Home Berries Marrying an Azerbaijani pros and cons. National character of Azerbaijanis and peoples of Southern Europe: similarities and differences. What is eccentricity and infantilism for an Azerbaijani

Marrying an Azerbaijani pros and cons. National character of Azerbaijanis and peoples of Southern Europe: similarities and differences. What is eccentricity and infantilism for an Azerbaijani

Most German men are very careful about their appearance. They follow fashion, go in for sports and do not disdain cosmetics. To look more masculine, young Germans grow beards, but at the same time they prefer to get rid of the rest of the vegetation on the body.

2. Wears sandals with socks

If you meet a man in sandals and white socks somewhere on vacation, he will almost certainly be a German. As soon as a German man leaves his native country, he becomes like Cinderella, whose outfit turned into tatters at midnight. And although the Germans do not miss the opportunity to laugh at those who practice this "trend", they themselves are in no hurry to part with it.

3. Real intellectual

German men are educated and like to communicate on intellectual topics. They are actively interested in world events, understand politics and economics. A German man is distinguished by his manner of expressing himself accurately, using long abstruse sentences. He always calls things by their proper names, so he probably knows the name of "that thing over there."

4. Can't flirt

Seeing a pretty girl on the street, a German man is unlikely to flirt, let alone get to know her. And it's not even a restrained mentality. Because of feminism, men in Germany simply forgot how to flirt.

Having made a compliment to an unfamiliar girl, one can easily pass for Casanova here or, even worse, offend the entire female gender. When, for example, on vacation in Italy, a German woman hears “Ciao Bella” after herself, she admires the charm and temperament of local men. But as soon as a German man offers to treat her to coffee, he immediately turns into a sexually horny cretin.

5. Great cook

The culinary skills of most German men are not limited to frozen pizza and grilled sausages. A typical German not only knows how to cook, but also enjoys cooking. In his refrigerator, you can almost always find organic products and fresh vegetables. So it is not difficult for a German man to please his beloved woman with not only a tasty, but also a healthy dinner.

6. Doesn't pay for a girl in a restaurant

Personally, I have not had to go on dates with the Germans, but I heard many such stories from my Russian girlfriends. For example, a friend of mine invited her German boyfriend to have dinner somewhere, and then watch a movie at her place. He was indignant that constantly taking her to restaurants "will cost him a pretty penny." By the way, before that they always met in the park, so the guy did not have to spend money. My friend was watching a movie that evening alone.

7. Not in a hurry to get married

The average man in Germany is only ripe for marriage at age 35. And most often he decides to marry not in a fit of passion, but after much thought.

If you really connect your life with someone, then a German man must be completely confident in his chosen one. He can live with a girl for ten years before he decides to propose to her. In Germany, it is not uncommon for a couple to even have time to have a child, and the man is still in no hurry to tie the knot.

How the Germans dress: The appearance of the Germans for different occasions, do they like to dress brightly and make up in everyday life, to work and study ...?

There are certain stereotypes about Germans and their appearance. However, those who have visited Germany and spent some time in this country understand that in fact such an opinion is slightly far-fetched. Let's figure out what is a myth and what is true about the appearance of the inhabitants of Germany.

  • Foreigners think that German Frau do not pay much attention to their appearance, namely style and fashion. For them, the most important thing is that the clothes are comfortable and comfortable. In real life, this statement is nothing more than a myth. The Germans are very careful about how they look. They just pay attention to other parameters than, for example, Russians. So, it is important for them to dress in accordance, namely: clothes should correspond to such factors as season, time of day, event, age, social status, profession, etc. In Germany there is a clear division of things into day/evening. At the same time, if you come to a party in casual clothes, others do not focus on it as much as if you were in evening dress during the day.
  • Age category and place in society also play a huge role in choosing clothes. Here the rule is as follows: the older the German, the better clothes he should acquire for himself. As for the social status, everything is also quite clear here. For example, students and pupils choose jeans, shirts or sweatshirts as the best option. They usually wear sneakers. Many people prefer to wear trendy scarves.

It is worth noting that young people continue to wear branded sneakers even after graduating from educational institutions. However, it is important to understand here that these shoes have a certain symbolic meaning. Converse and a backpack are a hallmark of the student body, even if the person wearing them for 30.

