Home Diseases and pests How to protect health and life. Extracurricular activity on the topic "take care of your health." Poem "It's very good"

How to protect health and life. Extracurricular activity on the topic "take care of your health." Poem "It's very good"

Thematic class hour

primary school teacher

Papchenkova Larisa Alexandrovna

Target: to update students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

discuss various options for attitudes towards one's health and possible ways to preserve it;

to educate students in a negative attitude towards bad habits, attentive attitude to their health.

Hello guys!

I say hello to you, which means that I wish you all good health. Have you ever thought about why greeting people is based on wishing each other good health?

Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

Today our class hour is dedicated to human health.We will talk about why you need to be healthy, why you need to follow the rules for caring for your body, what are bad and dangerous habits.

Do you remember the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"? It tells about how one day the Sorceress gave the girl Zhenya a flower with seven multi-colored petals. It was worth tearing off the petal, throwing it up and saying the magic words, as soon as any desire was fulfilled. When Zhenya had the last petal left, she saw the sad boy Vitya, whose leg hurt, and who therefore could not run and play with other children. His wife felt sorry for him, she tore off the last petal and wished that Vitya would recover. And Victor became healthy. This is where the fairy tale ends.

Let's imagine that the Sorceress gave us a flower, but not a simple one, but a magic flower of health. What would he look like? (A flower opens on the board, the children take turns tearing off the petals, turning over and reading what is written on the back of the petals.)

Health is beauty.

Health is strength and intelligence.

Health is the greatest wealth.

Health is something to be protected.

Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

Health is a long happy life.

Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you.

What do you need to do to be healthy? That's right, you need

and know how to take care of your health. Today you are not just spectators,

today we will derive the formula of health.

Call - change of positions (Bazarny desks)

Let's clarify what health is.

Health is not just the absence of disease, it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

Please raise your hands, who has never been sick?

Who got sick once?

Who got sick twice?

Look, we are used to the fact that it is natural for a person to get sick! But this is the wrong setting!

Let's change the attitude and remember: that it is natural for a person to be healthy! Scientists believe that a person should live 150-200 years (as the ancient Greeks believed that dying at 70 means dying in the cradle).

Today, doctors say that our health depends on our lifestyle: our habits, our efforts to strengthen it.

If you strive

Follow the order -

You will study better

You'd better rest.

Do you know how to follow the daily routine, do you save time or waste it?

To learn how to save time, you need to properly organize your daily routine.


Characters: teacher and student Vova - students of the 5th grade.

And you, Vova, do you know what a regime is?

Certainly! Regime ... Regime - where I want, I jump there!

Routine is the order of the day. Here you, for example, carry out the daily routine?

I even overfulfill!

How is it?

According to the schedule, I need to walk 2 times a day, and I walk - 4.

No, you're not doing it, you're breaking it! Do you know what the daily routine should be?

I know. Climb. Charger. Washing. Bed cleaning. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch and back to school.


And it can be even better!

How is it?

That's how! Climb. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch. Dinner. Walk. Tea. Walk. And dream.

Oh no. Under such a regime, a lazy and ignoramus will grow out of you.

Will not grow!

Why so?

Because my grandmother and I do the whole routine!

How is it with grandma?

And so: half me, half grandmother. And together we do the whole routine.

I do not understand - how is it?

Very simple. I do the rise, my grandmother does the exercises, my grandmother does the washing, my grandmother cleans up the sweat, I do breakfast, I take a walk, my grandmother and I take lessons, I take a walk, I do lunch, ...

And you're not ashamed? Now I understand why you are so undisciplined.

Call - change of position.

And what do you guys think, did Vova correctly allocate time: a walk, lunch, a walk? Do students need a daily routine?

The main rules - a reasonable alternation of mental and physical activity with rest, rational nutrition - must be observed in all cases.

In school years, you need to learn how to save time. To do this, each student can try to "take a picture" of his day: on a piece of paper on the left, write down every even the smallest thing, and on the right - indicate the time spent on it. For example: "Did my math homework - 25 minutes." "Went to the library - 45 minutes."

In the evening, review the records and determine where and when the time was wasted. Immediately, you should figure out how best to plan tomorrow so that there is no loss of time. Such a "photo" helps to learn to value time.

