Home Berries Flowers from thin corrugated paper. Crafts from corrugated paper and cardboard. Calla with your own hands

Flowers from thin corrugated paper. Crafts from corrugated paper and cardboard. Calla with your own hands

    I offer you new master classes how to make big paper flowers

    First option. Very simple. You take several sheets of plain paper or cardboard (or corrugation), put them together and bend them like an accordion (like a fan). Tie in the middle with wire and cut the ends with a sharp corner. It remains only to straighten the paper to get a lush flower or flower ball:

    Huge white flowers

    I wish you success!

    One of the original and bright decor techniques are large corrugated paper flowers. How to decorate the hall with such flowers and how to make them yourself from corrugated paper?

    It's not difficult at all. I offer you a step-by-step master class How to make flowers for decoration with your own handsquot ;.

    1. Materials you will need:

    So. Making a stem. In a glass, make a mixture of cement and water and wait for the cement to harden:

    We fix the frame on a glass with cement:

    Cover the frame with paper:

    And glue the corrugated paper on top:

    Next step. Making leaves. To do this, you need a thin wire. Using wire cutters, cut the required number of segments and twist the base for the sheet:

    Cut out leaves from paper and glue them to the frame on both sides:

    Step three. We make petals. To do this, cut out leaves of different sizes from paper according to the template, as shown in the photo:

    Using tape or tape, assemble the flower. We begin to collect a flower from smaller petals:

    Then we add more petals:

    Take orange corrugated paper, remember the edges and glue several circles together. Using glue in the middle, attach the moss:

    We attach the flower to the stem:

    And we get the result: a beautiful huge flower made of corrugated paper with our own hands!

    I wish you success!

    Also watch video:

    Large corrugated paper flowers can serve as an original accessory for a photo shoot, decoration of the hall, even as a replacement for the usual bridal bouquet. How to make such a flower can be seen in the photographs. If you need a flower to hold in your hands, the stem can be made from wire. If you want the flower to stand on the floor, as in the photo in the question, firstly, you need a weighting agent (for example, a champagne bottle), and secondly, you need a multilayer stem, made of wire wrapped in paper, with a wire wound in a spiral on top and again with paper. If you decorate the walls with such flowers, then the stem is not needed at all, and the lower petals are glued to the upper ones from below, so the flower will be flatter.

    An even simpler way to make large flowers from corrugated paper can be seen in this master class.

    And here is another video tutorial.

    To decorate the premises, they often began to use chic flowers made by hand from corrugated paper. This modern trend is getting more and more attention.

    You can watch one of the many videos with the manufacture of large beautiful roses at this link

    A master class on making large corrugated paper roses can be viewed here

    A beautiful example of large flowers that were made from corrugated paper can be seen in this video. .

    But a master class on how to make chic huge roses from corrugated paper with your own hands can be seen on this site.

    Large paper flowers will be a beautiful decoration for a party, a holiday, a wonderful backdrop for a photo shoot.

    They can be done with your own hands in stages.

    For individual colors, you need paper, scissors, glue, wire, decor items, templates.

    You must first make the petals according to the template, then fix all the petals into a bud. For the stem, you need a wire or other frame, which we decorate with paper, corrugated paper.

    To create flowers, we use ready-made templates:

Making flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands is not easy enough, but if you are guided by the master classes that the craftswomen share with each other, you can easily cope with the task. In this review, we will introduce you to this original type of needlework, talk about the intricacies of choosing the perfect materials and share ideas on how to make flowers from crepe paper and how to include them in the interior.

What is corrugated paper and how is it used in decoration?

If ordinary paper appeared many centuries ago, then its corrugated sister is much younger. It became widespread in the second half of the 19th century in England. At that time, linings for hats were made from thin, soft and pleasant to the touch paper in a small fold.

Corrugated paper flowers for beginners

The simplest buds can be made with children. They are also suitable for those who are just starting to master the basics of this skill. You will need:

  • corrugated paper (for this type of flowers, you can use one or several colored sheets);
  • sharp and thin scissors (manicure will do);
  • toothpick;
  • glue;
  • cardboard circle.