  • Their usual clothes are short shorts, colorful bright T-shirts or T-shirts, jeans, blazers with three-quarter sleeves. But skirts are not so popular among young German women. The older the girl gets, the more she seeks to change her style.
  • Generally speaking about the style of women's clothing in Germany, you can describe it like this: "standard set +". Most of the things from the wardrobe of a typical German woman are in casual style, or a combination of casual and sports. If you need to go out, as they say, to people, the basic wardrobe can be supplemented with an interesting accessory. For special occasions, of course, in the wardrobe of a German woman there is a special section with evening dresses.

In Germany, you almost never see a woman dressed vulgarly or provocatively. The cut of clothes is mostly strict, modest, the colors are neutral, not attracting too much attention. Perhaps, in this country, the beige color is more popular than anywhere else. However, it is worth noting that the tone of clothing is always “to face” the young lady. For example, flashy combinations of black and red you rarely see on the street.

In a store, a typical German will pay attention, first of all, to 2 characteristics of a thing: its cost and its quality. Preference, of course, is given to things made from natural materials, even if an ordinary scarf made of natural silk has a price tag with the inscription "70 euros".

So, here is a list of things that are most popular in Germany. They can be found in the wardrobe of any German:

Scarf- every German has, as a rule, a whole collection of these accessories, differing in color, material, width, etc .;

Chinos- this element of the wardrobe is considered the most popular among German women;

Ballet shoes- shoes that Germans prefer to wear because of their convenience.

As for the texture of clothes, - wrinkled knitted fabrics are in priority. You can also recognize a German among foreigners by the layering of his attire: jeans or leather trousers, a shirt, a sweater, a jacket - all this can be worn on a person at the same time.

  • The next category is employees of offices, banking structures, etc. Business style reigns here. A German woman will never wear clothes made from knitwear to work in such an organization. The priority is fitted shirts and blouses, trousers, office-length skirts. No tight pants, turtlenecks, etc.! Exclusively business stylish combinations of things.

Indigenous German women are characterized by light blond, straw shades of hair. If you have met a woman with such an incredibly beautiful natural color, you should know - natural hair! But this does not mean at all that German women do not use the services of hairdressers for painting. Like true women, they also experiment with their appearance, but choose shades and colors that tend to be natural. Although you can also see women with multi-colored hair on the streets of Germany (pink, bright red, green ...) ...

A visit to beauty salons for a resident of Germany is an obligatory event held with enviable regularity. However, they pay more attention to wellness procedures, rather than decorative ones. The Germans will not get up an hour earlier than expected to design their hair or curl their curls. Therefore, makeup is extremely basic. Nail polish - neutral shades, without decorative elements - rhinestones, sparkles, etc. Maybe for this reason, even at solemn ceremonies, the appearance of a German woman often looks somewhat casual.

As for the figure , curvaceous forms are not typical for real German women. This is due to the peculiarities of the nation, as well as the fact that the bulk of the German population goes in for sports. Cycling, jogging, going to sports clubs are for both women and men.

The most terrible enemy of the Germans - shoes with high heels. And this is connected not only with stone sidewalks, on which it is simply impossible to move on stilettos, but also with the same question of conformity. A woman who appears in the daytime in high heels is likely to cause disapproving exclamations from others who consider her vulgar. In order not to attract unnecessary looks, women and girls prefer to wear ballet flats even to the workplace, although with a strict skirt or dress pants they don't match very well.

In companies and at parties the fair sex in Germany also look discreet, even everyday: jeans, T-shirts, ballet flats. Occasionally you can meet a girl in high heels, however, this will also look within the bounds of decency.

But looking at German men, you can’t Don't be surprised by their stylish appearance. We can safely say that the representatives of the stronger sex in Germany look better than their companions. Elegant shirts, jackets, trendy trousers, a scarf is a must! By the way, there are no less shops and boutiques with men's clothing in German cities than women's.

Summarizing " stereotypes about germans“It should be noted that in Berlin - the capital of Germany and other large cities, the situation with fashion is a little different. Here burghers are not afraid to look bold, bright and independent. But in smaller cities it's the other way around.