Where is the physical activity? According to scientists, daily physical activity slows down the aging of the body and adds an average of 6-9 years of life.

It must be remembered that the correct implementation of the regimen, the alternation of physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve efficiency, accustom to accuracy, discipline a person, strengthen his health.

One day the scientists set up an experiment. One group of participants was offered a set of physical exercises, and the other group had to lie still for 20 days.

And what happened: those who were lying down developed dizziness, they could not walk for a long time, it was hard for them to breathe, their appetite disappeared, they began to sleep poorly, their efficiency decreased.

S. Ostrovsky's poem "Be healthy."

Prepared students read

You are friends with the red sun,

A cool wave is glad.

You're not afraid of the rain

Snowfall is not terrible.

You are not afraid of the wind

You don't get tired in the game.

And you go to bed early

And you get up with the sun.

In winter you go skiing

You frolic on the skating rink,

And in the summer - tanned,

Swimming in the river.

Do you like to jump, run,

Play with a hard ball.

You will grow up healthy

You will be strong.

So, physical activity is necessary for the body. But exercises are of great benefit if they are performed constantly, systematically. Therefore, it is better if you attend special sports sections.

A good appetite is considered a sign of health, but from childhood one should not be accustomed to gluttony.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates gave good advice to a person: "Eat to live, not live to eat."

Food should be varied. Proper nutrition implies a menu rich in vegetables, fruits, edible medicinal herbs. Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food.

The amount of salt, sugar, animal fats should be limited in the diet, because. their excess leads to a disease of the body (diabetes mellitus, salt deposition, obesity)

Physical education with music.

Call - change of position.

Let us recall the famous lines from the poem by K.I. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”: “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me ...”

Why did all the things run away from the boy? (answers)

What happens to our skin and body if we don't take care of it? (answers)

Yes, really, the main thing is clean skin. Dirt on the hands and face is millions of dangerous and pathogenic microbes that lead to various diseases, infection with helminths (worms). You also need to take good care of your nails. Under them up to 380 million microbes.

Hygiene is a science that deals with health protection, disease prevention, etc. You need to take care of yourself and your health from a young age. After all, it’s not in vain that they say: “Take care of your dress again, and health from a young age.”

Now let's check how you know the rules of taking care of your health. I will start and you continue.

Rhymes game.

Water gurgles in the tap:

“Wash yours cleaner……” (faces)

Gnawing steel pipes

If you are clean………. (teeth)

Will soon turn into claws

Not trimmed ...... (nails).

It was sweating in the bath for an hour -

It became light, clean ...... .. (body).

Declared a fight against bacilli:

Wash hands cleanly with ……… (soap).

Since childhood, people have been telling everyone

That tobacco is deadly ……… (poison).

Reading the poem "Scarecrows" by M. Kotin:

Who does not brush his teeth, does not wash with soap,

He can grow sickly, frail,

They are friends with dirty people only dirty,

who drowned in the mud.

Of them grow nasty bullies,

Angry dogs are chasing them.

Dirty afraid of water and colds,

And sometimes they don't grow at all.

Taking care of health is also the ability to correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Our mood, psychologists say, to a certain extent depends on awakening. It turns out that blues, despondency, depression, apathy are afraid, like the impure force of the morning light.

So go to bed early, get up at dawn, and it will be easier to keep a good mood until the evening, and, as you know, it creates psychological and spiritual well-being.

Knowing this, not everyone and not always try to change their lifestyle. What's stopping us? What is considered the main reason? (Laziness)

To overcome laziness, you need to set a goal and achieve it, no matter what.

Call - change of position.

Human health is the main value of the life of each of us. It can not be bought for any money and values. And what has long been proven that it must be protected from the very first day of its birth. At first, your parents take care of you, but you are growing up and each of you should now think about how not to harm your health.

Now there are a lot of computers, TVs, mobile phones, and they are harmful to health. What do you think are the most common diseases now?

Yes. The computer, phone and TV emit harmful radiation, and besides, the computer has a very strong effect on vision.

So why can't they be used?

Of course you can use it. But you need to know how. Half an hour of work on the computer, and then be sure to take a break for at least half an hour. Do not watch TV for more than 1 hour.