First of all, you need to cut out 12 circles from paper.

Advice! It will be more convenient to use a cardboard template, a coin, or any other flat, round object.

We begin to attach the finished petals to a small round piece of cardboard in a circle: first we glue its outer edge with five petals, then glue four more inward and the last three in the center.

The final touch is the manufacture of the core. To do this, cut a strip of corrugated paper about 3 cm wide and fold it lengthwise. Then, at regular intervals, cut it so that a small fringe is formed, which needs to be slightly fluffed. Wrap the fringed strip around the toothpick in a spiral so that you get the fluffy center of the flower, secure it with glue and attach it to the existing petals. Ready!

Making crafts from corrugated paper with your own hands is very fun and exciting. This beautiful and supple material has gained great popularity among needlewomen. In addition, corrugated paper is inexpensive and boasts a huge variety of colors.

We bring to your attention a few simple lessons on creating crafts from corrugated paper. They will help you explore this fascinating process in detail and suggest a lot of new ideas for creativity.

We will need: corrugated paper of different colors, wooden skewers or sticks, glue and scissors.

Step one. Cut the paper into equal strips. We fold each strip into several layers and cut it into thin strips (not completely!), As shown in the photo.

Step two. We wind each strip of the resulting fringe onto a wooden skewer, which we then take out. As a result, we will get curls along the entire length of the paper tape, which we wind around the skewer to make a hyacinth inflorescence. Before that, we dip the tip of the skewer in glue. To make the inflorescence more magnificent, it is better to use two strips with curls.

Step three. We cut thin strips from green corrugated paper. We drip glue on the lower part of the inflorescence and from this place wrap the skewer with a green strip to the end of the stem, where we fix it with glue.

Step four. We cut out two green rectangles of different sizes, and from them - leaves, give them a convex shape. Next, glue the leaves to the stem.

Step five. In the same way we make the rest of the flowers. Inflorescences can be made from two multi-colored stripes. The more colors we use, the more interesting the composition will turn out.

A luxurious bouquet of hyacinths, made by yourself, is ready!

Topiary "Heart" from corrugated paper

We will need:

Step one. We cut the pink corrugated paper into identical squares and cut out a big heart from the foam. Next, we make out the heart with the help of a volumetric application using the facing technique. To do this, press the pink square to the blunt tip of the pencil and crush it, as shown in the photo. We got a tube-end.

Step two. We apply glue to the tip of each trimming tube and glue the element on the heart. We continue to attach the formed pieces of paper elements until we cover the entire surface of the heart in this way. We try to place the trimming tubes very close to each other.

Step three. We cut the finished heart with scissors so that it looks even and neat. Pour any filler into a pot for a tree. Next, we cut out a circle from cardboard along the diameter of the container for the topiary with a hole for the barrel, decorate it using the technique of trimming with green corrugated paper and place it in a pot. We also glue the trunk with a green paper strip, fix it in a pot, and glue the other end to the heart.

Step four. We decorate the tree with birds and satin ribbons. We decorate at our discretion and a flower pot. Such a wonderful souvenir can be made with your own hands and presented to relatives or friends on Valentine's Day.

Easter egg stand

We will need: corrugated paper, cardboard for the base, scissors, decorative elements and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. We make the base for the stand from cardboard.
  2. We cut out a fairly wide strip of corrugated paper and glue it on a round cardboard base.
  3. We fill the inside of the stand with pieces of organza, lace or soft wire. We complement our creation with bright elements. You can use paper flowers, beads, pebbles and other decorations. The handmade egg stand is ready.

Corrugated paper pineapple

We will need: green and yellow corrugated paper, a low bottle with a low neck, gold foil, scissors, glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. From green paper we cut out leaves 2 cm wide and 8 cm long, and from yellow - pineapple scales 2-3 cm wide and 9 cm long. Then fold the scales in half and twist them in the fold.
  2. We close the bottle with a cork and wrap the top of the neck with golden foil. Next, we glue leaflets from top to bottom on the neck of the bottle, and scales on the rest of it. We arrange them in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. We make a bottom with leaves and color the pineapple with a felt-tip pen with brown strokes.

