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Thematic week of arts and crafts preparatory group. Thematic week in the preparatory group “Folk culture. Cognitive - research

Self-education plan of the educator on the topic "FEMP through plot-didactic games in middle preschool age"

TERM: during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Theme of self-education: "FEMP through plot-didactic games in middle preschool age"

The purpose and objectives of self-image vaniya

  1. Studying the relevance of using game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations at preschoolers.
  2. Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

Enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity (the ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze).

3. Analyze the effectiveness of the work done

The main questions outlined for study.

Development stages:

  1. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.
  2. Give general characteristics the content of the concept "formation of elementary mathematical representations
  3. To study the effectiveness of using game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers.
  4. Develop a card index of games for the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

1 Conducting games - travel, story games with mathematical content:

The game "Do not get your feet wet" - you can only step on those bumps where they are drawn geometric figures(Triangle or square), etc.

- "Coding of geometric shapes"

- "Journey by sea to the island of geometric shapes"

2. Conducting games - competitions.

- “Which team will find the items faster? » ( different shapes) During the school year

"Number and Count".

1. Plot - role-playing games using didactic material according to FEMP:

- "Zoo" (account)

- “We receive guests” (how many dogs - so many plates - equally)

- "Journey by ship"

2. Game mathematical knowledge with theatricalization:

-"Three Bears"

- "Mathematics in fairy tales"

- "There is a tower in the field"

- "Kolobok is looking for friends"

"Orientation in time".

Literature on the topic:

1. The program "From birth to school" - Ed. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2. "Mathematics and children" - A. Beloshinskaya - candidate of pedagogical sciences.

3. "Orientation in space" - T. Museinova - candidate of pedagogical sciences.

4. "Subject - didactic games with mathematical content" - A. A. Smolentseva.

5. "Sensory education" - E. Pilyugina.

6. "Playing with numbers" - a series of benefits

7. “We develop perception, imagination” - A. Levina.

8 Boguslavskaya, Z. M. The world in didactic games

with parents

Consultation: "Play with the children at home";

Memo for parents: "Development logical thinking in children 4-5 years old”;

Sliding folders: "Funny numbers"; "Living Geometric Shapes";

Round table on the topic: "Theatrical games with mathematical content";

Speech at the parent meeting with a report on the work done for academic year.

month Direction of work Achievement way

Work with documents.

Identification of the level of knowledge of children

Working with parents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation

Diagnosis of children

Prepare a consultation for parents on the topic “The role of educational games in raising children preschool age»


The study of plot-didactic games

Planning work with pupils requiring special attention

Preparation of a file cabinet of entertaining mathematical material

Creation individual work with kids


Learning Theory

Gulsina Fartdinova
Work plan for self-education of the educator of the senior group "Development of mathematical representations in preschool age"

Work plan for self-education of the educator of the senior group on the topic:

"The development of mathematical representations in preschool age"

for 2016-2017 academic year

Target: create optimal conditions For mathematical development preschoolers; unite the efforts of teachers and parents for the development mathematical ability children.

Relevance of the chosen topic

Throughout life, a person is formed and develops in activity. Preschool age is short but very important period personality formation: it is at this time that the child acquires initial knowledge about the world around him and he develops the skills of adequate behavior. of paramount importance for mental development children has the acquisition of mathematical representations, since mathematics is necessary both for knowing the world around and solving various kinds practical tasks and, of course, for success in school.

Within the framework of the Development Concept mathematics education V Russian Federation the topic "Development of mathematical concepts in kindergarten" becomes very important and relevant. The purpose of the Concept is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world. “Mathematics in Russia should become an advanced and attractive field of knowledge and activity, the acquisition of mathematical knowledge should be a conscious and internally motivated process,” the Concept says.

Formation of mathematical representations, according to Educational program preschool educational institution, starts at junior group kindergarten. But already in early age educators work on sensory development children, thus creating conditions for the successful development of mathematical concepts in the future.

Getting to know math doesn't have to be a boring activity for kids. After all, as you know, the memory of the child is selective. The child will remember only what he is interested in, what surprised him, caused any emotions. That is why the task of teachers and parents is to arouse a genuine, lively interest in mathematics.

It should be noted that children do not always understand the meaning of the actions they perform, they do not know why they need to count, measure, compare. To avoid this, it is necessary to correctly select the methods and forms of work with children, based on object-sensory activity. The educator needs to search for and apply teaching methods that provide, in addition to the formation of mathematical representations in children, the development of mental functions - perception, memory, thinking, imagination. This will be the key to the successful preparation of children for learning mathematics at school.

Plan of work for the year on this topic for the year

1. Studying methodical literature- September - May 1. Arapova - Piskareva N. A. "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten", Mosaic-Synthesis Moscow, 2008. 2. Erofeeva T. I., Pavlova L. N., Novikova V. P. "Mathematics for preschoolers", Moscow, 1997. 3. Wenger L. A. More, less, equally, " preschool education", 1996 No. 6. 4 . Metlina L. S. "Mathematics in Kindergarten", Enlightenment, Moscow, 1977. 5. Mikhailova Z. A. "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers, Moscow, 1985. Analysis of the studied literature.