If your eyes are tired while reading a book, preparing lessons, we recommend doing exercises for the eyes. Let's learn exercises that relieve fatigue from the eyes:

1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds; then open (5-6 times).

2. Blink quickly for 1-2 minutes.

3. Close the eyelids and massage them with circular movements of the fingers for 1 minute.

4. With three fingers of each hand, it is easy to press the upper eyelid (3-4 times).

And now let's remember what exercises for the eyes we perform in the classroom.

Training on ophthalmic simulators

Call - change of position.

So, you found out. What should you take care of your health. But some people do not help health, but harm themselves. There are some things that are not only harmful, but also life-threatening. These are tobacco, alcohol, drugs. Who knows what it is? (answers). Tobacco smoking affects the functioning of the lungs, through which we breathe. Those who start smoking at an early age can develop lung cancer and die by the age of 40-50. A sip of champagne in a child can cause vomiting, headache, poisoning. Drugs cause impaired memory, thinking, behavior and mood change, bruises, cuts, microtraumas appear on the skin. All these are dangerous substances for life and health, which schoolchildren should absolutely not use.

What else prevents us from being healthy?

Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction.

These are the worst health destroyers because they can be deadly. And you should always remember this.

Outcome: What is possible and necessary to maintain health, and what is not?


o Eat more fish, vegetables, fruits.

o Drink water, milk, juices, tea.

o Do sport.

o Walk as much as possible.

o To breathe fresh air.

o Sleep enough.

o Show kindness.

o Smile more often.

o Love life.


o Overeat.

o Eat a lot of fatty, sweet and salty foods.

o Drinking alcohol.

o Watch TV for hours.

o Stay at home.

o Smoking.

o Late to bed and to rise.

o Be irritable.

o Lose your sense of humor.

o Disappointed, angry, offended.

Try to follow this health formula, and you will keep your youth and beauty for many years.

Remember, health is the most valuable thing a person has. This means that it must be protected.

MOU "Krasnenskaya secondary school named after M.I. Svetlichnaya

Krasnensky district of the Belgorod region

Health lesson in 4 "A" class

Take care of your health from a young age


Zenina Inna Nikolaevna


- to expand students' understanding of a healthy lifestyle; to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value;

Develop an interest in your health;

Cultivate respect for your health.

Equipment: presentation « The most useful products”, cards for group work, cards on the board, crossword “Health”, booklet, material for reflection.

During the classes

I. Introductory part.

Introduction by the teacher. Motivation.
The sun has risen for a long time
Looked into our window
Urging us to work -
We have our first lesson now.

The sun meets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives everyone a good mood.

I want to wish you that every day brings joy!

II. Main part.
- Read the proverb from the blackboard.

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Can you tell me what the lesson will be about? (about health)

Yes, indeed, today we will talk about health.

That's right, they watch TV, listen to the radio, search for the necessary information on the Internet, read books, newspapers, magazines.

What can you find out about in HEALTH magazine?

What is health? Look, there is a HEALTH flower on the cover of the magazine. Let's read.

(There is a flower on the board, the children take turns reading what is written on the petal.)

    Health is the beauty.

    Health is strength and mind.

    Health is the biggest wealth.

    Health is something to be protected.

    Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

    Health is long happy life.

    Health is when you oars and you get it all.

What do you need to do to be healthy?

Crossword "Health".

Now let's solve the crossword puzzle and find out what you need to do to stay healthy.

We leaf through the Health magazine and talk about how to stay healthy.

1. Page "To live clean - to be healthy!"

How do you understand the meaning of this saying?

What needs to be kept clean? (Hands, legs, face, ears, teeth).

When is the right time to wash your hands? (Before eating, after dirty work, after a walk)

You do it?

Do clothes and shoes need to be kept clean? (You also need to keep your clothes clean.)

And the room? (you need to ventilate the room so that the air is clean, do wet cleaning so that there is no dust, dirt, microbes)

Why should you brush your teeth?

Show me how to brush my teeth properly.

Output:If you keep clean, you will get sick less!

2. Page "The body is weakening without work"

If you strive

Follow the order-

You will study better

You'd better rest.