Corrugated Paper Butterflies

Such cute butterflies according to the simple scheme attached to us can be made in 15 minutes. For creativity, we need: corrugated paper, threads, scissors, glue and decorative elements.

Operating procedure:

  1. We cut out two pairs of wings of different sizes from multi-colored corrugated paper, put them on top of each other, and then tie them in the center with a thread and spread the wings. If the butterfly is to be used as a pendant, the thread does not need to be cut.
  2. Next, we make the body of a butterfly. To do this, cut out a narrow strip, bend it in half, make an incision, as shown in the diagram, and wrap it around the central part of the butterfly. We twist the antennae from the incised ends.
  3. We glue sparkles or sequins on the wings - and the fluttering beauty butterfly is ready.

More craft ideas

The most popular corrugated paper crafts are flowers. For their manufacture, there are many simple and detailed schemes. Here are just a few of them.

How to make a rosebud from crepe paper. Master class from Alla-Alushka

No matter how much I resisted doing MK, I nevertheless did it, although if I hadn’t taken on one project, I would hardly have mastered it (MK) in the near future. Very often I am asked how I make such flowers. But I don't even know what to say. I came to this "recipe" through long attempts and training, although I will show the features that I came to today. I will show the example of the "autumn waltz" candy, although, of course, you can take any other candy. I indicate the sizes here according to the ruler, but I don’t use it, I do everything by eye. So, I cut off 2 strips of corrugations 10 cm and 5 cm wide, respectively, and divide them into blanks about 8.5 cm high. From each strip, 5 rectangles + leftovers should be obtained (we will not need them).

We take 1 wide blank, fold it in three and cut it. We also act with another wide blank, but we take only one rectangle, put the rest aside, we will not need them. These are our future narrow petals. Two more wide blanks are also folded in half and cut. As a result, we get one large rectangle, 4 narrow and nine wide blanks for the petals.

Let's start cutting out the petals. First, take the largest piece, fold it in half and round the top. It turns out almost a semicircle. Then we take the blank of the petal, fold it in half, round off the corners from above, and vice versa from below, we cut these corners. We do this with all the petals, both narrow and wide.

We begin to form the petals. First, with the thumbs of both hands, we make a recess for the candy, but only in the center of the petal, do not stretch the edges. Then we take a skewer and begin to wind the petal on it. This is where the “trick” of my recipe for roses lies - you need to wind it strongly, almost 1.5-2 turns of the skewer. Then I just pull out the skewer. Thus, we are left with a STRONGLY twisted half of the petal. We do the same on the other side. The photo shows how strongly the edges of the petal are bent. We do this sequence of actions with all the petals, both narrow and wide.

Let's start assembling the flower. We take our large blank and put candy on it. As you can see, in this blank, I DO NOT make recesses for the candy, but start wrapping it very tightly, stretching the corrugation as I work. First I wrap it on one side, then on the other, I tie it with a thread at the bottom. After that, you can give a finished look to the bud by slightly bending the edges with your fingers.

Further, everything is simple: we work first with narrow petals. We drop a drop of glue on the very tip and glue it to the bud (all four petals). Next, we glue four wide petals, trying to place them in a checkerboard pattern with respect to narrow petals. Distribute the last five petals with the last row. However, you can not make a row of four wide petals, but immediately after the narrow ones, distribute five wide ones. ALWAYS make sepals, don't be lazy! After the sepals are glued, you can run a skewer over each, placing the skewer between the sepals and the flower. In this case, the sepals will, as it were, cling to the flower and will flow around it, and not stick out in different directions.

In general, we made a flower, now you can carefully paste a toothpick, skewer, wire into it and use it at your discretion. But we will continue to work and make a souvenir single rose. My problem with assembling these flowers has always been that they have a fairly wide base, and with the help of a druit it was almost impossible to beautifully tap the flower stem. And since you can’t hide an “ugly” transition in this rose, I do this: I take an extension cord for flowers. These are used when it is necessary, for example, to place an orchid in a bouquet. They have a rather long water tank, which I cut off, leaving just a little bit. I cut the base of the rose obliquely, and pour plenty of hot glue into the remaining tank and practically “screw” the flower there. And I leave it until it cools down and sets.

