Home Diseases and pests Online test of the Internet connection. How to find out the speed of the Internet connection - an overview of the best services

Online test of the Internet connection. How to find out the speed of the Internet connection - an overview of the best services

If you are wondering how to check the Internet speed on a computer, then you can easily find many services on the Internet that provide such services absolutely free of charge.

But not every such service can show the true situation and, therefore, it is better to know a few of the most popular of them, so that you can know exactly how fast your Internet is.

Let's go straight to the consideration of these services, because we need to know exactly what Internet speed our provider gives, be it: Rostelecom, Beeline, byfly, intertelecom, dom.ru, etc. I hope you read the last article - then you will understand this one better.

True, you should know that the speed is always spelled out in the contract “DO”, ie, for example, UP TO 40 Mbit, this means that you may have it below this figure, for example, 20 Mbit, and the provider will be right in this situation , so read the contract carefully.

Before checking the speed, do not forget to turn off all your downloads, torrents, online videos, radio, etc. Also, the measurement of the speed of the Internet can be affected by the auto-update of Windows, anti-virus databases, etc. or limiting the bandwidth of the router.

Measure the speed through the cable, not a router or Wi-Fi. With only one browser running and one open tab... This is done to ensure that the result is as reliable as possible.

Services display the speed in "Mbps", but as we know, there are 8 bits in one byte. Those. if the service shows you 40.7 Mbit / s, then you will need to divide 40.7 by 8, and this will equal 5.08 Mbytes.

Check internet speed with Speedtest.net

The most popular, accurate and informative service of its kind. If you contact the support service of a provider, the first thing you will be asked to check the Internet speed on your computer is on this site.

An excellent function of the service is to automatically select the server closest to you for verification, so that the result is more accurate, but you can also choose a server yourself.

1. Go to the address: http://www.speedtest.net/ru/ (it is in Russian). And click on the "Start check" button.

2. After the test completes its check, information with a ping, the speed of receiving / transmitting information will be displayed. You can also see your IP address on the network, the name of your provider and the city in which you are located.

How it looks

Speedtest.net is a really good site for testing your internet connection and I would recommend using this first.

Check Internet speed on your computer - Yandex Internetometer

Quite a simple and functional service from Yandex. It does not have many functions, for example, such as: ping metering, server selection, etc. But it is still quite popular and shows practically exact result.

1. Go to the address: https://yandex.ru/internet. And click on the big yellow "Measure" button.

2. The measurement of the incoming and then outgoing connections will begin. After that, information about them in Mbit and Mbytes will be displayed.

The service also shows your IP, the browser from which the test is performed, the screen resolution and the region. Below you can see the complete technical information for your session.

Testing internet speed with 2ip

Another service. Before checking, do not forget to select the city you are in on the map, cities are marked with orange circles. This is done to keep the data as accurate as possible. By choosing a city, you are essentially choosing a server in that city - this is a great feature, just like Speedtest.net.

1. Go to the address: https://2ip.ru/speed/, and click on the blue "Test" button.

2. After the test, data with incoming, outgoing speed, ping, IP, etc. will be displayed.

How it looks

Additionally, allows you to copy special code that can be inserted into a forum or website. It will be displayed as a picture with the speed of your connection.

Check speed with PR-CY

Quite a simple service for checking the speed of the Internet connection. Has its own ping test. Allows you to change the verification server.

1. Go to the address: http://pr-cy.ru/speed_test_internet/ and click on the green button "Start Internet Speed ​​Test".

2. After the test, the incoming, outgoing speed and ping are displayed.

Like the previous service, it offers a special code for sites and forums with information about the speed of your connection.

Check Internet speed Rostelecom

Rostelecom decided to make its own website for such verification for its subscribers, it is the simplest of the entire list. But on the other hand, it shows accurate data for their subscribers. But subscribers of other providers can also use it.