You probably guessed that in order to learn how to save your time, you need to properly organize your daily routine.

What is the daily routine? (children's answers)


7:00 a.m. Wake up, make bed

7.10 - exercise, washing

7.30 - breakfast

7.40 - road to school

8.30 - 13.00 - study at school

13.00 - lunch

13.30 - walk

15.00– 16.30 – self-training

16.30 - afternoon snack

17.00 - games, rest

18.30 - dinner

19.00 - reading books, rest

21.00 - preparation for bed

21.00 - 7.00 - sleep

How to make a daily routine? (children's answers)

Remember, work and rest should alternate. The alternation of work and rest improves working capacity, accustoms to accuracy, disciplines a person, strengthens his health. According to scientists, daily exercise slows down the aging of the body and adds an average of 6 to 9 years of life.

Output: To study well, do many important and interesting things, relax and grow up healthy - follow the daily routine!

3. Page "Get busy, temper yourself, and don't get sick!"

One day the scientists set up an experiment. One group of participants was offered a set of physical exercises, while the other had to lie still for 20 days. Only 20 days. And what happened? Those who were lying down developed dizziness, they could not walk for a long time (it was difficult for them to breathe), their appetite disappeared, they began to sleep poorly, their working capacity decreased ...

So, to be healthy, you need to exercise.

Sports increase life expectancy. It has been established that people who go in for sports 5 times a week live 4 years longer than those who go in for sports occasionally.

Only sport can set your life in motion, and where there is movement, there is health.

What sports are you familiar with?

Tell us what sport you do .

What famous athletes do you know?

What athletes of our region do you know?

Listen to the story about Svetlana Khorkina.

Khorkina Svetlana Vasilievna - Olympic champion, world famous gymnast. Born in Belgorod in 1979 in a family of ordinary workers, her father is a simple worker, and her mother is a nurse.

As a child, Svetlana was sick, and then the doctors advised her to go in for sports. So little Sveta began to do gymnastics.

Svetlana has achieved great success, repeatedly became the champion of Russia, the world and Europe, got into the Guinness Book of Records. She is the owner of 12 gold medals, three-time world champion, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in artistic gymnastics. Recently, Svetlana has entered politics and has become an active member of United Russia. In 2007, in her honor, a new, modern Sports Palace was opened in Belgorod - the training and sports complex of Bel State University Svetlana Khorkina. Svetlana Khorkina's formula for success is "Patience, Diligence, Creativity and Talent!"

Such athletes should be equaled, such athletes should be proud of, such athletes should be known.

Why do you think Svetlana achieved such results? (sport strengthened Sveta's health)

Output:Sport improves health.

To be healthy, you need to temper your body.

What is hardening?

View presentations and booklets about hardening of the body.

The story of the school nurse about the hardening of the body.

Tell us how you temper your body. (children's answers)

Output: To get sick less - you need to temper!

Fizminutka (musical)

We turn to the next page of our magazine.

4. Page "He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy"

- Unfortunately, almost all people have bad habits.

There are some things that are not only harmful, but also life-threatening. It is…..tobacco, alcohol, drugs.

Many guys try to smoke their first cigarette in their lives already at the age of 8-10, and some even earlier. Why do children try to smoke?

Does smoking go without a trace for a growing, not yet strengthened organism?

At your age, smoking slows down the growth and development of certain organs. The lungs get sick, it becomes more difficult to breathe, especially after physical exertion. The vocal cords become inflamed, so the voice of smokers is hoarse, unpleasant. The work of the heart worsens. Smokers become stupid, they do not remember educational material well, it is more difficult for them to study. Their complexion becomes slightly yellowish, as smoke particles penetrate the skin and linger there. Smoking in the presence of non-smokers is not only bad manners, but also an attack on someone else's health. A non-smoker receives a much larger dose of harmful substances than the smoker himself.

Fortunately, even long-term smokers consciously came to the prudent conclusion about the need to quit smoking and did it in a timely manner of their own free will. It is easier to start smoking than to stop smoking. So let's not start smoking! Let's take care of our health and those around us!

Remember, a sip of champagne in a child can cause vomiting, headache, poisoning. Drugs cause impaired memory, thinking, behavior and mood change, bruises, cuts, microtraumas appear on the skin. All these are dangerous substances for life and health, which schoolchildren should absolutely not use.

