Home On the windowsill Mathematical fairy tale. Presentation of the project "mathematical fairy tale" Pushkin and mathematics

Mathematical fairy tale. Presentation of the project "mathematical fairy tale" Pushkin and mathematics

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. And he had a son, Ivan Tsarevich. Once, when Ivan became an adult, the king said to his son:

Son, it's time for you to get married.

Here's what you take...

- How can I marry a frog?

- If you complete my tasks, then I will turn into a red girl!

Six funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries, but one of them is tired,

He lagged behind his comrades. Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead?

Tasks in verse

Seven funny pigs They stand in a row at the trough. Two decided to go to bed, How many pigs have a trough?

Four goslings and two ducklings They swim in the lake, scream loudly. Well, count quickly - How many babies are in the water?

The seagull warmed up the kettle, Invited nine gulls

"Come all for tea!" How many seagulls, answer!

Ivan Tsarevich completed the tasks of the frog. The frog jumped, threw off its frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Look for me beyond distant lands, in the thirtieth Kingdom at Koshchei the Deathless

I will show you where Koschei the Deathless lives if you complete my tasks.

“I won’t fight with you, I know that you will defeat me anyway, I read this fairy tale as a child. Let's agree, if you can get to Vasilisa the Beautiful - I will free her, let you go in peace. If not, blame yourself. I will take Vasilisa as my wife, and I will imprison you.”

I will not fight with you, I know that you will defeat me anyway, I read this fairy tale in my childhood. Let's agree, if you can get to Vasilisa the Beautiful - I will free her, let you go in peace. If not, blame yourself. I will take Vasilisa as my wife, and I will imprison you.”

Quests for Koshchei the Immortal:

Name the items. Make a word with the first letters.

Think and solve problems:

Who will reach the nest faster - a caterpillar or a sparrow?

Who will swim to the shore faster, a goose or a rooster?


Mathematical tales


3rd grade student

Lisyak Anastasia

Objective of the project:

Find out what role numbers play in our lives.

Once upon a time, an unpleasant story happened to the numbers.

What happened?

We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important Numbers"

Numbers lived in the mathematical realm

from 0 to 9. Numbers as numbers.

Some of them

were skinny

such as, and Some are full, rounded.

These belonged to

Some of the numbers were with a tail,

such as,

and Someone with a circle

In general, they were different, unlike each other.

Despite this, the numbers were very friendly.

between themselves

But one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they were more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. And the figures were offended and fled in all directions. And such chaos began!

Letter A , for example, stands on 1 place in the alphabet

letter D - on the 5 , and the letter I AM - on the 33 place.

And now, when there are no numbers, it is not clear where

them to get up.

Such confusion!

- ? - ? - ? - ?

In the mathematical realm, no one could really calculate anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to fulfill their digital duties.

And everything fell into place.


Solve examples:


__*__=__ __+__=__ __-__=__ __:__=__

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Slides captions:

Mathematical fairy tale "Journey to Far Far Away". An open extracurricular lesson in mathematics in the 1st "A" grade. C letina Yana Sergeevna, primary school teacher

Goals: Development of attention, memory, thinking, fantasy; To consolidate knowledge of numbers, the composition of numbers, counting skills; Education of diligence, friendship, ability to work in a team, mutual assistance.

Everyone loves and honors my kingdom, Numbers live in my kingdom. (Mathematics)

Math Queen I am the Math Queen. And I will say with respect to you - Mathematics is needed by everyone without exception!

Queen Math But, guys, it's a miracle, I can't get into my castle - the path is enchanted. I ask you to disband. All conditions to fulfill: Teachers to respect; Heroes do not offend; Behave calmly and decently; Earn secret signs of the kingdom; Walk with me to the castle; Do not get tired on the road; Lots to see and learn.

This is the path that will take us:

A hut blocked the way, And an old woman lives in it. Big eyes, hooked nose, Flies on a mortar with a breeze. Who is this old lady? (Baba Yaga.)

