Home Diseases and pests Turkey fillet with pineapple in the oven. Turkey baked with pineapple. Turkey with pineapples in a slow cooker

Turkey fillet with pineapple in the oven. Turkey baked with pineapple. Turkey with pineapples in a slow cooker

Wash the turkey fillet and cut into layers, one centimeter thick. Beat the meat with a hammer on both sides. Rub with salt and spices to your liking. Sprinkle with lemon juice. If you like spicy dishes, then add a little hot pepper. Leave the meat to marinate under the film for several hours in the refrigerator, if you have time for this.

Now prepare the vegetables. Peel the onion and cut into large rings. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin from them. Slice the tomatoes into finger-thick slices. Drain (but do not pour out) the liquid from the pineapple jar. We rub the cheese medium.

Lay the turkey fillets on a baking sheet greased with sunflower or any other oil. Lay onion rings and tomato circles on top. Lay out the pineapple pieces. Squeeze a little sour cream (or mayonnaise) over all this beauty, sprinkle with cheese.

Dilute the liquid that was drained from the pineapples with a little water. Pour this mixture into the pan so that the liquid covers only the turkey. Bake the dish in the oven at 180 degrees. Since the turkey fillet does not cook for very long, thirty to forty minutes will be enough. The cheese should have a nice golden brown crust.

If you're entering a photo cooking contest, this turkey pineapple recipe is just right. The dish turns out juicy, fragrant, with an original, sweetish aftertaste. And in combination with vegetables and spices, it acquires an appetizing, festive look. How to cook a turkey with pineapples, read on.

Turkey with pineapple, recipes with photos and videos


Turkey fillet 1 piece(s)

  • Servings: 5
  • Cooking time: 56 minutes

Turkey with pineapples baked in the oven with cheese

A turkey baked in the oven can be a real decoration of the festive table. The low calorie content of the bird makes this dish not only tasty and appetizing, but also harmless to the figure.

Grocery list:

  • turkey breast - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 pc. (big);
  • salt, spices and herbs - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Cut the turkey into flat pieces 1 cm thick, 7-10 cm long. Beat them lightly with a mallet. Lubricate a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place pieces of meat grated in salt and spices there. Top with sliced ​​onion and pineapple slices. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake the turkey in the oven at 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes, covering the baking sheet with foil. Then remove the lid and leave the dish in the oven for another 15 minutes to form a crust.

Turkey with pineapples in a slow cooker

A very unusual, bright and fragrant dish is prepared from a turkey in a slow cooker. It resembles a vegetable stew, but has a more savory taste.

Grocery list:

  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • pineapples (pieces) - 1 can;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • water - 100 ml.

The dish turns out beautiful if you use sweet peppers of different colors.

Cut the turkey into cubes, the pepper into strips, and the onion into half rings. Send the bird and vegetables to the slow cooker. Add vegetable oil, salt, spices and soy sauce. Mix 100 ml of water with half of the pineapple juice that remains in the jar and pour into the rest of the products. Turn on the multicooker in the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes. After this time, open the lid and add the pineapple pieces to the turkey. Simmer the dish for another 20 minutes.

This recipe is also suitable for stewing in a pan. You can add any spices and herbs to it. In combination with ginger, garlic and nutmeg, the dish acquires light Indian "notes".

Baked or stewed turkey with pineapple is quite simple to prepare. But in appearance and taste, it is in no way inferior to dishes from a restaurant.

Step-by-step recipes for turkey with pineapple in the oven under a cheese coat, with various vegetables and mushrooms

2018-01-31 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

14 gr.

9 gr.


3 gr.

147 kcal.

Option 1: Oven Classic Pineapple Turkey

In the traditional recipe, the dish is prepared from chopped pieces of turkey fillet from the breast. This is a great way to turn a dryish fillet into a stunningly tender and juicy dish. He needs canned pineapples, the juice is drained, it can be used for other purposes.


  • 500 g fillet;
  • 200 g pineapple;
  • 70 g of onion;
  • 10 ml of oil;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • salt pepper;
  • 120 g cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic turkey with pineapples in the oven

Cut the fillet into four plates of approximately the same size. Be sure to make a cut across the fibers so that you can beat it off. We spread it on the board, tap it with a hammer. Sprinkle immediately with salt and pepper. Lubricate a small baking sheet with prescription oil, transfer the fillet to it.

Finely chop the onion, disassemble the straws with your fingers, sprinkle the prepared fillet. Immediately lay out the pineapple rings on top. You can cut them into small cubes, as you like.