1. Go to the address: http://speedtest.south.rt.ru/ and click on the blue button "Start testing".

2. After the test, the standard information about the incoming / outgoing speed and ping is displayed.

Wondering how fast your internet connection really is? Measure your internet connection speed and see how fast your downloads, uploads, ping and jitter are.

The numbers that don't lie

You pay the provider for an Internet connection, which must meet certain technical parameters... Among them, not only the download speed, but also the transmission speed along with the delay or response (ping).

In practice, however, the measured values ​​may differ significantly from those stated on the paper. Sometimes long term, sometimes only for a short period of time due to technical problem or aggregation - the joint potential of an Internet connection between multiple users. Speedtest will help you spot the differences and show you what your connection really is. And all this within a few tens of seconds and without complicated settings.

How does internet speed measurement work?

From the user's point of view, everything is simple. Directly in the web browser, click on the measurement button and wait. Before running the speedtest, it is important to disable all tasks, applications and devices that might be using your internet connection. This would affect the results, and you would not learn anything, or the conclusions would not have the required accuracy.

The technical solutions and background of the speedtest are complex in themselves, but in short and very simplistic, the test simulates the situation when you upload and download data. Measured values ​​are calculated based on how quickly these transfers take place. You can test the speed of up to thirty test servers located in different geographic locations. What data do you find out?

Connection speed under a magnifying glass

The test results will represent a number of key values, by which you can evaluate your connection and immediately choose, for example, another plan or another provider. The main values ​​are:


Download will show you in Mbps the download speed of the data on your device. The higher the value, the better, because the faster the load, the less time you will have to wait for you to load a web page, or for example an attachment Email... Internet connections at home tend to be asymmetrical. This means that the download speed for the user is faster than the transfer speed.


The specified upload speed is another basic value that the test results will show. Upload again expresses in Mbps how quickly you can upload data to the Internet on a given connection. The higher the number, like download, the better. Fast loading important, for example, for Reserve copy to the cloud or streaming video. The higher the value, the faster you can download data from the device to the Internet.


The three main parameters end with a response (ping) in milliseconds. On the contrary, the lower the better. Its significance is especially important for online game players that need a quick response from the server when playing, so that there is no lag in the game. Anything below 40 ms can be considered a relatively fast ping, but really good result- it's all in the 0-10 ms range.


Jitter is also part of the results. It expresses ping fluctuations in milliseconds, and therefore the stability of the connection. The result should be as low as possible. The higher the jitter value in the test, the less stable the Internet connection.

The speedtest results will show in detail how many MB of data you can theoretically download and upload in certain period time. You can easily find out if the specified amount of data, and thus the speed, is sufficient. This is useful, isn't it ?. Blog and website owners have the option to embed a connection speed test for free right on the site via the embed code.

Check your connection regularly

Connecting to the Internet is certainly not the case when what was yesterday is still valid today. Remember to repeat the speedtest from time to time or apply it every time you suspect a connection speed problem.

He will answer you immediately, and you have the opportunity to decide what your next steps will be. Anyway, waste time with slow internet doesn't make sense at this time.

Hello site readers IT lessons. Today we will deal with the popular question “ how to correctly measure the speed of an Internet connection?»Everyone is interested to know if we are getting those megabits per second that we paid for and why sometimes files or sites load well, oh, very slowly ...

In this IT lesson, the knowledge gained in the previous two lessons will be useful to you: "" and ""

Of course, you would like to press one button and quickly find out your speed ... this is also possible, but the accuracy will be low. In addition, you need to take into account some factors that affect the data transfer rate and the result of its testing.

The lesson is great, if you need to find something specific, you can use the content:

What affects internet speed?

First, let's figure out what can affect the quality of measuring the speed of the Internet connection. And there are many such factors:

  • Speed with whom you are connecting, checking the speed of the Internet (this can also include the speed of access to the site from which you download something)
  • Speed ​​and settings if your computer is connected to local network through him
  • Working on the computer at the time of check
  • Antiviruses and firewalls running in the background
  • Computer and operating system settings

In most cases, the most important item on this list will be the first item - server speed. Let's give you some illustrative examples.