You guys shut up and get some rest. The path is not going to be easy. Get some rest and collect beads for me. Here are the envelopes, all the beads are there. Collect them in a chain. I, an old woman, will look and reward for my imagination.

Something I find it difficult to determine which beads I should wear. Where they clap their hands louder, I'll take them.

Queen of Mathematics Let's continue the journey, friends! We can't possibly stop. A wall has grown from the trees. In order to pass through the wall, we must plant a Christmas tree. And those guys who will write down the composition of the number 10 will be imprisoned.

1 + 9 2 + 8 4 + 6 5 + 5 7 + 3 8 + 2 10 + 0 0 + 10 3 + 7 6 + 4 9 +1

Let's check how many trees there are:

Everyone bypasses this place: Here the earth is like dough; There are sedges, hummocks, mosses… There is no foothold. What place are you talking about! (Swamp)

And meets us: An amazing child! Just got out of diapers, Can swim and dive, Like his own mother. (Duckling)

I invite everyone to dance the dance “Dance of the little ducklings”.

And he lives in this swamp Quiet, meek, mischievous. Friend of frogs and leeches, Inhabitant of rivers, lakes, swamps. Our friend ... water.

I am a water, I am a water. Oh how bored I am. Only frogs live here... And I, and I want fun. Cheer me up guys, solve my riddles.

Three funny frogs Caught mosquitoes, One by one, Yes, they treated me. How many mosquitoes did they catch? (4)

Three white swans were sitting on the water. Two swans took off and flew away. How many swans are left? (one)

In the apiary 3 bear cubs Played hide-and-seek at the barrel. One barely got into the barrel, And how many escaped into the forest? (3)

Four hares were walking from school. And suddenly they were attacked by bees. Two bunnies barely escaped. And how many did not have time? (2)

Seven tiny kittens, What they give them, they eat everything. And one asks for sour cream. How many kittens? (eight)

Well done! Here is my sign for you - the blue lake.

Queen Mathematics And now we're on the road again. Here is my castle, and guards it ...

Math Queen Guess who: He lives a very long time. Does mischief to everyone. His life is at the end of a needle. Who is this? (Koschey)

Yes, guys, I'm Koschey! I guard the kingdom, I keep the numbers in order. And I’ll let you into the castle if you add up the numbers that are in the name of the distant kingdom. What are these numbers? (3 and 9) Take the parts from the envelope and connect them so that you get the sum of the numbers 3 and 9.

Math Queen You are the best first graders. I'm glad to meet you. You have overcome all obstacles And you have received badges. You walked the path to my castle. And how many barriers there were, do not count. This makes me doubly happy.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A lesson in literary reading according to the system of L.V. Zankov. Grade 2 The author's fairy tale and its connection with the plot and structure of the folk tale. (on the example of D. Mamin-Sibiryak's tale "the tale of the brave Hare ...")

“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...” (Russian folk tales and tales of the peoples of the North: similarities and differences) Abstract The purpose of the study: To explore the features of Russian folk tales and folk tales ...

slide 1

Mathematics teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4" of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic Sharova Valentina Stepanovna

slide 2

There lived a king. The tsar had three sons: Fedor, Yegor and Ivan. The king had wealth - not to count. Yes, he got sick. So he sends his sons for living water and rejuvenating apples. The sons left.

slide 3

The sons rode for a long time, and they met a passerby. "Is it far to the village?" You have traveled a third of the entire distance, and if you drive another 2 versts, you will be exactly in the middle - the passerby answered. How many versts still need to be overcome by the sons? Solution: 2 versts is 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 of the total distance between villages, which means that the entire distance is 1 i.e. 6/6 is equal to 2۰6=12(versts). 1/3 - 4 versts, and 12-4 = 8 (versts) remained. Answer: 8 versts

slide 4

The sons reached the village and went to the inn to rest. They ordered the hostess to cook potatoes, but they themselves fell asleep. The hostess cooked, put it on the table and left. Fedor woke up, ate a third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate a third of them and fell asleep too. Ivan, waking up, ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how much more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets an equal share?