We tape the extension cord, add leaves, beads, any decor you like and admire our rose. You can add a bud (as in the first photo) or several buds.

Since we started talking about roses, I’ll show you how I make a bud, but there are a lot of such MKs in SM. We take two small rectangles, literally one turn of the candy. We put them together and in half. Cut out a semicircle. The outer petal is slightly shifted down and to the side, literally by 2-3 mm.

We take the candy, tighten the tails (so that the candy is not "tightly" fastened) and wrap the candy, first on the right, then on the left (or vice versa, whichever is more convenient for you, it only depends on which direction to move the outer petal, to the right or left, so that along of the whole bud, two petals were visible - see in the photo) and we tie it with a thread. We glue the sepals and twist them with a skewer. Our bud is ready. Now, depending on what it is intended for, we glue a toothpick, skewer, wire, etc.

Now some more "boring" theory. The formation of any rose comes down to the fact that we must form a bud, and then glue the petals. In any MK there are exactly these steps. In addition, even the petals in any MK are the same - semicircular. And then each master decides for himself what and how he will do with these petals - stretch, twist, twist, cut, or do nothing else at all. And you can also make a rose from petals of only one width. Depending on these steps, a very different result will be obtained. Do not be afraid to experiment and do not strive to make an "exact copy" of your Wishlist. This is unlikely to succeed, since making a copy is a boring task. Bring something of your own, good, unique, and then you will succeed. I wish you good luck in your work!!!

A source stranamasterov.ru/user/198397

Do-it-yourself crepe paper flowers are not so difficult to make. This is a great way out of a situation when you need to congratulate a loved one on any holiday, but you want to do it unconventionally. Flowers are always relevant - on March 8, and on birthdays, and on Valentine's Day. But on the eve of such celebrations, not everyone can afford to buy fresh flowers, since their prices are increased by 2-3 times. Creative people know a simple and economical way out of the situation, let's try to create flowers from corrugated paper with our own hands.

Today we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several instructions for making various flowers, from which everyone can choose the most suitable master class or use several to create a whole flower arrangement.

Let's start simple

  • corrugated paper in a skein (it can be of different colors, but one of them is always green - for stems);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

We take a skein of corrugated paper of the color that the flower will be. We wind off a small piece and cut it off. Then you should twist the ribbon from one edge and squeeze it with your fingers. According to this technology, a flower bud should be wound, but squeezing only at the bottom, and leave the upper edges free. The underside of the craft should end up looking like a thin stick. When you get a lush flower made of corrugated paper, you need a piece of this color, folded in half, wrap the bottom edge and fix it with glue.

Now it follows from green corrugated paper to make a stem. To do this, we also cut off a piece of tape (up to 10 cm) and, starting from the base of the flower, twist it, only not making volume, but lengthening the workpiece. The result should be such a full-fledged flower.

The resulting corrugated buds will resemble: pink - sakura or apricot flowers, and if you use red material - carnations, yellow - dandelions. Thus, using the master class described above, as a result, you can create a multi-colored composition of flowers.

Making paper roses

Roses are the favorite of most of the fairer sex. Therefore, let's get acquainted with how to make flowers from corrugated paper of this type.

We take a corrugation of scarlet color and cut off 25 cm. The segment should be folded in half along the entire length, stretching a few folds. After that, the fold must be converted into folds by twisting. Having reached the edge, the collar should be bent with your fingers more strongly. Now it remains to form from the resulting base, but it is not recommended to make it dense, it is better to give roundness by straightening the petals a little. When the workpiece resembles a real rose, the base must be fixed with a thread. It remains to finish the stem.

A rose can be made using another master class. For this you will need the following:

  • corrugated paper (pale pink, green and hot pink);
  • green wire;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • brush or pencil.