Mayonnaise is needed to get a tasty and not dry cheese crust. We put it in a bag or just make a small hole in the bag. We fall asleep pineapples with grated cheese, straighten and press down a little. Then we “draw” thin patterns on top with mayonnaise or just stripes, a mesh.

We put the turkey with pineapples in the oven for half an hour, cook at 200 degrees. When serving, we supplement with herbs, fresh vegetables, you can add a side dish of potatoes or rice.

If you do not like the taste of onions, then you can not add it. As an option, first lightly fry until transparent in butter, then put on a turkey. In this case, it will definitely bake well, it will not be “like boiled”.

Option 2: Quick Oven Turkey Pineapple Recipe

For this dish, nothing needs to be beaten off, laid out and collected separately. Active cooking of a turkey with pineapples will take about ten minutes, then the dish must be put in the oven and you can forget about it for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.


  • 700 grams of turkey;
  • 250 grams of pineapples;
  • 80 grams of sour cream;
  • 170 grams of cheese;
  • onion, pepper to taste.

How to quickly cook a turkey with pineapple

Cut the washed fillet into not very thick sticks, transfer to a bowl. If time is short, then we make straws. Immediately turn on the oven to warm up to about 190, grease the form for the dish.

You can cook with or without onions. If the vegetable will be added, then chop into thin strips, add to the fillet. We spread the sour cream, pepper, salt, mix everything first in a bowl, only after that we shift it in an even layer into the prepared form.

Cut the pineapple into slices, put it on top of the fillet and immediately cover everything with grated cheese.

We put to bake, bring to full readiness in a preheated oven. The dish is served to the table immediately, the second time it is better not to heat it up, as the cheese will become a harsh crust.

Some types of cheese simply do not melt, and there are foods that quickly brown and burn. In the second option, you can grease the cheese layer with sour cream (mayonnaise) on top. In the first option, only the use of a proven product will help.

Option 3: Roasted Turkey with Pineapple (with Tomatoes)

This dish is very juicy and tasty, as it is prepared with the addition of tomatoes. They go great with turkey and pineapple. It is advisable to choose ripe, but dense tomatoes with a small amount of liquid and seeds inside. You can cook such a dish with cherry tomatoes, simply cutting them in half. In this option, the quantity is determined independently. Canned pineapples, you can take rings or immediately chopped pieces.


  • 700 g turkey;
  • 270 g pineapples;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 150 g of tomatoes;
  • 80 g of onion;
  • 80 ml mayonnaise.

How to cook

Cut the washed fillet into thin plates about half a centimeter. Beat off, but just a little, it is important to make the pieces the same thickness, not to break through them with a hammer. Grate with salt and brush with mayonnaise on one side. Lay out on a baking sheet.

Finely chop the onion, cut the tomatoes into slices, it is advisable not to make slices thicker than three millimeters, we take a good sharp knife. Chop pineapples into cubes or straws, as it turns out.

Sprinkle the turkey with prepared onions, lay out pieces of canned pineapple on it, and then tomatoes. The filling can be lightly seasoned with black pepper.

It is desirable to rub the cheese coarsely, small chips quickly melt, crumble. We lay on top of the tomatoes, straighten and press with the back of a spoon. Lubricate with the remaining mayonnaise.

Bake the fillet with pineapple and tomatoes for forty minutes. Cooking turkey at 180 degrees.

You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream, you get a lighter and healthier dish, but you need to do all this correctly. It is advisable to choose a product with at least 20% fat content, and also improve its taste with mustard, spices, you can pour in a little soy sauce.

Option 4: Turkey with pineapples in the oven (with champignons)

Mushroom version of turkey SS with pineapples, champignons in the oven. Incredibly juicy and flavorful dish. Sometimes champignons for him are boiled or fried in advance. In fact, you don’t need to do this, champignons and raw have time to cook perfectly. If they are frozen, then let them thaw first and squeeze out excess liquid. When replacing with other mushrooms, they need to be boiled.


  • 800 g turkey;
  • 150 g of champignons;
  • 150 g of mayonnaise;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 200 g pineapples;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper, dill.

Step by step recipe

Cut a few sprigs of dill and chop (grind, squeeze) peeled garlic cloves to it, pepper, salt, season with half of the prescription mayonnaise, about 70 grams.

Cut the washed turkey fillet from the breast into plates. Break off the pieces, send them to a greased form and top each with a layer of mayonnaise with dill and garlic.