Example 1.
If you connect your computer to a local network using a cable (twisted pair), then connection speed with another computer on the same network(in your city) will be very large, for example, 70 Mbps .

Example 2.
Now we measure the speed between our computer and some a server on the other side of the country... Maybe we'll get about 20 Mbps .

Example 3.
Let's imagine that all 800 regular readers of the IT-lessons website connected to this server at once, and started downloading different files. Communication speed with a loaded server will decrease and for you it will be, for example, 3 Mbps .

Example 4.
Now let's try to download the file from a server in another country, for example, in Australia, we get less 1 Mbps!

Now, I think, it is clear that the measured speed depends on which server you have chosen to check: its location, its own maximum speed and its workload. That is, you need to understand that:

The speed of all servers (containing sites and files) is different and depends on the capabilities of these servers.

The same applies to other points (for example, the connection speed will differ when connected to the network directly or through a router, and will also depend on the characteristics of this router).

How to improve the accuracy of the check

It is advisable to complete these points if you want to get the most accurate result of checking the speed of the Internet connection. If approximate measurements are enough for you, then you can proceed to the next section of the lesson.

  1. Connect the network cable directly to the computer(v )
  2. Close all programs, except for the browser (in which one bookmark with this IT lesson should remain)
  3. Stop programs downloading in the background(torrent clients, download managers, etc.), except for those that you have chosen to test the speed of the Internet
  4. Temporarily disable the antivirus (do not forget to enable it later), because in some cases, it can interfere with the readings of online tests.
  5. Launch the Task Manager (simultaneously hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys) and go to the "Network" tab. Make sure the network is not loaded (Network Usage should be less than 1%). If the network is actively used, it is possible that a program or Windows update is taking place. In this case, wait for the download to finish or restart your computer.

Network usage in the task manager (green line jump - the process of checking the speed of the Internet connection)

Moreover, each the measurement needs to be taken several times to improve testing accuracy.

How to measure the speed of an Internet connection

There are several ways to measure your internet connection speed. Let's consider them in increasing complexity of use.

  1. Online services

Since we are now at the "Beginner" level, we will consider the first method in detail, and for experienced users I will briefly describe the remaining two.

Method 1. Measuring speed using online services

This is the one the easiest way to measure"Press one button and learn everything quickly." The accuracy is relative, but the simplicity is attractive. 🙂

note that online tests have different accuracy!

I will tell you only about the most popular services.


Let's start with most popular and most accurate online test to test internet speed(also free). I will dwell on it in more detail and advise all readers of the site to start using this particular method.

Here's a quick guide:

2. Find the button " Start check"And click it:

Click the "Start Checkout" button

3. At the end of testing, you see three results:

First number denoted by the word "Ping" (read "ping"), means network packet transmission time... The lower the number, the better the connection quality (preferably less than 100ms).

The second number is the speed of data retrieval... It is this figure that providers advertise when connecting (it is for these megabits per second that you pay your honestly earned rubles / hryvnia / dollars / yuan 🙂).

The third number is the baud rate... As you can see, it may be noticeably lower than the receiving speed, and the provider is silent about this (but, in most cases, a high outgoing Internet speed is rarely required).

If you want to measure the speed of the Internet connection with a particular city, then select it on the map (all big cities planets) and click the "Start check" button again.

Thus, you can check the examples I have given for yourself.

The creator of the "speedtest" has another interesting online service that checks internet connection qualityhttp://pingtest.net/.
There are many more on the main website of the company interesting opportunities for testing network connections http://www.ookla.com/.

Other online services for checking Internet speed

The principle of operation is the same for all services: they pressed a button, waited, received a number ... but the results are different.

2. Add several downloads from different fast file servers , for example this (test archive) and this (Linux distribution)

3. We expose in the settings maximum amount streams(sections for injection)

4. Watching the maximum speed file uploads:

The maximum speed achieved is highlighted in the image with a red rectangle.