First of all, we take on bright pink corrugated paper, which will need a piece of 8x14 cm. This piece must be folded in half, after which we correct the upper edge with scissors, giving it roundness. After that, the edging of the workpiece should be stretched and unfolded - you get the inner rose petal (base). To make the rose more voluminous or original as a result, you can wrap the candy in the base, fixing it with threads. The tip must be cut in the form of a tooth. It is immediately necessary to fix the stem, which is made of wire and inserted into the bud.

Now let's create the rest of the petals. To do this, bright pink corrugated paper needs to be folded into 4 layers and cut out 4 petals at once. After that, using a pencil or brush, the edges of the petals need to be given a natural shape. Then we attach to the base.

We will make the last row of roses from pale pink corrugated paper measuring 10x16 cm. Fold the material again in 4 layers, cut out 4 petals, but with large indentations along the outer edge. Then we shape it with a pencil and fix it step by step around the already more magnificent base.

The elegant and natural base of the flower can be made from green corrugated paper. To do this, you need a small segment, from which you need to cut deep cloves of the stem. From the same material we cut off a small piece, and with the help of a gun we fasten the cloves, wrapping them in an even green segment.

Corrugated paper roses (video)

giant flowers

It would seem that what else can be made from corrugated paper?

In fact, when working with such a versatile material, asking for a floral theme, you can create not only existing types of flowers, but also come up with your own options.

For example, huge blue roses or small sunflowers of an unconventional color.

Large corrugated paper flowers look quite original and beautiful. Even one such craft is suitable for a presentation. So, let's try to alternately make such giant corrugated paper flowers as poppies and peonies.

To make a poppy, you need a whole roll of corrugated paper, which should be cut into 6 equal parts. Thereafter:

  1. The parts must be superimposed on each other, folding them with an accordion 10 cm wide.
  2. We fix the lower part with threads.
  3. Round cuts should be made along the top of the workpiece.
  4. Now all the petals need to be unfolded, separated from each other, and then give the flower volume.
  5. From black corrugated paper we will make the base. It is necessary to wrap any segments in this material, forming a ball. We fix the base of the ball with tape.
  6. We will make the stem from thick wire, wrapping it with green paper. If desired, you can cut and fix the petals.

As planned, we will now consider a master class for creating a huge peony. To do this, it is first recommended to make a sketch (template) of this flower. On the sheet we draw a wavy round shape, similar to a cloud. Further, the master class involves the following actions:

  1. Cut out the template along the outline.
  2. We apply a template to the corrugated paper, circle it with a pencil and cut out the blank. To make large corrugated paper flowers, you will need at least 10 pieces of such blanks.
  3. All blanks must be stacked on top of each other, after which a hole should be made in the middle.
  4. Through the resulting hole, you need to pass the wire, bending the end, and then thread it into the adjacent hole. The ends of the wire must be fixed in order to obtain a blank for the stem.
  5. Now the topmost workpiece needs to be bent to the center, and then do the same with the remaining sheets. You should get a magnificent bud.
  6. It remains to decorate the stem. To do this, carefully wrap the wire with green crepe paper. Finally, fix the tip with glue.

Now that you know how to make flowers from corrugated paper, and different ones, you can please your family and friends with original gifts or decorate your own home with them.

Large corrugated paper flowers (video)

Reviews and comments

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Victoria 21.11.2016

What a beautiful rose you have. I didn’t even know that such miracles can be done from corrugated paper. My daughter is very fond of fakes, she loves labor lessons at school, so I am constantly looking for something new for her on the Internet. Today we will sculpt such flowers with her, of course we will start with small ones, I hope we will fill our hands and we can also make such beautiful roses, of course they are beautiful.

Hope 11/28/2016

God, what a beauty. Some flowers are alive. I had no idea that paper flowers were relatively easy to make. The most important thing is time and desire. Of course, you will have to tinker with the first one, but the result is worth it. We have a baby's birthday coming up soon. Now I know exactly how to decorate a room besides balloons. It remains only to find a beautiful paper.

Masha 09.08.2017

I made similar flowers, everything worked out for me. It is done very easily, and most importantly quickly, with the help of such a bouquet you can perfectly decorate the room. A good alternative to store-bought artificial flowers.

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