1. Doner kebab is your salvation at three in the morning. Used as a hangover preventative. And you are absolutely sure that this is a purely German invention. Integration of immigrants into German culture does not work!

2. Efficiency is your middle name.

Working abroad in an international company? Almost certainly all your colleagues hate you. A purebred German solves all his problems in the shortest possible time and plunges the boss into despair, demanding new tasks. Serious attempts to work slower fail - German efficiency is in your genes.

3. Elevators are a place of silence.

There is an unwritten rule in Germany: you don't look at other people in the elevator, and you certainly don't interact with them. Even if you are riding in an elevator with friends, there is usually an awkward pause that no one dares to break.

4. You never, ever step on lawns.

Even if you're walking in one of the few parks that doesn't have a no-tread sign, you literally feel like a criminal just walking on the grass.

5. There is only one kind of right bread.

Real bread is dark, with a crispy crust and soft inside, it's obvious. White bread, whether it be a baguette or ciabatta, is not at all the same. When you travel the world or move abroad, there is nothing more desirable than traditional German pastries.

6. You are every party host's worst nightmare.

If you are invited to a party at 7pm in Spain, for example, then as a typical German you can probably be found walking around the block at 6.50pm because you don't want to arrive too early. Then the door bell at 6.55 pm. One hundred percent the host of the party will not open the door immediately - he is still in the shower and has not even begun to prepare the house for the party.

7. The expression "about seven" makes you shudder.

It's either 7:00 or 7:05 or 7:10. For you, "about seven" is just an excuse for non-punctual people who can't manage their lives. Usually you are just angry that you yourself can not be somewhere "about seven." You will always be there at 6:55. Even though you sent a sincere apology text that you will probably be late, you will still arrive at the place at 6:55.

8. You have strong opinions about beer.

True, it varies greatly depending on the region of birth and somewhere a bit like a religion. While in Cologne they prefer to drink Kölsch in 0.2l glasses, the inhabitants of Bremen drink Pils at once in 0.33l. The Bavarians would not trade their Helles in a liter mug for anything else. Such a trip can lead to serious internal conflicts: when someone from Cologne tries to order a beer in Munich, he will probably be kicked out of the bar faster than the Bavarian can say “Lederhosen”.

9. Three beers instead of schnitzel.

Beer in Germany is considered a food, not an alcoholic beverage. A Bavarian proverb says that the nutritional value of 3 beers is equal to a full meal. Having a drink or two during your lunch break and then going back to work comes naturally to you.

10. You constantly complain about the German service.

You really are convinced that there is no worse customer service than in Germany. However, once you visit, for example, Hungary or France, and how, upon returning, you are ready to kiss every cashier who smiled slightly at you, just out of gratitude for their friendliness.

11. Table manners are very important to your parents.

“Don't talk with your mouth full! Sit up straight! Get your elbows off the table!” It's nice to have lunch with German parents, isn't it?

12. You are a trash separation maniac.

You have a lot of trash cans, but you could use an extra one: organic waste, paper, plastic, white glass, green glass, brown glass, regular trash…. You find it perfectly normal to wash empty yogurt packages before throwing them in a certain trash can.

13. You are still angry that you had to pay for your studies.

University education used to be free until some Länder decided to introduce tuition fees of up to €500 per semester. After several years of public protests, it was cancelled. However, those few years have cost you one and a half to two thousand euros, which you would rather spend on beer and a flat-screen TV.

14. At least one of your student friends is 33 years old.

No, he is not teaching or pursuing a Ph.D. He spends time trying to find the right direction in life. To do this, he changed majors from archeology to philosophy, from business studies to sinology. Finally, I found it - studying the history of art of Uzbekistan in the 9th century. Unfortunately, with the introduction of international bachelor's and master's degrees in Germany, the requirements for passing certain standards have become tougher, and this lifestyle is becoming less and less common.

15. You follow the rules of the road.

You will never cross the street at a red traffic light. Never. Even on foot, at night, even if not a single car is visible within a two-block radius. The risk of losing your driver's license is too great if you are caught violating as a pedestrian. Unfortunately, when you are in other countries, you expect other people to have the same respect for red traffic lights. That's how you almost killed 5 people during a recent trip to Southeast Asia.

