Home Berries Consonance of two or more sounds of the same pitch. School encyclopedia. Tone and overtones

Consonance of two or more sounds of the same pitch. School encyclopedia. Tone and overtones

See agreement... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. consonance, harmony, agreement; system; symphony, harmony, assonance, rhyme, correspondence, consonance, unison, combination... Synonym dictionary

CONSONANCE- in music, a combination of several sounds of different pitches sounding simultaneously. A consonance of three or more sounds built according to a certain principle is called a chord... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CONSONANCE- (musical), simultaneous sounding of tones of different pitches. One of the types of consonance chord... Modern encyclopedia

CONSONANCE- CONSONANCE, consonance, cf. 1. Harmonic combination of two or more tones (music). 2. Coincidence, similarity of speech sounds, rhyme (obsolete). “I’m crazy about triple harmonies and wet rhymes, like in yu.” Lermontov. Dictionary Ushakova... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CONSONANCE- CONSONANCE, I, cf. In music: a combination of several sounds of different pitches. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Consonance- or consonance S. in example equal number vibrations, is accompanied by a special phenomenon, as soon as this equality is somewhat violated. So, if of two tuning forks one makes 128 vibrations, and the other 127 or 129 vibrations per second, then S. remains... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Consonance- (musical), simultaneous sounding of tones of different pitches. One of the types of consonance chord. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

consonance- CONSONCTION, CONSORNESS, I; Wed 1. Music A combination of sounds of different pitches in simultaneous sound. // Combination of speech sounds and words. * There is grace-filled power in the consonance of living words (Lermontov). 2. Similar, similar sound (speech sounds, words). WITH.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

consonance- darnusis sąskambis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. concord; consonance vok. Konsonanz, f rus. consonance, m; consonant chord, m; consonance, n pranc. accord consonant, m; consonance, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

Consonance- in music, a combination of several sounds of different pitches sounding simultaneously. S. can consist of two (harmonic interval) or more sounds, can be consonant and dissonant (see Consonance, Dissonance). The main type of consonance... Big Soviet encyclopedia


  • Consonance (+ 2 CD), Victor Astafiev, Evgeny Kolobov. The book includes works by the outstanding writer Viktor Astafiev, dedicated to music, its significance in human life and the writer’s work, as well as reflections on music, the profession of a conductor... Buy for 823 rubles
  • Consonance III. Almanac, No. 3, 2005, . The third issue of the almanac of the literary association LIETZEX-XXI at library No. 213 municipality Vykhino-Zhulebino is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in the Great...

Welcome to the second lesson, where I will talk about the concept of consonance and its main varieties. Watch the video, and then read the theoretical material and complete the assignments. Good luck!

If harmony deals with consonances, then you should understand what consonance is.

Consonance Any combination of several sounds is called.

If consonance consists of two sounds taken simultaneously or sequentially, then it is called an interval. As an example, let's look at the third. This is an interval; between the extreme sounds there are three steps (step value). There are two types of thirds - major and minor. In order for you to understand how a third appears and what its varieties depend on, I suggest you watch the video under link 1, where I took the trouble to explain everything in detail.


If this consonance consists of them three or more sounds, then it can be called a chord. Usually its sounds are located after one - do-mi-sol, sol-si-re-fa etc.

If a chord consists of three sounds located in one, then it is called triad, if from four- That seventh chord.

For now, we are interested in triads - chords that consist of three sounds located one after the other. They are major and

minor. The differences are in the internal composition. INmajor triad the distance between the lower and middle sound is 4 semitones or 2 tones (let me remind you that a semitone is the smallest distancebalance between sounds, on the keyboard is a step from white to black key), and between middle and top

IN minor triad everything is the other way around: 3 semitones are between the lower and middle sounds, and 4 semitones are between the middle and upper. For example, la-do-mi, mi-sol-si, fa-la-flat-do. top – 3 semitones or 1.5 tones. For example, do-mi-sol, F-la-do,B flat D F.
nim - three semitones or 1.5 tones.

In addition to the differences in the composition of these chords, they also have different emotional characteristics. Thus, a minor triad has a sad, melancholic or even tragic connotation. Major - on the contrary, it is suitable for cheerful, light music.

I propose to build a major and minor triad together. To do this, click on the video located below under link 2.