If the champignons are fresh, then we wash them with cold water, but do not soak them so that the mushrooms do not absorb the vaga. Dry, cut into slices, distribute among all pieces of turkey. If the mushrooms are frozen, then they are most likely. Already cut. We just trim some of the pieces so that they are about the same thickness, and also send them to the oiled turkey.

Cut the pineapple rings into small cubes, lay on top of the mushrooms and immediately cover with grated cheese, coat with mayonnaise.

We send a dish of turkey with pineapples to a preheated oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees, it will bake for about 35-40 minutes.

Instead of garlic, you can use onions in this dish. In this version, it needs to be thinly cut, laid on a turkey, as in the recipes above.

Option 5: Oven turkey with pineapple (with vegetables)

Delicious yet simple and easy to make turkey breast with pineapple recipe. Additionally, vegetables fried in advance in a pan are used in the dish. Oil for this purpose, you can use any at your discretion.


  • 1 kg turkey (fillet);
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 can of pineapples;
  • 160 g cheese (hard);
  • 80 g of mayonnaise;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • oil, spices.

How to cook

Start with vegetables. Heat oil, chop onion, add. Go straight to the carrots. We clean, rub, add to the onion. Cook for a few minutes, do not brown until golden brown. Cool down.

While the vegetables are cooling, we cut and beat the fillets, make ordinary plates, season with salt, pepper, and send them to a baking sheet.

Add mayonnaise to vegetables. They also need to be salted and peppered, onions and carrots have a sweet taste. Stir, spread on the cooked fillet.

Place a whole ring of pineapple on top of each turkey fillet, after allowing the syrup to drain. And sprinkle with grated cheese. We lay it out separately on each chop so that the dish does not glass into one large casserole.

We put it in the oven, bake the turkey with vegetables and pineapples for about half an hour, we are guided by the color of the cheese crust. Cooking impromptu chops at 180 degrees.

In the same way, fried eggplants, bell peppers, and mushrooms can be laid on a turkey. Or their mixture with onions and carrots. All these ingredients are wonderfully combined with pineapples and fillets, they will make the dish even juicier and increase its yield.

Oven-baked turkey stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapples is a traditional American dish, the main dish of the Christmas holidays.
The turkey is marinated with garlic and spices, then stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapple, then baked whole in the oven and served with a kick-ass sauce.


  • 1 turkey (about 8 kg)

Turkey marinade:
2 heads of garlic
30 gr. olive oil,
herbs de Provence (rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, savory, oregano, marjoram mixed or any of them), nutmeg,
salt, black pepper.

Stuffing for turkey:
4 apples
300 g canned or fresh pineapple
100 g cheese
5 garlic cloves,
half a lemon
2-3 sprigs of rosemary.

Provence herbs, nutmeg,
salt, black pepper.

Turkey Recipe

  1. Defrost the turkey if it is frozen (at the rate of 30 minutes per pound of turkey in cold water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator).
  2. Wash the turkey inside and out, then pat dry with a towel.
  3. We are preparing the marinade. Two heads of garlic, peel, then press on a garlic press into a deep bowl and pour the garlic with olive or vegetable oil, add spices, salt, black pepper and mix. Let the garlic and spices brew in oil (15-20 minutes) and the marinade is ready.
  4. We marinate the turkey. We put the turkey in a large bag, put part of the marinade on top and inside the turkey and rub it with our hands, inside and out. We tightly wrap the turkey in the same bag, and leave it to marinate in this form overnight. The turkey is cooked in the oven for about 50-60 minutes per 1 kg of its weight, so we will calculate in advance when to start cooking.
  5. Preparing the stuffing for the turkey.
    We do not cut the sprigs of rosemary very finely, we clean the garlic, but do not cut it, it will be used in the filling with whole cloves.
    If the pineapple is fresh, peel it and cut into cubes, if canned - drain the water, cut the pineapple into cubes. Cheese cut into thick slices.
    We clean the apples, remove the core from them and cut each apple into 8 parts.
    Add apples to pineapples, spices and cheese, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, salt, pepper, sprinkle with Provencal herbs and nutmeg on top.
  6. Take the marinated turkey out of the bag and stuffing. Tightly stuff the turkey with the prepared stuffing, tie the legs together.
  7. Cooking turkey. We cover the baking sheet with two strips of foil about a meter long, and put a third sheet on the seam. We spread the turkey, carefully wrap it on all sides with this third foil, like a substrate (so that all the juice remains in this part of the foil). Then, not very tightly wrap the turkey in the substrate with the main part of the foil.
  8. Before baking the turkey, preheat the oven to 250 degrees, and only after that (not earlier!) Put the turkey in the oven. This is necessary so that the high temperature processes the turkey skin and the juice does not begin to flow out of it during cooking, in this case it will be much juicier.
  9. The turkey, in the oven preheated to 250 degrees, is baked for 30 minutes, after which the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees, and at this temperature the turkey, completely wrapped in foil, is baked for the rest of the estimated time MINUS 30 minutes. During these 30 minutes before the turkey is ready, we take the bird out of the oven, carefully (so as not to spill the juice on the baking sheet) unfold the foil and by piercing the bird with a knife (you need to pierce the meatiest parts of it - chest and thighs) we make sure that it is completely baked. If the turkey is baked, the juice will be absolutely transparent when it is pierced, if it is scarlet, then you either did not calculate the time correctly, or the temperature. In the latter case, carefully wrap the turkey in foil and place it back in the oven to roast until fully cooked. If you are convinced that the bird is ready, you need to make something like a “dish” out of foil and pour the turkey in such an unfolded form with its own juice and place it back in the oven in order to achieve a charming baked crust.
  10. The turkey, after unwrapping, is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. This is one of the most crucial moments, as your turkey can char very quickly. Therefore, we do not leave the oven for a minute, almost every 5 minutes we take out a baking sheet with a turkey (i.e. at least 5 times !!!) and very carefully pour the entire surface of the bird with juice. If the turkey is only cooked in one place, you can put a piece of foil on top of this place.
  11. Preparing the sauce for the turkey. Let's prepare a simple but very tasty turkey sauce. We collect a full deep bowl of juice obtained after roasting the turkey with a ladle, grind 1-2 heads of garlic into it and add chopped greens: either the same fresh Provence herbs, or even parsley, dill or cilantro. This sauce will be much tastier and more appropriate than ketchup with mayonnaise!