Output: bad habits interfere with a peaceful life.
It is better not to start them at all, but to lead a healthy lifestyle!

5. Page “If you eat right, you will be healthy”

You said that for health you need to eat right.

What does it mean? (eat healthy food, do not overeat, keep a diet).

Tell me what do you like to eat?

Is it all useful?

Presentation "The most useful products"

Let's watch a presentation about useful products.

What useful products did you find out about?

Why are they useful? (contain the elements that the body needs for proper development).

Why do you think you can not eat chips and other junk food? (because they contain food additives that adversely affect the human body).

- Is it easy to give up your favorite but not healthy foods? ( Not) But probably?

Let's conclude: What is proper nutrition for? (With a healthy diet, the incidence decreases, the psychological state improves, the mood rises, and working capacity increases).

Work with proverbs.

People have made up many proverbs about health.

What proverbs about health do you know?

Connect the beginning and end of the proverb. ( Work in pairs)

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Health is more valuable than gold.

Who walks more - he lives more.

Wash yourself often, don't be afraid of water.

Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.

III. Final part.

1. Summing up.

Our lesson is coming to an end.

Let's remember the theme of the class hour.

What we were talking about? (about health)

What is health? (This is the greatest value for a person.)

What should be done to keep a person healthy? (observe the regime of the day, eat right, give up bad habits, play sports, temper)

- Children, at the beginning of the class hour you were in a good mood. Let's make a mood bouquet at the end of the lesson: red - good mood, green - there is a problem.

I wish you guys stay healthy always.
But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.
Try not to be lazy
Every time before meals
Before you sit down at the table
Wash your hands with water.
And exercise every day in the morning.
And, of course, temper yourself - it will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air
When possible, always
Go for walks in the forest
He will give you strength, friends!
I revealed secrets to you
How to maintain health
Follow all the advice, And it will be easy for you to live!
- Thank you all for your hard work!

Health is wealth, it is the greatest value that is given to a person. One should think about health not when it is lost, but throughout life, starting from an early age.

In order to be healthy, you need to know some rules and follow them.

Nature has endowed people with the richest possibilities, but they can be realized only when a person knows how to control his body, mind, soul.

Our body is a real mechanism that works according to its own laws. This mechanism works without failure if it is kept clean and tidy.

If the “mechanism” is not looked after, if it is not maintained in the best possible way, then it will very soon require repair, it will slowly begin to collapse.

Everyone knows that health is the first wealth. And no expensive things, valuable acquisitions, can replace a person's health. How to make sure that everything in our body works as it should? To be healthy, beautiful, happy?

Rule 1. Proper nutrition

The laws of nature require certain efforts from us. In order for the body to be healthy, proper nutrition is of great importance. Nutrition should be balanced, regular, moderate. “Be smart about your food. Don't eat if you're not hungry. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly. Drink clean water,” the Russian writer and educator Prince Engalychev taught us.

Rule 2. Sports exercises - every day

Movement is life. In order for the body not to fail, you need to perform a set of physical exercises every day, preferably in the fresh air. Strengthen the body swimming, cycling, fitness. Any sport is our assistant in the fight for health.

Rule 3. Water is our ally

Water procedures harden the human body. Increases the body's resistance to disease. Rubbing, bathing, taking coniferous baths, a bath - all this will strengthen the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Rule 4. Healthy sleep

If you take a walk before sleep for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, then the body will tell you: “Thank you.” Sound, healthy sleep - it is he who gives complete rest to the body. Remember this!

Rule 5. Body hygiene

The rules of personal hygiene, like the rules of the road, must always be observed unquestioningly and without delay.

Rule 6. Take care of mental energy

Psychic energy underlies our immunity. Immunity is the body's ability to resist harmful external influences. Learn calmness, self-control, enjoy life.

You see, being healthy is both simple and difficult.

Class hour "Take care of your health"

Target: lead children to the definition of "health".

Tasks: health and its differences from illness; develop the desire to always be healthy, be able to avoid contact with sick children, be able to quickly improve your health - help yourself; show the importance of good habits for improving human health; to develop in children the need to observe the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Poster motto: “I will save my health, I will help myself!”
  2. Proverbs and sayings, riddles about health.
  3. Cards for independent work.