slide 5

Solution: Ivan left 8 potatoes for the brothers, i.е. 4 for each, which means he ate 4 himself. It turns out that Yegor left 12 pieces for the brothers, 6 for each, and ate 6 pieces himself. It follows that Fyodor left 18 potatoes for the brothers, 9 each, and ate 9 of them himself. So, the hostess served 27 potatoes on the table. Answer 27 potatoes

slide 6

The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached the hut of Baba Yaga. They told where and why they were going. “Guess my riddles, then I will tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

Slide 7

Answer: 1) 3 2) equally 3) 100 Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew? Which is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff? Divide half a half

Slide 8

The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to her middle sister, and Fyodor left him to cut firewood for her. Sawing one part takes 1 minute. In how many minutes will he cut a log five meters long? Answer: 4 minutes

Slide 9

Meanwhile, Yegor and Ivan reached the dense forest. In that forest stands a hut on chicken legs. The middle sister of Baba Yaga lived in that hut. She had 20 girls in her service

slide 10

In the evenings, she went around the house and checked if everything was in order? There were 7 girls to sit on each side of the room. 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

slide 11

But one day 4 girlfriends came to the girls and stayed with them for the night. There were 24 of them. They were placed so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did 24 girls fit in if there were 7 girls on each side? 24 girls placed like this: 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5

slide 12

The next day, 4 girlfriends left, 4 more girls went to see them off. There are 16 girls left. And they were placed so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did 16 girls fit in if there were 7 girls on each side? Here's how they lined up: 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

slide 13

The middle sister of Baba Yaga found out what the brothers were going for, and decided to help them. She sent them to her younger sister. They rode, rode, they see - there is a hut on chicken legs, it turns. And in the hut is the younger sister of Baba Yaga.

slide 14

She has a cow, a goat and a sheep. The younger sister is sitting, wondering - how to feed her animals? A cow eats a load of hay in a month, a goat in 3 months, a sheep in 6 months. How many days will a hay cart last for these animals?

slide 15

Solution: If there are 30 days in a month, then in 1 day a cow eats 1/30 of a load of hay, a goat - 1/90 of a load, and a sheep - 1/180 of a load. Together for 1 day they eat 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 hay cart. 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 = 1/20 This means that in 20 days they will eat 20/20 wagons, i.e. 1 or the whole load of hay. And for a month you need 30/20, that is, 1.5 carts. Answer: 20 days.

slide 16

The brothers helped the sister of Baba Yaga, made hay for her animals, and she told them how to get to Kashchei the Immortal, who had living water and rejuvenating apples. Here they are again on the road. River ahead. They see a peasant sitting on the river bank who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and cabbage.

slide 17

Only one person can fit in the boat, and he can either have a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a man, then the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave a goat with cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a man, a goat cannot eat cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat. Did the peasant ask his brothers for advice on how to transport his cargo across the river?

slide 18

Solution: First, the peasant needs to transport the goat to the other side, leaving the wolf with cabbage, then return, take the wolf, transport him to the other side, and take the goat back with him. Leaving the goat on the shore, you need to transport the cabbage to the wolf, then transport the goat.

slide 19

The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fedor caught up with them. And they went together to Kashchei the Deathless. But it is not easy to deal with Kashchei. He does not want to give living water and rejuvenating apples. He began to set tasks. Tasks of Kashchei the Immortal: Task 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw three sacks of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with her. The question is, were there many legs at the mill?

slide 2

There lived a king. The tsar had three sons: Fedor, Yegor and Ivan. The king had wealth - not to count. Yes, he got sick. So he sends his sons for living water and rejuvenating apples. The sons left.