1. Using the scheme for constructing a major and minor triad, build these chords from all white and black keys.

2. Determine what kind of triad this is:

We enjoy listening to pleasant music, the sound of a bell, the sounds of an orchestra, and the singing of birds. And at the same time, we are irritated by the sound of a working drill, a screeching saw, or the roar of a falling object. How are these sounds different?

According to their effect on human hearing, sounds are divided into two groups: musical And noises .

Noise - these are a variety of extraneous sounds simultaneously perceived by the ear. From a scientific point of view, these are random vibrations of various natures, the frequency of which corresponds to the frequency of sound.

And the main one physical feature musical sound - the orderliness of its sound pressure, the values ​​of which are repeated at regular intervals. That is, the sound pressure of a musical sound is a periodic function. An example of a periodic function is a sinusoid.

What is musical sound

We can clearly distinguish the sound of a violin from the squeal of car brakes. But such a clear boundary in the perception of sounds does not always exist. Musical sounds can be found in any noise. In turn, noise may be mixed with musical sounds. Thus, the sound of the piano is added to the sound of the keys and the noise of sheets of music being turned over.

Studies the physical properties of musical sounds musical acoustics.

Musical sound has a certain precise pitch, timbre, volume and duration.

Tone and overtones

Perhaps the most important property musical sound - its height. It depends on the vibration frequency of the musical sound source. The higher the frequency of a sound, the higher its pitch.

In addition to vibrations of the sound source as a whole, each part of it vibrates. Moreover, each part has its own vibration frequency. In this case, sounds are created not only of different tones, but also different strengths. The lowest sound is called main tone , and those accompanying him are more high tones are called overtones . A guitar string vibrates throughout its entire length. The lengths of the oscillating parts in relation to it are expressed in regular fractions: 1/2, 1/3, ¼, etc. Each vibrating part is a source of overtone. And each overtone has its own serial number, showing which part of the string is vibrating.

The pitch of the fundamental tone ranges from 16 to 4000-4500 Hz.

The combined sound of the fundamental tone and overtones creates timbre sound. Timbre is often called the coloristic (overtone) coloring of sound. The number and strength of overtones vary for different timbres. Every human voice and every musical instrument have their own timbre. The more overtones, the more pleasant the timbre. The human ear is capable of distinguishing one timbre from another.


IN musical works Several tones can sound simultaneously. Each of the tones is accompanied by one or more of its overtones. This phenomenon is called consonance . The consonance of two sounds is called musical interval , and three or more - chord .

If an interval has a 1:1 tone ratio, then it is called unison. At a ratio of 1:2 - octave, 2:3 - quint, 3:4 - quart, 4:5 - major third, 5:6 - minor third.

The pattern of combinations of tones is called harmony .

Depending on the sound quality there are different consonantal And dissonant consonance. Consonant consonances are perceived by the ear as “sounding together,” while in dissonant consonances there is a lack of fusion in sound. The octave and fifth have been considered perfect consonants for thousands of years.

From a physical point of view, dissonance occurs when the frequency of tones is almost the same. In this case, a superposition of periodic oscillations occurs, causing a periodic increase or decrease in the amplitude of the total signal. The combined sound of the tones increases and decreases, making it sound like a howl. Therefore, dissonance can cause irritation and anxiety, while consonance can cause a feeling of calm and comfort. The number of boosts per second is called beat frequency . A beat frequency of no more than four does not affect auditory perception. The greatest discomfort is caused by a beat frequency of 33. When its value exceeds 130, the feeling of discomfort disappears.

A sequence of musical sounds arranged in ascending or descending order of their pitch is called scale . A scale consisting of a fundamental tone and its harmonic overtones, the frequency of which is a multiple of the frequency of the fundamental tone, is called natural or overtone scale.

If the frequency of the fundamental tone (lower sound) is f , then the natural scale forms arithmetic progression: f, 2f, 4f, 8f

Volume and duration

Volume musical sound from the point of view of physics is measured in the same way as normal sound volume. But music has its own terms for loudness.

For example, forte (f) means loud , fortissimo (ff) - very loud, piano (p) - quiet, pianissimo (PP) - very quiet etc.

One of the main properties of musical sound is duration . It is equal to the time during which the sounding body vibrates, and is measured in the same units as time. But in music, the concept of absolute duration does not apply to musical sound. Much higher value has its comparison with the durations of other sounds - relative duration . This is not at all physical quantity. They say that one note sounds 2 times longer than another, and another 3 times shorter than the third, etc.

The unit of duration in music is taken to be whole note .

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