What speed do I need to download movies?

We learned how to measure the speed of data transfer over the Internet, now let's see where it can be applied.

Let's say we want to download medium quality movie which usually takes 1.4 Gigabytes... Let's calculate, at different speeds:

  • Speed 100 kbps- about 32 hours (we'd better not wait until the movie is downloaded using the mobile Internet)
  • Speed 1 Mbps- such a movie will be loaded for 3 hours
  • Speed 3 Mbps- 1 hour download
  • Speed 15 Mbps- less than 15 minutes to download
  • Speed 50 Mbps- about 4 minutes
  • Speed 100 Mbps- about 2 minutes

Compare with time music downloads(for example, an mp3 file in good quality, about 10 MB):

  • Speed 100 kbps- less than 15 minutes download
  • Speed 1 Mbps- 1.5 minutes download
  • Speed 3 Mbps- 0.5 minutes

It is worth remembering that there is a guaranteed speed and a speed that is not guaranteed by the provider (we figured it out in the IT lesson).


So, today we learned how to check the speed of the Internet (Internet connection) in three ways. We learned that in addition to speed, we need to take into account the quality of the connection, which is indicated by the "ping" (we will deal with it separately). And also, we have clearly estimated what speed will be sufficient to download the movie. Thus, we have completed the topic of units of measurement of information and data transfer rate. What's next?

Have you already guessed? Of course, the test! This time there will be few questions, but I advise you to reread (including this one). If you are ready, then here

Copying prohibited, but you can share links.

It would seem that there are no problems on your computer or laptop, you paid for using the Internet services a couple of months in advance, but the page with the necessary information periodically refuses to work or downloading a movie is equal to the movement of a snail.

Most likely, your computer is having problems with the speed of the Internet connection.

The problem is that most ISPs embellish the actual numbers a bit when connecting. For example, if your contract specifies an Internet speed of 100 Mbit / s, 50 Mbit / s, then most likely the true one will be much lower. But don't despair, today you will learn how to check feeds in minutes.

What is speedtest

So it's time to find out real speed using a special test called speedtest.

Speedtest- a special test designed to check the transmission of data.

There are a number of sites that allow you to measure the indicators of the Internet connection, incoming and outgoing, determine the so-called Ping (the time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer to the time it is received by another computer). Below, we will talk in more detail about several examples of such services.

But, in addition to online services, there is also a built-in method for checking. It lets you know necessary information by using the settings on your PC (personal computer).

For example, the operating system Windows 10 is used. There are 2 ways to check in different operating systems.

Method 1

So, in order to measure the Internet with the basic means of the operating system, you will need:

Right-click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the window that appears, select "Open network and Internet settings."

Then you need to open the item "Configuring adapter parameters".

In the window that opens, select the Internet connection and press the left mouse button twice.

We are looking for the speed of the Internet connection.

Important! In some Windows versions 10, as well as in operating rooms Windows systems 7,8, this path might look a little different. But the actions are, in principle, similar.

Select the Internet icon with the right mouse button and click the Network and Equipment Control Center

In the "Connections" column, select your Internet connection.

And what we need opens up speed graph window.

Important! This method has a significant drawback. Whatever the computer shows, in fact it can still be much lower.

Online services

Some options on the computer can slow down the process of checking the speed of the Internet connection. Therefore, it is highly recommended:

  • close all possible programs and all tabs in the browser (except for the required speedtest tab for testing).
  • disable antivirus on the computer
  • right-click on the taskbar to launch the "Task Manager" and check the downloads (if any, disable it)
  • check 3 times (this will increase the accuracy of the results)

So, the leader of the nomination is the Speedtest website. net


As soon as you entered the site - the program immediately determines your exact location and indicates the Internet provider.

You can also create here account, which allows you to have access to the history of checks and their results.

Using the page is not difficult - you just need to click the "Start" button in the very center of the screen. Here we must pay tribute to the site interface - it is very simple and easy to use, as they say, nothing superfluous.