slide 3

The sons rode for a long time, and they met a passerby. "Is it far to the village?" You have traveled a third of the entire distance, and if you drive another 2 versts, you will be exactly in the middle - the passerby answered. How many versts still need to be overcome by the sons? Solution: 2 versts is 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 of the total distance between villages, which means that the entire distance is 1 i.e. 6/6 is equal to 2۰6=12(versts). 1/3 - 4 versts, and 12-4 = 8 (versts) remained. Answer: 8 versts

slide 4

The sons reached the village and went to the inn to rest. They ordered the hostess to cook potatoes, but they themselves fell asleep. The hostess cooked, put it on the table and left. Fedor woke up, ate a third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate a third of them and fell asleep too. Ivan, waking up, ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how much more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets an equal share?

slide 5

Solution: Ivan left 8 potatoes for the brothers, i.е. 4 for each, which means he ate 4 himself. It turns out that Yegor left 12 pieces for the brothers, 6 for each, and ate 6 pieces himself. It follows that Fyodor left 18 potatoes for the brothers, 9 each, and ate 9 of them himself. So, the hostess served 27 potatoes on the table. Answer 27 potatoes

slide 6

The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached the hut of Baba Yaga. They told where and why they were going. “Guess my riddles, then I will tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

Slide 7

Answer: 1) 3 2) equally 3) 100 Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew? Which is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff? Divide half a half

Slide 8

The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to her middle sister, and Fyodor left him to cut firewood for her. Sawing one part takes 1 minute. In how many minutes will he cut a log five meters long? Answer: 4 minutes

Slide 9

Meanwhile, Yegor and Ivan reached the dense forest. In that forest stands a hut on chicken legs. The middle sister of Baba Yaga lived in that hut. She had 20 girls in her service

Slide 10

In the evenings, she went around the house and checked if everything was in order? There were 7 girls to sit on each side of the room. 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

slide 11

But one day 4 girlfriends came to the girls and stayed with them for the night. There were 24 of them. They were placed so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did 24 girls fit in if there were 7 girls on each side? 24 girls placed like this: 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5

slide 12

The next day, 4 girlfriends left, 4 more girls went to see them off. There are 16 girls left. And they were placed so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did 16 girls fit in if there were 7 girls on each side? Here's how they lined up: 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

slide 13

The middle sister of Baba Yaga found out what the brothers were going for, and decided to help them. She sent them to her younger sister. They rode, rode, they see - there is a hut on chicken legs, it turns. And in the hut is the younger sister of Baba Yaga.

Slide 14

She has a cow, a goat and a sheep. The younger sister is sitting, wondering - how to feed her animals? A cow eats a load of hay in a month, a goat in 3 months, a sheep in 6 months. How many days will a hay cart last for these animals?

slide 15

Solution: If there are 30 days in a month, then in 1 day a cow eats 1/30 of a load of hay, a goat - 1/90 of a load, and a sheep - 1/180 of a load. Together for 1 day they eat 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 hay cart. 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 = 1/20 This means that in 20 days they will eat 20/20 wagons, i.e. 1 or the whole load of hay. And for a month you need 30/20, that is, 1.5 carts. Answer: 20 days.

slide 16

The brothers helped the sister of Baba Yaga, made hay for her animals, and she told them how to get to Kashchei the Immortal, who had living water and rejuvenating apples. Here they are again on the road. River ahead. They see a peasant sitting on the river bank who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and cabbage.

Slide 17

Only one person can fit in the boat, and he can either have a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a man, then the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave a goat with cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a man, a goat cannot eat cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat. Did the peasant ask his brothers for advice on how to transport his cargo across the river?

Slide 18

Solution: First, the peasant needs to transport the goat to the other side, leaving the wolf with cabbage, then return, take the wolf, transport him to the other side, and take the goat back with him. Leaving the goat on the shore, you need to transport the cabbage to the wolf, then transport the goat.

Slide 19

The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fedor caught up with them. And they went together to Kashchei the Deathless. But it is not easy to deal with Kashchei. He does not want to give living water and rejuvenating apples. He began to set tasks. Tasks of Kashchei the Immortal: Task 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw three sacks of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with her. The question is, were there many legs at the mill?

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