During the classes

  1. Organizationalmoment.

- Guys, look at each other, smile, tell yourself “I like to study and learn new things”.
- Sit quietly.

  1. Introductory conversation. Classroom topic message.

Guys! Today we will talk about the most valuable human wealth - health. Our state shows constant concern for the health of the citizens of the country, especially for the health of children. Parents and teachers make sure that you grow up healthy and happy. But despite your best efforts, you sometimes get sick.
- Everyone should take care of their health.

Our motto:

I will keep my health
I will help myself! (By heart.)

  1. Main part.

How do you feel when you are healthy?
(Good mood; I want to play a lot, run; I want to read, write, tell something.)

- How do you feel when you are sick?
(Everything hurts; I want to cry; I don’t want to get out of bed; I don’t feel like eating or drinking.)

Why do people get sick? How do you think?
(Most often they get infected from other people.)

– Listen to Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Influenza” (portrait of the writer).

Katya came home from school today
Together with the books, the illness “brought”.
Coughing, sneezing, wiping tears.
She looks unhappy - her head hurts a lot,
The nose is swollen, the temperature - it is clear that she needs a potion
And swallowing it also hurts - Katya is very unhappy.
She needs to learn lessons - she toils in a nap,
I need to help my mother, but she can't get up,
It's time to call a friend - it's hard to speak loudly.
In general, all things got up - so the ailment failed.
Despite the protest, she was given a compress,
Although I don’t want to be treated, Katya puts up with the procedures,
It is necessary to drive away that disease in order to become healthy again:
To run to school, to sing songs - you have to do a lot.

What is the name of the girl who got sick? (Kate.)
Let's read this poem together.

(On the desks is an envelope with a poem.)

On the board: Pain is a disease.

What should sick people do to avoid infecting others?
(Call a doctor at home. Stay at home and be treated until complete recovery.)

- By what signs do we define a sick person?
(Eyes watery, runny nose, cheeks “burn”, the person answers inappropriately, lethargic, communicates reluctantly.)

What will you do if you see such a person at school?
(Tell the teacher.)

- What does human health depend on?
(From the ability to avoid contact with a sick person. From the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle. From the ability to help yourself and others.)

- Now, try to define what health is?
(This is when nothing hurts. When a person is cheerful, joyful, cheerful, energetic. When a person eats well.)

On the desk: Here is the definition given by scientists at a forum of the World Health Organization in 1949: “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being.”

- What do you think is very important for maintaining your health?
(Perform daily routine. Do exercises in the morning. Eat healthy food. Strengthen the immune system. Move a lot. Wash your hands many times a day. Brush your teeth twice a day.)

- Guys, you need to constantly monitor your health and stay healthy as long as possible, although this is not easy!

Our body is made up of many organs. When a person is sick, it is precisely these organs that hurt him. Name them?
(Heart, lungs, brain, eyes, ears, liver, kidneys……..)

  1. Fizkultminutka.

To the music.

Pinocchio stretched, once stooped, stooped twice,
Raised hands to the side -
Apparently the key was not found.
To get the key for us -
You have to get on your toes.

  1. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Work with proverbs and sayings.

- Guys! Health has always been a concern for all people. They passed on their experience on how to preserve health from generation to generation.
- It is necessary to get a leaflet with a proverb from the bag and explain it.

Healthy is great.
Health has no price. You can't buy health.
Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.
Health is more precious than anything, health is more precious than wealth.
Labor is health, laziness is disease.


- Olya looks at the cat,
Pictures, stories.
And for this you need
Our Ole ... (eyes)

But I won't let him out.
Foaming with white foam
don't be lazy to wash your hands (soap).

– What can be seen
with closed eyes? (dream).

I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know their count (hair).

- The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day (shower).

- Five brothers -
Years equal,
Growth different (fingers).

- Two mothers
Five sons each
One name for all (arms).

- Not a watch
And it's ticking (a heart).

Let's take a closer look at what word was hidden. That's right, the word is "health".

The game "Edible - inedible."

Target: find out what actions a person relates to healthy lifestyle.