2. Work with children September-May Game activity of a mathematical orientation in a group, on walks. Games during independent and joint activities in a group and on walks.

September-May Reflection and consolidation of acquired knowledge in creative activity. Mathematics in visual activity(sculpting, applications, drawing).

January Inventing fairy tales about geometric shapes. Storybook.

March Game activity using math assignments. Entertainment "Merry Math"

3. Family work September Involving parents in the production of manuals and games in mathematics for the equipment of the mathematical corner. -Creation of the "Entertaining Mathematics" corner.

October Consultation for parents "How to instill interest in mathematics?" Parent meeting"Main areas of work for the academic year"

March Open display of the educational situation. Open Day.

April Information in the corner for parents "Mathematics around us" Folder-slider.

4 .Self-realization november Drawing up a card file of games for the development of mathematical representations. Presentation of the card file at the teaching hour.

January Consultation for teachers "Queen of Sciences - Mathematics" - Speech at the Pedagogical Council.

Report and presentation on the topic "Developing interest in mathematics in preschool children" -Speech at a workshop.

May Report on the topic of self-education. - Speech at the final teachers' council.

Related publications:

Work plan for self-education "Organization of project activities in preschool age" Work plan for self-education of the educator of the middle "B" group MBDOU d / s No. 8 "Golden Key" Gorbatovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna Topic: "Organization.

Maryam Zulkarnaeva
Self-education plan of the educator on the topic "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of the older group"

Subject: « Formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of the senior group through didactic games"

Development elementary mathematical concepts- this is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of a preschooler. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool educational institution is the first educational level, and the kindergarten performs important function training children to school. And the success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely the child is prepared for school.

Target: Enhance your theoretical level, professional excellence and competence in this topic. Mastering Design Methods educational-educational process.

The objectives of the program of professional and personal self-development

1. Analyze your pedagogical capabilities, creativity.

2. Study educational, reference and scientific and methodological literature on this topic.

3. To comprehend and analyze the systemic foundations that ensure modern professional and pedagogical activity.

4. Summarize the pedagogical experience of work on topic"At preschoolers through didactic games".

Directions self-development:

1. Study of normative - legal documents.

2. The study of methodological literature.

3. Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience.

4. Participation in system methodical work(pedagogical council, consultations, seminars, creative groups, open views, mutual visits, exhibitions, stands).

5. Working with children.

6. Professional development.

7. Work with family, society.

8. Enrichment developing subject- spatial environment.

9. Certification.

Expected results:

Decor own methodological developments V form of information- pedagogical modules (Summary of work experience.)

Improving pedagogical skills, increasing professional activity.

Development of adaptive capacity in context current trends development of education.

Perspective plan events for 2016-2017 G.:

1. Study of legal documents 1. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education".

3. Decree of the Government of Russia dated December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r. Development concept mathematical education in the Russian Federation.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

The study of methodological literature, acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience.

1. A. Beloshistaya "Preschool age: formation and development of mathematical abilities". preschool education-2000-№2, With. 74.

2. Vavilov, Yu. P. Games for attentive and smart. - Yaroslavl 2000. - p. 122 .

3. Wenger L. A. Games and exercises for development mental ability at children preschool age. M: Enlightenment 1989.

4. Dyachenko O. M., Agaeva E. L. What does not happen in the world? - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

5. Mikhina E. N. "Educational games for children 2-7 years old» Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

6. Serbina E. V. « Math for toddlers» / publishing house: Moscow Education, 1992.

7. Panova E. N. "Didactic games-classes in the preschool educational institution" shopping center "Teacher", 2006

8. Erofeeva T. I. et al. "The preschooler learns mathematics. How and where?". - M., 2002.

9. Leushina A. M. "Classes on mathematics in kindergarten» , - M.: 2005.

10. Metlina A. S. « Mathematics in kindergarten» Enlightenment, 2006.

11. Nikitin B.P. "Steps of Creativity or educational games", Moscow, Education, 1991

12. Pozina V. A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. - 80s.

13. Smolentseva, A. A. Plot-didactic games. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. - 96 p.

14. Sorokina A. I. Didactic game in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 98 p.

15. Stolyar A. A. " Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, "- M .: 2006.

16. Joiner A. A. Let's play / M. Enlightenment, 1996.

17. Fidler M. A. « Mathematics is already in kindergarten» , 3rd edition. - M., 2006.

18. Tikhomirova L. F., Basov A. V. Development of logical thinking children. /Yaroslavl. Development Academy, 1996.

Internet resources:

http://dohcolonoc.ru ;

http://nsportal.ru ;

http://www.edu.ru ;

http://www.detskiysad.ru ;

http://www.moi-detsad.ru ;


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