As soon as you clicked the desired button, the service immediately starts scanning and calculates all the necessary data.

And literally in a minute you get the expected result: ping - the time of signal transmission, the time of receipt (the data from which you receive information from the server to your computer), the time of sending (sending data to the server).

You can learn more about what Ping is here:

Advice! This site should be used with ad blockers enabled (for example, Adblock). Because without auxiliary utilities, working with this site is not very pleasant, because of the large and annoying amount of advertising.

By the way, speedtest from the same developer exists as an application on the phone, which is installed in the simplest way - using Play Market... This application allows you to check the internet on your smartphone.

  • nice site interface
  • quick check
  • the ability to create a personal account
  • the ability to track the history of checks
  • there is an application for the phone
  • annoying advertising

Ukrtelecom Speedtest

One of the simplest helpers for checking your internet connection. Simple and tasteful - no unnecessary information.

One of the pluses is nothing extra on the screen. All white background and clear numbers. All you need to do is click the Start button at the top of the screen.

The check is carried out quickly and more or less accurately.

A few seconds - and you have all the necessary numbers in front of you: download- download from server to computer, upload- speed of sending from computer to server, ping- time from the moment of sending a signal from one computer to receiving a signal to a second computer, jitter- unwanted random deviations of the transmitted signal.

  • there is no possibility of registration
  • there is no ability to track the histories of the previous check


Site from German developers. As for me, the interface is not very user-friendly. Despite the fact that checking will not amount to hard work- at the top of the screen we see the "Forward" button. And the verification itself, in fact, takes place exactly here.

But below there is a text entirely on German which contains information about this speedtest.

Perhaps this can be confusing, but the site is doing its main task well - everything that is needed for verification is provided in Russian.

  • high speed of verification
  • true figures
  • the site does not always accurately show your location (it may confuse the city). But this does not affect the IP address, it is reliable
  • most of the information is in German
  • awkward interface

Voip Test

This site is completely on English language, which can cause some difficulties. But at the same time, it perfectly fulfills its key task - to check your Internet connection.

If on previous sites only a special check page opened in front of us, then here besides speedtest there is a number of other information.

But this does not affect the check in any way.... Moreover, using this site, you can observe how the indicator arrow moves during the check. Allows you to brighten up the waiting time, although it already takes very little time.

To start work, you need to click the "Start" button.

The required results appear on the screen with lightning speed.

  • high pace
  • the date and time of the check are indicated


  • site entirely in English

Ukrainian Speedtest

Website from Ukrainian developers with convenient and simple functions. But, again, there is extra information.

To start testing, press the "Test" button.


  • the ability to track changes in the Internet during the verification process
  • high pace


  • extra information on the site
  • advertising (no blocker)

So, we have reviewed some of the most popular sites for checking the Internet, listing their advantages and disadvantages. Now I propose to recall the most important indicators of these resources in the table:

Computer utility

In addition to the built-in method for checking the Internet and online resources, there is also special programs for computer.

One such program is speed-o-meter.

The speed-o-meter shows the current network load. The indicators are updated every second. With the help of this program, you can determine what speed is used at specific moments of working with the Internet.

The program measures the incoming and outgoing Internet connection speed. The utility provides information in charts, where the necessary incoming and outgoing data is marked different colors... After installation, the program will start automatically when you turn on the PC (personal computer).

To install this program, you need to follow the link below and select the "Download" button.


  • quick installation
  • small consumption resources
  • lack of advertising
  • ease of use


  • high probability of downloading an infected file

Conclusions and video instructions

So, today we got acquainted with some of the most popular and high-quality sites for checking the Internet. Now you know that checking the Internet will not be difficult.

There are many other dedicated resources available to help you get the information you need. But in general, they are very similar, and use the same methods to test the Internet connection. This article lists the most basic services.

And in addition to online services, there are also special programs for checking the Internet. Such programs can be easily installed on a PC (personal computer).

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