Description of the exercise: the teacher is doing something. Depending on how it affects our health, children perform conventional signs.

Instruction: Guys I will pronounce any action. Your task, depending on how it affects our health, is to clap your hands (if you save - clap, if you interfere - sit still), as in the game "Edible - inedible."

Phrase examples:

Summarizing: you did a good job. Now I see that you are healthy guys. And in order to maintain your health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Outcome and DZ.

Why is health the most valuable gift to a person?
- Now that we know the meaning of folk wisdom, let's summarize: what does the word "Health" mean and what kind of person can be called healthy.

On the desk:

Health - it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Healthy man- this is a person not only with a healthy body, but also a person who has a wonderful mood and good relations with people around him.

Why is pain bad?
Who will help you stay healthy?
At the next class hour, we will continue talking about maintaining health.

DZ: cards for independent work at home -

You will need

  • regular medical check-ups, enough fluids, exercise, proper nutrition, fresh air, Russian bath, sleep


Start your morning with a glass of room temperature water. It awakens, cleanses the body, sets up the body for activity.
Stay hydrated throughout the day. After all, more than 2/3 of a person consists of water. There is still debate about how much liquid a person needs daily, but the minimum amount established by doctors from different countries is two liters of water per day - pure water, that is, without soups, juices, kefir, etc. In this case, the following should be taken into account: if you drink coffee or green tea during the day, then the amount of water should be increased by about a liter (coffee and green tea “expel” water from the body).

Get exercise. To the best of your ability, try more and exercise at home. Small runs are also useful, preferably in forested areas.
De-stress with fresh air. Take a walk (preferably after eating and before going to bed), ventilate the premises. Avoid sitting under an air conditioner that dries the air and produces harmful vibrations.

Keep a sleep schedule. Doctors recommend falling asleep at least an hour before midnight. In this case, waking up even after three or four hours, a person can restore vitality for a new working day. However, it is better to sleep 6 - 8 hours. Try to keep the room cool (even in winter - no more than 25 degrees).

Watch your diet. Improper nutrition can cause metabolic disorders and even the performance of the whole organism. Avoid fast food and convenience foods.
Get in the habit of eating at least three times a day. Breakfast should be complete, protein-vitamin - the most high-calorie of all meals, but not voluminous. Lunch (not earlier than 6 hours after breakfast) should be voluminous, but easily digestible and low in calories, and dinner should be easily digestible and very nutritious.

At least once every two weeks visit the bath - this is a real "charger" for the body! The bath steam improves blood flow in tissues, normalizes arterial and intracranial pressure, strengthens the immune system, stabilizes work, removes toxins from the body, promotes metabolism ... It is desirable that there is a pool in the bath.

Check with your doctors regularly. This is important for the prevention and timely detection of diseases. The opinion “it is better not to know so as not to think about it” is incorrect. It is better to find out and cure earlier!


Of course, the key to excellent health is less alcohol and nicotine.

Useful advice

Learn to enjoy the little things, praise yourself, help people.


  • Health Preservation Article
  • how to take care of your health

Protect the health of children should be from their first breath, cry. There are no sudden illnesses. Most of them begin in childhood: once fell, froze, poisoned, etc. Only while the body is young and strong, all this goes unnoticed (as it seems). However, sooner or later there comes a moment when he is no longer able to deal with negative factors.

You will need

  • - breastfeed the baby;
  • - teach children the culture of nutrition;
  • - introduce the child to sports;
  • - to walk outside;
  • - hardening;


Feed. It has been proven that the mother contains probiotic fibers that strengthen the immune system of the baby. During feeding, antibodies are produced that protect the body from certain types of bacteria and viruses. And there are no protective substances in children.

Teach children the culture of food from the moment it moves to the common table. Since health mainly depends on the foods that a person eats. Never include foods containing synthetic dyes (flavors), carbonated drinks, smoked meats, chips, spicy seasonings, pickled vegetables and fruits, coffee in your child's diet. For example, scientists have found that monosodium glutamate (E621) causes changes in the brain in rats. And acetic acid has a negative effect on the pancreas. Therefore, they are strictly prohibited in baby food. Ignoring the recommendations leads to the fact that most children by the age of 15-16 have various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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