We serve the turkey baked in the oven, stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapples to the festive table. Bon Appetit!

Turkey meat contains a maximum of animal protein and a minimum of fat, it is one of the best meat products for human nutrition. You can cook a turkey in different ways, there are many interesting recipes.

What is the best way to use a whole carcass?

If you bought a whole turkey on weekdays, it makes sense to cook several dishes from different parts of the carcass. Wings are good for jelly, drumsticks and thighs - for other stews, back, neck, head, heart - the basis for broths, it is good to fry the liver with eggs for breakfast. And the turkey breast can be baked in the oven, for example, under pineapple (more precisely, under pineapple spicy sauce). This dish is great for Saturday dinner or Sunday lunch. Breasts are often sold separately.

Oven baked turkey breast with pineapple and cheese - recipe


  • turkey breast with skin - 1 pc.;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • hot red pepper;
  • ground cloves and coriander seeds;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • melted butter;
  • tequila, rum or bourbon - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • greens (parsley, cilantro, rosemary, basil).


We cut the turkey breast from the bones, you can cut the fillet into two parts along the fibers, do not remove the skin (well, unless you are preparing a diet dish).

We cut the pineapple and cut into beautiful slices. Place a certain amount of pineapple and edible leftovers after cutting into a blender along with peeled garlic and bring to a puree state, pour in a spoonful of tequila and lemon juice, season with crushed hot red pepper, cloves and coriander, add a little salt - let it infuse for about 15 minutes. Strain the sauce through a frequent strainer, add 2-3 tablespoons of hot ghee and - done.

Lubricate a baking sheet or refractory form with oil or lard (the dish in which we will bake the turkey breast).

Using a brush, generously brush the turkey breast with the sauce and place on a baking sheet. In principle, you can wrap the meat in foil.

We will bake the breast in a preheated oven for 1 hour. Approximately in the middle of the process, once again pour sauce over the meat. If you bake in foil or in a deep form with a lid, then 20 minutes before cooking, remove the lid (or unfold the foil) and then bake the meat open. Thanks to this technique, we get a crispy golden crust.

It is better not to bake pineapple slices, this fruit is much tastier and healthier in its natural form and in thermal does not need processing.

Put the finished baked turkey breast on a serving dish and sprinkle with grated cheese (it also does not need to be baked, even if it just melts slightly). Beautifully decorate the meat with pineapple slices and sprigs of greens. Wait about 10 minutes before serving. Rice, polenta, baked pumpkin and fresh fruits (preferably exotic ones: citrus fruits, kiwi, bananas, for example) will be good as a side dish. Of the alcoholic drinks, authentic American (rum, cachaca, tequila) or table light wines are most suitable. It would also be good to serve tortillas instead of bread and finish the meal with fragrant strong mate.

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