt. Moreover, the poetry of native nature is the poetry of spiritualized beauty and strength, grandeur and deep philosophical content. This is how winter appears in the fragment of Nekrasov's poem "Frost-Red Nose" known to us - "It is not the wind that rages over the forest ...". The fluffy tops of pine trees, the glare of ice on the rivers, the scattering of colored lights-snowflakes in the brilliance of the cold winter sun- here it is, the dazzling beauty that the poetry of native nature sings about.

green noise

Joyful to the Russian man are the amusements of mother winter. But with it opens and new page our life. And native nature in Russian poetry of springtime appears before us in its other, primordial charm. F. I. Tyutchev depicts spring in the form of a young enchantress, a mischievous mocker who is not afraid of the evil winter witch and conquers everyone with her perfection. And together with her arrival, larks begin to ring in the skies, “green noise” is buzzing along the earth, gardens are blooming, the earth is blooming, the human soul is also blooming. N. A. Nekrasov writes about this in his poem of the same name. Offenses are forgiven, hardships are forgotten, the soul yearns for renewal, joy, love. No wonder in our minds spring is associated with youth, bold plans, bright hopes. Because one of the most frequently used by authors artistic techniques- personification, emphasizing the unity of wildlife and man.

Ah, red summer!

The poetry of native nature in the verses of Russian poets of the 19th century, dedicated to summer, is imbued with exultation of joy, gratitude for the generosity of the earth. Here is Tyutchev's delight before indomitable thunderstorms, and Lermontov's lush bloom fields, when “the yellowing field is agitated”, and raspberry plums fill the air with a sweet heady aroma. The poetry of summer is spiritualized, filled with life, movement, colors, sounds, smells.

A. I. Bunin associates this season with childhood, soaked in the sun, the happiness of being, carelessness, when the forest seems like an endless palace, the sand, like hot silk, caresses the feet, and the pine bark warms with warmth, like an affectionate, hard-working, callused paternal palm . Poets emphasize that it is from nature that we, her children, should learn kindness and harmony.

Oh charm...

And finally, autumn. it favorite time years for most of our lyricists, which is not at all surprising! Pushkin, for example, admitted that he was "happy with her alone." Autumn colors, fragile, bright beauty, the last splash vitality nature before a long winter sleep - all this Tyutchev very subtly and accurately called the meek smile of withering. And the flying cobwebs, and the clear smile of a sunbeam through heavy clouds, and the lightness of transparent evenings, and the sadly orphaned earth - everything is beautiful, touching, infinitely dear to us.

Russian poets are characterized by the folk idea of ​​autumn - the time of harvesting, summing up, leisurely admiring the world around them, understanding the frailty of everything earthly, wise, humble acceptance of the laws of nature.

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