16. Insurance gives you an absolute sense of security.

Life insurance, fire insurance, natural disaster insurance, disability insurance, supplemental health insurance, liability insurance, maintenance insurance, accident insurance…admit it, you have at least half of them. You feel so well protected with them that you don't mind spending half your paycheck on things that will probably never happen. God saves man, who save himself.

17. Polite small talk is not for you.

If you work with people of other nationalities, then the conversation during work might be something like this: “Hey, how are you?” "Good." “How is the weekend?” "What do you want? I do not have time for this!" The last phrase, as a rule, you say to yourself. It's not that you're a sociopath, it's just that you think your time is too valuable to be wasted on pleasantries. We wouldn't have made it to our economic miracle with idle chatter, after all.

18. National pride makes you feel uncomfortable.

The Germans are still traumatized by their history. No matter what country you are in, publicly displayed national flags or open displays of patriotism seem strange. And the only time you don't get disapproving looks when you mount a German flag on your balcony is during the World Cup.

19. A lake or a pond is a heavenly place of your childhood.

Every German city has at least one body of water. Since then, the smell of sunscreen has made you nostalgic for those unforgettable days of carefree fun with friends and ice cream by the water.

20. You watch "The 90th Birthday, or Dinner for One" every new year.

This is a British sketch about an old lady celebrating her birthday. Unfortunately, all her friends are already dead. Luckily, the old lady is not the smartest, so she doesn't realize that the butler is playing all of her friends, and as a result, she's completely exhausted. What is the connection with the new year? No idea. However, you don't care that some German traditions don't make sense.

21. You are definitely bilingual.

You speak your regional dialect and classical German. Considering that there are more than 20 different dialects in Germany, Hoch Deutsch helps to communicate with fellow Germans from other federal states. Otherwise, a Bavarian will not be able to communicate with a Frieslander without an interpreter. After all, these dialects actually belong to two different branches of the German language family.

22. You've never heard "speed limit" and "highway" in the same sentence.

Yes, for the most part there is no speed limit on German motorways. Unfortunately, you hardly ever enjoy this freedom, because there will always be some idiot who is dragging at a speed of 120 km / h, blocking the left lane.

23. You are well aware that there is no such thing as a typical German.

Different beers, different Christmas traditions, you even speak different languages! Only for a couple of weeks every two years the whole country becomes united thanks to the eternal magic of football championships.

Overseas suitors, in search of a successful marriage, directed their views and spiritual impulses towards Slavic brides. The annual increase in the number of registered international marriages is facilitated by the counter desire of Slavic beauties to successfully marry a foreigner. The harsh times of the Iron Curtain have passed, and already a fairly large part of the population of Russia and Ukraine is quite loyal to mixed marriages.

Each bride began to think about how to marry a foreigner for various reasons. It is wonderful that now there are all opportunities for the realization of this dream.

Good or bad qualities do not depend on nationality, because in any country, among any peoples, there are good husbands and bad ones. And yet, I am sure, it is better not to rush into marriage, as into a whirlpool. Before you get married, decide, find out what you can expect: where you will live, how you will build a family and raise your children. And most importantly - let's try to figure out what the pros and cons you get by marrying representatives of different nationalities.

I propose to start a whole series of articles in which we will discuss with you potential suitors, people from different countries.

I do not pretend to be the only correct opinion, any comments are welcome. Let's discuss?

So ... If you are thinking about how to marry a German, be prepared for the fact that there is an established opinion that it is easier to marry a German than to get along with him.

German men are often described as relatively cold, impassive, stingy, conservative. All this is really inherent in them, but not to such an extent as to consider them uninteresting and boring.

When you marry a German, you get the famous "Three K" - "Kyuhe, Kinder, Kirche" - kitchen, children, church. Here it is, German conservatism. German men are punctual, prudent, pedantic, but at the same time romantic, even sentimental.

Strengths of Germans as husbands:

Let's start with the fact that the Germans are very responsible about marriage.

Germans are ideal fathers. They love children, while not allowing them too much. In a German family, raising children with fists is not acceptable, it is customary for them that a small person is also a person, and they take the thoughts and statements of the child seriously. German dads pay a lot of attention to their children, take an active part in their upbringing with pleasure,

The Germans are good husbands also because they love order in everything. In their head and in the surrounding space, everything is in its place, and events follow a clear plan. Helping around the house is not a problem for them, the husband will gladly share all the household duties with you, and most importantly, most Germans know how and love to cook.

Most German men are very caring and romantic in relationships, and, importantly, they are used to showing their attitude in specific actions.

In family relationships, they cannot stand scandals and screams, they are looking for stability and tranquility. Honesty and frankness as a feature of the German nation allows you to discuss any problematic situation and speak directly about your intentions. If there is a problem, it should be discussed and resolved in a calm atmosphere, without raising the tone. Thus, they, first of all, take care of the mental health of their children, not wanting to subject them to unnecessary stress.

The Germans are happy to go on vacation with the whole family, they also most often spend the weekend at home or go on picnics with the whole family.

The Germans know how to rejoice no worse than any other nation, they are friendly and sociable, but restrained, breaking dishes in a spiritual outburst is not their trait.

The ability to count money is rather thrift and foresight. A German spouse should always have money in reserve, but this does not mean that you will be limited in funds, rather, on the contrary: you will always have money, as the Germans know how to correctly plan the family budget and under no circumstances allow situations in which they can be left without money.

German punctuality exemplifies commitment and diligence. Dealing with punctual people is easy: make an appointment - the person will be on time. And if the concept of punctuality is alien to you, you better not have anything to do with the Germans, because they do not forgive being late even for the first date.

Of course, German husbands also have some negative aspects:

They can be overly frugal, one might even say extremely frugal. Our women often perceive this as stinginess. Although this disadvantage (is it a disadvantage?) Is not a feature of the exclusively German nation. This feature, which is inherent in almost all European men. They all count money and do not like waste. Among the Germans, loans are not common, they rarely borrow. But they always have a tidy sum in the bank account for confidence in the future. Therefore, you should not judge them too harshly for this not-so-bad trait: they were taught that way, so you need to take this trait of their character for granted.

Separate budget. The Germans believe that love is love, and money is money, and they try not to confuse these two concepts. That is, even loving spouses can quite often have a separate account, a separate budget, and each has his own responsibilities in the family for paying certain bills. You just have to take it easier if you decide to marry a German. If in a serious relationship, stability and reliability are important for you, and the difference in views on economic issues does not bother you, then a man from Germany can become your cherished happiness.

The German man is not too emotional. He definitely won’t beat the dishes like an Italian, he won’t scream, and after 22.00, in accordance with the law, even you won’t be able to scream. Natural restraint is the key to a quiet and stable life. You can even get bored next to him because of this, but you can always predict, predict the behavior and reaction of your husband.

I got some laudatory article. Although it is true, the Germans, as a nation, are very good and have many strengths. Even the minuses they have some positive results, if you look closely. Of course, we are all different, after all, one cannot generalize both Slavic men and women. But if you are looking for a man for a serious relationship, then there are many chances to be happy with a German, they give a lot in a relationship, but they themselves expect decency, grooming, balance, and stability. ("Quiet family happiness" - just about them).

I have nothing against our men, but I am very impressed with the attitude of Europeans, the same Germans, towards a woman. For myself, I firmly decided that I would marry only a European. They communicate with a woman on an equal footing, and not "bring-give-leave - do not interfere." And this is not at all about feminism, but about an elementary culture of communication.

The good news is that the Germans do not consider it shameful to help with children or cleaning and cooking. I think that in this regard, despite some differences in mentality, it is much easier for our women with Europeans than with our men. At least nicer.

In the end, I would like to add that having found a man for yourself, you should remember that you must definitely praise and love him, show him how dear he is to you. Do not forget about love for yourself, about your feminine essence. This is very important when a woman loves herself and is interesting to herself. Then it is impossible not to love her, then she is also interesting to others.

I wish all women quiet family true female happiness. And it does not matter what nationality your husband will be. The main thing is that you have a good time together. Be loved and love yourself.

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